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How many percent is the maximum continuous load for branch circuit conductor?

A. 50% B. 70% C. 80% D. 100%

C. 80%

The power circuit for bathroom can also supply:

i. one luminaire and one receptacle for the same bathroom
ii. Two receptacle for the same bathroom and two or more for another bathroom
iii. Two receptacle and two luminaire for the same bathroom and two more receptacle and luminaire for
another bathroom.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. all of the above
A. I only
What are the two type of instrument transformers?
A. Current & potential transformer
B. autotransformer & grounding transformer
C. power & Potential transformer
D. impedance & potential transformer
A. Current & potential transformer

When you place a measuring meter in parallel to the load, the instrument is a/an______.
A. voltmeter B. Ammeter C. Wattmeter D. either A or C
A. voltmeter
What is the measuring instrument used to measure current?
A. voltmeter B. Ammeter C. Volt-amp. meter D. calorimeter
B. Ammeter
In the left hand rule, point finger always represent
A. Voltage
B. Direction of force on conductor
C. Current
D. Magnetic field
D. Magnetic field

In Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Examination under RA 7920, the passing is at least 70% weighted
average provided that no grade is lower that _____ % in any of the Subjects.
A. 25 B. 30 C. 50 D. 45
C. 50
Ampere-hour of a battery depends on ____ of the plates.
A. thickness B. strength C. distance D. Area
D. Area
When the sole purpose of ac is to produce heat, the selection is based on ____.
A. RMS value B. Average value C. maximum value D. Peak value
A. RMS value
In EPIRA LAW, what is the maximum long duration voltage variation? A. 5% B. 10% C. 2.5% D. 3%
B. 10%

In PEC, what is the allowable voltage drop in feeder supplying lighting?

A. 5% B. 2% C. 10% D. 3%
D. 3%
f an electrical network having one or more than one voltage source, is transformed into equivalent electrical
network with a single voltage source (which is short circuit current of previous circuit) with parallel internal
resistance of the network with all current source replaced by their internal resistance. The above illustration is
A. Thevenin's theorem
B. Norton's theorem
C. reciprocity theorem
D. Superposition theorem
B. Norton's theorem
Which is not the basic Rule of PEC 2009?
A. Construction Rule
B. Installation Rule
C. Design Rule
D. Manufacturing Rule

A. Construction Rule
What is the maximum rating of overcurrent protection device for 20A Air conditioning unit?
A. 20A B. 25A C. 30A D. 35A
D. 35A

(Answer letter only)

Regarding Thevenin's equivalent, which of the following is not correct?
A. The voltage source in the Thevenin's equivalent circuit is open circuit voltage of the network when load is
B. The Thevenin's equivalent resistance is the resistance of the network when all voltage sources are short
C. The Thevenin's equivalent resistance is calculated when all voltage sources are open circuited
D. Thevenin's equivalent is the voltage equivalent of the network

What is the minimum vertical clearance of service conductor over residential and commercial driveways?
A. 3100mm B. 3700 mm C. 4600mm D. 5500mm
B. 3700 mm
What is the minimum height of receptacle for outdoor outlets? A. 1800mm B. 1500mm C. 2000mm D.
C. 2000mm
In paralleling A & B transformers, increasing the per unit impedance of transformer A Will lead
A. decrease load on transformer
B. loss of load on transformer
C. increase load on transformer
D. burning of transformer

C. increase load on transformer

It is the total number of sustained customer power interruption within a given period divided by the total
number of customers served within the same period.

In RA 7920, What does CPE stands for?
A. Continuing Professional Education
B. Company Project Evaluation
C. Capacity Performance Evaluation
D. None of the above
A. Continuing Professional Education
In Philippine Distribution code, large customer consumes not less than ____ MW
A. 10 B. 100 C. 1.0 D. 1000

C. 1.0
Who is not a current member of the Board of Electrical Engineering? A. Francis Mapile
B. Renato Cayetano
C. Jaime Mendoza
D. Fortunato Leynes
B. Renato Cayetano
Nuclear reactor generally employs
A. fusion B. both fusion and fission C. fission
D. none of the above
C. fission
Board of Electrical Engineering is composed of 0ne Chairman and How many members?
A. 3 B. 2 C. 1 D. 4
B. 2

What is the minimum size of grounding rod?

A. 16mm B. 15mm C. 12mm D. 20mm
A. 16mm
In Registered Electrical Engineer Licensure Examination under RA 7920, the weight of Electrical Engineering
Professional Subject is ________ percent.
A. 25 B. 30 C. 55 D. 45

D. 45
A location not normally subject to dampness or temporarily Subject to dampness or wetness in the case of
building under construction. A. Damp location
B. Dry location
C. all location
D. Wet location
B. Dry location
A system or circuit conductor that is intentionally grounded.
A. Grounded Conductor
B. Ground
C. Grounding conductor
D. Grounded
A. Grounded Conductor

A device intended for the protection of personnel that function to energize a circuit or portion thereof within
the established period of time when current to the ground exceeds the values established for class A device.
A. GFCI B. AFCI C. Circuit breaker D. Megger

What effect on current flow does reversing the direction of movement conductor in the magnetic field of a
generator have
A. neutralize the current flows
B. it reverse the direction of current flow
C. has no effect on current
D. none of the above
B. it reverse the direction of current flow
Interpoles are connected ____ with the armature and compensating windings are connected in _______ with
the armature
A. series, series
B. series, shunt
C. shunt, series
D. shunt, shunt

A. series, series
(Letter only)
A Conservator consist of
A. an air-tight metal drum fixed at the top of the tank
B. drum placed at the bottom of the tank
C. Overload protection
D. none of these

(letter only)
In transformers the purpose of breather is to
A. extracts the moisture of the air
B. to provide cooling to the winding
C. to take insulating oil from the conservator
D. to provide insulation to the winding
The advantages of star connection for the same phase voltage is that it gives
A. step down current
B. extra step up current
C. extra step up voltage
D. extra step up power
C. extra step up voltage

