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BS Psychology (Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan)

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1. Why is Latency Stage considered as the “calm” or “NO-pleasure zone” period?

A. Children’s attention is geared towards physical and academic activities.

B. Children at this stage are suffering from identity crisis.
C. Children at this stage are both into oral and anal pleasures.
D. Reason is not stated in Freud’s theory

2. Which of the following refers to the time for adjustment to decreasing strength and health, life review,
retirement, and adjustment to new social roles?

A. Prenatal period
B. Adolescent period
C. Late adulthood/old age
D. Sensorimotor stage

3. Which of the following happens when the girl sees her mother as a rival for her father’s attention?

A. Electra Complex
B. Oral Receptive
C. Oedipus Complex
D. Anal Retentive

4. Before introducing her new lesson, Ms. Reyes asks the students what they already know about
“NOUNS”. This is an example of drawing out _______________.

A. Assimilation
B. Cognition
C. Accommodation
D. Schema

5. The infant will be able to grasp an object with the whole hand before using only thumb and forefinger. What
principle of development is described?

A. Growth and development proceed from general to specific.

B. Development is sequential.
C. Developmental patterns show wide individual differences
D. Development proceeds from the simple to the more complex.

6. Rea, aged 4, can add simple numbers like 1 +2 and 3+5. However, if ask 2+1, she cannot already answer.
Which explanation supports the example?

A. She is having a cognitive delay

B. She cannot do so because of irreversibility.
C. She is experiencing dyscalculia.
D. She tends to think that it’s difficult for her level.

7. According to Erikson's Psychosocial Stages of Development, the stage in which a child needs to learn
important academic skills and compare favorably with peers in school to achieve competence is the
____ stage.

A. Trust vs. Mistrust

B. Initiative vs. Guilt
C. Identity vs. Role Confusion
D. Industry vs. Inferiority

8. Which developmental principle is NOT TRUE?

A. Children’s development is a function of environment and heredity.

B. Children develop at different rates.
C. Children develop in a predictable manner.
D. Children develop skills and abilities in an unpredictable manner.

9. A 38-year-old woman quits her high-paying marketing job to focus on her children and become a school
counselor. What stage would Erikson consider this to be:

A. Identify vs. Role Confusion

B. Ego integrity vs. Despair
C. Generativity vs. Stagnation
D. Industry vs. Inferiority

10. Which of the following situations describes Stage 1 of Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development?

A. Sophia joins the protest rally against RH Bill

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B. Fe believes that what is legal is right and what is illegal is wrong

C. Helga followed the orders of her aunt to avoid punishment
D. Gerald loves sucking his thumb and claims it to be normal when he’s stressed

Which is the ideal stage of moral development?

A. Social contract
B. Universal ethical principle
C. Law and order
D. Good boy/good girl

Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when student strikes a classmate at the height of anger?

A. Ego
B. Superego
C. Id
D. Id and Ego interact

“Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the voiceless voice from within you.” In
the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at work?

A. Id
B. Superego
C. Ego
D. Id and ego interact

Which of the following pertains to the innate characteristics with which the child is equipped at birth?

A. Environmental factors
B. Hereditary factors
C. Cephalocaudal trend
D. Proximodistal trend

You will understand when a pre-school boy asserts that two rows of five coins similarly spaced have equal
amounts; but when one row is spread out so that it is longer than the other, he says it has more coins. Based on
Piaget’s theory, which ability does he lack?

A. Multiple classification
B. Perspective taking
C. Reversibility
D. Conservation

When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter “yong kagaya kahapon.” With Piaget’s theory in mind, what
is the little girl’s behavior called?

A. Pre-operational egocentrism
B. Conservation
C. Reversibility
D. Transudative reasoning

Which of the following refers to a kind of reflex where babies will grasp anything that is placed in their hands?

A. Gripping reflex
B. Startle/Moro reflex
C. Social referencing
D. Cooing

Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to Vygotsky?

A. Independent thinking
B. Social interaction
C. Individual mental work
D. Scientific thinking

Teacher X asked her students to describe how their families celebrate holidays. Students can discover that people
celebrate holidays differently. Which principle in cognitive development governs Teacher X’s teaching activity?

A. Social interaction is essential for cognitive development.

B. Children often think in different ways at different ages.
C. Cognitive development involves relating new information to prior knowledge.
D. Children actively construct their knowledge.

“I will give you papers if you will give me a ballpen.” Such act is under what stage of Moral Development?

A. Mutual Benefit
B. Punishment and Obedience

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C. Law and Order

D. Social Contract

All of the following describe the development of child aged 11 to 13 EXCEPT _____.

A. Sex differences in IQ becomes more evident

B. They shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability
C. They exhibit increased objectivity in thinking
D. They show abstract thinking and judgement

The guidance given by the MKO (More Knowledgeable Others) to the learner is termed as _____.

A. scaffolding
D. fade away

According to Erikson, if some older people become preoccupied with their failures, the bad decisions they made,
and regrets that they don’t have the time and energy to reverse them, it will result to _____.

A. Ego Integrity
B. Despair
C. Hope
D. Generativity

Which of the following refers to the child’s ability to recognize that the object still exists even when out of sight?

A. Symbolic thought
B. Object permanence
C. Animism
D. Centration

In a social studies class, Teacher P presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks students what they would
do. On whose theory is Teacher P’s technique based?

A. Bruner
B. Piaget
C. Kohlberg
D. Bandura

When small children call all animals “dogs”, what process is illustrated based on Piaget’s cognitive development

A. Conservation
B. Assimilation
C. Accommodation
D. Reversion

Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s social learning theory?

A. Modelling
B. Lecturing
C. Questioning
D. Inductive reasoning

Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they went to Enchanted Kingdom. Just at sight of roller coaster, she
gets excited. Which theory explains Bernadette’s behavior?

A. Operant conditioning
B. Classical conditioning
C. Pavlovian conditioning
D. Social learning theory

29. Based on Bandura’s social learning theory, whom do children often imitate? Those who _______ Have
substantial influence over their lives; (II) Belong to their peer group; (III) Belong to other races; (IV) Are successful
and seem admired

A. I and IV
B. II and IV
C. I and II
D. IV only

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Enola is 12 years old. She loves to run, jump and play with her friends. She loves to do outdoor activities in most
of her free time. She is known to be the tallest in her batch with a height of approximately 5 feet. What basic
concept on child and adolescent development is described in the situation?

A. Development
B. Growth
C. Hereditary factors
D. Environmental factors

Dina plays on her own. She seems not to notice other children nearby. What stage of play is described?

A. Unoccupied play
B. Onlooker play
C. Solitary play
D. Associative play

Which does Noam Chomsky assert about language learning for children? (I)Young children learn and apply
grammatical rules and vocabulary as they exposed to them; (II) Begin formal teaching of grammatical rules to
children as early as possible; (III) Do not require initial formal language teaching for children.

A. II only
B. I only
C. I and II
D. I and III

Visual imagery helps people store information in their memory more effectively. Which is one teaching implication
of this principle?

A. You will not object when your students daydream in class.

B. Instruct students to take notes while you lecture.
C. Encourage your students to imagine the characters and situations when reading a story.
D. Tell them to read more illustrated comics.

It is sound to encourage students to define terms in their own words because _____.

A. Defining the terms in their own words helps them memorize the definition faster
B. Students remember information better when they mentally process it in some way
C. This is one opportunity to brush up with their English.
D. They ought to connect the terms that they learn with other terms.

Which is a classroom application of the theory on operant conditioning?

A. Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the response.
B. Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxation
C. Helps students see the connectedness of facts, concepts and principles
D. Make students learn by operating manipulatives

Thorndike’s law of effective states that a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened when the
consequence is ____.

A. Repeated
B. Negative
C. Pleasurable
D. Positive

Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt behavior,
meaning, an individual respond to events that occur in the environment. This theory came to be known as.

A. Connectionism
B. Stimulus-response associations
C. Classical conditioning
D. Operant conditioning

The leading proponent of social learning theory is Bandura. He believes that ______.

A. Behavior can influence both the environment and the person

B. Learning stays with the individuals until needed
C. Reinforcement influences cognitive processes
D. People learn from one another such as by modeling.

Erikson was influenced by Sigmund Freud and came up with a theory which serves as a basis for analyzing
personality and development to help facilitate the teacher’s understanding of various environmental factors that
affect own behavior and those of his/her students’, as well. This theory cam to be known as _____.

A. Emotional development
B. Moral development

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C. Personality development
D. Psycho-social development

Baby Ann said “mamam” when she wants to drink water and “papay” when she wants some bread. The child is in
what stage of language development?

A. Babbling stage
B. Telegraphic stage
C. Holophrastic stage
D. Cooing stage

From the point of view of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory, how would one explain why being born to a
poor family makes a person work harder?

A. The macrosystem affects an individual’s behavior.

B. Culture determines a person’s behavior.
C. A person’s highest need is self-actualization.
D. Eros or life instinct help the individual to survive.

According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, between ages 12 and 15 children reach formal operational
stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage?

A. Can focus on only one aspect of a situation or even

B. Can solve abstract problems and think deductively
C. Can reason inductively or deductively
D. Can do multi-tasking

At the preoperational stage of Piaget’s cognitive development, the child can see only his point of view and
assumes that everyone also has his same point of view. What is this tendency called?

A. Transductive reasoning
B. Animism
C. Egocentrism
D. Conservatism

A child was shown an amount of water in a glass. The teacher poured the whole amount to a much taller and
narrower glass and marked his glass A. The same amount was poured in a shorter and wider glass, marked glass
B. When asked which has more water, A or B, the answer was, “Glass A”. In what stage if cognitive development
is the child and what is this ability called?

A. Concrete operational stage; conservation

B. Formal operational stage; deductive reasoning
C. Sensori-motor stage; symbolic functions
D. Pre-operational stage; centration

Research on the brain reveals that numbers of dendrite connections in the first five years of growth are in tens of
billions. What does this underscore? (I)The significance of a stimulating early childhood education; (II) The
necessity of forcing the child to learn at an early age or else may never get interested at all; (III) The need to
punish preschool children when they can’t follow a lesson for them to remember the lesson; (IV) The significance
of right parenting

A. I and III
B. II and IV
C. I and IV
D. II and III

Which appropriate teaching practice flows from this research finding on the brain: The brain’s emotional center is
tied into its ability to learn.

A. Create a learning environment that encourages students to explore their feelings and ideas freely
B. Come up with highly competitive games where winners will fell happy
C. Tell students to participate in class activities or else won’t receive plus points in class recitation
D. To establish discipline be judgmental in attitude

Which VIOLATES this brain-based principle of teaching-leaning;” Each child’s brain is unique and vastly different
from one another.”

A. Giving ample opportunity for a pupil to explore even of the class creates “noise”
B. Making a left-handed pupil write with his right hand as this is better
C. Allowing open dialogue among students
D. Employing MI teaching approaches

Research says that development in one domain (physical, social, emotional, cognitive) influences and is
influenced by development in other domains. What is an education implication of this finding? (I) Use MI
approaches; (II) Stimulate the sense of sight which is the most important of the senses; (III) Use thematic teaching

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A. III only
B. I only
C. I and II
D. I and III

Piagetian tasks state that thinking becomes more logical and abstract as children reach the formal operations
stage. What is an educational implication of this finding?

A. Expect hypothetical reasoning from learners between 12 to 15 of age.

B. Engage children in analogical reasoning as early as preschool to train them for HOTS.
C. Learners who are not capable of logical reasoning form ages 8 to 11 lag behind in their cognitive
D. Let children be children.

Researchers found that when a child is engaged in a learning experience a number of areas of the brain are
simultaneously activated. What is an application of this in the teaching-learning process? (I) Make use of field
trips, guest speakers; (II) Do multicultural units of study; (III) Stick to the “left brain and right brain” approach

A. II only
B. I only
C. I and III
D. I and I


What is/are more likely to happen when a student gets intrinsically motivated?

(I)Tackles assigned task willingly; (II) Eager to learn classroom material; (III) Engaged in meaningful learning

A. I, II and III
B. I and III
C. I and II
D. II and III

Professor B once said: “We talk of developing critical thinking among our students, but when they disagree with
us, we get offended.” To which Filipino trait does this point?

A. Inquisitiveness of the Filipino Youth

B. The lack of seriousness among Filipinos
C. Extreme authoritarianism
D. Lack of subjectivity

Lecturer C narrates: “I observe that when an English-speaking foreigner in class, more often than not, his
classmates perceive him to be superior.” To which Filipino trait does this point?

A. Hospitality
B. Friendliness
C. Colonial mentality
D. Lack of confidence

To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach out to children who
come from a barangay without a school?

A. Mobile teacher
B. Multi-level classroom
C. Multi-grade classroom
D. Sine eskwela

Which program of the Department of Education is an offshoot of the Filipino bayanihan spirit?

A. Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP)

B. Brigada Eskwela
C. Child-Friendly School System
D. The Basic Education Curriculum

Which type of parenting style is most beneficial to the development of children, according to research?

A. Authoritarian
B. Permissive
C. Authoritative
D. Uninvolved

What is referred to as the “looking glass self” of Cooley?

A. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others.

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B. It is how others look at myself.

C. It is how others affect me.
D. It is how I influence others.

Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling by demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow motion and
physically guiding his students through the correct movements. As his students become more skillful, he stands
back from the mat and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. with Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did
Teacher H do?

A. Guided participation
B. Peer interaction
C. Apprenticeship
D. Scaffolding

Social exposure to various cultures expands a child’s pool of knowledge. Which statements go/es with this
sentence? (I) The less experiences a child has, the more disciplined he/she becomes; (II) The more experiences
a child has, the richer his/her world becomes; (III) The more selective parents in the exposure of their child, the
more challenged the child becomes.

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. III only

Rodel have wrong answer. Teacher said “Wrong! You are way off.” As a consequence, other students in the class
were afraid to answer question. Which of the following is illustrated by the event?

A. Ripple effect
B. Halo effect
C. Severity error
D. Central tendency error

A grade 6 twelve-year-old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused and neglected. He has
been to orphanages and three different elementary schools. He can decode at the second-grade level, but he can
comprehend orally materials at the fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student’s reading
problem is/are _____.

A. Immaturity
B. Emotional factors
C. Neurological factors
D. Poor teaching

Who of the following authors would most help Teacher Lito to understand the underlying effects of poverty on
academic achievement?

A. Maslow
B. Dewey
C. Piaget
D. Kohlberg

You are convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement and soon the
students learn to perform the behavior on her own. On which principle is your conviction based?

A. Cognitivism
B. Behaviorism
C. Constructivism
D. Environmentalism

William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior is inspired by what satisfies a person’s want at any given
time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn?

A. Make schoolwork relevant to students’ basic human needs.

B. Avoid giving assignments.
C. Make teaching-learning interactive.
D. Organize a curriculum in a spiral manner.

Which psychological theory states that mind insists on finding patterns in things that contribute to the development
of insight?

A. Piaget’s psychology
B. Kohlberg’s psychology
C. Gestalt psychology
D. Bruner’s theory

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Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying Bruner’s
how should you teach?

A. Begin with the concrete.

B. Begin with the abstract.
C. Be interactive in approach.
D. Do direct instruction.

What is an application of BF Skinner’s operant conditioning theory?

A. Use of ICT in the classroom

B. Constructivist teaching
C. Computer-based self-instruction
D. Action research

A person who has had painful experiences at the dentist’s office may become fearful at the mere sight pf the
dentist’s office. Which theory can explain this?

A. Generalization
B. Classical conditioning
C. Operant conditioning
D. Action research

If a child is bitten by a large, black dog, the child may fear not only that black dog but also other large dogs. Which
conditioning process is illustrated?

A. Discrimination
B. Extinction
C. Acquisition
D. Generalization

Rene exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does show fear when a dog is on a leash or confined to a
pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?

A. Discrimination
B. Extinction
C. Generalization
D. Acquisition

In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to ingest a drug that
produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol.
Which theory explain this?

A. Operant conditioning
B. Social learning theory
C. Associative learning
D. Attribution theory

If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs, the highest
need to satisfy according to Maslow is _____.

A. Belongingness
B. Safety needs
C. Psychological need
D. Self-actualization

This principle implies that a student will learn more from the real thing than from a substitute. Examples,
analogies, and personal experiences also make learning come to life. Therefore, instructors should make full use
of the senses and create activities connected to real-life experiences. This belief rooted on which law of learning?

A. law of effect
B. law of recency
C. law of primacy
D. law of intensity

Which of the following refers to the “storehouse” of information and by which also has unlimited space?

A. schema
B. sensory memory
C. short-term memory
D. long-term memory

In order for Elena to be enrolled for the semester, she needed to follow the enrolment process. Every time she
forgot what to do next, she always went back to the guide provided by the school personnel. Following a step-by-
step process is a problem-solving strategy called ______.

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A. Algorithm
B. Heuristics
C. Means-ends analysis
D. Trial and Error

Which is/are the basic assumption/s of behaviorist? (I) The mind of a newborn child is a blank slate; (II) All
behaviors are determined by environmental events; (III) The child has a certain degree of freedom not to allow
himself to shaped by his environment.

A. III only
B. I and II
C. I and III
D. II only

What does Gagne’s hierarchical theory propose for effective instruction?

A. Sequence instruction
B. Reward good behavior
C. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate in the classroom.
D. Teach beginning with the concrete.

Anna is a pre-school teacher. After her 2-hour session with her pupils, she’ll stamp three big stars on the hands of
their pupils who may have behaved throughout the session. Putting stamp is an example of __________?

A. punishment
B. private speech
C. stimulus
D. reinforcement

Teacher Z always checks on entry knowledge and skills before she proceeds to her new lesson. On which
principle is Teacher Z’s practice grounded?

A. Effective teaching proceeds from the concrete to the abstract.

B. Attention is essential for learning
C. Learning increases when the lesson is relevant
D. New learning builds on previous learning.

Which is a classroom application of this principle: “Students learn more effectively when they elaborate on new
information.” Ask your students to ___.

A. Write the principle five times

B. Commit the principle to memory.
C. Analyze the principle from different points of view.
D. Print the principle in bigger letters then put it in a place where they can read it time and again.

Teacher R, a science teacher, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper behavior for
lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports Teacher R’s practice?

A. Vygotsky’s
B. Glasser’s
C. Piaget’s
D. Bandura’s

Teacher D claims: “If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after response.” Which theory
supports Teacher D?

A. Operant conditioning theory

B. Social-cognitive theory
C. Cognitive theory
D. Humanist theory

One learns math by building on math lessons previously learned. This is an application if the ___ theory.

A. Physiological
B. Constructivist
C. S-R
D. Humanis

Whenever her students will do something correctly, Teacher Rhuovel will put a smiley sticker on her students'
notes. What conditioning is shown here?

A. Positive Reinforcement
B. Positive Punishment
C. Negative Reinforcement
D. Negative Punishment

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“Learning has taken place when a strong bond between stimulus and response is formed.” This is based on the
theory of _____.

A. Constructivism
B. Categorization
C. Predisposition
D. Connectionism

According to Ausubel, one of the ways to strengthen the student’s cognitive structure is by using an instructional
tool called ___.

A. Cross-referencing
B. Spiral approach
C. Advance organizer
D. Narrative

Watson applied classical conditioning in his experiments and the results showed that behavior is learned through
stimulus-response associations, specifically the development of emotional responses to certain stimuli. This helps
us in ____.

A. Interpreting reflexes as emotions

B. Understanding fears, phobias and love
C. Connecting observable behavior to stimulus
D. Understanding the role of overt behavior.

What is defined as something that strengthens the behavior and is sometimes called “response strengthener”?

A. punishment
B. private speech
C. stimulus
D. reinforcement

Miss Reyes observed that one of her students excels in activities requiring strength, speed, flexibility, balance and
hand-eye coordination. According to Howard Gardner, such natural intelligence can be identified as _____.

A. Bodily-kinesthetic
B. Verbal-logical
C. Interpersonal
D. Verbal-linguistic

Learning styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes information. Classify a student who learns best
through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what others have to say. He/she is
a/an _____.

A. Visual learner
B. Auditory learner
C. Analytic learner
D. Global learner

Identify the ninth intelligence which is described as the ability to seek connections involving one’s place in the
family, school, community and “role in the world.” They ask “why are we here?” this intelligence is termed _____.

A. Naturalist
B. Interpersonal
C. Intrapersonal
D. Existentialist

High levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, inhibits learning. What is an implication of this in the teaching-learning

A. Teacher should be non-threatening in her ways.

B. Avoid quizzes and tests.
C. Never raise our voice.
D. Don’t give assignment

Research findings showed that student’s motivation may vary according to socio-economic background. Which
observation can attest to this?

A. Females are more likely than males to earn higher grades.

B. Students from low-income families are among those likely to be at risk for failing and dropping
from school.
C. Gifted students are more highly motivated.
D. More boys than girls become underachievers.

Research on teaching-effectiveness practices has shown that _____.

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A. Directions should be few and best delivered in a casual manner.

B. Planning has little impact on student learning
C. Questioning strategies are ineffective monitoring techniques.
D. Teaching procedures on classroom routines early in the school year are essential.

Which stamen/s on classroom climate is/are TRUE?

(I) Classroom climate is affected by the type of leadership exhibited by a teacher; (II) Classroom climate is not
affected by the type of leadership exhibited by a teacher; (III) Democratic leadership produces more task
orientation and more socially acceptable behavior than does autocratic leadership; (IV) When environmental
conditions are appropriate for learning, the likelihood of disruptive behavior is minimized.

A. II and III
B. I, III and IV
C. III only
D. I only

In which type of classroom climate can students participate on the kind of “learning to love together”?

A. In competitive classrooms
B. In democratic classrooms
C. In individualistic classrooms
D. In autocratic classrooms

In review of studies on the impact of support in school, a research institute found out that a caring school climate
is associated with: a) higher grades, engagement, attendance, expectations and aspirations, a sense of scholastic
competence; b) fewer school suspensions, and on-time progression through grades; c) higher self-esteem and
self-concept; d) less anxiety, depression and loneliness; and e) less substance abuse. An implication of this
research finding for improved learning, is that the school should ____.

A. Focus on grades
B. Develop a faculty that is concerned with children’s welfare
C. Integrate substance abuse in its curriculum
D. Track class attendance

To enable all students to succeed, two simple approaches you should use are variety and choice. What does this
mean? (I) Make use of a variety of teaching methodologies; (II) Consider learning styles and so allow students
some options on how to go about assignments; (III) Allow for more flexibility in activities; (IV) Do away with
routines, rules and procedures

A. I and II
B. I, II and III
C. II and III
D. I, II, III and IV

Which features of learning environment support meaningful learning and assessment? (I) Attention to
development; (II) Authentic performance; (III) Active in-depth learning; (IV) Homogenous grouping; (V)
Appreciation for diversity

A. I, III, IV, V
B. I, II, III, V
C. I, II, IV

Which of the following serves as a filter on what to focus on when a person is presented a lot of stimuli at a given
time like what you hear, see, feel, etc?

A. schema
B. sensory memory
C. short-term memory
D. long-term memory


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1. In this act, the need for vocational training is further enhanced. Which legal foundation was this stated?

A. DECS Order No. 26 s 1997

B. The Philippine Education Act of 1982
C. No Child Left Behind
D. R. A. 7277 The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

2. This states that children with disabilities are to be educated to the maximum extent with children who do not
have disabilities

a. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

b. American with Disabilities Act
c. Rehabilitation Act 504
d. No Child Left Behind Act

3. A legal foundation that aims to have all students performing at proficient level in two educational cornerstones,
reading and math.

A. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

B. American with Disabilities Act
C. Rehabilitation Act 504
D. No Child Left Behind Act

4. This term refers to the result of an impairment.

A. Disability
B. Developmental delay
C. Impairment
D. Handicap

5. This term refers to the way the condition restricts the person's normal functioning.

A. Disability
B. Developmental delay
C. Impairment
D. Handicap

6. What can be used to diagnose if a child has microcephaly during pregnancy?

C. Ultrasound
D. X-ray

7. What are the treatments for Microcephaly?

A. There is no treatment for this condition

B. Brain expansion surgery
C. Head transplant
D. Oral medications

8. What is the most common type of hearing loss?

A. Sensorineural
B. Conductive
C. Mixed
D. Single-sided

9. Which of the following is NOT a cause of conductive hearing loss? *

A. Ear infections
B. Perforated eardrum
C. Aging
D. Blockage of the ear canal

10. Student W belongs to an Aeta community. He suffers from hearing loss caused by too much earwax, and Ear
Infections in the Middle Ear specifically in Otosclerosis. What type of hearing loss does she have?

