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_ © RFA) 1007837 2 SOOT ay Bary x, Rony . Total No. of Printe, ed Pa, 8! 16] aD Bone sat SS Ross, ; 38 1. Total No. of Questj ons ; 138 Roses Heed: 8] kb ] Code No. : 815 UNREVISED FULL SYLLABUS ¢ é z 3 i ° 3 Sun ORed : eds ‘ean ct : MATHEMATICS (: Sage / English Medium ) Be AMF : 03. 04. 2023 | 2 G3 Be / Regular Fresh ) Aebod : 23 : Date : 03. 04. 2023 S74 10-30 dors Sieah ried [ 3 1 nog woes : 80] [ Time : 10-30 a, to 1-45 P.M. Max. Marks : 80 General Instructions to the Candidate : 1. This i question paper consists of objective and subjective types of 38 questions. 2. This question paper has been sealed by reverse jacket. You have to cut. on the right side to open the paper at the time of commencement of the examination. Check whether all the pages of the question paper are intact. Follow the instructions given against both the objective and subjective types of questions. 4, Figures in the right hand margin indicate maximum marks for the questions. 5. The maximum time question paper. It inclu! to answer the paper is given at the top of the des 15 minutes for reading the question paper. [Turn over 2 [@ RF{A)/100/3311 2 L Four alternatives are given for each of the follow, incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and writ, the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet, 8 . xX1=g The numb i i nu er of zeroes of the Polynomial y = p(x) in the given ONIN (a) 3 (8) 2 (Cc) 1 (D) 4 2. For an event ‘E’, if P( £) = 0-75; then P( E ) is ay 28 _ (B) 025 (C) 0-025 . (D) 1:25 Al 4 @ RF(A)/100 iy ANVIANAVYINNIIIWNN AN 3. The totay Surf, ce 81-E atea CCE RF and height « a righ, a Bh hj. * citcular eytinder having radius 7 (A) I 5, in the given figure, PB is a tangent drawn at the point A to the circle with centre ‘0’ If | aop = 45°, then the measure of OPA is - LN, B ) as" (B) 90° (A) 5 (D) 65° () 3 [ Turn over 2 [@ RF(A)/100/3311 4 a [CCE RF] 8a 6. In the figure, if DE || BC, then the correct relation amon i the following is (A) 8) (c) te AE (0) Ee BIS Sle SIE als 5 The lines represented by the equations 4x + Sy - 10 = O and 8x + 10y+ 20=Oare (A) intersecting lines (B) perpendicular lines to each other (C) coincident lines (D) parallel lines ALANIS BR ®) 3 units ic) - (©) -3 units (2) 8 units Answer the folloy wing questio a : g8x1=8 9. Ex . press the denominator of 3 in the form of 2" x5. 10. If the pair of lines represented by the linear equations x+2y-4=0 and ax+ by-12=0 are-coincident lines, then. find the values of ‘a’ and ‘b’. j 2 11, AABC~4 POR. Area of the A ABC is 64 cm and the area of the = d the lens of PQ. A PORis 100 om?. If then find the length [ Turn over 2 [@RF(A)/100/331 6 CERF ns 12. Express the cquation x (2 + x) = 3 in the standard form of a 13. 14. 15. 16. quadratic equation. Find the ‘discriminant of the quadratic equation 2x? -4x+3 =0. Find the coordinates of the mid-point of the line segment joining the points (6, 3) and(4, 7). Write the degree of the polynomial P(x) =3x9 —x4 42x? +5x+2. Write the formula to find the volume of the frustum of a cone given in the figure. (comRF, 81-2 Ce RRA7io073357) 7 (A)/100/3311 gx2- 16 ™. An: Swer the following questions t 17. 18. 19. 20. Show 5 i how that 5 + JA is an irrational number: oR Find the H.C.F. of 72 and 120 by using Buclid’s division algorithm. Solve the given pair of linear equations : 3xt+y = 12 xty=6 Find the 20' term of the-Arithmetic progression 4, 7, 10, o by using formula. Find the roots of the equation 2x2 - 5x +3= 0 by using ‘quadratic formula’. OR Find the roots of the equation’ 5x2 -6x-2=0 by the method of completing the square. { Turn over 2 Le RTO : -_ 21, 23. 24. 