(letter only)
For an unbalance load, which connection is suitable
A. 3 - wire open delta
C. 4 - wire star connection
B. 3 - wire delta connection
D. 3 - wire star connection
The main power sources for a satellite are
A. Batteries B. solar cell C. Fuel cell D. thermoelectric generators
B. solar cell
The conductor used to connect the grounding electrode(s) to the equipment grounding conductor, or to both,
at the service, at each building or structure where supplied by feeder(s) or branch circuit(s), or at the source of
separately derived system.
A. Grounding Electrode Conductor
B. Grounding electrode
C. Grounding conductor
D. Grounded conductor

A. Grounding Electrode Conductor

When one electrical circuit controls another electrical circuit through a relay, the circuit is _____ circuit
A. Signal Circuit
B. Controller
C. Relay Control Circuit
D. magnetic circuit
C. Relay Control Circuit
Two wattmeter can be used to measure 3-phase power for a
A. balanced and unbalanced load
B. balanced load only
C. unbalanced load only
D. unity power factor only
A. balanced and unbalanced load

The main function of communication satellite is as a(n)

A. Repeater B. Beacon C. Reflector D. Observation platform
A. Repeater
Tap changer of transformer is located where?
A. LV side B. HV side C. Low and HV side D. Either LV and HV
B. HV side
In PEC it is defined as installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the
earth, and locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids such as vehicle washing areas, and
location exposed to weather and unprotected.
A. Damp location
B. Dry location
C. all location
D. Wet location

D. Wet location
In Philippine Distribution Code, the utility requires the consumer to operate ant a power factor not less than
_______ percent.
A. 80% B. 85% C. 90% D. 75%

B. 85%
(Letter only)
Location of Disconnecting means for air conditioner
I. Within insight from
II. Can be mounted above the unit
III. Can be mounted inside the unit
A. I only B. II and III C. I, II and III D. III only
(Letter only)
Based load plants are designed to supply power at _________.
A. low capital cost and low operating cost
B. high capital cost and low operating cost
C. low capital cost and high operating cost
D. high capital cost and high operating cost
The amplitude modulation generated at a very low voltage or power amplifier is _____________ modulation.
A. minimum B. high-level C. collector D. low-level

D. low-level
Which of the following type of fault that used only the equivalent positive impedance of the circuit in the
short-circuit calculation?
A. Line-to-line fault
B. Double-line-to-ground fault
C. Three-phase fault
D. Single-line-to-ground fault
C. Three-phase fault

(Letter only)
Which of the following define the meaning of load factor?
A. The ratio of average load to install capacity.
B. The ratio of maximum load to average load.
C. The ratio of average load to maximum load.
D. The ratio of connected load to maximum load.
(Letter only)
If the magnetic flux through a certain region is changing with time __________.
A. an emf exist around the boundary
B. a current must flow around the boundary
C. an electric field must exist at the boundary
D. a magnetic of connected load to maximum load

(Letter only)
In a capacitor start motor, the capacitor is replaced by an inductor having the same reactance as in capacitor.
Then the motor will ___________.
A. be damaged
B. start and run at its rated speed
C. start but run at a slow speed
D. not start

The current is zero in a conductor when NO potential difference is applied because___________.

A. the electrons are not moving fast enough
B. equal numbers of electrons and protons are moving together
C. the electrons are not moving
D. for every electron with a given velocity there is another with a velocity of equal magnitude and opposite
D. for every electron with a given velocity there is another with a velocity of equal magnitude and opposite
Which of the following transformer has only one winding?
A. current
B. distribution
C. autotransformer
D. power

C. autotransformer
Which of the following AC device is used to measure the angle between the voltage and its current?
A. reactive meter
B. power factor meter
C. demand meter
D. phase angle meter
D. phase angle meter
A resistor with resistance R1 and a resistor with resistance R2 are connected in parallel to an ideal battery with
emf V. What is the rate of thermal energy generation in the resistor with resistance R1?
A. V2/R2
B. V2/R1
C. V2R1/(R1+R2) 2
D. V2/(R1+R2)

B. V2/R1
The grounded conductor is a/an ___________ grounded conductor.
A. isolated
B. guarded
C. insulated
D. intentionally
D. intentionally
The resistance of a rod does NOT depend on _________.
A. the shape of its cross-sectional area
B. its material
C. its length
D. its temperature
A. the shape of its cross-sectional area

A common utility's tariff practice to penalize industrial consumers whose power factor falls below ______ and
give incentive for power factor above ______.
A. 80% , 90%
B. 75% , 90%
C. 85% , 85%
D. 75% , 85%
C. 85% , 85%
One primary and one secondary terminal of the two-winding transformer are connected to an ohm-meter
instrument. What will be the reading on this instrument?
A. Infinity
B. Zero or infinity
C. Equal to winding resistance
D. Zero 23.

A. Infinity
When the amplitude of the oscillator in a series RLC circuit is doubled the __________.
A. current amplitude is doubled
B. the voltage across the capacitor is halved
C. impedance is doubled
D. capacitor reactance is halved
A. current amplitude is doubled
Which of the following protective device operates on the principle of Kirchoff's Current Law?
A. Instantaneous Overcurrent Relay
B. Undercurrent Relay
C. Differential Protective Relay
D. AC Time Overcurrent Relay
C. Differential Protective Relay

(Letter only)
Which of the following will the effect of the electric shock in the human body depend on?
A. voltage flowing in the body
B. current flowing in the body
C. line power
D. resistance of the line
(Letter only)
The coulomb force F, acts on two charges a distance, r, apart. What is F proportional to?
A. r
B. 1/r^2
C. r^2
D. 1/r^3

An LC series circuit with an inductance L and a capacitor C has an oscillation frequency of f. Two inductors,
each with inductance L, and two capacitors, each with capacitance C, are all wired in series and the circuit is
completed. The oscillation frequency is __________.
A. f/4
B. f
C. 2f
D. f/2
B. f