A. Auditory Processing Disorders

B. Conductive
C. Sensorineural
D. Mixed

11. The following are treatment of Cerebral palsy except

A. Physical therapy
B. Occupational therapy

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C. External braces
D. Blood Transfusion

12. A mother brings her child to a doctor to discuss some questions she has regarding her son's development.
The doctor notes a low IQ and some issues with communication with the young child and eventually arrives at a
diagnosis of an intellectual disability. What is LIKELY NOT a possible cause of this child's disability?

A. The mother works at the child's bedtime and is not available to read to him nightly.
B. The mother's brother has an intellectual disability.
C. The mother had a serious infection during her pregnancy.
D. The child lives in a house with lead-based paint.

13. Most scientists argue that the dramatic increase in prevalence statistics for autism is due to each of the
following EXCEPT

A. A widening of the criteria used for diagnosis.

B. A greater awareness of autism in general.
C. Widespread use of vaccinations for babies.
D. "diagnostic substitution" (diagnosing with autism rather than intellectual disability).

14. Which of the following are the risk factors for Down Syndrome?

A. Age of the mother

B. Individuals with diabetes
C. Injuries to the spinal cord
D. All of the above

15. Which of the following is not a cause of Microcephaly?

A. Certain infections during pregnancy, such as rubella, toxoplasmosis, or cytomegalovirus

B. Severe malnutrition, meaning a lack of nutrients or not getting enough food
C. Exposure to harmful substances, such as alcohol, certain drugs, or toxic chemicals
D. A child got a head bump when they were delivered

16. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. Hearing impairment occurs when you lose part or all of your ability to hear.
B. Hearing impairments are classified in terms of the severity of the hearing impairment and the type of
hearing impairment.
C. Other terms used to describe hearing impairment are hearing loss, hard of hearing, and deaf.
D. The severity of the hearing loss is categorized based on the maximum sound that can be heard with your
better ear.

17. What is the ability to see light perception?

A. Partially blind
B. Functionally blind
C. Legal blindness
D. None of the above

18. Student Y had an accident when she was a kid and affected her hearing organ, the Cochlea. The auditory
nerve is damaged or malfunctions so it is unable to accurately send the electrical information to the brain. What
type of hearing loss does she have?

A. Auditory Processing Disorders

B. Conductive
C. Sensorineural
D. Mixed

19. The following are complications associated with Cerebral palsy EXCEPT

A. Seizures
B. Intellectual disability
C. Temporary madness
D. Can't Tell

20. What is complete blindness?

A. Legal blindness
B. Partially blind
C. Blind at one eye
D. None of the above

21. What law states that the government is required to source out at least ten percent of their supplies and
equipment requirements from cooperatives of PWD’s that are engaged in the manufacturing and fabrication in
order to support their economic independence?

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A. Accessibility Law (Batas Pambansa Blg. 344) R.A. 7277

B. The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
C. The Economic Independence of Disabled Persons Act
D. Child and youth welfare code

22. Which of the following individuals with Autism often struggle with?

A. Feeding themselves
B. Going to school
C. Sudden changes to established routines
D. Working

23. Which statement about the definition of autism is true?

A. It is often characterized by restricted, repetitive, stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and

B. It is a non-pervasive disorder with onset before two years of age.
C. It implies a quantitatively measurable impairment of social interaction and physical development.
D. Related disorders must be identified at the same time a diagnosis of autism is made.

24. Which of the following chromosomal abnormalities can lead to Down Syndrome?

A. Trisomy 21
B. Translocation
C. Mosaic
D. All of the above

25. Student J has a smaller head than the average. What condition does he have?

A. Macrocephaly
B. Hydrocephaly
C. Microcephaly
D. Small Brain Syndrome

26. Which among the following is not a behavior characteristic of a child who is probable to have a visual

A. cannot have an eye contact or out of focus

B. squint eyes or frown.
C. complain that things are blurry or hard to see.
D. have trouble reading or doing other close-up work, and holds objects close to eyes to see.

27. What is complete blindness?

A. Legal blindness
B. Partially blind
C. Blind at one eye
D. None of the above

28. Which of the following is a known cause of vision impairment?

A. Glaucoma
B. Viral infections of the eyes as a result of Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome
C. Infections such as German measles and chlamydia that can be transmitted from the mother to a fetus
during pregnancy
D. All of the options are known causes of vision impairment.

29. The following are the symptoms of Cerebral palsy except

A. Poor coordination
B. Stiff muscles
C. Tremors
D. Sleeping

30. What is clouding in the Lens of the eye?

A. Shirt sightedness
B. Long sightedness
C. Cataract
D. None of the above

31. Which are the Following are not aids used by disabled people to assist walking?

A. K walker
B. Crutches
C. Splints

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D. Zima frame

32. Mr. C required all jeepney drivers to reserve he front seat for persons with disability. What legal foundation
does he follow?

A. Care and protection of disabled children

B. Accessibility Law (Batas Pambansa bldg. 344)
C. White Cane Act
D. Child and youth welfare code

33. A teacher trained to handle services for diverse needs of the students inside an inclusive classroom

A. Regular teacher
B. Shadow teacher
C. Resource teacher
D. SPED teacher

34. Fragile X syndrome is associated with which of the following?

A. Language impairment
B. Behavioral problems
C. Moderate levels of intellectual disability
D. All of the above

35. This term refers to a restriction, or limitation, caused by a person's abnormality.

A. Disability
B. Developmental delay
C. Impairment
D. Handicap

36. Which of the following are the treatment methods for Down Syndrome?

A. Corrective surgery
B. Early education programs
C. Family counselling
D. All of the above

37. Who are most likely to have microcephaly?

A. Girls
B. Boys
C. Both
D. None

38. What is the top cause of hearing loss?

A. Exposure to loud noises

B. Diabetes
C. Genetics
D. Side effects from medications

39. Which two types of hearing loss cannot be effectively treated using medications, hearing aids, or surgery?

A. Functional and central hearing loss

B. Mixed and central hearing loss
C. Central and sensorineural hearing loss
D. Sensorineural and conductive hearing loss

40. Student Q has symptoms such as refractive error characterized by the inability of his eye to focus sharply,
usually resulting from a spoon-like shape of the normally spherical corneal surface. What type of visual
impairment does he have?

A. Amblyopia
B. Albinism
C. Astigmatism
D. Cataract

41. The class of Mr. Hagreeves is composed of students with different races, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,
and physical abilities. This reflects the totality of uniqueness and individual differences. What term is being
described by the aforementioned situation?

A. Differences
B. Diversity
C. Equality
D. Accessibility

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42. Which among the choices below is NOT a factor of diversity according to its definition in the context of our

A. Age
B. Political beliefs
C. Ideologies
D. Weight

43. In Loden’s Diversity Wheel, this dimension is determined to be the primary factor for individual differences.
This includes class, gender, ethnicity, age, characteristics, etc.

A. Core
B. Surface
C. Secondary dimension
D. None of the above

44. Which of the following is NOT a secondary dimension of Loden’s Diversity Wheel?

A. Geographic Location
B. Work Style
C. Communication Style
D. Physical Abilities

45. Which of the following is NOT a primary dimension of Loden’s Diversity Wheel?

A. Class
B. Spiritual Beliefs
C. Gender
D. First Language

46. Which among the following is a negative statement about diversity?

A. People recognize and consider the differences of each other as important.

B. Teachers may still provide quality education even at the absence of embracing diversity.
C. Our global village brings out changing demographics both in the work force and education.
D. It is imperative that we try to understand the different dimensions of diversity.

47. Which of the following is a positive statement about people with disabilities?

A. They have to be recognized as human beings who should not be discriminated against, but rather
understood, accepted, and tolerated.
B. They have to be accorded their rights.
C. People with disabilities have to be perceived and accepted as people with distinct abilities.
D. All of the above

48. Which of the following does not belong to the index of inclusion?

A. Producing exclusive policies

B. Involving inclusive practices
C. Creating inclusive cultures
D. Producing inclusive policies

49. What refers to children with an IEP attending a regular classroom for their social and academic benefit?

A. Special Education
B. Mainstreaming
C. Inclusion
D. None of the choices

50. What are some dilemmas of diversity?

A. The conflict in ideology

B. Absence of acceptance and tolerance
C. Presence of prejudice
D. All of the above

51. What model of disability sees disability as either curse or blessing and it is characterized by notions of charity
and caretaking?

A. The Medical Model

B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Moral Model

52. What model of disability sees PWDs as persons who are ill and meant to be treated or “made more normal”?

A. The Medical Model

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B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Moral Model

53. This model of disability refers to the assistance given by the professionals to those who have an acquired
disability in the hope of gaining back one’s functionality

A. The Medical Model

B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Moral Model

54. A person was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and was given intervention programs based on the capacity
stated in his diagnosis. What model was the basis for this approach?

A. The Medical Model

B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Moral Model

55. This model of disability often suggest habilitation, which refers to help given to those whose disabilities are
congenital or manifested very early in life in order to maximize function.

A. The Medical Model

B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Moral Model

56. This model of disability sees disability as either become one’s ticket to heaven or an opportunity toward
character development

A. The Medical Model

B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Moral Model

57. Biblical scripture would refer to the persons with chronic illnesses like leprosy as unclean, while those
considered demonically possessed may actually have mental illnesses. What model was the basis for this

A. The Medical Model

B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Moral Model

58. Is it true that in earlier times, PWDs were seen as social threats capable of contaminating an otherwise pure
human species?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Sometimes

59. Is it true the biomedical/individual model perspective sees disability as something permanent?

A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. Sometimes

60. What model of disability is considered as the oldest model of disability and is evident in many religious

A. The Medical Model

B. The Biomedical
C. The Functional Model
D. The Religious Model

61. Which of the following model of disability looks at what is wrong with the person, not what the person needs?

A. Right-based model
B. The Social model
C. The Medical Model
D. The Moral/Religious Model

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62. The model says that people are disabled by barriers in society, not by their impairment or difference. What
model of disability is described?

A. Right-based model
B. The Social model
C. The Medical Model
D. The Moral/Religious Model

63. This model of disability is a framework that bears similarities with the social model. Although most practitioners
see the two as one and the same, Degener (2017 in Retrief and Letsosa 2018) argues their nuances. What model
of disability is described?

A. Right-based model
B. The Social Model
C. The Medical Model
D. The Moral/Religious Model

64. The title of RA 7277 (1992) is

A. Accessibility Polling Places for PWDs and senior citizens

B. Acessibility Law
C. Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
D. An Act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of PWDs

65. Accessibility Polling Places for PWDs and senior citizens. This act is known as

A. RA 7277
B. RA 10524
C. RA 10366
D. RA 11228

66. Which condition is also on the spectrum of autism disorders?

A. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
B. Epilepsy
C. Panic disorder
D. Asperger syndrome

67. Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there is a significant
period without oxygen occurring during or immediately after delivery?

A. Anoxia
B. Pronoxia
C. Anaphylaxia
D. Dysnoxia

68. How many chromosomes does a person with Down syndrome have?

A. 21
B. 46
C. 47
D. None of the answers are correct

69. What does the term “Trisomy” indicate?

A. Three chromosomes.
B. A pair of chromosomes
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above

70. How are genes affected in Down Syndrome?

A. Through the presence of an extra chromosome 21.

B. Through the presence of a defective gene in chromosome 15.
C. Through the presence of an extra chromosome 15.
D. Through the presence of a defective gene in chromosome 21

71. Which of the following is a trait usually associated with Down syndrome?

A. Almond-shaped eyes that slant upwards.

B. A tongue that sticks out of the mouth a little.
C. Intellectual impairment
D. All of the answers are correct.

72. What is clouding in the Lens of the eye?

A. Shirt sightedness

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B. Long sightedness
C. Cataracts
D. None of the above

73. Jennifer is a student with severe visual impairments who struggles with reading in class. Which of the
following accommodations would be appropriate to include in her IEP?

A. Excuse her from all independent reading assignments

B. Allow a peer to read to her for all independent reading activities
C. Provide enlarged texts and the occasional use of audio recordings
D. Have her parents attend class with her to help her read the words she can't see

74. What is the risk factor for Cerebral palsy?

A. Preterm birth
B. Safe delivery
C. Still Birth
D. Tremors

75. Student U has symptoms like decreased vision in one or both eyes without detectable anatomic damage to
the retina or visual pathways. What type of visual impairment does he have?

A. Amblyopia
B. Albinism
C. Astigmatism
D. Cataract

76. Suzy is a student with severe learning disabilities. Which of the following placements is most likely to be the
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for her?

A. A separate classroom where she can concentrate on academic skills.

B. Part of the day in regular education classes and the rest of the day in special education classes.
C. A setting that can best meet her educational needs.
D. Spending all day in the regular classroom with age appropriate friends.

77. Mr. Guest has a new paraprofessional in his classroom. How can the paraprofessional best prepare to
perform her duties?

A. Review the IEP goals and objectives of all the special education students in the class.
B. Mr. Guest should assign specific students to the paraprofessional who will be her responsibility.
C. Mr. Guest should remind the paraprofessional that only teachers have the authority to discipline students.
D. Mr. Guest should make sure that the paraprofessional does not have access to student information for
legal reasons.

78. A student who has difficulty with changes in daily activities experiences repetitive or obsessive/compulsive
behaviors, and is very sensitive to noise in the environment may be identified as a student with.

A. An Emotional Disturbance
B. Another Health Impairment
C. A Traumatic Brain Injury
D. Autism Spectrum Disorder

79. A mother brings her daughter to a clinic for a standard check-up. As the assessor you start assessing the
infant's developmental milestone, she is able to align her head to her body briefly. What age group is she?

A. 6 weeks
B. 3 months
C. 6 months
D. 9 months

80. Which of the following is an example of "Double-syllable babble" displayed by an infant around 9-12 months?

A. Ma-da
B. Ba-ba
C. Ba-ma
D. Ba-da

81. At what age should a child be referred to a pediatrician if they have not begun to walk?

A. 12 months
B. 18 months
C. 15 months
D. 9 months

82. At what age should a child learn to hop on one leg?

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A. 6 years
B. 2 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years

83. In normal fine motor development, which of the following should occur first?

A. Copying a cross
B. Drawing a square
C. Copying a circle
D. Copying a triangle

84. At what age should a child develop a mature pincer grip?

A. 2 years
B. 12-18 months
C. 6-9 months
D. 9-12 months

85. Which of the following is usually the first sign of puberty in girls?

A. Breast budding
B. Growth of axillary hair
C. Growth of some pubic hair
D. Growth spurt

86. Mrs. O'Day has several students in her classroom who have been struggling in reading. She is using the
district's Response to Intervention approach to help the students by implementing individual interventions for each
student. To ensure that the interventions she is using are effective which of the following should she do?

A. a. Have weekly meetings with the students' parents.

B. Review the students' standardized achievement tests each semester.
C. Use progress monitoring.
D. Gather reports from other teachers who work with the students.

87. When considering a continuum of placement options and the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for
students, a student with Autism may have the most challenges in the following placement?

A. A physical education class with 80-90 students and free play for 20 minutes out of the 50- minute class.
B. A classroom setting with only 9 - 10 students.
C. An inclusion classroom that is very structured and the routine for daily activities are very
D. An adaptive physical education class with small groups of students.

88. Ms. Mc Dougald has a new 5th-grade student who has been diagnosed with Dysgraphia. She knows that this
means she will have to spend extra time to help the student with her..

A. Spelling.
B. Understanding of graphs
C. Handwriting.
D. Receptive language.

89. Joey has had a difficult year. He gets very angry every time he is asked to complete an assignment. When he
gets frustrated he sometimes gets mad and throws things while other times he will start to cry. Joey is most likely
diagnosed with?

A. a. Pervasive developmental disorder.

B. An emotional disturbance.
C. Social maladjustment.
D. Oppositional defiant disorder

90. Carol is a student who often has difficulty in class. Many times she refuses to do her work, becomes the class
clown during Language Arts, and can be defiant when working with other students in a small reading group.
Based on this information, Carol may be a student with

A. A Learning Disability
B. An Emotional Disturbance
C. Another Health Impairment
D. Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disability

91. According to IDEA-the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, providing a student with a disability a free,
appropriate, public education (FAPE) is the direct responsibility of...

A. a. The local education agency-school district

B. The parents
C. The federal government

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D. The Education Agency

92. Mr. Jones has a new student in his class who has been diagnosed with a learning disability. The student is
having difficulty retaining information. With the help of the special education teacher, Mr. Jones is now teaching
the student mental techniques such as keywords, rhymes, poems, and jingles to use as cues and to organize
information. These techniques used to help the student with memory are called.

A. Cognitive behavioral modifications

B. Problem based learning
C. Social stories
D. Mnemonics

93. Susan is in the 5th grade and does not have any behavioral problems in the classroom. However, she always
has difficulty organizing tasks that require sustained mental effort. Although she can remain seated for long
periods of time and she frequently does not focus on her work. Sometimes Susan does not appear to be listening
when the teacher is speaking directly to her and is distracted by everything around her. Susan is most likely
diagnosed with which type of ADHD?

A. Predominantly inattentive type

B. Combined type
C. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type
D. Predominantly hyperactive inattentive type

94. Amanda has been in special education as a student with an emotional disturbance for the last 4 years. Her
parents now feel that she is not benefiting from the special education program and have requested that she be
removed from all special education services. According to IDEA 2004, what is the appropriate response from the

A. Agree to remove all special ed services if the parent provides a written request.
B. Remind the parents that they gave permission 4 years ago and that permission may not be revoked.
C. Inform the parents that to remove her from special education they would have to first file for mediation.
D. Tell the parents that they can discuss it at the next annual ARD meeting.

95. Ms. Robinson often has her students use a computer program to drill and practice addition and subtraction of
fractions. The purpose of this activity for her students is to..

A. Acquire new math skills

B. Generalize skills to a new situation
C. Extend skills
D. Maintain existing skills

96. Carrie is a 5th-grade student with an orthopedic impairment and wears leg braces. Her teachers are
concerned about her participating in PE class. What is the most appropriate solution for them to consider?

A. Have her sit in the office when her class going to PE.
B. Tell her to be very careful and not to climb on the bleachers in PE.
C. Modify activities for her so that she can participate with her peers in PE.
D. Have her mother come and help in the PE class so that Carrie can participate.

97. Kendall is a 6th-grade student with an intellectual disability (ID-previously MR) and her teacher is having
difficulty getting her to do her work. Kendall says she is not good at doing schoolwork and always fails anyway.
How can the teacher plan for Kendall?

A. a. Ask the 1st-grade teacher for some of her worksheets since Kendall is working about a 1st2nd-grade
B. Give Kendall the same worksheets over and over until she gets it right.
C. Be sure that the work that Kendall is receiving is in her Zone of Proximal Development.
D. Concentrate on vocational skills and forget the academics.

98. Ronnie is a 4th-grade student who is experiencing a lot of difficulty in reading. His teacher is thinking that he
may need to be referred to special education for possible special education services. What is the first step the
teacher needs to take?

A. Give Ronnie an IQ test to see if the difficulties are due to an intellectual deficit.
B. Have him go to the special education resource reading class for a couple of weeks to see if he is more
successful there.
C. Call Ronnie's parents about the concerns regarding Ronnie's problems.
D. Ask the special education teacher to come in and work with Ronnie for a while.

99. For students who have low self-esteem, teachers can help build confidence by.

A. Praising the student as he/she accomplishes small steps toward reaching the goal.
B. Praising the student only when he/she meets his/her goal
C. Lowering the goal so the student can achieve it
D. Be sure to teach the student the importance of goal setting and reaching goals.

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100. Tyler is a 4-year-old child with mild language and cognitive delays. He will turn 5 in August and his parents
are planning for him to go to Kindergarten. What type of program should the parents look for at the school?

A. A program that has all cognitively delayed students in a special education setting most of the day.
B. A program that is developmentally appropriate and can meets Tyler's needs.
C. A program that has a strong emphasis on building in reading and math skills.
D. A program that expects students to have independent work habits.

EDU 537: Introduction of Special and Inclusive Education


By:Marilyn Loden

This wheel pointed to the significance of our social characters and the ways in which people developed
their identity when they are able to establish connection with a specific group.

The primary circle (core) includes nine 9 primary dimensions of diversity (see inner circle)

The outer circle (secondary dimension) has been expanded from political beliefs and cognitive styles


The Moral/Religious Model

 Sees disability as either a curse or a blessing

The Biomedical/Individual Model

 PWDs are to be treated “made more normal” (Olkin 1999)
 Disability is seen as a medical problem, a defect of a bodily system
The Functional/Rehabilitation Model
 Seeks assistance of the professionals for those who have acquired disability in the hope of gaining back
one’s functionality.
The Social Model
 People are disabled by the barriers of the society, not by their impairment or difference.
The Medical Model
 People are disabled by their impairments or differences.
 Looks at what is “wrong” with the person, not what the person needs.
Right-based Model
 A framework that bears similarities with the social model.
 Immediately recognizes PWDs’ vulnerabilities and tries to uphold their identities and rights as a human
What is Special Education?

It is specially designed instruction that addresses the unique models of a student eligible to receive special
education services.

In 1975, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHCA) mandated that states provide a “free and
appropriate public education” (FAPE) to all students including those with physical, mental or behavioral

In 1997, the Individuals with Disabilities Education (IDEA) expanded special education services by mandating all
children with disabilities – regardless of the severity of their disability – between ages of 3 and 21 years are
entitled to FAPE.

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Why Inclusive Education?

It is about finding different ways of teaching so that classrooms actively involve all children.

The 2030 Agenda

The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve
the loves and prospects of everyone, everywhere

Philippine Laws for PWDs

• NCDA Administrative Order No. 001, s. 2008 – Guidelines on the Issuance of PWD ID Cards relative to
RA 9442
• RA 10070 (2010) – Amendment of RA 7277 (Implementation of programs and services for PWDs in every
province, city, and municipalities – PDAO Law)
• RA 10366 (2013) – Accessibility Polling Places for PWDs and senior citizens
• Proclamation No. 688, S. 2013 – Declaring the period of 2013-2022 as the Philippines Decade of “Make
the Right Real” for PWDs
• RA 10524 (2013) – Arrangement of RA 7277 (explaining the positions reserved for PWDs)
• RA 10754 (2016) – An act Expanding the Benefits and Privileges of PWDs
• Exemption on VAT on the following sales of goods and services
• Inclusion of Funeral Services
• Civil Service Commission MC No. 20, s. 2017 express lanes for PWDs in all commercial and government
• RA 11228 (2019) – Amendment of RA 7277
All PWDs automatically covered by the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP) of the Phil health. Phil Health
shall develop exclusive packages for PWDs that will address their specific health and development needs.

What is “Inclusion”?

 Often associated with students who have impairments of seen as “having special needs”.

Common Barriers to Inclusion

 Attitudinal Barriers – some people may not be aware that difficulties in getting into a place can limit a
person with a disability
 Communication Barriers – experienced by people who have disabilities that affect hearing, speaking,
 Physical Barriers – natural or manmade obstacles that prevent access
 Policy Barriers – lack of awareness of laws to people with disabilities
 Programmatic Barriers – limits the effective delivery of a public healthcare program for PWDs
 Social Barriers – conditions in which people contributes to decreased functioning among people with
 Transportation Barriers – lack of transportation that interferes with a PWDs to function in the society


 Mainstreaming fits learners into a specific type of system.

 Inclusion is about recognizing learners’ differences by building on the similarities


 Used to describe an alteration of environment, curriculum formal or equipment for an individual with
disability to complete a task.
 Sign language interpreters for deaf students
 Extended time for slow learners


 Used to describe a change in the curriculum.

• Reducing home works

4 Necessary Steps = Learning

 Attention – a learner needs to pay attention, if distracted, this will influence the amount of quality of
learning that occurs
 Retention – a learner needs to store the information learned
 Reproduction – relies on the first 2 steps. Then the learners will apply it and practice
 Motivation – the most important step. Both reinforcement and punishment impact motivation

Typical Development

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 Refers to the normal progression where the child grows by acquiring the developmental milestones at a
certain time frame.

Atypical Development

 A term used when development does not follow the normal course. A child reach milestones earlier or
later than other children their age

Domains of Development

 Physical development – the biological changes that occur in the body

 Cognitive development – the changes the way we think and reason
 Socio-emotional development – the changes in the way we connect to others
 Language development – the comprehension and production of language

What is Communication Disorder?

