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Issue 5
Summer 2017
A Middle-earth fanzine by the fans - for the fans

The Battle of Dale

Bard rallies the survivors of Lake-town against legions
of orcs in a desperate defence of the ruined city of men
Welcome to Dale! Regular readers will
remember that, in Issue 4’s Editorial, we
said we had just seen pictures of the
finished scenery for Issue 5 and now,
A Middle-earth fanzine by the fans - for the fans
nearly a year later, here it is! We’re
delighted to finally reveal Rick Fryer’s
Issue 5 latest masterpiece and we’ve tried to
Summer 2017 cram the issue with gorgeous pictures that
showcase the city in all its glory. It must
rank as one of the greatest gaming boards we’ve ever seen and Rick has
Created and Edited by:
Tom Harrison kindly divulged some of the secrets of its creation later in the issue.
Damian O’Byrne
Knowing that we had a stunning recreation of Dale to fight over, we quickly
Layout & Design: decided to theme the issue around the desperate conflict seen in The
Damian O’Byrne
Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Unfortunately, this required a selection
Copy Editor: of Lake-town Heroes that were yet to be released - step forward Dave
Tom Harrison Fredericks who scratch-sculpted five models for us in just two weeks!
Full details of how he achieved this remarkable feat can be found in Dave’s
Principal Photography: Speed Sculpting article later in the issue. Dave also joined James Long and
Jim Muller
Steve Crowe in taking part in this issue’s battle report, a spectacular game
Article Contributors: featuring five-hundred models! Elsewhere in the issue, Jamie Giblin returns
Steve Crowe, Dave Fredericks, with part two of his White Council Tactica and Kev Lawrence is back with
Rick Fryer, Jamie Giblin, Kev another Painting Masterclass, focusing on everyone’s favourite disturber of
Lawrence, James Long, Joseph A. the peace, Gandalf the Grey. Finally, Frostgrave author Joseph A. McCullough
has written a fascinating article about his thirty years of gaming in Middle-
All images reproduced with earth. In another example of the bizarre publishing schedule of SBG,
the kind permission of the Joseph actually finished this article in March 2016 - nearly eighteen months
photographers: ago - so we’re delighted to finally be able to share it with you all!
Matt Davies, Dave Fredericks,
Rick Fryer, Kev Lawrence, Joseph
As always, Jim Muller has ensured that the magazine is full of incredible
A. McCullough, Jim Muller
photographs and we couldn’t be more grateful for his continued aid and
expertise. Perhaps more than ever, Lily and Emma deserve our thanks
for their unwavering support during a production process that was
Contact us: occasionally interrupted by some very pressing real-life demands! Damian’s
daughter was born nearly four weeks early - four days before the battle
report was played! Thankfully, Damian got his priorities right and so was on
‘Daddy duty’ as The Battle of Dale raged - the first time one of us has been
absent from the battle report. In addition, towards the end of production,
Tom was seemingly working every hour of the day, meaning that this issue
was produced almost exclusively remotely via phone calls and email. This is
a highly unusual arrangement for us and there were times where we were
genuinely concerned that we’d never finish the issue. However, the support
and encouragement from the community was incredible and we somehow
managed to struggle through and produce another issue that we’re very
proud of. You’ll be pleased to hear that we haven’t learnt our lesson and
plans are already being formulated for Issues 6 to 9! However, that’s a story
for another day, until then, have fun in Dale!
Enjoy the issue,
Damian & Tom
SBG Towers 2
We reveal the winner of Issue 4’s The Hunt for Thrain competition as

well as announcing another ‘hunt’ for this issue and much more
Of Dice and Men - Part 1 3
Tom returns with the first of two articles examining how best to use
probability to increase your chances of success on the tabletop
Cubes of Woe 7
Tom takes a look back at some of the most infamous dice disasters in
the history of the Great British Hobbit League... and laughs
A Lifetime of Tolkien Gaming 8
Frostgrave author Joseph A. McCullough discusses the wide variety of

Middle-earth games that have inspired him over the last thirty years
Tactica - Elven Spell-casters 12
In part two of his exploration of the most effective applications of
Good magic, Jamie Giblin examines the elves of the White Council
Battle Report - The Battle of Dale 16
4 players, 6000 points, 500 models and Rick Fryer’s incredible Dale
board all help to make this our most spectacular bat-rep yet
Building Middle-earth - Dale House 36

Rick Fryer explains how he built one of the many houses that
populate his latest stunning scenery project - the ruined city of Dale
Speed Sculpting - Heroes of the Lake 40
Dave Fredericks reveals how he was able to sculpt Hilda, Percy, Bain,
Sigrid and Tilda for this issue’s battle report in just two weeks
Painting Masterclass - Gandalf the Grey 42
Kev Lawrence returns with a detailed tutorial on how best to achieve
a fantastic finish on everyone’s favourite wizard - the Grey Pilgrim
Hobby BLOG, Supporting SBG & Competition 44
We explain how you can support future issues of SBG and win
enough GenerationShift bases for a 500 point army in the process! 40
Even Gandalf wants to make sure he
gets all the back issues of SBG! A
limited number of physical copies of
Issues 1, 2, 3 and 4 are still available -
see page 45 for how to get yours!

Thanks to Chris Young for making us

the beautiful SBG objective markers -
fine work and very much appreciated!

2017 Issue 5 SBG 1

SBG owers

Behind the scenes news snippets from SBG

The hunt for thrain

In Issue 4, we ran a competition to see if anyone could
Page Location
spot all the Thrain the Brokens [Ed - Broki?] lurking inside
the pages of the magazine. Thrain is a sneaky dwarf and 1
* Facing Gandalf in the box out
* On the cover of Issue 3
we were pleased to see that the puzzle proved so devious
* On the cover of Issue 3 (x3)
that the correct answer was not submitted until February * In the ‘Where’s Thrain’ competition
2017 - some four months after we launched! Of all his 3 * Out of focus at the front of the picture
sneaky antics, the one that most people missed was the fact that 4 * Jumping on Gandalf
Thrain features on the cover of SBG Issue 3 which accounted for an * Directly where Damian is pointing
additional five appearances (see right). We would like to congratulate * Lurking behind Gandalf in the lower picture
David Shirra on being the first person to correctly spot all twenty- 6 * Fighting Gandalf in the picture
three of the Thrains on the correct pages, winning a long out-of- 13
* In the ruins just above the Mirkwood
Rangers (x2)
production Mahud King on Camel - courtesy of Christian Sørup
17 * Facing The Necromancer
Jensen - in the process. We are excited to see if Dave can repeat his
20 * At the back left of the army picture
success by being the first to find all the hidden Alfrids in this issue!
* Under the bridge in the middle of the

deployment picture
22 * Underneath Legolas
Damian: Emma and I are delighted to announce 23 * Next to Beorn
that Charlotte Arwen O’Byrne was born at 9:30pm 26 * Fighting a Hunter Orc
on 14th March 2017 - three weeks and four days * In the centre of the page
early (although she claims that she arrived precisely * Above the Bat Swarm in the army picture
when she meant to). As you can see from the 44 * On the cover of Issue 3 in Barry’s picture
picture, Charlotte’s Middle-earth/wargaming career 45 * To the right of Gandalf in the prize picture
is already well underway - although let’s face it,
with a name like that, she never stood a chance! Where’s Alfrid?
Here we go again!
Once we have set our how’s
Alfrid spends most of
the Battle of the Five
final print deadline
Armies cowering, out
for an issue, there’s
of sight, in the ruins of
no rest here at SBG
Dale. But how many
Towers, even if you
times does Damian’s
have ace Centre
Alfrid Lickspittle model appear
Court tickets for
in this issue of SBG? Email
Wimbledon! Here’s
the correct answer to us
Damian smashing
(along with the page numbers
out some proof- Tom: Lily was br
ought in to help to prove you have not just
reading (he’s loving Tom’s Of Dice and with
some of the stats guessed) and the first person
Men article if you can’t see) whilst for my Of
Dice and Men artic to send in the correct answer
waiting for Andy Murray to take to le in this issue.
Here she is worki will win a brand new version
the court! [Ed - that’s FOUR tennis ng ou t the obscure
probability that an of the Warhammer World
puns there, you’re SO welcome]. yone would be
able to put up with exclusive miniature!
me for a lifetime.
We want to say a huge thanks to James Long for stepping up and writing this issue’s Battle Report and helping
us to get the issue finished on time! It’s the first time that an SBG Battle Report hasn’t been written by Tom or
Damian and we’re sure you’ll agree that James did a great job - turn to page 16 to get stuck in and find out!
2 SBG Issue 5 2017
Of Dice and Men - Part 1


Tom didn’t write an article for Issue 4, which means advantage in a game. Of course,
it’s been well over a year since he last blessed the there’s so much complexity at
magazine with his peculiar blend of charm, tactics work in our wonderful game
and extreme maths. In this first part of a nerd-tastic that it is simply not possible
to discuss all of the beautifully
probability investigation, he attempts to ruin the fun
interesting probabilities and
of rolling dice for everyone. You’ve been warned... possibilities in one article - so
this is only the beginning! In this
The Hobbit: Strategy Battle Game Battle Game; the simple reality issue, I will be concentrating on
is a wonderfully tactical game is that this group of players are a few basic concepts that may
in which players can develop extremely skilled at the game. help you on your way to winning
tactics and strategies to enhance Part of this ‘skill’ comes down future games (or at least doing
their chances of success, just to these players’ ability to slightly better - there’s only
like chess. However, unlike chess, build an ‘efficient’ army list - a so much I can do for some of
our game also introduces an topic which I’ve explored in my you...). Look out for Part 2 in
element of luck in the form of previous SBG articles - while the next issue, where I’ll start
rolling dice, which makes things another part of this puzzle is to look at some more specific
altogether more interesting, as their ability to use probability to examples.
this can bring both glorious joy their advantage within a game.
and devastating pain to players So, is it even worth going to the
within a matter of minutes. Ah,
the humble six-sided dice - the
“I’m a geologist, laborious effort of calculating
statistics to help win games? At
perfect scapegoat for when not a statistician” present, I imagine that the bulk
things don’t go our way. How of readers would answer with
often have we cursed our luck It goes without saying that you a resounding ‘no’, but let’s see
and shouted at the Dice Gods need the right scenarios against if I can convince you otherwise
for abandoning us and snatching the right opponents and at the over the next few pages...
victory from our grasp? [Ed - right time during a tournament
see page 7 for some particularly to improve your chances of Disclaimer: if some of the
unfortunate examples]. winning but, in this article, I’ll probabilities in this article aren’t
concentrate specifically on the correct, it’s because I’m a geologist,
However, can we really blame fickle winds of fate associated not a statistician - SBG Towers
our losses on dice? Despite the with rolling dice and how you cannot afford a supercomputer* to
element of luck that dice bring can learn to use this to your run millions of simulations.
to the tabletop, the same group
of players always seem to find
their way to the top spots at
tournaments. Is this because
they’re luckier than everyone
else? General Eisenhower
once said that “Lucky generals
win battles, and they make me
lucky”, but while the World War
Two General would have you
think so, luck is not the major Who would you bet on to win this match-up? Turn the page to
factor in The Hobbit: Strategy discover the most sensible answer, the result may surprise you...

*OK, an average laptop and a person with far too much spare time could perform these calculations…
2017 Issue 5 SBG 3
Of Dice and Men - Part 1

As a first step in exploring how an understanding of

probability can help within the game, let’s assess the
importance of Fight value, Strength and Defence in
relation to survivability versus killing ability. After all,
I’m sure you’d want to know whether you were more
likely to kill your opponent than they you - if you could
ensure a favourable match-up in every Fight on the
board, you’d win every game, right?

Wood Elf vs. Moria Goblin

As a simple example, let’s start by imagining that a Wood 1 If all three elves fight:
Elf Warrior with a wood elf spear and a Moria Goblin 50% chance of one or more elves dying
Warrior with a shield are facing each other. The elf has 48% chance of one or more goblins dying
the Fight value advantage so you may well back it in this
match-up. And why not? The elf should win the Fight
58% of the time.

However, with a lowly Defence of 3, the elf dies on a 4+,

while only killing the goblin on a 5+ so, if the elf wins the
Fight, it has a 33% chance of killing the goblin, while the
goblin (who can Feint) has a whopping 58% chance of
killing should it win! What this leads to (look away now
if you backed the elf) is a 19% pre-Fight probability of
the elf killing the goblin but also a 24% of the elf dying -

2a If the elf on the far right fights:

not the best of odds for the skilful elf who costs more
points than the goblin.
51% chance of one or more elves dying
The key point is that having a better chance of winning 50% chance of one or more goblins dying

2b If the elf on the far right Parries:

the Fight can be less important than having better odds
of killing your opponent.You are probably intuitively
aware of this, even if you don’t think about the exact 38% chance of one or more elves dying
percentages every time you roll your dice because 41% chance of one or more goblins dying
you’re too busy shouting ‘DU BEKÂR!’, ‘BOSH!’ or
something equally useful...

