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00 02.24.2023 1 of 3


Identified Problem: Impaired physical mobility

Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired physical mobility related to pain and discomfort as evidence by limited range of motion and decreased muscle strength and control
Definition: May refer to NANDA in determining when and when not to use each nursing diagnostic Defining Characteristics:
category, both the definition and defining characteristics should be compared with the client’s set of data
(cues) to make sure that the correct diagnoses are chosen for the client.
Limitation in independent, purposeful movement, of the body or of one or more extremities.


Subjective: Short term: 1. Evaluate for presence and degree of pain, listening to 1. To determine if pain management can SHORT TERM:
client's description about manner in which pain limits mobility. improve mobility.
"wala koy kusog" as verbalized After 4 hours of nursing GOAL MET:
by the patient intervention, patient will be 2. Assess nutritional status and client's report of energy level. 2. Deficiencies in nutrients and water, After 4 hours of
able to verbalize electrolytes, and minerals can negatively affect nursing intervention,
understanding of situation energy and activity tolerance.
"di ko comfortable" as 3. Note emotional/behavioral responses to problems of patient verbalized
verbalized by the patient and individual treatment immobility. understanding of
3. Feelings of frustration or powerlessness
regimen and safety measures. may impede attainment of goals. situation and
4. Assist with treatment of underlying condition causing pain individual treatment
and/or dysfunction. 4. To maximize the potential for mobility and regimen and safety
function. measure.
5. Encourage adequate intake of fluids and nutritious foods.
6. Administer medications prior to activity as needed for pain 5. Promotes well-being and maximizes energy
Objective: Long term: relief. production. LONG TERM:
- decreased range of motion After 1 week of nursing 7. Schedule activities with adequate rest periods during the
6. To permit maximal effect and involvement in
interventions, patient will be activity.
- difficulty turning day. Within 3 days of
able to: 7. To reduce fatigue. nursing intervention
- demonstrate techniques or 8. Collaborate with physical medicine specialist and and duty. Patient was
behaviors that enable occupational or physical therapies in providing ROM exercise, 8. To develop individual exercise and mobility able to demonstrate
resumption of activities isotonic muscle contractions, assistive devices, activities. program. To identify appropriate mobility some techniques and
devices, and to limit or reduce effects and behaviors that enable
- participate in activities of daily complications of immobility.
9. Identify energy-conserving techniques for ADLSs. resumption of
living and desired activities activities and she also
9. To limit fatigue, maximizing participation. participated in
10. Perform and encourage regular skin examination and
care. 10. To reduce pressure on sensitive areas and
activities of daily living
to prevent development of problems with skin and desired activities.
Document Code No.
Revision No. Effective Date Page No.
00 02.24.2023 2 of 3
Document Code No.
Revision No. Effective Date Page No.
00 02.24.2023 3 of 3


(1) (3) (5)
Nursing Diagnosis Main Problem is not listed or identified; Identified problem but not the priority Main Problem is listed or identified
need of the patient; with correct related factor
Risk factors/ Subjective and Assessment data are not listed or inadequate to Correct assessment data but lacking Listed all pertinent assessment
Objective Cues support nursing diagnosis important factors to support nursing data more than enough to support
diagnosis the nursing diagnosis
STO and LTO Objectives do not solve/target the identified problem STO and LTO are not SMART STO and LTO are SMART
Nursing Intervention Intervention/s are not appropriate for the patient and Correct Intervention/s but lacking (5-8 Intervention/s (>8 interventions)
does not solve the main problem (<5 interventions) interventions) are correct and appropriate for the
Evaluation/ Expected Outcome Evaluation or expected outcomes do not measure Evaluation or expected outcomes Evaluation or expected outcomes
the STO and LTO. measure LTO but not the STO. measure and target the STO and
Total ___/25

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