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Republic of the Philippines


Sorsogon City Campus
Engineering-Architecture Department
Sorsogon City

Bachelor of Science in Architecture



Sorsogon Serenity: Designing a Beach

Resort Hotel Complex, Integrating
Oceanic Waves and Showcasing Local
Abaca Artistry

Prepared by:

BS Architecture 3A

Submitted to:

Assistant Professor

Republic of the Philippines

Sorsogon City Campus
Engineering-Architecture Department
Sorsogon City

Bachelor of Science in Architecture




An Undergraduate Research Study Presented to

The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Department
Sorsogon State University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Background of the Study
Matnog, Sorsogon appears as a hidden jewel in the southernmost parts of the radiant Bicol Peninsula in the
Philippines, waiting to be discovered by visitors seeking an appealing blend of natural beauty and cultural richness.
This coastal municipality has exquisite beaches, delicate white sands, and crystal-clear waters that entice visitors to
relax in nature's embrace. The region serves as a gateway to the Matnog Group of Islands, which includes treasures
such as Subic Beach and Tikling Island, where colorful coral reefs and rich marine life provide a stunning
underwater show.
While the natural beauty of Matnog has long been acknowledged by residents, the potential for tourism is
only getting started. With the addition of beach resorts, Matnog will become a sought-after destination for
vacationers seeking a harmonious blend of relaxation and adventure. These resorts, ideally located to highlight the
splendor of the region, are set to provide unmatched experiences, ranging from waterfront accommodations to
immersive cultural tours.
The proposed beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon, stands out as a visionary concept that aims
to capitalize on the region's untapped natural beauty and tourism opportunities. Matnog, in the Philippines' Bicol
Peninsula, is blessed with pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and magnificent sceneries, making it a perfect
canvas for the development of a renowned beach resort. One of the primary goals of the research is to evaluate the
proposed project's socioeconomic impact. This entails a thorough analysis of the potential for job development
within the local community, with the goal of empowering individuals by giving career opportunities in a variety of
roles within the resort complex. In addition, the study will look into opportunities for local business development,
with the goal of stimulating economic growth through collaboration with adjacent businesses, artisans, and service
providers. The beach resort hotel complex hopes to become an integral component of Matnog's economic landscape
by cultivating a symbiotic relationship with the local economy.
Recognizing the significance of community engagement, the study will place a strong emphasis on
collaboration with residents and stakeholders. To gather insights, preferences, and concerns, surveys, focus groups,
and community forums will be used. This inclusive strategy ensures that the local community's ambitions and needs
are not only heard, but also actively integrated into the project's planning and execution. The beach resort hotel
complex hopes to become a source of pride and benefit the community by encouraging a sense of ownership and
The study will conduct a thorough assessment of the environmental effects of the beach resort hotel
complex's construction. It will investigate measures to reduce environmental effects, such as responsible waste
management, energy-efficient techniques, and landscaping that respects the area's natural biodiversity. The
incorporation of sustainable techniques will be prioritized to ensure the long-term preservation of Matnog's pristine
natural resources. This environmental stewardship commitment is consistent with global efforts toward responsible
tourism and ecological conservation.
The formation of collaborative alliances with local communities, government agencies, and environmental
organizations is critical to the project's success. To gather views, address problems, and ensure a harmonious
relationship between the resort and its stakeholders, regular consultations and open communication channels will be
established. Collaboration with government agencies will entail adhering to local norms and standards, while
collaboration with environmental organizations will help to apply best practices for sustainable development.
Developing a beach resort hotel complex is analogous to conducting a symphony in which the music of
nature blends with the design, services, and experiences available to visitors. The architectural design should blend
in with the terrain to have the least influence on the environment. Every aspect, from building orientation to the
preservation of existing vegetation, is meticulously considered to create a symbiotic interaction between the resort
and its surroundings.
The beach resort hotel complex's architecture should be a visual symphony that resonates with the local
culture and surroundings. The constructions, inspired by traditional Filipino architecture and combined with modern
amenities, should generate a sense of place. The use of indigenous materials, themes inspired by the local
environment, and open spaces that frame stunning views all combine to a style that is both refined and grounded in
its natural surroundings. Design must favor functionality over appearances. The beach resort hotel complex should
provide a smooth transition between public and private areas. From the welcome lobby to the private apartments
with beach views, every detail has been thoughtfully arranged to maximize comfort and convenience. Recreational
amenities, dining places, and rest areas are thoughtfully located to improve the entire guest experience.
The beach resort hotel complex should not be viewed as a standalone entity, but rather as a conduit for
cultural immersion. This is accomplished by incorporating local art, cuisine, and activities. Collaborations with local
artists and cultural performers can add authenticity to the guest experience, creating a stronger bond between guests
and the dynamic local culture.
A beach resort hotel complex is not complete until it has a sophisticated selection of recreational and
wellness activities. Infinity pools that blend into the horizon, spa facilities that offer traditional Filipino remedies,
and water sports facilities that take use of Matnog's aquatic beauties all contribute to a diverse and intriguing menu
of experiences for guests. Lastly, the design should contain areas that welcome the local people. The beach resort
hotel complex becomes a constructive influence for the local community, extending the benefits beyond its guests,
whether through a market exhibiting local products, collaborations with neighborhood artists, or community
outreach activities.