Which of these is NOT a simplex type of electronic communication? A. TV broadcasting

B. Facsimile or fax
C. Paging services
D. Telephone

D. Telephone
(Letter only)
A good example of kinetic energy is provided by ___________.
A. a tornado
B. an automobile storage battery
C. a wound clock spring
D. the raised weights of grandfather's clock
Current has units of __________.
A. coulomb
B. ohm
C. coulomb/second
D. volt

C. coulomb/second
The readings of the wattmeter will be the same in two-wattmeter method when _________.
A. load in one phase is zero
B. power factor is unity
C. power factor is 0.50
D. neutral is grounded
B. power factor is unity
(Letter only)
Modern locomotives are powered by DC motors driven by DC generators. Those are, in turn, driven by diesel
engines. Which of the following is the reason for using such a configuration instead of AC general-motor sets?
A. The DC equipment is significantly less expensive
B. The DC configuration provides high torque and good incremental power at low speeds, and performs
equally well at high speeds
C. Historically, the DC engines configuration has been used. There is no reason to change this.
D. By using the DC equipment, the power factor problems associated with AC equipment are avoided.
(Letter only)
What is the main reason that alternating current replaced direct current for general used?
A. AC voltages conveniently transformed.
B. AC generators do not need slip rings.
C. AC minimizes magnetic fields
D. A given AC current does not heat a power line as much as the same as DC current.

What can usually be assumed as the driving or source voltage for fault and voltage calculations in per unit
A. 1 p.u.
B. 10 p.u.
C. 3 p.u.
D. 5 p.u.
A. 1 p.u.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why single-phase induction motor run?
A. Two windings displaced from each other
B. Hysteresis
C. One of the current is made out of phase between the lines
D. Shaded poles

A. Two windings displaced from each other

Which of the following is normally a controlled grounding path for current flow?
A. high impedance circuit
B. capacitive circuit
C. parallel circuit
D. series circuit
A. high impedance circuit
(Letter only)
The resistance of resistor 1 is twice of resistor 2. The two are connected in SERIES and a potential difference is
maintained across the combination. What is the rate of thermal energy generation in resistor 1?
A. Twice that in resistor 2
B. Four times that in resistor 2
C. Half that in resistor 2
D. The same as that in resistor 2 Rate of Thermal energy is Power
(Letter only)
What is the function of the surge tank in the hydro power plant?
A. Relieve water hammer pressures in the penstock pipe
B. Produce surge in the pipe line
C. Relieve water pressure in the boiler
D. Supply water at constant pressure

(Letter only)
Which of the following is NOT a property of magnetic field lines?
A. The field is stronger where the lines are closer together.
B. The lines intersect surfaces of equal intensity at right angles.
C. Magnetic field lines have no beginning and no ends.
D. The lines cross themselves only at right angle

(Letter only)
Is the ground can be intentional or accidental?
I. True
II. False
A. I only
C. Both I and II
B. II only
D. Either I or II

In the oscillating LC circuit, then total stored energy is U. the maximum energy stored in the capacitor during
one cycle is ____________. A. U/2
B. U
C. U/2 π
D. U/ π
B. U
What is the function of protective relays in the protection scheme?
A. switching devices
B. breaking device
C. time delay device
D. sensing device
D. sensing device
What is the electrical analog of a spring constant "k"?
A. 1/C
C. C
B. L
D. 1/L

A. 1/C
The starting/ in rush current of the transformer is generally __________ times of its full load current.
A. 12
B. 10
C. 20
D. 6
B. 10
Which of the following transformer's winding connection is MOST suitable for an unbalanced load?
A. Open delta
B. Four-wye
C. Three-wye
D. Delta
B. Four-wye
Which of the following instrument is suited for high frequency?
A. Dynamometer
B. Moving iron vane
C. Oscilloscope
D. Thermocouple

D. Thermocouple
Positive charge is distributed uniformly throughout a non-conducting sphere. The highest electric potential
occurs _________.
A. far from the sphere
B. just outside the surface
C. at the center
D. at the surface
C. at the center
Two wires of the same material have the same length but different diameters. They are connected in SERIES to
a battery. Which of the following quantity is the same for the two wires?
A. Current
B. current density.
C. Voltage
D. end-to-end potential difference
A. Current
The Tesla is a unit of ____________.
A. inductance
B. capacitance
C. magnetic flux density
D. permittivity
C. magnetic flux density
Which of the following limits the number of coils that may be placed on the armature of a DC motor or
A. coil to coil arcing due to the breakdown of insulation
B. the sizes of the load on the motor
C. the type of winding used
D. the number of poles
A.coil to coil arcing due to the breakdown of insulation
(Letter only)
The magnetic torque exerted on a flat current-carrying loop of wire by a uniform magnetic field B is
A. maximum when the plane of the loop is perpendicular to B.
B. independent of the orientation of the loop.
C. maximum when the plane of the loop is parallel to B.
D. dependent on the shape of the loop for a mixed loop area.

What is ACSR conductor stands for?
Aluminum Cable Steel Reinforced
The government agency created under Presidential Degree 269, whose additional mandates includes
preparing electrical cooperatives in operating and competing under a deregulated electricity market.
A. National Electrification Administration
B. National Grid Corporation
C. National Electrification Commission
D. National Power Corporation

A. National Electrification Administration

The growth rate of the energy consumption in our country is 6.9%. In how many years will the energy
consumption be quadrupled?
20 years

The nameplate of an induction motor lists 1460 rpm as the full load speed. For what frequency was the motor
A. 60 Hz
B. 50 Hz
C. 30 Hz
D. 25 Hz
B. 50 Hz
(Letter only)
What is/are the connection of capacitor to improve the power factor of an inductive circuit?
I. Parallel
II. Series
A. I only
B. Both I & II
C. Either I or II
D. II only
In an RLC circuits, the impedance at resonance is
A. maximum
B. minimum
C. infinity
D. zero
B. minimum

