User Guide Cube Iq

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Release 3.0
User Guide
© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.
Cube-IQ Release 3.0
The state-of-the-art in Load Planning software
Cube-IQ Help

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written
permission of the publisher.

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective
owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document
or from the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be
liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly
by this document.

Printed: September 2004 in (whereever you are located)

I Cube-IQ Help

Table of Contents
Foreword 1

Part I Introduction 3
1 Introduction to Cube-IQ 3
2 Getting Started
................................................................................................................................... 3
3 About Help ................................................................................................................................... 4
4 Database Navigation
................................................................................................................................... 4
5 Main Window ................................................................................................................................... 5
6 Main Menu ................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Shortcut Keys
................................................................................................................................... 12
8 Units ................................................................................................................................... 14
9 Startup Tips ................................................................................................................................... 15
10 System Requirements
................................................................................................................................... 15
11 Support ................................................................................................................................... 16

Part II Options 18
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 18
2 General ................................................................................................................................... 18
3 Reports ................................................................................................................................... 21
4 Loading Rules
................................................................................................................................... 22
5 Graphics ................................................................................................................................... 23
6 Manifest ................................................................................................................................... 24
7 Logo ................................................................................................................................... 25
8 Miscellaneous
................................................................................................................................... 26

Part III Containers 29

1 Container Data Window
................................................................................................................................... 29
2 Containers ................................................................................................................................... 30
3 Container Window
Tabs 31
Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Pallet Rules .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Floor Shape and..........................................................................................................................................................
Ceiling Shape 33
Axle Weights .......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Unusable Spaces
.......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Outside Dimensions
.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Drawing .......................................................................................................................................................... 38
4 Settings ................................................................................................................................... 39
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Optimizer .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Operational .......................................................................................................................................................... 41

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Contents II

Loading .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Centre of Gravity
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
................................................................................................................................... 44
5 Print Containers

Part IV Customers 47
1 Customer Data
................................................................................................................................... 47

Part V Packages 50
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 50
2 Package Data
................................................................................................................................... 53
Basic data .......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Orientations .......................................................................................................................................................... 53
Stacking .......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Items .......................................................................................................................................................... 56
Filtering .......................................................................................................................................................... 57
Drawing .......................................................................................................................................................... 59
3 Packages Grid View 60
4 Stacking Codes
................................................................................................................................... 62
5 Print Packages
................................................................................................................................... 65

Part VI Loading 68
1 The Loading...................................................................................................................................
Operation 68
2 Load Setup Window
................................................................................................................................... 69
3 The Container
List 71
4 The Load List
................................................................................................................................... 73
The Load List .......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Load List: Add Packages
.......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Load List: Add Orders
.......................................................................................................................................................... 76
Load List: Add New
Package 77
Load List: Split Package
Line 78
Load List: by Weight
.......................................................................................................................................................... 79
Load List: Remove
Package 79
................................................................................................................................... 80
5 Other Case Data
6 Loaded Containers
Details 82
7 Load Details...................................................................................................................................
Window 83
8 Two Stage Loading
................................................................................................................................... 87
9 Fixing Partial...................................................................................................................................
Loads 88

Part VII Graphics 91

1 Graphics ................................................................................................................................... 91

Part VIII Reports 95

1 Reports ................................................................................................................................... 95
2 Preview and ...................................................................................................................................
Toolbar 95
3 Print Dialog ................................................................................................................................... 96

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

III Cube-IQ Help

4 Load Plans ................................................................................................................................... 96

5 Reports - Pick
Report 98
6 Reports - Not...................................................................................................................................
Loaded Packages 98
7 Reports - Manifests
................................................................................................................................... 98
8 Reports - Full
Overview 99
9 Reports - Special
................................................................................................................................... 100

Part IX Files and Database 104

1 Export Data................................................................................................................................... 104
2 Import Data................................................................................................................................... 105
3 Basic Package Import 107
4 Flexible Package
Import 108
5 Data Backup
................................................................................................................................... 111
6 Tools - Check
Database 112
7 Tools - Compress
Database 112
8 Tools - Edit...................................................................................................................................
and Translate Tips 112
9 Translation................................................................................................................................... 113

Part X Help 117

1 Help - About Cube-IQ
................................................................................................................................... 117
2 Help - Register
Cube-IQ 117
3 Help - Register
Options 117
4 About MagicLogic
................................................................................................................................... 117

Index 118

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Foreword 1

Cube-IQ 3.0

User Guide

This User Guide is a printed

version of Cube-IQ's built-in Help.

Please see also the

Help / Getting Started menu,
and the
Help / Shortcut Keys menu
in the system.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Cube-IQ 3.0
User Guide


Introduction 3

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to Cube-IQ

Cube-IQ is an advanced load planning program, capable of achieving the best

possible loads/packing for your ocean containers, trucks, ULDs, pallets, crates, totes
and boxes. In tests on containers, it has equaled or bettered all other automated
systems currently available. Cube-IQ is also fast, requiring optimization times of no
more than ten to fifteen seconds per container on a Pentium 4 computer.