Statement of the Problem

A beach resort hotel complex is a multidimensional hospitality property strategically located along the
coastline or beachfront, precisely designed to provide a diverse range of accommodations, amenities, and services to
consumers seeking an immersive seaside vacation experience. This intricate concept combines luxury, comfort, and
recreation to create a holistic setting that responds to guests' various interests and aspirations.
Matnog, Sorsogon, a coastal municipality noted for its natural beauty and cultural richness, hopes to create a
beach resort hotel complex as a driver for tourism and economic growth. However, various obstacles and issues must
be addressed for this venture to be successful and sustainable. The primary issue to be addressed in this study is:
What considerations will guide the selection of materials indigenous to the Sorsogon region, ensuring
authenticity and a genuine connection to the local environment?

Aside from the major issue at hand, the subject raises other fundamental questions, including the following:

1. How can the beach resort hotel complex's development and operation affect the local ecosystem,
including beaches, flora, animals, and marine life?
2. How can the influx of tourists be handled to ensure the resort complex's success while also preserving the
local identity and environment?
3. What safety measures and promotion mechanisms are in place to protect and promote local culture and
history in the face of tourism development, and how may they be strengthened?
4. What are the potential social and cultural consequences for the local community, and how can they be
managed or harnessed for beneficial results?
5. What sustainability techniques are being included into the resort complex's construction and operation, and
how might they be improved for long-term environmental and social benefits?

The proposed beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon, is dependent on a strategic approach that
emphasizes teamwork, creativity, and a strong dedication to preserving the spirit of Sorsogon's rich culture. The resort
complex has the potential to be a beacon of culture, diplomacy, and economic growth by proactively addressing
obstacles and capitalizing on opportunities. The importance of teamwork in establishing collaboration among
stakeholders, local communities, and professionals from various sectors cannot be overstated. The project may
incorporate multiple perspectives through open communication channels, community engagement, and a unified
vision, ensuring that the resort complex becomes a source of pride for both inhabitants and guests.

