Blair D, Minchinton A (1997) On The Damage Zone Surrounding A Single Blasthole

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On the damage zone surrounding a single blasthole

Article in Fragblast · January 1997

DOI: 10.1080/13855149709408390


62 642

2 authors, including:

Alan Minchinton
Independent Physics Research


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On the damage zone surrounding a single blasthole

Dane Blair and Alan Minchinton

ICI Explosives PO Box 196, Kurri Kurri, Australia, 2327.

ABSTRACT: A critical analysis is given of vibration damage models based upon simple charge weight
scaling laws that have been modified in an attempt to account for the near-field influence of charge length. It
is shown that such simple models are significantly flawed since they do not correctly account for the charge
length or realistically account for the known blast wave radiation pattern. For example, these models fail to
predict a dominant vibration component which is a vertically polarised shear (SV) wave. An analytical
vibration model is developed to account for the charge length and radiation pattern as well as a finite velocity
of detonation. The results of the analytical model compare favourably with a Dynamic Finite Element Model
(DFEM). Both models clearly show that it is invalid to assume any simple relationship between vibration and
strain for waves radiating from a blasthole, even in the very far field. It is also shown that traditional Seed
Waveform modelling employing vibration waveforms measured from short (elemental) charges cannot yield
a realistic vibration output for the entire blasthole; an alternative method is suggested.

1 INTRODUCTION mechanisms (such as the separate attributes of p-

and s-waves), and they do not predict vibration
variations with time. These scaling laws only
A simple model for the assessment of damage provide a simple engineering solution to the
surrounding a single blasthole has been recently problem of estimating peak surface vibration
reported by McKenzie et al. (1995). Although this levels (rather than underground damage levels)
model does not consider the influences of local measured as a function of charge weight and
geology or blasthole gases, there are at least five distance, alone. In this regard, Blair (1990)
other assumptions implied by the model that highlights several problems associated with these
warrant further investigation, laws which indicate that it might be ambitious to
i) the assumption that the radiating blast wave expect that they could also provide the basis of any
obeys simple charge weight scaling laws, blast damage model.
ii) the assumption that the peak particle velocity The model described by McKenzie et al. (1995)
due to each element of charge within the blasthole is founded on the well-known model of Holmberg
is numerically additive, and Persson (1979) who altered the standard
iii) the assumption of an infinite velocity of charge weight scaling law to include the influence
detonation (VOD) for the explosive column, of the length of charge within the blasthole. It
iv) the assumption that the complicated should be appreciated that this alteration is
influence of the free surface(s) can be neglected, somewhat akin to adding a mechanistic component
v) the assumption that the particle velocity is to a non-mechanistic model.
proportional to dynamic strain. Figure 1 illustrates the relevant geometry; two
In this study the term "vibration" is used to blasthole elements are shown at A and B as well as
specifically describe the particle velocity. The a general element of length dh. According to
particle displacement and acceleration are also charge weight scaling, the peak vibration, v,
included under the general definition, but are not measured at a point P in the rock mass due to the
considered here. Charge weight scaling laws are element of charge dh is given by:
traditionally used to estimate surface vibration
levels due to production blasts. However, it should
be noted that such laws are not mechanistic insofar v = K weα R−β (1.1)
as they do not provide an insight into any blast
where we is the charge weight of the element dh; time dependence, they are not capable of providing
K, α and β are constants and R is the distance the correct near-field analysis.
between P and the element dh. It must be In fact a direct consequence of the assumption
appreciated that equation (1.1) implies a uniform that the peaks can be numerically added is that the
vibration, decaying as R-β, in all directions at any point P in Figure 1 must lie in the far-field of the
distance, R, from a fixed element of charge within entire charge length for which φ1 is approximately
the blasthole. Thus under the assumption of charge equal to φ2. Under this condition, the variation of h
weight scaling, each element radiates a spherical with φ ιs negligible, soβ /that
(R02 + (R0 tan φ2 − h)2 ) simply reduces to Rβ/α

