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Chap 4

1. What are the main factors to consider when developing an e-commerce presence?

2. What elements do you need to address when developing a vision for an e-commerce presence?

3. Name the main kinds of e-commerce presence and the different platforms for each type.

4. Identify the different phases used in a one-year timeline for the development of an e-commerce presence and
the related milestones for each phase.

5. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of deciding to build an e-commerce site in-house?

6. What are the various components of a website budget?

7. What is multivariate testing and how does it differ from A/B testing (split testing)?

8. What are the disadvantages of outsourcing hosting? What risks does a small business face when hosting its
own website?

9. What is a content management system and what function does it serve?

10. What is open source software and how can it be used in creating an e-commerce presence?

11. What is a SWOT analysis?

12. What are some methods for achieving personalization and customization?

13. Discuss some of the ways that you can optimize a website so that it will appear higher up in search engine

14. What is CGI and how does it enable interactivity?

15. What is Ruby on Rails? What role does it play in website design?

16. How does agile development enable the release of applications more rapidly than the traditional systems
development life cycle?

17. Why is building a native app the most expensive method of creating a mobile presence?

18. What unique features must be taken into account when designing a mobile presence?

Chap 2

8. What are some of the ways a firm can pursue a differentiation strategy?

9. What are the benefits offered by incubator investor firms over other traditional sources of capital 10. What is
an unfair competitive advantage

11. What is an industry structural analysis and what is its place in the e-commerce business plan?

12. What is the key to success for content providers?

13. Discuss the impact of e-commerce technologies on inter-firm rivalry (competition).

14. What disadvantages are faced by “first-mover” companies entering a marketspace?

15. Why is the e-tail sector so competitive?

16. Describe the feature of ubiquity as it applies to e-commerce technology and describe how it has affected the
business environment over the past decade.

17. What kinds of firms are considered to be e-commerce enablers?

18. What is an initial coin offering?

19. Define market opportunity and describe how you would determine a new company’s realistic market

20. What are the main elements of an elevator pitch?

Chap 5

1. What is a VPN and what is its value to an organization?

2. What features or abilities does an intrusion prevention system use to protect a network? 3. Identify and describe
the five main steps in establishing a company’s security plan.

4. Differentiate between the security dimension of confidentiality and the concept of online privacy.

5. Outside of the United States, what types of payments are popular for online purchases? 6. Why has card-not-
present (CNP) fraud increased in recent years?

7. Describe the three primary types of mobile payment apps.

8. How does blockchain work?

9. What risks do Bitcoin users face?

10. What role does ease of use play in ensuring e-commerce security?

11. How are the SSL/TLS protocols used in securing Internet communications?

12. What is nonrepudiation and why is it an important dimension of e-commerce security? What technologies are
used to establish nonrepudiation?

13. In what ways is WPA3 vulnerable to hackers?

14. What does PSD2 require for customer authentication?

15. What is BEC phishing?

16. Why are botnets considered an especially important threat to e-commerce, more so than, say, an individual,
destructive virus?

17. Why are security issues associated with the Internet of Things even more challenging than existing security
issues related to the Internet?

18. What is the Heartbleed bug and how does it threaten security?

19. How does code signing protect a mobile app?

20. What is a next generation firewall?

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