So, clearly, the tactic for an elf player is to avoid 1v1

Fights if possible, right? Well, not so fast - for those who
love a bit of statistics, let’s see what the best option is
when there are more models in play [Ed - and for those
who don’t love statistics, it’s probably best to turn to page 8].

Let’s extend our example and imagine a scenario in

which three Wood Elf Warriors with wood elf spears are
up against three Moria Goblin Warriors with spears (be
thankful that I’ve not included any shield-armed goblins
3a If the elf on the far left fights:
43% chance of one or more elves dying
as the various permutations would fill the next forty-
48% chance of one or more goblins dying
two pages...). As the elf player, if you win Priority, what
should you do? Assuming you’re actually trying to win
the battle by killing the opposition, rather than trying to
3b If the elf on the far left Parries:
38% chance of one or more elves dying
Parry to stay alive, there are five main options available 34% chance of one or more goblins dying
to you, all of which are shown in the picture to the right.
4 SBG Issue 5 2017
Of Dice and Men - Part 1

As you may have guessed from elf player to kill multiple goblins us down the ‘1v1 Fights is a bad
earlier in the article, three in this scenario and there is tactical move’ route.
1v1 Fights (example 1) is not almost a 4% chance of two of
a favourable option for the elf your precious elves dying. Another key point to
player. However, whilst this may understand from this scenario
encourage the elf player to avoid Both option 2b and 3a have is that if your Warriors have a
1v1 Fights, it might surprise their merits and it really comes lower Fight value (and especially
you to learn that the most down to your objective - if you if you have better killing power),
favourable option (example 3a) need to break your opponent then reducing your opponent to
actually includes a 1v1 Fight. quickly, then option 3a is best, as only one dice is usually the best
you’re more likely to kill more option. Of course, the battlefield
I deliberately chose a three-on- goblins. However, in option 3a, is unlikely to be staged in such
three scenario to demonstrate you’re more likely to die faster a way where you can engineer
that there are times when the too, so option 2b could be a simple set of 1v1 Fights, so it’s
elf player should choose 1v1 used if you need to break your up to you to employ flanking
Fights, however unfavourable opponent whilst also trying to tactics etc. to make this happen.
they are individually. Of course, avoid breaking yourself! If you’re
if this scenario was extended feeling particularly reckless, The more complex tactic
to four elves and four goblins, there is a way of increasing outlined in this scenario is the
then the elf player would be far your odds of killing at least one use of Parrying (or, for anyone
better off making two identical goblin (example 2a), but this is a else who isn’t a wood elf,
2v2 Fights in which one wood risky strategy as you’re actually Shielding) to potentially give you
elf with a spear-supporting more likely to lose one of your better killing power elsewhere
friend charges two goblins. models than your opponent. and swing the odds in your
However, the elf player will not favour - a tactic more often
always have this luxury and so What this simple example employed by players whose
the three-on-three setup makes hopefully shows [Ed - Simple? Warriors have a higher Defence
for a more interesting example. You lost me at ‘As you may have than our poorly armoured elf.
guessed...’] is that it can be
The reason option 3a is the useful to have an idea of what So, now we’ve thought about
most preferable is because it combinations will produce the favourable Fight combinations,
gives you the opportunity to kill best outcome for you across perhaps it’s worth taking a
three goblins (unlike example all of your Fights, rather than closer look at another one of
3b), while the most you can lose just thinking about each Fight in the critical pieces in the jigsaw -
is two elves. In addition, the 2v2 isolation, which would have led the To Wound chart.
Fight is more heavily weighted in
the elves’ favour, as Fight value
becomes more important when
you increase the number of dice
you’re rolling in a Duel.

However, there is another viable

option available to the elf player:
to have one outnumbered elf
Parry alongside a favourable
2v1 Fight (example 2b). This
setup means that, across the
two Fights, the elf player is
more likely to kill at least one
Ever needed to roll ten 6s in a single throw? Good luck with that,
goblin than lose at least one
your odds are about 1-in-60 million - you’ve got more chance of
elf. However, because of the
winning The National Lottery! Assuming you buy a ticket of course...
Parrying, there is no way for the
2017 Issue 5 SBG 5
Of Dice and Men - Part 1

The To Wound Chart Wound instead of a 4+, then Don’t Be Hasty...

they effectively need three extra
The To Wound chart in The dice in the Fight. If you can get In conclusion, it’s obvious that
Hobbit: Strategy Battle Game is a to Defence 8 (*cough* Iron nobody is going to sit down
statistician’s delight and learning Hills Dwarves *cough*), then mid-game and work out every
to use it to your advantage can your odds of survival improve single permutation across the
make a huge difference to your further still, as an opponent battlefield (at least you’d hope
odds of winning a game. One needing a 6x4+ would require not...) and, in the elf-goblin
quirk of the To Wound chart is a whopping eight dice to match example, other variables such
that it makes certain Strength the probability of rolling a single as Fury and Nature’s Wrath could
and Defence values particularly 4+. Just look at the snazzy graph make things exponentially more
appealing, as they can really above if you don’t believe me. complicated. However, I’d still
swing the balance of probability argue that taking your time to
in your favour when it comes So, other than picking higher assess which permutations are
to wounding or being wounded. Defence models, how can we most favourable can help you to
Most Warriors in the game are use this information to our make better decisions, which can
Strength 3 or 4, so Defence 7 is advantage in a game? Well, it go on to have a dramatic effect
extremely useful as, most of the may seem obvious, but when on the outcome of the game.
time, your opponent will require charging Warriors into one Ultimately, it’s about recognising
6s To Wound you in combat. another, it’s important to think that the combined probability
Cheaper Defence 6 troops do about what your opponent will across all of your Fights is more
the same job if your opponent need to roll when wounding important than the probability
only has Strength 3 Warriors. you and similarly what you need of any individual Fight, however
to roll To Wound against them. favourable (or not) it appears.
But why is needing 6s To Wound You may even need to position
such a big deal? Well, if you’re your models a turn in advance I hope that this article has
trying to score at least one to ensure that you can have made you think about how
wound against your opponent, the appropriate match-ups - as an understanding of statistics
then having four dice needing outlined above, it can make all can help you on the tabletop.
a 6 is comparable to having the difference if your opponent Of course, there’s room for a
two dice needing a 5+, or just needs a 6 To Wound instead of little more, so I’ll be back in the
a single dice needing a 4+! So, a 5+ - simply charging into the next issue with Part 2 of my
if you can make your opponent closest model is often not the probability adventure and more
require a 6 when rolling To best thing to do! head-scratching fun - until then!
6 SBG Issue 5 2017
Cubes After spending so long investigating probability for this issue,
Tom thought it would be fun to delve back into the archives to

of Woe
examine some of the most infamous dice rolls in the history of
the Great British Hobbit League and discover just how unlikely
they really were - you may be surprised by the results!

Who? Ed Ball What? In a tournament-deciding game,

three of Ed’s Nazgûl on Fell Beasts are dismounted by a
Nature’s Wrath from Jamie Giblin’s Thranduil, despite Ed
resisting with 4 Will and having 2 Might remaining.
How bad? 1-in-16 chance - about the same chance
as Ed slipping on a banana skin and handing the
tournament to Jamie. No… wait.

Who? Jamie Giblin What? The infamous ‘#Bosh’ triple

1 roll - Jamie charges in with Éomer, crying ‘BOSH’ as
he rolls his three dice confidently and, well, the rest is
history... we even have #Bosh dice now!
How bad? 1-in-216 chance - apparently about the
same chance as you being a direct descendent of
Genghis Khan if you’re a man… 2
Who? Damian What? Damian can only manage a 3
highest on nine dice when a 4+ would win him the
Fight and almost certainly kill David Reid’s Fell Beast.
How bad? 1-in-512 chance - the same chance as
getting nine heads in a row when flipping a coin. Or,
more interestingly, as Charlotte being born with eleven
fingers or toes. I haven’t dared to ask Damian yet…
Who? Chris Middleton What? Chris brings his Cave
Troll into battle only for my Legolas to kill the beast in a
single round of shooting using no Might (that’s triple 6 To
Wound after three successful hits) and win the game.
How Bad? 1-in-729 chance - about the same chance
as having a fictional middle name like Arwen. OK, I’m
making this up but it seems about right, poor Charlotte... 3
Who? Larry Miller & George Tysoe What? Some of
the members of Thorin’s Company are fighting a Cave
Drake - thirteen Duel rolls lead to a 3 highest.
How Bad? 1-in-8,192 chance - about the same
chance as you being born with a first name of Arwen if
you’re a girl in the U.K. (and I’m not joking this time -
just check the Office for National Statistics 2015 stats!)
Who? Kamil Domanski What? A charging Elendil on
horse fails to score a single 4+ when rolling To Wound
for two turns in a row against Lucas Whitcroft White’s
Hunter Orcs - that’s sixteen dice in total!
How bad? 1-in-65,536 chance - the same chance as
being randomly selected to win a prize when the entire
population of Andorra has entered the competition. 4
2017 Issue 5 SBG 7
A Lifetime of Tolkien Gaming

L of
ifetime Gaming
Joseph A. McCullough is the author of the wildly
successful Frostgrave and has been playing games set
in Middle-earth for over thirty years. In this article,
he discusses the various titles that captivated him as
He learnt how to play the game
himself, taught it to me, and
became my first ‘games master’.
I can still clearly remember
a child and an adult alike, and explores quite where my first character, a Beorning
our very own The Hobbit: Strategy Battle Game fits in! ranger named Bondag. My father
ran adventures for me and my
The release of Peter Jackson’s The wall of my mother’s study - it school friends and even painted
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship contained a picture of a man some miniatures to help to bring
of the Ring in 2001 sent shock- lying on the ground, pierced with the game to life. My father had
waves through the geek world as arrows whilst another man leaned never played an RPG or painted
millions of people, young and old, over him, preparing to kiss his a miniature before and, as far as
were introduced to the world of forehead. It was such a sad scene I know, he’s never done either
J.R.R. Tolkien for the first time. that I wondered why my mother since, but he had always enjoyed
Understandably, many of those kept it on her wall - I probably telling stories and maybe he
new fans felt such a connection asked, and she probably answered, relished the chance to tell some
to Middle-earth that they needed but I don’t remember. It is no stories based in Middle-earth.
a way to continue to immerse longer a question I need to ask.
themselves in this mythical realm. For those who have never come
Many made this connection across Middle-earth Role Playing,
through a wonderful game played “What on Middle-earth you are missing out. Apart from
with beautiful little miniatures was a Balrog doing at the works of Tolkien, it is probably
that you might have heard of - Mount Doom?” the greatest collection of creative
The Fellowship of the Ring: Strategy fiction set in Middle-earth. Over
Battle Game. I had the pleasure the years, Iron Crown Enterprises
of watching this great movement I can’t say exactly when my produced dozens of books filled
from the front row whilst I was parents introduced me to Tolkien, with adventures and detailed
working in a gaming store - I had but by the time I was 10, they had information about Tolkien’s world.
been playing Games Workshop already read The Hobbit to me Many of these books featured
games for years and, for me, the several times and The Lord of the stunning cover artwork and none
arrival of the The Fellowship of the Rings once. I cried the first time I were so glorious as those painted
Ring: Strategy Battle Game was not heard Gandalf fall from the Bridge by Angus McBride. Before Peter
so much a beginning as a climax of Khazad Dûm. It was soon Jackson’s films came along, Angus
to years of Tolkien gaming. after that first reading of The McBride was the largest influence
Lord of the Rings that I brought on how I visualised The Lord of the
I am a rare breed of geek: a home a Dungeons & Dragons box Rings and it is from him that I still
second-generation Tolkien fan. set from a yard sale. When my get my personal vision of hobbits
My parents discovered The Lord father saw me struggling with the and orcs. Just run an internet
of the Rings when they were in game, he did something rather search for ‘Angus McBride
college and both became lifelong extraordinary: he went out and Middle-earth’ and you’ll begin to
fans. One of my earliest memories bought a copy of Middle-earth Role understand why I regard him as
is of a calendar that hung on the Playing by Iron Crown Enterprises. such a wonderful artist.
8 SBG Issue 5 2017
A Lifetime of Tolkien Gaming

O h We LO
Iron Crown Enterprises produced
Middle-earth Role Playing for
♥ ES games
early computer games. The first
one I really loved was a 1988
By the time I went to university,
I was pretty deep into the world
fifteen years from 1984 (when I game called War in Middle-earth, of gaming - I even took a job at
was 8) to 1999, when they lost where you controlled the forces my local gaming store. Those
the licence. I was such a big fan of good during the War of the were the days when Magic: The
of the game and such a devotee Ring and played over a huge map Gathering was in the ascendancy.
to Tolkien that I convinced my of Middle-earth.Your main task Not only did it dominate the
mother, who was a freelance was to destroy the One Ring, gaming scene, it spawned a huge
writer, that we should write our but you could also move all of host of imitators hoping to cash
own supplement. She got in touch the armies of the Free Peoples. in on the collectable card game
with Iron Crown, one thing led to I don’t know how long I played craze. One of these games was
another and a book entitled The that game, surely many weeks, but the Middle-earth Collectable Card
Grey Mountains was published in I remember the day I stopped. Game put out by Iron Crown
1992 with my name in the credits! I was close - Frodo and Sam Enterprises. The initial set for the
In truth, my mom did most of the had trudged across the plains game was called The Wizards,
work; I just came up with a few of Gorgoroth and they had just where each player took on the
of the ideas and worked out the reached the base of Mount Doom role of one of the five wizards,
stats for monsters. Still, it was a when the game beeped and said gathered a group of followers
proud moment for me and my that they had encountered a and attempted to rally the forces
first professional publication. Balrog! What on Middle-earth was of Middle-earth against Sauron,
a Balrog doing at Mount Doom? or collect powerful magic items
Along with being a writer, my Anyway, Frodo and Sam were that could be used in the War
mother was a first generation killed. I never played the game of the Ring. Alternatively, players
computer programmer and, as again and, in truth, I’ve not been a could go for the ‘insta-win’ by
a result, I played a lot of the big fan of video games ever since. destroying the One Ring.