 These are children who have deficits in their ability to exchange information with others. It may occur in
the realm of language, speech and/or hearing.


 Speech impairments – production of words deficient

 Language impairments – language knowledge development deficient

What is ADHD?

 Neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood

 Children diagnosed may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors or be overly active

Three (3) Types of ADHD

 Predominantly Inattentive Presentation – Hard to organize or to finish task, to pay attention, follow
instructions and easily distracted.
 Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation – talks a lot. Hard to stay still for long.
Impulsive and restless and could interrupt people or speak inappropriate to them.
 Combined Presentation – all of the above are present

530 & 531

1. Linda started to cry when his father went out the house and left her to his uncle. What specific socio-
emotional development did Linda demonstrate?
 Separation Anxiety

2. As infants explore the world, they generally rely on the emotional expressions of their mothers or
caregivers to determine the safety and appropriateness of a particular endeavor. Which of the following
concept is being described in the given situation?
 Social referencing

3. An infant presented with a new toy car may look at the facial expressions of his mother for guidance
before determining whether to play with the car. What type of socio-emotional development of such
 Social referencing

4. Which of the following concept refers to the ability of a toddler to understand another feeling?
 Ephathy

5. What reflex is most evident when an infant cheeks is stroked, the baby responds by turning his/her head
in the direction of the touch and opening their mouths for feeding?
 Sucking reflex

6. Which of the following principles of growth and development is explained in this statement? The child will
learn first letters of the alphabet before learning to read words and phrases?
 Development proceed from the simple to the more complex

7. Which of the following principles of growth and development is explained in this statement? The
development of one person is not the same with other persons and that no two persons are exactly alike?
 Developmental patterns show wide individual differences

8. What principle of development is described in this situation? The baby coos first, then babbles before
being able to say “ma-ma” and “da-da”

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 Developmental is sequential and orderly

9. Which of the following situation demonstrate the concept of growth?

 Ava weighs 7lbs

10. Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through four different stages
of mental development. His theory focuses not only on understanding the nature of intelligence. What
stage of mental development that begins from birth to 2 years of age?
 Sensorimotor stage

11. Which of the following situations where object permanence was present?
• Hide a toy under a blanket and then observe to see if the infant would search for the object

12. Which of the following statements where an infant is in a holophrastic stage?

 Mama

13. V dramatically gains weight and height, starts t have a deep voice, and pursues independence often. V is
at what developmental stage?
 Adolescence

14. Sarawat is fully capable and have mastered writing, reading, and counting and have been exposed to
different life experiences and local traditions. Sarawat is at what developmental stage?
 Middle and late childhood

15. Enzo and Abby are best friends, they love playing in the playground every afternoon. One day, Abby fell
while transferring on the other side of the beam and his cry caught the attention of everybody. What do
you think is the lacking ability of Abby that’s why she fell from the beam?
 Dynamic balance
16. What motor development skill is present in middle/late childhood years when the child has the ability to
quickly change or shift the direction of the body?
 Agility

17. Markuz Ishan is 3 years old, he starts to write large zigzag lines which later become circular markings and
may start to name his drawing. Which of the following stages of drawing in early childhood does he
 Scribbling stage

18. Mommy Kate can recognize the drawings of her 3 year old daughter. The drawings usually consist of
prominent heads with basic elements. Later, arms, legs, and hands even facial expressions are included.
Which of the following stages of drawing in early childhood does she belong?
 Preschematic

19. Which scenario shows physical developments of adolescents?

 The female develops a wider shoulder, longer legs relative to the drunk

20. Which scenario shows physical developments of adolescents?

 Menarche and spermache happens at this stage which is a sign of sexual maturation

21. Seven year old Keisha was tasked by her teacher to group objects according to their similarities. What
concrete operational skills are being developed by the given task?
 Classification

22. Derek is a grade 5 pupil at Rizal elementary school. He’s known to many as a friendly pupil in their
school. According to his friends, they are comfortable when they are playing with derel because he’s easy
to be with. Which concept under socio-emotional development of middle childhood is present in the
 Building friendships

23. Jimin learned that a nurse takes care of sick people, and a lecturer teacher’s lesson. Then she learned
that these things are examples of a profession. Which of the following concrete operational skills was
 Inductive thinking

24. Raven brought honor and pride to her school as one of the pupils who qualified for palarong Pambansa
from her region. She bagged much recognition in the field of swimming at the elementary level and
bested the other 24 participants from other schools. Raven is confident with her swimming ability and she
knows that she will compete at the national level someday if she will continue to do well in her training.
What concept under socio-emotional development of middle childhood is being described in the scenario?
 Understanding the self

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25. Daren is being instructed by his science teacher to give specific examples of animals that live in water.
What concrete operational approach is used by Darren’s teacher?
 Deductive thinking

26. What stage of jean piaget’s cognitive development theory is evident when thinking becomes more logical
and an individual can now solve abstract problems?
 Formal operational stage

27. Which of the following reasoning abilities is present wherein and individual can now come up with
different hypotheses about the problem and weigh data in order to make a final decision or judgement?

28. Metacognition involves the ability to think above thinking, and the capacity to identify one’s own thinking
processes. Reflect on the following examples below. As a teacher, how will you apply metacognitive
activities to your students based on the examples below?

29. Among the four phases in the attainment of identity status, which of the following refers to the point where
the adolescent fully find himself/herself already?

30. Interpret the given scenario on identity status: Bellamy is a renowned businessman but he felt like it is not
his calling and he’s not satisfied with his job. He really wanted to enter into seminary because it is what he
wanted ever since. What identity status is described in the scenario?

31. During adolescence, the teen develops social cognition in the context of family structure, school, the
community, and the media. He/she also manifest emotions that need to be regulated for success in
school as well, as for his/her own emotional well-being. As a teacher, what would be your appropriate
response regarding this stage?
 Create a learning environment wherein the wellbeing of students is prioritized

32. Clarke is one of the best volleyball players in her hometown. She bagged numerous MVP’s and brought
championships to her team. She was trained by her father at a young age who is also a volleyball player
in his younger years. Her father aspires her to become a professional volleyball player someday.
However, Clarke didn’t really want to become a volleyball player. Her passion belongs to something else
which is baking pastries. She envisioned herself becoming a renowned baker someday. Which of the
following identity status is described in the scenario?

33. Among the basic cognitive concepts, which of the following refers to the process of fitting a new
experience into an existing or previously created cognitive structure or schema?

34. One major development of this stage is the development of symbolic function as the ability to use
symbols such as words, images, gestures to represent real objects and events. What stage of Piaget’s
cognitive development is described in the statement?

35. Monty is very attached to his mother and Rebecca to her father. In what developmental stage best
described the situation according to Freudian psychological theory?

36. Marivic gets jealous whenever she sees her father showing love and affection to her mother. Which of the
following is she showing according to Freud?

37. Which of the following will you do if you are under the 4 th stage of moral development?
38. Soledad will help restitute in her math project with the agreement that restitute will also help Soledad In
her science project. The scenario presented above best fits what stage of the moral development theory?

39. Mommy Maria always encourages her daughter to do things on her own by saying “you are not a baby
anymore. Do it” what stage in Erikson’s theory is reflected in the given scenario?

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40. Because of her previous heartbreak. Sheila’s now afraid to commit to a new relationship because the
painful memory of her past holds her back. What stage in Erikson’s theory is reflected in the given

41. As her way of parenting, Marta makes sure to permit her child, Dana, to explore and manipulate her
environment so that Dana will develop independence. Marta also tries her best to not discourage or push
her daughter for her, Dana, to develop both self-control and self-esteem. Stage in Erikson’s theory is
reflected in the given scenario?

42. What is the role of the “id”?


43. What is the role of superego?

 To provide conscience through feelings such as guilt
44. Which of the following refers to the level of difficulty at which problems are too hard for the children to
solve alone but not too hard when given support from adults or competent peers?

45. Which of the following is a term for the appropriate assistance given by the teacher to assist the learner
accomplishes the task?

46. Which of the following refers to a skilled person who has advanced information about a certain task and
will provide assistance to the learner?

47. In Erikson’s theory, which of the following is defined as a strong belief that even when things are not going
well, they will work out well in the end?

48. In the context of Erikson’s theory, which of the following means putting aside differences and

49. A 38-year old woman quits her high-paying job to focus on her children and become a school counselor.
What stage would Erikson consider this to be?

50. While sitting on his chair, Dante started to look back and accept the course of events and the choices he
made in his life as he lived it. What stage of Erikson’s theory is reflected in the given scenario?
51. Teacher Candace is convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide
reinforcement and soon the student learns to perform the behavior4 on his own. On which principle is
teacher Candace’s conviction based?

52. Booker enjoyed the roller coaster when she and her family went to Disneyland. The mere sight of a roller
coaster gets her excited, which theory explains booker’s behavior?

53. Which of the following will be Freud’s description of the child’s behavior if he has a biting and sarcastic

54. How can a teacher help students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more

55. A mother gives his boy his favorite snacks every time the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the boy
cleaned his room every day in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated

56. Steve is always fearful of freely roaming cats but does not mind cats in a pen or on a leash. What feature
of classical conditioning is described?

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57. Clarke is a 7 year old, always asks her playmates to sit in front of her small blackboard and she plays
teacher. Her mother is a teacher. What theory explains marga’s behavior?

58. In a treatment for alcoholism, ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to ingest a
drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol and stopped
drinking alcohol. Which theory explains this?

59. Which is the best inference that applies to the scenario below?
Raul and Ian utilized primary documents, excluding maps and technology to re-create the landscape of
the 1862 battle of pine bluff
 This scenario infers that the students had to develop the assignment utilizing their own
experience and past knowledge
60. Which stage of speech development shows social or external speech according to Vygotsky?
 A kid makes use of his limited speech to express simple thoughts of hunger, pleasure,
displeasure, and satisfaction, through crying, shouting and gurgling.

61. An educational implication of piaget’s theory, which of the following can teachers do to recognize the
crucial role of children’s self-initiated, active involvement in learning activities?
 Instead of teaching didactically, teachers may provide a rich variety of activities that permit
children to act directly on the physical world.

62. Teachers observe the striking differences among hi/her learners when an issue is raised before them.
Some remain passive while some actively engage in resolving the issue. In this situation, what must the
teacher do?
 Keep one’s tolerance intact but challenge more the passive students to participate

63. Which of the following situations showed a classroom climate that is conducive to learning?
 Teacher kim made sure t have a specific classroom rules and procedures that are clear to all her

64. What fact can you infer below?

An elementary teacher presents a class problem to measure the ;length of the “mayflower”. Rather than
starting the problem by introducing the ruler, the teacher allows students to reflect and to construct their
own methods of measurement. One student offers the knowledge that a doctor said he is four feet tall.
Another says she knows horses are measured in “hands”. The students discussed these and other
methods they have heard about, and decide on one to apply to the problem.
 Students are not blank slates upon which knowledge s etched

65. Which teaching practice is contrary to the child’s multiple intelligences theory?
 Limiting the assessment of learning to paper and pencil tests

66. There are no individuals who are the same. Individual differences, when early recognized and provided
for, enable the teacher to provide different motivations and approaches in guiding the learning process.
Each pupil differs physically, mentally, socially and emotionally from other children. Unless the teacher
provides for this nature of the learner, no amount of modern approaches in teaching can elicit favorable
 Individual differences are an important consideration in guiding the learner

67. A teacher who gives uniform assessment to be worked out by all learners in arithmetic is not observing a
characteristic of good assessment. Which characteristic is overlooked?

68. A class is composed of students coming from several ethnic communities including Muslims and lumads.
They seem to have difficulty understanding each other’s behavior and points of view. What should the
teacher do?
 Introduce multiculturalism in the class and provide activities for practice

69. The impact of conflict on children whether as victims of war or child soldiers has been brought to world
attention through media, international organizations and eye witness accounts? What is the best thing to
do to help children affected by conflict?
 Employ education to regain parts of a lost children and facilitate the experience that support
healthy social, emotional and intellectual growth and development

70. A music teacher is careful in planning activities for each lesson. He praises liberally and rewards correct
answers. What view of learning is exhibit?

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71. Which is an application of cognitive approach to motivation?

 Explain the reasons for studying the topic

72. Alvin is a transferee and feels uneasy with his new school. His teacher is very accommodating, warm and
caring. Alvin felt comfortable with the teacher display of genuine warmth. The teacher is consistent in his
manner and Alvin began to associate school with the teacher’s warmth. Which theory is being illustrated?

73. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important for learning. What does this imply?

74. The mother of Leo got angry with him because he disobeyed her. He joined his circle of friend in their trip,
one which the mother thought was dangerous. If Leo did not join the group, he would be considered an
outcast by his group. Based on Erikson’s theory, which of the following characteristics of adolescents did
Leo manifest in this situation?

75. If Mr. Ang wants to increase the abilities of his students in solving more complex problems. Which of the
following strategies should he give his students?
 Problems that match appropriately to students level of thinking
76. Teacher Rose has presented a reading lesson to her students. The lesson went on for a span of a week.
After a day or two, when the teacher introduced a new lesson that requires them the knowledge of the
previous lesson, the students no longer remember it. What could be the cause of this problem?
 There was a lack of activities that integrate the students background experiences to the text

77. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages. In which
stage(s) are diagrams helpful to accompany verbal information?

78. Teacher E wants to review and check the lesson of the previous day. Which of the following statements
 Explicitly reviewing the task relevant information necessary for the days lesson

79. Which of the following statements best describes when learning takes place?
 Learning exercises involve both sides of the brain

80. Every time a new unit is taken up, the teacher presents student5s with an advanced organizer. Which
principle does the teacher apply?
 Organize material into appropriate learning units
81. Which is the best reason why Mr. Cruz begins a lesson in mathematics by checking and reviewing the
previous day’s assignment and provides practice and drills?
 Make sure that student understand the pre requisite skills for the lesson

82. The students of Ms. Cruz were not able to learn the concepts that she presented yesterday so she taught
the same concepts again but this time using a different teaching method. What principle of learning was
 Concepts should be presented in varied and different ways

83. After just being introduced to another guest in the party, john cannot remember the name of the guest he
was introduced to. In what memory stage was the information stored in?
 Working memory

84. Which of the following characteristic is an effective classroom management or climate?

85. When planning a lesson, a teacher can best help ensure that instruction will be effective and appropriate
for students from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds by making himself or herself by which of
the following reasons?
 Will the examples used to illustrate and explore lesson content be familiar and relevant to
students with varied life experiences
86. A high school teacher has been planning to have the students in a class carry out individual research
projects in which each student would investigate and report on a self-selected topic. The teacher decides
instead to have the students conduct and report on their research in groups. Which of the following
strategies is likely to be particularly effective for high school students?
 Use the students interest In social interactions to enhance motivation and increase engagement in
the learning process

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87. Mrs. Vergara asked jenny to clean their classroom. Jenny obeyed her teacher. While jenny was sweeping
the floor, she found a purse near the teacher’s table. Jenny decided to surrender the purse to Mrs.
vergara. Which of the following levels showing jenny’s moral orientation in Kohlberg’s theory?
 Post conventional

88. Miss anjie is an excellent physical education teacher. She started teaching volleyball to her grade 9 class,
despite all her efforts, her class does not seem to learn how to play the game. What law of learning was

89. According to Thorndike, what law states that the strength of a connection is influenced by the
consequences of the response?

90. Which of the following is the awareness of specific strategies so that the learners can keep your attention
focused on the topic or task at hand?

91. Sean, a grade 1 pupil, has acquired the basic concept of a bird. He knows that a bird has feathers, beak
and lay eggs. His teacher presents new kind of a bird which is an eagle. He conforms his previous
understanding of a bird and learned “eagle”. What Auseble’s theory is being applied?

92. Techer Junil presented the examples of vegetables such as squash, cucumber, carrots and cabbage
before he presented the concept of vegetables. What Ausebel’s theory is being applied?

93. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that contribute to the
development of insight?

94. Which of the following is the most important contribution of Gestalt psychology to the theories of learning?
 Cognitive insight importance of reinforcement in the learning process
95. Why should learning be aided by formulating and asking questions?
96. Cheating is a continual predicament during examinations. Andy, a second year high school student,
observed that during their finale examination, several of his classmates cheated. Though he noticed, he
did not cheat. Which stage of Kohlberg’s theory does Andy exhibit?

97. In a social studies class. Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks student what they
would do. On whose theory is teacher I’s technique based?
98. What is the best way to meet the difficulties of the learners?-

99. How will you manifest positive expectations towards your students as a teacher?

100. What fact can you gather on the situation below? Students keep journals in a writing class where they record
how they felt about the class projects, the visual and verbal reactions of others to the project, and how they felt
their own writing had changed. Periodically, the teacher reads these journals and holds a conference with the
student where the two assess (!) what new knowledge the student has created. (2) how the students learn best.
(3) the learning environment and the teacher’s role in it.
 Students control their own learning process, and they lead the way by reflecting on their

EDU 534

ICT POLICY a roadmap to ICT implementation strategies.

 Vision and Planning – ICT plans outlines the technology needs and initiatives to be implemented so
that the school’s objectives can be achieved.

 ICT Infrastructure – promote the provisions of accessible, universal, affordable and reliable modern and
high-quality levels of ICT facilities and services.

 Legal and regularity framework- provide for the creations of an enabling legal and regulatory
environment that ensures the growth and development of the ICT.

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 Human Resource Development – promote the use of ICT to enhance educations and skills
development and build a growing ICT.

 Industry – use ICT to create and enabling and conducive environment of investment and the
development of vibrant and sustainable economy.

 Government – as a user, purchaser and regulator must support the ICT use for the innovative, effective
and efficient delivery of information and services to the citizens and the public sector.


1. Limited accessibility and network connection

2. Limited technical support
3. Lack of effective training
4. Lack of teacher’s competency


1. One laptop per child

Less expensive laptop, 1:1 basis.

2. Interactive white boards or Smart Boards

Projected computer images to be displayed, manipulated, dragged, clicked or copied.

3. E-readers
Electronic devices that can hold hundreds of books in digital forms.

4. Flipped Classroom
Lecture and practice at home via computer-guided instruction, interactive learning activities.

Dale’s Cone of experience

 A model that incorporates several theories related to instruction, design and learning processes.
 A visual model
 Starting from concrete experiences at the bottom of the cone, then more abstract as it reaches the peak.
 Arrangement is not based on its difficulty, rather on abstraction and on the number of senses involved.

 10% - READ (Peak)

 20% - HEAR
 30% - SEE
 50% - HEAR AND SEE
 90% - DO (Bottom)

Framework emphasizes how the connection among teacher’s understanding of content, pedagogy and
technology interact with one another to produce effective teaching.

3 Major knowledge Component of TPACK


 Any subject-matter knowledge that a teacher is responsible for teaching.


 Teacher knowledge about a variety of instructional practices, strategies, and methods to promote
student’s learning.


 Teacher knowledge about traditional and new technologies that can be integrated into new


- Knowledge of the reciprocal relationship between technology and content.


- Understanding on how particular topics, problems, or issues are organized, represented and
adapted to the diverse and interest and abilities of learners.


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- Understanding of technology can constrain and afford specific pedagogical practices.


- Knowledge about the complex relations among technology, pedagogy and content that enable
teachers to develop appropriate and context specific teaching strategies.


 ICT related PCK
 Technological Content Knowledge
 Electronic Pedagogical Content Knowledge
- Knowledge that teachers must possess in order to successfully integrate technology into their

ASSURE MODEL Goal of producing more effective teachings and learning.

 ANALYZE YOUR LEARNERS – characteristics and needs of learners

 STATE STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES – what students will be able to do as a result of instruction

5 P’s


Actively engage learners

Ability to analyze, prioritize and act upon countless digital media.

Principles of digital literacy

 COMPREHENSION – ability to extract, explicit and implicit ideas from media.

 INTERDEPENDENCE – how media form connects with other.
 SOCIAL FACTORS – Sharing is no longer just a method of personal identity or distribution but rather can
create of its own.

 CURATION – ability to undestad the value of information, and keep in a way that make sit accessible and
useful long term.

MEDIA LITERACY is Media literate is to engage in a digital society, one need to be able to understand inquire,
create, communicate and think critically.


1. All media messages are constructed

2. Media messages are constructed using a creative language with own rules.
3. Different people experience the same media message differently.
4. Media have embedded various and points of view

Set of abilities that enable an individual to acquire, evaluate, and use information.


Systematic process that help them develop strategies and create activities and instructional classes; intellectual

Generic process traditionally used, most commonly used.

 ANALYSIS – Needs, requirements, tasks, and current capabilities.

 DESIGN – learning objectives, delivery format, activities and exercise.
 DEVELOP – create prototype, develop course materials, review pilot session.
 IMPLEMENT – training implementations, tools in place, observation.
 EVALUATE- awareness knowledge, behavior.


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Draw from several instructional design, theories and models.

 PROBLEM-CENTERED – acquire knowledge

 ACTIVATION – recall and apply existing knowledge
 DEMONSTRATION – skill to be learned
 APPLICATION – newly acquired knowledge and skills to solve new problems.
 INTEGRATION – reflect on, defend their newly acquired skills.


 REMEMBERING – recalling relevant knowledge from long term memory

 UNDERSTANDING – making sense of what you have learned
 APPLYING – use the knowledge gained in new ways
 ANALYSING – breaking the concept into parts and understand how each part is related to one another.
 EVALUATING – making judgement based on a set of guidelines.
 CREATING – putting information together in an innovative way.


1. Computer Games – allow students to make decisions and see instant results to evaluate progress.
Ex. Classcraft, national geographies, kids game

2. Videos – short, entertaining, instructional video is a great way to get students excited about learning.
ex. Brainpop, national geographic in youtube.

3. RESEARCH – quickly and easily collect information from a wide range of credible online resources.

4. Presentation – Ex. PREZI, PPT

5. Grades – post grades online portals that are accessible to both parents and students.

6. Teacher websites – message boards where students and teachers can have conversation and workout
difficult topics.

7. Digital Textbooks – interactive reading supplemented by games and quizzes get students actively
involved in their reading.

8. Video Conferencing – allows students to practice and improve their public speaking and presentation

9. Podcasts – students can create audio clips to work out different topics and help educate their peers

10. Wikis and blogs

Allow students to publish their ideas and stories as well as share them with friends and family

Digital Learning resources

Refer to materials included in the context of a course that support the learner’s achievement of the descried
learning goals.

4 types of digital learning resources

 Simulation and models – equipped with interactive control and activities

 Graphics and Animations – have a high sharing potential, which enables the knowledge to reach a
wider audience.
 Quizzes and Games- innovative way to test the learners knowledge and moreover can modify as per the
situations and targets audience.
 E-books and E-notes – easily shareable and can be access almost anywhere allowing learners to stay in
touch with topic under convenience.


1. EDMODO – educational tool that connects students and teachers and is assimilated into a social network.
2. PROJEQT – tool that allow learners to create multimedia presentation with dynamic slides in which you
invade interactive maps links, online quizzes and other options.
3. TED-ED – educational platform that allows collaboration of students, teachers, animators and generally
people who wants to expand knowledge and good ideas.
4. AUDIO CLIPPER – platform allows teachers and students to share and explore references and
educational materials.
5. KAHOOT – educational platform that is based on games and questions.
6. GOOGLE DOCS – very powerful real – time collaboration and document the authoring tool.

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7. SURVEY MONKEY – online survey software that helps you to create and run professional survey.


 Refers to traditional way of teaching where in most of the lecture method is used. Remembering and
reproducing facts, principles and theories of learning.


 Distance education, E-learning and online learning.

 Main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instructions. Use of various
technologies to facilitate student-teachers communication.


 Different place, same time

 Instant messaging, video conferencing, webcams, chats.


 Different place, different time.

 Emails, texting, news groups, vlogs, and social medias.


 Multi-layered and Multi-faceted

 Overarching purpose is to increase opportunities and options available to learners, give greater control
through variety learning modes.
 Not an alternative mode of education

 Responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers.


 Protects your creation r work from unfair use of others.

1. TRADEMARK – any name, symbol, figure, letter, or mark adapted by manufacture of merchant in order to
design his/her goods sold by others.
Ex. Adidas, converse

TRADE SECRETS – top secret documents are closely guard by government agencies.
- Ex. Secret formula for coca cola
2. Copyright
- Formal declaration that the owner is the only one with the right to publish, reproduce or sell particular
artistic works.

- Right granted to an inventor by the federal government that permits the inventor to exclude others
from making, selling or using the inventions.

