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Educational survey

A) Information to and from the School:

1. 1. The school informs you about your

child’s development.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Partially agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

2. 2. You inform the school about your child’s


Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Partially agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
3. 3. Teachers give helpful comments on
homework, class work and test.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Partially agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

4. 4. Teacher helped your child learn how to

manage his or her time.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Partially agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

5. 5. If I have questions or concerns, I know

whom to contact.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Partially agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
6. 6. You are satisfied with the response you
get when contact school.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Partially agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

B) Dialogue and participation:

7. 1. *Does Communication between home

and school.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

8. 2. *The interest that teachers show for your

point of view about your child’s learning
and development.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
9. 3. How quickly you are able to set up a
meeting with the contact teacher.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

10. 4. How quickly you are able to set up

meeting with the school administration.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

11. 5. How often you are provided with the

opportunity to discuss teaching
techniques with teachers.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
12. 6. Teachers communicate with you as
frequently as needed.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

13. 7. **Teachers encourage your child to

develop to his/her potential.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

14. 8. *Teachers help you understand how you

can best support your child’s learning at home.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

C) Knowledge and expectations:

15. 1. *As parents/guardians you dare not to
risk stating our honest opinions about the
teacher and the school as we are afraid
this will have detrimental consequences
for your child.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

16. 2. *Teachers motivate your child to learn.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

D) Support from parents/guardians:

17. 1. *You often support and help your child
with home work.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

18. 2. You receive good advice from the school

on how you can best support your child
with his/her schooling.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

19. 3. You often talk with your child about how

much he/she enjoys school.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

E) Development meetings/ parent-teacher meetings:

20. 1. *The teachers follow up the agreements
and decisions that are reached in parent-
teacher meetings.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

21. 2. *You follow up the agreements and

decisions that are reached in the parent-
teachers meetings.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

22. 3. *You would like longer or more frequent

parent-teacher meetings.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
23. 4. *You have problems with arranging a
parent-teacher meeting in daytime/working hour.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

24. 5. How many report card conferences have you attended.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

F) Physical environment and material at the school:

25. 1. *The school building is of good standard.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
26. 2. *The standard of the school yard and
outdoor facilities is good.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

27. 3. *You are satisfied with the access to

teaching materials (book etc.) that your
child has in the school.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

G) Well-being, learning and development:

28. 1. *Your child receives adapted education in
all subjects according to his or her
abilities and aptitude.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

29. 2. *Your child show positive development at


Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

30. 3. *Your child shows interest in his or her

school work.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
31. 4. *Homework is productive and supports
learning in the class.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

32. 5. *Your child has sufficient time to

complete his or her homework each

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

33. 6. *Your child is learning what he or she

needs to know to success in later grades
or competition.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
34. 7. Your child feels comfortable asking
his/her teachers for help.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

H) Learning situation at the school:

35. 1. In class your child is quite and well


Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

36. 2. *The teachers stimulate your child to

learn and to work hard.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
37. 3. Your child receives the help with school
work that he or she needs from the

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

38. 4. *The way in which the teachers plan the

learning/teaching function well for your

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

39. 5. *The task your child is given at school are not challenging enough.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
40. 6. *Your child likes the teachers at school.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

I) *Guidance counseling resources:

41. 1. The school provide student with helpful

information about preparation for

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

42. 2. The school does a good job of preparing

your child for competition.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
43. 3. The school does good job of teaching
your child responsibility and

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

44. 4. The school does a good job of teaching

your child’s math skills or writing skills.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree

45. 5. You are aware of the educational goals for your child.

Mark only one oval.

Totally agree

Party agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Partly disagree

Totally disagree
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