11.an Interview Report With A Victim of Child Labour

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An Interview report with a

victim of child labour

Me- Hii Rahul. Thank you brother for joining us today. Can you
introduce yourself?
Rahul - hello. My name is Rahul Kumar, and I am from kishanganj
and I work in Patna and I am 13 years old.
Me- What is ur work?
Rahul – I work here as small sculptor. I make a small idol of god.
Me- Why you started working ?
Rahul- because my father is drunker and my family background is not
good and I have . to go outside to work
with my younger brother to help my family that’s why I started
Me-how long have you have been working here ?
Rahul-I have been working from 3years almost.
Me-how much is your daily earning and what difficulties do you
face in this job?
Rahul- My earning depend on festive season but I earn almost 200-
400 Rupees . but In f estive season I almost double of it. And
to earn good amount of money we have to wait for festive season and
it was most difficult thing in my job.
Me- Have you ever been to school?
Rahul- Yes I have been to school but I didn’t love the study that’s
why I leave the school or this is the reason why I didn’t love study
because my family didn’t have money to send me in good school.
Me-Its’ heart braking to hear that about you have faced the challenges
. I your opinions what do think to improve this situation for children
like you who are forced to labour?
Rahul-I think people need to think about the difficulties we face and
understand that no child should be deprived of their right to education
there should be more support for families like mine ,so we don’t have
to work outside and to support the family and strict measures should
be place to prevent child labour and ensure that kids have better
future and our government have to setup ngo and program to save the
small child and provide education to us.
Me- Thank you, Rahul , for sharing your story with us and yours point
of view . It's an important reminder of the challenges that many
children around the world face. We hope that your situation improves,
and that society becomes more aware of the need to protect the rights
and well-being of all children.

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