The program is unique in its option to handle irregularly shaped containers such as
airline containers (ULD's) and refrigerated units. It offers several advanced options
such as true positioning of the center of gravity, automatic handling of axle weight
limits, loading of rolls and optimization over multiple containers in multiple sizes (which
includes selection of containers).

Cube-IQ not only loads boxes, but also rolls (if straight-up), 3-D L-shapes (sofas) and
3-D T-shapes.

Cube-IQ can optimize over multiple containers and container types. For cartonization
for example, the system not only packs boxes, but it also selectes them. There are no
limits on the number of containers it can process at one time, nor on the number of
packages the system can handle.

It is fully compatible with Windows 98/NT/2000/XP.

To get started with Cube-IQ, please read the following brief topics first:
· Getting Started
· Database Navigation
· Main Window
· System requirements

1.2 Getting Started

Cube-IQ uses the term 'package' for the items that you are loading, and the term
'container' for what you are loading the packages into. So, in the system a 'package'
can be a product, a SKU, and item, and so on. A 'container' can be a shipping
container, a truck or trailer, a pallet, a ULD, a carton, a railcar, etc.

Using Cube-IQ is easy. To load a container, you need only two main steps:
1. Create the basic data
· Enter the container data - Main Menu Data / Container data (F6).
· Enter the package data - Main Menu Data / Package Data (F5).
This step is done once, and only repeated for new data. You can also import new data,

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

4 Cube-IQ Help

for example from Excel.

2. Create and optimize a load
· Create the load data (Load / New Load menu)
· Select the available container types from a list, and enter how many are available
· Select the packages off a list, and set for each package the quantity to be loaded
· Click the 'Optimize' button.
It's as simple as that. You are now able to view and evaluate the results, and print out
the load plan that clearly shows the precise container loading sequence.

See also


Database Navigation

Main Window

1.3 About Help

This Help assumes that you are familiar with using Windows (98/NT/2000/XP) to start
programs, enter information, etc. We also assume that you know how to use the
standard Windows keys, such as F1 for Help, Tab to move between fields, etc.

Cube-IQ has full context-sensitive Help in place. In any screen, the F1 key will take
you to the appropriate section of Help.

1.4 Database Navigation

Cube-IQ utilizes a powerful database engine to store container, package and loading
information. To help you maintain this data, the program provides a simple interface in
the form of the 'Database Buttons' (sometimes called a 'Navigator Bar') on many
screens, as shown here:

If you moive the mouse over a button, it will show a hint.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Introduction 5

Button Action

move to the first record or data item.

move to the previous record.

move to the next record.

move to the last record.

begin creating a new record.

delete the current record.

save changes to the current record.

discard any changes to the current (existing or new) record


Some of the buttons may be disabled, depending on the situation. If, for example, you
are already on the first data item, the first two buttons are disabled as you can not go
back any further in the database table. Similarly, the last two buttons are enabled only
if you have made changes to data.
Some windows only show a three button bar, for Add, Delete, and Cancel:

See also: Shortcut Keys

1.5 Main Window

The Main Window hosts the data windows of Cube-IQ, and also the loading windows.
Depending on which window is currently visible, the various buttons on the Main
Window provide different functions.
Along the top of the Main Window is the Main Menu. This gives you access to the full
functionality of Cube-IQ.

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6 Cube-IQ Help

Just under the Main Menu, is the Main Toolbar.

Which buttons are visible depends on which window is currently in view.

The Back button is a toggle between the current and the previous
window. You can also use the Esc key for this purpose.

The Print button shows a preview of a report:

Visible Window Print Button action

Package Data Print Packages
Container Data Print Containers
Load Setup Current view of loading
Load Plan
Load Graphics

The Datatree button opens the Data Tree panel (see below).

The Database Buttons / Navigator works again

on the current data window:

Visible Window Navigator action

Package Data Packages
Container Data Containers
Load Setup Loads
Load Plan
Load Graphics

The Find button opens a little text box into which you can start typing to
find the first data item with an id that starts with the same text ('FM' in this example):

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Introduction 7

The Select button opens a pop-up selection window, where you can click
to go the selected data item.

The Help button takes you to the relevant Help topic.

On the left hand side of the Main Window is the Outlook style Iconbar. This gives
you quick access to several items that can also be found in the Main Menu. The first
pane of the Iconbar takes you through the six steps of creating and optimizing a new
loading case.

There are four more panes, giving you direct access the most frequently used functions
of Cube-IQ:

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8 Cube-IQ Help

To the right of the ToolBar, is the Data Tree. This can be opened by using the
Datatree button in the Main Toolbar:

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Introduction 9

You can click on the '+' to expand a branch of the tree.

Double click an item to go directly to its data. If the Load Setup window is visible, you
can drag containers into the Container Types grid, and packages into the Package grid.

Clicking the small 'x' in the top right corner closes the Data Tree.

1.6 Main Menu

The Main Menu is part of the Main Window of Cube-IQ. It gives you access to the
full functionality of Cube-IQ.

Under File you can export and import data and loads, set up the printer, and exit the

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

10 Cube-IQ Help

The Data menu gives you access to the 'permanent' data in Cube-IQ, that is, data not
directly load-related. You will see the Container, Package and Customer data. In Data
you can also setup complex stacking rules.