1. Utility patent – most common, granted to new machines, chemical and processes.
2. Digital patent – protect the unique appearance or design of manufactures, objects.
3. Plant patents – granted for the inventions and asexual reproduction of new and distinct plant varieties,
high breeds.


 Protect the visual design of objects.


 The use of internet and related technologies to harm other people in a deliberate, repeated and hostile


1. Flamming – online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar languages.

2. Harrassment – repeatedly sending nasty, mean, and insulting messages.

3. Denigration – dissing someone online, gossiping or posting rumors about a person to damage

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4. Impersonation – pretending to be someone else.

5. Outing – sharing someone’s secrets or embarrassing information or images online.

6. Trickery – talking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information then sharing it online.

7. Exclusion – intentionally and cruelly excluding someone from an online group.

8. Cyber-talking – repeated, intense harassment and denigration that includes traits or create significant


 The location in which people interacted with each other while using the internet. The place where online
games occur, the land of chatrooms, and the home of instant messaging conversation.


 Website that support educational sectors by providing access to relevant information and tools. Instructor
that can find valuable educational resources to develop teaching. Enhance student-centered learning.


1. EdX.organization
- Offering high quality course from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere.
2. Academic Earth
Gives huge array of academic options to students from traditional to contemporary studies.
3. Internet Archive
Authentic website storing original from various big websites.

4. Big
Where experts write articles and record tutorials for the students

5. Coursera
Where there are numbers of courses available in home topic of interest.

6. Bright storm
Reference website

7. Cosmo learning
- Provides academic and skill-based learning to the students.

8. Future
- Educational channel, represents the significant data catering the problem faced by students.

9. How
- Non-stop website for the entire subject.

10. Khan

- Online coaching website

Collaborative Technology

Tools and system design to better facilitate group work both in office and remote.


1. Teamwork – 3 fundamental elements to a successful group work regardless of setting. (3 elements) –

Proximity, permissiveness and familiarity.

2. Two-way telecommunication
Allows groups to collaborate even when not in closed physical proximity, via voice, video.

3. Proprietary or Premise-based software

Software installed in desktops on a company’s network to expand the shared management functions.
Allowing members to track and organize project tasks as well as locate important files.

4. Software-as-a-service
Next iteration of on-premise software. Rather than installing, an organization purchases a software
subscription, which allows anyone to use that software regardless of location as long as they’re granted
permission via your virtual private server (VPN)

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Types of collaborative Software Tools

1. Communication Technology – (the first c) software tools allow for messages, chat groups and
conversations to be conducted between individual and parties via internet.
 Email, Instant messaging apps, Digital Voicemail Application

2. Conferencing Technology
Allows two or more individuals to communicate with each other in real-time, using internet-based or cloud-
based platforms.

3. Coordination Technology
Designed to integrate both teamwork and taskwork-functions. Allow individuals and groups to connect
interpersonally as well as coordinate work tasks and activities – making end-to-end workflow
management simpler and more efficient.
 E-calendars, Project management systems.

1. You are ______ literate if you know how to identify an article, youif it is reliable or not and/or relevant or not.
a. Media c. Communication
b. Information d. Digital

2. The following are roles of ICT in education, EXCEPT:

a. ICT helps teachers in both pre-service and in-Service teachers training.
b. ICT also helps teachers to access with institutions and Universities.
c. It helps teacher to communicate with other teachers.
d. It helps in improve Teaching skill, helps in innovative Teaching

3. An understanding of the manner in which technology and content influence and constrain one another.
Teachers need to master more than the subject matter they teach, they must also have a deep understanding of
the manner in which the subject matter can be changed by the application of particular technologies.
a. Content Knowledge/ CK c. Technological Content Knowledge/ TCK
b. Technology Knowledge/ TK d. Pedagogical Knowledge/ PK

4. Teacher’s deep knowledge about the processes and practices or methods of teaching and learning. They
encompass, among other things, overall educational purposes, values, and aims.

a. Content Knowledge/ CK c. Technological Content Knowledge/ TCK

b. Technology Knowledge/ TK d. Pedagogical Knowledge/ PK

5. What is TRUE about Dale’s Cone of Experience?

a. Dale’s cone of experience is a visual model that is composed of different stages starting from
concrete experiences at the bottom of the cone then it becomes more and more abstract as it
reach the peak of the cone.
b. The arrangement in the cone is based on its difficulty and on the number of senses involved.
c. According to the principle, concrete experience is the only effective experience that educators should
use in transferring knowledge to the learner.
d. Dales’ cone of experience is a tool to help instructors to lessen their work and let their students work

6 It is an extensional term for information technology that stresses the role of unified communications and the
integration of telecommunications and computers.
a. Educational Technology
b. Information and Communications Technology
c. Media
d. Technology Tools

7. What is TRUE about the roles of ICT in education?

a. ICT bridges the gap in remote areas.
b. ICT helps teacher to pass information to students within a long period of time.
c. It totally removes the traditional method of teaching.
d. ICT helps teacher to motivate students and growing interest in learning.

8. It is the combined use of computer hardware, software and educational theory and practice to facilitate
a. Educational Technology
b. Information and Communications Technology
c. Media
d. Technology Tools

9. It refers to the communication channels through which we disseminate news, music, movies, education,
promotional messages and other data. It includes physical and online newspapers and magazines, television,
radio billboards, internet and billboards.
a. Educational Technology

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b. Information and Communications Technology

c. Media
d. Technology Tools

10. The following are examples of technology tools, EXCEPT:

a. Google Classroom c. YouTube
b. Kidblog d. Flash Cards

11. What is NOT true from the statements below?

a. The broad base of the cone illustrated the importance of direct experience for effective
communication and learning.
b. According to the cone of experience people generally remember 60% of what we hear and see.
c. The cone claimed that we remember more from reading than from doing.
d. Students should have opportunities to hear learning contexts as it has the highest percentage in cone
of experience.

12. It emphasizes how the connections among teachers’ understanding of content, pedagogy, and technology
interact with one another to produce effective teaching.
a. ASSURE Model c. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
b. TPACK Model d. Dale’s Cone of Experience

13. It suggests that teachers need to have deep understandings of each of the above components of knowledge
in order to orchestrate and coordinate technology, pedagogy, and content into teaching.
a. ASSURE Model c. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
b. TPACK Model d. Dale’s Cone of Experience

14. It is an instructional system or guideline that teachers can use to develop lesson plans which integrate the use
of technology and media. It places the focus on the learner and the overall outcome of accomplishing learning
a. ASSURE Model
b. Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
c. TPACK Model
d. Dale’s Cone of Experience

15. The following are types of media, EXCEPT:

a. Print c. Internet
b. Broadcast d. Radio

16. . It is an educational platform that is based on games and questions. Through this tool, teachers can create
questionnaires, discussions, or surveys that complement academic lessons.
a. Kahoot c. TED-Ed
b. Projeqt d. Edmodo

17 . It is an educational platform that allows creating educational lessons with the collaboration of teachers,
students, animators and generally people who want to expand knowledge and good ideas.
a. Kahoot c. TED-Ed
b. Projeqt d. Edmodo

18. The following are characteristics of distance learning, EXCEPT:

a. Distance learning is by definition carried out through institutions, it is not self-study or non-academic
learning environment.
b. Geographic separation is inherent in distance learning, and time may also separate students and
teachers. Accessibility and convenience are important advantages of this mode of education.
c. Interactive telecommunications can’t connect individuals within a learning group and with the
d. Distance education, like any education, establishes a learning group, sometimes called a learning
community, which is composed of students, a teacher, and instructional resources.

19. It is used to refer to materials included in the context of a course that support the learner’s achievement of the
described learning goal.
a. C-Learning c. Distance Learning Resources
b. E-Learning d. Digital Learning Resources

20. It emphasizes mainly the remembering and reproducing facts, principles and theories of learning. It also refers
to traditional way of teaching wherein most of the lecture method is used.
a. C-Learning c. Distance Learning Resources
b. E-Learning d. Digital Learning Resources

21. It occurs when the teacher and students interact in different places but during the same time. Examples
include, instant messaging, video conferencing, webcams, MUDs, MOOs, and chat.
a. Asynchronous Distance Learning c. Synchronous Distance Learning
b. Active Distance Learning d. Dynamic Distance Learning

22. It occurs when the teacher and the students interact in different places and during different times. Examples
include, email, texting, newsgroups, blogs and social media.

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a. Asynchronous Distance Learning c. Synchronous Distance Learning

b. Active Distance Learning d. Dynamic Distance Learning

23. . Which is NOT true about Flexible Learning?

a. Its overarching purpose is to increase opportunities and options available to learners and give them
greater control over their learning through a variety of learning modes and interactions.
b. It is an alternative mode of education
c. It is a movement away from a situation in which key decisions about learning dimensions are made in
advance by the instructor or institution
d. It is multi-layered and multi-faceted

24. The first principle of digital literacy is simply ___________- the ability to extract implicit and explicit ideas from
a media.
a. Interdependence c. Comprehension
b. Social Factors d. Curation

25. It is how media form connects with another, whether potentially, metaphorically, ideally, or literally. Little media
is created with the purpose of isolation, and publishing is easier than ever before.
a. Interdependence c. Comprehension
b. Social Factors d. Curation

26. It is the ability to understand the value of information and keep in a way that makes it accessible and useful
a. Interdependence c. Comprehension
b. Social Factors d. Curation

27. In our school, we are using social media accounts to disseminate information or announcements about the
events of the school. What type of distance learning is being described?
a. Asynchronous Distance Learning
b. Synchronous Distance Learning
c. Active Distance Learning
d. Dynamic Distance Learning

28. Reading e-mail messages is one of my ways to get in touch with my students, especially when they are not
physically around. What type of distance learning is being described?
a. Asynchronous Distance Learning c. Synchronous Distance Learning
b. Active Distance Learning d. Dynamic Distance Learning

29. Last meeting Principal D used live webcasting to explain some announcements about the school. What type
of distance learning is being described?
a. Asynchronous Distance Learning c. Synchronous Distance Learning
b. Active Distance Learning d. Dynamic Distance Learning

30. The following are 5 core concepts of media literacy, EXCEPT:

a. All media messages are constructed
b. Media messages are constructed using a creative language with own rules
c. Media have embedded values and points of view
d. Limited people experience the same media message

31. The following are roles of ICT in assessment, EXCEPT:

a. Modern technology offers educators a variety of new tools that can be used in the classroom.
b. Technology can help teachers assess their students’ learning as well as their performance in the
c. Use of ICT assessment involves the use of digital devices to assist in the construction, delivery, storage
or reporting of student assessment tasks, responses, grades or feedback.
d. None of the above

32. When you want to teach students how to be good digital citizenship, the best starting point is teaching this key
a. Understanding User Data c. Practicing Digital Wellness
b. Acknowledging the Digital Divide d. Empathy

33. It is one of the most complex and concerning concepts in digital age.
a. Understanding User Data c. Practicing Digital Wellness
b. Acknowledging the Digital Divide d. Empathy

34. It is the practice of refraining from indulging in the internet and digital media for unreasonable amounts of time.
a. Understanding User Data c. Practicing Digital Wellness
b. Acknowledging the Digital Divide d. Empathy

35. It is the considering of the disparity between those who have access to modern digital tools (like computers
and the internet) and those who don’t.
a. Understanding User Data c. Practicing Digital Wellness
b. Acknowledging the Digital Divide d. Empathy

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36. The following are major features of assessment, EXCEPT:

a. Integral to classroom culture
b. Considering learning goals after the outcome
c. Using varied methods to deepen learning and meet diverse student needs
d. Providing feedback that is timely and specific

37. It provides feedback and information during the instructional process, while learning is taking place, and while
learning is occurring.
a. Formative Assessment c. Authentic Assessment
b. Diagnostic Assessment d. Summative Assessment

38. It describes the multiple forms of assessment that reflect student learning, achievement, motivation and
attitudes on instructionally relevant classroom activities.
a. Formative Assessment c. Authentic Assessment
b. Diagnostic Assessment d. Summative Assessment

39. It can help you identify your students’ current knowledge of a subject, their skill sets and capabilities, and to
clarify misconceptions before teaching takes place.
a. Performance Assessment c. Authentic Assessment
b. Diagnostic Assessment d. Summative Assessment

40. It is one which requires students to demonstrate that they have mastered specific skills and competencies by
performing or producing something.
a. Performance Assessment c. Authentic Assessment
b. Diagnostic Assessment d. Summative Assessment

41. It takes place after the learning has been completed and provides information and feedback that sums up the
teaching and learning.
a. Performance Assessment c. Authentic Assessment
b. Diagnostic Assessment d. Summative Assessment

42. One of the recent advancements in assessment is the design and use of these tests, which add a great deal
of efficiency to the testing process.
a. Computer Adaptive Testing c. Computer Assisted Assessment
b. Computer Advanced Testing d. Computer Additional Testing

43. It refers to the use of computers to assess students learning and performance. It is a term that covers all
forms of assessments, whether summative or formative, delivered with the help of computers.
a. Computer Adaptive Testing c. Computer Assisted Assessment
b. Computer Advanced Testing d. Computer Additional Testing

44. It is any name, symbol, figure, letter, word, or mark adopted and used by a manufacturer or merchant in order
to designate his or her goods and to distinguish them from those manufactured or sold by others. For example:
Adidas, Nike, Converse.
a. Trademark c. Industrial Design
b. Patent d. Trade secrets

45. These rights protect the visual design of the objects. It consists of the creation of a shape, configuration or
composition of pattern or color, containing aesthetic value.
a. Trademark c. Industrial Design
b. Patent d. Trade secrets
46. It is a right granted to an inventor by the federal government that permits the inventor to exclude others from
making, selling or using the invention for a period of time.
a. Copyright c. Industrial Design
b. Patent d. Trade secrets

47. It is a formal declaration that the owner is the only one with the right to publish, reproduce, or sell a particular
artistic work.
a. Copyright c. Industrial Design
b. Patent d. Trade secrets

48. It is the most common type of patent, which are granted to new machines, chemicals and processes.
a. Utility patents c. Design patents
b. Plant patents d. Industrial patents

49. It is granted to protect the unique appearance of manufactured objects, such as the surface ornamentation or
overall design of the object.
a. Utility patents c. Design patents
b. Plant patents d. Industrial patents

50. Copyright includes the following, EXCEPT:

a. Literary works
b. Musical works, including any accompanying words
c. Dramatic works, including any accompanying music

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d. Product brands

51. Which is NOT included in the ways to be a better netizen?

a. Be attentive to the fact that you won’t appear rude, insensitive, arrogant, or sly. A hastily bad comment
can cause future embarrassment and remains there forever.
b. Fake news can cause people to make bad decisions but sometimes it can cause good effect to
some people.
c. Plagiarizing, piracy, unauthorized downloading or sharing of content may lead to trouble in the future.
d. Keep in mind that the internet was created to share useful information, not harmful information.

52. Which is NOT true about Cyberspace?

a. As a term was taken to describe the “digital” in which people use the internet in any aspect.
b. This is the place in which online games occur, the land of chat rooms, and the home of instant-
messaging conversations.
c. It has also become an important location for social and political discussion, with the popular emergence
in the late 20th and the early 21st century web-based discussion boards.
d. None of the above

53. It emphasizes the internet as an incredible network of interconnected servers and computers that direct web
browser requests through a network of wired and wireless connections.
a. Understanding User Data c. How Internet Works
b. Acknowledging the Digital Divide d. Securing Digital Devices

54. This is the perfect capstone to digital citizenship classes because it takes everything students have learned
and applies it to real-life scenarios.
a. Understanding User Data c. How Internet Works
b. Acknowledging the Digital Divide d. Securing Digital Devices

55. This means coordination and activity at times and in locations that otherwise would be difficult, if not
a. Software-as-a-Service c. Two-Way Telecommunications
b. Proprietary or Premise-Based Software d. Teamwork

56. Organizational psychology research has shown there are three fundamental elements to successful group
work regardless of setting, proximity, permissiveness and familiarity.
a. Software-as-a-Service c. Two-Way Telecommunications
b. Proprietary or Premise-Based Software d. Teamwork

57. These tools expand the shared project management functions and capacities of teams, allowing members to
track and organize project tasks as well as locate important network files, make informational updates and
message anyone with access to the on-site software.
a. Software-as-a-Service c. Two-Way Telecommunications
b. Proprietary or Premise-Based Software d. Teamwork

58. It is the next iteration of on-premise software. Rather than installing software onto individual computers, an
organization instead purchases a software subscription, which allows anyone to use that software regardless of
location so long as they’re granted permission via your virtual private server (VPN).
a. Software-as-a-Service c. Two-Way Telecommunications
b. Proprietary or Premise-Based Software d. Teamwork

59. It refers to tools and systems designed to better facilitate group work, both in-office and remote.
a. Collaborative Technology c. Conferencing Technology
b. Communication Technology d. Coordination Technology

60. It allows for messages, chat groups and conversations to be conducted between individuals and parties via
internet, whether those parties are in different parts of the office or different parts of the world.
a. Collaborative Technology c. Conferencing Technology
b. Communication Technology d. Coordination Technology

61. It allows individuals and groups to connect interpersonally as well as communicate work tasks and activities –
making end-to-end workflow management simpler and more efficient.
a. Collaborative Technology c. Conferencing Technology
b. Communication Technology d. Coordination Technology

62. The following are types of conferencing tools for the workplace, EXCEPT:
a. Video conferencing with shared screen capabilities
b. Shared applications, where users can simultaneously access certain apps in real time to check
c. Document sharing software
d. None of the above

63. Which is NOT an example of Coordination Technology?

a. Employee time trackers or scheduling systems
b. E-Calendars
c. Digital voicemail applications

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d. Project management systems

64. Which is NOT an example of Communication Technology?

a. Email
b. E-Calendars
c. Digital voicemail applications
d. Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) calls

65. Start your discussions with thought-provoking questions that prompt them to seek out answers online and
expand their knowledge.
a. Choose tech tools that align with common goals
b. Conduct surveys and online assessments to research audience
c. Give the tech tools and materials a test-run
d. Get learners involved

66. It is a valuable tool that can help you analyse your audience’s traits and experience levels. They can also give
you a good indication of their learning styles, such as which exercises will appeal to them and how they absorb
a. Choose tech tools that align with common goals
b. Conduct surveys and online assessments to research audience
c. Give the tech tools and materials a test-run
d. Get learners involved

67. One of the most common blended learning strategy mistakes is using technology just for the sake of
technology, rather than finding the tools that are ideal for the particular audience.
a. Choose tech tools that align with common goals
b. Conduct surveys and online assessments to research audience
c. Give the tech tools and materials a test-run
d. Get learners involved

68. Verify that all of your tech tools are in working order and that your learners can use them effectively
a. Choose tech tools that align with common goals
b. Conduct surveys and online assessments to research audience
c. Give the tech tools and materials a test-run
d. Understand that your ASSURE strategy is a work in progress

69. It must also adapt to the ever-evolving technologies, so that you can offer your future learners the best
resources you have at your disposal.
a. Choose tech tools that align with common goals
b. Conduct surveys and online assessments to research audience
c. Create custom-tailored objectives
d. Understand that your ASSURE strategy is a work in progress
70. You should also develop goals that are learner-specific.
a. Choose tech tools that align with common goals
b. Conduct surveys and online assessments to research audience
c. Create custom-tailored objectives
d. Understand that your ASSURE strategy is a work in progress

71. Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, and insulting messages. What type of cyberbullying is being described?
a. Impersonation c. Cyberstalking
b. Trickery d. Harassment
72. Talking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information, then sharing it online. What type of
cyberbullying is being described?
a. Impersonation c. Cyberstalking
b. Trickery d. Harassment

73. Pretending to be someone else by sending or posting material to get that person in trouble or danger or to
damage that person’s reputation or friendships.
a. Impersonation c. Cyberstalking
b. Trickery d. Flaming

74. Online fights using electronic messages with angry and vulgar language.
a. Impersonation c. Cyberstalking
b. Trickery d. Flaming

75. Repeated, intense harassment and denigration that includes threats or creates significant fear.
a. Impersonation c. Cyberstalking
b. Denigration d. Flaming

76. “Dissing” someone online. Sending or posting gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her
reputation or friendships.
a. Impersonation c. Cyberstalking
b. Denigration d. Flaming

77. The following are digital safety rules to help you avoid getting into trouble online, EXCEPT:

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a. Practicing Safe Browsing

b. Make Sure your Internet Connection is Publicized.
c. Choose Strong Passwords
d. Be Careful What you Post

78. It is an authentic website storing the originals from various big websites. This is one of the best website
imparting free and accessible knowledge.
a. EdX c. Big Think
b. Internet Archive d. Coursera

79. It is a user friendly website. Students can find big universities and a sharable electronic Course Certificate.
a. EdX c. Big Think
b. Internet Archive d. Coursera

80. It is an online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best
universities and institutions to learners everywhere.
a. EdX c. Big Think
b. Internet Archive d. Coursera

81. This step is concern in making a plan as to how you will utilize the technology, media and materials that you
have selected.
a. Analyze your learners
b. Select Strategies, Technology, Media, and Materials
c. Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials
d. Evaluate and Revise

82. According to Dale’s Cone of Experience, people generally remember 10% of what they_______________.
a. Read
b. Hear and See
c. Hear
d. Do

83. According to Dale’s Cone of Experience, people generally remember 20% of what they_______________.
a. Read
b. Hear and See
c. Hear
d. Do

84. It consists of knowledge of TPACK components content and pedagogy, and in place of general technology, the
World Wide Web.
a. ICT-Related PCK
b. Electronic Pedagogical Content Knowledge
c. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge – Web
d. Technological Content Knowledge

85. Mr. Raul wants his students to create an invitation letter. Which of the following software can he recommend to
his students in their activity?
a. Microsoft Excel
b. Microsoft PPT
c. Microsoft Word
d. Word Pad

86. Which of the following factors momentarily hinders the use of Tablets in Public Schools?
a. Durability of the Device
b. Expertise in Learning
c. Monetary Concerns
d. All of the above
86. It describes to where the future of the Internet’s complexity is going in the future.
a. Changing
b. Continuous
c. Limitless
d. Unique

87. Which of the following is NOT an example of a web browser?

a. Google Chrome
b. Google Drive
c. Mozilla Firefox
d. Opera Min

88. Which learning paradigm does Educational Technology offers to learners in the process of adapting to
technology integration?
a. Student-centered
b. Teacher-centered

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c. Content-based
d. Curriculum-based

90. It refers to the characteristics of Hypermedia where the learner has control on such aspects as sequence,
pace, content, media, feedback, etc. that he/she may encounter in the hypermedia learning program.
a. Learner control
b. Learner wide range of navigation routes
c. Variety of Media
d. None of the above

91. The following are dimensions of flexible learning, EXCEPT:

a. Support
b. Time
c. Pedagogy
d. Classroom

92. Teacher Ely uses videotaped classes in her English Class. What type of distance learning is being described?
a. Asynchronous Distance Learning c. Synchronous Distance Learning
b. Active Distance Learning d. Dynamic Distance Learning

93. It is a great way to reinforce your lesson and engage your students. Examples are Class craft, Sheppard
Software, Fun Brain, PBS Kids Games and National Geographic Kids Games.
a. Videos c. Research
b. Computer Games d. Presentations

94. It enables students to quickly and easily collect information from a wide range of credible online resources.
a. Videos c. Research
b. Computer Games d. Presentations

95. It is a great way to get students excited about learning. Examples are BrainPOP, National Geographic Kids
and National Geographic in YouTube.
a. Videos c. Research
b. Computer Games d. Presentations

96. PowerPoint is definitely a favorite that can be used with all ages, another one is Prezi, it is another excellent
online presentation resource for students, it gives them a bit more freedom and creativity in how they choose to
present the information and transition between “slides”.
a. Videos c. Research
b. Computer Games d. Presentations

97. This allows everyone to get an immediate idea of how the student is doing.
a. Teacher Websites c. Grades
b. Digital Textbooks d. Video Conferencing

98. Teachers can post material that either goes with the lesson or more in depth so that the students who are
interested can learn more about a particular subject.
a. Teacher Websites c. Grades
b. Digital Textbooks d. Video Conferencing

99. It allows students to practice and improve their public speaking and presentation skills.
a. Teacher Websites c. Grades
b. Digital Textbooks d. Video Conferencing

100. Interactive reading supplemented by games and quizzes get students actively involved in their reading.
a. Teacher Websites c. Grades
b. Digital Textbooks d. Video Conferencing

EDU 536

School as a Social Organization

Prepare young children of their future roles as productive citizens in the country


Have characteristics of rational, natural, and open system.

