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STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,

Calamba City, 4027 Laguna




A Research Paper
Presented to the Senior High School Department
STI College Calamba, Barangay Uno, National Highway
City of Calamba

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Practical Research 2
(Grade 12)

The Researchers

Cabildo, Arvin Lester H.

Cabuco, Ezekiel D.
Evangelista, Jimuel C.
Luarez, Jiro R.
Luzande, Justine B.
Obel, Alezandra Sophia A.
Tuazon, Benhur L.

Research Adviser
Ma. Cinderella S. Talagtag

STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


This chapter includes an introduction, background of the study, statement of the
problems, conceptual framework, theoretical framework, hypothesis, significance of the study,
scope, and limitations, and lastly the definition of terms.


Since the onset of the pandemic, many individuals have been compelled to stay at home,

disrupting their regular exercise routines, particularly for those who were not habitual exercisers.

The limited space and movement restrictions imposed during the extended lockdowns have

exacerbated this situation. As the pandemic wanes, there arises a concern that people may begin

to prioritize physical fitness less, potentially impacting their overall health. This shift towards a

more sedentary lifestyle may lead to various health issues, stemming from avoiding exercise and

a more inactive daily routine.

Additionally, accessing gyms has become a challenge for many, further contributing to

the decline in physical activity. In today's world, people often opt to remain at home, engaging

with their electronic devices, a trend that has been magnified during the pandemic. Given these

issues, we have devised a solution to harness technology to promote physical fitness and overall


In the present day, a considerable number of individuals face time constraints that hinder

their ability to engage in physical activities due to limited space. Overcoming these challenges
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


can be notably challenging when striving for physical fitness. The key solutions lie in effective

time management and incorporating gym visits into one's routine.

Additional challenges involve the struggle to establish well-defined goals and the

uncertainty about where to commence. These issues can make decision-making particularly

challenging. The key solutions to this are having a personal coach or a fitness website that gives

you the goals you need. For individuals with busy schedules who cannot spare time to visit a

gym, having an easily accessible website can prove to be quite beneficial.

"Gym Glow Up" is a website dedicated to providing targeted exercises and workouts for

specific body areas, allowing users to focus on their individual fitness goals. The site is

organized into various categories, making it easy to select workouts for particular body regions,

whether you're looking to enhance your shoulders or other muscle groups. Users can also choose

between workouts that require equipment or those that can be done without any specialized gear.

Additionally, the website offers do-it-yourself (D.I.Y.) ideas for creating the necessary

equipment, further catering to users' diverse needs and preferences.

Gym Glow Up is a comprehensive website providing valuable information on body

transformation and the steps needed to attain fitness goals. Its essential features include various

categories, video tutorials, do-it-yourself equipment guides, and a user-friendly interface. Gym

Glow Up is an indispensable resource for anyone looking to improve their physique.

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Moreover, this website will significantly benefit students, particularly those aspiring to

engage in physical fitness or those striving for a healthier, fitter lifestyle. Gym Glow Up serves

as a powerful motivator, encouraging individuals to adopt a healthy way of life and embark on a

journey of self-improvement. Beyond the physical benefits of exercise, such as improved health,

regular workouts can also enhance an individual's self-confidence.


Physical fitness and well-being have always been integral aspects of a healthy lifestyle. In

today's fast-paced and digitally-driven world, the importance of maintaining an active routine is

more critical than ever. With the increasing prevalence of sedentary lifestyles and health-related

issues, there is a growing need for accessible and effective tools to promote physical activity.

This study aims to address this need by focusing on the development of a website designed to

facilitate and provide regular exercises for the interested user. The website's name is called "Gym

Glow Up"; it seeks to provide information with a convenient platform for their fitness journey.

Gym Glow Up is dedicated to those individuals who are interested in building their

journey to achieving their dream body transformation. This website's goal is to offer

comprehensive guidance about workouts and combining edge fitness, it also provides scholarly

details recommendations that can satisfy the users’ unique goals and needs. Whether the user

aspires to build his/her own muscle, shed unwanted pounds, or simply enhance their overall well-

being, Gym Glow Up is here to guide them in what way they can engage their selves in building

their muscles perfectly by providing a concrete gym workout plan.

STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


This study underscores the importance of exercise and physical activity in enhancing and

supporting the immune system's health. Exercise is universally recognized as a fundamental

element of overall well-being, with significant effects on various facets of the immune system,

particularly the adaptive immune system. By examining the specific impacts of two distinct

exercise modalities, namely aerobic exercise and low-impact Pilates workouts, this research

contributes to our understanding of how exercise can potentially improve immune system

robustness and overall health. Gaining insights into how exercise can enhance immune function

underscores its central role in reducing the risk of diseases and fortifying the body's defenses

against infections. In a world where health and immunity are perennial concerns, this study

underscores the critical importance of exercise as a primary preventive measure. It equips

individuals with the means to bolster their immune resilience, thereby allowing them to make a

substantial contribution to their individual well-being and public health more broadly. (Balogh,

L., Szabo, K., Pucsok, J. M., & Jámbor, I., 2022)

The study emphasizes the importance of prioritizing physical fitness and introduces

"Gym Glow Up" as a valuable resource for those looking to achieve their fitness goals.

Furthermore, it underscores the crucial role of regular exercise in enhancing the immune system's

health and acting as a proactive measure against various illnesses. This research offers valuable

insights into the connection between physical activity and immune system function, ultimately

promoting a healthier and more robust lifestyle in our modern society. This study ensures that

one's life will be healthier and physically fit, aiding in improved mental health and fostering

greater body confidence.

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Our journey began with the vision of creating an online platform focused on fitness and

exercise. The name "Gym Glow Up" emerged as the perfect representation of our mission:

guiding individuals on their fitness journeys and empowering them to achieve their desired

physical transformations.

Through informative articles, expert guidance, personalized workout plans, nutritional

insights, and a vibrant community, "Gym Glow Up" aims to be the ultimate online destination

for those looking to enhance their overall well-being and fitness aspirations. Our primary

objective is to provide a digital space that educates, motivates, and fosters unity among fitness

enthusiasts worldwide.


1. What is the Profile of the respondents?

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Grade & Section

2. What is the mean perception of the Respondents to the factors of the Gym Glow Up


a. Convenience

b. User Interface

c. User Friendliness

d. Instructiveness
STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


e. Applicability

3. What is the mean perception of the respondents towards the Gym Glow Up application?

4. Is there a significant relationship between factors and perception toward the Gym Glow

Up application?


The primary purpose of this study is to understand how senior high school students at STI

College Calamba perceive Gym Glow Up. Independent variables and dependent variables are

provided in this conceptual framework. The Gym Glow Up application perception is a dependent

variable. Convenience, User Interface, User Friendliness, Instructiveness, and Applicability are

examples of independent variables.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

a. Convenience

b. User Interface
Perception Towards Gym
c. User Friendliness Glow Up Application

d. Instructiveness

e. Applicability
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Figure 1. Research Paradigm


ART Theory

According to the Affective-Reflective Theory of Physical Inactivity and Exercise strives to

explain and explain behavior in circumstances where individuals either engage in physical

inactivity or take initiative. It is assumed that past exercise-related experiences, emotions, and

ideas have an impact on whether or not someone would be willing to put their body under

physical strain. A person’s negative affective valuation of exercise will act as a restraining force

that may negate any positive cognitive motivational drives toward action in the face of an

exercise-related stimulus (or, on the other hand, if the affective valuation is positive, it will

present a driving force and thus increase the likelihood that the person will change his or her

current state of physical inactivity.

Kano Model
A prioritizing system called the Kano Model is used by product teams to decide which features

will delight and satisfy customers. It enables teams to evaluate if adding high-satisfaction

features to the roadmap is a wise strategic move by comparing their implementation costs to their

benefits. New features are divided into categories by the Kano Model, ranging from those that

might let customers down to those that are more likely to thrill or satisfy them. The Kano Model

is a product development and customer satisfaction theory. Delivering on fundamental

STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


expectations reduces customer unhappiness, enhancing performance attributes is correlated with

satisfaction, and adding unexpected joys can improve customer loyalty and enthusiasm. (Kano

Model, 2021).


