Science Grade 1 Term 1

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Science grade 1 term 1

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. Trees ____________(should / should not) be planted in our
2. The area around our house is called our _______________
(school/ surrounding)
3. We should throw wastes in the
4. We can fall ill if our surroundings are ___________(clean/dirty)
5. ___________(Trees/Garbage) keep the air clean and green.
6. Non-living things ___________(can/cannot) breathe.
7. Man-made things __________(can/cannot) grow.
8. Living things _________(can/cannot ) move on their own.
9. Man-made things __________(can/Cannot) feel.
10. Non-living things ____________(can/cannot) reproduce.
11. Big and strong plants are called ____________(trees/climbers)
12. A ____________(seed/leaf) has a baby plant inside it.
13. __________(All/Some) plants cannot grow straight on their
14. The ___________(root/stem) fixes the plant to the ground.
15. The ___________(stem/roof) takes food and water to all parts
of the plant.
16. We get ________(oil/milk) from plants.
17. We get __________(coffee/eggs) from plants.
18. We eat the root of ___________(radish/cauliflower).
19. Rice is an example of __________(cereals/pulses)
20. Seeds of _____________(wheat/peas) are pulses.
21. __________(Birds/Fish) are animals with wings.
22. ________________(Squirrels/Crocodiles) can live on land as
well as in water.
23. Insects are animals with __________(two/six) legs.
24. Fish are animals that live in ___________(air/water).
25. ____________(Crow/Ostrich) is a bird that cannot fly.
26. A ________(squirrel/cow) eats grass.
27. At home, we keep fish in an
28. A ____________(forest/cave) is a large area covered with
mainly trees and plants.
29. Birds make __________(burrow/nests) to ______________(lay
eggs/eat food)
30. __________(Bees/Birds) make hives to live in.
31. Our _________(legs/hands) help us to walk.
32. The ___________(Nose/tongue) helps us to taste.
33. Our __________(legs/hands) help us to write.
34. The __________(nose/skin) helps us to smell.
35. There are _________(four/five) sense organs.
1. Write True or False:
1. Adults grow up to become children. ________
2. We do many different things using different parts of our
3. The eyes help us to see.
4. We can feel the world only with our eyes.
5. The ear helps us to feel and touch.
6. A rabbit lives in a cave.
7. Animals eat the same kind of food.
8. Horses are kept in stables. ________
9. A dog lives in a shed. ________
10. Lions and tigers eat insects and worms.
11. We eat only leaves of plants as vegetables.
12. We eat the stem of cauliflower as a vegetable.
13. We get tea and coffee from plants.
14. Wheat and rice are common pulses we eat.
15. We also get spices from plants.
16. Plants are of different types.
17. All seeds are of the same kind.
18. All plants need support of walls to grow.
19. A seed grows into a flower. ________
20. A root absorbs water from the soil.
21. All plants are living things. ________
22. All living things are like non-living things.
23. All animals grow and move.
24. All animals are non-living things. ________
25. All man made things are non-living.
26. We cannot find animals in our surroundings.
27. Trees help us in many ways.
28. We should keep our surroundings dirty.
29. We can fall ill if our surrounds are clean.
30. We should not litter. ________
1. Choose the correct option:
1. Which of these are present in our surroundings?
a. plants b. animals c. buildings d. all of these
2. We should not
a. litter b. grow plants c. clean our house d. use
3. Which of these keep our surroundings clean and green?
a. plants b. animals c. buildings d. all of these
4. Clean and green surroundings help us to stay
a. healthy b. ill c. sad d. beautiful
5. Which of these can living things do?
a. grow b. feel c. reproduce d. all of these
6. Which of these are living things?
a. plants b. animals c. toys d. both a and b
7. Which of these is true about non-living things?
a. They can only be natural. B. They can only be man-made
c. They can be either natural or man-made
d. They can breathe, grow and reproduce
8. Which of these are man made things?
a. wood b. paper c. water d. soil
9. Which of these non-living things are needed by living things to
a. Air b. Water c. Soil d. all of these
10. Which of these plants can grow straight on their own?
a. grapevine b. money plant c. coconut d. all of these
11. Which of these plant parts changes into a fruit?
a. root b. stem c. leaf d. flower’
12. Which of these do seeds need to grow?
a. light b. air 3. Water d. all of these
13. Which of these is true about climbers?
a. They cannot grow straight on their own.
b. They need support to grow straight.
c. They are weak plants. D. all of these
14. Which of these is true about the root?
a. It fixes the plant to the ground.
b. It takes in food and water to all parts of the plant
c. It takes in water and other things needed by the plant.
d. Both a and c.
15. Which of these foods do we get from plants?
a. cereals and pulses b. fruits
c. vegetables d. all of these
16. Which of these do we not get from plants?
a. tea and coffee b. oil and sugar c. milk d. spices
17. Which of these are not cereals?
a. rice b. wheat c. maize d. gram
18. Which of these plants are root vegetables?
a. sugarcane and potato b. broccoli and cauliflower
c. carrot and beetroot d. spinach and cabbage
19. Which of these plants are cereals?
a. maize and corn b. rice and wheat
c. gram and peas d. both a and b
20. Which of these is true about birds?
a. they have two feet and wings b. they have a break
c. they do not have teeth. D. all of these
21. Which of these is true about insects?
a. it is a small animal b. it has six legs
c. some of them have wings to fly d. all of these
22. Which of these animals would you find living in water?
a. monkey b. fish c. elephant d. all of these
23. Which of these birds can fly?
a. crow b. ostrich c. penguin d. all of them
24. Which of these animals can live on land as well as in water?
a. crocodile b. dolphin c. monkey d. squirrel
25. Which of these animals eats insects?
a. woodpecker b. lizards c. eagle d. both a and b
26. Which of these do birds use to make nests?
a. stones b. straw and twigs c. leaves and cotton
d. both b and c
27. Which of these animals eat seeds?
a. cows and horses b. hens and squirrels
c. lizards and woodpeckers d. all of these
28. Where do we find bats and bears?
a. in caves b. in hives c. in burrows d. in nests
29. Which of these animals eat plants and flesh of other animals?
a. bear and crow b. tiger and eagle
c. cow and squirrel d. lizard and woodpecker
30. Which of these do we do using our legs?
a. walk b. run c. play d. all of these
31. What do we call grown up people?
a. adults b. children c. sense organs d. all of these
32. Which of these help us to eat and carry things?
a. legs b. hands c. ears d. all of these
33. We feel hot or cold with the help of our ____________
a. eyes b. ears c. skin d. nose
34. Which of these is not a sense organ?
a. eyes and ears b. tongue and skin
c. hands and legs d. nose
Give one word for the following:
1. The body part that helps us to walk to school.
2. Children grow up to become this.
3. The body part that helps us to eat.
4. The body part that helps us to feel the world around us
5. A large area covered mainly with trees and small plants
6. A home that bees make to live
7. A rabbit makes this to live _________
8. Horses are kept in this.
9. Animals with wings and two legs _________
10. The body part of a bird that helps it to eat
11. Small animals with six legs
12. Big and strong plants
13. Plants that grow along the ground
14. Plants that need the support of walls and sticks to grow

Match the following

1. Coconut a. grows along the ground
2. Rose b. small plant
3. Pumpkin c. big and strong plant
4. Grapevine d. climbs up a wall

1. Wings a. swims
2. Beak b. six legs
3. Penguin c. for flying
4. Duck d. cannot fly
5. Insects e. for eating

1. Cow a. seeds
2. Hen b. flesh of other animals
3. Lizard c. grass
4. Tiger d. both plants and animals
5. Bear e. insects

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