Culture and climate

School culture preserved and transferred to new members of the socialization process.
School climate on the other hand represents organizations distinguishing characteristics, feelings, and behavior

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 Physical frame

 Social frame

 Environment

 Structural frame

Leadership and decision making

In social system of school an important aspect of leadership is the quality and systematic effects of functions and
behaviors of principals as leaders

Social Change
Every society and develops and evolves in a unique way as influenced by various social factors and events

Six megatrends
That continues to shape and influences our society

 Digitalization and technological advances

 Demographic and behavioral changes
 Global talent and skills race
 Business operating model pressure
 Regulatory changes and complexity
 Changes in investment, capital sources and returns

3 Literation
That’s need to be developed to prepare graduates for this 4 th industrial revolution

 Data Literation
Ability to read and analyze and to use information in the digital world

 Technology Literation
Ability to understand mechanical work, to use the application of technology like coding, artificial
intelligence, and engineering principles

 Human Literation
Humanities, communication and design. This calls for development of leadership skills, social
competence, collaboration and teamwork, professionalism, and sets of values to be developed among

6 Forces affecting changes in schools

Bureaucratic forces
Provide direct supervision, standardized work process, or standardized outcomes that are used to
prescribed change

Personal forces
Personalities leadership styles, and interpersonal skills of change agents that could push for changes to
happen in school

Market forces
Competition, incentives and individual choice that are used to motivate change

Professional forces
Expertise, codes of conduct, collegiality, felt obligations and other professional norms intended to build
professional community to compel change

Cultural forces
Shared values, goals, and ideas about pedagogy, relationships and politics

Democratic forces
Democratic social contacts and shared commitments to the common good

6 Indicators or an affective school that were also affirmed by sergiovanni (2000)

 Pupils
 Teacher
 Parent
 Management
 Support staff
 Board member, trustee

Roles of the teacher in the society

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Prime mover of change

Change is a lifelong process in order to survive in this very dynamic society. We need to adapt on the many
changes that confront us.

Second parent by virtue of loco parentis

Loco parentis
Parents entrust their child in an educational institutions, the teachers, alongside with the administrators, take
some responsibility and some authority of the parents.
In the absence of the parents in school, teachers assume the roles of apparent substitute

Behavior is driven by internal rewards
Behavior that is driven with external rewards

Presenter of information
Teacher should present factual information. Information they present is being quoted by their students and seldom
is being doubted by the public

Provide students novel resources in order for the learners to go out of the box and further inspire them to build
their own box

Role model
Noblest profession

Inspire others in their own simple way to act positively in solving the problems confronting the community

Expertise is aligned with his or her area of specialization

4 Principles of scientific management

Science, not rule of thumb

Developed a science of each element of man’s work with replaces the old rule of thumb

Scientific selection of the worker

Select and train, teach, developed the workman: (Chose his work and trained himself the best he could)

Management and labor cooperation rather than conflict

Ensure all work being done in accordance with the principles of science

Scientific training of the worker

Trained by experts using scientific method

 Van (2009) emphasized that Fayol laid the first foundation of modern scientific management in the early
 Serve as a guidelines for decision making and management actions

14 Principles of management

Division of work
Task divided among employees according to their field of expertise

Authority and responsibility

Authority give orders to subordinates that comes with corresponding responsibility

Form good conduct which is essentially successful operation

Unity of direction
Requires employees to perform and carry out activities as one team leading to same objective

Unity of command
Order receive must come from one manager

Subordinate of individual interest

Prioritization of organization interest over personal interest

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Rewards and compensation to efforts have been made which could be in a form of monetary or non-
monetary that keeps employees motivated and productivy

 The degree of capitalization

Implies concentration of decision making authority at the top management

 Scalar chain
Hierarchical structure always ld have clear line in the area of authority from top management down to
lowest level

 Order
Order and safety of employees in n properly at work

 Equity
Equal treatment

 Stability of tenure of personnel

Providing employees the be considered for tenured position based on their performance

 Initiative
Employees express ideas that will help benefit the company

 Espirit de corps
Promotes unity among employee, develops morale in the workplace

Types of Power
(Based on Weber’s bureaucratic model)

 Traditional authority
Authority is hereditary and based on dependent sub ordinate

 Legal, rule-oriented authority

Based on normative rules for career

 Charismatic authority
Personal authority, based on a type of seduction

Salient features of Max Weber’s bureaucratic theory

Task specialization (Division of labor)

Individual task divided into separate jobs allow to manage tasks easily

Hierarchical of authority
Each layer of management is responsible for its staff and overall performance

Formal selection
All employees are selected on the basis of technical skills and competencies which required trainings

Rules and requirements

Required to ensure uniformity, so that employees know exactly what is expected of them

Create distant and impersonal relationships between employees

Career orientations
Helps in the deployment of the right people in the right position

Important aspects of a school leader’s role highlighted by Christie, Thompson and whitely (2009)

Developing a deep understanding of how to support teachers

Understand the needs of teachers that will capacitate them in order to become effective teachers

Managing the curriculum in ways that promote student learning

Curriculum shall carefully managed accordingly by planning appropriate strategies

Developing the ability to transform schools into more effective organization to foster powerful teaching
and learning for all students
Leaders should have in depth understanding of powerful teaching and learning through the use of brain based
that promotes active inquiry, in-depth learning, performance assessment

Among the roles that teacher leaders may assume

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 Grade level/Subject coordinator

 Department chair/Coordinator
 Curriculum and assessment specialist
 Monitor/coach
 Facilitator
Leadership Styles

Instructional Leadership
Based on 3 dimensional approaches which include defining the school missions, managing the instructional
programs, and promoting a positive school climate (Hallinger, 2010)

Transformational Leadership
Type of leader who inspire their followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes by inspiring them and in the process
develop their own capacity

Distributed Leadership
Shared effort by more than one person. Draws from different perspective to support international leadership by
establishing a system of improving curriculum and instruction through collaboration.

Reforms in the department of Education

 Trifocalization of Philippine educational system took place in the early nineties
 Techvoc, Higher Ed separated from Basic Ed
 RA 7722 & 7784 CHED was created
 DECS ( Department of education culture and sports)
 DECS refocused to basic Ed which covers Elem, Secondary, non-formal educ
 RA 9155 “ Governance of basic ed act” transforming the DECS to DEPED
 RA 9155 provide overall framework of school head empowerment by strengthening their leadership roles
and school based management within the context of transparency and local accountability

Institutionalization of Kindergarten
 RA 8672 “Barangay level total protection of children act of 1990”
 RA 8980 “Early childhood care and development council” act 2001
 RA 10517 “ Kindergarten Education act”

Mother tongue based multilingual education

 MTB-MLE was made as medium of instruction for teaching and learning in the kindergarten level by the
Virtue of Deped order No. 32, series of 2012

Pedagogy is the study of teaching methods aims of education in the ways in which goals may be achieved

(Unravel, Sharpen, Enhance, Steer)
Captures the essence of why content is paramount importance as one components in pedagogical skills

 Unravel
Latent learning skills: Provide the learners with novel concepts, facts and experience

 Sharpen
Mind of the students is seemingly difficult if the content is bordering on the practices of the past. Enable
the learners to be aware for their own outputs

 Enhance
Desire to explore by themselves allowing them to experience on first hand basis

 Steers
Make significant contribution to the daily lesson. Removed the novelty and richness of the learning
contents they will learn out of their own volition

Wen Shu lee (cited in martin, 2010) identifies different common uses of the term culture and describes how each
definition serves particular interest

 Culture-unique human efforts

 Culture-refinement, mannerism
 Culture civilization
 Culture shared language, beliefs, values
 Culture-dominant or hegemonic culture

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 Culture-the shifting tensions between the shared and the unshared

Characteristics of culture

 Culture is learned
 Culture is shared
 Culture involves large group of people
 Culture is dynamic and heterogeneous
 Culture affects behavior
 Culture involves feelings
 Culture involves beliefs, values, norms, and social practices

Consist of all physical, tangible and human created objects which people make use of them and share
Ex. Buildings, clothes, toys, work, cars

Culture is intangible, abstract, or ideas about culture. Can be found in everyday patterns of life such as norms,
symbols, values, customs and beliefs of people

Elements of Culture

 The culture on our heads

(Values, beliefs, knowledge and norms)

 Communicating culture
(Symbols and language)

 Reproducing culture
(Behavior, objects)
Educational Philosophies Related to Society
 Behaviorism Is a school of thought that borders on the development of the behavior of the students
through a very conducive environment.

 Linguistic Philosophy communicative competence is given much emphasis

 Constructivism

 Progressivism Teacher knows very well that there is a need to allow the students to experience by
themselves the joy of learning

Theories and principles on organizational leadership

This theory of Hershey and Blanchard (1982) points to the importance of support, encouragement, and the way
communication that the leader is conscious at all times in providing his or her followers.
Principles of Effective organizational leadership
1. Proficiency must be observed in every task

2. Master yourself and find ways to improve

3. Knowledge of the people around you and be aware of their welfare

4. Share information with people of one’s domain

5. Be good example

6. See to it that every task is clearly understood, monitored and accomplished

7. Commit and train your people to collaborate as a team

8. Decisions must be sound and time bound

9. Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your group

10. Do not evade responsibilities and be accountable to your own actions

Effective leadership styles

 Transformational leadership

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Emphasis on vision as the central dimension of leadership. A leader is an inspiration to his or her
subordinates as they work as a team to accomplish the objectives of the organization in the context of its
mission and vision

 Transactional Leadership

Based on the process of exchange. The hard reality must be accepted by the followers and followers
must perform well and they will be rewarded

 Laissez-Faire Leadership

In French means “Leave it be”

This kind of leadership is loved by those followers who tends to be easy going in their performance

Leadership approaches

 L1 Commanding
Gives instruction to his/her subordinates

 L2 Persuading
Based on the influence of the leader who never threatens but inspires others to follow him or her

 L3 Involving
Leader consults the follower’s opinion so that his or her plan of the action will be done

 L4 Empowering
Leader is too trusting that he/she delegates the works to his or her followers with so much confidence that
it will be accomplished successfully

Which of the following laws strengthens education in the Philippines through the establishment of centers of

a. RA 722
b. RA 7834
c. RA 7784
d. RA 7796

2. Which of the following clauses of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers is most likely to promote and
protect the welfare and interests of teachers?

a. Obtain a promotion in rank and pay.

b. Professional growth is something you should do and be a part of.
c. Regulate their social participation
d. Create, join, and support professional and self-regulatory groups.

Who are covered by RA 4670?

a. Teachers in public elementary and secondary schools

b. Teachers in all levels
c. Teachers in both public and private schools
d. Teachers in all public elementary schools

According to the Education Act of 1982, which among the following falls within the category of non-academic

a. School principal
b. School librarian
c. School nurse
d. Guidance counselors

The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers does not recognize which of the following?

a. Education is a critical component of the country's economic development.

b. The socioeconomic level of teachers has a major impact on the quality of education.
c. Education is development, and development is education.
d. Education progress is determined by the credentials and abilities of the teachers

Individualized instruction, which may have been pioneered by the Hebrews, is characterized by the students

a. Being taught one on one

b. Learning at their own pace
c. Giving tutorials to slow learners
d. Expressing their personal ideas

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Teacher Marie strives to draw attention of every student into her classroom discussion. Which of these student
needs is she trying to address? The need to

a. Show one’s oral abilities to the rest of the class

b. Feel significant and be a part of the group
c. Get everything and be a part of the group
d. Be creative

Every time a new unit is taken up, the teacher presents students with an advanced organizer. Which principle
does the teacher apply?

a. Arrange for appropriate practice

b. Provide for correct responding on the first trial
c. Organize materials into appropriate learning units
d. Assists students to learn communication skills

Which of the following behavior speaks of a professional teacher?

a. Advocates the theme nationhood

b. Imparts his personal beliefs and ideology
c. Speaks ill of the Filipino ways
d. Seek the cooperation of the parents

This development makes the teacher develop his potential cares for himself leads a virtuous life.

a. Moral development
b. Professional development
c. Ethical development
d. Social development

Is it ethical to conduct a rally to protest the delay of benefits due to a person?

a. Yes, if you're being held on official time.

b. Yes, when parents and students work together.
c. Yes, when held outside of formal working hours.
d. Yes, if it is done with the principal's permission.

What can help achieve relevant quality education?

a. Competent instruction
b. Competent administrator
c. School-community relations
d. Strong curriculum

Dr. Beroy, the superintendent of the schools division, acted when a group of parents complained about a teacher's
suspected wrongdoing. She issued a memorandum requiring her to take a week off while the allegation is still
being heard. Was the superintendent's action legal?

a. She is the superintendent, so yes.

b. Yes, the superintendent has the ability to discipline instructors.
c. Because the complaint has yet to be heard, the answer is no.
d. No, the superintendent has no influence over teachers' disciplinary actions.

Throughout the celebration of English Week, Teacher Ana assisted Teacher Sam, the English organizer. What
could Teacher Sam do to express gratitude for Teacher Ana's help?

a. Keep silent about the help you've gotten.

b. Inform the principal of the aid obtained in an official manner.
c. Make an announcement expressing gratitude for the help you've received.
d. Purchase a present for her.

Teacher M has high blood pressure and has trouble communicating. Which of these would be impacted if he
continued to teach?

a. Punctuality
b. Effectiveness
c. Personality
d. Devotion to duty

Which of the following is NOT in the norms of conduct under RA 6713?

a. Responsiveness to the private

b. Commitment to public interest
c. Justness and sincerity
d. Professionalism

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Being loyal to the republic and the Filipino people exemplifies what kind of behavior?

a. Honesty
b. Responsiveness to the public
c. Professionalism
d. Nationalism and Patriotism

What is the other name for RA 6713?

a. Code of Ethical Standards and Conduct of Government Officials and Employees

b. Code of Ethical Standards for Government Officials and Employees
c. Ethical Standards for public Employees
d. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employee

Teacher Marian, a BSEd graduate with a major in Mathematics, works in a provincial national high school. Can
she be spared from taking the LET because her performance was judged outstanding?

a. Yes, that is a privilege that should be granted to teachers who excel in their work.
b. Yes, if the PRC approves it.
c. No, according to RA 7836, no one may practice or offer to practice teaching in the Philippines, or be
appointed as a teacher to any post requiring a teaching position, unless they have first secured a valid
certificate and license from the Commission.
d. No, all teachers, regardless of age or teaching experience, must have a professional license.

Why is teaching considered a life with meaning?

a. Because it makes you more human

b. Because it is the noblest profession
c. Because it allows you to discover yourself
d. Because it is the only profession where you can touch lives without expecting any in return

The style of classroom that allows for freedom of movement, time allocation, and even decision-making on how to
carry out learning activities.

a. Structured
b. Flexible
c. Diverse
d. Individualize

This defines the length of pre-service teacher training, ongoing professional education, and ethical and moral
values commitment.

a. Reliability of the school administration

b. Familiarity with the board competencies
c. Systematic association of values
d. Quality of teacher’s professional service

The principal who is attending your class jumps up and takes over teaching the students while you are teaching.
What will you do?

a. Assert your right politely as the teacher after class

b. Just let her take over since she is the principal
c. Refer this to higher authority
d. Report this to media

This development causes the teacher to realize his full potential, take care of himself, and live a virtuous life.

a. Moral development
b. Professional Development
c. Ethical Maturity
d. Social Development

This collaboration creates a positive learning environment in the classroom as well as an orderly and civic-minded
citizenry in the community.

a. Organization of Parents and teachers

b. Teachers’ union and organization
c. Administrative and faculty roles
d. Partnership between the school and the community

The philosophy of education that refers to the concentration of education on principles that are as important today
as they were when they were originally created.

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a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism

This school adheres to when it increases students' ability to reason and places an emphasis on the humanities.

a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism

This refers to when students are encouraged to work together to build social values like cooperation and respect.

a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism

Traditional topics such as math, natural science, history, grammar, and literature are emphasized in this
philosophy's curriculum.

a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Essentialism

Human beings are moulded by their surroundings, according to this belief.

a. Progressivism
b. Existentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Behaviorism

This school of thought holds that there is no such thing as a prescribed curriculum. It should change according to
the pupils' interests.

a. Progressivism
b. Essentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Romanticism

Which philosophy closely follows the problem-solving approach to teaching core curriculum and increasing a
student's curiosity in the process?

a. Progressivism
b. Essentialism
c. Perennialism
d. Romanticism

Under Section 2 of Article XI of the Code of Ethics for Professional teachers, a teacher shall place premium upon
______and _____ as the principles of personal behavior in all relationships with others and in all situations.

a. Educational attainment; Success

b. Loyalty; Respect
c. Self- Respect; Self Discipline
d. Selflessness; Dedication

Every teacher is required to engage in the PRc's _________ program as well as pursue other courses that will
improve his efficiency, prestige, and competence.

a. Continuing Professional Education

b. Maximizing Learning Competence
c. Continuing Professional Enhancement
d. Professional Enhancement

What consequences can a teacher face if he or she violates any of the provisions of the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers?

a. Revocation of license to teach

b. Force retirement
c. Reduced monthly salary
d. Immediate demotion

Why is it necessary for lesson objectives in syllabi to be aligned with the Philippine Constitution's educational

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a. To develop nationalistic feelings of the citizen

b. To instill ideas and goals of the country
c. To better understand the Constitution of our country
d. To facilitate fast and better learning

Some private schools are claimed to hire teachers who are not licensed. Is this in compliance with the Philippine
Teacher's Professionalization Act (RA 7836)?

a. Yes, provided that teacher has rendered 5 years of teaching

b. No, unless he/she performed satisfactorily in the past 3-5 years
c. No, because RA 7836 only applies to public school system
d. No, the requirement of teaching license applies to all teachers teaching both in the public and private

What does NCBTS stands for?

a. National Competency-Based Teachers Standards

b. National Competent Based on Teachers Standards
c. National Computed Based on Teachers Salary
d. National Computed Based on Teachers Standard

The domain in NCBTS which establishes and maintains and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behavior.

a. Social regard for learning

b. Planning, assessing and reporting
c. Diversity of learners
d. The learning environment

Teacher Suzanne keeps a close eye on her students' comprehension of the material and provides feedback on a
regular basis. What is the name of the domain she is using?

a. Social regard for learning

b. Planning, assessing and reporting
c. Diversity of learners
d. The learning environment

Teacher Jake makes effective use of class time. What domain does he belong to?

a. Social regard for learning

b. Planning, assessing and reporting
c. Diversity of learners
d. Curriculum

As a teacher, you make it a point to introduce your students to outreach initiatives and volunteer activities. This
means that you are a believer of which domain?

a. The learning environment

b. Diversity of learners
c. Community Linkages
d. Social Regard for Learning

This is the area where teachers serve as excellent role models for pupils.

a. Social regard for learning

b. The learning environment
c. Personal growth and professional development
d. Curriculum

Mr. Ronnie reflects his teaching tactics for achieving his learning objectives. What domain is he using?

a. Social regard for learning

b. The learning environment
c. Personal growth and professional development
d. Curriculum

Which of the following is an essential duty of a teacher?

a. Soliciting Contributions
b. Evaluating student’s progress
c. Safekeeping of the school properties
d. Building relationship with students

Teacher Linda asserts that being a teacher is a responsibility handed to her by the universe. As a result, she
considers teaching to be a _______?

a. Vocation

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b. Profession
c. Mission
d. Work

Which of the following is not covered by the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers?

a. Elementary Public Teachers

b. Secondary Public Teachers
c. Tertiary Teachers
d. None of the above

Who is responsible for drafting and implementing a Code of Professional Conduct for Public School Teachers,
according to RA 4670?

a. Secretary of Education
b. PRC
c. Board of Professional Teachers
d. President of the Philippines

A teacher who is actually teaching in a classroom is not required to work more than how many hours per week?

a. 5 hours
b. 6 hours
c. 7 hours
d. 9 hours

According to the Magna Carta, a public school teacher's salary must increase after how many years of service?

a. 2 years
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. 7 years

What does the Teacher Education Development Program signify as a pre-requisite for employment of teachers in
Basic Education schools?

a. Job interview for teacher applicant

b. Licensure examination for teachers
c. Induction of new teachers
d. National standard competencies among teachers

In essence, what is the New Performance Appraisal System for teachers?

a. Competency-Based
b. Practice-Based
c. Skill-Based
d. Knowledge-Based

This is known as the Enhanced basic Education Act of 2013.

a. K-12
b. RA 7836
c. RA 4670
d. RA 9293

Student must be taught self-responsibility is the desire of a _________ teacher.

a. Utilitarianist
b. Pragmatic
c. Existentialist
d. Constructivist

According to Dewey, education starts at ____.

a. At birth
b. Early Childhood
c. Elementary days
d. Pre-school

The focus of education during the Spanish Period

a. Religion
b. Nationalism
c. Vocational Training
d. Free Basic Education

It is an act that create Commission on Higher Education.

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a. RA 7722
b. RA 7796
c. RA 7784
d. RA 7687

Which of the following correctly describes enculturation?

a. Succession to the generation of future one

b. Passing culture from one who knows to somebody who does not know
c. Merging two different cultures
d. Passing down of culture from one culture to different culture

Which of the following does not involve in characteristic of culture?

a. Constant
b. Dynamic
c. Symbolic
d. Universal

Progressivism does not include __________.

a. Education should be similar for every student

b. Solving-problem should be used for learning
c. Teacher should only be a facilitator
d. Cooperation should be given examples

Which of the following is an absolute violation of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

a. Not make anonymous accusation or charges against superiors

b. Dismiss a teacher for a just cause
c. Do not accept favors from learners unless in exchange of a request
d. Keep information private until after they have been formally released

The 1987 Philippine Constitution requires that the highest budgetary allocation should be given to:

a. Education
b. Science and Technology
c. Health
d. War on drugs

In the 1987 Philippine Constitution, where can we find the provision for education?

a. Article III
b. Article XIV
c. Article X
d. Article XII

The state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education of all levels. Which government
program is in support to this?

a. Deregulated tuition fee hike

b. Primary school for indigenous people
c. Exclusion of children with special need from the forma l system
d. None of the above

It refers to the quality of human acts by which we call them right or wrong, good or evil.

a. Principle
b. Philosophy
c. Morality
d. Ethics

What are the two things that you need to have values formation?

a. Knowledge and Freedom

b. Intellect and Free Will
c. Freedom and Voluntariness
d. Intellect and Freedom

To educate learners according to nature means to provide lessons/learning activities in accord the natural laws of

a. Learning
b. Natural Sciences
c. Teaching and Learning
d. Human Development

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Which of the following is NOT a goal of UN to achieve global education?

a. Expanded early childhood care education

b. Provide free and compulsory primary education for all
c. Improve quality of education
d. Increase adulty literacy by 75%

A recognition awarded to a Teacher Education Institution for its outstanding performance.

a. Outstanding Teacher Education Institution

b. Center for Outstanding Teacher Education
c. Center for Excellence in Teacher Education
d. Most Outstanding Teacher Education Award

It is a non-profit foundation which handles both student and educator exchanges.

a. Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program

b. Global Teachers Millennium Awards
c. Canadian Educators Exchange
d. Inter-African Teacher Exchange

This country has the largest educational system of the world.

a. USA
b. New Zealand
c. China
d. Japan

It is one of the answers to the global demands for quality education.

a. Multicultural education
b. Educational Technology
c. Innovative Learning
d. Global Education

What kind of job can Teacher A get if he or she has the minimum qualifications but isn't eligible for the civil

a. Contractual basis
b. Permanent
c. Provisional
d. Substitute

Which of the following clauses of the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers is most likely to promote and
protect the welfare and interests of teachers?

a. Be promoted in rank and salary

b. Regulate their social involvement
c. Undergo and participate in professional development
d. Establish, join and maintain professional and self-regulation organizations

What does it mean that "teachers are persons in authority"?

a. Teachers cannot be charged

b. No person can assault a teacher
c. Teachers have immunity from arrest
d. Decisions made by teachers are deemed right

Which of the following characteristics best describes a professional teacher?

a. An honors education graduate

b. A teacher with at least six years of experience
c. A teacher who has attended national teaching seminars
d. A teacher who qualifies for a permanent position under RA 4670

A popular mass education under the American Regime which became the cornerstone of democracy in the
Philippines came into being upon the passage of the _________.

a. Education Decree of 1863

b. Royal Decree of December 20, 1865
c. Monroe Educational Survey of 1929
d. Act No. 74 of the Philippine Commission in 1901

A parent confides in you about his son's poor academic performance. He showed you his quizzes, unit tests, and
projects to you. You found out his name is Lucio, and you made the mistake of putting his name on the girl's list.
What will you do?