1. There is no significant relationship between factors and perception toward the Gym Glow

Up application.


The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the use of non-equipment and equipment

materials. For the improvements in participating in physical fitness exercises and the benefits of

working to become healthy and physically fit. This study was conducted and expected to be

beneficial to the following:

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Students. This study might help them to develop and gain knowledge about how they will

improve their physical fitness. Due to the lack of confidence in their body, they can use this as a


Body Builders. This study may help them to reduce body fat and improve body composition.

Obese Individual. This study could help them to improve their health and weight management

to become fit and strong. By burning calories and promoting fat loss.

Adults. This study might help adults to become more active in their regular exercises, especially

older adults. They can strengthen their body to reduce the risk conditions of diseases and


Future Researchers. This study potentially helps them for future purposes which they can use

as a reference.


This study focuses on providing user/s with concrete instructions for workout plans and
exercises using equipment and non-equipment. It also includes recycling of materials in the DIY
Equipment section, this study will only target Selected Grade 11 STEM Students and it will be
conducted through a survey form and given randomly to those selected students of STI College
Calamba. Every chosen student will be given identical survey forms that were created by the

STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Applicability. To measure how users can apply the things in Gym Glow Up on themselves and if

they can really do it on their own.

Appraisal. The act of examining someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success,

or needs.

Broad Information. It is not only focused on one study but its scope is wide and a lot of new

knowledge can be offered that the user will definitely learn.

Convenience. Refers to the ways in which the virtual environment is designed to ensure that

everyone can interact with Gym Glow Up easily and comfortably despite the user’s situation.

DIY. Make your own equipment if there is no actual equipment available at home as if it were

alternatives or replacements for equipment that is not available

Gym Glow Up. A website where users can gain knowledge and help them to transform their

physical appearance into a better one.

Instructiveness. How Gym Glow Up is able to explain and provide information and how to

properly explain what the user should do.

Overweight Person. An abnormal fat or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health.

Perceive. To notice something or someone by using sight sound, touch, taste, or smell.

Prevalence. The fact or condition of being prevalent commonness.

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Sedentary Lifestyle. A lifestyle with a lot of sitting and lying down, with very little to no


Strain. When a muscle is stretched too much and tears.

Stimulus. A thing that rouses activity or energy in someone or something; a spur or incentive.

User Friendliness. Refers to the system's efficient operation and easy use taking into

consideration the user's situation.

User Interface. Development and evaluation of the design, usability, and user experience of a

system or product.
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


This chapter includes a review of related literature and studies from both local and
foreign studies that will give more information and ideas for the current study. This will help
to support the main study of the researchers.


Regular Exercise Benefits

Taking regular exercises is beneficial for oneself, taking regular exercises can help to

improve the health of an individual. Regular exercise is one of the most important things you

can do for your health. Being physically active can improve your brain health, help manage

weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your ability to do

everyday activities. (CDC, 2023).

In addition, doing regular exercises benefits an individual in many ways, it can boost

your mood, and physical activities stimulate brain chemicals to make you feel happier more
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


relaxed, and less anxious. Exercise prevents the gain of excess weight and helps keep off lost

weight, exercising burns calories that lead to losing weight. It also prevents health problems like

stroke and high blood pressure. Exercising also promotes better sleep, it makes you fall asleep

faster and deepens your sleep. (Mayoclinic, 2023).

Furthermore, (2021) stated that physical activities are not only good

for the body, but it is also great for the mind.

Fitness and Technology

According to Strength Ambassador (2023), technology changes how physical education

and personal training sessions are conducted. With the rise of technology, virtual fitness

platforms, and apps are now accessible to individuals in a wide range of exercise programs and

training sessions. Many fitness-related applications are now being used by many individuals like

fitness trackers, smart home fitness equipment, fitness apps, virtual reality fitness, and recovery

trainers (Mirror. co, n.d.). All these fitness-related applications are created using the new

technology that makes working out more accessible anywhere.

“As technology rapidly advances, it’s impacting every aspect of our lives, including the

fitness industry. There are now countless ways to get in shape that didn’t exist a few years ago,

and this is changing the way people view fitness. For many, getting fit is no longer about going

to the gym – it’s about using technology to create a custom workout plan that fits their needs and

lifestyle.” (Spark membership, 2022). Individuals in the past usually went to the gym to work
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


out, having said that, now using technology there are so many ways to get in shape without going

to the gym.

Fitness and Gym Application

Based on studies by Hannan, A., Shafiq, M. Z., Hussain, F., & Pires, I. M. A portable

smart fitness suite for Real-Time exercise monitoring and posture correction (2021). Physical

activity is beneficial for your health, happiness, and fitness levels as well as for reducing stress

and tension in your life. However, there is a good chance that physical fitness will be negatively

impacted by high-power and commanding workouts. Exercise-related jarring motions and poor

posture might result in temporary or permanent impairment. With the development of new

technologies, investigations on activity recognition based on wearable sensors have proliferated.

We presented a totally portable smart fitness suite for the home to perform their regular exercises

without a physical gym trainer and gym atmosphere in light of this issue's efficacy. The proposed

method uses an Android application to simulate a real-time gym trainer and takes into account

the T-bar and bicep curl workouts. Gyroscope and EMG sensory modules are included in the

proposed workout suite to enable the completion of the aforementioned two exercises. Over an

Android app, it delivered notifications on motions that promoted unhealthy, incorrect posture and

was directed toward the ideal posture based on sensor readings.

Effective Exercise Technique

It has been consistently shown in controlled laboratory conditions that high-intensity
interval training (HIT) is a time-effective exercise technique for changing risk factors for
cardiovascular disease. However, HIT's efficacy in an unsupervised job environment hasn't been
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


studied. This study's goal was to employ a combination of methodologies to examine the
acceptability, acceptability, and efficacy of a short-duration, high-intensity exercise intervention
(REHIT) when used unsupervised in a workplace setting. (Metcalfe, R. S., 2020). It has been
said that increasing the percentage of people who exercise regularly is "the best buy for public
health." A wealth of descriptive literature supports this claim by showing that different exercise
interventions can, on average, acutely and/or chronically change key cardiometabolic risk
biomarkers in a way that would be likely to lower the risk of chronic disease. (Atef, H., 2020).

Further emphasizing the significance of regular exercise is the strong and causal link

between higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and lower rates of cardiovascular and all-cause

mortality. Long-term intervention studies have provided causal evidence that regular exercise

alone or in combination with other lifestyle interventions can reduce cardiovascular and all-cause

mortality. (Mackintosh, K. A. et al., 2020).

Promoting Exercise Adherence

Any activity conducted for the purpose of preventing or detecting disease or for

enhancing health and well-being is the definition of 'health behavior'. Therefore, implementing a

home exercise program to aid in the rehabilitation from shoulder pain and impairment can be

viewed as health behavior, and behavior change theory may inform the development of

interventions to encourage adherence. Despite this, it appears to be a common practice in the

literature on healthcare to construct educational and behavior-change treatments without the use

of a clear theoretical framework. (Hall, K. G. et al., 2021).

Students’ Resilience
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According to Rusmana, N., & Suprihatin, D. A quasi-experiment on group exercises to

improve students’ resilience (2019). The quality of resilience is the capacity to sustain

equilibrium despite a variety of trials and tribulations. The goal of this study was to determine

how well group exercise methods foster student resilience. In this work, a non-equivalent pretest-

posttest control-group design and a quantitative methodology were used. 421 high school

students participated in the study, and purposive sampling was used to choose the research

samples. The majority of Indonesian high school students fall into the medium group for

resilience. The research revealed that using group exercises to build students' resilience is

successful. The findings of a straightforward regression test revealed a significant association

between group counseling and group exercise methods. The group exercise program is

recommended for schools that need group counseling programs with group exercise techniques

to build student resilience. It is also intended for school counselors and aspiring researchers who

want to conduct research on a variety of subjects, such as adults or children in junior high or

elementary school.

