Unit 1

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Learners can use vocabulary related toa range of ob roles and responsibilities within a company or organisation. Lead-in 1 biscuss these questions. 11 These are some typical departments in 2 compar} Use some of the key words and phrasesin th Nhat do you think ind boxtohelp you finance human resources matketing operstions produ Drandimage cashflow customer service health ands ‘manufacturing pricing promotion qualtycontrol 1 2. Canyouname any other departments? 3 Which departments do you think do the mostimportant wor VIDEO 2A would you tie to work fora news organisation? What do you imag 1B In what ways do you think working for 2 news organisation is: ‘a stressful? glamorous? interesting? 3A EBii1 Watch the video and match the five speakers with the jo Directorofliuman Resources FinanceSupervisor News Programme rector News Reporier Which of these people probably work closely together on 2 daily basis? Watch the video again and complete the information. Use one word in each gap. Itisimportant that individuals and teams understand their__and responsi ‘Staff in the newsroom ae responsible for __the teams gathering* news clobally. Arti gives afn), the task ofcovering anews story. Nickworks witha camera to make sure they are getting therigh John’s ole isto lead the production He describes hisjob 2s similar to the ‘ofan orchestra The HR rector has several strategic and priorities Ray saysit'simportant to make sure th ‘comein on time. pictures Woraneen+h o Teachers resources: ‘extra activities: Workin pairs or small groups. What do you think each person likes most and least about their job? st F Vocabulary Roles and responsibilities G What do the words in the box mean? Complete the i ‘extracts from the video usin the words and phrases in the box. c . jathering for a major news organisation. 1.1 © Anews organisation 7 Look at some expressions peopl le use totatkab expressions in bold using the prepositions nthe ber OC after for of of of lreport er 1 2 tinted 2 I worklonly 4 too ¥ 5 ltake are 6 tmreponie ° , I coordinate B Read how two m Complete tie: ibe thet one wed exh hap ™ ly names Frances Mullan. I'm the Head of Marki ‘au T= zeraltaumor orang os nes tacan e and a video producer. Our work *__ ayar phir ise eb” sang sage oe ene ic ne ee ancing hey catores taling Ring RG a apexes positioning the business as innovative and crea UNOS eAOrE Ren Urey tthe Head ef Seateg and Develop’ elven see we em page 114 See Pronancation bake Word stress eva the ess ceo 1+ How successfull haveyou ac ow sees ory praca) tO WOW NEUE 3 thee Mo ea yaa ett ns + Goro My Sethassessven LLeamerscan usea range of future forms to talk about intentions, plans, arrangements an¢ predictions Lead-in 1 Lookatthe tll and Mat organisational structures What do you tink are some { advantages and disadvantages of each? 2A Match the words and phrases in the box with the definii tt hierarchy innovative promotion tt! [Dorsey carted aed te {itt Tallorgansaton ‘moved parts ofan organisation, ee. f PS icc etnies sr atorgansation the organisational structures in Exercise 12 Compare your eas with the ae information on page 126, ‘ave toe more important job a company or argarisation new, diferent and better than before 8 s)stem ofergarisation in which people ave cvided ito levels of importan 1 2 3 4 a complicated official systern that has lot of rules and processes 5 6 8 ‘organised the contro ofan organisation so that everythings done or decided in one ma central place to several diferent sale Listening 3 tookatshe wo company profiles WL, Gore and Zappos. you think they a Likely to have fat or tall structures? Why? 4 10% Liston tothe raio discussion with Janet Wood, an organisation Consultant. Check your answersin Exercise 3 Listen again and decide if these sentences are true (or false (F. Correct the incorrect sentences, Organisations wth tall structures