Review of Related Literature

Matnog is a unique song in the symphony of tourism's dynamic effect, where the harmonies of natural allure
and cultural legacy crescendo. This review has shed light on the critical role of tourism in developing a destination's
cultural and economic tapestry. The need for sophisticated exploration is highlighted as Matnog prepares for the
arrival of a beach resort hotel complex. The combination of natural beauty and cultural traditions creates a delicate
environment that necessitates careful planning to guarantee that progress is woven into the fabric of the community
without destroying its distinctive identity.
In Matnog, the interaction between cultural heritage and economic development becomes a main topic of
discussion. The literature emphasizes the delicate balance that must be maintained to guarantee that economic
growth does not come at the expense of cultural authenticity. As the beach resort hotel complex becomes a symbol
of change, it is critical to draw on the experiences of other destinations to create a model that respects and embraces
the distinctive cultural traditions that define Matnog. The literature study underlines the relevance of sustainable
tourism practices, suggesting that responsible development may be a driving factor for positive change that benefits
both the local people and the environment.
Overall, this review of related literature lays the groundwork for understanding the various ramifications
and considerations involved with the proposed beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon. It is an invitation to
embrace tourism's transformative power while addressing development with sensitivity to preserve the essence of
Matnog's natural and cultural heritage. As Matnog's story unfolds, this exploration will serve as a guidepost, arguing
for a future in which economic prosperity coexists with cultural preservation, ensuring that future development
leaves a legacy of sustainable and enriching growth.
In the article “Beach resorts: A model of development evolution”, Russel Arthur Smith stated that beach
resorts emerge from natural settings when accommodation and other recreational services expand. As they grow,
they lose their natural qualities and become more urbanized. The transition from natural to urban resort is frequently
quick, with some seaside resorts becoming cities in less than two decades. The enormous number of international
and domestic tourists who visit beach resorts creates economic opportunities for governments, businesses, and job
seekers. At the same time, rapid urbanization dynamics are typically accompanied with significant changes in social,
environmental, and political environments. The growth of modern beach resorts has both positive and bad
consequences; however, the processes of evolution and synergism of its composite elements are less obvious.
Beach resorts' transformation from pristine natural settings to metropolitan hubs illustrates a complex
interplay of economic opportunities and environmental problems. While the flood of foreign and domestic tourists’
benefits governments, businesses, and local job markets, the quick shift from natural to urban resorts causes
enormous social, environmental, and political consequences. The twofold expansion of modern beach resorts
emphasizes the importance of a balanced and sustainable approach to development. Recognizing the underlying
contradictions between economic gain and environmental protection is critical as these destinations evolve.
In the article “How to Plan and Design a Resort”, it is stated that when adding features into the resort's
design, local culture and history should be considered. Since visual appeal is crucial to a resort's success,
architectural components should include local building materials and fit seamlessly into the environment. Focusing
on these components will provide tourists with a remarkable and one-of-a-kind experience that will set them apart
from the typical hotel stay. This approach not only enhances the aesthetic allure of the place, but also builds a
stronger connection between tourists and the destination, leaving a lasting memory that lasts beyond their stay.
Resorts that prioritize the preservation and celebration of local identity not only increase their attractiveness, but
they also help to the sustainable and responsible growth of tourism destinations.
The beach resort hotel complex in Matnog can provide travelers with a genuinely exceptional and one-of-a-
kind experience by focusing on these components. Visitors will not only appreciate the modern conveniences and
comforts, but they will also be immersed in the rich tapestry of local customs, which will lend a layer of depth to
their stay. The resort can serve as a portal for guests to explore and appreciate Sorsogon's cultural intricacies,
producing memorable memories that go beyond the standard hotel experience. This thoughtful incorporation of local
elements not only distinguishes the beach resort from conventional accommodations, but also contributes to the
preservation and celebration of Sorsogon's distinct identity, fostering a long-term and enriching relationship between
the resort and the local community.
According to Rachata Channoi, Michael D. Clemes, and David L. Dean in the article "A comprehensive
hierarchical model of beach resort hotel stays" that the structural equation modeling results show that service quality
has a favorable impact on customer satisfaction. client happiness and corporate image are the two most important
factors influencing client loyalty. Customer satisfaction also serves as a full mediator in the relationship between
service quality and customer loyalty, as well as between consumer perceived value and customer loyalty. The
importance of the sub and primary aspects of service quality varies as well. A comprehensive analysis reveals the
intricate interplay of these elements in shaping customer loyalty within the studied context.
Understanding that customer satisfaction acts as a full mediator underlines the importance of ensuring high
levels of satisfaction among guests. This entails not only meeting but exceeding customer service quality standards.
Furthermore, acknowledging the variable importance of sub and major characteristics within service quality
emphasizes the importance of personalizing services to specific client preferences and needs at the beach resort hotel
complex. Given the delicate interplay of these variables, the management should strategically align efforts to
improve client happiness, develop a positive corporate image, and emphasize aspects of service quality that have a
substantial impact on customer loyalty. This comprehensive strategy is critical for laying the groundwork for client
loyalty and, eventually, the success of the beach resort hotel complex.
In the article “A Micro-Home Holiday Resort in Türkiye and a Wine Cellar Visitor Center in Georgia: 8
Unbuilt Tourist Facilities Submitted by the ArchDaily Community”, it is stated that Tourist facilities are an
important architectural program because they not only provide vital amenities for guests but also capture a
destination's cultural soul. Resorts and hotels experiment with comfort and leisure concepts, restaurants immerse
tourists in local culinary culture, and vineyards combine craftsmanship, tradition, and modernity. Another amenity
that is frequently offered for visitors is visitor centers, which serve as entry points to the city. Aside from their
adaptability, these architectural interventions frequently seek to relate to and harmonize with the local setting to
enrich the narrative of the place and create a memorable experience for each visitor.
The proposed beach resort in Matnog understands the value of adaptation and a harmonious relationship
with the local environment. This is consistent with the article's notion that architectural interventions, such as visitor
centers, should enhance the place's narrative. In the backdrop of Matnog, the resort strives to blend in with the
natural beauty of the coastal area by incorporating local materials and design aspects that reflect the region's cultural
identity. This strategy not only improves the resort's aesthetic appeal but also contributes to Matnog's overall story
as a distinctive and culturally rich destination.
According to Angelo Luigi Tartaglia in the article “Beach hotel design”, it is stated that the essential
necessity that all buildings, condominiums, and hotels within a beach resort hotel complex have panoramic sea
views indicates a strategic commitment to offering an unrivaled visitor experience. This requirement not only
ensures that every guest accommodation has stunning ocean views, but it also corresponds with the overall goal of
establishing a genuinely immersive and quiet seaside retreat. The resort's architecture prioritizes panoramic sea
views in order to effortlessly incorporate the natural beauty of the surrounds into the fabric of the resort, establishing
a connection between guests and the lovely coastal setting.
The insistence on panoramic sea views for all structures within the proposed beach resort hotel complex in
Matnog, Sorsogon, echoes the principles outlined by Angelo Luigi Tartaglia in his article "Beach hotel design." This
strategic commitment reflects a shared vision of providing an unparalleled visitor experience by ensuring that each
building, condominium, and hotel within the resort offers breathtaking ocean vistas. This method aims to effortlessly
integrate the natural beauty of the coastal surroundings into the resort's fabric, forging a profound connection
between visitors and the enchanting coastal location of Matnog, Sorsogon. This type of design not only improves the
aesthetic appeal of the lodgings, but it also adds to the establishment of a quiet and harmonious environment,
allowing guests to completely appreciate their stay.