Social Media Gym-Class

Based on Cugusi, L., Di Blasio, A., & Bergamin, M. (2021). The social media gym-class:

another lesson learnt from COVID-19 lockdown. The primary concern during the COVID-19

pandemic lockdown was that the "stay-at-home" precautions taken to stop the virus' spread

would significantly lower physical activity levels among the general population and, more

importantly, vulnerable groups of people, including, among others, the elderly and those with

cardiovascular diseases, which would increase the burden of risk factors. Intriguingly,
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


smartphone and web-based apps proved particularly useful for delivering exercise-based

interventions and reversing the decline in personal exercise habits. They were helpful in

monitoring changes in physical activity patterns as a result of quarantine and lockdown


The use of remotely supervised digital exercise has grown immensely in popularity as a

result of the forced closure of gyms and the resulting restrictions on the quantity of group-based

physical activity due to social distance. Overall, the variety of readily accessible applications and

websites provided legitimate ways to resume or start home-based personal training programs as

an alternative to in-person instruction. While some of them, including apps connected to exercise

games, were well-liked before the pandemic outbreak and continued to gain popularity after the

lockdowns, the essential novelty—and perhaps a key lesson—lies in the emergence of a brand-

new phenomenon: the social media gym class.

App-Based Exercise
Daily doses of coaching, health education, and text message reminders were also

included in the programming. They were told to use their own mobile phones to record at least

three 30-minute ET walks per week. To take part in a 12-week app-based structured ET program

pilot, patients with PAD verified by an abnormal ankle-brachial index or toe-brachial index and

IC were sought out nationally at various sites. In collaboration with the SVS Health Information

Technology Committee, a cross-platform smartphone application known as SVS SET (Cell-Ed,

Inc., Palo Alto, CA) was created and made accessible for download on both the Apple iOS app

store and the Google Play store. municipal institution. (Aalami, O. et al., 2022). For patients with
STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


IC, a home-based, mobile phone-administered ET program utilizing CBT proved successful in

achieving the level of involvement advised by guidelines. Patient-reported outcomes for health

education and physical exercise also showed modest gains, according to the 6MWT.

Effects of Exercises
Based on Huang, J., Zheng, Y., Gao, D., Hu, M., & Yuan, T. Effects of exercise on

depression, anxiety, cognitive control, craving, physical fitness and quality of life in

Methamphetamine-Dependent patients (2020). Abuse of methamphetamine (MA) causes a

number of negative effects on mood and cognitive function, as well as deterioration in physical

health and quality of life. Recent research has emphasized the therapeutic value of exercise for

MA addiction. The overall quality of life for drug users is improved by physical exercise, which

also promotes cognitive function, improves emotional state and general health conditions, lowers

relapse rates, and makes sobriety easier. The current state of physical activity on MA-dependent

patients is summarized in this study along with outcomes from both animal studies and clinical


Learning Motivation and Physical Fitness

Based on Fahrizqi, E. B., Agus, R. M., Yuliandra, R., & Gumantan, A. The learning

motivation and physical fitness of university students during the implementation of the new

normal COVID-19 pandemic (2021). Sports are linked to success and health, which cannot be

isolated from a number of other aspects, such as learning motivation and physical fitness. This

study was done to find out how motivated children were to learn and how physically fit they

were during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the meantime, all three batches of students were
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


assigned a moderate categorization for their degree of physical fitness. The study's findings

demonstrated that students in Sports Education still showed a high level of learning desire and

that there was little variation in students' levels of physical fitness during the COVID-19


Fitness Influencers’ Websites by Young Adult Women

The needs of an expanding number of people displaying strong awareness of their health

and fitness are what have fueled the fitness industry's outstanding rise over the past few years.

The expanding population using fitness and health clubs and gyms is a reflection of this interest

in fitness. The professional training of fitness influencers typically includes the promotion of

exercise and a balanced diet. They become more well-known since they are able to meet the

demands of sizable customer populations who are eager to improve their health and wellness.

The majority of influencers have the chance to at least reach the level of "micro-influencers"

with a modest number of devoted fans. (Duplaga, M., 2020). Some people succeed in achieving

true celebrity status in the fields of fitness, healthy eating, or weight loss, and they are able to

make sizable sums of money by marketing their own brands or the sale of unique goods, such as

workout routines, special diets, healthy food, sportswear, and even gadgets. In the context of the

factors affecting the health of contemporary societies, the influence that fitness influencers have

on their followers may be a topic of study.

Bodybuilding and Fitness

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Doping has traditionally been (and still is) linked to the growth of contemporary

organized sport because of the promise of new technologies and the utilization of biological

resources to increase performance and muscle bulk. As a result, the history of doping is also the

history of modernity and the malleable body. However, research shows that the primary

motivations for beginning to use these medicines are linked to goals of muscle development and

image enhancement, and as such are directly associated with the growth of gym and fitness


The historical evolution of doping use in the context of bodybuilding and fitness cultures

is discussed and analyzed in this article. With a view toward fitness doping in public discourse,

the emphasis is on historical and symbolic negotiations that have taken place throughout time

between perceived displays of extreme body cultures and sociocultural developments in society.

The paper should be viewed as primarily a review of the literature, based on a wide range of

studies describing and analyzing fitness doping in particular as well as bodybuilding and fitness

culture in general. However, there is also a desire to examine historical changes in fitness doping

and bodybuilding and to develop a theoretical understanding of this phenomenon.

With the aim of (a) presenting the general background of fitness doping, (b) developing

an analytically informed approach to how this practice can be conceptualized using a

sociocultural and sociological theoretical framework, and (c) pointing towards potential future

developments, significant and decisive historical developments within gym and fitness culture

will be identified and analyzed (Andreasson, J., & Johansson, T., 2019b).
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Exercise and physical activity

The value of regular physical activity in preventing cardiovascular disease and other

chronic medical disorders is emphasized in the essay. However, it urges avoiding

recommendations that focus on deficits and highlight the dangers of insufficient physical

activity. Instead, it promotes a strengths-based strategy for promoting health and well-being that

puts an emphasis on the intrinsic abilities of people, families, and communities. In terms of

health and well-being, this person-centered strategy encourages self-determination and

empowerment. Research from a variety of settings, including workplaces, communities, and

healthcare settings, has demonstrated the efficacy and effectiveness of asset-based strategies.

According to the writers, modern civilization can directly benefit from learning from Indigenous

peoples' emphasis on enhancing the natural qualities of people, families, and communities

(Warburton & Bredin, 2019). The high rates of mental health problems among college students

as well as the large percentage of young adults who don't get the recommended amount of

exercise each week. A modifiable factor to address the developing mental health difficulties

among college-and university-aged students is low levels of physical activity. It has been

proposed that physical activity, especially outdoor pursuits, is particularly advantageous for both

the prevention and treatment of mental health issues. Even though research on the dose-response

relationship between physical activity and mood has produced mixed results, most experts agree

that any increase in physical activity over idleness is helpful. Educational institutions and

organizations that support students should encourage them to take part in a variety of sports,

physical activities, and outdoor pursuits (Grasdalsmoen et al., 2020). Exercise programs with
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


many components have been shown to be more successful in reducing fall-related injuries and

enhancing physical function in older persons. Every year, one in four people in the US who are

65 or older who fall suffer fatal injuries and require hospital stays. The most efficient programs

for lowering fractures and injuries from falls are those that emphasize balance, strength,

endurance, gait, and physical function training. Age-related physical function restrictions are

common in older persons, with 42.9% and 22.9% of those reporting functional limits,

respectively. The most direct links between increases in physical function and physical activity

are those involving aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and multi-component exercise (DiPietro et al.,


Cardiovascular disease caused by obesity is on the rise and is frequently comorbid with

conditions like type 2 diabetes. Regardless of body weight or the prevalence of type 2 diabetes,

exercise lowers cardiovascular risk factors. Exercise helps patients with cardiovascular illnesses

by increasing ejection fraction, endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, and exercise tolerance.

Additionally, it lessens CVD-related mortality (Pinckard et al., 2019).

Benefits of physical exercise

Due to its cheap cost, low risk, and drug-free treatments, exercise training is advised for

patients with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome by the European Society of Cardiology.

