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Asher John Catamin

Missed activity

• Learning Task 5.1

1. X=3

2. (-∞, 2] U [8, ∞).

• Learning Task 5.2

1. t=-b/2a =-64/(2(16)) =-2

g(-2) = 16(-2)^2 + 64(-2) + 50 = 114 feet

2. 1.Students who score within 18 points of the number 82 will pass a particular test" using
absolute value notation as:

Ix-821≤ 18
• Learning Task 6.1

• Learning Task 6.2

A. Graph the following functions manually or using geogebra.

1. f(x) = 4x+3 2. g(x) = (1/4)x - 1

B. Solve the following problem

1. Investments: Some banks now use continuous compounding of an amount invested. In this case, the

equation that models the value of an initial investment of P peso in t years at an annual interest rate of r

given by A = Pen . Using this equation, find the value in 5 years of an investment of Php2, 500, 000 that

earns 5% annual interest.


A = Pen
A = 2500000 * e^(0.05*5)

A = 2500000 * e^(0.25)

A = 2500000 * 1.2840254166877418

A = 3,210,063.542

2. Radon-222 decays at a continuous rate of 17.3% per day. How much will 100 mg of Radon-222 decay
to in 3 days? Use the continuous growth formula A(t) = aert


A(3) = 100 * e^(-0.173 * 3)

A(3) = 100 * e^(-0.519)

A(3) = 60.395 Learning Task 7.1

1.Write the exponential equation in logarithmic form.

a. 72 = 49

log 7 49 = 2

b. 2^-3 = 1/8

log 2 (1/8) = -3

2.Write the logarithmic equation in exponential form.

a. log 3 81 = 4

3^4 = 81

b. log 2 (1/16) = -4

2^-4 = 1/16

Evaluate the logarithm.

a. log 3 (1/9) = -2

b. log 2 64 = 6

Solve for x.

a. log 3 x = -2

x = 3^-2
x = 1/9

b. log 4 x = 0

x = 4^0


Use calculator to solve for x.

a. ln x = 4

x = e^4

x ≈ 54.598

b. log x = 2.5

x = 10^2.5 x

≈ 316.228 Learning Task 7.2

A. Graph manually or use geogebra.

1. g(x) = log 4 x

2. f (x) = log 5 (x - 1)

B. The percent of light that will pass through a material is given by the formula log P = - kd, where P is
the percent of light passing through the material, k is a constant that depends on the material, and d is
the thickness of the material in cm. The constant k for a piece of opaque glass that is 0.5 cm thick is 0.2.
Find the percent of light that will pass through the glass. Round to the nearest percent.

ANSWER: P = 10^(-0.1) = 0.7943

C. The number of decibels, D, of a sound can be given by the equation D = 10(log I + 16), where I is the
power of the sound measured in watts. Find the number of decibels in normal conversation. The power
of the sound of normal conversation is approximately 3.2 * 10-10 watts.

ANSWER: D = 10(log (3.2 * 10^(-10)) + 16) = 60.3

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