Case Studies
This part of the study provides a thorough investigation of the dynamic domain of proposed beach resort
hotel complexes, demonstrating the complicated tapestry woven by varied geographical locales, architectural
philosophies, and socioeconomic conditions. Geographical variations shape the character of these developments, as
illustrated by case studies set in lush tropical paradises and historic coastal communities. Because of the unique
characteristics of each region, a bespoke strategy is required, considering not only the visual appeal but also the
environmental impact of the proposed beach resort hotel complexes. This regional diversity serves as a magnifying
glass for the difficulties and opportunities unique to each location, showing the adaptability and resilience required in
the face of changing landscapes and ecosystems.
The design ideas adopted by developers emerge as a crucial focus point within this selected collection.
These case studies show a range of architectural options, from creative modernism to historically conscious
integration. The complex interplay between innovation and tradition is shown, revealing a rich tapestry of design
ideas that go beyond just aesthetic concerns. Developers face the task of constructing places that not only enchant
guests with their richness but also effortlessly fit into the cultural and historical fabric of the chosen region. This
examination of design principles highlights the complexities involved in reconciling desires for lavish luxury with a
real appreciation for the cultural and architectural legacy of the surrounds.
This collection of case studies provides an insight into the thorough planning necessary to balance luxury
with good environmental measures. This emphasis on sustainability correlates with the hospitality industry's
developing ethos, emphasizing the significance of minimizing ecological footprints and positively contributing to
the surrounding ecosystems. In essence, this collection invites a deep dive into the subtle realm of beach resort hotel
complex development, with each case study serving as a narrative thread connecting the numerous features that
distinguish these enormous projects.
In the case study Infinity Resort Corbett, it is stated that the said resort uses natural contours and
vegetation of site to dedicate circulation and bed space, uses free form which blend with the meander the landscape
forming intimate spaces within the structure, and will also use natural stone, local woods, and tribal artifacts. The
Infinity Resort's architectural philosophy, which capitalizes on the site's natural curves and vegetation, demonstrates
a commitment to environmental integration and sustainable luxury. The intentional use of free-form structures that
perfectly merge with the meandering terrain not only optimizes circulation and bed space allocation, but also
encourages the creation of intimate, tranquil areas within the resort. The use of natural stone, native woods, and
tribal relics demonstrates a commitment to cultural authenticity and harmonious interaction with the environment.
By combining these components, the Infinity Resort emerges as an example of ethical and culturally aware
development, not just an appealing hideaway.
The design philosophy for the proposed beach resort hotel complex at Matnog, Sorsogon, closely mirrors
that of the Infinity Resort, with a strong emphasis on embracing the site's natural curves and vegetation. The
complex can optimize the allocation of circulation and bed spaces by strategically incorporating the surrounding
landscape into the resort's plan, providing an organic flow that improves both functionality and aesthetic appeal. The
use of free-form structures, like those seen at the Infinity Resort, allows the buildings to blend in with the
meandering landscape, producing private spaces within the structure that mimic the surrounding natural beauty of
Furthermore, the use of natural stone, indigenous woods, and tribal items is consistent with Matnog's
cultural and environmental background. Using indigenous materials and drawing inspiration from the rich local
tradition guarantees that the beach resort hotel complex becomes part of the community narrative. The incorporation
of these components not only helps to the architectural and design features' authenticity, but also develops a link
between guests and the local culture.
In the case study of the Beach Resort by G.M.ARVINTH, shows the standard requirements of each room
or building of a resort. This case study clearly states the usual measurements as well as how the rooms should be set
up. Its floor plans also accentuate the overall appearance of the buildings inside the resort. This case study
emphasizes the importance of resort architecture precision and thorough thinking, ensuring that every space is
efficiently utilized to satisfy both functional and aesthetic objectives. The emphasis on standard requirements
demonstrates a dedication to offering consistent and high-quality service to guests. Furthermore, the emphasis on the
overall design of the structures, as seen by the floor plans, emphasizes the necessity of establishing a coherent and
visually pleasing resort atmosphere.
Applying the resort design accuracy and detailed planning concepts stressed in the case study to the
proposed beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon, demonstrates a commitment to building a hospitality
sanctuary that shines in both form and function. The importance of optimally utilizing every area corresponds with
Matnog's distinctive topography, encouraging the resort's design to incorporate natural shapes and plants. This not
only improves functionality but also creates an immersive experience for tourists as they walk through places that
are harmoniously integrated with the scenic surroundings.
Additionally, the emphasis on overall design, as evidenced by floor plans, underlines the importance of
creating a cohesive and visually appealing resort ambiance in Matnog. By considering the local culture and
environmental context, the planned beach resort can duplicate the case study's success by effortlessly merging
architectural aesthetics with the region's natural beauty. This method ensures that the resort not only meets
functional requirements, but also blends into the Matnog landscape in a harmonious and visually appealing way.
Another case study, Amandari Resort, Bali, states that the interior design of this resort has enough green
and water body are used inside the built form, has a double height space used for interesting environment, and has
wood, bamboo, and many artificial materials used to create different feelings. The use of extensive flora and water
bodies inside the interior areas demonstrates a dedication to a natural and immersive environment. This design
option not only improves the aesthetic appeal but also connects the interior with the lush surrounds, generating a
sense of calm and continuity with the natural landscape. Greenery and water features add to a refreshing and quiet
setting, giving guests a one-of-a-kind and relaxing experience. The use of double-height areas adds a new level of
excitement and energy to the interior design. The resorts generate a sense of grandeur and openness by adding these
wide vertical components. Double-height areas can improve natural lighting, provide visual appeal, and contribute to
a larger and airier atmosphere, making interior spaces more engaging and attractive.
The beach resort in Matnog can have rich landscaping, possibly featuring native plants and carefully
position water features, to incorporate enough vegetation and water bodies into the architectural form. A well-
designed interior that blends in with the natural surroundings may create a tranquil ambiance, giving guests a
constant connection to the seaside area. Using indigenous flora can add authenticity while also contributing to
ecological objectives. In a seaside setting, adopting the concept of double-height spaces might be especially
appealing. Panorama views of the beach can be captured through expansive windows and wide, breezy rooms,
increasing the visitor experience, and generating a sense of openness. This design decision not only capitalizes on
Matnog's natural beauty, but also adds a touch of grandeur to the resort's architecture.
Incorporating elements such as wood and bamboo complements the coastal look and can connect with the
local culture. These materials can be purchased locally, benefiting the community, and fostering an authentic
environment. Furthermore, incorporating synthetic materials for contemporary design features can offer a level of
sophistication, giving guests a diverse sensory experience and boosting the overall aesthetic appeal.
In another case study of the Wind Flower Hill Spa and Resort, it is stated that the resort has a linear type
of planning. Linear planning is better to occupy the site area. This type of form does not keep negative space. The
Wind Flower Spa & Resort's decision to use a linear planning style is a purposeful move that goes beyond simply
aesthetics. It is a practical design that maximizes site area while minimizing negative space, improving
connectedness, increasing visual coherence, and allowing for future flexibility and development. This technique
represents a deliberate and deliberate design philosophy in producing a resort that is both useful and visually
The use of a linear planning method, as seen at the Wind Flower Spa and Resort, is important for the
proposed beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon. Embracing this type of planning is beneficial in
optimizing the utilization of the coastal site region, where land supply is frequently limited. The linear architecture
not only guarantees that resort structures are strategically aligned along the beachfront, enhancing ocean views, and
creating an immersive experience for guests, but it also eliminates negative space by encouraging efficient and
effective use of available land. This design philosophy improves the resort's overall aesthetic coherence while
permitting logical connectivity between various services, hence contributing to the beach resort's seamless
integration with the local environment.
Another case study about The Soneva Resort in the Maldives' states that the dedication to sustainability is
not only a token gesture, but a core component of the company's policy. The resort's website is a comprehensive
repository of detailed information, providing insights into the different sustainability-related policies that have been
adopted in recent years. The resort's commitment to reducing its environmental effect is shown by the ambitious
goal of reaching carbon neutrality by 2014. The resort's dedication to transparency is obvious in its proactive
communication with the author, which responds to specific concerns regarding their processes on a frequent basis
and promptly provides all requested data. This level of transparency not only demonstrates the resort's trust in its
sustainability programs, but it also demonstrates a dedication to accountability and continual improvement.
The projected beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon, intends to make sustainability an intrinsic
part of its basic policies, drawing inspiration from The Soneva Resort's commitment to sustainability in the
Maldives. In line with the Soneva Resorts concept, the Matnog beach resort seeks to go beyond token gestures and
incorporate sustainability as a basic tenet in its creation and management. The Matnog beach resort, like The Soneva
Resort, wants to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability through a full and open portrayal on its website. This
comprehensive information repository will provide insights into the resort's sustainability policies, demonstrating its
dedication to ethical and eco-conscious operations.
Goals and Objectives
The commitment to developing the beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon, a haven of leisure and
relaxation extends beyond the mere construction of a beach resort hotel complex; it includes a vision that
harmoniously integrates the natural beauty of the coastal surroundings with modern amenities, ensuring an
unforgettable experience for our guests. These goals and objectives will be used by the researcher to create an
effective hotel beach resort complex.
a. To promote the appreciation of Philippine natural scenic spots.
b. To develop economic and financial opportunities.
c. To enhance our cultural values.