vibration wave into the surrounding medium.
According to this model, the total vibration from which is constant for any point P, irrespective of L.
the blasthole, of length L, is given by a series of The integral of equation (1.2) then collapses to the
such spherically-radiating elements stacked along scaling law of equation (1.1) with we replaced by
this length. However, the work of Baird et al. the total charge weight W of the entire column.
(1992) clearly showed that it is invalid to use Thus nothing has been achieved. This unfortunate
spherically-radiating elements to simulate a long state of affairs is a direct consequence of
cylindrical column of explosive. This point is attempting to use a simple, time-independent and
discussed later in some detail. non-mechanistic model to describe near-field
The Holmberg-Persson model further assumes vibration.
that for any blasthole of length L the vibration Blair and Jiang (1995) used a Dynamic Finite
peaks (such as v1 and v2) due to all elements (such Element Model (DFEM) of a single blasthole to
as A and B) may be numerically added at the point study the surface vibrations produced as a function
P to yield the total peak vibration, vT. Under this of the blasthole explosive VOD. Although their
assumption they derive: model was restricted to a blasthole of 5 m length,
it showed that assuming an infinite VOD and
 L dh  neglecting the free surface (as also implied by
vT = K  m∫ 2  (1.2) equation 1.2) can overestimate the true vibration
 0 (R0 + (R0 tan φ 2 − h) )
2 β /2 α
 by a factor of approximately five for distances
greater than 2 m, and can underestimate the true
vibration level by a factor of approximately two
where m is the charge mass per unit length of the for distances less than 1.5 m. This finding, alone,
explosive column; other relevant variables are suggests that any model which neglects the
illustrated in Figure 1. However, in the near-field influences of VOD and the free surface may
of the charge length the vibration peaks (such as v1 produce dubious estimates of blast damage.
and v2) due to the elements cannot be numerically McKenzie et al. (1995) also fully appreciated
added. In this case the complete vibration time that assuming an infinite VOD could possibly
history for each element must firstly be resolved produce an overestimation of the true vibration,
into horizontal and vertical components and the and thus utilised the so-called Seed Waveform
separate components added for all elements to Model to account for a finite VOD. The Seed
yield total components. The vector peak, vT, is Waveform approach, which has enjoyed popularity
then obtained using the total vertical and for some time, firstly involves the selection of a
horizontal components. Clearly, since simple specific Seed Waveform to represent a small
charge weight scaling laws do not incorporate any element of charge within a blasthole. In this regard
the technique is more powerful than charge weight
v2 scaling since it does, at least, introduce time
dependent seed waveforms which are often
v1 obtained experimentally by monitoring the
φ1 vibrations due to a small length of charge. The
A VOD influence is then modelled by adding an
R appropriate phase delay to a succession of such
waveforms in order to simulate the total vibration
due a series of stacked elements of total length, L.
L φ However, almost all Seed Waveform Models, by
dh implication, incorrectly assume a spherical
radiation pattern for all wave types emanating
h φ2 from each element, since the element vibration
B R0 seed at any point is simply scaled by R−β. It thus
appears obvious that unless the radiation pattern of
each element matches the known radiation pattern
Fig. 1: The blasthole geometry.
of a short cylindrical charge (Heelan, 1953, Abo- σxx = ρvp2 εxx = -ρvpvx(t) (1.8)
Zena, 1977) then any Seed Waveform Model must
be viewed with caution. The cylindrical charge
Thus the particle velocity, vx(t), is proportional to
pattern is also dependent upon the p- and s-wave
dynamic strain, εxx, for planar p-wave propagation
velocities, (hence Poisson's ratio, ν) and the
in an unbounded medium simply because the
material density, ρ.
condition of equation (1.4) holds. Although it has
The generalised Hooke's Law in elementary
become popular to assume otherwise, this
elasticity theory shows that it is quite misleading
proportionality is the exception, rather than the
to make the blanket statement that stress is
rule. For example, this proportionality does not
proportional to strain for an elastic material. There
hold for the propagation of the non-planar p-and s-
are many components of stress and strain, so care
waves radiating from a cylindrical blasthole, and it
must be exercised in specifying relevant
does not hold in the vicinity of any free faces.
components. This generalised law is given by
Unfortunately, since blast damage is basically
equation (1.3), where σij are the stress components
concerned with radiation from cylindrical
and εij are the strain components; λ and µ are the
blastholes and free faces, the assumption of any
Lamé elastic constants and the volumetric strain
simple proportionality between particle velocity
∆ = εxx + εyy + εzz, with reference to the x,y,z
and strain is dubious.
directions, and δij is the Kronecker delta defined
The vibrations induced at the base of a tall, thin
by δij =1 if i=j, and δij =0 otherwise (see, for
structure, such as a smelter stack, provide a simple
example, Timoshenko and Goodier, 1971).
example of a situation when dynamic strain is
clearly not proportional to vibration (i.e. particle
σij = λ∆δij + 2µεij (1.3) velocity). If this structure is excited in its