The Load menu is used to create, edit, export or delete loads.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Introduction 11

From Reports you can preview and optionally print various reports on the current
loading case. Under Special you will find several reports that have been built into Cube-
IQ at special request of some customers.

The Tools menu lets you perform operations on the Cube-IQ database as a whole. This
is also where you translate the text on the various windows and the start-up tips.
Options allow you to define rules for the way Cube-IQ operates.

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12 Cube-IQ Help

The Help menu lets you access the Help file, and also a description of the short cut
keys (which can be translated by the user). In Help you can register a trial version. The
About gives you information on which 'build' of Cube-IQ you are using. You can also
email directly from About.

1.7 Shortcut Keys

For users preferring the keyboard over the mouse, Cube-IQ offers many Shortcut

From any window:

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Introduction 13

Function Shortcuts Shortcut

Package data F5

Container data F6

Container settings F7

In all data screens (containers, packages, F8

settings, loading cases) pop-up selection list
Specific menus for data grids Right click anywhere in the grid

For data base navigation, in any data window:

Go to: Shortcut

the first data item Alt-Down (Alt key + cursor-

the previous data item Alt-Left

the next data item Alt-Right

the last data item Alt-Up

In the Load Setup and Load Details windows:

Go to: Shortcut

the next loaded container (for the same case) PgUp

the last loaded container Ctrl+PgUp

the previous loaded container PgDn

first loaded container Ctrl+PgDn

In any edit field or data grid:

To: Shortcut

delete the value in the current field BackSpace

edit the current text in a field F2

delete the complete current row/record Ctrl+Delete

On any screen with tabs:

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14 Cube-IQ Help

To: Shortcut

navigate tabs from left to right PgUp

navigate tabs from right to left PgDn

navigate from cell to cell in table Tab

In the Graphics window:

Function: Shortcut

to show no loaded packages n

to show one more loaded package + (repeated)

to show one less loaded package - (repeated)

to show all loaded packages a

to see the container from different view angles v (repeated)

to fix the currently-visible packages in the f


Modifying shortcuts

1.8 Units

Cube-IQ has system-wide settings for the units of length, volume and weight.
These units are used for all data display and update. If data in other units is imported
into the system, unit conversion will take place automatically.

Note: You must enter all your data (containers, packages, some of the settings) in the
same units. Failure to do so will lead to incorrect results.
To set units, from the Main Menu, choose Tools / Options, and click on the General

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Introduction 15

Note that the units should really be selected before entering any data, as Cube-IQ will
not convert units for existing data. If you do have data in the system that needs to be
converted, export that data first under the 'old' units, change the units, and re-import
the data (using the Overwrite All option). Cube-IQ will convert the data during the
import process.

1.9 Startup Tips

At start-up of Cube-IQ you can (optionally) show a 'Tip of the Day'. To switch off the
tips, go to Options - General. To translate or edit the tips (or to add your own!) please
see Translation - Tips.

1.10 System Requirements

Cube-IQ is fully compatible with both Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, with the following
system requirements:

Hardware Minimum Recommended

Processor Pentium 120 Pentium 4 2MHz

RAM 32Mb 512Mb

Hard disk space 10Mb 15Mb

Display 800x600 1024x768 (strongly recommended)

Graphics 16 bit (65535 colors) 32 bit (16M colors, or True Color)

All screens/windows in Cube-IQ are usable in 800x600 screen resolution, but several
screens show more information when used in 1024x768.

If the main Cube-IQ window does not seem to fit your screen (even at 1024x768),
switch the Display/DPI to 'Normal size'. (Right your Windows Desktop for a Screen
Properties window. On the Settings tab, click the Advanced button.)

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16 Cube-IQ Help

1.11 Support

For support, please contact your supplier first. If required, you can reach MagicLogic
Optimization Inc. as follows:

tel. (+1) 604-532 8662 or 866-535 5133 (Toll Free in North America)


Telephone support is available 8AM-6PM, Pacific Standard Time = GMT - 8.

If you appear to have problems with a specific case, please send us the data. This
greatly facilitates support.

Go to the Load giving problems. From the Load menu, choose Export. This puts all
the relevant data in a single file, which can then be attached to an email note to
MagicLogic. (Note that you cannot use File / Export Data to export a load.)

In the Saving load data for export.... window, type in a descriptive filename for the
file in the File Name box. Press Save. (You may want to select the Desktop to save
the file to. After sending the email, you can then delete the file easily.)

Open your email software, and start an email to Browse to

the directory in which you saved the file (or the Desktop), select the file and attach
that file to the email.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Cube-IQ 3.0
User Guide


18 Cube-IQ Help

2 Options
2.1 Introduction

In the Main Menu, choose Tools / Options.

In this window you can enter settings for general use in the system. These settings are
grouped under several tabs. You can use PgUp/PgDn to move between the tabs. The
following tabs are available:



Loading Rules




2.2 General

In the main menu, choose Tools / Options. Select the General tab.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Options 19

Units - Cube-IQ allows you to select which units will be used throughout your

Length unit - can have the following values: 'cm', 'm', 'mm', 'inch', or 'ft'.

