Aa 3101

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AA 3101 – Auditing and  Performance of Risk

assessment procedures to
Assurance Principles identify/assess risk of material
misstatement through
Auditing begins when Accounting ends. understanding the entity.
*This is to ensure that the auditor plans an
Auditing audit engagement for which:
- Verification
- Determine if what is said is what it
 The auditor maintains the
purports to be
necessary independence and
ability to perform the
Financial Statements are the subject matter
of audit.
 There are no issues with
management integrity that
Audit Report - Output of Auditors
may affect the auditor’s
willingness to continue the
Assurance Services
 There is no misunderstanding
Attestation with the client as to the terms
of the engagement
Audit In summary, before accepting an
engagement with a new client, the CPA
firm shall assess whether it
Objective of Auditor: Determine whether
financial statements are free from material  Is competent to perform the
misstatements and are in accordance with engagement and has the
the Auditing Standards and Framework capabilities, including time
and resources to do so,
Risk-Based Audit Process – Three Phase  Can comply with the relevant
Process ethical requirements, and
 Has considered the integrity
1. Risk assessment (PSA 120 – PSA of the client and does not have
320) information the would lead it
a. Acceptance (Evaluate Clients to conclude that the client
before Accepting) lacks integrity.
 Relevant Ethical
Requirements must be 2. Risk Response (PSA 320 – PSA
satisfied 620)
 To understand the Risk, you a. Designing overall responses
have to understand the and further audit procedures to
Business Model. develop appropriate responses
 Identify the Risk, Assess the to the assessed risk of material
Risk misstatements
b. Planning the Audit b. Implementing responses to
assessed risk of material
 Develop an overall audit
misstatement to reduce audit
strategy and audit plan
risk to an acceptably low level
c. Performance
because management is not honest
and inhibits the audit process.
Engagement risk is controlled by
careful selection and retention of
3. Reporting (PSA 700 – PSA 810) client.
a. Completion of work and 3. Financial Reporting Risk – risks
Issuance of Audit Report that relate directly to the recording
b. Evaluating the audit evidence of transactions and the presentation
obtained to determine what of financial data in an
additional audit work is organization’s financial statements.
required. 4. Business Risk – risk that affect the
c. Forming an opinion based on operations and potential outcomes
audit findings and preparing the of organizational activities
auditor’s report

Understanding the audit risk model After Financial Statement Audit, we

proceed to Non-Assurance Services and
Nature of risk Non-Audit Services.

Risk – concept used to express uncertainty Assurance Service – provide a degree of

about events and/or their outcomes that confidence to intended users
could have a material effect on the
organization Non-Assurance Services – includes other
management consulting, accounting and
1. Audit Risk – the risk that an bookkeeping, tax services, agreed upon
auditor may give an unqualified procedures.
opinion on financial statements that
are materially misstated. Non-Audit Assurance Services – services
a. Composed of: related to review of financial statements,
i. Inherent Risk due diligence, and valuation of assets.
ii. Detection Risk
iii. Control Risk
b. The auditor can control
audit risk through: Factors to
i. Avoid audit risk by not
companies as client
Consider in
ii. Set audit risk at a level
that the auditor believes
will mitigate the Implementing
likelihood that the
auditor will fail to
identify material the Audit
2. Engagement Risk – economic risk
that a CPA firm is exposed to Risk Model
simply because it is associated with Management Assertions
a particular client including loss of
reputation, inability of the client to 1. Existence or Occurrence
pay the auditor, or financial loss 2. Completeness
3. Rights and Obligations
4. Valuation and Allocation
5. Presentation and Disclosure

Factors to
Consider in
the Audit
Risk Model

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