Joe’s first publication, The Grey Mountains - co-authored by his mother - hit gaming stores back in 1992!

2017 Issue 5 SBG 9

A Lifetime of Tolkien Gaming

was dice - unlike most collectable was frustrated with the scale of
card games, the Middle-earth the figures - all of my life, I had
variant required a pair of six-sided been painting 28mm ‘heroic scale’
dice, so a special set of dice was figures, but the first miniatures
created that featured the flaming in the range were closer to true
eye on one side. I can’t remember 25mm and I found this smaller
exactly how one acquired these size extremely difficult to paint.
dice but each pair consisted of a
black one with red characters and The final reason, and one I’m
Joe’s favourite Middle-earth red one with black characters. slightly embarrassed to admit, was
themed dice from the Middle- Somehow, I managed to get my snobbery, as I was initially put off
earth Collectable Card Game hands on three of the black ones by the huge influx of new Tolkien
and these remain my favourite fans who had swarmed into the
It wasn’t a bad game by any Middle-earth dice of all time. store after seeing the movie.
stretch, but it was a bit slow and They hadn’t even read the books
never really achieved the quick Then came 2001 and the release and they certainly hadn’t loved
‘fencing-match’ style of back- of the greatest film of all time! I Tolkien like I had! At the time that
and-forth that makes Magic: The took half a day off work in order The Fellowship of the Ring: Strategy
Gathering such an enduring game. to see it for the first time and Battle Game was released, there
Still, it survived for five years and went on to see it four more times were also many who scoffed at
even spawned several expansions at the cinema. Given that I was it, calling it a kids’ game when
which allowed you to play as such a huge fan of both The Lord compared to the complexity of
Nazgûl, ‘Fallen’ Wizards and even of the Rings and Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000 and other
the Balrog. it may come as a surprise that similar wargames. And so, for
I did not get into The Fellowship several years, I paid little attention
From my point of view, two great of the Ring: Strategy Battle Game to the game, although I must
things came out of this card game when it was first released, so let admit that I did pick up the odd
- the first being the production me explain my reasoning. Firstly, miniature here and there.
of loads of new Tolkien artwork, I was put-off by the first box set
some of which was released as released for the game as I had Then, sometime between the
limited-edition prints (I managed no real interest in the battles of release of The Two Towers and The
to get a really cool print of the Second Age and I couldn’t Return of the King, I made a pivotal
the Palantír of Orthanc - it’s understand why Games Workshop life decision - I quit my job and
probably lost in my parents’ attic had only included Second Age went to do a one year Master’s
somewhere...). The second thing forces in the box. Additionally, I Degree in Creative Writing at
Bangor University in North Wales.
I had been trying to write fiction
for several years and decided
that what I really needed was
to go someplace new, inspiring,
and a little bit wild. Well, Bangor
was all of those things... I never
completed the course, but I did
meet a very nice young woman
who I ended up marrying!

We spent the first few months of

our marriage living in a grubby flat
in Bangor while I was unable to
The remnants of Joe’s once proud Mithril Miniatures Angmar army - work due to visa issues; while this
not quite as menacing now that they’re missing a few limbs! was, in many ways, a rather grey,
depressing time, it was also when
10 SBG Issue 5 2017
A Lifetime of Tolkien Gaming

I discovered my love for The Lord Tolkien led me to live in the city it is the best game that Games
of the Rings: Strategy Battle Game. with which he is most associated Workshop has ever produced.
and I can proudly say that I have There are many reasons for this,
Like so many good things in had more than one happy drink at but I think the true stroke of
my life, my new-found love of The Eagle and Child! innovative genius is Might, which
the game was really down to means Heroes can be played
my wife; she was a big fan of Working for Osprey has given as either killing machines or as
The Lord of the Rings movies me numerous wonderful battlefield leaders. I think it is this
herself and wondered how I opportunities - one of the best element, more than any other,
could love Tolkien and painting was meeting Alessio Cavatore, that has seen the game endure for
figures so much, yet not paint the principle designer behind The a decade and a half.
the figures that went with the
films. She bought me a couple
of figures, then a couple more,
“The Hobbit: Strategy Battle Game is the best
then she bought me the ‘Big Blue game that Games Workshop has ever produced”
Rulebook’ for Christmas. Quickly,
all of the reasons I had for not Two Towers: Strategy Battle Game These days, with the birth of
playing the game seemed a bit silly and getting the chance to talk my children and the release and
and I recognised my snobbery for game-design philosophy and hear success of my own wargame,
what it was. I got used to painting a few insider stories about the Frostgrave, I only play The Hobbit:
the smaller figures (although creation of the game. I’ve also had Strategy Battle Game occasionally.
by then they had started to get the chance to work professionally That said, it’s a great way to relax.
bigger anyway) and with the with Mark Latham, one of the I still paint the figures when I can
release of Gondorians - well, I editors of De Agostini’s Battle and in the years to come, who
was hooked! Games in Middle-earth magazine knows what new games will be
and Matthew Ward who designed created based on the imaginary
When my wife graduated from Games Workshop’s War of the Ring. world of Tolkien. I’ll be surprised
university, we were both at loose if we ever see another that is as
ends - I had even unsuccessfully As one might expect, meeting well-developed, as comprehensive,
applied for a job at Games and talking to such big names in and as well-supported as The
Workshop. But then something the history of The Hobbit: Strategy Hobbit: Strategy Battle Game but, of
happened that I did not intend, Battle Game has done nothing but course, there’s always room for
the spirit of Tolkien came to me. increase my love for the game. Far a little more and, hopefully, there
I have already mentioned that from being the kids’ game I once will be many more wonderful
I was big fan of the paintings of thought it was, I now believe that Middle-earth titles in the future.
Angus McBride and, as a result, I
followed his career with interest.
As well as his work on Middle-
earth, McBride was also famous
for painting for a publisher called
Osprey Publishing that produced
highly-illustrated military history
books. Thanks to McBride, I had
been a fan of Osprey for years and
when I saw a job vacancy on their
website, I jumped on it.

Long story short, I got the job,

my wife and I moved to Oxford
and I have been here working Some of Joe’s earliest books from Middle-earth Role Playing - the first
for Osprey ever since, over ten steps on the road to his career and a lifetime of Tolkien gaming
years now! Indirectly, my love for
2017 Issue 5 SBG 11
Tactica - Elven Spell-casters

In Issue 4, Jamie Giblin began to discuss how best to utilise the White Council - the most
powerful collective of Good magic in the game. Having previously examined the mighty
Istari, Jamie now turns his attention to the elves, who have a soft spot in his heart
since they have helped him to victory in many tournaments. Once again, Jamie will be
picking his favourite version of each White Council Hero, examining their battlefield
role and then analysing what their other profiles have to offer - over to Jamie!

Elven Spell-casters reliably use her free Will point to

launch attacks on enemy spirits
being Transfixed! So, give Galadriel
some exercise at the start of the
and put them under pressure game by making her run from
Galadriel, Lady of Light from the outset. Hero to Hero, Fortifying them
before the lines clash.
“Counter to Magic, Spirit Bane” In contrast to Banishment,
Galadriel’s Fortify Spirit is an In addition to these two spells,
Galadriel, Lady of Light’s spells exclusively supportive spell; when Galadriel has two incredibly useful
are unique to her profile, which cast successfully on herself or a Special Rules. The Light of Eärendil
makes playing with her an friendly model, that model gets means that Galadriel effectively
interesting experience. Banishment two free dice to resist spells. counts as having cast Channelled
is undoubtedly the greatest spell If Channelled, the model also Blinding Light but without having
in the Good magic arsenal for receives +1 to their resist rolls, to expend any Might or Will to
dealing with spirits, as it instantly so you’ll never need to roll higher do so. In addition, as the effect
inflicts a wound on these foul than a 5 with your two free is automatic, Galadriel does not
beings (namely The Necromancer dice to resist any spell. To make need to waste a turn casting the
and his Nazgûl, but don’t forget things even better, Galadriel casts spell when she could be casting
Shades, Barrow-Wights, Castellans Fortify Spirit on a 2+! This allows a crucial Fortify Spirit on another
of Dol Guldur and even The Galadriel to make your Heroes Hero, a huge boon which gives
Balrog!). Given that Galadriel and monsters effectively immune her the edge over Gandalf and
casts this spell on a 3+, you can to what they fear the most - Círdan (see box out).

If you choose to take to the table with a fully assembled White Council army, then you can expect to
devastate the enemy with your magical onslaught - good luck tracking all of those Will points though!

12 SBG Issue 5 2017

Tactica - Elven Spell-casters

Banish That! Whilst Galadriel’s Banishment might make her the best anti-spirit model in the game, even
she will find it tough to deal with The Necromancer, The Nazgûl and eight Castellans of Dol Guldur!

Galadriel’s second Special Rule, of that Jamie, there’s more than

War Aspect, gives enemy models
within 6" a -1 penalty to their
Courage. Use this to your
enough probability nonsense in Tom’s
article for one issue]. WHAT ABOUT...
advantage by positioning Galadriel With the combination of
in such a way that makes it Banishment to destroy spirits and
difficult for enemies to charge Fortify Spirit to protect your own
Terror-causing models (particularly Heroes, Galadriel, Lady of Light is
useful given that several members clearly the most effective counter
of the White Council cause to Evil spell-casters in the game.
Terror).You can also use her to put
pressure on low Courage enemy Galadriel: Despite not having
Heroes once you have Broken Fortify Spirit, Galadriel is still
your opponent - it’s always great effective against enemy spell- Círdan? The Shipwright
when a Hero runs away because casters thanks to her free Will has fallen on hard times
of the -1 modifier! point not being attached to a and it’s difficult to justify his
inclusion as he is competing
“Galadriel, Lady of Light is clearly the most directly with Galadriel to
provide protection from
effective counter to Evil spell-casters in the game” shooting via Blinding Light.
While he does have the
Galadriel, Lady of Light also has staff that can be broken. Keep it fantastic Aura of Dismay spell,
excellent magical synergy with simple - use her to protect your Thranduil also has this and
all other member of the White army from shooting with Blinding is a much stronger choice.
Council. When Galadriel casts Light, then focus on shutting down Worst of all is Círdan’s
Channelled Fortify Spirit on a enemy Heroes and monsters with complete disregard for his
White Council member, the One her copious amount of Will and own safety - turning up to
of Purpose army list Special Rule 3+ Immobilise. Top Tip: keep her as every battle unarmed, un-
stacks with the bonus granted by far away from combat as possible! armoured and with 1 measly
Channelling the spell to give an Might makes him completely
amazing +2 to resist on two free Galadriel, Protectress of useless in a Fight. Maybe it’s
dice - giving these Heroes a 75% Lothlórien: A worse version of time for Círdan to sail off
chance of resisting at worst, even Galadriel, Lady of Light. Top Tip: into the sunset…
before Might is used [Ed - enough leave her in the display cabinet.
2017 Issue 5 SBG 13
Tactica - Elven Spell-casters

also has the spell Renew, which

Elrond, Lord of the West
WHAT ABOUT... “Combat Hero, Support Caster”
can help to keep your slightly
squishier Heroes (or even Elrond
himself!) in the fight for longer
At first glance, it is evident - we’ve all had that moment
that Elrond is not on par with where a stray arrow has wounded
Galadriel or the Istari in terms of Saruman or Galadriel early in the
Magical Powers. He only boasts game only for it to prove to be
two spells and 3 Will points, their eventual downfall.
hardly earth-shaking stuff and
barely worth including in the However, Elrond’s true strength
article, right? Wrong! Elrond lies in his combat potential: 3
Celeborn? Celeborn is a comes with Nature’s Wrath, Attacks, an elven blade and the
Hero who sits in an odd which is literally earth-shaking ability to Heroic Strike for free
place in The Hobbit: Strategy [Ed - HA!] and knocks all enemy (via Champion of the Free Peoples)
Battle Game. He has strong models within 6" Prone - this allow Elrond to go toe-to-toe
base stats, with 3 Attacks, can be invaluable when you find with any foe. My recommendation
Wounds, Might and Fate; yourself outnumbered and need would be to use Elrond to
however, his standard profile to either escape or get some charge the big gribbly thing you
leaves him both unarmed
and without armour, so you
have to pay a ‘tax’ to get the
“Elrond’s true strength lies in his combat potential”
most out of these great stats
- making it hard to justify killing done. Nature’s Wrath also Immobilised with Celeborn (see
his inclusion over Elrond or offers a much needed boost to box out), especially since Elrond’s
Thranduil in a White Council forces - like elves - that struggle defensive stats of Defence 7, 3
army. His Immobilise and Aura to wound high Defence models, Wounds and 3 re-rollable Fate
of Command spells are a nice as the double strikes when rolling (thanks to Vilya) mean he should
bonus, but with only 3 Will To Wound against Prone models survive a round of combat with
I’d stick to Immobilising big dramatically improves their killing most beasts in Middle-earth even
threats at key moments. Pair power. However, Arwen (see box if the Immobilise was unsuccessful.
him up with Galadriel for a out), Stormcallers and Thranduil Besides, even if Elrond is
match made in Aman. are cheaper alternatives that wounded, he can just heal it next
provide the same ability. Elrond turn with a timely Renew!

