Class X Part A Unit 4 Chapter 4 and 5

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Self Assessment

2 Short answer questions

(a) Who is an entrepreneur ?

Ans An entrepreneur is a self employed individual who runs the business , but unlike
the conventional owners of a business , they work from the front end . they are
enthusiastic and wel coming of a new and unconventional ideas. .

(b) State any two myths of entrepreneurship

Ans Two myths of entrepreneurship are

1 Creativity alone cannot suffice for successful entrepreneurship one must

have a knowledge about the working of the industry

2 Banks do not support start-ups with a proper action plan, one can gain
support from banks and government schemes

(c) How is entrepreneurship different from conventional business ?

Ans In Conventional business, A business men invest energy, resources and time to
run the business based on an already existing model on other hand , an
entrepreneur is some one who invests energy resources and time to build a
model that is original and has been evolved from scratch.

(d) List the skills required by an entrepreneur

Ans The skills required by an entrepreneur is

1 Communication : every entrepreneur needs to be an effective

2 Sales the soft skill of scales goes hand-in-hand with the communication
necessary to be successful

3 Focus

4 Ability to learn

5 Business Strategy

(e) State any two advantages and disadvantages of having entrepreneurship as a

career ?

Ans Two advantages of entrepreneurship as a carrer

1 A flexible schedule both in terms of when and where we work

2 Its Exciting and fulfilling

Two disadvantages of entrepreneurship as a carrer

1 We are always at work

2 Work-life balance becomes tricky and is sometimes non existent

Chapter 5 Green Skills -II

I Choose the correct option

(a) Which of the following is the most used renewal source of energy ?

(i) Solar energy (ii) Hydro energy

(iii) Both (i) and (ii) (iv) None of above

Ans (iii) Both (i) and (ii)

(b) Who will sustainable development benefit ?

(i) Future generation .(ii) Current generation

(iii) Both (i) and (ii) (iv) None of the above

Ans (iii) Both (i) and (ii)

(c) Which body of the UN states the 17 SDGs ?

(i) IMF (ii) UNGA (iii) WHO (iv) UNSC

Ans (ii) UNGA

(d) Which of the following is not an aim of sustainable development

(i) Poverty Alleviation (ii) Conservation of resources

(iii) Waste management (iv) None of the above

Ans (iv) None of the above

(e) _____________ pose major threat to the environment

(i) Industrialization (ii) Urbanisation

(iii) Use of plastic (iv) All of the above

Ans (iv) All of the above

(f) ______________ lead to rise in global temperature

(i) Green House gases (ii) Water table depletion

(iii) Soil pollution (iv) Improper waste disposal

Ans (i) Green House Gases

(g) Which of the following is a green house gas

(i) Methane (ii) Carbon dioxide

(iii) Water vapour (iv) (i) and (ii)

(v) all of the above

Ans (v) All of the above

2 Short Answer Question

(a) What was the origin of concept of sustainable development ?

Ans The concept of sustainable development formed the basis of the united nations
conference on Environment and development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Sustainable
development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs .
(b) List any three renewal sources of energy ?

Ans Three renewal sources of energy are solar energy , wind energy, Falling water , the
heat of the earth (Geothermal energy ) etc.

(c ) How does urbanization threaten the environment ?

Ans Urbanization threaten the environment following ways

1 Deforestation : For land wood paper etc. wild life, soil health and climate in the long run.

2 Use of plastic :Causes all kinds of pollution , air water soil as it is non bio degradable in

3 Waste Generations : Domestic waste , hazards chemical waste from industries all are
disposed inappropriately or discharge into seas . It harms aquatic life and is massive
environmental hazards .

4. Water : Ground water depletion, wastage of water etc

(d ) How is sustainable development beneficial ?

Ans Sustainable development benefits the need of present without compromising the
ability of future generation to meet their own needs . The present pace of exploitation is so
rapid, that resources will exhaust very soon and it also causes major damage to
ecosystem. Sustainable development is important to protect the planet and people as
degradation of environment will inadvertently affects the lifes of human.


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