can change and innovate as, 2 ob and Genevieve Gove started thelr company inthe 1950s, 43 Employees voted to decide who shoul be the CEO of Gove 4 “Holacracy isa system without traditional managers 5 Allthe functions atapposare now dane by teams 6 Thetransition t Zappos wiltake afew months to ccmplete 6 1 i ‘Number o staf Over 1000 Choose the correct option Listen to the discussion a9 Janet Wood seems 8 ctical of hierarchies, ' positveabout hierarchies, nif necessary, Fo Tony Hi sceptical about Rat structures. Jeter One shoe an 2 Whichstatementabout WL, Gores true? othingsales {Employees workin tears of 30, bb Staffare called associat. € Nobody in the company hasajob tte 3 Which statement about Zappos is true? 8 Thecompary stared two years ago, }b Staff workin about 500 reams cated circles, Theleadlinkofa circle decides what everyone does 4 What do. L, Gore and Zappos have in common? ‘Senior executives ae elected by the emplcyees, bb Anymeiber ofstatfcan starz anew project team, € Staffdecide their own rolesin a team, ucher’s resources: 7 Work in pairs. How would you feet about working in a latter organisation with few oro managers? ‘oe pee Grammar Future forms: Present Simple, Present Continuous and p 2 BA Look at these extra 1 ‘90Ing to SDvameuerneysieey 2% Lookr thereon tom te dcanion which one: going to contribute 2 petsonalintenion? prediction? thetean, apawarargement? da scheduled event? 8 Which verb form is used in each example in Exe 2 Zapposhasatreining | —D pace 118 See Grammarreference: Future forms Sesion newt week, ‘9 Decide which is the best opti which isthe best option in each sentence and expan your he SR There may be more than one possible answer Me Ree che 1 Whattime refit _onsundays? a doss..lene ee 2 When get more free tim Daeniee 4 Iimsirethars going Ann ¢ Sy ? wena erence fecart remember wat the cient tmerron a visits t © ‘sgoingtovise al toh a a dontreply © aman at og tr 5 We some ring ee a meet © aregoingtomeet 6 Susan hasnt studied all yea. __ her final exams ret wee. a fais b bai © isgoingtofall, 7 Theconference______unl 10 dockbutlers getthere eal. a doesnsstat ng € nf gcingto st 8 There's lot of trafic imeto catch thetran? 2 Dowearrve 1b Arewearving € Newegongteariie “LOA complete the conversation with aporoprat future forms using contractions where posible. There may be mors than ene pesssie answer ‘eH liana. vat ime (the epartmentmeetn a) torow? B: Ae2Ootdacks vual but thnk! beaut een nuts te Ihave dentetappeintment k:1_______(youibeabletotalkateryourtiptothe dentist's? Yes its justa check-up. nfac ‘Guea presentation onthe company restucuring ‘Astmsurethats___(baineresting sit twewe ¢___— (trove) wothees ouside the cy? P {not tel ouaryhing before the mesg Youkra tat A Wall2____ Gi rightatte ont Idont nat miss amin: Teachers resources: 1B 6102" Listen o the conversation in Eerie 108, wich ature ems de entra actives speakers se In each case? Why do you thinkthisis? i 1 writ smail to a friend or colle: ue about a reator imaginary trp your=ve Writing 2 i re WA IDO aD mo ee cairronan tose 1.3 4 arn fiea ets firstemeetings and canuse st waystomanage 9s een id ati ea ast aegend ge i s the questions. a, ae ein a pei what agit 1 When you mec oan waysof beng pate nfs ee steca a ry 2: cross ctures tere are mary many erent wavs 0 De PT any kot shake hands, some people ki Jrjps with smal talk first and then focus time to baad relationships ea 2 smorpotn bterofousrecty one pemitae Np lateeo Why? VIDEO 2a (151 Watch as Matt and Ste! mn 1 Wheredotheywork? 