1 2
Having lost the Heroic Move roll-off, the Rivendell Knights have been charged by Hunter Orcs and will
likely suffer heavy losses. Thankfully, Elrond’s Terror Special Rule has prevented him from being charged,
allowing him to cast a timely Nature’s Wrath in a move that should help to devastate the Evil line instead.

14 SBG Issue 5 2017

Tactica - Elven Spell-casters

Elven spell-casters can be very useful outside of a pure White Council army - Celeborn and Galadriel
make effective and thematic leaders around which to build an army based on the defence of Lothlórien

Elrond works well in an all-Hero the exception of not having the

force where Might is a precious
commodity and having a Fight
value of 7 or higher every turn
WHAT ABOUT... Champion of the Free Peoples
Special Rule. The loss of this
fantastic bonus, coupled with the
is key. In higher points games, inability to take a horse, means
Gandalf is a thematic and than this version of Elrond is only
effective partner to Elrond, as his worth including if you need to
Strengthen Will can keep Elrond’s bolster your numbers.
Nature’s Wrath a constant threat
or provide potentially infinite Elrond, Master of Rivendell:
healing through Renew! In this guise, Elrond wears no
armour but costs more points
Elrond (from House of Elrond): Arwen? Arwen is one than any other Elrond profile.
Although he does not have the of the few Heroes in the His selling points are Foresight of
Champion of the Free Peoples White Council who can be the Eldar, which allows Elrond to
Special Rule, this version of mounted on a horse. This is influence your Priority roll up or
Elrond has the advantage of being a crucial bit of wargear that down a limited number of times,
able to take a horse and lead one can also increase the killing and the Wrath of Bruinen, which is
of the game’s most competitive potential of other members a slightly more powerful version
troop types: Rivendell Knights. of the White Council; charge of Nature’s Wrath (or a super-
The extra mobility, killing power Arwen and Galadriel, Lady of powerful version if cast in water).
and increased Nature’s Wrath Light into an infantry model However, these two bonuses are
range that come with having a and they’ll prove that girl simply not worth the additional
mount are viewed by many as power is alive and kicking in point cost and loss of armour. Top
more valuable than a free Heroic Middle-earth! Just like Elrond, Tip: don’t pick him unless you’re
Strike, making this the ‘best’ Arwen can cast Nature’s playing in Lake-town or the
Elrond for some players. Wrath and by using Arwen to middle of the Sundering Seas...
provide the magical support,
Elrond (from Eregion and Elrond can preserve his Will Do you agree with
Rivendell): Elrond can lead for resisting those pesky my assessment? Let
High Elf troops in this form but Transfixes, making for an me know over on
is otherwise identical to his effective and thematic father- the GBHL Podcast
Lord of the West profile with daughter partnership. YouTube Channel.

2017 Issue 5 SBG 15

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

hen we first set eyes on Rick Fryer’s magnificent Dale board back in
September 2016, we knew that we had to put together something truly
spectacular for this issue’s Battle Report. James Long, Steve Crowe and
Dave Fredericks jumped at the chance to join in, but first there was the small
matter of figuring out what we were going to do with almost five-hundred models...

The Battle of Dale

Damian: And so we come to it at last - the great
battle of our time! It’s safe to say that Tom and I
had been waiting to play this battle report for a very
long time. Rick started work on the Dale board in
July 2015 (just after Issue 2 was published for those
keeping track) and was sending through work-
in-progress pictures throughout the design and
production of Issues 3 and 4! This meant that, even
during the eighteen months we spent trapped in Dol
Guldur, Dale was always there in the back of our
minds and we had lots of time to plan something
truly exceptional. Our goal was simple in theory,
but ambitious in practice - to gather enough models You’re Not a Man, You’re a Weasel: Alfrid’s true
to fill the board and accurately recreate the epic nature has been well and truly exposed by this point
fight scenes from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five in the story and he is not above hurting his fellow
Armies in the largest SBG battle report yet! This Lake-towners to ensure his own survival. In this
undertaking would require us to source hundreds battle, Alfrid’s Dubious Council has no effect and he
of Gundabad orcs, Lake-town Militia and Mirkwood is controlled by the player with Priority. If the Evil
Elves and somehow bring them all to the SBG player charges him into a Good model, then the
Towers photo studio [Copy Ed - Lily’s parents’ house in Good model will fight him as normal and attempt
Aynho…] over the same weekend. to ‘knock him out’ - if Alfrid is wounded by a Good
model, rather than removing him or using his Fate
So, to boost our own modest armies, Tom and I point, place him Prone.
got in touch with players whose collections fit the
bill. Before long, Dave Fredericks, Steve Crowe and Reinforcements: Despite the huge scale of the
James Long were all signed up and so it was that we scenario, this is still only a small part of the battle
descended on the studio in Aynho for one heck of raging throughout Dale and more warriors are
a game! With such a unique game ahead, we knew arriving all the time. At the end of the Good player’s
we’d have to create a scenario ourselves, so we Move phase, roll a dice for any Lake-town Militia
decided to use the following three Special Rules: killed earlier in the battle, on a 5+ they may re-enter
from any table edge. Similarly, at the end of the Evil
Azog’s Orders: The Gundabad Orc Captains in this player’s Move phase, roll a dice for every Gundabad
battle are the most cunning of Azog’s commanders - Orc Warrior killed earlier in the battle, on a 5+ they
they gain the Master of Battle Special Rule. may re-enter from any table edge.
16 SBG Issue 5 2017
Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

Victory Conditions With the scenario written, we were all

eagerly awaiting the day of the battle.
With such a unique game involving so many models and However, as explained in the Editorial, life
such an intricate gaming board, we knew we’d need to sometimes finds a way to destroy the
keep the victory conditions simple. After watching the best laid plans and I was delighted to be
scene from the film several times, we realised that the unexpectedly called away from attending the
Battle of Dale was primarily about controlling the city as battle report by Charlotte’s early arrival. With
a strategic asset, so we decided that controlling buildings that, I had no choice but to hand over the
at the end of the game should be an important factor in reigns to Tom. Oh dear...
deciding the winner. In addition, the actions of the Good
Heroes and the Evil monsters clearly had a huge impact in Tom: And so it fell to me to deploy the
the film, so we decided that each army should be rewarded models! We took our cues from the films and
for neutralising such threats. This led us to the following: simply set everything up as cinematically as
possible. Hilda was leading a large contingent
Evil: 2 Victory Points for killing each of the following: Alfrid, of Lake-towners by the Great Hall, Gandalf
Bain, Bard, Bilbo, Gandalf, Hilda, Percy, Thranduil, Sigrid and and Bilbo were on the bridge, Percy was
Tilda (with the girls only being worth 1 Victory Point each). on the city walls alongside the archers and
Bard was deployed in the backstreets, 24"
Good: 2 Victory Points for every Gundabad Ogre and away from his children. The legions of orcs
Gundabad Troll killed. were spread throughout the city, attacking
the Lake-towners from all sides. Finally, we
In addition, we marked twenty buildings throughout the decided that Thranduil’s elven army would
city as objectives. Whichever side had more models within not arrive until Turn 3, at which point they
3" of each of these buildings at the end of the game would would enter through the main gate as they
gain 1 Victory Point. do in the film. The board was set and a lot of
pieces were about to start moving! James was
We decided to play for eight turns, at the end of which we so excited about getting started that I left our
would tally the Victory Points to see who was victorious! strategic thoughts to him…

17 SBG Issue 5 2017

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

As I arrived at SBG Towers, precisely when I meant

to, I found that the wonderful Steve Crowe and
Dave Fredericks had been given the same task and
I began to understand that we would be playing
a game on a truly gargantuan scale. After staring
in awe at the Dale board for quite some time, I
realised I’d have to take a moment to comment on
what an outstanding effort Rick Fryer has done with
paint, foam and what I can only assume was a little
bit of magic - pure brilliance! After pulling myself
together, I discovered that I was to be partnered
with Tom [Ed - Sorry about that] and, after going
James: I’ve really enjoyed the previous four issues of through the rules of the scenario, the strategic cogs
SBG, it’s a fantastic resource for The Hobbit: Strategy in my brain started to whir as I contemplated the
Battle Game, the like of which had been missing from areas in which our army could be strong.
our hobby for quite a while [Ed - Oh you *blushes*].
So, imagine my excitement when I got a message Perhaps most importantly, we will have some
from SBG Towers asking me when I would next be fantastic new Heroes from the There and Back Again
down in the Oxford area, as they would like my help supplement and all the Special Rules which they
with something. Then, imagine my excitement when bring to the table. In particular, Bard and his family
this ‘something’ turns out to be nothing other than are incredible when fighting as a unit, so we will have
the battle report for Issue 5! The only caveat that to make getting them together a priority. However,
accompanied this invitation was that I needed to get we also have some serious weaknesses in this
my hands on as many Survivors of Lake-town and match-up; firstly, we are really not looking forward
Azog’s Legion models as possible - ‘no problem’ I to the number of monsters we will be up against
thought, how many models could they really need? (eight ogres and two trolls - that’s potentially ten
Quite a few as it turned out… Hurls per turn!).
18 SBG Issue 5 2017
Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

The Armies

Secondly, the Strength and Defence match-ups between

our core troops are not favourable for us, as Evil’s Strength
4 and Defence 6 completely trumps our Strength 3 and
Defence 5 - Dave and Steve will often be wounding on a 5+
The Armies
whilst we will need 6s! To help mitigate against this, Hilda Tom: Rather than working out armies in
will need to lead as many charges as possible, as her +1 the normal manner, we simply decided
To Wound bubble from the Stand by our Men! Special Rule to grab every Survivors of Lake-town,
will really help our Lake-town Militia to carve through the Thranduil’s Halls, and Azog’s Legion
hordes of orcs. model that we could get our hands on
and throw them onto Rick’s incredible
“How many models could they need? board! In total, there were nearly five-
hundred models and over 6000 points
Quite a few as it turned out...” on the table for what promised to be a
James truly spectacular battle!