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a. Admit your errors and pledge to fix them

b. Maintain that your grade of the student is proper
c. Refer the matter to the principal
d. Ignore the complainant.

This promotes equal access, but on the other hand, quality may suffer as a result.

a. Open admission
b. School accreditation
c. Deregulated tuition fee
d. Selective Retention

What should you do if you want your students to improve their reading comprehension and study skills?

a. Reciprocal teaching
b. Cooperative teaching
c. Peer tutoring
d. Mastery Learning

In the light of the modern concept of teaching, which is a characteristic of effective teaching?

a. Pouring information to the learners

b. Allowing learners to learn on their own
c. Developing abilities to address the future
d. Removing the physical presence of the teacher

Which among the indicators could be the most useful for assessing quality of schooling?

a. Participation rate
b. Cohort survival rate
c. Net enrollment rate
d. Drop-out rate

Which of the following is not an example of a teacher’s nonverbal communication?

a. Eye contact
b. Gestures
c. Pauses
d. Voice

The code of ethics for Professional Teachers stipulates that educational institutions shall offer quality education for
all Filipino Citizens. How is quality education defined in RA 9155?

a. Relevance and excellence of education are emphasized to meet the needs and aspirations of an
individual society
b. All school-aged children should be provided free and compulsory education
c. Children with special needs should be mainstreamed with regular classes in the public school
d. Public and private basic education schools should provide relevant education

This embodies the teacher’s duties and responsibilities as well as proper behavior in performing them.

a. Code of ethics for Professional Teachers

b. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
c. Bill of Rights
d. Philippine Constitution of 1987

When Mr. Salazar took office as a school superintendent, he filed his statement of assets and liabilities. What is
the ethical standard for this behavior?

a. Divestment
b. Prohibited Acts and Transactions
c. Statement of Assets and Liabilities
d. System of Incentives

“ Specialization is knowing more and more about les and less”. Hence, it is better to be a generalist, claims
Teacher Wong. Which philosophy does Teacher Wong subscribe to?

a. Existentialism
b. Perennialism
c. Essentialism
d. Progressivism

Are values taught or caught?

a. Taught, because we can only learn values once we go to school

b. Caught, because we can only acquire values when we are influenced by the society

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c. Both, because we can acquire it from school and from others

d. None of the above

Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public schools. Which measure/s have schools
taken to offset of large classes?

The deployment of more teachers

The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio
The conduct of morning and afternoon session
a. I, II and III
b. I and II
c. III only
d. II only

What is the main concern of spiral curriculum?

a. Curriculum renewal and revision?

b. Horizontal articulation among the subjects in a grade level
c. Vertical articulation of a given subjects across grade level
d. Incorporating governmental thrust and societal concerns

The practice of non-graded instruction stems from ____.

a. Progressivism
b. Reconstructionism
c. Essentialism
d. Realism

Your fellow teacher who belongs to your department had been absent for a week because she went to Canada.
You discovered that all the dates had been filled in to reflect that she hasn’t been absent. What will you do?

a. Report this to principal

b. Gossip about the teacher
c. Leave her alone
d. Confront the teacher when you see her

If we aim to produce globally competitive graduates, the Philippine education should give major emphasis to

a. English, Science, and Mathematics

b. Technology and citizenship education
c. Humanities and work education
d. Bilingual education and values education

What pillar of education is concern on material development rather than human development?

a. Learning to do
b. Learning to live together
c. Learning to be
d. Learning to know

A fresh graduate teacher is usually idealistic. Which one will most likely inspire her to cling her idealism?

a. Introduction of educational innovations

b. Support of living models
c. Pressure of work
d. High salary

Honesty remains a value even if nobody in an organization values it. This pronouncement comes from the mouth
of (an) __________.

a. Pragmatist
b. Idealist
c. Reconstructionist
d. Progressivist

Teacher Annie was required by her principal to attend school on four Saturdays in a row to train the editorial staff
of their school newspaper. Is this permissible under RA 4670?

a. Yes, provided the teacher was compensated

b. No, because it’s not functions of a classroom instructor on a regular basis
c. Yes, because it is one of the teacher's other responsibilities.
d. No, because it isn't stated explicitly in the legislation.

Principal Roy responded to the letter of complaint received by his office 30 days after claiming that he had been
preoccupied with more essential matters in the previous days. Is his justification acceptable?

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a. Yes, because he needs to set priorities

b. No, the issue is simply unacceptable
c. No, according to RA 6713, public authorities and employees must respond to letters and requests within
15 working days after their receipt
d. Yes, because the complaint letter may wait and is not urgent.

Teacher Sue works in a public school in her neighborhood. Her classroom instruction begins at 6 a.m. and
concludes at 3 p.m. due to a teacher shortage. Is the task assigned to her fair?

a. No, Magna Carta for Public School Teachers states that in the exigencies of service, any teacher may be
required to render more than six hours and n ot more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching a
b. No, rendering longer teaching hours would make the teacher tired and exhausted.
c. Yes, as long as she signs a conforme letter to that effect.
d. Yes, the situation demands that she render longer teaching hours.

In Mindanao, Teacher J talks about the problems between warring clans. Which pillar should he emphasize the

a. Learning to do
b. Learning to know
c. Learning to be
d. Learning to live together


1. Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?

A. critical
B. creative
C. changing
D. all of the above
2. What information does a curriculum map provide to teachers?
A. The general order, content and pace of the curriculum.
B. The instructional level of the students in the class.
C. A detailed description of the standards.
D. A summary of how students have performed on past standardized tests.
3. An outline of the topics of a subject to cover the a specific time is called:
A. program
B. syllabus
C. curriculum
D. course
4. Which curriculum includes varied activities that are implemented in order to arrive at the objectives or purposes
of the written curriculum.
A. phantom curriculum
B. assessed curriculum
C. taught curriculum
D. recommended curriculum
5. What information could be included on a curriculum map?
A. resources
B. assessment ideas
C. essential questions
D. all of the answers are correct.
6. Which statement is correct?
A. Curriculum maps are always written by national writers and content specialists.
B. Curriculum maps are always written by the curricularists.
C. Curriculum maps are always written by individual teachers.
D. District content specialists, school department chairs, a group of teachers teaching the same subject, or
an individual teacher could all write curriculum maps.
7. What type of curriculum pertains to the learning outcomes achieved by the students?
A. taught curriculum
B. modified curriculum
C. learned curriculum
D. assessed curriculum
8. The following are the benefits of curriculum mapping, EXCEPT:
A. enhance communication and collaboration
B. provide arguments and disputes among teachers and students
C. increase student achievement
D. performance survey and tracker
9. The major concern of curriculum is:
A. personal satisfaction
B. preparation for service
C. change in individual’s behavior
D. none of the above

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10. Which part of the curriculum map relates to the goals that the school prepares for their students beyond
A. skills
B. content
C. assessments
D. activities
11. A curriculum is the blue print or pipe of the school that includes experiences for the:
A. teachers
B. experts
C. curriculum planners
D. learners
12. The subject-centered design revolves around:
A. content
B. social values
C. behavior
D. social problems
13. The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a:
A. preparation of students for service
B. constitution in a country
C. provision of the latest knowledge
D. none of the above
14. The following are the characteristics of a good curriculum, EXCEPT:
A. The curriculum is continuously evolving.
B. The curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
C. The curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.
D. The curriculum promotes conformity to some hypothetical standard.
15. A good curriculum is a product of careful planning, management and evaluation. What characteristic of
curriculum is observed in this statement?
A. It complements and cooperates with other programs of the community.
B. It has administrative flexibility.
C. It is the result of a long-term effort.
D. It is continuously evolving.
16. What is curriculum content development?
A. It can be created using a formal or an informal development process.
B. It is content which emerges out of a learner's expressed interest or needs.
C. It most often emerges as an orderly sequenced system regardless of how the content originates.
D. All answers are correct.
17. What is the major component of curriculum design?
A. aims, goals, content and assessment
B. evaluation and strategies
C. textbooks and syllabus
D. examinations and standards
18. The educator's first step in curriculum development should be
A. needs assessment
B. development of aims
C. analysis of content to teach
D. development of goals
19. What type of curriculum is commonly proposed by experts and professional organizations?
A. recommended curriculum
B. taught curriculum
C. written curriculum
D. hidden curriculum
20. This type of objective is understood in terms of observable or measurable accomplishment in mapping the
A. instructional objectives
B. school’s objectives
C. behavioral objectives
D. nonbehavioral objectives
21. Curriculum is supposed to:
A. Be organized by the school
B. Achieve the objective
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
22. Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which students have
under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is stated by:
A. John Dewey
B. Stephen Romine
C. H. Rugg
D. Hilda Taba

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23. Student’s needs and interests are important in

A. Sociological foundation
B. Psychological foundation
C. Economical foundation
D. Historical foundation
24. What might you do when mapping out a curriculum?
A. Talk to colleagues about assessment
B. Consider your students' special needs
C. Develop strong essential questions
D. Look at your district's calendar
25. Curriculum based on thinking of John Dewey is
A. learner centered curriculum
B. activity centered curriculum
C. subject centered curriculum
D. None of these
26. What is curriculum implementation?
A. Developing a curriculum
B. Assessing a curriculum
C. Discussing a curriculum with families
D. Putting a curriculum into practice
27. Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the:
A. Education
B. Objectives
C. Values
D. Job
28. Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?
A. Critical
B. Creative
C. Conservative
D. All of the above
29. Curriculum effectiveness is determined by:
A. Community cooperation
B. Teacher competence
C. Student interest
D. Quality of supervision
30. Marupok National High School included the merging of two related discipline or subjects like of the integration
of Science and Health. What classification of curriculum design did it focus on?
A. Interdisciplinary Design
B. Core Design
C. Experience Design
D. Problem Design
31. The term refer to the total process of designing implementing and evaluating:
A. Curriculum design
B. Curriculum implementation
C. Curriculum Construction
D. Curriculum Development
32. A school curriculum is best defined as:
A. All materials and methods of instruction
B. All materials used to pupil activities
C. The complete collection of courses of study
D. The organized learners’ experiences set by the school
33. The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a:
A. preparation of students for service
B. constitution in a country
C. provision of the latest knowledge
D. none of the above
34. Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum:
A. Implementing
B. Evaluating
C. Designing
D. All of the above
35. The curriculum used during the period in the Philippine history terminated the use of English as a medium of
instruction. What period is this?
A. American
B. Spanish
C. Commonwealth
D. Japanese
36. The following changes took place in what particular period? Restore Grade VII, double-single session was
abolished and more textbooks were written by Filipino authors.

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A. American Period
B. Philippine Republic
C. Japanese-devised Curriculum
D. New Society
37. When a classroom teacher takes record of knowledge, concepts, subject matter or content, what role of a
curricularist is he/she being portrayed?
A. knower
B. writer
C. designer
D. evaluator
38. A stakeholder in curriculum development, Mr. Santos, a district supervisor and a member of the school board
has one of the following primary roles:
A. support and participate in parent-school organization activities.
B. authorize school expenditures for curriculum development.
C. enact legislation to effect curriculum improvement
D. recommend changes in curriculum
39. This curriculum implementation model data to determine the extent and nature of the resistance.
A. Linkage model
B. ORC model
C. RCA model
D. LOC model
40. Children’s interests are generally largely dependent on their experiences. Which of the following is an
implication of this statement?
A. the curriculum should provide vital experiences if the school must use its opportunities to develop interest.
B. A large part of the subject matter has to be easy if they are to interesting and within the learner’s
C. The experience of the child reduces the area in which the school may choose to develop interests.
D. The school should not develop interest outside the experience of the child.
41. If curriculum is the "means", what is the "end"?
A. Strategies
B. Instruction
C. Technique
D. Approaches
42. Which of the following statements about the concept of curriculum is NOT quite acceptable?
A. It refers to all experiences that both the school and the teacher provide the students with.
B. It is the set of acquired knowledge, habits and skills
C. It consists of everything that goes within the school.
D. It is a planned action for instruction
43. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify certain aspects of a
particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?
A. Curriculum improvement
B. Curriculum change
C. Curriculum design
D. Curriculum implementation
44. This curriculum implementation model regards the impact of teachers, students and the society during the
implementation of curriculum.
A. Linkage model
B. ORC model
C. RCA model
D. LOC model
45. Teacher Sam would like to take part in developing a subject-centered curriculum because she believes that all
subjects in this type of curriculum are geared towards the holistic development of the learner. Is her belief about
the subject-centered curriculum true?
A. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum focuses on the learners needs, interests and abilities.
B. No, because it is the experience-centered curriculum that emphasizes the teaching of facts and
knowledge for future use.
C. Yes, because the subject-centered curriculum involves cooperative control.
D. No, because it is the experience centered and not the subject-centered curriculum that emphasizes
integration of habits and skills in learning the knowledge component of subject areas.
46. Who presented curriculum as a science that “emphasizes on students’ need?
A. Franklin Bobbit
B. Werret Charters
C. William Kilpatrick
D. John Dewey
47. What is the focus of learner centered curriculum?
A. Interests
B. Learnability
C. Significance
D. Standards

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48. Which is referred to the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented?
A. Design
B. Product
C. Context
D. Process
49. Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the:
A. Education
B. Objectives
C. Values
D. Job
50. "The student will construct"--which level matches construct?
A. evaluate
B. analyze
C. remember
D. create
51. In the teaching process, which stage includes decision about the needs of the learners, the achievable goals
and objectives to meet the needs and the selection of the content to be taught, motivation to carry out the goals
and the strategies most fit to carry out the goals and the evaluation process to measure the learning outcomes.
A. Planning phase
B. Design Phase
C. Implementation phase
D. Evaluation phase
52. If curriculum is the "means", what is the "end"?
A. Strategies
B. Instruction
C. Technique
D. Approaches
53. Which is NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum?
A. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual learners.
B. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable.
C. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the learning opportunities
of the school.
D. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with same abilities, needs and
54. Which of the following statements about the concept of curriculum is NOT quite acceptable?
A. It refers to all experiences that both the school and the teacher provide the students with.
B. It is the set of acquired knowledge, habits and skills
C. It consists of everything that goes within the school.
D. It is a planned action for instruction
55. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify certain aspects of a
particular program without changing its fundamental conceptions?
A. Curriculum improvement
B. Curriculum change
C. Curriculum design
D. Curriculum implementation
56. To provide individual differences in the classroom, how is curriculum designed?
A. Minimum learning competencies are included
B. Realistic and meaningful experiences are provided
C. Some degree of flexibility is provided
D. Social skills are emphasized
57. To ensure success in curriculum development, which of the following specific actions should a curriculum
leader avoid?
A. Work with people over them.
B. Use your status frequently to establish discipline
C. Keep channels of communication open
D. Show that you too desire to improve
58. Which statement about the subject-centered curriculum is NOT true?
A. There is a high level of cooperative interaction
B. It covers much content in a short period of time
C. The teacher has full control of the classroom activities
D. The main task is mastery of learning
59. Schools divide the school hours to different subjects such as reading, grammar, literature, math, science,
history and geography. What curriculum design is referred here?
A. Problem-centered
B. Learner-centered
C. Subject-centered
D. Culture-based
60. Which is NOT a description of the learner-centered curriculum?
A. Emphasis is on the total growth and development of the learners

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B. Controlled and cooperatively directed by learners, teachers and parents

C. Education is a means to develop social creative individual
D. Emphasis upon facts and knowledge for future use
61. Which of the following statements is NOT acceptable?
A. Instruction is the actual engagement of learners in the planned learning activities.
B. Curriculum determines what assessment should be done, and how to do it.
C. Instruction requires teachers to use a variety of action to accomplish a variety of functions.
D. Assessment establishes what is to be accomplished in teaching and learning.
62. What refers to an individual or group of individuals who have a direct and indirect influence in curriculum
A. Stockholders
B. Stakeholders
C. Promoters
D. Incorporators
63. They relate to what individuals need to know and be able to do, or what is expected of the learner.
A. Competencies
B. Process Questions
A. C Comprehensive Standards
C. Content Standards
64. They refer to the knowledge, skills, and practices of content standards and provide the basis for measurement
A. Competencies
B. Process Questions
D. C Comprehensive Standards
E. Content Standards
65. They are designed to guide students in engaging in thinking, reasoning, and reflecting on content as
structured around contextual problems to be solved.
A. Standards
B. Course design
A. C Curriculum
C. Process Questions
66. They are statements summarizing important ideas and core processes that are central to a discipline and
have lasting value beyond the classroom.
A. Standards
B. Course design
C. C Curriculum
D. Process Questions
67. It is the process that allows teachers and administrators to determine what matters most in instructional
A. re-designing
B. implementing
C. evaluating
D. unpacking
68. It includes documents specifying contents, objectives or general ideas of what students should know in school
or in a specific discipline.
A. Curriculum as a discipline C. Curriculum as learning experiences
B. Curriculum as planned learning experiences D. Curriculum as a list of subjects
69. It includes student’s curricular and extra - curricular activities and their learning experiences (school culture).
A. Curriculum as a discipline C. Curriculum as learning experiences
B. Curriculum as planned learning experiences D. Curriculum as a list of subjects
70. It stresses the importance of different bodies of knowledge, known as disciplines or subject areas as the focus
of curriculum
A. Humanistic conception C. Social reconstructionist conception
B. Cognitive processes conception D. Technological conception
71. It stresses the idea that curriculum or education is an instrument for developing the full potential of individuals.
A. Humanistic conception C. Social reconstructionist conception
B. Cognitive processes conception D. Technological conception
72.It is one of the phases of curriculum development where it considers the schools vision, mission and goals.
A. Curriculum Planning C. Curriculum Implementing
B. Curriculum Designing D. Curriculum Evaluating
73.It is the last step of the curriculum model
A. Evaluation B. Implementation C. Designing D. Planning
74. Curriculum goals are general, broad statements that lead towards long-term outcomes.
A. Aims B. Intent C. objectives D. Goals
75. Think-pair-share, Buzz session and Gallery walk are examples of Active Learning strategies, in what element
of curriculum it belongs?
A. Content B. Learning Experience C. Evaluation D. Curriculum content
76. Curriculum is at the ________ of the teaching profession.
A. Bottom B. Heat C. Center D. None of the above

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77. Why is curriculum planning important?

A. It gives teachers a better chance of making students happy.
B. It helps make sure teaching on a daily basis has a larger purpose.
C. It makes classroom discipline easier.
D. It helps teaches talk with their colleagues.
78. When planning a curriculum, what should a teacher consider first?
A. Individual lessons B. Instructional units C. Standards D. Supplies
79. Which of the following describes a reason why teachers should plan cross-curricular units or lessons?
A. To help students know and synthesize their learning
B. To make lessons look more complete for administrative review
C. To make less work for themselves
D. All lessons should be subject specific, not cross-curricular
80. I make sure that I monitor and assess if my student are learning. Who am I as a curricularist?
A. Evaluator B. Knower C. Initiator D. Implementer
81. It is where the actual teaching and learning takes places.
A. Evaluation
B. Implementation
C. Situational Analysis
D. Development of Curriculum Standards

82. It is final phase of process for developing Curriculum under Pawilen’s Model where goals and objectives of the
curriculum, including the design and selection of all the curriculum elements are evaluated
A. Selection of Goals and objectives
B. Selection of Content or Subject Areas
C. Situational Analysis
D. Evaluation
83. What curriculum model that is also called Backward Design?
A. SBC model
B. UBD model
C. SDM model
D. TGR model
84. What curriculum model puts emphasis on starting with the goals and objectives in designing curriculum?
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Systematic Design Model
C. Understanding by Design Model
D. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
85. In Eisner’s Artistic Model of Curriculum Development, in what phase must caveats about the null curriculum?
A. Organization of Content areas
B. Mode of presentation and mode of response
C. Goals and their priorities
D. Content of curriculum
86. What curriculum model considered as the strongest?
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Systematic Design Model
C. Understanding by Design Model
D. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
87. What curriculum model states that inclusion of diagnosis of need will made curriculum development
A. Taba’s Grassroots Model
B. Wheeler’s model
C. UbD Model
D. Systematic Design Model
88. What curriculum model recognizes the importance of using multiple sources in developing curriculum
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Systematic Design Model
C. Understanding by Design Model
D. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
89. What curriculum model relies heavily on data therefore it is necessary to gather information before proceeding
to each of its process?
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Systematic Design Model
C. Understanding by Design Model
D. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
90. What curriculum model emphasizes the importance of starting from the development of aims, goals and
A. Standard-based Curriculum Development
B. Wheeler’s Curriculum Model

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C. Understanding by Design Model

D. Tyler’s rational Linear Model
91. What level of curriculum implementation that ensures strict compliance with prescribed national criteria for the
recruitment, selection, and training of all staff in the region and division?
A. National Level
B. Regional Level
C. Division Level
D. Local School Level
92. What level of curriculum implementation where curriculum workers determine the organization component of
the divisions and districts and approving the proposed the staffing pattern of all employees in the divisions and
A. National Level
B. Regional Level
C. Division Level
D. Local School Level
93. What level of curriculum implementation where curriculum workers are planning and planning the effective
and efficient use of all personnel, physical, and fiscal resources of the division, including professional staff
A. National Level
B. Regional Level
C. Division Level
D. Local School Level
94. What level of curriculum implementation where curriculum workers provide professional and instructional
advice and support to the school heads and teachers/facilitators of schools and learning clusters?
A. School level
B. School District Level
C. Regional Level
D. National Level
95. What level of curriculum implementation where curriculum workers create an environment within the school
that is conducive to teaching and learning?
A. National Level
B. Regional Level
C. Division Level
D. School Level
96. What level of curriculum implementation where curriculum workers introduce new and innovative modes of
instruction to achieve higher learning outcomes?
A. National Level
B. Regional Level
C. Division Level
D. School Level
97. What Republic Act that is known as the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013?
A. R.A No. 7722
B. R.A No. 10533
C. R.A No. 7836
D. none of the above
98. What factor of curriculum implementation that includes memoranda, policies, guidelines, and requirements
from the Department of Education, Commission on Higher Education, and the Technical Education Skills and
Development Authority?
A. Government Requirements
B. Learning Environment
C. Needs and Demands of the Society
D. Needs of the students
99. What factor of curriculum implementation that includes the theories and research from different areas and
professional organizations in the academe that are also influential?
A. Needs of the students
B. Learning Environment
C. The Changing Nature of Knowledge
D. Needs of the students
100. What is the most important asset of each school, college and university?
A. Teachers
B. Faculty
C. Principal
D. Both A and B

Instruction : Just select 50 items to assign for students to ratio.


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Teacher G does not wait for end of the term to find out how much the students learn. With which does Teacher G

a. Formative Evaluation
b. Authentic Evaluation
c. Summative Evaluation
d. Norm-reference Evaluation

To what extent were the objectives of the course met? This is the concern of the process of ______ ev

a. Authentic assessment
b. Criterion-reference measure
c. Norm-referenced measure
d. Formative Test

Other than finding out how well the course objectives were met, Teacher K also wants to know his students’
performance when compared with other student in the class. What is teacher K interested to do?

a. Authentic Evaluation
b. Formative Evaluation
c. Criterion-reference Evaluation
d. Norm-reference Evaluation

Which is a valid assessment tool if you want to find out how well your students can speak extemporaneously?

a. Performance test in extemporaneous speaking

b. Written quiz on how to deliver extemporaneous speech
c. Display of speeches delivered
d. Writing speeches

Which must go with self-assessment for it to be effective?

a. External monitor
b. Consensus of evaluation results from teacher and student
c. Scoring rubric
d. Public display of results of self-evaluation

Which must be present for self-evaluation to succeed?

a. Consensus between teacher and student regarding evaluation results

b. Teacher’s approval of self-evaluation results
c. Teacher’s monitoring of self-evaluation process
d. Student’s intrinsic motivation to learn

Teacher are encouraged to make use of authentic assessment. Which goes with authentic assessment?

a. Unrealistic performances
b. De-contextualized drills
c. Real world application of lesson learned
d. Answering high multiple choice test items

Which will be the most authentic assessment tool for an instructional objective on working with relating with

a. Conducting mock election

b. Home visitation
c. Organizing a community project
d. Writing articles on working with relating people

Here is the test item: ___ is an example of a mammal. What is defective with this test item?

a. The black is at the beginning of the sentence.

b. It is very short question
c. It is an insignificant test item.
d. It is very elementary

Which improvement/s should be done on this completion test item: An example of a mammal is ____.

a. The question should have only one acceptable answer.

b. The blank should be at the beginning of the sentence
c. The item should give more cues.
d. The black should be longer to accommodate all possible answer.