Exercise, both aerobic and anaerobic, improves heart remodeling, endothelial function, and lipid

metabolism. For the purpose of avoiding cardiovascular disease and lowering the risk of heart

attack and stroke, moderate to vigorous intensity exercise is advised. Age-related impairments in

muscle and biological function can be prevented and reversed through physical activity (Tian &
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


Meng, 2019). Type 2 diabetes and obesity-related cardiovascular disease are frequently


Exercise is a crucial kind of treatment since it lowers cardiovascular risk factors. Through
fatty acid oxidation, blood vessel dilatation, and decreased inflammation, it enhances
cardiovascular health. Benefits to the cardiovascular and overall systems are mediated by
myokines generated during exercise. Myokines may serve as prospective targets for heart disease
prevention and therapy, and further research is required to fully comprehend cardiac-specific
proteins and system cross-talk (Pinckard et al., 2019). Given its multi-tissue adaptations, regular
exercise has a considerable preventive effect against metabolic illness. To fully comprehend the
mechanistic effects of exercise on different tissues, more research is required. Target knockdown
studies might not identify a particular metabolic pathway, but a variety of things go into the
protection that exercises offers. To fully comprehend how exercise mediates metabolic benefits
outside of skeletal muscle processes, more research is required (Pinckard et al., 2019).
Developing motor skills results in procedural learning, which is long-lasting. Long-term memory
is where motor programming is stored and made accessible when required. Skeletal muscle
inactivity may lower its contractile ability, yet neuro-excitatory couplings are still present.
Researchers who study exercise put out the "use-it-or-lose-it" theory (Tomporowski & Pesce,

Benefits of Exercise for Young adult

In overweight, inactive people, an aquatic high-intensity interval training (AHIIT)

program employing common aquatic exercises increased cardiorespiratory fitness and body

composition. Without specialist equipment, this sort of exercise is safe to perform in a swimming

pool setting and promotes general wellness (McDaniel et al., 2020). In young university-aged

people with musculoskeletal pain, a progressive exercise rehabilitation program that is completed
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


once a week for nine weeks can enhance physical component health and flexor trunk muscle

endurance, decrease the prevalence of neck pain (LBP), and lessen the disability brought on by

neck pain (Rodríguez‐Romero et al., 2019). Our findings demonstrated that HIE increases BDNF

(Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) positively and independently of exercise duration or baseline

cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy young individuals. Our findings may therefore support the

clinical advice of HIE as a promising, time-effective strategy that may maximize circulating

BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor) given the potential benefits to mental and

cardiometabolic health that may result from raising BDNF through the performance of HIE

(High-intensity exercise) (Fernández‐Rodríguez et al., 2022). Young folks who exercise greatly

improve their psychological health. Men exhibit higher levels of fitness and well-being, with

self-awareness and competence being key factors. Physical exercise and motivation are strongly

connected, with intrinsic motivation being the key determinant. Men value fun and competition,

but women prioritize their attractiveness or social connections. Extrinsic motivation is inversely

correlated with autonomy, indicating that people who depend more on outside stimuli may be

less autonomous. Exercise and therapies designed to boost motivation may therefore be helpful

for enhancing the psychological health of young adults (Granero-Jiménez et al., 2022).

Generic QOL improved as a result of exercise programs. and increased the weekly

minutes of exercise. cancer survivors and patients with AYA. Exercise intervention methods also

seem to be secure, as there was no research that detailed unfavorable outcomes (Zhi et al., 2019).

On young adults with high blood pressure found that compared to aerobic exercise with physical

activity self-monitoring, lifestyle education alone did not significantly lower ambulatory awake
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blood pressure. The study was the first to recruit only young adults with high blood pressure and

to employ ambulatory monitoring as its primary method of measurement. The advantages in

populations of older adults with hypertension are comparable to the improvement in

cardiorespiratory fitness seen at 16 weeks (Williamson et al., 2022). Young adult men who

engage in vigorous physical activity and exercise that causes sweating and breathlessness more

than twice per week before enlisting in the military may be protected from fatigue fractures. As a

result, engaging in frequent, high-intensity physical activity before to enlisting in the military

appears to be a key preventative step against fatigue fractures. Before enlisting in the military,

frequent, ongoing, intense physical activity should be encouraged and emphasized (Pihlajamäki

et al., 2019).

Benefits of Exercise for adults

Sedentary habits and inadequate physical exercise are major contributors to chronic

illnesses like cardiovascular mortality, obesity, sarcopenia, frailty, and disability. Exercise and

physical activity have therapeutic advantages across a range of disorders and impairments, which

makes them essential for maintaining health and well-being at all ages. Key aging factors include

chronic inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, myokine release, autophagy, oxidative

damage, and insulin-like growth factor signaling are influenced by exercise and physical activity.

Physical activity and exercise increase health-related quality of life and physical function while

lowering the risk of premature overall mortality and non-communicable chronic illnesses.

Pharmacological therapies are less effective than exercise programs in addressing frailty because

age-related decreases in muscular function and cardiorespiratory fitness hinder daily activities
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and independence. Treatment of frailty should prioritize general advancement (Izquierdo et al.,

2021). Increased MVPA over the week was linked to a substantial decrease in the risk of CVD

among older persons who were physically inactive, regardless of impairments and chronic

illnesses. Additionally, according to our research, a continual increase in physical activity

reduces the frequency of MVPA, which reduces the advantages of physical exercise for

cardiovascular health (Take home figure). Given the dose-response nature of these correlations,

older persons may lower their risk of developing CVD events in the future by increasing or

maintaining their physical activity levels (Kim et al., 2019). Resistance exercise training, or

RET, is a secure and efficient kind of exercise for triggering improvements in adults'

cardiopulmonary fitness, flow-mediated dilatation, blood biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk,

and resting blood pressure. The results are more obvious in people above the age of 41 and those

with a high risk of cardiometabolic illness (Ashton et al., 2020).

Benefits on mental health

It's doubtful that a brief interruption in regular exercise routines would have a disastrous

impact on one's mood, long-term physical health, sporting aspirations, or interpersonal

connections. If the interruption in exercise habits becomes a burden on mental health, it is crucial

to understand the potential exercise-related remedies to these specific challenges (Morrey et al.,

2020). The impact of physical activity (PA) and exercise on mental health outcomes in young

people. It found that PA/exercise interventions can decrease depression symptoms and anxiety

symptoms. However, the mood-enhancing effects of light-intensity interventions are not widely

researched. The review also found that mental health benefits are associated with lower PA
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levels than required for physical health benefits in adults (Pascoe et al., 2020). The results

support the notion that promoting regular physical activity and exercise of low- to moderate-

intensity intensity is an important health promotion task to help emerging adults buffer the

psychological, cognitive, and emotional demands of pre-dominantly sedentary activities and

mental stress (Herbert, 2022). Teenage physical activity (PA/exercise) and fitness are essential

for the development, maintenance, and health of the brain. These activities, which support brain

thriving across cultures and boundaries, are crucial for good brain development and mental

health in teenagers throughout the world, according to preliminary neuroimaging research

(Belcher et al., 2021). The advantages of physical activity, healthy eating, and adequate rest for

the physical health of young people have usually been recognized. Their advantages for child

mental health and wellness are also being clarified by new studies, including mental health

conditions. These advantages appear to be complex in nature. effects on the development of the

brain and the mind. incorporating continual evaluations and treatments pertaining to various

spheres of living into therapeutic practice encourages young people to have good mental and

physical health, especially through improving the treatment of mental illness and its effects on

functioning (Hosker et al., 2019). It draws attention to the possibility that regular exercise might

enhance both physical and mental health, but it also issues a warning about the dangers of

addiction and over-engagement. It highlights the need for academics and healthcare advocates to

adequately explain these difficulties, encouraging exercise as a behavior that promotes health

while addressing possible risks from addiction and over-exercising (Szabó et al., 2019).

