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Short Answers Type Questions

1. Write the laws of boolean algebra?
2. What is overflow condition in digital system?
3. Convert (27.35)8 to the base of 10.
4. Explain floating point representation with example?
5. Explain binary number system with example?
6. Explain octal number system with example?
7. Explain hexadecimal number system with example?
8. Explain binary addition with example?
9. Explain binary subtraction with example?
10.Explain binary multiplication with example?
11.Explain binary division with example?
12.Draw block diagram of combinational and sequential circuit.
13.What is sequential circuit? Give example.
14.Write binary equivalents of decimal 0 to 15.
15.Write short notes on digital systems.
16. Explain computer architecture in detail.
17.Explain fixed point representation.
18.Design a 3x8 decoder with the help of two 2x4 decoder.
19.Write the two forms of boolean expression.
20.Write short notes on I/O processor.
21.(97)10 = (?)2
22.Convert the octal no. 645 to equivalent decimal no.
23.Convert the octal no. 5273 to equivalent decimal no.
24.Convert the hexadecimal no. 5A9 to equivalent decimal no.
25.Convert the hexadecimal no. 1A5D to equivalent decimal no.
26.Convert the decimal no. 61 to equivalent octal no.
27.Convert the decimal no. 461 to equivalent octal no.
28.Convert the decimal no. 2747 to equivalent octal no.
29.Convert the decimal no. 35 to equivalent hexadecimal no.
30.Convert the decimal no. 10767 to equivalent hexadecimal no.
31.Convert the binary no. 101111100 to equivalent octal no.

32.Convert the binary no. 101111100 to equivalent octal no.
33.Convert the octal no. 436 to equivalent binary no.
34.Convert the octal no. 527 to equivalent binary no.
35.Convert the binary no. 010111011001 to equivalent hexadecimal no.
36.Convert the binary no. 1101011010 to equivalent hexadecimal no.
37.Convert the hexadecimal no. 5CB8 to its equivalent binary no.
38.Explain De-Morgan Theorem.
39.Convert the hexadecimal no. 4F2D to equivalent binary no.
40.Convert the hexadecimal no. 4DF to its equivalent octal no.
41.Convert the hexadecimal no. 5A to its equivalent octal no.
42. Convert the octal no. 27 to its equivalent hexadecimal no.
43. Convert the following decimal no. to binary no.
i. 29.8
ii. 5.8125
iii. 3.109375
iv. 12.5078125
44.Find the octal equivalent of decimal no.100.250
45.Convert the following binary number to decimal
i. 101110
ii. 1110101
iii. 110110100
46.Convert the following decimal number to binary
i. 1231
ii. 673
iii. 1998
47.Obtain the 1’s and 2’s complement of the following eight binary numbers
i. 10101110
ii. 10000001
iii. 10000000
iv. 00000001
v. 00000000
48.List the components of a microprocessor?
49.Explain the functions of an address bus and data bus.
50.What does RAM stand for?

Long Answers Type Questions
1. Show that a JK flip-flop can be converted to a D flip flop with an inverter
between J and K.
2. What is full adder? List the truth table of full adder and draw the logic
3. What is register? Explain the function of bidirectional shift register with
parallel load with the help of diagram.
4. Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous data transfer.
Describe the asynchronous serial data transfer.
5. What are the functions of cache memory? Explain the terms cache hit and
cache miss.
6. Explain the following:
a. Associative memory
b. Virtual Memory
c. Magnetic Disk
7. What do you mean by overflow? Describe the overflow detection.
8. What is floating point notation? What is its benefit?
9. What is isolated versus memory mapped I/O?
10.Describe the different modes of data transfer.
11.What is the difference between combinational circuit and sequential circuit?
Explain half adder with logic diagram and truth table?
12.What do you mean by complement of a number? Explain 1’s and 2’s
complement method.
13.Subtract the following unsigned numbers using two’s complement:
a. 11110011–11000011
b. 10001101–11111000
14.Simplify the following Boolean function using four variable K-map. Also
draw logic diagram of original and simplified circuit:
15.Explain encoder with help of diagram.
16.Draw the logic circuit for the following functions:
a. F (X, Y, Z) =(X+Y)'+YZ
b. F (X, Y, Z) =(XYZ)'+XZ+YZ
17.What is mapping? How many types of mapping are there in a cache memory?
18.What do you understand by auxiliary memory? Give example of some
auxiliary memory.

19.What are logic gates? Explain different logic gates with their truth tables and
20.What is Kaurnaugh map (K’ Map). Why it is used. Explain with an example.
21.Simplify the following boolean function using four variable K-map. Also
draw logic diagram of original and simplified circuit:
F(A, B,C,D)=∑(0,2,4,6,7,8,10,13,15)
22.Perform the arithmetic operations (+42) + (-13) and (-42) – (-13) in binary
using signed 2’s complement representation for negative numbers.
23.Explain encoder with the help of diagram.
24.Define multiplexers. Also draw the characteristic table and logic diagram.
25.What is excitation table? List the excitation table for SR flip flop, JK flip flop,
D flip flop and T flip flop.
26.Simplify the following functions where D is a don't care function:
a. F(w,x,y,z) = ∑(0,3,4)
D(w,x,y,z) = ∑(2,6)
b. F(w,x,y,z) = ∑(0,1,3,5,9,11)
D(w,x,y,z) = ∑(2,4,8,10)
27.Simplify the boolean function F together with don’t care condition D in :
a. Sum of product
b. Product of sum
F(w,x,y,z) = ∑(0,1,2,3,7,8,10)
D(w,x,y,z) = ∑(5,6,11,15)
28.Explain the strobe and handshaking method of data transfer.
29.List the different types of RAM.
30.What is hit ratio?
31.What is the function of a page table?
32.List cache mapping methods.
33.What is the advantage of a set associative versus direct mapping of caches?
34.What is virtual memory?
35.List computer buses.
1. Mano, M. Morris. Computer system architecture. Prentice-Hall of India,
2. Bartee, Thomas C. Computer architecture and logic design. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1991.

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