What is the equivalent of 1MWHR?
A. 1,000 kWHR
B. 100 KW HR
C. 10,000 KWHR
D. 1,000 W H
generators that receives its field excitation current from internal source?
A. self-excited excitation
B. separately excited
C. controlled excitation
D. internally excited
A. self-excited excitation

The shunt field of a compound generator is connected across both the series field and the armature. This
connection is known as
A. short shunt
B. differential compound
C. long shunt
D. cumulative compound
C. long shunt
Which of the following is most suitable for running in parallel operations?
A. shunt generator
B. compound generator
C. series generator
D. all of these are equally suitable

A. shunt generator
Interpoles are normally connected in
A. parallel with the field
B. parallel with the load
C. in series with the field
D. series with the load
A. parallel with the field
f a speed of a dc shunt motor increases, the back emf
A. Increases
B. decreases and then increases
C. remains constant
D. decreases
A. Increases

The current flowing in the conductors of a dc motor is?

One dc motor drives another dc motor. The second dc motor when excited driven
A. Runs
B. runs as a generator
C. does not run as generator
D. also run as motor
B. runs as a generator

A starter is necessary to start a dc motor because

A. it starts the motor
B. it limits the back emf to a safe value
C. it limits the speed of the motor
D. it limits the starting current to safe value

D. it limits the starting current to safe value

The speed of a dc series motor decreases if the flux in the field winding
A. remains constant
B. decreases
C. increases
D. none of these
C. increases
Which of the following motor is used to drive the constant speed line shafting lathes, blowers and fans?
A. DC shunt motor
B. Cumulative compound motor
C. DC series motor
D. Differential compound motor

A. DC shunt motor
When the electric train is moving down a hill the dc motor acts as
A. dc series motor
B. dc series generator
C. dc shunt motor
D. dc shunt generator
B. dc series generator
Which of the following motors is suitable for high starting torque?
A. shunt motor
B. series motor
C. cumulative compound motor
D. compound motor
B. series motor

Interpoles are meant for
A. increasing the speed of the motor
B. reducing sparking at the commutator
C. decreasing the counter emf
D. converting armature current to dc
A 60 Hz frequency would cause an electric light to
A. turn on and off 120 times per second
B. turn on and off 180 times per second
C. flicker noticeable
D. turn on and off 60 times per second

The greatest value attained during one half of the cycle is called the
Peak value
The voltage across the capacitor ___ the current through it by ____
A. lags, 45
C. leads, 0
B. lags, 90
D. leads, 90

B. lags, 90
For the series RLC circuit at resonance the current amplitude is ____ for a fixed voltage amplitude and power
factor is ______.
A. minimum, zero
B. maximum, zero
C. minimum, unity
D. maximum, unity
D. maximum, unity
In two wattmeter method, the reading of the wattmeter will be identical when
A. load in one of the phases is zero
B. power factor is 0.5
C. power factor is unity
D. power factor is zero

C. power factor is unity

Which is not the characteristic of an ideal transformer?
A. infinite permeability
B. finite permeability
C. has no resistance
D. no magnetic leakage
B. finite permeability
Which of the following is most economical method of starting single phase motor?
A. Inductance-start method
B. split phase method
C. capacitance-start method
D. resistance-start method

C. capacitance-start method
What is the allowable voltage drop for distribution system?
A. 5%
B. 3%
C. 2%
D. 10%
A. 5%
What is the allowable voltage drop from farthest outlet to the lighting panel?
A. 5%
C. 2%
B. 3%
D. 10%
B. 3%

Ground fault protection is ___________ in fire pump.

A. allowed
B. required
C. not allowed
D. not permitted
D. not permitted
What is the size of grounding conductor for 20 ampere circuit?
A. 2.0 mm2
B. 3.5 mm2
C. 5.5 mm2
D. 8.0 mm2
B. 3.5 mm2
(Letter only)
Which of the following is/are the GFCI applications
I. Outdoor
II. Garage
III. Bathroom
IV. Dining
V. Guest room
A. I, III and V.
C. II, III,IV and V
B. I, II and V
D. II only
n PEC, Continuous load shall not be greater than ____% of the branch circuit rating.
A. 80%
B. 125%
C. 100%
A. 80%
What is the rule for disconnection means of a motor is near to the motor protected.
A. Manufacturer's Rule
B. Installation Rule
C. Wiring Design Rule
D. Construction Rule

B. Installation Rule
For hermetic motor, what rule is the disconnecting means is 115% of the full load current?
A. manufacturer's Rule
B. Installation Rule
C. Wiring Design Rule
D. Construction Rule
C. Wiring Design Rule
GFCI means

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter

What is the maximum bending of PVC conduit?
A. 2 quarters
B.3 quarters
C.4 quarters
D. 5 quarters
C. 4 quarters
What color is reserved for equipment Grounding only?
Receptacle outlet that is part of the luminaire or appliance, located within cabinets or cupboards shall be
located not more than _____ mm, above the floor.
A. 1800
B. 1700
C. 1500
D. 1600
B. 1700

In PEC it is defined as acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. A. Allowed

B. Approved
C. Acceptable
D. Accessible

B. Approved
In PEC it is defined as admitting close approach; not guarded by locked doors, elevation or other effective
A. Accessible( equipment)
C. Accessible( maintenance)
B. Accessible( Quickly)
D. Accessible( Readilly)
A. Accessible( equipment)
In PEC it is defined as partially protected location under canopies , marquees, roof open porches, and the like
locations, and interior locations subject to moderate degrees of moisture, such as some basements, some
barns and some cold storage warehouses.
A. Damp location
B. Dry location
C. all location
D. Wet location
A. Damp location
What is the purpose of PEC 2009?
A. economical electrical design guide
B. safeguarding of person & property
C. Design specification
D. Instructional manual
B. safeguarding of person & property

A material best suited for manufacturing a fuse wire is

(Letter Only)
What is the Overvoltage protection against lightning strike? I. Overhead wires II. Surge arrester
A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. Neither I and II

Which of the following supply system is used in commercial building? A. open delta system
B. delta connected system
C. wye connected system
D. Wye-grounded system

D. Wye-grounded system
What kind of relay gives warning and protection of electrical faults inside the transformer?
A. Distance or Impedance
B. Reverse Power Relay
C. Buchhol'z
D. Consevator
C. Buchhol'z
Which of the following plants will take least time in starting from cold condition to full load condition
A. Gas turbine
B. Nuclear Power Plant
C. Steam turbine
D. Hydro-electric plant
D. Hydro-electric plant

What is the purpose of corrugated side of transformer tank?