Having to endure two turns of combat before the The Good army included: Thranduil,
Mirkwood reinforcements arrive will be agonising, as the Bard, Bain, Sigrid, Tilda, Alfrid, Percy,
aforementioned Strength and Defence match-up will surely Hilda, Gandalf, Bilbo, 200 Lake-town
swing the momentum heavily in Dave and Steve’s favour. Guard/Militia and 50 Mirkwood
However, if we can hold off the orcs for those first couple Elves, plus a handful of Palace Guard,
of turns through a judicious use of Shielding, Bard’s Saviour Mirkwood Knights and captains.
of Lake-town banner effect, and a good performance from
our Heroes, then the arrival of Thranduil and his elves The Evil army included: 8 Gundabad
should be enough to turn the tide in our favour - allowing Orc Captains, 8 Gundabad Ogres, 2
us to then push for the building objectives and ultimately Gundabad Trolls, 150 Gundabad Orc
carry the day for us. Any man who wants to give their last - Warriors and 40 Gundabad Berserkers.
2017 Issue 5 SBG 19
Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

With no named Heroes, we will have to use our

captains wisely and utilise our monsters’ Brutal
Power Attacks to full effect. Alfrid could become a
useful ally on the turns in which we’ve won Priority,
as we could move him to tie up another Good
model or two in order to nullify Control Zones and
allow our harder hitting troops to move past freely.
As for our target priority, Bard’s children will surely
provide us with some easy Victory Points, although
getting to them might not be so simple.
Dave and Steve: When we got the invitation to
take part in this bat-rep, the only clue we were “Rick’s Dale board looked like it
given was to bring along as many Survivors of
Lake-town and Azog’s Legion models as we could had come straight out of the film!”
get our grubby mitts on! Given that it was a battle Dave & Steve
report for SBG, we were confident that there’d be
some beautiful terrain involved but even we weren’t Our cunning plan is to use the ogres and trolls
prepared for what we saw upon our arrival - Rick’s to Hurl Lake-towners down the tightly-packed
Dale board looked like it had come straight out alleyways, clearing a path for our fast-moving
of the film! Having great scenery really does add berserkers to catch the girls before Thranduil and
a unique dimension to games and we knew that his gang turn up to ruin our day. Bilbo is also a
playing on this amazingly intricate board with so potentially soft target, but The One Ring might make
many models was going to be a fun challenge! things more difficult. This is particularly true given
that his travelling companion is that pesky grey
It was quickly decided that we would take command wizard and, annoyingly, those narrow battlements
of Azog’s Legion, while Tom and James would control and bridges will limit our ability to avoid lining up for
the forces of Good. This suited us down to the a devastating Sorcerous Blast as we attempt to chase
ground, as we’ve both played with Azog’s Legion them down. Still, there is no point in worrying about
a few times and we actually partnered-up at the it and we are feeling fairly confident that we can
Ardacon International: 2016 doubles tournament so easily smash through the men of Lake-town before
we already have a bit of chemistry! the elves arrive. Attack the city!
20 SBG Issue 5 2017
Objective - Keep your orcs alive do it! However, if you’re one
model away from breaking and
Charge in a shield-armed orc want to minimise the chance
supported by a spear-armed of dying while also trying to
friend as, in this situation, only finish off the pesky elf, then one
one orc can die (although, with shield-armed orc with a spear-
a 68% chance of death, the odds supporting friend offers a 13%
are not good for that poor sod!). chance of wounding Thranduil
If you can’t do this, you can and a 32% chance of not dying
always Shield - it’s better having (better than the 21% chance of
two Shielding models than one, not dying in the scenario that
as the chance of at least one I first suggested). Pretty awful
orc dying is 69% instead of 75%. odds regardless... try not to get
However, you open yourself up yourself into this position in the
Fighting Thranduil to a 48% chance of two orcs first place!
dying, so you may not think it’s
As Thranduil rode up the worth it and just chuck in one Objective - Stop Thranduil from
causeway to Dale, how could unfortunate soul to die. Heroic Combatting
Azog’s legions possibly stand
against such a powerful foe? Objective - Cause a single If you have five models at your
wound on Thranduil disposal, the best thing to do is to
Tom: Even with Rick’s amazing charge all five into base contact
Dale board as a distraction, If you really need to finish off with Thranduil to give him only a
all I could really think about Thranduil and don’t care how 10% chance of succeeding (even
was probability. This led me many casualties you take in with his eight dice!). Sadly, the
to offer Dave and Steve some the process, you should trap Elven King will kill at least three
[Ed - unasked for...] tips on how Thranduil with either three or of your orcs over 50% of the
best to use their Gundabad Orc four orcs - both options offer time in this setup. Probably easier
Warriors to deal with Thranduil a 16% chance of killing the to just block his path to anything
and his infuriating Bladelord mighty elf (so charging in three you don’t want him to slingshot
Special Rule. Should they throw is probably slightly better, as you into rather than throw so many
loads of models into combat, then don’t need to worry about models away!
or just hope that a plucky orc more orcs dying). Of course, if
or two get lucky? Well, it all you can get spear-armed orcs Conclusion: Thranduil is a beast
depends on their objective… to support in this scenario, then and you’ll almost certainly lose.

Objective - Win the Fight

Easier said than done, but the

best thing to do is charge in two
shield-armed models and Shield
(this gives you a 25% chance of
winning). It’s pretty much the
same odds if you put in a third
Shielding model so don’t bother
as, let’s face it, you’d rather not
lose more orcs for no reason
(even if you are acting on behalf
of the ruthless Azog).
22 SBG Issue 5 2017
2017 Issue 5 SBG 23
The battle
stone bloc gan as a Gundaba
ko d Tr
of Dale a n its head charged oll with a colossal
nd smash
stonework ed a huge towards the outer
hole in th w
armies cla
. Azog’s fo
rces rushe e dilapida alls
shed and d into the c te d
blurred u so ity, the
ntil it was on the battle lines
to discern almost im
friend fro possible
m foe!

Turn 1 Under the shadow of the bell tower, Bard called a

successful Heroic Combat, killing his adversary with
With the armies beginning the game so close ease before racing after his fleeing children. Tom and
together, Dave took advantage by charging a James reasoned that Heroic Combats were the best
Gundabad Berserker into both Sigrid and Tilda but, use of Bard’s Might, as the sooner Bard reached his
thankfully for James and Tom, Bain was on hand to kids, the sooner he started to get Might for free!
counter-charge the opportunistic orc and trap it in Elsewhere on the battlefield, a Lake-town Militia
place. Jumping at the chance to put some distance Captain used both of his Might points to inflict a
between the children and the enemy, James gleefully wound on a Gundabad Ogre - James and Tom were
called a free Heroic Combat with Bain. Tom feared desperate to bring down these intimidating foes as
the worst as the berserker rolled a 6 in the Duel quickly as possible. Elsewhere, Gandalf killed an orc
but James, who had no such concerns, nonchalantly blocking his way with a Sorcerous Blast as he and
rolled a 6 and won the roll-off before proceeding to Bilbo rushed onto the bridge above the gatehouse,
inflict two wounds on the berserker! whilst Percy slew another on the outer wall with a
well-placed arrow. Alfrid was not so heroic and fled
James had already started to plan the next step of from an orc towards the northern city walls.
the Heroic Combat when, with a grin, Steve picked
up two dice to roll for the berserker’s Oblivious to Further fights had raged across the city and, after
Pain Special Rule. A look of concern flashed over only one turn of fighting, Dave and Steve’s forces
James’ face as Steve passed the first test, but audible had the upper hand with eighteen Lake-towners
sighs of relief came from both Tom and James as falling for the loss of only thirteen orcs. With the
Steve narrowly failed the second, allowing the armies already spread over the battlefield, all of
children to sprint away and put some space between the objectives were claimed one way or the other,
themselves and the pursuing orcs. leaving the score at 10 Victory Points each.
24 SBG Issue 5 2017
Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

Turn 2 Bard continued his Heroic Combat-fuelled rampage,

killing another two orcs before taking a slight detour
Both sides received five reinforcements to swell through the backstreets after his intended route
their numbers as Good won Priority; however, was entirely blocked by other Fights! However, it
despite getting to move first, two failed Courage wasn’t all plain sailing for the Lake-towners [Ed -
Tests from James left a Gundabad Troll unengaged, you’re welcome] - despite a Lake-town Militia Captain
meaning that Steve could choose who and where it rolling a double 6 for his Courage Test to charge a
should fight and, importantly, where it could Hurl. Gundabad Troll, the plucky fisherman was promptly
With an amusingly reckless and thematic attitude, battered [Ed - you’re so welcome] as the troll’s
Steve and Dave gave no thought to the lives of Crushing Club came thundering down.
their own troops as they turned the courtyard
into a bowling alley - Tom and James’ fears about James and Tom had racked up fifteen kills this turn;
the devastating potential of the Evil monsters were however, thanks to the damage from the Hurls in
coming true already. the courtyard, Steve and Dave had managed twenty-
eight kills and had also moved ahead in the building
Bain and his sisters continued to sprint through the objective count - the score was now 12-8 to Evil.
protective lines of defending militia while a group of
orcs followed in close pursuit. Bilbo put on The One Tom’s Probability Intrusion! Tom was clearly in
Ring as he and Gandalf tried to block the progress of the mood for stats after writing his Of Dice and
a warband of Gundabad orcs; the wizard successfully Men article and got very excited when, in the
cast Sorcerous Blast again but this time failed to cause early stages of the game, five Gundabad orcs
any wounds, leading Tom to mutter something about and a Gundabad Orc Captain lost a Fight to a
the unreliability of Radagast’s dodgy staff. Seeing that single Lake-town Militia. To make matters worse,
Gandalf and Bilbo were under threat, Percy rallied the Lake-towner then managed to wound the
his archers, sending half of his cohort charging to captain despite the orc using his Fate point! Tom
the aid of the Grey Pilgrim, with the other half was eager to point out that, assuming Dave and
raining arrows down upon the unsuspecting spear- Steve had no interest in ‘wasting’ Might, there
armed orcs below. Alfrid continued to flee from the was only a 1-in-208 chance of this happening
orc chasing him, but was taken aback as a second which was almost as bad as the infamous #Bosh
orc now blocked his path at the opposite end of the roll (see page 7)! As always, no-one had asked...
wall - the noose was tightening...

2017 Issue 5 SBG 25

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

As the third turn began, Thranduil lead his elves up the causeway and into Dale - could he turn the tide?

Turn 3 Evil forces continued to press their advantage as the

shattered survivors of the Lake-town Militia in the
courtyard fell back towards Hilda by the Great Hall.
Evil were clearly in the ascendency as Priority swung
back to Dave and Steve and ten Evil and fourteen At the beginning of the Fight phase, Bard used his
Good reinforcements joined the fray. However, final Might point to call his third consecutive Heroic
the arrival of this small Lake-town contingent was Combat to further close the distance to his children.
overshadowed by a rush of red and gold in the However, this was immediately countered by a
courtyard - the elves had arrived! Thranduil set nearby Gundabad Orc Captain thanks to the Azog’s
an example for his warriors as he charged two Orders Special Rule; if the Evil players won the roll-
Gundabad Berserkers and two Gundabad Orc off and killed the solitary Lake-town Militia fighting
Warriors and, at the expense of only a single Might the captain, then Bard’s chances of ever getting to
point, killed all four in a swirl of blades! Knowing his children would be all but extinguished! Once
that the elves would quickly overpower the orcs in again, the Dice Gods smiled on Tom and James as
this area by sheer weight of numbers, Dave sent a they won the roll-off - Bard killed the berserker he
Gundabad Troll and a Gundabad Ogre to provide was fighting and escaped the orcish trap!
a more substantial roadblock for them to fight
through next turn. Tom’s Probability Intrusion! Bard rolled a 6, 6, 6
to win the Fight and 6, 6, 5 To Wound against the
Nearby, the ground by the fountain in the courtyard berserker in his bid to reach his children. Almost
was strewn with so many Prone models that it immediately, Tom had answered the question no-
actually made it hard for the Gundabad Ogres and one had asked by explaining the odds of rolling
Trolls to capitalise on their earlier achievements five 6s in a row are a staggering 1 in 7,776!
and charge any significant targets; nonetheless, the

26 SBG Issue 5 2017

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

In the backstreets, Bain and

the Lake-towners continued to Turn 4
attempt to stem the tide of evil
crashing down upon them. Bain’s The pressure on the Good side
free Heroic Combat allowed him was further increased as Dave and
to kill the Gundabad Berserker he Steve maintained Priority - although
and his sisters were fighting and Tom and James did receive twelve
sprint off again, weaving in and out reinforcements, whilst only nine
of the congested alley that ran orcs joined the Evil side.
parallel to the one their father
was fighting his way through! After Thranduil called a Heroic
James and Tom celebrate Move to push his elves further into
Elsewhere, Gandalf called a Alfrid’s unexpected success the courtyard, James dismounted
Heroic Move to ensure that he the Elven King and charged him
was getting the most out of his into two Gundabad Orc Warriors
magic and successfully Sorcerous (we all agreed that the elk had
Blasted the tightly packed orcs been shot down like in the film!).
again, with this attempt proving Dave threw caution to the wind
more successful than the last and counter-charged Thranduil with
as two orcs were killed. Percy another four orcs which, whilst
once again led his archers into giving Dave six dice in the Fight,
combat in an attempt to ease the took Thranduil up to a whopping 9
pressure on Gandalf and Bilbo Attacks [Copy Ed - he clearly hadn’t
and spent a Might point to kill his listened to my advice on page 21]!
foe. The net around Alfrid was Sadly for James, Thranduil only
growing ever tighter as he was scored a 5 highest on his nine dice
charged by one of his pursuing and was left with no choice but
orcs but, somewhat unexpectedly, to use his final Might point [Ed -
the unarmed councillor managed it’s not bad, but it’s no ‘nine dice, 3
to win the combat and kill the highest’… see page 7]. However,
orc! Tom and James threw a James’ frustration turned to joy as,
couple of jests towards Steve in a blur of furious swordsmanship,
and Dave who scowled and Thranduil cut down all six of the
responded with a couple of orcs, causing James to do a little
gestures of their own… victory dance and scream “JUST
After resolving the rest of the opposite side of the courtyard, the
Fights raging across the city, the Evil forces had gained even more
Good side had taken thirty-five ground, although it did come at the
casualties to Evil’s thirty-three cost of an ogre, who was brought
and Dave and Steve continued to down by a couple of (clearly angry)
sneak ahead in the Victory Point Bard fights his way through Lake-town Militia - Tom and James
count - the score now stood at the streets to reach his kids celebrated gaining some much-
13-7 to Evil. needed Victory Points!