User interface
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Understand the values of your client base and do A/B testing to pinpoint critical junctures

in their journey to increase user engagement. Pay attention to the interface of the website or app,

making sure it is clear and functional. Increase engagement and revenue by addressing usability

concerns like drawn-out checkout procedures or a lack of payment options. Customers can be

educated by providing them with helpful details, suggestions, shortcuts, customer chat, and

FAQs to assist them in finding what they need easily and intuitively. By contacting them and

engaging them through push alerts, emails, and messaging, you may encourage customer

feedback, reviews, and pain concerns (Flowmatters, 2021). In order to satisfy customer

expectations and support your site's efficient functionality, the user interface is crucial. Through

contrasting graphics, simple design, and responsiveness, a well-done user interface allows

successful interaction between the user and the program, app, or machine. It's crucial to take the

user's expectations for accessibility, visual appeal, and usability into account when creating a

user interface for your website. Your site's conversion rates will increase if you combine

effective graphics and responsiveness in a way that anticipates user demands and then meets

them (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). Storing information discovered through research in a

polished model that becomes more obvious with time. New iterations of the same software can

be tested using the improved model, enabling continuous learning and testing. Additionally, it

enables the transfer of advanced models between other programs. This method does not,

however, cover all aspects of the subject, therefore there is still opportunity for development and

additional research (Degott et al., 2019). Lean UX methodology was successfully used to design

a user experience for a Figma application for teenagers. Retrospective Thinking Aloud was used
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to test the prototype, with 95.56% majority positive and 4.44% negative results. Five teens

offered positive feedback on the design despite certain shortcomings. The app's educational and

aesthetic value may be improved with additional features and food options. A more user-friendly

application and better design could both benefit from animation (Putra et al., 2021). It offers a

three-layer framework for DT application in the Metaverse and outlines the concepts of

blockchain, NFT, the Metaverse, and DT. It addresses the difficulties using DTs in the Metaverse

presents for security and privacy. Possible solutions include applying zero-knowledge-based

cryptocurrencies for anonymity and untraceability, using blockchain-based data auditing

protocols for DT integrity protection, using blockchain-based reporting protocols for easy

detection of malicious users, and using specialized payment methods without a central authority.

In addition to ensuring the security and privacy of DTs, these solutions seek to address the

problems that users in the Metaverse encounter (Far & Rad, 2022)

Physical Activity
The paper currently under review represents a significant contribution to the ongoing

discussions surrounding urban planning, public health, and the promotion of physical activity. It

highlights the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach that extends beyond mere

infrastructure development. The study recognizes the intricate involvement of cultural and

psychological factors in influencing physical activity levels within urban environments.

(Lakshyayog, 2023)

The realm of genetics concerning physical activity and physical fitness is both intriguing

and poised to transform our approach to health and well-being. As we delve deeper into
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unraveling the intricate genetic foundations of these attributes, it becomes increasingly evident

that ethical considerations and equitable access to personalized fitness guidance are paramount.

In the foreseeable future, the synergy of interdisciplinary collaborations among geneticists,

exercise scientists, and healthcare professionals will prove pivotal in unlocking the potential of

genetics to advance healthier and more active lifestyles. As ongoing research in this field

continues to expand our understanding, individuals can anticipate the prospect of more efficient

and individualized strategies for improving physical fitness, ultimately enhancing their overall

quality of life. (Zi, yahua, bartels, meike, & de geus, E. jc, 2023)

Variety in exercise and physical activity provides a host of benefits, encompassing

enhancements in both physical and mental well-being, increased commitment to fitness routines,

and the customization of workouts to suit personal needs. Advocating for a broad spectrum of

physical activity options and addressing obstacles that hinder participation can empower

individuals from diverse backgrounds and abilities to embark on healthier, more active lifestyles.

Promoting inclusivity in the selection of physical activities is a vital stride toward realizing

public health objectives and nurturing overall wellness. (Kalra, S., Verma, M., & Kapoor, N.,


Acknowledging the potency of cognitive reappraisal in influencing affective responses to

physical activity signifies a substantial advancement in our efforts to foster an enduring

commitment to exercise. This shift in perspective holds the promise of reshaping our approach to

health and well-being, extending beyond the confines of conventional healthcare, fitness, and

research silos. By harnessing the harmonious interplay between these domains, we have a unique
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opportunity to collaborate in pursuit of a healthier, more active society. Through this collective

endeavor, we aim to empower individuals to lead more fulfilling lives, enriched by the regular

incorporation of physical activity, thereby contributing significantly to the enhancement of

global health and well-being. (Gürdere, C., Sorgenfrei, J., & Pfeffer, I., 2023)

Emphasizing a comprehensive approach to training that encompasses not just physical

prowess but also the mental and emotional welfare of athletes is of paramount importance. This

integrated perspective allows athletes and their support networks to grasp the intricate interplay

among fatigue, stress reactions, and overall well-being. By recognizing and appreciating this

multifaceted relationship, athletes and their teams can collaborate effectively to refine training

methodologies, bolster resilience, and foster a more enduring and healthful athletic expedition.

This approach, when conscientiously applied, has the potential to yield significant

benefits. It can translate into heightened performance levels, a heightened sense of fulfillment,

and an improved quality of life for athletes immersed in the rigorous world of functional fitness.

Such an approach not only optimizes athletic achievements but also nurtures personal

contentment and well-being, thereby harmonizing the pursuit of excellence with the preservation

of overall health and happiness. (Zecchin, A., Poli-Neto, O. B., Pisa, M., Puggina, E. F., &

Pisa, M., 2023)

UI design serves as the bridge that opens the gates to user comprehension. It is a seamless

fusion of creative artistry and precise science, weaving together the threads of aesthetics and

functionality while harmonizing the narratives of storytelling and psychology. An expertly

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fashioned UI doesn't just attract users; it envelops them digitally, guiding their journey with

impeccable clarity and finesse. (Jain, N., 2023)

The convergence of customer-centric UI/UX design and sustainability principles

represents a pivotal and burgeoning realm within the software industry. Emphasizing user

satisfaction alongside conscientious consideration of environmental and social ramifications

holds the potential to engender more sustainable software systems, thus fostering a brighter

future. This RRL underscores the significance of perpetuating investigations, fostering

interdisciplinary collaboration, and fostering innovation in this continually evolving domain.

(Shafiee, S., Kristensen, S. S., Taghizadeh, A., & Suzic, N., 2023)

The existing literature underscores the importance of embracing user-centered design

techniques for improving the UI/UX of The Smart Village System website. This methodology

entails a comprehensive comprehension of user requirements, an iterative design process,

meticulous attention to accessibility concerns, and the practical application of design principles.

Together, these elements contribute to the development of a digital interface that is both user-

friendly and proficient in catering to the needs of smart village stakeholders. (Wijaya, A., &

Azhiman, F., 2023)

Efficient data analysis and the communication of research findings are vital elements of a

rigorous research process. Researchers must conscientiously evaluate suitable analytical

methods, meticulously maintain data quality, navigate ethical dilemmas, and remain informed

about emerging trends in data analysis. Adapting and acquiring new skills in response to
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evolving methodologies and technologies is imperative for staying at the forefront of data

analysis practices. This approach fosters the credibility and applicability of research outcomes.

(Ondijo, L., 2023)

This comprehensive literature review offers a comprehensive view of the ever-evolving

landscape of big data analysis, focusing particularly on the crucial stages of data extraction and

mapping. It presents itself as a valuable reference for scholars, professionals, and individuals

involved in decision-making, delivering insightful perspectives on the current status of the

discipline and providing direction for future research and practical implementations. In an era

marked by ongoing technological advancements, the significance of data extraction and mapping

within the realm of big data analysis remains irreplaceable. This, in turn, promotes innovation

and advancement across diverse industries. (Hemalatha, P., & Lavanya, J., 2023).


Fitness is defined as a state of overall health and well-being, marked by the ability to

engage in daily physical activities and exercise. Therefore, the primary role of strength and

conditioning coaches is to prescribe appropriate physical fitness routines to athletes and clients to

help them achieve specific fitness objectives. Numerous studies have emphasized the importance

of core training and assessment in various populations (Tabacchi, G. et al., 2019) to enhance

performance and reduce the risk of injuries, such as those affecting the back and lower

extremities. Furthermore, core physical fitness exercises can contribute to lowering the risk of
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musculoskeletal issues resulting from poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle, such as excessive

strain on the lumbar spine, hip extensor imbalances, and paraspinal muscle atrophy.

Physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle have been major health issues due to their

incremental disadvantages to one’s well-being. This has been made worse by the recent COVID-

19 crisis, which imposed home quarantines and restrictions on public activities and gatherings.