Volume unit - can have the following values: 'cm3', 'm3', 'mm3', 'cu.inch', or 'cu.ft'.

Weight unit - can have the following values: 'lbs', 'kg', or 'tonnes'.

Choose units and decimal settings that suit your operation. For instance, it is preferable
to work in centimeters or inches (rather than millemeters) for large containers and
packages in order to keep figures more manageable.

It is advisable to select a length unit that corresponds to the decimals setting. For
example, if the setting is a maximum precision of 2, use l x w x h =
518.23x78.66x80.00 instead of 51823x7866x8000. The last set of numbers leads to an
extremely large value for the volume, which may cause numerical problems on some

It is important to select the units to be used before any data is entered in the system.
Unit conversion will take place automatically if data is imported in different units than
in the current Options.

Window style

This settings lets the user set the style of the Windows in Cube-IQ. If 'Use flat
layouts style' is selected a window will look like this:

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20 Cube-IQ Help

In the 'Use normal layout style' setting, the same window looks as follows:

Various options:

Do not show the tips at start-up - check this box to switch off the tips shown when
starting Cube-IQ.

Location of tips pictures - the folder for the pictures shown as part of the start-up

Number of relevant decimals - the precision with which your measurements are
given. For example, a length of 1234.5678 is shown below at various numbers of
relevant decimals:

0 1234

1 1234.5

2 1234.56

3 1234.567


Features code - Used to switch on some features that have been built in for specific
customers, but that are not relevant to others.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Options 21

Show Dimensional Weight - If checked, the system will show Dimentional Weight for
each loaded container. This is relevant only in applications for air cargo, where so-
called 'dimensional weight' is used to convert 'volume' to weight', and shipment cost
calculations takes place on the maximum of actual and dimensional weight.

2.3 Reports

In the Main Menu, choose Tools /Options. Click on the Reports tab:

Print Load Plans in ... - If you select 'black & white', the Load Plan will be printed in a
combination of gray values. This option is useful if the Load Plans need to be faxed.

In Reports, sort packages ... - Choose from

· by name

· by volume

· as entered in the load list

Logo file - if the edit box contains the location and name of a bitmap file (extension
.BMP), this file will be shown on the loading manifest and instructions. You can use the
Load Bitmap button to select a file, the Scale button to let if fit the available space,
and the Clear button to remove a file reference. Checking Fit picture will stretch the
bitmap to fill the available space exactly.

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22 Cube-IQ Help

2.4 Loading Rules

In the Main Menu, choose Tools / Options. Click on the Loading Rules tab.


Maximum block dimension in load direction - is used to determine the maximum

depth dimension of blocks of packages, which will make up the loading sequence. So,
this is the length-wise step size of the Load Plan.

Packages always upright on pallets - is for cases where packages can be loaded in
containers in any orientation, but if the same packages are loaded on a pallet, they
have to be upright. This avoids the need to keep changing package data.

Pallets always upright - packages of type 'Pallet' will only be loaded straight-up,
without the need to set their orientations.

Show all packages in Re-optimize - if checked, the load list for re-optimization of a
single container (using the Modify button on the Load Details Window) will show all
available packages (even with quantity 0), if not checked, only the currently loaded
packages will be shown.

Default number of available containers - when making containers available for a

newly created load, this is the number that will be made available by defaukt (and that
can then still be chnged by the user).

Apply Package Sequence Numbers

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Options 23

· over all containers, or

· to each container separately.

The difference is that 'separately' allows the system to load containers (usually of type
'pallet' or 'box') in order picking sequence. If there are boxes A, B and C with sequence
numbers 1, 2, and 3 respectively, the setting 'over all containers' will lead to a load
plan where ALL A's are loaded first, then all B's, and finally all C's. If the setting is 'to
each container separately', you may find some A's, then some B's and C's loaded in
container 1, next again some A's, then B's in container 2, and so on.

Sequence to use for multiple containers

This rule sets in which order different containers are to be used by the optimization,
when doing a load inbolbing multiple container types. The choices are

Best fit sequence - in each step, all containers are loaded, and the one with the
highest utilization is selected,

Given sequence - the containers are loaded in the order given by the sequence
numbers in the table,

Largest first - in each step the largest available container is used, except in the last
step where the best fitting container is used.

Closest fit overall - the system will attempt to determine which set of containers will
lead to the lowest overall container volume used.

2.5 Graphics

In the Main Menu, choose Tools /Options. Click on the Graphics tab.

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24 Cube-IQ Help

Maximum package-id length shown - sets how many letters of the package id are
shown in the Load Plan window (when the Id's button is clicked, or under the cursor
when it is over a package).

Show whole blocks if more packages than ... - the graphics window shows either
individual packages, or blocks of packages. Because the showing of individual packages
may be quite slow, you can set here above which number only whole blocks will be

Show in Load Setup - When the screen resolution is 1024x768 or better, a small
version of the load plan is shown as part of the Load Setup Window. This setting allows
users with slow computers to switch off this feature.

Re-color packages to show loading sequence - if checked, Cube-IQ will re-color

packages with different sequence numbers after optimization. This makes it easier to
see the load sequence in the graphics, but has the disadvantage that packages may
keep getting new colors (and may also be changed in other loads).