2017 Issue 5 SBG 27

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

Bain valiantly defends his sisters from the hordes of orcs and Tom and Dave react slightly differently
looming shadow of an ogre - would Bard reach them in time? to James’ ‘misguided’ roll for Thranduil

After some careful manoeuvring in the backstreets,

Steve managed to get an orc into combat with Turn 5
Sigrid, before then moving an ogre between Bard
and his children, posing a serious threat to the kids Dave and Steve rubbed their hands together as
in the next few turns. Despite this, Tom was able to twelve more orcs joined the fray compared to
move Bard so that he was within 6" of Sigrid for the only six Lake-town Militia. However, Good did
first time and, as a result, could call a free Heroic win Priority so Hilda was able to lead her defiant
Combat against the plucky orc who charged him. followers back into the packed ranks of the enemy
As expected, the orc was easily slain but, with so with renewed heart and, between them, they were
many Evil warriors blocking the way to the children, able to bring down a hulking ogre! Not only that,
including the ogre, Tom was forced to divert Bard Hilda’s +1 To Wound bonus allowed the Lake-town
around a building. Militia to make light work of the orcs, but Tom and
James’ joy was short-lived as a devastating Hurl from
On the bridge, Gandalf was charged by two orcs a Gundabad Troll undid all their hard work, killing a
and forced to expend a Fate point after losing the number of Lake-town Militia, a captain and, worst of
Fight. Even worse, Percy’s attempt to assist the Grey all, leaving Hilda with only 1 Wound remaining.
Pilgrim faltered as, despite using a Fate point, he was
wounded by one of Dave’s berserkers. Luckily for On the opposite side of the courtyard, another
James and Tom, Bilbo at least stayed out of trouble - ogre was brought down, this time by a volley of
the magical power of The One Ring kept a Gundabad elven arrows - killing two ogres in one turn had
Orc Captain rooted to the spot despite it being only added some much-needed Victory Points to Tom
1" away from the invisible hobbit! and James’ tally. Nearby, Thranduil continued to cut
down orcs but several nearby elves were killed by a
After getting a taste for blood in the previous Gundabad Troll - a face-off seemed inevitable.
turn, Alfrid, under the control of a delighted Steve,
decided to attack a nearby Lake-town Militia. On the bridge, Bilbo’s luck ran out as the Gundabad
However, the militiaman was clearly one of the many Orc Captain finally spotted him (with the help of a
Lake-towners who had been wronged by Alfrid’s Will point) and, after charging and overpowering
schemes and swiftly rendered the treacherous the hobbit, forced him to use all of his Fate points!
councillor unconscious. Across the city, the fighting For the second time, Radagast’s staff confounded
consolidated what had been a pretty good turn for Gandalf as the wizard failed to cast Sorcerous Blast,
Tom and James - they had killed twenty-nine Evil drawing murmured curses from James and Tom. Even
models for the loss of only sixteen of their own; worse, the Grey Pilgrim then lost his last two Fate
however, they still trailed 10-12 in Victory Points. points after being charged by two orcs who were
28 SBG Issue 5 2017
Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

relieved to find themselves still standing.

Percy led his band of archers in another Turn 6
charge and this time they were able to
clear the Gatehouse tower of orcs, with As the scenario neared its climax, the pressure to claim
Percy leading by example, killing the orc objectives and kill Heroes and monsters increased. Once
he faced with another Might point. again, Priority went to Good and fifteen Lake-town Militia
appeared by the Great Hall to reinforce Hilda’s followers,
In the backstreets, Bain had to throw as Tom and James attempted to repeat the success of the
himself in front of an orc to protect his previous turn’s charge. In response, Dave and Steve brought
sisters and, despite his best efforts, was their thirteen reinforcements on the opposite side of the
beaten back and took a wound. Things courtyard by the fountain to challenge Thranduil’s elves.
began to look even grimmer for Tom and
James as the hulking form of the ogre was After being knocked Prone in the previous turn, Hilda
within Barging distance of the children; rose to her feet and led the charge against the remaining
however, the tide of the battle turned orcs. James arranged his Lake-towners in such a way as
once more when the petrified Lake- to minimise the damage from any potential Hurls, but this
towner facing the huge beast managed cunning plot was foiled when Steve made good use of the
to fend it off with his shield! In addition, 8" move of a Gundabad Ogre to charge into the side of
James’ Lake-town Militia prevented Hilda’s resistance force. Unfortunately for Steve, another
many of Steve’s Gundabad orcs from Lake-towner cowering behind a flimsy wicker shield
advancing and, in the process, formed a somehow managed to defeat the hulking beast!
channel that enabled Bard to race closer
to his children. The bowman killed two Thranduil gave no heed to the orc reinforcements,
orcs as he sped through the streets and instead charging and trapping the Gundabad Troll, who
approached a rickety looking cart. had been striking down his kin, with the help of his most
courageous warriors. Thanks to his twin elven blades,
In total, Turn 5 saw twenty-four Good and Thranduil won the roll-off (on a 3 of course!) and, to Tom’s
twenty-eight Evil models fall - the scores delight, inflicted three wounds on the troll. However, Tom’s
were now even at 13 Victory Points each! celebrations were cut short as Steve pointed out that the

The vicious fighting raged inside and outside the ruined buildings and burnt out houses of Dale

2017 Issue 5 SBG 29

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

Steve halts Tom’s celebrations by tactfully Whilst the Lake-towners fight for their lives, Alfrid
pointing out that the trolls have 4 Wounds... cowers from an approaching ogre in the backstreets

new Gundabad Trolls have 4 Wounds each and to significantly outnumber the hard-pressed Lake-
offered a few words of thanks to the Games towners and Bain was forced to charge one of the
Workshop Middle-earth team. hideous ogres in an attempt to protect his sisters.

Giving up on his staff, Gandalf was pleased that However, James and Tom need not have worried
at least Glamdring found its mark this turn - as Bard moved into contact with the cart and was
killing the orc who had wounded him in the unengaged (see the ‘What a Cartastrophe’ box out).
previous round of combat, whilst Bilbo again Everyone waited with baited breath as Tom launched a
evaded the Gundabad Orc Captain thanks to single dice into the air to see if Bard could activate the
The One Ring. Alfrid’s manic flight continued cart - the dice fell through the air, bounced around and
as he scurried down the staircase he had only finally settled… against a piece of scenery! Cocked!
recently ascended and hid behind by a low wall. Cries of anguish filled the studio as Tom chuckled,
However, Dave found that his ogre was just picked up the same dice and rolled again and this time
within range and promptly charged the beast it landed on a 5! The rubble by the base of the cart
headlong into the cowering weasel. Tom and gave way and Bard bounced down the stairs, flattening
James hoped that the combination of a Fate several orcs before smashing into the ogre fighting
point and the In The Way tests provided by the Bain and inflicting two wounds on the beast on impact!
wall might save Alfrid’s life, but they were sorely
mistaken as Alfrid was torn limb from limb. As his father leapt from the wreckage to join the
combat against the Prone ogre, Bain called his free
Things continued to go well for Dave and Heroic Combat which was immediately countered
Steve on the walls of the city, as Percy was by a nearby Gundabad Orc Captain thanks to the
killed by a single orc, handing them some more scenario-specific Azog’s Orders Special Rule. Evil won
crucial Victory Points. In the heavily congested the roll-off and the orc captain made mincemeat of his
backstreets, the forces of Evil were starting opposition and charged straight into Sigrid and Tilda!

30 SBG Issue 5 2017

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

Tom and James now needed everything to go their way for Bard
and Bain in their Fight against the ogre to rescue Sigrid and What a Cartastrophe!
Tilda from the Gundabad Orc Captain. Both the ogre and Bard
managed to roll a 6 but Bard won because of his increased Fight
value brought about by the “Da! Down Here!” Special Rule and,
after easily dispatching the Prone ogre, Bard and Bain hurtled
into the Gundabad Orc Captain! This time, both sides could
only manage a 5 highest in the Duel and Bard (who had rolled
the 5) was out of Might, so Dave used a Might point to bump
his captain’s score to a 6. Things were looking grim for the girls
until James remembered that Bard’s Saviour of Lake-town Special
Rule applies to Bain and casually roll a 6 with the re-roll! Cue
celebrations the like of which had not been seen for an age from
James, whilst Dave could only weep into his pocket handkerchief. When Rick delivered the Dale
The orc captain was cut down, saving the girls and scoring James board, it was full of little details
and Tom some much needed Victory Points in epic style! that we had no idea were
going to be included. Perhaps
In total, fourteen Good and twenty-six Evil models died this turn; the coolest of these was an
the Victory Point score now stood at 17-15 to Evil as, despite the innocuous looking cart lurking
death of the ogre, the forces of Evil controlled thirteen of the at the top of a staircase near the
objective buildings compared to Good’s seven. back of the board. As luck - or
perhaps fate - would have it,
during the battle Bard was forced
Turn 7 to head towards the cart on the
way to his children. Thankfully,
all four players were in instant
The beginning of the penultimate turn saw Good receive eight agreement that Bard should be
reinforcements as they won Priority for the third turn in a row. able to jump in and ride it down
A frustrated Dave and Steve did at least gain twelve orcs, which the stairs like he does in the film.
they spread around the board in a bid to secure more objectives.
So, we decided that if Bard was
A makeshift defensive wall was formed by the remaining Lake- unengaged in the Move phase,
towners in the backstreets in a desperate effort to protect Sigrid he could ‘activate’ the cart
and Tilda. However, due to the lack of Good models left alive, on the roll of a 4+ and ride it
the wall had one weak spot and a Gundabad Berserker slipped down the hill! If he managed
through a gap between two archers and into base contact with this, every model it hit would
the youngest of Bard’s children! After failing to find a way for suffer three Strength 8 hits and
Bard or Bain to join the combat, Tom and James could only it wouldn’t stop until it failed to
watch in horror as Tilda was brutally cut down by the berserker! kill something or exploded into
Dave and Steve’s roars of laughter were only curtailed when Lily, a wall. We all agreed that Bard
who was watching the unfolding battle with interest, pointed out should probably survive…
that they were celebrating the death of a small girl…

2017 Issue 5 SBG 31

James celebrates Bain and Bard’s heroics as they save Sigrid and
Tilda, but could they hang on and survive to the end of the game?

On the bridge, Bilbo dived under the swinging blade of the

increasingly frustrated Gundabad Orc Captain and, with the help of a
Might point, took both a wound and a Fate point from the incensed
orc. Gandalf successfully Sorcerous Blasted the last remaining orc from
a section of wall, claiming an objective for the forces of Good.

In the courtyard below, Hilda led her third charge in as many turns
and another swathe of orcs fell to the courageous fishermen. A
Gundabad Orc Captain fell to the blade of a Mirkwood Captain but,
not to be outdone, Thranduil dealt the final wound to the Gundabad
Troll, closing the Victory Point gap to 18-17 to Evil! The death toll
was fairly even in Turn 7, with Good losing eighteen models and Evil
losing twenty and it could not have been much closer as the final
turn began...