What’s faulty with the test?

a. The option have no joker

b. The test items are on trivia.

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c. Some items are not meant to be asked in the matching type of test.
d. The test items are limited in number.

Which is one way to improve the test?

a. Reduce the difficulty index.

b. Increase the options by at least two.
c. Add to the numbers to items.
d. Make a perfect types of matching test.

What’s wrong with the test items? The items are ________.

a. Heterogeneous
b. Homogeneous
c. Easy
d. Insignificant

How can you improve the test?

a. Make the test heterogeneous.

b. Make the items homogeneous.
c. Reduce the facility index.
d. Widen its scope and coverage.

What does the test lack?

a. 5 additional test items

b. More names of persons.
c. Blanks before the capital letters
d. Distracter/s

Which is TRUE of the test?

a. The test items are homogeneous.

b. The test is quite short for a matching type.
c. The right and the left columns should exchange position.
d. There are enough foils in the options.

Which is TRUE on the test?

a. Some items can be answered by mere process of eliminations.

b. It is classified as an imperfect matching types of test.
c. It is reliable because it has a wide coverage of subject.
d. We have more than enough foils in the options.

Which does the test lack?

Additional test items

Colum labels
a. I and III
b. II and III
c. I and II

Andres Bonifacio founded the Katipunan. Which principle in test construction is violated?

a. Test something significant

b. Make use of simple words
c. There should be sufficient reason to make the statement false.
d. Avoid qualitative terms.

Here is Teacher E’s instructional objectives: “To distinguish between proper and improper fraction. “Which is a
valid test item for such objective?

Define proper and improper factions.

Put a check (/) on the proper factions and an X over the improper: ½, 4/3, ¾, 5/6, 7/8, 9/7, 2/10, 6/12.
Is an improper fraction really a fraction? Explain your answer.
Can you add proper and improper factions together? Explain.
Study the Table of Specifications below then answer question # 21 -26

Objective Topic No. of Type of test No. of items


To write a faction Writing a fraction 30 minutes Multiple 3/comprehension and

choice application

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To add proper fractions Adding proper fractions 1 hour Completion 12/comprehension

To distinguish between Differentiating proper and 30 minutes Short 9/comprehension

proper and improper improper fractions answer

To add improper fraction Adding improper fractions 1 hour and Completion 9/comprehension
30 minutes
To reduce fractions to Reducing fraction to their 1 hour and Short 6/comprehension
their lowest terms lowest terms 30 minutes answer

To solve problems Problem solving on 2 hours Problem 9/ application and

involving adding proper adding proper and solving analysis
and improper fractions improper fractions

Total number of items 47 items

Are the number of test items per objective proportionate to the number of hours spent for each-objective?

a. Yes.
b. No, but it should be
c. No, but it is NOT necessary
d. It cannot be determine

Is this test item valid for objective #1 as contained in the table of specifications?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, but needs to be improve
d. No, because it is insufficient

Which test item is in accordance with objective specifications?

a. What is the difference between proper and improper fractions?

b. Give an example of an improper fraction.
c. Five an example of proper fraction
d. Define proper and improper fractions.

If you have to be true to your table of specifications when you make your test, on which objective should you have
the least items?

a. Objective #2
b. Objective #1
c. Objective #3
d. Objective #1 and 3

If you should be true to your table of specifications, when you make test, on which objective/should you have most
number of items?

a. Objective #5
b. Objective #6
c. Objective #4
d. Objective #5 and 6\

Which is valid test item for objective #5?

a. How do you reduce a fraction to its lowest term?

b. Is 4/6 equal to 1/3?
c. What is meant by “lowest term?

According to Wiggins and McTighe, one faucet of understanding, an evidence of learning, is empathy. Which test
question assess capacity to empathize?

a. State the Pythagorean theorem

b. Test on Romeo and Juliet. Imagine your Juliet. Write your thoughts and feelings why you have to
take this desperate action?
c. Diagnose and fix the broken lamp.
d. Translate all the words to Spanish and give the meaning of the sentence.

The best way to assess leaning is to use in real-life situation, objects and material existing in the environment.
Hence, teacher is encourage to use ______.

a. Rating scale
b. Paper and pencil test.
c. Observation technique
d. Authentic assessment

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The main purpose in administering a pretest and posttest to student is to ______.

a. Accustom the student in frequent testing

b. Keep adequate records
c. Measure the value of the material used
d. Measure gain in learning.

Understanding of a concept is revealed as ____, the ability to accomplish tasks successful under pressure.

a. Performance in teamwork
b. Performance know-how
c. Performance in arts
d. Performance at works

Which of the following statements is/are NOT TRUE about assessment?

Feedback is the most important factor in assessment.

Only those that can be objectively measured should be taught.
Assessment should follow a development pattern
Identifying systematic errors committed by student should be the basis of remedial instruction
a. II only
b. IV only
c. III and IV
d. I and II

To identify learning needs and respond to such needs the teacher administers a ____ test.

a. Formative
b. Summative
c. Periodic
d. Diagnostic

In constructing test items the teacher considers the alignment of ___ with assessment.

a. Content and process

b. Monitoring and evaluate
c. Instructional objectives
d. Instructional materials

The Department of Education directed that the lowest failing grade in the report card is ___%

a. 60
b. 70
c. 65
d. 50

Scoring guides for rating open ended question are called ____

a. Output
b. Outcomes
c. Rubrics
d. Scales

What is being assessed by the above criteria?

a. Appeal
b. Creativity
c. Aesthetic
d. Workmanship

Which of the following assessment tools would you recommend if one should adhere to constructivist theory of
Constructed response test
Performance test
Checklist of motor screening test
Observation test
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I, II and III
d. I,II and IV

Which of these are non-threatening means of assessing learning outcomes?


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Peer evaluation
Learning journals
a. I and II
b. II and III
c. I, II and IV
d. II and IV

A criterion referenced test is designed to determine whether or not a student has____.

a. Performance will in a wide content coverage

b. Performance higher that the other member of a group
c. Reach a present target
d. Reach a performance level on a specific skill

Essay questions are used in an achievement test when____

a. Most of the materials sampled is factorial information

b. A wide sampling of material is desired
c. Originality is a factor in the response
d. Little time is available for construction and scoring.

Which of the following are alternative assessment?

a. Portfolio, exhibits, journals

b. Paper and pencil test, demonstration, reports
c. Student self-assessment, authentic assessment , survey
d. Multiple choice, structured observation, sentence completion

Which among the indicators could be most useful for assessing quality of schooling?

a. Participation rate
b. Cohort survival rate
c. Net enrollment
d. Drop-out rate

When a student clarifies information from conclusion. What cognitive domain is involved?

a. Analysis
b. Evaluation
c. Application
d. Synthesis

In the context of the 6 facets of understanding cited by Wiggins and McTighe, what is a proof of a student’s
understanding a principle?

a. Repeating the principle give n by the teacher

b. Applying It solve his/her problem
c. Stating it from memory
d. Memorizing it

Which of the following statements concerning test validity and reliability is most accurate?

a. A valid test is a reliable test

b. A valid test is a valid test
c. A test can not be valid and reliable unless It is objective
d. A test can not be valid and reliable unless it is standardized test

The instructions for attest are made simple, clear and concise. This is part of which of the following characteristics
of a good test?

a. Objectivity
b. Economy
c. Administrability
d. Scorability

An entering student in college would like to determine which vocation is best suited for him. Which of the following
test is most appropriate for his purpose?

a. Intelligence test
b. Diagnostic test
c. Achievement test
d. Aptitude test

With the mode of answering as point of reference, which of the following types of test does NOT to the group?

a. Problem-solving

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b. Completion
c. Matching
d. Essay

Which of the following is a precise meaning of evaluation?

a. Collecting data relevant to personal characteristics

b. Administrating teacher-made tests
c. Interpreting and attaching value to data collected
d. Scoring accomplished tests

Teacher B wants to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses in the use of laboratory equipment. Which
assessment procedure will be most appropriate and authentic?

a. Observation of students use of laboratory equipment while they conduct experiments.

b. Paper-and-pencil test that requires student to enumerate the do’s and don’ts in the use of laboratory
c. Practicum test on the use of laboratory equipment
d. Requiring students to draw and label the laboratory equipment

Marking on a normative basis means that _____.

a. The normal curve of distribution should be followed.

b. Some students must fail
c. Fewer students must get high marks
d. Grades show how a student achieves relative to other students

Teaching by objective logically goes hand in hand with which type(s) of evaluation?

a. Norm-referenced
b. Criterion-referenced
c. Standardized
d. Norm-referenced and standardized

The difficulty index of a test item is one (1). What does this mean?

a. The test item is very good, so retain it.

b. The test item is very difficult
c. The test item is extremely easy.
d. The test item is not valid.

The difficulty index of a test item is .50. this means that the test item is _____.

a. Valid
b. Moderate in difficulty
c. Very easy
d. reliable

The discrimination index of a test item is -35. What does this mean?

a. More from the upper group got the item correctly

b. More from the lower group got the item correctly
c. The test is quite reliable
d. The test item is valid.

The discrimination index of test item is +48. What does this mean?

a. An equation number from the lower and upper group got the item correctly
b. More from the upper group got the item wrongly.
c. More from the lower group got the item correctly
d. More from the upper group got the item correctly.

If the difficulty index of your test item is .98, what should you do with this item?

a. Revise it
b. Reject it
c. Retain it
d. Reserve it for another group of pupils

If the difficulty index of your test item is .10, what should you do with this item?

a. Retain it
b. Revise it
c. Reject it
d. Reserve it for another group of pupils

A negative discrimination index of a test item tells that particular test item lacks _____.

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a. Objectivity
b. Reliability
c. Content validity
d. Construct validity

Read the following then answer questions # 62-66

In a multiple choice test item with option A-B-C-D and out of 50 examines:

The correct answer, was chosen by 5;

Was chosen by 30; of 30 , 16 from the lower group

Was chosen by 13 and; of 16 , 9 from lower group choose it

Was chosen by 2. Of 2 , none from the lower group choose it

Which was the MOST effective distracter?

a. Option A
b. Option C
c. Option D
d. Option B

Which was the LEAST effective distracter?

a. Option C
b. Option D
c. Option B
d. Option A

Which must have served as a plausible option/s?

a. Option B
b. Option D
c. Option C
d. Option B and C

Which statement can be TRUE of the test item?

a. The difficulty index must be low.

b. The difficulty index must be high.
c. It cannot be determined.
d. The test item must be reliable.

How do you consider Option D?

a. Most effective distracter

b. Effective distracter
c. Ineffective distracter
d. Attractive option

Your percentile rank in class is 60%. What does this mean?

a. You got 40% of the test items wrongly

b. You scored less than 60% of the class.
c. You got 60% of the test items correctly.
d. You scored better than 60% of the class.

Here are raw scores in a quiz: 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1. To get a picture of the group’s performance,
which measure of central tendency is most reliable?

a. Mode
b. Mean
c. Median
d. None. It is best to look at the individual scores

Here are raw scores in a quiz 97, 95, 85, 83, 77, 75, 50, 10, 5, 2, 1. Which is the median?

a. 75
b. 52.72
c. 76
d. 77

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Here is a score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1.
Which is a characteristic of the score distribution?

a. No discernible pattern
b. Tri-modal
c. Bi-modal
d. Skewed to the right

Here is score distribution: 98, 93, 93, 93, 90, 88, 87, 85, 85, 85, 70, 51, 34, 34, 34, 20, 18, 15, 12, 9, 8, 6, 3, 1.
Which is the range?

a. 93
b. 85
c. 97
d. Between 52 and 34

which measure of central tendency is most reliable when scores are extremely high and low?

a. Cannot be identified unless individual scores are given

b. Mode
c. Mean
d. Median

which is TRUE when standard deviation is small?

a. Scores are tightly bunched together.

b. The bell curved is relatively flat
c. Scores are spread apart
d. Scores are toward both extremes

Which is TRUE when standard deviation is big?

a. The bell curve shape is steep

b. Scores are spread apart
c. Semi-interquartile range
d. Range

In a grade distribution, what does the normal curve mean?

a. A large number of students receiving low grades and very few students with high grades.
b. A large number of more or less average students and very few students receiving low and high
c. A large number of student with high grades and very few with low grades.
d. All of the students have average grades

There is a negative correlation between amount of practice and number of errors in tennis. What does this mean?

a. The increase in the amount of practice does not all after number of errors
b. Decrease in the amount of practice goes with decrease in the number of errors.
c. As the amount of practice increases, the number of errors decrease
d. The decrease in the amount of practice sometimes affects the number of errors.

Which one indicates a strong negative correlation?

a. -.75
b. -.10
c. -.25
d. -.15

Which is graphic illustration of the relationship between two variables?

a. Histogram
b. Scatter diagram
c. Frequency polygon
d. Normal curve

Reading comprehension test s results in MPS Grade III-School A

Grade III section English (MPS) Filipino (MPS)

A 75 87

B 60 30

C 32 60

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D 80 90

E 51 72

With MPS 75 as mastery level, which section/s should be given remedial instruction in English and in Filipino?

a. Section B only
b. Section C only
c. Section B and C
d. Section B, C and E

If the Grade III section C teacher targeted a 10% MPS increase in English and in Filipino, what should be the ne

a. 63 or below, Filipino; 32 or below, English

b. At least 65 + for Filipino; 34, English
c. 66 + for Filipino; 35.2, + English
d. 64, Filipino; 33, English

Use the table below to answer items 81 -82

Percentage of literacy

2004 2008

Age Range Total Male Female Total Male Female

6-14 yrs. 92.72 94.4 91.02 91.5 93.67 89.38


15yrs 93.19 95.4 91.02 91.2 96.07 90.57

6 8

15 – 24 yrs 98.12 98.4 97.81 98.5 98.67 98.47

3 7

What is/are TRUE of 2004 and 2008 data on literacy?

There is a greater percentage among men and women. The percentage of literacy increase
a. I only
b. II only
c. I and II
d. Neither I and II

What trend appears as males and females get older?

a. No apparent trend can be noted?

b. There are more belonging to the 15-24 age range that those in 6-14 years.
c. Males become increasingly dominant in literacy rate over their female counterparts
d. The difference in literacy rates between males and females tends to disappear as they grow older.

How will you interpret a student’s 80% percentile score? The student scored _____.

a. Higher that 80% of the members of the group

b. Better, relative to the competencies targeted
c. High in all skills being tested
d. 80% of the specified content

What can be said of student performance in a positively skewed score distribution?

a. Almost all student had average performance.

b. A few student performed excellently
c. Most student performed poorly
d. Most student performed well

If there are three raters of an essay test, what correlation is determined?

a. Triple rater
b. Inter rater
c. External rate
d. Multiple rater

Interpreting assessment results considers consistency. Which is described when the result are consistent?

a. Validity
b. Reliability
c. Subjectivity
d. Objectivity

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The common instrument used in measuring learning in the effective domain is ___.

a. Questionnaire
b. Checklist
c. Multiple choice
d. Scaling

How may a teacher encourage the learner to improve his performance in Science?

a. Ask the learner why Science is difficult for him

b. Request the parent to guide the learner in developing good study habits
c. Make available science reading materials to the parents and learner
d. Conduct remedial teaching in Science.

In qualitative social and behavioral studies, “the investigator is a part of the study”. What are implied in this

The researcher processes and analyzes the data himself

Date interpretation depends on the orientation of researcher
The investigator in the only source of information
Data gathering may be done by others but the analysis is done by the researcher.
a. I and IV
b. II and III
c. I, II, and IV
d. I, II, III and IV

It is wise to orient our students and parents on our grading system?

a. Yes, so that from very start students and parents know how grades are derived
b. Yes , but orientation must be only our immediate customers, the students
c. No, this will court a lot of complaints later
d. No, grade and how they are derived are highly confidential.

What standards’ impinge directly on student’s assessment?

Student learning
Family and Community
a. III and IV
b. I and II
c. II and III

How should the test results be used to advantage?

a. As index of comparing achievement

b. As indicator of learners’ knowledge of subject matter
c. As a mean of assessing students’ performance in the subject.
d. As indicator of learner’s performance with respect to competencies in the subject matter

Which characterize the process approach of assessing student performance?

Teacher collects student work recorded in a portfolio

Teacher focuses on what student do while engaged in the learning process
Students critically evaluate their own work
Students select samples of what they think enhance their learning.
a. I and II
d. III and IV

When checking project made by your pupils, what must be done to ensure objectively in giving grades?

a. Prepare rubrics in giving grades

b. Request somebody to grade the project of your class
c. Rate the project by batch checking
d. Rate the projects in descriptive and not in a quantitative manner.150. Key questions are considered in
instructionbal planning and in identifying desired results and assessment.

Which question are relevant?

What activities will equip students with the needed knowledge and skill
What method of assessment should be used?
What materials and resources are best suited to accomplish the learning objectives?

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Which type of test be given?

a. I and III
b. II and IV
c. II and III
d. IV

Which is one measure of attitude that consists of a value statement where you are asked to express your degree
of agreement or disagreement of a statement?

a. Likert scale
b. Interview schedule
c. Semantic differential
d. Checklist

SITUATION – Here is one measure of attitude where a subject is asked to check the blank that corresponds to
her answer.

Being liked by other Students

Important _________ ___________ __________ Unimportant

Pleasant _________ ___________ __________ Unpleasant

Question: How is it called?

a. Questionnaire
b. Checklist
c. Likert scale
d. Semantic differential

Teacher F narrates: “I went through a test where I was asked how the ink blots appeared to me.” What test did
Teacher F probably undergo?

a. IQ test
b. Rorschach test
c. Aptitude
d. EQ test

Teacher U asked her pupils to create a story out of the given pictures. Which projective technique did Teacher U

a. Rorschach test
b. Narrative
c. Thematic Apperception
d. Reflective

Which tool should a teacher use if she wants to locate areas which are adversely affecting the performance of a
significant number of students?

a. Problem checklist
b. Self-report technique
c. Autobiography
d. Cumulative record

With projective personality tests in mind, which does NOT belong?

a. Interview
b. Sentence completion task
c. Word association test
d. Thematic Apperception test

You intend to assess affective attributes such as capacity to feel, attitudes and behavior. Which of the following
should you establish to ascertain the instrument validity?

a. Construct
b. Content
c. Criterion-related
d. Face

An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development is learning in the affective domain is through

a. Reading of journal entries

b. Performance assessment
c. Product assessment
d. Self-assessment

Analytic scoring uses the ____ judgment of the students work

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a. Evaluation
b. Performance
c. Standards
d. Criterion

Rubrics are used for rating performance and scoring guides to describe the ____qualities of student outcomes.

a. Tested
b. Accomplish
c. Distinguish
d. Criterion

The report card is given every grading period to the pupils/student and the parents are inform of the learner’s
performance. This is a/an ____ of the teacher stipulated in the Education Act of 1982.

a. Role
b. Obligation
c. Accountability
d. Responsibility

Teacher should avoid ______ in assigning student performance-based rating.

a. Arbitrariness and bias

b. Unnecessary deductions
c. Partiality and calculation
d. Unnecessary evaluation

For number 107 , Consider the following data obtained in a multiple choice type of item 1 where B is the
correct answer.


A B* C D

2 11 4 3 upper 27%

3 5 10 2 lower 27%

Which among options A, C and D is NOT an effective distractor?

A. A and C B. C and B C. C only D. D only

To answer 108- 112, use the Situation below - Study the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness and
non- plausibility of distracters based on the results of a try-out test in science. The letter marked with an
asterisk is the correct answer.

Item No. 1 A B C D E*

Upper 27% 11 5 0 3 1

Lower 27% 8 6 0 5 1

In the table above, find the index of difficulty. The index of difficulty is ____.

A. 0.05 B. 0 C. 0.10 D. 0.2

In the table above, find the index of discrimination. The index of discrimination is _____.

A. 0.05 B. 0 C. 0.10 D. 0.2

The table above shows that the test item ___.

A. has a positive discrimination index.

B. has a negative discrimination index.
C. is extremely easy.
D. is very difficult.

Based on the table which option is the most effective destructor?

A. Option A B. option C and D

C. Option C and B D. Option D

Based on the table, which group get more correct answer?

A. Upper group C. Lower group

B. None of the group D. Data are not sufficient to give an answer

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EDU 538

A state of being able to read and write (As traditionally defined)

Literate – Latin word

(Litteratus) – a person

2 Key Description in Literacy

 Fundamental human right

 Fundamental for life long learning

Conventional Literacy (Mkandawire 2015)

Deals with reading, writing skills in particular language. It involves issues such as knowing the alphabets,
phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragramatics.

Categories of conventional literacy

Basic Literacy
The ability to recognize letters and words without even understanding
Sequence of letter: b,a,s,a = basa

Comprehension literacy
Ability to understand the meaning of what is read.

Functional literacy
Ability to read written materials needed to perform everyday vocational task. When one can connect reading and
writing to actual real world task.

Conventional view of literacy

Reading takes place for two things:

Text (symbols and grammars) to be read
Meaning/message communicated
Text to reader to be extract

Literacy Definition

Oxford Dictionary
The ability to read and write, Competence and specified area.

The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute using printed and written materials
associated with varying context

Both task based and skills based.

Task based – focused on literacy task an adult can and cannot perform

Skill based – Focused on the knowledge and skills an adult must possess in order to perform these task


Globalization and multi-cultural literacy

Ability to communicate to almost anyone, anywhere in real time

Social and Financial Literacy

Finances (Rich and Poor)
Media and cyber, digital literacy
Manage online information and ability to communicate it with others and used to it to address real world problem.

Ecological, Arts and creativity and literacy

Natural resource that increase industrialization and demands for productivity

Critical literacy

Addresses the increasing need to discern the underlying messages behind the new text

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Growing interdependence of the world economies, cultures and population brought about cross border trade in
goods and service, technology and flows of investment, people and information.
Global literacy
(Jamestown public school)

Understanding of how the wolrd is organize and interconnected.

Able to think critically about the world and the role that they play in it.

Cultural literacy

To understand the signs and symbol of a given culture and being able to participate and its activities and customs.

Multicultural literacy
(Banks 2003)
Consist of the skills and ability to identify the creators of knowledge under interest to uncover the assumption of
knowledge, to view knowledge to diverse ethic.

To use knowledge and skills to manage ones financial resources effectively for lifetime financial security.

Economic and Financial literacy act

Rep. act 10922

Characterisitics on how people view money

Rarely buy luxury items and some even had a hard time buying necessities
Money offers protection and make them feel secure.

Use money to bring pleasure

Buying popular brand names are important to people in this profile

Having money makes nervous
Being independent by growing their own foods or making their own clothes

Some people use their money to show powernand control other people

Judge their own worth by how much money they have

Spending Patterns
Habitual Spending
Ones spends out a habit, when one buys the same item daily, weekly, monthly.
Impulsive spending
One mindlessly purchases item that is not needed.

Monthly expenses that stay the same every month
Ex. Car payment, rent, loans

Expenses that changed month over month
Ex. Pet expenses, Personal care, shopping

Ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create and act. Using all forms of communication

Ability to locate, evaluate, create and communicate information on various digital platforms.

4 Components of Digital literacy


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The ability to read and write as well as to use software packages and computers

Background Knowledge
Understanding of how digital and non digital is created from various form and resources and communicated.

Central competencies
Assemble knowledge
Reading and understand digital and non-digital formats.
 Creating & communicating digital information
 Evaluates of information
 Knowledge assembly
 Information literacy and
 Media literacy

Attitudes and perspectives

To learn independently as well as to exhibit behavior in a digital environment

 Independent learning
The initiative & ability to learn whatever is neded for a person’s specific situation.

 Moral/social literacy
an understanding to correct, acceptable and sensible behavior in a digital environment.