Show container dimensions - if checked, laod graphics will show the dimensions of
the container involved (as in the picture below).

Stripe the top of packages - if checked, packages will have a striped top (as
defined), as shown here for a load where all packages were loaded upright:

2.6 Manifest

In the Main Menu, choose Tools / Options. Select the Manifest tab.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Options 25

The various check boxes allow you to set up the layout of the Manifest.

The Page Setup can be set to either Portrait or Landscape.

Print Notes from ... - Gives you a choice which of two different sets of notes will be
printed, from the load-details, or from the customer data.

A Preview button is available.

2.7 Logo

In the Main Menu, choose Tools / Options. Select the Logo tab.

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26 Cube-IQ Help

Using this tab, you can select a logo that will be used on-screen instead of the Cube-IQ

If the edit box contains the location and name of a bitmap file (extension .BMP), this
file will be shown on the load setup screens. You can use the Load Bitmap button to
select a file, the Scale button to let if fit the available space, and the Clear button to
remove a file reference.

This feature was introduced for users in cargo space sales who use the system on visits
to potential clients.

2.8 Miscellaneous

In the Main Menu, choose Tools /Options. Select the 'Misc.' Tab.

Company Name - this will be displayed on the start-up screen, and also on some of
the reports. If your company's name contains an '&' use '&&', as a single '&' will only
lead to the next character being underlined.

Typical fill-up material density - used to estimate the overall weight in the loading
manifest. This value allows the user to get closer to the final overall value. It is used to
calculate a 'weight' for the space not used for packages.

Make package 'Bottom-only' if weight more than … - allows you to let new
packages get the Bottom-only attribute automatically if their weight is above this limit.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Options 27

Create Package IDs automatically - if checked, an ID will be created automatically

for a new package, if the ID of the current package ends on '- x', where 'x' is a
number. So, if the current package is 'Some ID -4', a new package will get a proposed
ID 'Some ID - 5'.

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Cube-IQ 3.0
User Guide


Containers 29

3 Containers
3.1 Container Data Window

Cube-IQ uses the word 'Container' for anything that can contain other objects. So, a
container can be a standard ocean container, but also a truck, a pallet, a crate, a box,
or even an irregularly shaped airline container or pallet (ULD).

From the Program window, click on Data / Container Data,

use the F6 key, or, from the left pane, click on Data / Containers.

In the Container Data Window, you can:

1. Get a selection list of the containers either by clicking the Select button, pressing
F8, or right-clicking the mouse anywhere in the Container Data window. You can
also use the VCR buttons on the Navigator bar to select the container you wish to
2. Make the necessary changes to the data of the container.
3. View a graphic of the container by pressing the Recalculate/Redraw button. You
can view the container from different angles by dragging the mouse over the
4. Finish by pressing OK to save your changes.
All containers must have this set of base data:
· Id - an unique identifier or name for this container type, which will be used when you
define loading cases
· Type - 'Rectangular', 'Airline (ULD)', 'Truck', 'Pallet' , 'Crate' or 'Box'
· Depth (the distance from back to front, in the length unit of your choice, see
Tools/Options/General Tab)
· Width (the distance from left to right)
· Height (the distance from floor to ceiling)
· Weight Capacity (in the weight unit of your choice)

The length measurements are for the inside dimensions. Cube-IQ will calculate the
volume automatically, using the units as set under Tools/Options/General Tab.

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30 Cube-IQ Help

On the Container Data Window, you can access other data fields for containers:

Loading rules (on the Data Tab)

Pallet specific settings (only if the container is of type 'pallet'),

Data to define the shape of the container (only if the container is of type 'Airline

Axle weight limits

Unusable spaces

Outside dimensions

Data to set up how the container should be drawn.

3.2 Containers

A container is defined as any object that you may wish to load with smaller items. In

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Containers 31

Cube-IQ, this is either a rectangular container, or one with a (within limits) irregularly
shaped floor and/or ceiling.

Examples of rectangular containers are:

· ocean containers

· pallets

· crates

· trucks

· boxes.

Examples of irregular containers are airline containers such as:

· LD-3

· LD-7


Note: airline containers (Unit Load Devices, ULD's) may have cut-off corners along the
top and/or bottom of one or more walls.

3.3 Container Window Tabs

3.3.1 Data

In the Main Menu, click on Data / Container Data, use the F6 key, or, from the left
pane, click on Data / Containers.

Click on the Data tab. On this tab, you can enter values for several data fields of the

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The following information is set up here:

Type - 'Rectangular', 'Airline (ULD)', 'Truck', 'Pallet', 'Crate' or 'Box'. The optimization
engine uses different rules according to the type entered here.

Settings - Cube-IQ requires for each container a set of tuning parameters that are
called 'Settings'. Each of these sets has an id, which is to be entered in the 'Settings'
field of the container (or elected from the drop-down list).

Load Direction - a choice between 'Back to Front' and 'Bottom to Top'. The first
option is typically used for containers and trucks, and the latter for pallets, crates and

Handling of Partial Loads - if 'Use Back First' is checked, partial loads will be loaded
as far back in the container as possible. 'Use Floor First' will let the load engine spread
partial loads over the container floor.