A. Cooling
B. Improve efficiency
C. Improve regulation
D. increase capacity
A. Cooling
Who is current chairman of the Board of Electrical Engineering?
A. Renato Cayetano
C. Jaime Mendoza
B. Fortunato Leynes
D. Francis Mapile
D. Francis Mapile
The bus bar of the power system, whose voltage magnitude and angle is not known is
A. slack bus
C. load bus
B. generator bus
D. P & ⌈𝑉⌉ bus

C. load bus
The zero sequence current will NOT flow in the ______.
A. L-G fault
B. L-L-G fault
C. L-L fault
D. L-L-L-G fault
C. L-L fault
A car battery is rated 80 ampere-hour. An ampere-hour is a unit of
A. charge
B. power
C. current
D. energy

A. charge
What is the allowable rating for branch overload protection if fuse is used for hermetic motor compressor with
a rated load current f 25 A?
A. 30 A
B. 20 A
C. 15 A
D. 35 A
D. 35 A
What is the instrument often used to check the degree of motor shaft misalignment?
A. Clamp- on Ammeter
B. Dial indicator
C. Megaohmmeter
D. Voltmeter

B. Dial Indicator
Which of the following is a variable renewable source f energy (VRE)?
A. Solar plant
B. Gas turbine plant
C. Diesel Plant
D. Coal Plant
A. Solar Plant
The number of address lines requires to address a memory of size 32 K is _____ lines.
A. 15
B. 18
C. 16
D. 13
A. 15

The relay that is used to prevent motorizing of a generator is a

A. series power relay
B. reverse power relay
C. forward power relay
D. shunt power relay

B. reverse power relay

The current flowing in L and C at parallel resonance are
A. equal
B. different
C. infinite
D. zero
A. equal
(Letter only)
Which of the following is a limited storage power plant?
A. Ocean Power
B. Run of River Hydro Power
C. Tidal Power Plant
D. Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Powerplant

(Letter only)
Which of the following is NOT a property of magnetic field lines?
A. The lines intersect surface of equal intensity at right angles.
B. Magnetic field lines have no beginning and no ends.
C. The lines cross themselves only at right angles. D. The field is stronger where the lines are closer together.
(Letter Only)
Which of the following shall NOT be excluded in the calculation of reliability standard indices of the distributor
asset by the Philippine Distribution Code?
A. Planned outages where the customers have been notified at least three (3) days prior to the loss of power.
B. Outages that occur on the secondary lines of the distribution system
C. Outages that occur in the transmission line.
D Outages that occur on the primary lines of the distribution system
Its primary function is to provide ground source.
A. zig-zag transformer
B. surge arrester
C. sectionalizer
D. tertiary transformer
A. zig-zag transformer

What is the maximum distance between two receptacles in a single family dwelling unit?
A. 2,000 mm
B. 1,500 mm
C. 1,800 mm
D. 1,600 mm

C. 1,800 mm
What is the maximum number of quarter bends permitted in rigid metal conduits between outlets?
AC system has the following disadvantages over DC system.
A. skin effect exists
B. proximity effect exists
C. charging current exists
D. line regulation is more

C. charging current exists

21 is the device function number for this relay. *
A. Undervoltage relay
B. Overvoltage relay
C. Distance relay
D. Directional power relay
C. Distance relay
Which is not a standard distribution voltage in the Philippines?
A. 13.2 kV
B. 69 kV
C. 34.5 kV
D. 13.8 kV
B. 69 kV

For an RL circuit, the power factor cannot be less than _____ or greater than _____.
A. 1, 0
B. 0, −1
C. 0, 1
D. −1, 0
C. 0, 1
(Letter only)
It is defined as the total number of sustained Customer power Interruptions within a given period divided by
the total number of Customers served within the same period.
A. Customer Average Interruption Frequency Index
B. System Average Interruption Frequency Index C. System Average Interruption Duration Index
D. Average Interruption Duration Index
What device is used to measure the temperature of a motor winding while the motor is in operation?
A. Resistance temperature detector
B. Proximity probe
C. Thermocouples
D. Seismic probe
A. Resistance temperature detector
Which of the following principle will the operation of fiber-optic cable is based?
A. reflection
B. absorption
C. dispersion
D. refraction

A. reflection
When the voltage remains the same, the current will _________ as the impedance decreases. I. decrease II.
A. II only
B. Either I or II
C. I only
D. Both I and II
A. II only
When electrons build up pressure at one point, it is called ___________,
A. ganging
B. current flow
C. pressure
D. filing impedance

B. current flow
(Letter only)
For constant transmission efficiency, voltage is increased n times, the size of the conductor would be
A. increased to n^2 times of the original
B, reduced to (1/n) times of the original
C. reduced to (1/n^2) times of the original
D. increased to n times of the original
C. reduced to (1/n^2) times of the original

What is the maximum output power of a cellular transmitter?

A. 3 w
B. 4.5 w
C. 6 w
D. 1.5 w
A, 3 w
(Letter only)
Which of the following is a primary disadvantage of FM over AM?
A. Lower efficiency
B. Noise susceptibility
C. Higher cost and complexity
D. Excessive use of spectrum space

Which of the following power plant in a NON-Renewable Energy?

