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Interview questionnaire for the management of Kohinoor Chemical

Company regarding Sandalina

1. Vision, Mission, and Dream for Sandalina:

a. Can you share Kohinoor Chemical Company's vision, mission, and overall dream for the product Sandalina sandal

b. How does Sandalina fit into the broader strategy and values of the company?

2. Marketing Efforts and Highlighted Campaigns:

a. What marketing strategies and campaigns has the company implemented for Sandalina in the past and present?

b. Can you highlight some of the most successful or noteworthy marketing campaigns for Sandalina?

3. Customer Perception:

a. How do you assess the current perception of Sandalina among customers in the beauty soap market of Bangladesh?

b. Have there been any customer surveys or feedback mechanisms to gauge customer satisfaction and perception?

4. Competitive Landscape and Market Share:

a. What is the overall competitive landscape of the beauty soap market in Bangladesh?

b. How does Sandalina's market share compare to its competitors in the beauty soap segment?

c. Can you provide insights into the key competitors and their market positioning?

5. Gap Analysis:

a. Based on the company's vision and mission, where do you see a gap between what was intended and Sandalina's
actual business performance?

b. Are there specific performance metrics or goals that have not been met?

6. Bridging the Gap:

a. What strategies and initiatives are in place or planned to bridge the gap between the company's vision and
Sandalina's performance?

b. Are there any upcoming product enhancements, marketing campaigns, or market expansion plans to address these

General Questions:

a. Can you share any key challenges or obstacles that the company has faced in marketing Sandalina?

b. How do you envision the future of Sandalina in the beauty soap market of Bangladesh?
c. Are there any specific target goals or KPIs for Sandalina's sales revenue that you would like to achieve in the coming

Strategic Direction:

a. How do you see Sandalina's role in the broader product portfolio of Kohinoor Chemical Company?

b. Are there plans to diversify or expand the Sandalina brand into related product categories?

Marketing Channels and Partnerships:

a. Can you provide insights into the distribution channels used for Sandalina and any key partnerships or collaborations
that have been established?

Sustainability and CSR Efforts:

a. What sustainability or corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives are associated with Sandalina, and how do they
align with the company's values?

Feedback and Improvement:

a. How does the company collect and act on customer feedback to continuously improve Sandalina?

b. What market research or consumer insights have influenced recent decisions regarding the product?

Detailed questions regarding marketing of Sandalina

Marketing Plan and Strategy:

1. Can you outline the current marketing plan and strategy for Sandalina, including key objectives and target audiences?

2. How does the marketing plan align with the broader vision for the product?

3. Are there any unique selling points (USPs) or value propositions that are emphasized in the marketing strategy for

Marketing Channels:

4. What marketing channels are currently used to promote Sandalina, such as TV, newspapers, social media, and others?

5. How do you measure the effectiveness of each marketing channel in reaching the target audience and generating

6. Are there any plans to explore new or alternative marketing channels for Sandalina?

Celebrity Endorsement:

7. Has Sandalina employed celebrity endorsements in past marketing campaigns? If so, can you share the impact of
these endorsements on customer perception and sales?

8. Are there any plans to continue or expand celebrity endorsements in future marketing efforts?
Popular Past Marketing Campaigns:

9. Can you highlight some of the past marketing campaigns for Sandalina that were particularly popular with customers?
What made them successful?

10. Have any lessons been learned from these campaigns that have influenced the current marketing strategy?

Current Marketing Practices in the Beauty Soap Industry of Bangladesh:

11. What are the prevailing marketing practices in the beauty soap industry of Bangladesh, and how does Sandalina
compare to these practices?

12. Are there any specific trends or innovations in marketing that the industry is currently adopting, and how is
Sandalina adapting to them?

Future Advertising Plan:

13. What are the future advertising and marketing plans for Sandalina in the coming years? Are there any specific goals
or milestones you aim to achieve through these plans?

14. How does the company plan to stay competitive in a constantly evolving market?

Advertising Budget:

15. Can you provide insights into the current advertising budget allocated to promote Sandalina?

16. How is the advertising budget divided among different marketing channels and activities?

17. Are there plans to increase or reallocate the advertising budget to support future growth?

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