fundamental vibration mode, then the peak
For general wave propagation, the normal stress vibration is always at the top of the structure, yet
with respect to the x-direction is given by equation in this region all components of dynamic strain are
(1.3) as σxx = λ∆ + 2µεxx. Thus the normal stress, very small. In fact the peak dynamic strain (and
σxx, is not simply proportional to the strain εxx possibly the region of potential damage onset) is
since it also depends upon the strain components close to the base of the structure. In this case,
εyy and εzz. geometry (ie. the free sides of the structure) is one
However, if we consider planar p-wave obvious reason that vibration is not proportional to
propagation along the x-axis in an unbounded strain. In a like manner, the geometry (free
medium, then all the strain components vanish surface) of a half-space also destroys any
except for εxx; then equation (1.3) yields: proportionality between vibration and strain. For
example, in the half-space problem, the surface
σxx = (λ+2µ) εxx = ρvp2 εxx (1.4) vertical (z) vibration, vz(t), due to a normally
incident plane wave is exactly twice the vertical
where vp (=[(λ+2µ)/ρ]1/2) is the p-wave velocity. vibration at depth below the surface. Yet in this
Since λ and µ are both constants, then it is correct, case the surface normal strain, εzz(t) (as opposed
in this instance, to state that stress is proportional to the shear strains εxz or εyz) in the vertical
to strain with respect to the wave propagation direction is zero. Thus, clearly, the vibration vz(t)
direction. is not proportional to the strain εzz(t).
Let the planar p-wave displacement, ux(t), as a The main aim of the present work is to use
function of time, t, in the x-direction be given by: analytical solutions and DFEM for a single,
axisymmetric blasthole in an infinite medium as
ux(t) = f(t-x/vp) (1.5) well as DFEM in a medium with a nearby free
surface to predict vibration and strain contours
surrounding the blasthole. DFEM solves the
where f is a general function. If vx(t) represents the
elasticity problem in a rigorous manner,
particle velocity, then:
automatically handling all free surfaces and
making no simplifying assumption between strain
vx(t) = dux(t)/dt = f ' (t-x/vp) (1.6)
and vibration. These results will then be compared
with the predictions based upon the model of
also: Holmberg and Persson (1979) in order to assess
the magnitude of any discrepancies. The starting
εxx = dux(t)/dx = (-1/vp)f ' (t-x/vp) (1.7) point of this investigation is a comparison of the
analytical and DFEM solutions for an element of
Equations (1.4), (1.6) and (1.7) yield: charge in a blasthole. The solutions are then
expanded to account for a finite VOD of the entire
explosive column; finally, the DFEM is used to appropriate displacement derivatives in the
investigate the influence of a nearby free surface. cylindrical coordinate system (r, θ, z); in the
present case of axisymmetry εrr, εzz, εrz and εθθ
2 THE VIBRATION PRODUCED BY A are the only non-zero components of strain.
SINGLE ELEMENT OF CHARGE In the present work, we have chosen to use two
particular strain parameters which do not depend
upon the rotation angle at any particular point in
Heelan (1953) gave a theory for the radiation from the rock mass. These chosen parameters are the
a single element within a long, otherwise empty, absolute value of volumetric strain, ∆ , as
blasthole for distances sufficiently removed from previously defined, and the maximum shear strain,
the source. Although both Jordan (1962) and Abo- τm, defined as
Zena (1977) have criticised the mathematical
detail of Heelan's solution, White (1983) noted
that when Abo-Zena re-worked the mathematics τm = {εrz2 + (εrr -εzz)2 }1/2 (2.1)
then, in the far-field of the source, he produced a
solution identical to that of Heelan. Furthermore The maximum shear strain is chosen because it is
White (1983) was able to reproduce Heelan's far- often associated with the strength of materials
field solution by using a completely different (Timoshenko and Goodier, 1971). It should be
approach based upon seismic reciprocity. appreciated that one of the main aims of this work
One of us (DB) has recently conducted a is to highlight the relationship between strain and
detailed comparison of the Heelan and Abo-Zena vibration in an elastic material; it is beyond the
analytical solutions and finds that if the applied present scope to investigate parameters (such as
borehole pressure function is of the form the tensile failure stress) that might be more
P=Potne-bt (Po, n, b constants), then both far- relevant to rock damage.
field solutions agree if the length of the elemental Figure 3 shows contours of the peak volumetric
charge approaches zero. In all the following strain, and Figure 4 shows contours of the peak
models b was set at 10,000 with the time value of the maximum shear strain.
waveform having a sample interval of 25 µs. A comparison of Figure 2 with Figures 3 and 4
Figure 2 (next page) shows the Abo-Zena clearly shows that the peak vibration is not
predictions for the contours of vector peak particle proportional to either the peak volumetric strain or
velocity (vppv) surrounding a cylindrical element the peak maximum shear strain; this finding is not
of charge of diameter 0.2 m and length 0.2 m. In unexpected since the charge element radiates non-
the present study only pressure functions with n=6 planar waves into the surrounding medium.
are considered for both theories. All contour levels Figure 5 shows a DFEM solution for the vppv
in this study are given for the range 0.0 to 2.0 in surrounding the element of charge within the long,