Fill percentage - If 'Hard minimum' is checked, no container will be loaded below

the minimum fill percentage. (Note that this may leave some packages unloaded.) If
the minimum fill percentage is not 'hard', containers may be loaded below that value,
but a warning will be given in Load Setup by showing the fill percentage in red and

The Package matching code is used to force certain packages to be loaded only in
certain containers: if the package has a 'container matching code' it will be loaded
only in a container that has the same code as its 'package matching code'.

3.3.2 Pallet Rules

In the Main Menu, click on Data / Container Data, use the F6 key, or, from the left
pane, click on Data / Containers.

Click on the Pallet Rules tab (visible only if the container is of type 'pallet).

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For a pallet special rules can be set up on how to load it. The rules fields are:

· Load Layers - check if the pallet must be loaded in layers of packages.

The following settings are relevant only if Load Layers is checked:

· Spread Packages - check if blocks of packages within a layer must be spread out to
fill out the pallet area as completely as possible.

· Mixed Layers - check if different packages may be used within a layer. This is done
with reference to the container setting Maximum Support Height Difference,
which determines to what extent height differences within a layer will be accepted
(see Container Settings).

· Use Layers on Last Pallet - in most multi-pallet loading cases, the packages that
remain for the very last pallet are not suitable for the creation of layers. Check this
field if not using layers for the last pallet is acceptable.

· Alternately Rotate Layers - check if subsequent layers must be rotated by 180

degrees to improve pallet stability.

· Minimum Space Utilization for Layers - a threshold value for the optimizer,
indicating that there is no need to create layers if doing so would give a space
utilization lower than this percentage. This rule leaves it to the optimizer to
determine if using layers is a good idea, depending on the loadable packages.

3.3.3 Floor Shape and Ceiling Shape

In the Main Menu, click on Data / Container Data, use the F6 key, or, from the left
pane, click on Data / Containers.

Click on the either the Floor Shape or the Ceiling Shape tab, which is visible only if
the container is of type 'Airline (ULD)'.

On this tab you can enter data to change the shape of the container in either front or
left-side view. You will then get a drawing to help you check the shape data.

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Given the view, Cube-IQ lets you define points where the floor/ceiling height changes.
Such a point requires a coordinate and the height at that coordinate. In front view, the
coordinate is the distance from the left to right. In left-side view, it is the distance from
the back.

The two outside points should always be in the list. Also you cannot have two points at
the same coordinate. For any straight-up container wall, create a minimal angle by
setting one coordinate for example 0.01 distance units from the previous one.

The floor and ceiling can only be irregular in the same view. If you need to define a
'shape' in the other view as well, you can simulate this using several 'unusable spaces'.

This is an example of an irregular ceiling:

Note that the ceiling height changes direction at seven coordinates. Note also that the
third and fourth coordinates should really be the same, but that a difference of 0.01
has been introduced.

At floor/ceiling coordinates that are not in the list, Cube-IQ will calculate the height
through interpolation.

Adding/deleting a floor or ceiling point is done by using the database buttons right

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Containers 35

above the small grid. To delete you can also place the cursor in the left-most column of
the row to be deleted, and hit Ctrl+Del (which must be followed by confirmation).

Some more explanation by example:

· A container with a sliced-off corner on one side requires minimally six height-points.

· A container with sliced-off corners on both sides requires at least eight height-points.

· Rounded corners can be described by introducing several pairs of height-points along

the curve.

3.3.4 Axle Weights

In the Main Menu, click on Data / Container Data, use the F6 key, or, from the left
pane, click on Data / Containers.

Click on the Axle Weights tab.

Cube-IQ can take limits into account on the weight bearing upon each of (exactly) two
axles. For each of the two axles, the distance from the back of the container (usually of
type 'truck') and the maximum weight can be defined.

(Note that the loading sequence in a truck is called 'back to front' in Cube-IQ. So,
what Cube-IQ calls the 'back' is typically at the front of a truck!)

The navigator allows you to delete an axle weight limit, or to discard changes to the
current one. You can also delete a whole row by using Ctrl+Delete when positioned in
that row.

After optimizing a load, the weight on each axle can be viewed from the Load Details
window, under the Weight Distribution tab. The axles weights are expressed as a
percentage of the maximum weight.

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Instead of using axle weight limits, you can also set up

a target area for the Centre of Gravity. This is done under Container Settings (F7)
rather than under Container Data (F6).

3.3.5 Unusable Spaces

In the Main Menu, click on Data / Container Data, use the F6 key, or, from the left
pane, click on Data / Containers. Click on the Unusable Spaces tab.

Cube-IQ allows the user to define three-dimensional rectangular spaces in the

container that cannot be used for loading. Such a space is defined by its co-ordinates
in the container space, and its dimensions. After entering the information, click the
Recalculate/Redraw button to display the unusable space.

The coordinates are for the back-left-lower corner of the unusable space.

In the example above, two 'unusable spaces' have been set up, the first one in the

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back, left, top, and the second in the front, left, bottom of the container.