Scope and Limitations

The envisioned beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon, intends to provide visitors with a holistic
and immersive experience that blends the natural attractiveness of the coastal landscape with modern conveniences.
The scope includes the construction of upmarket lodgings such as beachfront hotels, cottages, and other structures,
as well as a variety of facilities such as swimming pools, spa and wellness centers, dining businesses, and
conference and event spaces. Cultural integration is important, with planned events and excursions aimed to
highlight Matnog's rich legacy, resulting in a unique and enjoyable stay for tourists. In addition, to reduce its
environmental impact, the resort will stress sustainability, including eco-friendly methods in its design and
The researcher will also focus on the economic and environmental impacts, assuring a balanced approach
to development. The study investigates the potential effects on the environment and the local population,
determining whether the project will harm the ecology, community well-being, or legal compliance. The resort's
design can be modified to match the requirements and desires of the community by analyzing the distribution and
composition of the local people and guests. This method guarantees that the project is suitably scaled, with
infrastructure and amenities built to handle the expected population while preserving a sustainable and enjoyable
The research project focuses on honoring and maintaining the natural beauty of the Philippines, particularly
in Matnog, Sorsogon. It is critical to stress that the study's goal is not to discourage or replace existing resorts in the
area, nor is it to impose new construction standards. Instead, the major purpose is to highlight the country's
compelling features, demonstrating a genuine appreciation for its distinctive landscapes and cultural richness. The
study intends to contribute positively to the local economy, increase community engagement, and create a unique
and authentic experience for visitors by using an approach that highlights the region's specific traits. The goal is to
achieve a balance between development and preservation, proving that tourism can survive with nature without
jeopardizing the destination's uniqueness.
In essence, this study demonstrates that responsible tourism may be a driver for positive change,
highlighting the beauty of the Philippines while respecting the existing ecosystem. It is an investigation of how
careful development might boost the local economy, contribute to cultural preservation, and provide a sustainable
model for future tourism ventures in Matnog, Sorsogon, and beyond.