intervals of 0.2, and normalised to unity at the otherwise empty, blasthole; Figure 6 shows the
point 5 m horizontally out from the centre of the DFEM solution for the peak volumetric strain and
charge length. The material is assumed to have a Figure 7 shows the DFEM solution for the peak
p-wave velocity, vp, of 5500 m/s, a Poisson's ratio, maximum shear strain; all four boundaries are
ν, of 0.25 and a density ρ, of 2500 kg/m3. Unless non-reflecting.
stated otherwise, all boundaries extend to infinity; There is a significant discrepancy between
i.e. there are no reflections. DFEM and the analytical models for all regions
In this case of a 0.2 m charge length, there was along the length of the blasthole lying within
insignificant difference between the predictions of approximately ten times the blasthole radius. This
the Heelan and Abo-Zena models. Thus only the is as expected since the analytical models are only
Abo-Zena analytical results are shown in this far-field solutions, valid for distances given by
study. The dominant vibration lobes at an angle of R0/a > 10 and R/dh > 10; where R0 is the
45 degrees to the blasthole are due to the radiation horizontal distance from the axis of symmetry, a is
of the vertically polarised shear (SV) wave, and the charge radius, and dh the element length
the minor lobe along the horizontal axis is due to (Figure 1). However, it must be emphasised that
the p-wave. It is pertinent to note that neither the this condition is not too restrictive for a single
Holmberg-Persson nor traditional Seed Waveform element of charge having dh = 0.2 m, since in the
Models predict this dominant SV component. present case the analytical models only fail within
Spherical wave radiation is implied by these 2 m or so from the charge column. The large lobe
simple models, which means that the contour plot in the DFEM solution directly above the blasthole
of peak vibration would simply be represented as is due to the wave travelling along the borehole.
concentric circles centred on the charge element. However, due to the far-field approximations
The dynamic strains were then calculated from implied by the analytical models, this wave is not
the Abo-Zena displacements by evaluating the correctly modelled in either the Heelan or Abo-
Zena solutions. approximation to either the near-field or far-field
However, it is quite obvious that all three radiation from a blasthole
models (Heelan, Abo-Zena and DFEM) clearly
show that the radiation pattern maintains its non- 3.2 The case for finite VOD
spherical characteristic for all distances into the
far-field. Hence all these models clearly predict Abo-Zena (1977) gave a treatment accounting for
that waves radiating from a cylindrical blasthole a finite VOD across the element; however his
will not become planar, even in the very-far field; treatment did not account for variation in the
they will always maintain their non-planar form. angles such as φ1 and φ2 (Figure 1) and thus the
This characteristic of cylindrical charges was stacked elements are still required. In this case
pointed out by Jordan (1960); it is also interesting each element is time delayed by dh/v0, where v0 is
to note that Nicholls et al. (1971) arrived at the the VOD. However, despite the discrete summing
same conclusion from an analysis of experimental of 41 elements, the VOD is essentially continuous
data. throughout the entire column due to the VOD
within each element which is internal to the Abo-
3 THE VIBRATION PRODUCED BY A Zena solution. Figure 15 shows the analytical vppv
COLUMN OF CHARGE results for a base-initiated 5 m column having a
VOD of 5500 m/s; in this case the base was
3.1 The case for infinite VOD located at (0,0).
Figure 16 shows the results for the peak
In order to model an extended charge a series of volumetric strain and Figure 17 shows the results
Abo-Zena elements were stacked vertically with for the peak maximum shear strain.
the angles such as φ1 and φ2 (Figure 1) calculated Figure 18 shows the DFEM vppv results for the
for each element. It was found that the solution for 5 m charge column, Figure 19 shows the DFEM
a 5 m charge length gave acceptable convergence solution for the peak volumetric strain and Figure
for as little as 11 elements; however 41 elements 20 shows the results for the peak maximum shear
were used in the present study. The total horizontal strain. Again, in all cases the boundaries are non-
and vertical waveforms components of velocity reflecting.
and appropriate strain were then summed for all
elements, and the vppv, volumetric and maximum 3.3 The influence of a free surface
shear strains calculated for the total waveforms. It is a formidable problem (perhaps impossible)
This technique produces a solution that is only far- to incorporate the influence of a free surface
field in R0/a, and not R/L, where L is the total within the analytical model; thus only DFEM
length of the charge. This situation is different to solutions are given. Figure 21 shows the vppv due
that of the Holmberg-Persson model, which is far- to a 5 m column of explosive whose top is 5 m
field in R/L rather than R0/a below a horizontal surface. Figure 22 shows the
Figure 8 shows the Abo-Zena predictions of the results for peak volumetric strain and Figure 23
vppv surrounding a 5 m charge column, Figure 9 shows the results for the peak maximum shear
shows the peak volumetric strain and Figure 10
shows the peak maximum shear strain. As before,
all boundaries are non-reflecting.
Figures 11 to 13 show the equivalent DFEM 8
results for the 5 m charge column, and Figure 14 6
shows the vppv predictions for this charge length 1
based upon the Holmberg-Persson model of 4