2 Whatls the usualJoO? fanie (S) Jn Mark which qualities Matt (M) and Ste bs eee tenses iy thelr awn communication style. Which wor et getter use to describe stefani? You donot eed rouse 2‘ eg ee ‘afcent Revble work focused rude informal friendly polite professional organised open effective Fonte prepare to meet each other in 3 Whatistheir © Overall, do you think Matt and Stefanie will work well together? Why 3A Insmall groups, discuss which is the best communication style (option ‘or 8) for Matt to use in his fist meeting with Stefanie. Give reasons for you snswers ‘Asa class, decide which video to watch first. ‘Option A-Focus on the relationship first: Be poite by meeting Stefanie in an informal ‘wayandifocusing on the relationship frst before getting down to business ‘Option 8 ~ Focus on work first: polite by meeti way and aa i 1 Wad he eos nh saguenc the clas hat decided and answer the 1 How does Matt introduce himself? "2 How does he begin the vsitand why do you think he do yes this? 3 Overal hom sucesfl do you tink themeeting is? Why? Poa misniptia ieat at two reasons does Matt give for cscussin : 19 business immediate ow secs do you thik the meeting? Why? er |Your answers with a part }or work-focused) do you prefer" ‘of your own personal style? Functional language Greetings, introductions and goodbyes 7 complete thetableith these phrases rom the vide 2 Of, somencecto leave itther: 5 2 (Good/GreavLovdlyiceltofnaliymeet 6 learnt yostin person, See 3 Dayouknowfthe ? A 4 [Guys)this setae Semen, stineln London? [stg nari inrodcg people Dace: Howsigoirg Shier ais Di you have al gpd ir 1] Peseme timtoetie Can] getyou aot | a S J Look at the con Leon 1s and her stor. Mach what 1 Hello, tm Suzanne so 2. Hows itgoing? ba hice Suzanne cet fra meet you 3. Everything’ ne. Good tr inperson J 4 Wsalvaysthesame Car © GreatlCartiadt anything iocrne 4 Notte ur 5 Letsgoand meetthe 2 @ Abtots delay on the uncer ta 1B Work in pairs. Use phrases from Exercises 7 and 8A ro write your avn ealogue between a host and business visitor. Then roleplay your dilague. Work with another pair Hosts: introduce your vstor tothe other par sitos:respord Tarhalseikiioes (ne person should say goodbyes the group giving areason, entra actives > page-114 see Pronunciation bank Intonation and poltenes 9A Workin pairs. choose an industry from the list and invent your roles. Think about yaur job ttle, company name and ‘geographical location. architecture fashion movies music toymakers videosames You areata large public event: Introduce yourself and your colleague to other people, Ifyou find someone who could bea useful contact, make a note of thelr name. Ifnat, say goodbye politely and ‘move on. Atthe end, tell the class how many tuseful contacts you made. Why did you think these people could beuseful? Inyour palts, discuss which. phrases you used from Exercise 7 ‘and what you found difficult. ousefoso seved the lesson outcome? PY sitkniow this wel ive engl abtoreiecto0 hayes + How successfully have you ac ‘rom0 (need more practice) + Goto My selfassessmentin Mi PUN alee ; o> Small talk in ile Oa a «and responsesromakesmalltalkin estion: Learners can usearange ofa nnn beceainaminaiiagy —istmectinos. the following questions. ortantisit during fist meetings? ‘meeting someone for the fir + meeting? Why? ‘L Work in pairs and discuss 1. What s'small ta? How ime 2. What questions would you normally askwhen meetin 3 Are there any problems with king questions in2 fi Lead-in is b 1.03 Lis wort interview with Angela Dawson, a commun Listening 2A 10) igen wa shots thon tausesmel akan man2ge Listen again and answer the questions. Whattno things does Angela say about silence? ‘Why does she say that some questions don'tmatter? ‘hats the relationship between asking questions and building trust? In pairs discuss these questions about Angela's ideas. How far do you agree with Angela's ideas about asking questions? Wty? ‘tthe end the interview, Angela talks about the need tofind something ihen you andthe other person have similar interests, the conversatir better 00 you agree? Why / Why not? @ ‘Tips for small talk: 3A 410% Paul Robson works for a Lond bz en ompany.Uisten end decide if these sentences are true) or false ( persons coat €AScabout ko tothe office. ah ee rma | toaksten tot vps orranis i