Staying and working at home increases screen time and deskbound activity, resulting in

decreased physical activity levels. Moreover, it is common that physical activity declines at a

high rate in adolescence and young adulthood. Additionally, convenient lifestyles and

technological advancement indirectly encourage sedentary behaviors among young adults

(Cunningham, C. et al., 2020). Activities related to commuting, working, and leisure involve

significantly less physical activity now than before.

This study aims to explore how individuals' motivations related to their appearance and

weight management might influence their intention to engage in exercise, particularly at the

gym. There is a lack of quantitative research that examines how the interplay between these

appearance and weight management motivations, along with the extent to which individuals

identify with physically attractive fitness trainers, can impact their intention to exercise.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness among people about the close

relationship between physical activity and health promotion. This awareness has led individuals

to prioritize meeting their physiological needs, as outlined in Maslow's theory (Abu-Omar et al.,
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2020). As a result, many are adopting regular exercise habits to improve their overall health and

fitness. This trend has also contributed to the thriving fitness industry.

Furthermore, the rapid advancement of information and communication technologies

(ICTs) has significantly transformed society and daily life (Tseng, 2023). These technological

advancements have presented both opportunities and challenges for individuals and various

industries. The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a profound impact on consumer behavior and

business models, especially in the fitness industry. It has changed how people engage in physical

activities and posed unprecedented challenges to the fitness sector.

In response to the pandemic, consumers have reevaluated their exercise preferences and

sought alternative options to meet their fitness needs (Haman et al., 2020; Skauge & Seippel,

2020). These alternatives include subscribing to video courses and adopting interactive devices.

Consequently, the composition of value within the fitness industry has evolved.

Amid the pandemic, there has been a notable shift towards mobile technology, leading to

the development of numerous apps and smart wearable devices catering to the expanding

consumer market. For instance, fitness apps have seen significant growth, with a market size

valued at USD 1.1 billion in 2021 and an expected CAGR of 17.6% from 2022 to 2030. Many

consumers utilize wearable devices as tools for tracking their sports activities (Aroganam et al.,

2019). These apps facilitate personalized training experiences and eliminate the limitations of

time and space, creating substantial potential in the smart fitness industry.
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The promising future and market opportunities in the smart fitness industry have attracted

numerous investors. As a result, understanding consumers' behavioral intentions when using

smart fitness technology has become a focal point of research in both academia and the industry

(Farrokhi et al., 2021; Gupta et al., 2021; Hannan et al., 2021; Lee et al., 2021; Pal et al., 2020).

Fitness App

Nowadays, many people have been doing workouts and exercising, such as college

students. However, students lack time to go to the gym because of the overload of tasks and

assignments. That’s why they’ve been using mobile application exercise, but do mobile

application exercise and gym exercise have a significant difference in the fitness program?

This shows that both exercise programs were effective in enhancing the fitness

performance of the students. Also, the two groups with different exercise programs have an equal

mean gain. Therefore, it was concluded that mobile applications are as effective as gym exercises

in developing the fitness performance level of the students. (King Abram F. Cabauatan August,


This study, after they conduct study, shows that the majority of the respondents who use

fitness apps are male in the age of 20-35. It shows that most of the respondents consider using

this fitness app to be worthwhile. Most participants agree that fitness apps are highly effective in

providing facilities to attain their fitness goals with less cost t, time, and easy accessibility.

(Sakitha Anna Joseph et al 2020).

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Importance of Workout

In recent times, a growing number of individuals, particularly college students, have

recognized the importance of incorporating workouts and exercise into their daily routines.

However, the demands of academic life often leave students with limited time to visit traditional

gyms, given the overwhelming load of tasks and assignments they face. In response to this

challenge, many students have turned to mobile applications that offer convenient and flexible

exercise routines. The question that naturally arises from this shift in exercise habits is whether

there exists a significant disparity in the effectiveness of mobile application-based workouts

compared to traditional gym exercises in improving fitness levels among students. To address

this inquiry, a comprehensive study was undertaken to compare the outcomes of these two

distinct exercise modalities. The study sought to assess the impact on fitness performance,

focusing on critical health-related fitness components such as cardiovascular endurance,

muscular strength, and endurance. The data collected from a sample group of 23 college students

was subjected to rigorous analysis. The findings of this study provided valuable insights.

Surprisingly, the statistical analysis indicated that there was no significant difference in the mean

improvement of fitness performance between students who engaged in mobile application-based

exercises and those who adhered to traditional gym workouts. This compelling evidence

underscores the efficacy of both exercise programs in enhancing the fitness performance of

college students. Importantly, it demonstrates that the two groups, one utilizing mobile

applications and the other engaging in gym-based exercises, achieved similar mean gains in their

fitness levels. Consequently, the study conclusively suggests that mobile applications are just as
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effective as traditional gym exercises in elevating the fitness performance levels of college

students. In a society where convenience and accessibility are highly prized, these findings not

only validate the use of mobile applications for fitness enhancement but also provide students

with a viable alternative to address their time constraints and academic commitments while

prioritizing their health and well-being. As technology continues to play an increasingly

prominent role in our lives, this study serves as a testament to the adaptability and effectiveness

of modern solutions in achieving fitness goals. (Cabauatan K A F, & Lopez G A D. 2021)

Being physically and mentally healthy is everyone's greatest desire. Many people have

started using such apps as they have realized the importance of these apps in their daily lives.

This need was recognized by the pioneers of fitness application development. This study aims to

understand the users' stance on fitness apps available on mobile devices. Basically, the study

focuses on the effectiveness of fitness apps in terms of various factors like time, cost, and

accessibility. In this study, they will also explain why these apps are preferred over fitness

centers. Important information was collected using primary sources to improve user participation

in app usage. From the study, they found that the majority of the respondents who use fitness

apps are young adult males in the age group of 20-35. About 30 percent of respondents prefer

apps that focus on workouts rather than diet and nutrition as an important aspect of fitness. Even

though half of the respondents like to remain fit always, only 32 percent follow all the

instructions of the app frequently and consistently. 60 percent of respondents find the app that

they are using effective. The analysis of their study shows that the majority of the respondents

agree that apps are cheaper than fitness centers and help save their time. This study shows that
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about 46 percent of respondents agree that apps provide ample exercise guidance at a lower cost

than fitness centers. Almost 70 percent of respondents did not have any negative impact on their

health after using the app and would like to refer the app to others. (Sakitha A. J., et al 2020)

The World Health Organization highlighted the importance of physical activity and

included it in its international strategic plans for the advancement of human health throughout

the world, especially during the Corona pandemic. The goal was to reduce the negative effects of

the pandemic on people's physical and psychological health. Since the COVID-19 outbreak,

researchers have had different viewpoints about the psychosocial, social, and physical effects of

exposure to COVID-19. In addition, loneliness, the death of a loved one, loss of freedom,

worries about the possibility of getting infected with the virus, and thoughts about the disease as

well as the pain it may cause have had a strong negative impact on the physical and

psychological health of human beings. They measured the improvement in psychological well-

being and provided some information on aspects of health associated with the consequences and

requirements of the current status of the Corona pandemic. Their study indicated the importance

of the program in improving children's knowledge, and physical, and psychological condition. Of

course, there have been multiple interventions to improve people's psychological and physical

condition and to take advantage of modern technology to meet the challenges of the present time

and the emergency situation in the world through the use of technology. In order to find a good

solution to deal with the pandemic's restrictions, the world's attention was directed to take

advantage of modern technology in an attempt to adapt to this pandemic through modern

technology that could help in managing the crisis resulting from the pandemic and other
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emergency conditions. In the past, several studies pointed out the role of technology in

improving and tracking the health and fitness of human beings. Health and fitness mobile

applications have become part of the basic applications on smartphones used by millions of

people of all ages. Some of them are intended to preserve and track the health and physical status

of individuals including their weight, heartbeat, height, blood type, and fat percentage. Thus, this

study was designed to identify the effect of using mobile phone fitness applications on some

characteristics of physical fitness and psychological well-being of female university students.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of mobile phone fitness app use on several

characteristics of female students' physical fitness and psychological health and it shows that

“there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the two post-tests of the

control and experimental groups in favor of the experimental group on the level of physical

fitness and psychological well-being of female students at Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal

University. (Soliman, M., et al. 2022)

Thanks to developments that make it easier to practice sports and stay in shape,

technology is becoming more and more prevalent in these fields. Beyond compliance, it's critical

to recognize technology as a tool for facilitation. Since the beginning of the fourth industrial

revolution several years ago, digitalization and the use of the internet in societies continue

growing. In 2020, a total of 218 billion applications (apps) were downloaded in the world, with a

total expenditure of 134 billion dollars, 20% more than in 2019. Sport, like digitization,

continues growing and evolving towards a greater organization and professionalization in its

strategies, resources, staff, and business processes. In Spain, it generates a total of 39,117 million
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euros, 3. The fitness sector, for its part, is currently considered a global commercial phenomenon

that has been evolving and diversifying its business models and the offer of its services, orienting

them to the improvement of people`s health through the performance of qualified professionals.

