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1- The correct arrangement of the measuring units of the atmospheric pressure

starting from the smallest unit is that labeled …

a) Bar – Atmosphere – Pascal – Torr.
b) Torr – Pascal – Bar – Atmosphere.
c) Pascal– Atmosphere – Bar– Torr.
d) Pascal – Torr – Bar – Atmosphere.

2- The atmospheric pressure increases as …

a) The moisture in air increases.
b) The height above sea level increases.
c) The temperature of air rises.
d) Moving on Earth’s surface towards the equator.

3- You have got an iron block of dimensions 30 cm, 20 cm and 10 cm and an iron cube
of side length 20 cm. The two objects are placed on a horizontal surface. The iron
block would …
a) exert equal pressure to that the cube when its base is 30 cm and 20 cm.
b) exert equal pressure to that the cube when its base is 20 cm and 10 cm.
c) exert equal pressure to as that the cube when its base is 30 cm and 10 cm.
d) never exert equal pressure to that the cube.
4- The figure shows a water manometer
connected to a gas supply. A small difference in
height between the two liquid levels is noticed.
How could you make this difference greater to
be measured easier?
a) Use with water manometer a narrower tube
b) Add more water into the manometer tube.
c) Use mercury manometer, instead of water manometer.
d) Use oil manometer, instead of water manometer.

5- A mercury manometer is connected to a gas

tank. The difference between the mercury levels
is 38 cm as shown. If the atmospheric pressure
at that time = 1.013 bar. What is the absolute
pressure of the gas inside the tank?
a) 0.5 atmosphere
b) 1 atmosphere
c) 1.5 atmosphere
d) 2 atmospheres

6- Water boils on Mount Saint Catherine at a temperature ...

a) Less than 100 oC since there is less atmospheric pressure there.
b) Higher than 100 oC since there is less atmospheric pressure there.
c) Water always boils at the same temperature no matter where it is on earth.
d) Less than 100 oC since Mount Saint Catherine is always cold.

7- The vapor pressure of liquid (x) and liquid (y) at 80 oC are 390 Torr and 760 Torr
respectively. Which statement is true?
a) Liquid (x) is more volatile than liquid (y).
b) The liquid (x) has a higher boiling point than the liquid (y) under pressure 760 Torr
c) The liquid (x) has a lower boiling point than the liquid (y) under pressure 760 Torr
d) Liquid (x) boils at a temperature less than 80 oC under pressure 760 Torr

8- If the pressure at depth (h) m deep in water is 3 times the atmospheric pressure on
water surface. The pressure at a depth (2h) in water would be … (consider all other
factors are unchanged)
a) 4 times the atmospheric pressure on water surface.
b) 5 times the atmospheric pressure on water surface.
c) 6 times the atmospheric pressure on water surface.
d) 7 times the atmospheric pressure on water surface.

9- The gauge used to estimate the blood pressure is a type of …

a) Manometers
b) Barometers
c) Hygrometers
d) Thermometers

10- The opposite graph indicates the change in pressure as

going deeper into liquid (Y) and into liquid (Z).
a) The liquid (Z) has a higher density.
b) The liquid (Z) is in a closed container.
c) The liquid (Y) has a higher density.
d) The two liquids have the same density.

11- The buoyant force acting on a floating ship is …

a) equal to the weight of the ship part immersed in water.
b) equal to the ship weight.
c) less than the ship weight.
d) greater than the ship weight.

12- Lead and Iron blocks of equal volumes sink in water. Density of lead is greater
than density of iron.
a) An equal buoyant force acts on the lead and iron blocks.
b) No buoyant force on the lead and iron blocks since they sink.
c) A greater buoyant force acts on the lead block.
d) A greater buoyant force acts on the iron block.

13- A hollowed metal sphere is dropped in a water vessel. The sphere is suspended in
the water. If the vessel and its contents is taken from Kenya to Sweden where (g) is
greater, which statement is TRUE?
a) The sphere floats in water.
b) The sphere sinks in water.
c) The buoyant force of water on the sphere increases.
d) The buoyant force of water on the sphere is unchanged.
14- A cup of water having an ice cube floating in it is placed on the pan of a balance.
What happens when ice completely melts?
a) Weight of cup increases and level of water in the cub rises.
b) Weight of cup is unchanged and level of water in the cub rises.
c) Weight of cup is unchanged and level of water in the cub falls.
d) Weight of cup is unchanged and level of water in the cub remains the same.

The answers
1-d 2-a 3-c 4-d 5-c
6-a 7-b 8-b 9-a 10-c
11-b 12-a 13-c 14-d

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