equation (2.1). A direct comparison between 2

Figures 8, 11 and 14 clearly shows that the 0
Holmberg-Persson model does not predict the
realistic distribution of vibration due to a column -2
of charge, and the resulting patterns are too -4 2
simplistic in both the near-field and the far-field.
The Holmberg-Persson contours become circular -6
in the far-field of the column because in this -8
regime they are given by the simple charge weight -10
scaling law. Unfortunately, in the near-field, the -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
contours have no physical significance since they DISTANCE (m)
are based upon a flawed model that is clearly non- Fig. 14: Contours of vppv surrounding a 5
physical in this regime. Thus the Holmberg- m charge column — Holmberg-Persson
Persson model does not even supply a first order solution.
strain. 10
It is clear from Figures 21 to 23 that the free 1 1
surface has a complex and significant effect on the 8
vppv and strain especially in regions close to the 6
surface. From an analytical viewpoint, the
influence of a horizontal free surface is to double

all vertical velocities in a vertically-incident planar 2
p-wave. Thus it is not surprising that the non- 0
planar waves also have an increased vppv near the 2
free surface. However, these figures also show that -2
it is incorrect to account for the free surface by -4
simply doubling all values of vppv on the surface.
Unfortunately, this invalid technique has found its
way into the blasting literature (see, for example, -8
Persson, 1995). It is also clear from these figures -10
that there is no simple relationship between strain -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
and velocity for the realistic situation of a DISTANCE (m)
blasthole close to a free surface. Fig. 21: Vppv — DFEM solution.
There is good agreement between the analytical
and DFEM far-field contours for the vppv in a 4

