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IMPULSE 1 5.5-5.7 (21p.

Zadanie 1. Wybierz przedimek (5p).
1. My mother is a / the volleyball player.
2. The race starts in a / an hour.
3. Do you like the / – karate?
4. I always look at a / the sky to concentrate before the match.
5. My friend met a / the famous golf player last week.

Zadanie 2. Wstaw właściwy przedimek, bądź wstaw - (5p).

I love 0 _–_ sport! Usain Bolt is my favourite athlete. He is 1 _____ famous sprinter. He was born in 2 _____
Jamaica in 1986. When he was young, he played 3 _____ cricket. His coach encouraged him to become 4
_____ athlete. It was a good decision because Usain Bolt is 5 _____ fastest runner in the world

Zadanie 3. Wybierz prawidłowe alternatywy (5p).

1. Why don’t we go horse riding / bowling? I love animals!
2. My father did cricket / karate at school. He got a black belt!
3. Mary loves surfing / skiing and she dreams of going to Australia.
4. We often play table tennis / yoga during breaks.
5. I often go ice-skating / rollerblading on a local rink in winter.

Zadanie 4. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. Jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo (6p).
competitions go race stadium train win winner

1. I _ _ _ swimming every week.

2. Almost 100 runners took part in the 1-kilometre _ _ _.
3. Did your team _ _ _ the match yesterday?
4. I started to _ _ _ a few weeks before the event.
5. This _ _ _ is the biggest in Europe.
6. The _ _ _ got a medal and a lot of money.

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