Turn 8
Dave rolled higher than James to win the final Priority roll for Evil
and repeated the tactic of the previous turn by dropping the eleven
Evil reinforcements all over the board for some last-ditch objective
grabbing. Tom and James followed suit by deploying their last nine
Lake-towners under the shadow of the bell tower, where the extra
numbers could really help in their push to claim back some of the

In the backstreets, Steve piled his orcs into the few remaining
militiamen and tried to gang up on the Good Heroes in such a way
that would maximise his odds of killing as many as possible. Bain
managed to win his Fight and slay his adversary but the Heroic
Combatting Bard was less fortunate, losing a Fight to two Gundabad
Berserkers and leaving Sigrid horribly exposed against some orcs!
Dave and Steve’s delight quickly turned to despair as their two orcs
lost the Fight against the unarmed girl - perhaps it wasn’t going to be
their day after all.
32 SBG Issue 5 2017
Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

A Gundabad orc charged into Gandalf and James buildings, the score currently stood at 19-18 to
was delighted when Glamdring again found its James and Tom - the Good players were ahead for
mark, meaning that the bridge objective would go the first time in the game, could they snatch victory
to the forces of Good unless Bilbo was killed. The from the jaws of defeat?
Gundabad Orc Captain who had been duelling with
the hobbit for most of the game managed to win Suddenly, the final Fight became absolutely vital - if
their final Fight by using two points of Might. Bilbo Thranduil won the Duel, Tom and James would win
had only 2 Wounds remaining, so a double 5 from the game; however, should Dave and Steve slay the
the captain would kill him - unfortunately for Dave Elven King, then they would be victorious! Tom and
and Steve, fortune did not favour them and the James had been confident earlier in the turn when,
plucky hobbit survived. in an attempt to rush to Thranduil’s aid, they had
called a Heroic Combat with a Mirkwood Captain
Hilda led the Lake-towners by the Great Hall in a who, along with two Lake-town Militia, was fighting
courageous final stand before the last remaining troll a single orc. However, the orc somehow managed
flung her to her death, finally ridding Steve and Dave to win the Duel meaning that Thranduil was now on
of the nuisance and awarding precious Victory Points his own in this game-deciding face-off! Both sides’
in the process! The countless fights in the courtyard dice bounced across the table and four pairs of eyes
between unnamed warriors were becoming ever- frantically tried to assess the rolls. Groans of dismay
more significant as both sides were desperate to from Tom and James betrayed the result, Thranduil,
claim the objective buildings; perhaps the most who had no Might points left, had only rolled a 5
dramatic of these was a one-on-one fight between highest whilst the ogre had rolled a 6!
a Gundabad orc and a Mirkwood Elf in which the elf
won the fight, killed the orc and claimed the fountain However, Tom and James hadn’t given up hope just
objective in the process! The game was clearly going yet, as Thranduil still had all of his Wounds and Fate
to be decided by the tightest of margins. remaining. Dave rolled for the berserker’s strikes
first and wiped clean the Elven King’s 3 Fate points,
In the final Duel of the game, Thranduil was fighting before Steve picked up six dice knowing that he
for his life, trapped by a Gundabad Berserker and a only needed an average roll to slay Thranduil and
monstrous ogre. Before resolving this dramatic Fight, win the game! He needn’t have worried - as the dice
the players took a brief pause to assess the state of landed, every single one of the ogre’s strikes caused
the battlefield. As the Victory Points were tallied up, a wound, splitting Thranduil’s pretty head open and
Dave and Steve could only look on in horror as they handing a hard-earned victory to Dave and Steve
realised that, having lost control of two objective with a final Victory Point tally of 20-19!

As the battle reaches its climax, Thranduil goes toe-to-toe with a Gundabad Troll - who would prevail?

2017 Issue 5 SBG 33

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

Tom and James: What a battle - despite missing into deadly bowling alleys, with both Good and Evil
out on the win by the narrowest of margins, it’s hard models flying all over the place! However, whilst
to be annoyed when a game is that much fun! Our we were almost always trailing Dave and Steve in
‘man of the match’ has to be Bard - our plan to burn Victory Points, the momentum kept swinging to-
through his Might early on to get to the kids made and-fro throughout the battle and it was only after
winning every one of his combats absolutely vital the final Duel that victory slipped from our grasp.
and he really stepped up to the plate. Ultimately,
Bard’s actions played out just like in the film, slaying
countless orcs, riding the cart into an ogre and
“It’s hard to be annoyed when
saving his bloodline (except for poor Tilda). a game is that much fun”
Tom & James
Our plan of ‘defend, defend, defend’ worked well and
when the elves turned up we genuinely believed that Despite having played countless games of The Hobbit:
we could win the day. However, it was not to be and Strategy Battle Game over the years, this was the
it was a shame that it was Thranduil who ultimately single-most immersive scenario either of us has ever
cost us the game after his earlier heroics - cutting played. The vast number of models, combined with
swathes through the orcs and even taking down the stunning board and a scenario that replicated
one of the fearsome Gundabad Trolls. Unfortunately, the film scenes perfectly, ensured that this game was
our fears that Hurls might lead to our defeat in the good as it gets! All that remains is to thank Dave and
confines of Dale’s streets turned out to be only Steve for a hard-fought, spectacular game played in
too true - Steve and Dave turned the alleyways great spirits - we’ll get you next time!

The final reckoning

9 Objective 11 Objective
Buildings Buildings
9vps 11vps
Monsters killed: Heroes killed:
4 Gundabad Ogres Alfrid, Percy, Hilda,
1 Gundabad Troll Thranduil, Tilda
10vps 9 vps
19vps 20vps

34 SBG Issue 5 2017

Battle Report - The Battle of Dale

SBG’s patented Horror-o-meter
was turned on throughout the bat-
rep, recording the reactions of the
players when things went badly and
rating their horror levels out of 10...

Dave and Steve: Wow! What a cool, thematic game! It really

couldn’t have been much closer. Despite our confidence that
we could take down all those soft Lake-town Heroes, going
into Turn 6 we were getting really frustrated as we hadn’t
gained any Victory Points from killing Heroes but, thankfully, we Steve’s Gundabad Ogre loses a Fight
were ultimately able to emerge as (narrow) victors. to a fisherman with a wicker shield

“It was a very satisfying feeling to
snatch victory from the jaws of defeat”
Dave & Steve
We must concede that Bard was an absolute beast and the
cart scene in particular was a hilarious moment - even if we
were on the receiving end of the dragon slayer’s dramatic
Tom watches on as Hilda is hurled
rescue! Our plan to take down Sigrid and Tilda early on through nine models to her death!
quickly fell apart, as Tom and James did a great job of shielding
the girls from harm for so long in the narrow backstreets of
Dale. Thankfully, we were eventually able to catch and kill Tilda
and would have got Sigrid right at the death too if our dice
hadn’t abandoned us. Still, even if we didn’t manage to kill both
girls, our monsters may well have made the difference as they
caused Tom and James so many headaches that they didn’t
know where to focus their attention.
As expected, Thranduil was a constant thorn in our side but Dave fails to kill Sigrid on the final
Hilda was also surprisingly infuriating as she led wave after turn of the game, but at what cost?
wave of Lake-towners out of the Great Hall and it was a great

relief when she finally fell to the might of our troll! Late in
the game, as the combats thinned out, there was some real
strategic jostling for objectives with some of the troops which
was great fun. However, it all came down to Thranduil in the
end and it was a very satisfying feeling to snatch victory from
the jaws of defeat by crushing the pesky Elf King - what a
finish! We thoroughly enjoyed every second of the game, so
thanks to Tom and James, it was an absolute pleasure. The
sheer number of models combined with a table as detailed as James finds out he’s going to be
this (thanks again Rick!) was truly something unique to behold partnered with Tom for the bat-rep
and we can’t wait to relive it when the magazine is published!
2017 Issue 5 SBG 35
Building Middle-earth - Dale House


SBG: Long-term readers will remember
Rick Fryer as the talented creator of Rick’s finished board is a breathtaking sight,
the amazing Azanulbizar gaming board more akin to a WETA Workshop ‘Bigature’
featured in Issue 2. Back in July 2015, than your average
Rick told us he’d be happy to build some gaming board
more terrain for the magazine and we
obviously didn’t need much convincing.
Little did we know just how spectacular
his latest project would be and, over
two years later, we are delighted that
we can finally show off his incredible city
of Dale. In this article, Rick discusses
how to build a typical Dale house. 

Rick: Throughout The Hobbit trilogy, we see two very

different sides to the city of Dale. In The Hobbit: An
Unexpected Journey, it is shown as vibrant and thriving,
with colourful and well-preserved houses - an aesthetic
utterly at odds with the city shown in The Hobbit: The
Battle of the Five Armies, where the houses are derelict
ruins covered in snow. Whilst a board covered in snow
would look fantastic, once you’ve put it on there’s
really no going back! So, in order to make a board that
could be used for scenarios set in both time periods, I
decided to create a version of Dale in a state of partial
destruction but without the snow, crawling vines and
twisted trees that are only seen in the final film. Over
the course of two years, I made a variety of buildings
and other features for the board, but in this article I
will show you how to make a single house - a ‘simple’
project that I hope you will want to try!

Materials Universal glue, PVA glue, spray-on PVA glue, card, plasticard, 10mm extruded
polystyrene (Styrofoam), balsa wood, aluminium mesh, Scale Link brass fittings
(hinges, keyholes etc.), Hirst Arts mold #230, Woodland Scenics Lightweight Hydrocal plaster, Woodland
Scenics Shaper Sheet plaster, Woodland Scenics Scenic Cement, Woodland Scenics scatter, Woodland Scenics
Fine-Leaf Dead Foliage, Woodland Scenics liquid pigments, NOCH 61165 Weathering Powder set, paints

36 SBG Issue 5 2017

Building Middle-earth - Dale House

Basic Construction
I cut the house walls out of Styrofoam sheets, making
the front and back walls 130mm wide by 180mm high,
and the gable end walls 115mm wide by 180mm high at
the side eaves, rising to 205mm at the central ridge.

180mm 205mm

130mm 115mm

2 3 4 5
1-5. I purchased some Thomarillion windows and doors - these can
be added in any combination to the walls. I fixed some on the face of
the Styrofoam and put some into gaps I cut into the foam.You’ll need
1 to attach these elements with PVA glue, as any solvent-based glue will
dissolve the Styrofoam.
6. I also made some larger doors from scratch using 3mm balsa
wood sheet. I cut these doors to be 20mm wide by 38mm high
(at the rounded top), with vertical lines cut into the outer face
to represent wooden planks. I used the universal glue to attach a
couple of plasticard hinge straps, before glueing on the Scale Link
brass hinges, handle and keyhole. I then glued
the door into a cut-out in the Styrofoam
with PVA glue. To represent stone blocks
around the door, I cut the Styrofoam with a
craft knife before running a pencil through
the cuts to widen them. At the same time I

6 7 cut some blockwork further up the sides of

a wall using the same method (7).

8. I made a small arched window 9. For another

(10mm wide by 20mm high) by window, I glued two
cutting it out of the Styrofoam. Thomarillion arched
Then I used PVA glue to attach windows together and
some aluminium mesh over the used universal glue
back of the opening. Again, I to bond 4mm square
formed some stone blockwork balsa rod around them,
8 around the window with the
craft knife and pencil.
9 forming a canopy for
some tiles.
2017 Issue 5 SBG 37
Building Middle-earth - Dale House

10. I made a balcony frame using 3mm square balsa wood rod. The
base and top was formed of rectangular balsa wood sheet (100mm wide
by 30mm deep and 2mm thick). The handrail was set 28mm above the
base and I made the gap between the top and bottom to be 70mm. I
10 then added infill panels between the handrail and base using 1mm thick
balsa wood sheet and used universal glue to stick everything together.
11. I used 2mm thick extruded polystyrene to form
some 10mm high banding (which I arched around the
door) to add detail to the walls. I added patterned
lines to the banding using a craft knife, cutting lines
1mm in from the top and bottom edges, then cut
11 vertical lines 1mm apart between these lines. I then
stuck the banding to the walls using PVA glue.

Roof and Tiles

1. The roof was made from a 150mm by 150mm piece
of card. I scored the underside of the card down the
middle with a craft knife so that it could be folded to
form sloping sides at a 20° angle. 1

2 3 4
For the pantiles, I cast numerous plaster sections using the Hirst Arts mold (2-3). I used the Lightweight
Hydrocal Plaster as it sets in just a few minutes, which helps to speed up the casting process! I found
numerous air bubbles in the casts and tried several ways to stop them forming, from pre-spraying the
mould with soapy water to vibrating the mould after pouring in the plaster. Unfortunately, whatever I tried,
the air bubbles persisted, so I decided to make them a feature (if you can’t beat them, join them...) - using a
craft knife, I cut each bubble out and made it look like the tiles were naturally broken and damaged (4). To
make the tiles look more realistic at the eaves, I cut out half round notches in the bottom of the edge tiles.

I used the universal glue to bond the tiles to

the roof, window canopy and balcony. To get a
slope on the canopy and balcony roofs, I glued
a 2mm length of balsa rod on the underside
of the back edge of these tiled sections.

5. To colour the tiles, I used a 1:1:1:4 mix

of Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, Troll Slayer
Orange and water. I painted this onto the
plaster and then sprayed it with Scenic
Cement to seal everything. Once dry, I added
a 1:4 wash of Raw Umber and water before
adding a second wash of 1:8 Abaddon Black
and water, before sealing this once again with
the Scenic Cement.
38 SBG Issue 5 2017
Building Middle-earth - Dale House

I basecoated the timber elements with Steel

Painting Legion Drab and then drybrushed these areas with
Tallern Sand and Karak Stone, before adding an
I painted the walls with two Agrax Earthshade wash (1). The balcony timber
coats of white masonry and the window frames were then stained with
paint. For any stone
blockwork and for the
1 2 Waywatcher Green and Bloodletter to give
hints of the vibrant colours of Dale in its heyday
window reveals, I applied a (2). I basecoated the banding with a 1:1 mix of
basecoat of Zamesi Desert. Steel Legion Drab and Khorne Red. I then added
I then drybrushed over
the top of this with Balor
3 Rakarth Flesh to that mix and drybrushed over
the top, before applying a Nuln Oil wash (3). The
Brown and then again with metal hinges, handles, keyholes and aluminium
Tallern Sand. Once dry, I mesh were basecoated with Rhinox Hide, dabbed
gave the whole building a with Tin Blitz, drybrushed with Ironbreaker and
wash of Agrax Earthshade
to dirty it up.
4 5 then washed with Nuln Oil (4). The glass of the
windows was formed from pooled Nuln Oil (5).