The navigator allows you to add or delete an unusable space, or to discard changes to
the current one. You can also delete a whole row by using Ctrl+Delete when positioned
in that row.

3.3.6 Outside Dimensions

In the Main Menu, click on Data / Container Data, use the F6 key, or, from the left
pane, click on Data / Containers.

Click on the Outside Dims tab.

Data for conversion to package

When a loaded pallet, crate or box is to be loaded into a container or truck in a second
loading step (called stage 2 in Cube-IQ), the dimensions have to be re-calculated. The
Outside Dims tab gives you access to several container data fields for this

· Outside Length and Outside Width - values will be used if entered. If not, the
overall length and width of the load will be used as outside length and width.

· Outside Height - if given a value, this will be used as the overall outside height of
the container (converted to a package),

· Height to be added - is added to the overall height of the load in the container.
This rule is intended for use with pallets.

· Tare Weight - this value will be added to the weight of the load when moving a
container into stage 2 loading.

Note: You can use Outside Height or Height to be added, not both.

Door opening

If values are given for the door opening, Cube-IQ will only load packages into the
container that fit through the door opening. If a package only fits in certain

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orientations, only those orientations will be considered when loading.

3.3.7 Drawing

In the Main Menu, click on Data / Container Data, use the F6 key, or, from the left
pane, click on Data / Containers.

Click on the Drawing tab. On this tab, you can define a series of 'boxes' that will be
drawn, as well as the original container (which is its internal space).

Each row in the grid on the Drawing tab represents one 'draw-box', with its own
dimensions, and co-ordinates relative to the lower-left-back corner of the original

If the value in the Only Data Screen column is True, the draw box will only be drawn in
the Container Data window (not in the Load Plan).

So, as an example, you can create a series of small boxes that together make up the
picture of a real pallet, as shown above. Note that the coordinate (0, 0, 0) defines the
back-left-lower corner of the loadable space. So, the pallet needs to be drawn at

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Containers 39

negative height coordinates in order for it to be drawn below the loadable space.

If the container is of type 'Pallet', a button is available to set up draw-boxes for a

pallet automatically.

Any draw-box with a height co-ordinate greater than zero will be drawn transparently,
as it is assumed to be a cover. The original loading space will be drawn in any case.

3.4 Settings
3.4.1 Introduction

In the Main Menu, choose Data / Settings (or press F7).

Here you will find a number of settings that influence the way the optimization engine
of Cube-IQ finds a loading. A key requirement for a good loading solution is that each
type of loading case is tuned uniquely. You can define named groups of settings (as
Settings Id). These unique settings can then be assigned to container types in the
Container window. This is a key feature of Cube-IQ.

The picture above shows settings that go by the Id of 'Container', as the user intends

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to use them when loading containers. You can create as many sets of settings as you
like and give them any appropriate name.

IMPORTANT: if a setting has an absolute value (rather than a factor or a percentage

value), it must be set in the same unit as the dimensions of the containers and the
packages. Not using the right units may lead to very strange loading results.

There are several types of settings here, grouped under tabs. The PgUp and PgDn keys
let you move between tabs.

The following groups of settings exist:

Optimizer Settings

Operational Settings

Loading Settings

Centre of Gravity Settings

3.4.2 Optimizer

In the Main Menu, choose Tools / Settings (F7).

Click on the Optimizer Settings tab (if it is not already selected).

The Optimizer Settings determine how long an optimization run should maximally
take and which combination of volume/weight utilization it should optimize:

Maximum run time - the number of seconds allowed for the loading of one container
(so a setting of 15 to load four containers can lead to a run of one minute). A good
value is 15 seconds on a Pentium-600 PC.

Maximum number of non-improving iterations - a setting that tells the solver how
many more iterations to spend searching for an improved loading. For loading cases

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with a low number of packages, a value of 500 iterations is recommended, for slow
optimization runs, 50 iterations is a good value.

Optimization factor volume versus weight - if two loadings are compared, the
optimizer selects the one with the best combination of volume utilization (percentage
of volume used) and weight utilization (percentage of weight capacity used). This
setting determines how the combination of volume and weight utilization is calculated.
A value of 1.0 means volume maximization only, and a value of 0.0 would mean
volume not taken into account, that is only weight optimization. However, to avoid that
volume plays no role at all, we allow only 0.1 as a minimum value (at which value
volume is taken into account for 10%, weight for 90%).

If weight plays in important role, optimizing over volume only may lead to some
containers being fully loaded (maximum volume) using only light packages. For
subsequent containers, too much weight may then be left, leading to more containers
being used. In a case like this, a setting of for example 0.4 works fine.

Utilization percentage for estimates - on the Load Setup window, Cube-IQ can
show how many containers of the currently selected type would minimally be required.
(Use the right-click pop-up menu of the Container Type grid.) The calculation uses this
setting as estimate for utilization.

3.4.3 Operational

In the Main menu, choose Tools / Settings (F7) and click on the Operational
Settings tab.