Gteitemadtinks | andtck vs which ipso a al tain [© Check if their hotel is OK. Gf cre:tep to opaie alan, i 4 Paulishead of customer Service 5 vais leading aprojectcalled Service Excelence SS WINN 9 ist meetings Listen again sim his conversation ith a, How effective estvely oY INK PaUl anal thie mectiig with Ee? Why? SSS Colo ing Fr dinner fi evening 1 Ask where the other Berson works “7 Cheekitentheyjoined thecempan, i OOM = g z z lo ololo IK Make a postive comment about working with them Functional A: lang ing and answering questions in first meetings age 'SE 4A Complete the questions from the recordin box, necessary, use the au soe se eA With thew cripton page 146 tohelp yoy, * M"SInthe time join have fice offer take woik repon [Frorerheion [can TS hospitality | Cap __ youlsomething to dink a a tock .0H0/3 gas 2 Journey. bic you fligh yitieP heounein? 2 ewperenee [sy inthe London 4 Place of work | vit ti |v 5 Time with v company? company ia 6 callesgues = cS onc of 7 Soriaising | 7 today inne tis evening? Match the answers(2-g) withthe topics (1-7) in Beacsa 4, Hmactually based in Wersew About five yous 299, Sorry 'mmeetinga friend today Areyou free tomorrow? Yes ide. Doyourknow him? That would begreat, than Actually. | had adelay atthe airport Nol washere last month, actualy Devens 5A work ingroup of tive, Roleplay meeting a vitor nd managing al taauringe st ieeting. There are tre cenorios Each person ul take the oles of ost, observer andvtor once. tose Youar welcoming aember ofthe projet eo tthe {Sado fice meeting reception admin ovo oe, ator Yuare visting the London ofc (baer: Yuvil observe and ge eedbackater the rena, Student A: Lookat your thee le carson page 2S Student ook atyour thre le cards onpage 28, Student Lookatyou tre rolecrds on page 37 1B Take a few minutes to prepare, then roleplay your meetings. © When you have finished, listen to the observer’s feedback and discuss how easy odffcutti isto managea first meeting, Share your group's ideas with the class. ase jow successfully have you echieved the Tesson outcome? veya 5 know ths wel eat Smears ee2t tA ration ina work relateceraiiand wit 2 Fpl wh zi i I ni infos scan organist | Leare’ Lesson outcome se a | Pe ister eee: i emai anton cn comise Lendin 2 nates i cape = aan ainaca sista ter alithebest deol Li icemailtoletyouknow then fry jus quickemailto that we are organising an inductio ne weer . Mike Exene, te Production Sup ecto Bar. it ioam a Marketing, would Tie to niroduce you to fare working on. think you'll fina it very that youl have lnch withthe finance team i the vina Porter, who deals with customer service feels tha feof our mast important Let me brow which cay is best foryou ane *___or ne Greg Functional 2A took atte email again, write the words and phrases from Exercise Lin the language — correctplaceinthe table. (creeting/Opening | ‘Reason fr writing l ‘Ordering information Concluding email Write these words and phrases in the correct place in the table in Exercise 2A. I DestSiiNadem, Ymwritirgtoinform youthat... ral, Gocd morning Jacques Yous ae fubertocurcomersionIconfimthat... Hopetoheat rom yousoon, tnd eons . ae HalcAHiceorge lookfonvardtohearngromyou. Therkyoutforyour email Thich, pee reet Pesedonothestatetocertactmeityoulave any questions. Rogar, Yourssincerey SrgBHE pot D paG6118 See Ganmrarreferenc: Present Simple and Continuous _ 3 Wiorkin pairs. 0k at page 126 and discuss the best. order to put the information in. Yontan spl Grea’ emain around 60 words. Thank him and confirm which Yeucanattendandinhy yeu connotation theater day or © Exchange emails with your partner. How many of th én in Exercises Me "Rancid your partner user Dd your parrher ne ae ses ee le" use different phrases from you? (artiste Cran + GotoMy selfs Outcome? Give yoursetfa score Fastce) 05 iknow this wel), ie yEnglishLab toreftect on what youhave learnt.

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