7 billion dollars worldwide, with a total of 184 million users spread over 210,000 fitness centers.

Precisely in Spain, 2352 million euros were invoiced in 2019, accumulating a total of 5.5 million

users in its 4743 fitness centers. Faced with the current pandemic situation produced by COVID-

19, fitness centers have the challenge of continuing to apply and implement digitization to

continue growing and adapting to the new formulas for user relationships and consumption. A

growth in the use of apps related to health and fitness has also been observed in order to promote

physical exercise and knowledge of the condition and health of users. For this reason, an increase

in the number of apps developed related to health and fitness has been observed in recent years,

just as the interest in their scientific study. (Valcarce-Torrente, M., et al. 2021)

Recently, there has been a surge in studies aiming to assess consumer behavior when

using sports applications, thanks to advancements in technology. This study examines 13 studies

that propose a model for evaluating consumers' intentions to use fitness applications. The

objective is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on consumer intentions to use mobile

applications related to fitness and physical activity. The constant evolution of technology and the

rise of mobile devices like smartphones and tablets have made these devices an integral part of

consumers' lives. Consequently, organizations have had to adapt their interactions with

consumers. Studies have been conducted to evaluate consumer motivations for using devices, the

usefulness of apps, and consumer intentions to adopt them in various sectors. Researchers have
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identified the factors that influence the intention to use technologies, smartphones, and apps in

different sectors, including the sports context. In the sports literature, there is also a growing

focus on the behavior of fans and consumers. Studies have explored motivation on sports

websites, loyalty, participation, commitment, marketing opportunities, intention to use sports

wearables, consumption of smartphones and sports apps, sports team apps, fitness apps, and

sports products. However, existing research does not provide clear results on the factors that

drive sports fans or consumers to use smartphones or apps and benefit from new experiences in

sports. The intention to use smartphones and apps in sports is influenced by various factors,

depending on the types of products consumed and the marketing implications. Therefore, the aim

of this study is to conduct a systematic review of the literature on consumers' intention to use

apps related to fitness and physical activity. This systematic review addresses the need to

critically evaluate existing research on sports app usage intentions, as it is an emerging research

area. However, the limited number of scientific studies and some methodological shortcomings,

such as the risk analysis of study bias, do not allow for a more critical evaluation. These results

highlight the need for more thorough and systematic research by researchers in this field. They

also identify common factors that can better assess the use of new technologies in sports settings.

Additionally, the findings provide a set of recommendations for sports organizations and

researchers to engage in future research, allowing for a better understanding and utilization of

new technologies in the sports industry. (Angosto S., et al 2020)

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Regular exercise offers numerous advantages for an individual's overall well-being. It

enhances brain health, assists in weight management, lowers the risk of diseases, strengthens

bones and muscles, and improves daily functionality (CDC, 2023). Furthermore, exercise boosts

mood by triggering brain chemicals, prevents weight gain, aids in maintaining weight loss, and

provides protection against health issues like stroke and high blood pressure, while also

promoting better sleep (Mayo Clinic, 2023). Additionally, it's worth noting that physical activity

benefits not only the body but also the mind. (, 2021).

Technological advancements have significantly reshaped the landscape of physical

education and personal training. Accessible virtual fitness platforms and various fitness

applications, including fitness trackers, smart home fitness equipment, virtual reality fitness, and

recovery trainers, empower individuals to participate in exercise programs and training sessions

from various locations (Strength Ambassador, 2023).

This technological transformation has fundamentally altered how people approach

fitness. It provides the flexibility to tailor workout plans to individual needs and lifestyles,

reducing the reliance on traditional gym-based fitness (Spark membership, 2022). Therefore, the

need for frequent gym visits has diminished, as technology offers diverse avenues for achieving

and sustaining physical fitness.

The primary role of strength and conditioning coaches is to design fitness routines to help

individuals, including athletes, attain overall health and well-being, enhancing performance and

reducing the risk of injuries. Core training and assessment have been highlighted as crucial
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elements in achieving these objectives (Tabacchi, G. et al., 2019). Core exercises not only

improve performance but also mitigate musculoskeletal problems caused by poor posture and

sedentary lifestyles.

Physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle have become significant concerns for well-

being, particularly exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis, which led to increased screen time and

reduced physical activity due to home quarantines and restrictions. These issues are particularly

pronounced among young adults, with sedentary behaviors being promoted by convenient

lifestyles and technological advancements (Cunningham, C. et al., 2020). Activities related to

work, commuting, and leisure now involve less physical activity than in the past.

Exploring the intricate connection between genetics, physical activity, and fitness holds

great promise for reshaping our approach to well-being. As we navigate this fascinating territory,

it is increasingly evident that ethical considerations and equitable access to personalized fitness

guidance are of paramount importance. Collaborative efforts among geneticists, exercise

scientists, and healthcare professionals are poised to play a pivotal role in unlocking the potential

of genetics to advance healthier and more active lifestyles. The ongoing research in this field is

expanding our understanding and offering the exciting prospect of more efficient and

individualized strategies to enhance physical fitness, ultimately elevating the overall quality of

life. (Zi, yahua, Bartels, meike, & de geus, E. jc, 2023)

Acknowledging the profound influence of cognitive reappraisal on our emotional

responses to physical activity represents a significant step forward in our quest to nurture a
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


lasting dedication to exercise. This new perspective has the potential to revolutionize our

approach to health and well-being, transcending the conventional silos of healthcare, fitness, and

research. By harnessing the interconnectedness of these domains, we have a unique opportunity

to collaborate in the pursuit of a healthier, more active society. Through this joint effort, our

main objective is to empower individuals to lead more fulfilling lives by seamlessly integrating

physical activity into their daily routines. This commitment to regular exercise can have a

substantial and widespread impact on global health and well-being, enhancing individual and

public health while highlighting the transformative power of physical activity in creating a

happier and healthier world. (Gürdere, C., Sorgenfrei, J., & Pfeffer, I., 2023)

The value of consistent exercise in preventing chronic medical conditions, but they

support a strengths-based approach that highlights the inherent talents of people, families, and

communities. This person-centered strategy promotes autonomy and empowerment and has been

shown to work in a variety of contexts. that Indigenous peoples' concentration on strengthening

natural traits can teach modern society a thing or two (Warburton & Bredin, 2019. Due to

insufficient exercise and limited physical activity, college students frequently have mental health

concerns. Despite contradicting data on the link between physical activity and mood, experts

advise promoting outdoor activities to enhance mental health. (Grasdalsmoen et al., 2020).

Multiple-component exercise programs improve physical function in seniors, reducing fall-

related injuries. Successful programs focus on balance, strength, endurance, gait, and physical

function training, with aerobic, muscle-strengthening and multi-component exercise being the

most effective. (DiPietro et al., 2019). The prevalence of obesity-related cardiovascular disease is
STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


rising, and it frequently coexists with other diseases like type 2 diabetes. Regardless of body

weight or the incidence of type 2 diabetes, exercise can lower cardiovascular risk factors by

boosting ejection fraction, endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, and exercise tolerance, as well

as lowering CVD-related mortality (Pinckard et al., 2019).

