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Lesson planning

This template can be used for individual lessons or a sequence of lessons in the
same topic.
Teacher’s initials: F. Essam School: Pakistan International School Cairo

Subject/age group: Year 3 Date:

Learning objectives:

Session: Learning intentions: Success criteria:

1.7 Looking at verbs  Remember what a verb is.  Learners know what a verb is.
 Look at verbs in the past  Learners can recognise past
tense. and present verbs.
 Understand that all sentences  Learners understand all
must have a verb. sentences needs a verb.

1 Resources:
 Cambridge English Learners book 3 P.23, 24, 26
 Verbs video
(34) Verbs | English Grammar & Composition Grade 3 | Periwinkle - YouTube
 Linking verbs and action verbs worksheet.
 Linking verbs and action verbs posters.
2 Language support, including any key vocabulary:
 verbs
 Linking verbs
 Action verbs
3 Introducing the lesson: Timing:
 Tap on students` prior knowledge and remind them what is 10 min
a verb by playing this video:
(34) Verbs | English Grammar & Composition Grade 3 |
Periwinkle - YouTube
 Ask students to underline all the verbs in The enormous
Crocodile story.
4 Main activities: Timing:
- Ask students to sort out the verbs in The Enormous 30 min
Crocodile into action verbs, saying verbs and linking verbs.
- Students will answer the action and linking verbs
- Remind students that complete sentences must include
verbs. Then ask students to answer Activity 1 Page 26 in the
Learners book.
- Ask students to create complete sentences using action
verbs and linking verbs independently.
5 Assessment opportunities: Formative
 Students will write complete sentences using action verbs and linking verbs.
6 Differentiation opportunities:
 Differentiation happened as following:
- Visual: Posters, PPP
- Kinesthetic: writing.
7 Plenary and reflection: Timing:
 The lesson will be wrapped up through questions: 5 min
- What is a verb?
- What is difference between action verbs and linking verbs?
8 Homework (if required):


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