7 Elements of Digital Literacy

Media Literacy
Critically read and creativity produce academic and professional communication in arrange of media

Communication and collaboration

Participate in digital networks for learning and research

Career and identity management

Management digital reputation and online identity

ICT literacy
Adopt, adapt and use digital devices, application and service

Learning skills
Study and learn effectively in technology rich in environment fomal and informal

Digital scholarship
Participate in emerging academic, professional and research practices that depend on digital system

Information literacy
Find, interpret, evaluate, manage and sharing information

Important concepts of ALATA et al (2019)

Information literacy within digital literacy

 Information literacy critical component of digital literacy
 Digital literacy as cognitive skills used to evaluate information in an educated and effective manner
 Information literacy filter which consumers evaluate the veracity
Of information being presented VIA digital media.
 Ready to doubt the quality information they receive

Socio-emotional literacy within digital literacy

 To navigate internet in requires users to be very critical, analytical and mature.
 Transfer from real life to their dealing online
 Global jungle of human communication, embracing everything from truth to falsehoods, honesty and

Digital natives (Prensky 2011)

Generation born durng information age

 Digital immigrant
Generation that required familiarity with digital system only as adult
 Digital natives is on more or less equal footing in regard to digital literacy

Ecological Literacy

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Thinking about the world in terms of its interdependent natural and human system consideration of the
consequence of human action and interaction within the natural context

Thoughts of Orr & Frit Highlighted by alata et al (2019)

 Foundation of ecological literacy

Is knowing, caring, and practical competencies
 Root of environmental crisis is the individual in ability to think about ecological patterns system of
causation and long term effect of human action
 Experience in ones natural environment in able human to shift perspective to one economic emphasizes
to one balance amongst economic, ecology and culture

Eco Literacy
Ability to understand the organization of natural system and the processes that maintain the healthy
functioning of living system in sustain life on earth

The ecological literate person

(Dr. Tom Puk)
Actively securing the basic skills and knowledge that facilitate the caring out of ecological responsibilities

Reflective learner
Understanding of the value and limitations of human knowledge

Intelligently self-directed
Engaging in self appraisal, setting new learning obectives, developing plans to achieving those objectives

Morally responsible
Governing personal action with precepts which contribute to the maintenance and growth of the relationship that
give life meaning

Ecological responsible
Embody ecological ideals in daily operations and by living in a most competent, inform manner allowed by natural

Seek self-transcendence
Moving beyond the limitations of personal ego by identifying with human groups (past and future)ecological
principles, flora and fauna and the ecosphere that transcend the individual life in scope and time.

The presence of social skills, knowledge and positive human values that support ability in human being to act
positively and responsibly in range of complex social settings and their ability to successfully and deliberately.


1. People choose among different credit options that have different costs, lender approve or deny applications for
loans based on an evaluation of the borrowers past credit history and expected ability to pay in the future.

2. Which aspect is critical in the rise of new technologies since people are communicating in more ways and is
faster speeds than ever before?

3. Which word is commonly used to describe the growing interdependence of the world's economies cultures and
populations brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services technology and flows of investment people
and information?

4. Who are globally literate students?


5. A person's ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment includes all of the following literacies,

6. The following are the benefits of financial literacy except one:


7. What is the purpose of critical literacy in real life situations?


8. Which one indicates impulsive spending?

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9. This type of people live below their means and they rarely buy luxury items. which characteristic type is referred

10. What was the purpose of for using the term "ecological literacy" when it was introduced way back in the 90s?
 To introduce into educational practice the value and well-being of the earth and its ecosystems

11. When you invest in an employer’s retirement savings plan suck=h as 401(k), your contributions are taxed:
 Either before you invest them or when you withdraw them during retirement, but not both times

12. Patricia moved into her own apartment last year, and she loves living on her own. She sees it as a priority to
pay her rent on time every month. What type of expense is patricia dealing with?

13. If media literacy is the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they are
communicating, then digital literacy can be seen as

14. How is multicultural literacy defined in the Philippine context?

 It is the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure that any communication with a culture
different from our own is clear, productive, and respectful.

15. What can enable humans to shift perspective from one of an economic emphasis to one of balance
amongst economics, ecology and cultures?
 Experience in one’s natural environment

16. Which aspect is responsible for the rise of new technologies?

 The growing aspect of ICT

17. What is the focus of task-based literacy according to NAAL?

 Focus on the everyday literacy tasks an adult can and cannot perform

18. This involves understanding and acting on the knowledge that texts are created for specific purposes, for
example, to entertain, explain or influence. What resource is this?
 Text analyst

19. The BSP’s vision in organizing the Expo was also in line with their establishments’ advocacy. What was
BSP’s advocacy?
 Financial education

20. If media literacy is the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they are
communicating, then digital literacy can be seen as

 Media literacy applied to the digital media

21. Comprehension literacy includes all of the following EXCEPT ____

 The initial learning of reading and writing

22. This type of people tend to place very little importance on money and they would rather spend time growing
their own food or making their own clothes. Which type of characteristic is referred to?
 Indifference

23. People make choices to protect themselves from the financial risk of lost income, assets, health, or identity.
 Protecting & Insuring

24. Who developed the four tiered approach to early reading instruction?
 Both b & c (Peter Freebody and Allan Luke)

25. Which critical reading strategy is testing the logic of a text?

 evaluating an argument

26. Higher-risk borrowers are charged higher interest rates; lower-risk borrowers are charged lower interest
 Using Credit

27. Which new literacy addresses the increasing need to discern the underlying (and often tacit) messages
behind the new “texts” of the 21st century, particularly in an ever increasingly multicultural society where ideas,
cultures, and ideologies vie with one another for power & dominance in the minds of the masses?
 Critical literacy

28. People can improve their economic well-being by making informed spending decisions, which entails
collecting information, planning, and budgeting.
 Buying goods and services

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29. Suppose you put 1,000 in an account that earns 5% interest per year, every year. You never invest
additional money and you never withdraw money or interest payments. So in the first year, you earn 50 in
interest. In Year 4, how much will this account earn?
 More than 50

30. Which one is an example of the “Expanded flow of instrumental culture around the world” impact of
 The Philippine Education system closely patterned after American educational sy stem.

31. This is about recognizing and using the fundamental features and architecture of written texts including:
alphabetic knowledge, sounds in words, spelling, conventions and patterns of sentence structure and text.
What resource is this?
 Text decoder

32. Ryan has been very sick, so he’s had a lot of medical bills the past few months. He’s not used to paying so
much for medical expenses. What type of expense is Ryan dealing with?
 Variable expenses

33. Which new literacy discusses how our increasing ability to communicate with almost anyone, anywhere, in
real time requires new skills & attitudes in interacting with people with cultures, perspectives, worldview and
priorities different from our own, particularly with the end-view of not only peace & understanding, but also
mutual benefit & productivity?
 Globalization & Multicultural literacy

34. The purchase of financial assets to increase income or wealth in the future. Investors must choose among
investments that have different risks and expected rates of return.
 Financial Investing

35. For students in a first-grade class at Park Day School in Oakland, California, the most in-depth project of
their young academic careers involved several months spent transforming their classroom into an ocean
habitat, ripe with coral, jellyfish, leopard sharks, octopi, and deep-sea divers (or, at least, paper facsimiles of
them). Which literacy is highlighted in this situation?
 Ecological literacy

36. What is a common key word often used when defining literacy?
 Knowledge

37. Suppose that by the year 2022 your income has doubled and prices of all goods have doubled too. In 2022,
how much will you be able to buy with your 2022 income?
 The same amount as today

38. How is the world seen from the critical literacy perspective?
 It is socially constructed

39. Which one refers to the ability to understand the signs and symbols of a given culture and being able to
participate in its activities and customs as opposed to simply being a passive observer?
 Culture

40. People can improve their economic well-being by making informed spending decisions, which entails
collecting information, planning, and budgeting.
 Buying goods and services

41. What is an essential literacy to be successful in today’s world?

 Digitally literacy

42. Which is NOT true?

 None of the above

43. A person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment includes all of the following literacies
EXCEPT ____.
 The ability to fluently communicate specifically with computers

44. Hastings as mentioned by Maur (2019) financial literacy refers to the following EXCEPT one:
 Knowledge in financial expenses

45. Which category of conventional literacy is showcased when a learner applies automatic cognitive processes
such as recognizing words and reading fluently?
 Basic literacy

46. A text participant usually ask ____.

 What does this text mean to me?

47. If a reader use text analyst practices to recognize that ideas in texts are generated from authors with
different viewpoints, this indicates what level of text analyst?

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 Level 5-6

48. Suppose that by the year 2022 your income has doubled and prices of all goods have doubled too. In 2022,
how much will you be able to buy with your 2022 income?
 The same amount as today

49. Which one consists of the skills and ability to identify the creators of knowledge and their interests to
uncover the assumptions of knowledge, to view knowledge from diverse ethnic and cultural perspectives, and
to use knowledge to guide action that will create a humane and just world?
 Multicultural literacy

50. Which one shows literacy, like language, as ubiquitous?

 All of the above

51. Gina is deciding between 2 options: Option A: Invest 1,000 in a certificate of deposit that earns 5% interest.
Gina would not add or remove any money from this investment for the next 30 years. Option B: Invest 1,000 in
a savings account that earns 5% interest. Move the interest earned on this account every year into a safe at
home. Gina would not add or remove any other money from the savings account or the safe for the next 30
years. At the end of 30 years, which of these options would provide the most money?
 Option A

52. Teaching students to use a search engine to find information, identify reliable and unreliable sources of
information for college research and participate in online forums is an example of _______
 Media & Cyber/Digital Literacy

53. As the text analyst, you ____

 know that texts position readers differently

54. If readers use text decoder practices to read texts that contain varied sentence structures, respond to a
range of punctuation conventions and confirm, re-read and cross-check based on what looks right, what level of
text decoder indicates this?
 Level 3-4

55. Which one indicates conventional literacy classroom practice?

 The teacher designed a Sentence game. Students say a sentence, “The cat is fat”. Then, tap the
first 4 students on the head as they say each word of the sentence.

56. The new literacies involved which aspects?

 Reading & learning through internet & other ICT’s

57. Suppose you invest 2,500 and earn 7% per year on this investment. How many years will it take for your
total investment to be worth 5,000?
 Between 5 and 15 years

58. What is the critical literacy’s view the readers?

 Active participants

59. All of the following are signs and symbols of culture EXCEPT ___.
 None of the above

60. The K-Pop invasion in the Philippines introduces Korean Culture alongside Filipinos consumption of all
things Korean from skin-care to instant noodles. This is an example of what globalization impact?
 Interdependence of expressive culture among nations

61. When you are reading as a code reader, you

 know the relationship between the spoken and written language

62. How are the cultural signs and symbols learned?

 By being part of culture

63. The Expo that was organized by BSP in November 2018 supports which Republic act?
 RA 10922

64. Income for most people is determined by the market value of their labor, paid as wages and salaries.
People can increase their income and job opportunities by choosing to acquire more education, work
experience, and job skills.
 Earning Income

65. It is the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage one’s financial resources effectively for lifetime
financial security.
 Financial literacy

66. As the text user, you think about this question ___
 What knowledge do students bring of the social purposes and uses of this kind of text?

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67. The decision to undertake an activity that increases income or job opportunities is affected by the expected
benefits and costs of such an activity. Income also is obtained from other sources such as interest, rents,
capital gains, dividends, and profits.
 Earning Income

68. Which one is NOT true about digital natives?

 A digital native’s knowledge on technology is like an automatic system.

69. Which one is a level 2 text user?

 They also recognise similar texts by their common language features and organisation

70. How does the concept of critical literacy make sense of the socio-political systems?
 focus on social issues

71. All of the following are examples of variable expenses EXCEPT ___.
 House rent

72. Reading, singing and analysing the lyrics of a song, breaking up rhythms and syllables are examples of
what literacy applied?
 Creative literacy

73. Which is an understanding of how the world is organized and interconnected?

 Global literacy

74. Classroom activities that involves reading street signs, reading maps or drafting a grocery list are examples
 functional literacy

75. Consider the following scenario: Jack and Jill are twins. At the age of 20, Jack started contributing 20 a
month to a savings account. After 20 years, at the age of 40, he stopped adding to his savings, but he left the
money in the account. Jill didn’t start to save until she was 40. Then, she saved 20 a month until she retired 20
years later at age 60. Suppose both Jack and Jill earned 6% interest per year on their savings. When they both
retired at age 60, who had more money?
 Jack

EDU 538 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across Curriculum

EDU 259 items for RATIO (50 items only)
1. Which new literacy addresses the increasing need to discern the underlying (and often tacit) messages behind
the new “texts” of the 21st century, particularly in an ever increasingly multicultural society where ideas, cultures,
and ideologies vie with one another for power & dominance in the minds of the masses?
a. Media & Cyber literacy
b. Globalization & Multicultural Literacy
c. Social & Financial Literacy
d. Critical literacy

2. Which one indicates conventional literacy classroom practice?

a. Students were tasked to create a personal portfolio podcast that highlights and discusses their best
performances, compositions, and arrangements over a period of time.
b. Collaborative online reading and writing activities were designed by the teacher to promote comprehension
c. The teacher designed a Sentence game. Students say a sentence, “The cat is fat”. Then, tap the first 4
students on the head as they say each word of the sentence.
d. The students created a vlog project to present their ability to speak fluently and confidently.

3. Which category of conventional literacy is showcased when a learner applies automatic cognitive processes
such as recognizing words and reading fluently?
a. basic literacy
b. comprehension literacy
c. functional literacy
d. traditional literacy

4. Classroom activities that involves reading street signs, reading maps or drafting a grocery list are examples of
which kind of new literacy?
a. intermediate literacy
b. comprehension literacy
c. basic literacy
d. functional literacy

5. Which one does NOT show literacy, like language, as ubiquitous?

a. Classrooms are full of print, images and other symbols used for a wide range of purposes
b. Notices and messages written collaboratively with children for families and visitors
c. Signs, labels, menus, tickets, price tags, and shopping lists written or printed
d. Chairs, tables and even all the books in the room are well-arranged

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6. What is a common key word often used when defining literacy?

a. excellence
b. knowledge
c. competence

7. Which aspect is responsible for the rise of new technologies?

a. The growing aspect of ICT
b. NAAL’s tasked-based
c. UNESCO’s promotion of technology
d. Collaborative learning
8. The new literacies involved which aspects?
a. reading & writing using ICT
b. writing & learning through ICT
c. reading & learning through internet & other ICT’s
d. reading, writing & learning with the internet

9. Which aspect is critical in the rise of new technologies since people are communicating in more ways and at
faster speeds than ever before?
a. increased reach
b. increased breadth of content
c. increased means of communication
d. increased internet activities

10. Which new literacy discusses how our increasing ability to communicate with almost anyone, anywhere, in
real time requires new skills & attitudes in interacting with people with cultures, perspectives, worldview and
priorities different from our own, particularly with the end-view of not only peace & understanding, but also mutual
benefit & productivity?
a. Social & Financial literacy
b. Critical literacy
c. Globalization & Multicultural literacy
d. Media & Cyber/Digital Literacy

11. Teaching students to use a search engine to find information, identify reliable and unreliable sources of
information for college research and participate in online forums is an example of which literacy?
a. Social literacy
b. Critical literacy
c. Multicultural literacy
d. Media & Cyber/Digital Literacy

12. For students in a 2nd-grade class at Bagombayan Elementary in Paray, Mis Or., the most in-depth project of
their young academic careers involved several months spent transforming their classroom into an ocean habitat,
ripe with coral, jellyfish, leopard sharks, octopi, and deep-sea divers (or, at least, paper facsimiles of them). Which
literacy is highlighted in this situation?
a. Ecological literacy
b. Financial literacy
c. Creative literacy
d. Social literacy

13. Reading, singing and analysing the lyrics of a song, breaking up rhythms and syllables are examples of what
literacy applied?
a. Ecological literacy
b. Financial literacy
c. Creative literacy
d. Social literacy

14. It is commonly used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and
populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment,
people, and information. This statement best describes which aspect?
a. Sociological aspect
b. Globalization
c. ICT
d. Multiculturalism
15. Which among the following statement is TRUE?
a. Cultural literacy is culture-specific but is limited to national cultures, contrary to what many people assume
b. Multicultural literacy consists of the skills and ability to identify the creators of knowledge and their interests to
uncover the assumptions of knowledge.
c. Societal literacy refers to the ability to understand the signs and symbols of a given culture and being able to
participate in its activities and customs as opposed to simply being a passive observer.
d. The advances of the technology in today's world has made the world appear to be bigger than it actually is due
to the fact that we have everything we need within a touch of a button.

16. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Digital literacy?
a. Digital literacy replaces traditional forms of literacy.
b. Digital fluency has a broader meaning than being “digitally literate”.

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c. To be successful in today’s world means you must be digitally literate

d. Digital literacy includes the ability to read and interpret media.

17. You create a presentation by using PowerPoint and as a digitally literate person, which of the following
toolbars will you use to add geometric shapes to the presentation?
a. Drawing
b. Formatting
c. Art
d. Illustrations

18. A student wants to know more about active volcanoes in the world. He connects the computer to the Internet
to find information based on the keyword "active volcanoes." Which of the following features of the World Wide
Web (WWW) will a digitally literate student use?
a. Search engine
b. World Wide Web (www)
c. Plug-in Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

19. Stephie uses Office Excel 2010 to create a work plan for her team. She wants to print the plan and discuss it
with the team members in a meeting. Then she click the file menu to initiate the print process. This showcases
what component of digital literacy?
a. background knowledge
b. underpinnings
c. attitudes & perspectives
d. central competencies

20. You are working on your personal homepage and would like to publish a nice graphic you found on the
internet. However, you decided to communicate with the owner to ask permission before publishing. What
component of digital literacy is emphasized?
a. background knowledge
b. underpinnings
c. attitudes & perspectives
d. central competencies

21. Alex notices that when he runs several programs simultaneously on his computer, the performance of the
programs slows down considerably. A digitally literate person would probably find out which reason?
a. Nonfunctional mouse
b. Nonfunctional keyboard
c. Low monitor speed
d. Insufficient Random Access Memory (RAM)

22. Which element in digital literacy model refers to the participation in digital networks for learning and research?
a. ICT Literacy
b. Media Literacy
c. Communications & Collaboration
d. Information Literacy

23. Which is NOT a digital native?

a. someone born in the information age
b. the adults that acquired familiarity with digital systems
c. the young people born in close contact with computers and the internet through mobile phones, tablets, and
video games consoles.
d. an individual who was born after the widespread adoption of digital technology.

24. Which is a misconception of the term “digital natives”?

a. That they are more or less equal footing in terms of digital literacy
b. Term is often used to describe the digital gap in terms of the ability of technological use among people born
from 1980 onward and those born before
c. Referring to the young generation as "native speakers" of the digital language of computers, videos, video
games, social media and other sites on the internet
d. Someone adept with technology

25. Which is needed to navigate the internet and requires users to be very “critical, analytical and mature”?
a. ICT literacy
b. Socio-emotional literacy
c. Information literacy
d. digital literacy

26. Which one acts as a filter by which consumers evaluate the veracity of the information being presented via
digital media?
a. ICT literacy
b. Socio-emotional literacy
c. Information literacy
d. digital literacy

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27. Which is referred as cognitive skills that consumers use to evaluate information in an educated & effective
a. ICT literacy
b. Socio-emotional literacy
c. Information literacy
d. digital literacy

28. A digital literate person knows that an online journal or Web log is commonly referred to as a ______.
a. DVR
b. mp3 file
c. blog
d. pod

29. If media literacy is the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they are
communicating, then digital literacy can be seen as ____.
a. a facility to communicate information on various digital platforms.
b. media literacy applied to the digital media
c. it is the technical skills needed to perform tasks and solve problems in digital environments
d. a person’s ability to perform tasks effectively in a digital environment

30. Which of the following shows a person that is media literate?

a. Easily use all types of computer hardware and software and other forms of new technology.
b. Use and find information of all types in a university library, including computer sources, microfilm and
c. Read, analyze and critically evaluate information presented in a variety of formats (television, print, radio,
computers, etc.)
d. Critically evaluate television programs and see through persuasion techniques.

31. Which statement is TRUE?

a. An eco-literate person is prepared to be an effective member of sustainable society, with well-rounded abilities
of head, heart, and hands.
b. The general concept about the environment in ecological literacy is that it’s a problem field of values.
c. Eco literacy believes that the environment is an object of study system.
d. The framework of eco-literacy and environmental literacy differ since the later only include the affective and
cognitive skills components.

32. Which statement is NOT true?

a. The pedagogical approach of ecological literacy is experiential in nature.
b. To promote & contribute to economic development that addresses social equity & ecological sustainability is an
educational objective of eco literacy.
c. One of the education objectives of ecological literacy is to develop a system of ethics.
d. Strategies like criticism of social values can be used in environmental literacy.

33. All the following statements are true EXCEPT _______

a. Environmental literacy aims to promote & contribute to economic development that addresses social equity &
ecological sustainability.
b. Increase awareness of environmental degradation and concern for its rehabilitation have prompted colleges &
universities to green their campuses.
c. A green campus is a place where environmentally responsible practice and education go independently since
students’ freedom should be considered.
d. A system-wide culture of sustainability helps preserve and enhance what the institution values today as well as
for the future.

34. All of the following are examples of variable expenses EXCEPT

a. credit card fees
b. house rent
c. freight out
d. car repairs

35. Which one is NOT a fixed expenses?

a. insurance
b. loan payments
c. subscriptions
d. commissions

36. Which of the following skill sets are used for basic social interaction?
a. Foundation skills
b. Interaction skills
c. Cognitive skills
d. Affective skills

37. Which of the following is NOT the role of parent in teaching social skills to children?
a. Parents can teach them by modelling.

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b. Parents praise the child to rehearse new skills.

c. Parents encourage the child to practice new skills.
d. Parents should be aware of their children that rejected by their peers.

38. “Imagination not necessity is the mother of invention. It is the source exercise of imagination, and an of new
possibilities. In the arts, imagination is a primary virtue”. According to Eisner, which of the following benefits of art
in education being quoted?
a. Open ended-tasks
b. Somatic experience
c. Nuance matters
d. Everything interacts

39. Which of the following art literate practices embodies students’ flexibility of the art forms?
a. Communicate complex ideas in a variety of forms
b. Imagine new possibilities
c. Understand words, sounds, and images
d. all of the choices

40. Which of the following aspects of critical literacy that students can contribute to changing inequitable ways of
being and problematic social practices?
a. Critical literacy practices can be transformative.
b. Texts are socially constructed from particular perspectives.
c. The world is seen as a socially constructed text that can be read.
d. Critical literacy is important for information

41. Which of the following critical reading strategies that learning about the text should be done before reading it?
a. contextualizing
b. previewing
c. summarizing
d. evaluating

42. "The qualities teachers ought to promote in schools is the ability to perceive and not merely recognize what
one looks at". Which of the following benefits of art in education being quoted?
a. Nuance matters
b. Slowing down perception
c. Somatic experience
d. Limits of language

43. Which of the following situations indicates social intelligence in traditional communication?
a. job interviews require formal dress and behavior
b. text-speak and technology use
c. ability to read social situations
d. employers expect cover letters to resumes

44. Which of the following situations indicates situational awareness in the workplace?
a. job interviews require formal dress and behavior
b. text-speak and technology use
c. learn to properly write business letters
d. employers expect cover letters to resumes

45. Which critical reading strategy is for placing a text in historical, biographical, cultural contexts?
a. previewing
b. contextualizing
c. summarizing and outlining
d. evaluating an argument

46. Which indicates that critical literacy work needs to focus on social issues, including inequities of race, class,
gender, or disability and the ways in which we use language and other semiotic resources to shape our
understanding of these issues?
a. Critical literacy involves making sense of the socio-political systems through which we live our lives and
questioning these systems.
b. Critical literacy practices can be transformative
c. Critical literacy is about imagining thoughtful ways of thinking about reconstructing and redesigning texts,
images, and practices.
d. From a critical literacy perspective, the world is seen as a socially constructed text that can be read

47. What does an understanding of financial literacy imply?

a. a person is knowledgeable about personal finance, and applies such knowledge in dealing with one’s finances
b. being conscious of your expenditures
c. awareness on monetary budgeting
d. proper ways of investing

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48. Which Republic Act is also known as the “Economic and Financial Literacy Act,” that mandates DepEd to
“ensure that economic and financial education becomes an integral part of formal learning?
a. Republic Act 12009
b. Republic Act 10922
c. Republic Act 10292
d. Republic Act 19022

49. The BSP’s vision in organizing the Expo was also in line with their establishments’ advocacy. What was BSP’s
a. improvement of Filipino lives
b. financial education
c. eradicate poverty
d. debt-free individuals

50. Which one indicates a NEED?

a. eating fresh steamed vegetables
b. buying a new car
c. taking vitamins
d. drinking white wine

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