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Movie Critique

Chronicles of Narnia
The lion, The witch and the wardrobe

The chronicles of Narnia ; the lion , the witch and the wardrobe is beloved classic
novel that has captured the hearts of readers for generations ,it’s a adapted series
from the book Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Adapted by popular film by
Walt Disney pictures and Walden media in 2005. this movie is directed by Andrew
Adamson. The story follows the journey of four siblings; Peter, Susan ,Edmund,
Lucy as they entered in Narnia through a wardrobe .the magical world of Narnia
have become an iconic part for children literature and adore memories. however,
despite its popularity , the book is not without its flaws.
The story take place during world war II, and siblings are sent to the countryside
house to escape bombing in London. While playing they find a wardrobe that lends
them into world of Narnia, where they realize it was all fated and now they have to
unite with Aslan and defeat white witch .The strength of this book or series is its
ability to create a rich and vivid world that transports reader to another place and
time the world of Narnia is fantastical and imagination place ,filled with talking
animals , magical creations and breathtaking landscapes .the movie description of
Narnia ,from the snowy forest to the grand castle of Cair Paravel , are detailed and
immersive allowing readers to fully immerse themselves
Moreover, the characters are well developed and memorable. each of the four
siblings have distinct personality and the relationship with each other are explored
in depth .Lucy the youngest of sibling is innocent and charming while, Edmund is
selfish and greedy but eventually redeems himself by helping to defeat White
Witch, Peter is brave and decisive and protector of his family, while Susan is
practical and smart .Aslan ,the lion, the king of Narnia serves a powerful and wise
mentor figure while, the white witch is cunning and manipulative villain. The
supporting characters, including Mr. Tamnus, the beavers and some various
creatures of Narnia
However , again the series is not without its flaws .one of the main criticism of the
lion ,the witch ,and the wardrobe is its heavy-handed Christian allegory .while
C.S. Lewis was a religious Christian and intended to use a book to teach children
about Christian faith , some readers may find the religious theme too overt and
preachy. Their famous dialogues which show Christian allegory is ‘ winters
without Christmas..?’. the book central metaphor of Aslan of Christ who sacrifices
himself for salvation of others may feel awkward to some reader . and the themes
of sin and recovery may not relate with everyone .
Another criticism of the books is its portrait of gender roles , while Susan and Lucy
are independent and strong female characters .they are also portrayed as domestic
with there primary role being caretaker for the male characters . Peter the eldest of
the sibling is portrayed as a leader and protector while, Edmund is flawed and
misguided characters who must be redeemed. while the book was written in
different time and reflects the cultural standard of its era .some readers may find it
portrait of gender roles outdated and limiting .
In conclusion , while the lion ,the witch and the wardrobe is a classic novel that
has captured the hearts of readers for generations .the book’s strength lie in its rich
world building and well-developed character, while it’s weaknesses include its
heavy-handed Christian allegory and portrayal of gender roles. However ,despites
it’s flaws , the book or series remain beloved classic that continues to inspire ad
enchant readers of all ages .

Usman Chand :2147229

Faiza Ahmed : 22121102

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