A. Wind energy
B. Solar energy
C. Nuclear energy
D. Geothermal energy
C. Nuclear Energy
(Letter only)
Compared to Gauss-Seidel, Newton-Raphson method takes
A. More number of iterations and less time per iteration
B. More number of iterations and more time per iteration
C. Less number of iterations and less time per iteration
D. Less number of iterations and more time per iteration

The curve representing Ohm's law is a

A. a hyperbola
B. parabola
C. a sine function
D. linear
D. linear
What type of transformer bank is used to convert 2-phase to 3-phase power?
A. open-delta
B. wye-delta
C. delta-wye
D. scott-T
D. scott-T
If the magnetic flux through a certain region is changing with time
A. an emf must exist around the boundary
B. a current must flow around the boundary
C. an electric field must exist at the boundary
D. a magnetic field must exist at the boundary

A. an emf must exist around the boundary

When the amplitude of the oscillator in a series RLC circuit is doubled, the _________.
A. current amplitude is doubled
B. impedance is doubled
C. capacitor reactance is halved
D. voltage across the capacitor is halved
A. current amplitude is doubled
In an oscillating LC circuit, the total stored energy is U. The maximum energy stored in the capacitor during
one cycle is _____
A. U/π
B. U/2π
C. U
D. U/2
C. U
In a capacitor start motor, the capacitor is replaced by an inductor having the same reactance as in capacitor.
Then the motor will
A. start and run at its rated speed
B. not start
C. start but run at a slow speed
D. be damaged
B. not start

Heating effect of current has an undesirable side effect in

A. vacuum cleaner
B electric iron
C. electric oven
D. immersion heater
A. vacuum cleaner
In two-wattmeter method, the reading of one of the wattmeters will be zero when.
A. load in one of the phases is zero
B. power factor is unity
C. power factor is 0.5
D. neutral is earthed
C. power factor is 0.5
According to ERC, the agreement between the User and the Distribution Utility which specifies the terms and
conditions pertaining to the connection of the User System or Equipment to a new Connection Point in the
Distribution System is
A. connection agreement
B. end-user agreement
C. distributor agreement
D. distribution agreement
A. connection agreement
The effect of series capacitor on a transmission line is to improve.
A. steady state stability
B. transient stability
C. distributor agreement
D. distribution system
A. steady state stability
In the transformers
A. high tension winding is used near the core
B. high tension winding is used away from the core
C. low tension winding is used near the core
D. low tension winding is used away from the core

A. high tension winding is used near the core

The permeability of a material means
A. strength of permanent magnet
B. strength of an electromagnet
C. the magnetization left in the iron after exciting field has been removed
D. the conductivity of material for magnetic lines forces
D. the conductivity of material for magnetic lines forces
The capacitors of power factor correction are rated in terms of

The master control center for a cellular telephone system is the

A. cell site
B. mobile telephone switching office
C. central office
D. branch office
B. mobile telephone switching office
The study of illumination involves
A. design of lighting system
B. study of lighting and wiring system
C. calculation of wiring sizes for various sizes for various lighting fixtures.
D. study photometry and its applications
A. design of lighting system
Which of the following cannot have a single unit of 100 MW?
A. Hydro power plant
B. Steam power plant
C. Diesel power plant
D. Nuclear powerplant

Note: Sa boards " can have" siya bali trouble shooted na yan.
C. Diesel power plant
What does WESM in EPIRA (RA 9136) stands for?
A. Wholesale Electrical Spot Market
B. Wholesale Electrical Supplying Market
C. Wholesale Electricity Spot Market
D. Wholesale Electricity Supply Market
C. Wholesale Electricity Spot Market

In Philippine distribution code. retail competition and open access in distribution wires shall be implemented
not later than three (3) years upon the effectivity of the Act , subject to the following conditions, which is not

A. Establishment of the wholesale Electricity Spot Market

B. Approval of the unbundled transmission and the distribution wheeling charges
C. Initial implantation of the cross subsidy removal scheme
D. Non-privatization of at least 70 percent of the total capacity of generating assets of NPC Luzon and Visayas
D. Non-privatization of at least 70 percent of the total capacity of generating assets of NPC Luzon and Visayas
To protect delta-delta power transformer against fault, the CT will have
A. delta-delta
B. delta-wye
C. wye-delta
D. wye-wye

D. wye-wye
Which of the following distributing system gives the greater reliability
A. radial system
B. ring system
C. DC three wire system
D. open loop system
B. ring system
Ideal the transformer assumptions do NOT include
A. zero resistance of the winding
B. zero reactance of the winding
C. no saturation of the core
D. no leakage flux
B. zero reactance of the winding

The power lost is MORE consider in the design of

A. a motor
B. a generator
C. the feeder
D. the transmission line
D. the transmission line
Based on PRC, all users of the distributoin system must maintain a certain power factor at the connection
point in oreder to maintain power quality in the system. What power factor should be maintained at the
connection point?
A. not less than 65%
B. not less than 70%
C. not less than 85%
D. not less than 75%
C. not less than 85%
Which of the following type of fault that used only the equivalent positive and negative sequence impedance
of the circuit in the short-circuit calculation?
A. Line-to-line fault
B. Double-line-to-ground fault
C. Three-phase fault
D. Single-line-to-ground fault
A. Line-to-line fault

Which of the following test are conducted for transformer coil?

I. dielectric
II. interfacial tension
III. color of oil
IV. neutralization number
V. power factor
VI. specific gravity

A. 1, 2, 3, AND 4
B. 1,2,3, AND 5
C 2,3,4 AND 5
D 1,2,5, AND.6
C 2,3,4 AND 5
What is the maximum allowable voltage drop for lighting circuit?
A. 3%
B. 5%
C. 2%
D. 10%

A. 3%
Heating value of coal largely depends on
A. ash content
B. moisture element
C. volatile matter
D. size of coal particles
A. ash content
Zero-sequence current will flow in a transmission line when there is
A. a fault across all three phases
B. a line to line fault
C. an overvoltage in the line due to switching
D. double line to ground
D. double line to ground

Which of the following defined fermi energy?