single element (Figures 2, 5), the vppv in an 2

extended column having infinite VOD (Figures 8,
11) and the vppv in a column with a finite VOD 0
(Figures 15, 18). However, the agreement between -2
the analytical and DFEM far-field contours for -4
volumetric or maximum shear strain is not as
good. The particle velocity is simply the time -6
derivative of the appropriate displacement, -8
whereas the strains are dependent upon spatial
derivatives of the displacements. Thus any small -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
differences between analytical and DFEM DISTANCE (m)
displacements throughout the contour grid may Fig. 22: Peak volumetric strain — DFEM.
result in significant differences in respective
The present work clearly shows that the 8
Holmberg-Persson scaling model does not 6
correctly describe the blast vibration due to a
column of explosive. The major weaknesses of the 4

scaling model are that it does not correctly account 2

for the charge length or the radiation pattern in
either the near-field or the far-field of the charge.
-2 1
Although the Abo-Zena model gives a good 2
description of far-field vppv, and a reasonable -4
description of far-field strain, it is not as realistic
as the DFEM which correctly describes both the -6
near- and far-fields of the charge assuming elastic -8
theory. In this regard, all the DFEM contours show -10
that there is no simple relationship between strain -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
and vibration for an element of charge or an DISTANCE (m)
extended column of charge with or without a free Fig. 23: Peak maximum shear strain —
surface. In fact there is no similarity in either the DFEM.
contour shapes or the contour gradients.
The Seed Waveform model attempts to account These figures are for a 5 m charge column
for the near-field influence of charge length by whose top is 5 m below the surface, and
taking the elemental seed waveform measured whose VOD is 5500 m/s.
from a short length of charge and summing all
such elemental waveforms over the length of the D(R) = F1(R)*strain + F2(R)*vppv (3.1)
blasthole. However, the present study on the
radiation from an elemental charge clearly shows might well be a more meaningful measure of
that the shape and magnitude of this measured damage than measures of either vppv or strain
seed will depend significantly upon the angles φ1 alone. In this equation F1(R) and F2(R) are general
and φ2 (Figure 1) for which the measurement was functions of distance but also chosen such that
conducted. Both these angles change markedly D(R) is a dimensionless quantity. Furthermore,
during any summation along the blasthole, and so F1(R) would need to be short range in R (i.e.
a seed taken at any one location within the dominate near the blasthole), and F2(R) would
surrounding material cannot be used to represent need to be sensitive to the location of free
each element. surfaces, and thus be a dominant term in the
A suggested alternative is to use a modified medium-to-far field of the blasthole.
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10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4

2 2
0 0
-2 -2
2 2
-4 -4
-6 -6 1
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 2: Vppv — analytical solution. Fig. 5: Vppv — DFEM solution.
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4

2 2
0 0
-2 -2 2
2 1
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 3: Peak volumetric strain— analytical. Fig. 6: Peak volumetric strain — DFEM.
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4 1


2 1 2
0 0
-2 1 -2 2
-4 -4
2 1
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 4: Peak maximum shear strain— analytical. Fig. 7: Peak maximum shear strain — DFEM.

These figures show the specified contours surrounding a squat cylindrical element of charge
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4

2 2
0 0
-2 21 -2
-4 -4 12
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 8: Vppv — analytical solution. Fig. 11: Vppv — DFEM solution.
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4

2 2
0 0
-2 -2
2 21
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 9: Peak volumetric strain — analytical. Fig. 12: Peak volumetric strain — DFEM.
10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4


2 2
0 1 0
-2 -2
-4 -4 2
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 10: Peak maximum shear strain — analytical. Fig. 13: Peak maximum shear strain — DFEM.

These figures show the specified contours surrounding a 5 m charge column having infinite VOD.
10 10
8 8
6 1 6
4 4

2 2
0 0
1 1 2
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 15: Vppv — analytical solution. Fig. 18: Vppv — DFEM solution.
10 10
8 8
1 2 1
6 6
4 4

2 2
0 0
-2 -2
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 16: Peak volumetric strain — analytical. Fig. 19: Peak volumetric strain — DFEM
10 10
8 8
6 2 1 6
4 4


2 2
0 0 1
-2 -2 2
-4 -4
-6 -6
-8 -8
10 -10
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10
Fig. 17: Peak maximum shear strain — analytical. Fig. 20: Peak maximum shear strain — DFEM.

These figures show the specified contours for a 5 m charge column having a VOD of 5500 m/s.

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