Significance of the Research

The proposed beach resort hotel complex emerges not only as a major tourist destination but also as a
cultural icon profoundly embedded in Matnog, Sorsogon's essence. The significance of the study rests in its
unflinching devotion to the preservation of the province's indigenous products, bringing the beach resort to the level
of a living witness to Sorsogon's unique cultural character. This proposal becomes a beacon of sustainable cultural
heritage by transcending conventional tourism development, incorporating local goods and architectural themes that
reflect the character of the region. It represents responsible tourism, smoothly weaving together the threads of
tradition and modernity, guaranteeing tourists not only a sumptuous escape but also a meaningful link to the
authentic cultural and architectural past of the region. Particularly, this study will be beneficial to the following:
 The Researcher, the proposed beach resort hotel complex provides the researcher with several
opportunities to do important research, contribute to their field of study, and acquire valuable experience
and recognition. The project's emphasis on sustainability and cultural preservation is in line with current
academic and industry agendas, making the researcher's participation both professionally and personally
 Local Community, the resort contributes to the local economy by increasing spending on local goods,
services, and attractions by drawing tourists to the area. This can increase revenue for nearby businesses,
resulting in a beneficial economic ripple effect. This can also provide shared infrastructure that directly
serves the community, such as conference rooms, event venues, or recreational facilities that residents can
use. This shared use fosters a sense of belonging and community.
 Tourists, the beach resort can provide tourists with high-quality amenities and services that they may not be
able to find elsewhere. This comprises luxury hotels, recreational facilities, exquisite dining options, and
wellness services, all of which contribute to a one-of-a-kind and sumptuous experience for local guests.
This holistic approach to hospitality aims to deliver an extraordinary and unforgettable break for local
tourists, putting Matnog on the map as a destination that perfectly integrates luxury with the authentic
beauty of its surroundings.
 Educational Institutions, the resort may collaborate with local educational institutions to provide
internship and training opportunities for students seeking degrees in hospitality, tourism, and similar
sectors. This hands-on experience can improve students' practical skills and provide vital insights into the
industry. Collaboration activities such as workshops, seminars, and guest lectures might result from
forming alliances with educational institutions. The resort may help educational programs by providing
industry expertise, trends, and best practices, enhancing students' learning experiences.
 Artisans and Craftsmen, engage local artists to contribute to the resort's design and decor. Incorporate
traditional craftsmanship into the architecture, interiors, and landscaping, giving craftspeople opportunity to
demonstrate their abilities and creating a one-of-a-kind, culturally rich environment.
 Professionals, the resort may collaborate with local businesses to form partnerships that benefit both the
resort and community professionals. Collaborations with food services, tour operators, and event planners
may be included, building a network of local professionals. Hotel and resort management professionals can
find chances for leadership jobs within the resort. Positions such as general managers, department heads,
and executives provide opportunities for professional advancement and leadership development.

The researcher describes the approach used to acquire thorough study data from different and credible
sources in this chapter, providing a detailed picture of the proposed beach resort hotel complex. The choice of a given
research approach is justified by emphasizing its suitability for the study's aims. The benefits of the methodology used
are underlined, emphasizing its effectiveness in capturing the complexities of hotel administration, resort
development, and the specific challenges given by erecting structures on beaches. The inspection and evaluation of
the quality of contacts, activities, circumstances, and materials relevant to the subject matter is a critical component of
the data gathering process.
The primary data gathering technique includes a comprehensive evaluation of published books and
periodicals on topics such as hotels, resorts, and hotel management. In addition to doing a literature analysis, the
researcher conducts interviews with individuals with different expertise, such as those with experience in hotel
management, construction along coastal areas, and personal knowledge of the proposed project's location. The
research hopes to gain valuable insights, anecdotes, and viewpoints from these interviews that are not widely
available in published sources. The combination of a literature review and interviews ensures a strong and
comprehensive data collection procedure, increasing the depth and richness of the study's conclusions.

Research Design
This is a qualitative study that aims to collect existing information and understandings on building hotel
resorts in Subic, Matnog, and Sorsogon. The researcher will utilize descriptive information to determine how
successful the planned project will be. The research study will employ historical and descriptive research methods.
The historical method can show the researcher where prior works fall short and help them devise better solutions to
prevent problems from the past. The historical technique will be used to acquire information on the site's prior history,
major events, maps of the site, and so on. The study captures the current state and characteristics of the site by using a
descriptive research approach, primarily through case studies and questionnaires, providing a detailed snapshot of
"what exists" in terms of variables and conditions relevant to the proposed beach resort hotel complex.
The combination of historical and descriptive methodologies not only broadens the researcher's
comprehension of the project, but also provides a full view of the site's evolution and current situation. The
descriptive research component, through case studies and surveys, allows for the collection of real-time data on
existing conditions, allowing for a nuanced study to make judgments regarding the proposed project's potential
success. In essence, the historical technique supports drawing lessons from history, aiding the researcher in avoiding
past faults, whilst the descriptive research component provides a modern prism through which to examine the current
situation. The use of these approaches is consistent with the qualitative aspect of the study, allowing for a
comprehensive analysis of the proposed beach resort hotel complex in Subic, Matnog, Sorsogon. The mix of
historical knowledge and real-time data allows the researcher to reach informed and insightful judgments about the
project's viability and success.

Research Instrument
The methodical approach to completing an in-depth study on hotel management for the projected beach
resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon entails utilizing highly credible sources across several mediums. Academic
books and peer-reviewed articles serve as foundational resources, providing theoretical frameworks and industry
insights that have withstood academic evaluation. The incorporation of both physical and online sources broadens the
area of information, giving the researcher access to a vast repository of knowledge. Books and periodicals provide
historical context and fundamental concepts, but the online dimension provides access to the most recent trends, case
studies, and empirical research in the dynamic subject of hotel management.
The study integrates a modern perspective, in addition to scholarly sources, by evaluating film from travel
vloggers who have visited the site. This qualitative data, displayed visually, gives on-the-ground observations and
real-world experiences, providing significant insights into the location's current situation. The mix of academic rigor
and firsthand experience allows for a comprehensive study and interpretation of the material acquired. The research
intends to address the complexity of hotel management and provide informed recommendations for the successful
development of the beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon by synthesizing information from multiple
reputable sources.