A. The amount of energy which valence elctron can have at room temperature
B. The amount of energy which a hole can have at room temperature
C. The Amount of energy which must be given to an electron to move it to conductor band
D. The amount of energy which must be given to hole it in valence band
C. The Amount of energy which must be given to an electron to move it to conductor band
Series capacitors are used to
A. improve the line voltage
B. compensate for line inductive reactance
C. compensate for line capacitive reactance
D. none of these
B. compensate for line inductive reactance
When peace and order problem exist, National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) issues
A. security red alert
B imminent danger alert
C. trouble alert
D. red alert

A. security red alert

Which of the following luminaire types are NOT permitted in clothes closets?
I. Incandescent fixtures with open lamps
II. Incandescent fixtures with partially enclosed lamps
III. Pendant luminaires
IV. Surface mounted or recessed incandescent fixture with a completely enclosed lamp
A. 1,2, AND 3
B. 1,2, AND 4
C. 1,3, AND 4
D. 2,3, AND 4
A. 1,2, AND 3
which of the following is not true regarding HVDC transmission?
A. Corona loss is much more in HVDC transmission line
B. The power transmission capability of bipolar line is almost the same as that of single-circuit ac line
C. HVDC link can operate between two AC systems where frequencies need to be equal
D. There is no distance limitation for HVDC transmission by underground cable
A. Corona loss is much more in HVDC transmission line
Buchholz relay cannot be used in
A. 10 MVA transformer
B. oil cooled transformer
C. air cooled transformer
D. 50 MVA transformer
C. air cooled transformer

In an RLC circuit, the impedance at resonance is

A. zero
B. infinity
C. maximum
D. minimum
D. minimum
IEEE device number for Undervoltage relay
A. 67
B. 52
C. 27
D. 51
C. 27
Suited for high frequency measurements
A. Dynameter
B. Oscilloscope
C. Moving Iron vane
D. Thermocouple

D. Thermocouple
The transformer oil used in transformers provide
A. cooling and lubrication
B. insulation and lubrication
C. insulation and cooling
D. insulation, cooling and lubrication
C. insulation and cooling
Based on PRC, which of the following interruption events is NOT excluded in the calculation of distribution
utility reliability indices?
A. outages that occur on 230 V lines
B. outages dues to 500 KV lines
C. outages dues on 34.5KV lines
D. outages dues to generator failure

D. outages dues to generator failure

What is the device function number for overcurrent relay?
A. 27
B. 67
C. 50
D. 51
D. 51
RA 7832 concerns on
A. pilferage of electricity, theft of transmission materials and capping of system loss
B. pilferage of electricity, theft of transmission materials and rationalizing of system loss
C. pilferage of electrical energy
D. pilferage of electricity and electrical materials

B. pilferage of electricity, theft of transmission materials and rationalizing of system loss

PDC in EPIRA means
A. Philippine Distribution Company
B. Philippine Distribution Corporation
C. Philippine Distribution Commission
D. Philippine Distribution Code
D. Philippine Distribution Code
When the current and voltage are out of phase by 90 degress the power is
A. average
B. maximum
C. minimum
D. zero
D. zero

The effective resistance of conductor is increased

A. skin effect
B. proximity effect
C. corona effect
D. both A and B
D. both A and B
Which of the following is NOT permitted by PEC under certain conditions as substitute for grounding.
A. isolated
B. unguarded
C. insulated
D. guarded
B. unguarded
Which of the following is NOT considered in analyzing a short transmission line?
A. inductance
B. series impedance
C. shunt admittance
D. power loss
C. shunt admittance

Which of the following is NOT INCLUDED in the Technical Performance Standards for Distribution and Supply
set by the Philippine Distribution Code?
A. Power Quality
B. Reliability
C. Collection Efficiency
D. System Efficiency
C. Collection Efficiency
Which of the following is not a factor in the selection of fuse rating for protection of a branch circuit
A. Branch full-load current
B. System Impedance
C. Branch fault-current
D. System Voltage
B. System Impedance

Which of the following effects are generally less for an alternating current than for a direct current?
A. heating effects
B. chemical effects
C. magnetic effects
D. impedance
B. chemical effects
What is/are the main reasons for using high voltage in transmission of power in the grid system?
I. to the transmit bulk power with minimum line losses
II. increase system reliability
A. II only
B. both I and II
C. either I or II
D. I only
B. both I and II
A device used to measure the impurities in the insulating oil is a/an
A. Megger
B. Hipot
C. Oil tester
D. Surge tester
C. Oil tester
The law that induces emf and current always opposes the cause producing them was discovered by
A. Faraday
B. Maxwell
C. Lenz
D. Ohm
C. Lenz

If the height of the transmission tower is decreased, the capacitance of the line
A. increases
B. decreases
C. none of these
D. remains the same
A. increases
Ohms law does not apply to
A. conductors
B. conductors with change in temp
C. semiconductor
D AC circuit
C. semiconductor
34.5 KV to 69KV is classified as
A. low voltage
B. medium voltage
C. high voltage
D. extra high voltage

B. medium voltage
To adjust the power of an alternator, adjust the
A. power factor
B. governor
C. field current
D. frequency
B. governor
In a shunt generator, the voltage builds up until constrained by
A. armature
B. insulation reaction
C. speed limitation
D. saturation of iron
C. speed limitation

The dc armature winding in which the coil sides are placed a pole pitch apart is a
A. frictional pitch
B. Full pitch
C. pole pitch
D. multiplex
B. Full pitch
The reciprocal of permeability
A. susceptibility
B. permittivity
C. conductivity
D. reluctivity
D. reluctivity
In the left hand rule, thumb always represents direction of the
A. current
B. voltage
C. magnetic field
D. force on the conductor

D. force on the conductor

In transmission systems, the weight of the copper conductor is proportional to
A. 1/E^2
B. E
C. E^2
D. 1/E
A. 1/E^2
What kind of device is a diode?
A. linear
B. Non-Linear
C. unipolar
D. Bilateral
B. Non-Linear

It is difficult to magnetize steel because of its

A. high density
B. high retentivity
C. low permeability
D. high permeability
C. low permeability
________ is the overall energy program formulated and updated yearly by DOE, submitted to the congress
pursuant to RA 7638
A. Philippine Energization Program
B. Philippine Energy Plan
C. Philippine Electrification Program
D. Philippine Electrification Plan
B. Philippine Energy Plan (PEP)

Which of the following is not a full duplex?