6. I painted the walls with a 1:1 primer coat of PVA glue and
water, before using Shaper Sheet plaster to cover the walls - I
used this particular plaster as it has a twenty minute working
time. I applied the plaster in a very thin layer (less than 1mm
thick) using a plastic spatula with a 35° sloped head.

7. Once fully set, I stained the plaster a 1:1:1:8 mix of Yellow

Ochre, Burnt Umber, Tau Light Ochre and water. Whilst still
wet, I dabbed subsequent coats of paint over the top in a rather
random fashion, starting with a 1:8 mix of Yellow Ochre and
water, then a 1:8 mix of Burnt Umber and water, then a 1:8 mix
of Raw Umber and water, before finally finishing with a 1:8 mix
of Stone Grey and water. Once this had all dried, I sprayed the
6 building with Scenic Cement and, when the cement was fully set, I
washed everything using a 1:16 mix of Abaddon Black and water.

I then sprayed the house with Scenic Cement again and, whilst
the cement was still wet, I flyspecked Earth Fine Turf scatter
over the bottom of each wall and then lightly blew some over
the rest of the house. This technique can produce quite realistic
results - at this scale, the Earth Fine Turf looks like dirt towards
the bottom of the building and moss or other plant growth as
you go up the building - perfect! To add a weathered effect, I
used powders from the NOCH 6155 Weathering Powder set. I
weathered any timber elements using a mix of the Ash and Dust
powders (applying the powder lightly with a brush), and then
used a mix of the Ash and Sand powders to weather any stone
elements. I dusted a mix of the Brick Red and Soot powders on
7 random areas of the wall before finally adding Soot powder to
the roof to give the impression that fallen embers are present.

For the finishing touches, I coated the bottom 2mm of the walls in PVA glue and applied Green Blend Turf
scatter. I glued a lamp over the front door using universal glue and painted it. I then added a Thomarillion
Tree Branch to the house with PVA glue and painted it with Steel Legion Drab with Tallern Sand highlights,
before washing it with Agrax Earthshade - I then stuck Fine Leaf Dead Foliage to this with PVA glue (see
the finished picture on page 36). And with that, the house was complete - only another nine to go...
2017 Issue 5 SBG 39
Speed Sculpting - Heroes of the Lake

Speed SculptingHeroes of the Lake

When we were first preparing for
this issue’s huge battle report back in
November 2016, we realised that we
Percy, Hilda Bianca, Bain, Sigrid and Tilda
were going to need some stand-ins for
the five new Lake-town Heroes that Forgeworld had yet to release. But who could we
ask to sculpt five entirely new Heroes from scratch? Enter Dave Fredericks, stage left...

Dave: So the latest challenge from girls could somehow hold hands, so
the SBG team was to come up I created outstretched arms on their
with usable models for Percy, Hilda armatures (4), allowing for a nice
and Bard’s children. I originally three-person vignette with Bain (5).
thought about converting existing With the armatures built, I decided
miniatures, but the problem with to play the waiting game - after all, 1 2
three children, a woman and an there was no point going to the effort
elderly man is that they all have of sculpting the figures if the official
frames that are smaller than usual, models were about to be released!
so I decided to create scratch-

sculpts for all of them to give me Unfortunately, it was a gamble that
more freedom with the poses. didn’t pay off and, with no sign of
any Forgeworld models two weeks
I originally began work just before the battle report, I must admit
after Christmas by making wire a sense of dread came over me.
armatures from paper clips. The Speed sculpting is not something I am
poses for Percy (1) and Hilda particularly fond of - I much prefer to
(2) were fairly simple so their take my time, getting each stage right
armatures came together easily. before moving on. However, I had
Next, I decided that I wanted Bain not afforded myself that luxury and
to look like he was shielding his figured I’d just cover up any errors
sisters, so I opted for a pose similar with the subsequent stages. Still, I
to that of the original Aragorn (3). reassured Tom and Damian that all
Finally, I wanted to ensure that the was well and got cracking...

Work-in-progress pictures
that show just how rough
the early layers were!
I began by applying a base layer of putty onto each armature to
provide a surface for the other layers to adhere to. To have any
chance of meeting the deadline, I had to sculpt a layer on one figure,
then move onto the next figure, then the next and so on. By the
time I finished a layer on the fifth model, the first model had cured,
allowing me to keep working on the ensemble continuously (6).
40 SBG Issue 5 2017
Speed Sculpting - Heroes of the Lake

Faces are another area where I struggle, even more so if trying to capture the
likeness of an actor. Usually I will do several then pick the one that is best but
again there was no time for that, so I just gave each model a head and then
reworked them a little using a file and extra bits of putty.

If I’m being honest, a couple of the faces ended up quite rough which was perhaps to be expected given the
limited time I had - still, if I could make the characters recognisable from their clothes, hair and accessories
then I was still confident they’d be fit for battle. So, armed with screenshots from the films, I added the
detail layers as shown in the pictures of Bain’s development below. It was only three days before the battle
report that the models were ‘finished’ - I’d managed five sculpts in just eleven days! I could see lots wrong
with them that I would have liked to amend, but I couldn’t dwell on this as they still needed to be painted...

1 2 3 4
We all know that I’m not the painter
of the Shadow & Flame partnership
but, with no time to post them
to Kev for a marvellous paint job,
I reluctantly had to paint all five
models too! I painted up two figures
per day with a bit of guidance from
Kev and, in a turn up for the books, I
was ultimately more pleased with my
painting than I was with my sculpting!

In conclusion, whilst I acknowledge

that this was hardly my best work, I
do think that the characters are at
least recognisable in terms of who
they’re meant to represent. Perhaps
more importantly, I was pleasantly
surprised to learn just how much
can be achieved in a very short space
of time with a looming deadline and
some determination!

2017 Issue 5 SBG 41

Painting Masterclass - Gandalf the Grey

Gandalf the Grey
Given the vast number of Heroes present at the Battle
of the Five Armies, it took a while for us all to decide
exactly which model Kev Lawrence should paint in his
latest tutorial. In the end, we settled on an old favourite from which everyone should be able to take
a pointer or two, the Grey Pilgrim himself - Gandalf! Kev primed the model black and got stuck in!

Top Tip Shading your greys with mixes of browns, blues and even purples can help to ‘warm up’ your model

1. Basecoat the hat, 2. Add a drop of Dawnstone to

scarf and clothing the previous mix and a further
with a 50:50 mix of three drops of medium before
Abaddon Black and highlighting again. Do not highlight
The Fang. Next, add the hat with this mix as the hat
three drops of medium is blue! [Ed - Quite true, but very
and a drop of The Fang contentious...]. Then, make a 50:50
to the previous mix mix of Agrax Earthshade and
1 and highlight the same
areas of the model.
2 water and wash all the areas
you’ve worked on so far.

3. After the wash has 4. Make a 95:5 mix of medium

dried, add a drop of and Xereus Purple and glaze any
Administratum Grey and areas which would be in shade,
three drops of medium such as under the arms, under the
to your mix from Stage 2 belt and in the deepest folds in the
and highlight again. Once robes. Be careful not to overload
dry, repeat the process, as your brush at this stage as you do
the medium will make the not want the paint to run all over
paint quite thin and building the place! Note - I did not use this
3 the layers up slowly will
produce the best result.
4 glaze on Gandalf's back as I wanted
to keep this area a darker grey.

5. Make an 80:20 mix of 6. Make a 60:40 mix of water and

water and Ulthuan Grey and The Fang and glaze the hat and
highlight the robes and scarf. scarf. Paint the shoes, bag, belt
Then, make a 70:30 mix of and staff with Mournfang Brown
Agrax Earthshade and water and the belt buckle with Runefang
5 and wash all the areas you
have painted so far.
6 Steel. Once dry, wash these areas
with Agrax Earthshade.
42 SBG Issue 5 2017
Painting Masterclass - Gandalf the Grey

7. Highlight the scarf with 8. Carefully paint

a 50:50 mix of Ulthuan two tiny dots of
Grey and The Fang plus Screaming Skull
three drops of medium. into each eye
Highlight the uppermost socket. Add one
areas of the robes with drop of medium
Ulthuan Grey with five to a 50:50 mix of
drops of medium added. Ratskin Flesh and
Paint the hands and face Bestigor Flesh
with Ratskin Flesh, leaving and highlight the
the eye sockets black. flesh. Paint the hair
7 Once dry, wash with
Reikland Fleshshade.
8 and beard with
Administratum Grey.

9. Wash the hair and 10. Highlight the belt, shoes and
beard with a 60:40 mix staff with Steel Legion Drab. When
of water and Agrax highlighting, paint long, thin lines
Earthshade before along the length of the staff - the
highlighting the same wigglier the better! The trick here is
areas using Screaming to avoid letting any of the lines touch
Skull with a drop of each other (so the previous darker
medium added. Paint coat can be seen in-between - see
Gandalf’s glove (see inset). Once you are happy, add a little
inset) with a 50:50 Ushabti Bone and a drop of medium
mix of Dawnstone and to the Steel Legion Drab and highlight
Abaddon Back and the uppermost areas of the belt and

9 10
then wash with Agrax shoes, as well as the thin lines on the
Earthshade. front-facing part of Gandalf’s staff.

11. Make a 50:50 mix 12. Paint a tiny

of water and Balor amount of Seraphim
Brown and highlight the Sepia onto the beard
bag. Once dry, add a little just under Gandalf’s
Ushabti Bone to the mix lip - don’t overload
and highlight the most the brush here, only
prominent areas of the a tiny amount is
bag again. Add three drops required. Add three
of medium to White Scar drops of medium
and highlight the hair to Bestigor Flesh
and beard. Then, wash and highlight the
the staff, bag and shoes knuckles of the un-
11 with a 50:50 mix of Agrax
Earthshade and water.
gloved hand. Lightly
drybrush around
the bottom edge of
Head over to Gandalf’s cloak with Steel Legion Drab to
for a view of their galleries and products, create a weathered
and to receive a quote to build your effect but, again,
custom piece of Middle-earth! don’t overdo it. And
Like Shadow & Flame on Facebook at there you have it,
12 base as you choose
and he’s complete!
2017 Issue 5 SBG 43
A brief look into what the SBG team have been up to during the production of this issue

Damian: I spent the second half of last year building

an Azog’s Legion army and have recently been enjoying
adding in all the cool new beasties that were included in
There and Back Again. So far, I have painted two ogres and
a troll and I’m about to start on Stumpy the Troll Brute
and another troll; hopefully they’ll all be marching to war
at Warhammer World’s Throne of Skulls in September!

Tom: After managing to paint a good number of Lake-

town Militia in time for this issue’s bat-rep, I fancy a
change of scenery. I’m not the most efficient hobbyist
at the moment, so I wonder what the probability of me
actually finishing the Forgeworld Weathertop and some
Games Workshop Lake-town houses before Issue 6 is?
Perhaps I’ll write about it in Of Dice and Men - Part 2...

James: I’ve taken a break from buying and painting

Middle-earth models over the past year. However, the
recent army list Special Rules that will be in use at
Warhammer World’s upcoming Throne of Skulls event have
reignited my interest in creating a new force and, as a
result, I’ve got hold of some classic High Elves and can’t
wait to get them painted up and on the table!

Dave: I’m currently focusing on my Armies on Parade

entry, which will include my scratch-built Stumpy the Troll
Brute (made before the Forgeworld version was released)
and a converted Gundabad Troll. If I can find room on
the board, I want to try to include a giant Wereworm as
a centrepiece as it will look very cool bursting out of the
rock! Will I complete it all in time? Who knows?!

Jamie: My ongoing hobby project is to build a Helm’s

Deep for The Two Towers journey book campaign. I need
to build a Deeping Wall to match the Games Workshop
scenery set but, sadly, life has been getting in the way
and I probably need to book some time off work to
complete it. If you have any hints and tips, or want to
build it for me, just let me know at an upcoming event!

Steve: Most of my hobby time of late has been spent

building terrain for my upcoming tournament. However,
when I’ve not been sticking my fingers to coffee stirrers,
I’ve managed to paint some of the new releases such as
the Gundabad Trolls and the Iron Hills Chariot. Next on
my to-do list is to repaint my old Gondor force and I’m
hoping to significantly improve my early painting efforts!
44 SBG Issue 5 2017
If you’ve enjoyed this issue, then read on to discover how you can ensure that there are more in the future!

Dear Readers, force that looks as though it's fighting in the ruins of
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Davies of
Generation Thank-you,

Shift Damian & Tom

2017 Issue 5 SBG 45

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