A. Project Description
The proposed beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon, exemplifies a seamless integration of luxury,
sustainability, and cultural authenticity. This innovative project, nestled along the pristine shoreline, strives to
reinvent the hospitality landscape by providing an immersive experience that perfectly interacts with the natural
beauty of its surrounds. The architectural design is inspired by Sorsogon's coastal aesthetics, combining components
that not only provide a panoramic sea view but also commemorate the region's rich cultural past.
Committed to sustainable practices, the beach resort hotel complex aims to set a new standard for eco-friendly
tourism in the Philippines. From energy-efficient infrastructure to waste reduction initiatives, every aspect of the
project is meticulously crafted to minimize its environmental footprint. The resort endeavors to be a responsible
steward of the local ecosystem, implementing measures to preserve the pristine beaches, marine life, and indigenous
flora. Sustainability is not merely a feature but a guiding principle that permeates the design, construction, and
operational phases of the complex.
The beach resort hotel complex's guest experience is designed to be both luxurious and culturally enriching.
Luxurious hotels provide an escape into elegance, while abaca craftsmanship highlights the region's creative legacy.
Culinary offerings reflect Sorsogon's various flavors, with an emphasis on locally sourced ingredients. Beyond
recreation, the resort functions as a cultural hub, presenting concerts, performances, and exhibitions that highlight
Matnog's varied traditions. In essence, the proposed beach resort hotel complex seeks to be more than just a tourist
attraction; it aspires to be a symbol of responsible luxury, cultural preservation, and environmental care.
B. Design Concept
The proposed beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon is driven by a design concept that aims to
seamlessly merge Sorsogon's rich cultural legacy with the natural beauty of its coastal terrain. The main emphasis is
on the creative incorporation of abaca handcraft, a native cultural product, into the architectural features of the beach
resort hotel complex. The project aims to commemorate and conserve the indigenous handicraft of the region by
examining the seamless merging of abaca-inspired motifs, patterns, and materials, creating a distinct aesthetic that
resonates with the local identity.
The desire to evoke a sense of peace that fits Matnog's coastal surroundings is at the heart of the design idea. The
incorporation of coastal aesthetics into the building strengthens the resort's connection to its natural surroundings. The
design concept envisions a retreat that not only offers magnificent accommodations but also acts as a calm haven for
guests, embracing the organic forms, colors, and textures of the coastal terrain. The research paper seeks to contribute
not only to the field of architectural design, but also to Matnog's cultural and economic life, by offering a model that
symbolizes sustainable and culturally sensitive growth in the realm of beach resorts.
C. Design Philosophy
Architecture design philosophies are the underlying concepts used by architects to build structures that go beyond
mere functionality to become expressions of art, culture, and human creativity. These concepts are not mutually
exclusive; they typically blend and evolve as architects respond to the unique challenges and opportunities of each
project. In the realm of architecture, picking a design philosophy is akin to an artist selecting their canvas and palette,
setting the framework for the creation of a masterpiece. Each design philosophy has its own story and vision, whether
it is built on the timeless principles of form follows function, embraces the sustainability imperative, or
deconstructivism challenges the boundaries of tradition.
Louis Sullivan's famous architectural concept, "form follows function," takes on a compelling incarnation that
pays respect to the undulating waves of the ocean in the planned beach resort hotel complex. The architectural design
embraces the organic and flowing nature of the coastal environment, smoothly integrating with Sullivan's idea,
ensuring that every feature serves a purpose in harmony with its surroundings. The complex's curved forms and
rhythmic patterns reflect the ebb and flow of the ocean waves, providing a sense of dynamic continuity. Furthermore,
the use of abaca products in the design adheres to Sullivan's concept while also adding a depth of cultural richness.
Abaca workmanship, steeped in Sorsogon's indigenous traditions, forms an intrinsic part of the functional and
aesthetic components, representing Sullivan's view that a structure's essence should connect with its purpose and
cultural environment. The beach resort hotel complex becomes a tribute to both eternal architectural philosophy and a
celebration of the coastal area it calls home through this fusion of form, function, and cultural identity.

D. Form Concept
“Weaving Waves”, This design concept offers a design narrative that combines the fluid and rhythmic patterns of
maritime waves with the detailed beauty of local abaca weaving. Metaphorical weaving extends beyond the physical
structure to represent the interdependence of nature, culture, and architecture. The concept attempts to generate a
sense of continuity, fluidity, and cultural richness by capturing the spirit of waves through the organic flow of spaces
and adding abaca components. "Weaving Waves" becomes the guiding principle that connects not just materials but
also tales, tying the resort to Matnog's distinct coastal culture and promoting a sensory experience that resonates with
both guests and the local population.
Furthermore, "Weaving Waves" is a symbol of sustainability and cultural preservation. By utilizing locally
produced abaca materials, the resort contributes to the community's economic well-being while promoting
environmentally sensitive design principles. In essence, this proposal envisions not only a gorgeous beach resort but
also a permanent legacy—a weaving of waves that unites people, traditions, and the natural world in a celebration of
architectural quality and cultural richness.
E. Style Guiding Principles
Coastal Elegance and Cultural Fusion. This principle defines a design ethos that smoothly merges the natural
beauty of the coastal environment with Sorsogon's rich cultural legacy. The architectural design displays a dedication
to subtle beauty, with inspiration drawn from the peaceful waves and spirited local customs. Organic materials, mild
color palettes, and open spaces that blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor regions express the essence of
seaside living. The resort intends to deliver an immersive experience that allows guests to connect with Matnog's
unique coastal identity, encouraging a sense of peace and cultural respect through deliberate architectural choices.
In addition to embracing coastal aesthetics, the cultural fusion guiding concept encourages the assimilation of
local features, with a special emphasis on Sorsogon's own cultural heritage. Traditional craftsmanship, such as the use
of locally produced abaca materials, is incorporated into the design, providing a visual narrative that honors the
region's uniqueness. The resort aims to be a cultural ambassador, supporting local artistry and offering a venue where
guests may engage with and appreciate the rich tapestry of Sorsogon's traditions. The beach resort hotel complex
seeks to provide a one-of-a-kind experience that transcends the ordinary and connects with the spirit of the sea via the
harmonious combination of coastal elegance and cultural fusion.