A. telemetry
B. telephone
D. radar

D. radar
Present day capacitors which have a high capacitance in small size uses a dielectric of
A. rubber
B. paper
C. ceramic
D. mylar
C. ceramic
The torque angle continuously increases, system will become
A. stable
B. unstable
C. oscillatory
D. asymptomatic
B. unstable

A 15-bus system with 3 voltage-controlled bus will have a Jacobian matrix of size
A. 12x12
B. 25x25
C. 11x11
D. 24x24
B. 25x25
Gauss-Seidel iterative method can be used for solving a set of
A. Linear differential equations only
B. Linear algebraic equations only
C. Both linear and nonlinear algebraic equations
D. Both linear and nonlinear algebraic differential equations
D. Both linear and nonlinear algebraic differential equations

Method for fast load flow calculation?

A. Newtons-Rhapson
B. Gauss Seidel
C. Decoupled
D. Gauss

C. Decoupled
PRC Modernization Act of 2000 is also known as?
A. RA7920
B. RA 7832
C. RA 9136
D. RA 8981
D. RA 8981
The strain type insulators used when
A. the transmission line is dead ended
B. the direction of transmission line changes
C. The transmission line is short
D. A or B
D. A or B

What is/are the main reason/s for using high voltage in the transmission of power in grid systems?
I. To transmit bulk power with minimum losses
II. To increase system reliability
A. II only
B. either I and II
C. both I and II
D. I only
C. both I and II
Value of inductance in three-phase line is _______ times the loop inductance for single phase line
B. 1/2
C. 1/3
D. 3

B. 1/2
Which of the following statement is CORRECT for Faradays law?
A. an induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic field
B. an induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of electric flux
C. an induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux
D. an induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of electric field
C. an induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic flux
DMC was created by the Energy Regulatory Commission to monitor the compliance of the distribution utilities
to the PDC. DMC stands for.
A. Distribution Market Committee
B. Distribution Management Commission
C Distribution Management Committee
D. Distribution Market Commission

C. Distribution Management Committee

The lighting load for an office building expressed in terms of a unit load in volt-amperes per square meter
must be at least________
A. 24
B. 32
C. 28
D. 16
C. 28
Why is the core losses are negligible during a short circuit test conducted on transformer?
A. Power factor is high
B. Frequency is low
C. The mutual flux is small
D. Current is high
C. The mutual flux is small

One of the following is NOT a basic part of oil-type power transformer.

A. Radiator
B. Primary bushings
C. Oil drum
D. Load tap changer
A. Radiator
When the load at the receiving end of a long transmission line is removed, the sending end voltage is less than
the receiving end voltage. This effect is known as
A. Ferranti effect
B. Proximity effect
C. Kelvin Effect
D. Faraday effect
A. Ferranti effect

Shunt conductance in power transmission lines is due to leakage over the

A. conductor
B. poles
C. Insulators
D. jumpers
A. Conductor
The effect of corona can be detected by
A. presence of zone by odour
B. faint luminous glow of bluish colour
C. conductance of the line
D. none of the above
D. none of the above
The square root of the ratio of line impedance and shunt admittance is called
A. surge impedance of the line
B. regulation of the line
C. conductance of the line
D. none of the above

A. surge impedance of the line

The rise of temperature in transmission line
A. increase the stress and the length
B. decrease the stress and increase the length
C. decrease the stress and the length
D. increase the stress and decrease the length
A. increase the stress and the length
A guy wire
A. protects conductors against short-circuiting
B. provides emergency earth route
C. provides protection against surges
D. supports the pole

D. supports the pole

The effect of wind pressure is more predominant on
A. supporting towers
B. transmission lines
C. neutral wires
D. insulators
A. supporting towers
By which of the following methods the protection against direct lightning strokes and high voltage sweep
waves is provided?
A. lightning arresters
B. Lightning arresters and ground wires
C. Ground wire
D. Earthing of the neutral

B. Lightning arresters and ground wires

The top most conductor in a high transmission line is
A. earth conductor
B. Y-phase conductor
C. R-phase conductor
D. B-phase conductor
A. earth conductor
The hazards exist only during the period of the time _______ is there.
A. short circuit
B. switching
C. lighting
D. fault
D. fault

The boundary of the protection system is determined by the location of

A. circuit breakers
B. voltage transformers
C. current transformers
D. Protective relays

C. current transformers
A permeable substance is one
A. which is a strong magnet
B. which can behave as a conductor as well as an insulator
C. through which the magnetic lines of force can pass very easily
D. which is a good conductor
C. through which the magnetic lines of force can pass very easily
Which of the following will you connect to make a galvanometer into an ammeter?
A. a high resistance in parallel
B. a high resistance in series
C. a low resistance in parallel
D. a low resistance in series
C. a low resistance in parallel

The power transmission capacity of the transmission is

A. inversely proportional to the voltage
B. proportional to the cube of the voltage
C. proportional to the square of the voltage
D. directly proportional to the voltage
C. proportional to the square of the voltage
The electric motor generally used in household food mixer.
A. Split Phase
B. Shaded Pole
C. Universal
D. Capacitor Start
C. Universal

The value of inductance per conductor in three phase line is ______ times the loop inductance for single phase
A. 2
B. 1/3
C. 1/2
D. 1
C. 1/2

The unit of magnetic dipole moment is

A. Amp/m
B. Amp-m^2
C. Amp-m
D. Amp/m^2
B. Amp-m^2

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