A brief exercise interruption may not significantly impact mood, physical health, or

interpersonal relationships. Understanding potential exercise-related remedies for mental health

challenges is crucial to address these specific challenges (Morrey et al., 2020). The effects of

physical activity and exercise on young people's mental health finds that although these

interventions can lessen the symptoms of sadness and anxiety, their positive benefits on mood

have not received much attention (Pascoe et al., 2020). Encouraging frequent low- to moderate-

intensity physical activity and exercise is an essential role in health promotion to assist emerging

people in reducing the psychological, cognitive, and emotional demands of primarily sedentary

activities and mental stress (Herbert, 2022). Preliminary neuroimaging research indicates that

teenage physical activity and fitness are crucial for the brain's development, maintenance, and

health, supporting brain thriving across cultures and boundaries, and thereby promoting good

mental health in teenagers worldwide (Belcher et al., 2021). The advantages of physical activity,

a nutritious diet, and sufficient rest for young people's physical health are well known. The

advantages of these activities for mental health and wellness, including mental health disorders,

are, however, also being highlighted by new studies. These advantages are intricate and relate to

mental and cognitive growth. Improvements in young people's mental health and functioning can

be made by incorporating ongoing assessments and therapies into therapeutic practices (Hosker
STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


et al., 2019). Regular exercise can improve physical and mental health, but it also raises concerns

about addiction and over-engagement. It calls for academics and healthcare advocates to explain

these challenges, promoting exercise as a health-promoting behavior while addressing potential

risks from addiction and over-exercising (Szabó et al., 2019).

Conduct A/B testing to understand customer values and pinpoint pivotal stages in the

client's journey in order to boost user engagement. Make sure the app or website interfaces are

simple and effective. Address issues with usability like payment methods or checkout

procedures. Educate your customers by giving them useful information, advice, and FAQs.

Engage customers via push notifications, emails, and messaging to solicit comments, reviews,

and pain points (Flowmatters, 2021). For a website to perform properly and meet user

expectations, a well-designed user interface is essential. It should be contrasted, uncomplicated,

and responsive to allow for effective user-machine interaction. When designing a user interface,

accessibility, visual appeal, and usability must all be taken into account. Conversion rates can go

up by anticipating and satisfying user needs when responsiveness and effective graphics are

combined (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). The method involves storing research-discovered

information in a polished model, which becomes more apparent over time, allowing continuous

learning and testing of new software iterations. It also facilitates the transfer of advanced models

between programs, despite not covering all aspects (Degott et al., 2019). To address security and

privacy concerns, the framework offers a three-layer structure for DT applications in the

Metaverse. Blockchain-based data auditing protocols for integrity protection, reporting protocols

for easy identification of malevolent users, and specialized payment systems without a central
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


authority are some potential solutions. Zero-knowledge-based cryptocurrencies for anonymity

are another (Far & Rad, 2022)

This shows that both exercise programs were effective in enhancing the fitness

performance of the students. Also, the two groups with different exercise programs have an equal

mean gain. Therefore, it was concluded that mobile applications are as effective as gym exercises

in developing the fitness performance level of the students. (King Abram F. Cabauatan August,


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of mobile phone fitness app use on

several characteristics of female students' physical fitness and psychological health and it shows

that “there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the two post-tests

of the control and experimental groups in favor of the experimental group on the level of

physical fitness and psychological well-being of female students at Imam Abdul Rahman bin

Faisal University. (Soliman, M., et al. 2022)

A growth in the use of apps related to health and fitness has also been observed in order

to promote physical exercise and knowledge of the condition and health of users. For this reason,

an increase in the number of apps developed related to health and fitness has been observed in

recent years, just as the interest in their scientific study. (Valcarce-Torrente, M., et al. 2021)
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


This chapter details the procedure employed in the conduct of the study, research
design, research instruments, population and sampling, data gathering instruments, data
gathering procedure, and lastly, statistical treatment of data.


The researcher used descriptive research in the problem entitled “Unlocking the

Potential: Achieving Peak Fitness through Effective Exercise Strategies” at STI College

Calamba during A.Y 2023-2024. Researchers used a quantitative approach for this study. To

measure the variables and their relationship between them, the researcher used descriptive and

correlational design.


This study used STEM Students from STI College Calamba who are Grade 11 & Grade

12 and enrolled during the 1 st semester of the Academic Year 2023-2024. The researchers used

the Selective Sampling Method to gather the results of this research. The study's primary goal

was to examine the correlation between the academic performance of Senior High School

students and their engagement with social media. To achieve this, the researchers gathered data

via a survey questionnaire and employed statistical techniques like correlation and regression

analysis for analysis.

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna



In order to gather the needed data, the researchers will distribute a survey questionnaire
to selected Grade 11 STEM Students.

This survey questionnaire consists of 3 parts. Part I includes the profile of the
respondents in terms of Age, Sex, and Grade Level.

Part II deals with the factors that affect the perception such as Convenience, User
Interface, User Friendliness, Instructiveness, and Applicability.

Part III focuses on the respondents' perception regarding the Gym Glow Up.


The Researcher analyses and evaluates the items in the questionnaire. The researchers

formulated a questionnaire, and this questionnaire was distributed personally to the respondents

from Grade 11 STEM Students of STI College Calamba. The data was organized, analyzed,

interpreted, and then displayed in tables along with their respective frequencies. The researchers

created a survey questionnaire that respondents can comprehend easily. To make sure the data

was accurate to the response of the respondents, it was examined and analyzed properly by the

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna



To determine the percentage of age, sex, and grade level of the respondents. The

researcher used the formula of percentage as follows;

P = n x 100

To determine the mean perception of Convenience, User Interface, User Friendliness,

Instructiveness, and Applicability, and mean perception towards Gym Glow Up the researchers
used the weighted mean formula as follows:

The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was employed to examine the significant
relationship between dependent and independent variables.
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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna



Dear Respondents,


We, Researchers’ of ITMAWD Grade 12 students of STI College Calamba, are

conducting a research entitled “Unlocking the Potential: The Perception of Selected Grade 11

Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Students in Achieving Peak Fitness Through

Effective Exercise Strategies” during the Academic year 2023-2024. In connection with this, we

are requesting some of your time on the survey questionnaire. This survey questionnaire will

serve as the basis for our study research. Rest assured that your answer will be treated with


Thank you very much.

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Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


I. Profile: _______________________________
Age: ______ Sex: ______ Grade Level: ______
II. Perception towards the following factors:
1 - Strongly Disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Agree 4 - Strongly Agree
Instruction: To provide a rating, kindly put a check on the appropriate rating option.
A. Convenience 1 2 3 4
1. The website is easy to use.
2. The website responds quickly.
3. The user can access the website.
4. Playing the videos is accessible.
5. The visual aids are easy to see.

B. User Interface 1 2 3 4
1. The choice of colors is aesthetically pleasing.
2. The position of text on the screen is consistent.
3. The buttons are functioning normally.
4. The layout of the images is accurate.
STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


5. The design maintains consistency across all the web pages.

C. User Friendliness 1 2 3 4
1. The website effectively adjusts to accommodate the user's
comfort and choices.
2. The website is easy to navigate.
3. The navigations are properly functioning.
4. The website is well organized.
5. The user will quickly develop the skill to use the website.

D. Instructiveness 1 2 3 4
1. The website offers helpful tips and hints to guide me in
accomplishing tasks.
2. The website provides clear and easily understandable
3. The website tutorial process effectively teaches me how to use it.
4. The website offers expert advice and tips on fitness.
5. The website provides information about different types of

E. Applicability 1 2 3 4
1. The website displays a schedule of fitness classes.
2. The website provides access to fixed workout routines.
3. The website offers articles and video guides.
4. The workout provided by the website is easy to apply.
STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


5. The website is beneficial for the fitness journey.

III. Perception Towards Gym Glow Up:

1 - Strongly Disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Agree 4 - Strongly Agree
Questions 1 2 3 4
1. All the website’s features work smoothly.
2. I am satisfied with the website.
3. I did not face problems while testing the website.
4. I like the overall design of the website.
5. The website has no issue.
6. The website was not difficult to use even for the first-time user.
7. The website has useful features.
8. It is easy to access the gym schedule.
9. The website is very engaging.
10. It is easy to find the information you are looking for.

Checked by:

____________________ ______________________

Mr. Arvin M. Sadicon Mr. Adrian H. Apolinario

Computer Programming EAPP Teacher
STI Academic Center, Barangay Uno, National Highway,
Calamba City, 4027 Laguna


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