F. Functional Concept
The beach resort hotel complex in Matnog, Sorsogon's functional idea is around creating a seamless harmony
between tranquility and adventure, allowing guests a diverse experience adapted to their desires. The layout and
design incorporate functionality to ensure that the resort caters to a wide range of demands, including peaceful spaces
for leisure as well as opportunities for exciting and immersing activities. The public areas are purposefully placed to
optimize panoramic views of the ocean, making guests feel linked to the natural beauty of the coastal region.
Meanwhile, the layout is intended to provide guests seeking adventure with convenient access to water sports
facilities, outdoor excursions, and cultural events that highlight the colorful local surroundings. The resort's
functioning is perfectly designed to achieve a balance between moments of calm and the thrill of exploration,
guaranteeing that every visitor has a dynamic and gratifying stay.
Moreover, the functional concept promotes environmentally friendly and sustainable methods in all aspects of the
resort's activities. The hotel complex promotes environmental responsibility without sacrificing the guest experience,
from energy-efficient lighting to trash reduction programs. The incorporation of green spaces, locally produced
materials, and renewable energy sources not only helps to the resort's functionality but also corresponds with the
global movement toward responsible and sustainable tourism. This functional approach seeks to deliver a holistic
experience that not only serves guests' immediate needs but also corresponds with their larger ideals, ensuring a
memorable and conscientious stay in the heart of Matnog, Sorsogon.

G. Economy Concept
The use of materials produced locally in the design of a beach resort hotel complex is a powerful symbol of
sustainability and cultural identity, as well as a practical economic concept. The resort intends to have a direct and
positive impact on the regional economy by acquiring construction materials such as bamboo, abaca, and indigenous
wood species from local producers and artisans. This not only benefits local enterprises but also strengthens
Sorsogon's traditional handicrafts. Using locally sourced resources has a multiplier effect that continues beyond the
initial transaction, building a robust economic ecosystem that benefits everyone involved, from suppliers to skilled
Additionally, the resort's commitment to employing locally made products is consistent with sustainable and
environmentally friendly methods. The economic notion contributes to environmental conservation by lowering the
carbon footprint associated with transportation and encouraging sustainable harvesting practices. The resort becomes
a focal point for highlighting the abundance of local resources, attracting guests who value the originality and
distinctiveness of the materials employed. This economic model not only fosters local economic resilience, but also
puts the beach resort in Matnog, Sorsogon, as a beacon for responsible and community-centered tourism.
H. Environmental Concept
The proposed hotel beach resort complex is based on a unique environmental design that envisions a healthy
coexistence of luxury hospitality and environmental sustainability. The proposed beach resort hotel complex aspires
to blend in with its surroundings by using sustainable architecture and design principles to reduce its environmental
impact. The project aims to preserve the pristine coastal landscapes of Sorsogon by incorporating energy-efficient
technologies, eco-friendly construction materials, and responsible land use planning, ensuring that the development
not only benefits the local tourism industry but also contributes to the long-term conservation of the region's
Further, by presenting indigenous abaca craftsmanship, the research underlines a distinct cultural dimension. The
project not only highlights Sorsogon's rich cultural past but also encourages sustainable practices by combining
traditional handicraft into the resort's style. Using locally produced materials, such as abaca, not only adds to the
design's authenticity, but also helps the livelihoods of local craftspeople. The incorporation of sea waves into the
concept emphasizes a dedication to environmental stewardship, underlining the importance of protecting the coastal
ecology while giving guests with an immersive and morally conscious experience. In essence, "Sorsogon Serenity"
proposes a resort that goes beyond luxury, championing both environmental preservation and cultural life.

I. Time Concept
For a variety of reasons, building the beach resort hotel complex within the time frame specified is important.
The article most likely emphasizes the need of effective project management in meeting deadlines. Given the
competitive nature of the hotel business and the importance of tourism to the economy, keeping to the projected
timeframe becomes critical to ensuring the resort's timely launch into the market. Construction delays not only
jeopardize financial consequences, but also jeopardize the potential good influence on the local economy through job
creation and increased tourism revenue.
Furthermore, the importance of completing the resort on time extends to the project's broader goals, particularly
in the context of environmental conservation. The rapid completion of the project enables for the immediate
deployment of sustainable practices and eco-friendly features that are inherent to the resort's design. The sooner these
practices are implemented, the sooner the resort will be able to actively contribute to the preservation of the local
ecology, demonstrating a commitment to responsible tourism. In essence, the temporal factor is more than just a
matter of fulfilling deadlines; it is a strategic issue that multiplies the socioeconomic and environmental benefits of
the Sorsogon beach resort hotel complex.

J. Space Program and Lot Area Computation

K. Architectural Space Programming

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