22. " the gi e yaluces of sing 8ien figure, if LaBc = 90°, then find and cos a, 1 2 C1 [sc B 3 / 19. If one from 9 t© ang cards which are numbered aan box find the probability that it from the PO" card is drawn at random ft bears a prime number. a rapezium jn which AB || DC, and In the given figure, ABCD isat = en find the BC £ DC. AB= 60m, cp= 10 cm and AD= 5 om, th distance between the parallel lines. A 6cm B & % D 10cm Cc Draw a circle of radius 4 cm and construct a pair of tangents to the circle such that the angle between them is 60° IAN 26, 27. Find the mean for the following data : 2 RF] ° 81e 9x 3227 Divi, Wide p(x) = 349 4 x2 42x45 wy gtxpe x +ax4 Tend find . the quotient { q (.x) | and remainder [ r(#) OR 24 7x+ 10, Fi _ ind the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial p (x) = * the coefficients. and verify the relationship between zeroes and Prove that l+cos A Troosa 7 cose At cot A oR Prove that sina, 140084 _ 9 cosec A. 1l+cos A sin A { Turn over 2 RFA LT = 10 d the m Ode for the following data UNM UO 28. Find the ratio i A(-6, 10) and B(% OR Find the area of @ triangle whose vertices are A ( 1, -1), B(-4, 6) and C(-3, -5) 29, Prove that “The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point toa circle are equal’, 30. EVN AN 31. 32. RF, (A) Loo aay lL (ccERF sre In th, — given figur ©, OF, is the centre of a cirele and OAB is 9? quilate; od ‘angle. Pand Q are the mid-points of OA and OB Tespectiy ively. If the area of A OAB i 2 AB is 363 cm?, then find the area Of the Shaded regio: mn. B 6 cm and 8 cm and then of the A Construct a triangle with sides 5 cm, . 3 sides are | construct another triangle whose the first triangle. corresponding sides of ‘Bis 132 km. Flyovers s between The distance between two cities ‘A’ and are built ‘to avoid the traffic in the intermediate town: ar travelling these cities. Because of this, the average speed of a ci 5 increases by 11 km/h ‘and hence, route through flyover! tance than in this the car takes 1 hour less time to’travel the same dis' ed of the car. earlier. Find the current average Spe [ Turn over SLE (© RF(A)/100733517] 12 » g data for distribution of win 33. A life insurance agent found the follo - aLess than type ogive” for the ages of 100 policy holders. Draw & given data : icy holders Age (in years ) Number of policy ho! (cumulative frequency ) 2 = Below 20 = Below 25 6 = = Below 30 24 = ~ Below 35 45 Below 40 78 Below 45 89 Below 50 100 4x4=16 V.. Answer the following questions : 34. The sum of 2nd and 4th terms of an arithmetic progression is 54 and the sum of its first 11 terms is 693. Find the arithmetic Progression. Which term of this Progression is 132 more than its 54th term ? OR S| (A) 106 Sy 13 -— a Thi © first an, dey © last terms of an arithmetic progression o*° 3 and 25. 3 res; Pective) ly. If the 20th term of the progression is 98 then fin, id the ari arithmeti etic progression. Also find the sum of the last 10 te; TMS of this progression. 35. Fin * id thy a solution of the given pair of linear equations by graphical method : Qxty = 8 36. Prove that “If in two triangles, corresponding angles are equal, then their corresponding sides are in the same ratio ( or proportion ) and hence the two triangles are similar”. [ Turn over cck = Sly 14 and tied fro; m the 2 Cerra7100/33Y! nad rele gntly © ¢ is UB el ground si er uch that rol 37. In the give? pure * me lev pee on the sf g top of & vertical pole '° a RS, d the angle made by it with th : ins : BRS ihe tength of the POPE" 20 je, reaches thi d is 30°. A circus artist climbs the TOP ome ground is S°- the pole and from there he observes that the angle of elevation of her pote om the SS ground is found to be 60° the top of ano! the peg is 30 m, the longer pole from (Take ¥3 = 1:73) c the distance of the foot of then find the height of this pole. MY ba: Se of hemisphere as shown in the figure. If the area of base o the cone is 38-5 cm? and the total height of the toy is 15:5 em, then find the total surface area and volume of the toy: A 1sSem

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