The Operational Settings define rules on how the container is to be loaded:

Loading margin - lets you define a certain amount of space margin that needs to be
kept when loading, possibly to cater for data uncertainty. Note that this is an absolute
value, not a percentage. Cube-IQ will leave this margin one time in the length, and one

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time in the width direction, and then move the load towards the center. So, a margin
of 10 will give you a space of at least 5 all the way around.

Loading margin per package - depthwise - lets you define a certain amount of
space margin that needs to be kept between each pair of loaded packages, in the
loading direction from back to front (depth-wise). Note that this is an absolute value.

Loading margin per package - width direction - lets you define a certain amount
of space margin that needs to be kept between each pair of loaded packages, in the
loading direction from left to right (widthwise). Again this is an absolute value.

Maximum distance to wall for leaning - Cube-IQ may use the fact that packages
can lean against a wall of the container, with this value setting the maximum distance
that a package can be from the wall to allow leaning (absolute value, illustrated in the
Settings window). If a package leans against a wall, it requires support only on the
other side.

Minimum space above Top Only Packages - Top-only packages may be bridged by
other packages, with this value indicating the minimum distance that these bridging
packages have to keep from the top-only package (absolute value, illustrated in the
Settings window).

Maximum support height difference - Cube-IQ assumes that a package may be

supported by one that is slightly lower with its top than the package is with its bottom
level (absolute value, illustrated in the Settings window)

Minimum support required - to avoid 'floating' packages support is not only required
on one side of the package but also at some relative distance away from that side. This
is set with this value (as illustrated in the Settings window)

Thickness of wall to separate drops - If a value is present in this field, the system
will not mix packages with different sequence numbers (that is, for different drops),
but keep them separated by an invisible wall that has this value as its width). If mixing
packages with different sequence numbers is ok, you can leave this field blank, or use
a value 0.

Stacking only if same footprint - If checked, any two boxes can be stacked only if
they have the footprint (length and width).

General maximum stacking height - Cube-IQ will never stack more boxes than this
setting. You can leave this setting blank in order not to use it.

3.4.4 Loading

In the Main Menu, choose Tools / Settings (F7) and click on the Loading Settings

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Loading Settings concern rules on what is to be loaded and in which sequence or


Target number of SKUs container - the optimization engine of Cube-IQ will load no
more different SKUs (package types) than this number in a single container, as long as
the volume utilization reaches at least the value of the next setting (see below). If this
utilization cannot be reached, the system will try to load one more SKU. This will
continue until the target number is the original number plus three. From then on the
system will simply optimize overall volume/weight without regard to how many
different packages are used.

Minimum utilization to check number of SKUs - minimum volume utilization

required to take the previous setting into account.

Target minimum number of packages per block - This is still a somewhat

experimental tuning setting. Value of 1 will give standard loading results. In cases with
many packages, values like 4, 6 or even 12 will give a more regular loading. This
avoids the operationally undesirable loading of very small blocks of packages into small
spaces to obtain a higher space utilization. Each loaded block of packages will contain
at least this number of packages (if still available).

Note: Users should experiment with several values to find out what works best in their
particular situation.

Packages with different sequence numbers can be mixed - if checked, the

optimization can combine packages with different sequence numbers in one container.
This setting is typically used in palletization or cartonization, where each sequence
number represents a customer or a drop, and packages for different customers cannot
be mixed on one pallet or on one box.

Minimum number of packages per container - this setting is useful for two-stage
loading, for example boxes on pallets, and next pallets into a truck. If the value is
(say) 2, there is no point in putting just these two packages on a pallet, as they may
as well be loaded separately into the truck (see the next setting).Copy unloaded
packages from Stage 1 to Stage 2 - a setting for two stage loading, say, boxes on
pallets and pallets onto a truck. If checked, not just the loaded pallets are made
available for loading in Stage 2, but also all boxes that were not loaded in Stage 1.

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Copy unloaded packages from Stage 1 to Stage 2 - a setting for two stage
loading, say, boxes on pallets and pallets onto a truck. If checked, not just the loaded
pallets are made available for loading in Stage 2, but also all boxes that were not
loaded in Stage 1.

Load each SKU together - if checked, each SKU will be loaded consecutively, that is,
after loading the first one, all will be loaded (in the same container, if they fit).

3.4.5 Centre of Gravity

From the Program window, choose Tools / Settings (F7) and click on the Centre of
Gravity tab.

The Centre of Gravity tab provides settings on how to position the centre of gravity
(automatically). Under this tab, you can set limits for back, front, left and right. These
are percentages of the full dimensions. For example, if you want the center of gravity
in the length direction to be within 45% and 55% of the container length, enter a 45
for the 'back' limit and a 55 for the 'front' limit.

The positioning of the center of gravity will only take place for directions (length or
width) where two values have been entered.

3.5 Print Containers

In the Main Menu, select Data / Print Containers.

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This produces an overview report (first in preview) of all defined containers. This is a

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Cube-IQ 3.0
User Guide


Customers 47

4 Customers
4.1 Customer Data

In the Main Menu choose Data / Customer Data.

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The user can set up a record for each customer. This data can then be used as part of
the Loading Manifests.

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User Guide


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5 Packages
5.1 Introduction

A package is defined as any object that can be loaded into one of Cube-IQ's containers.
The object must be rectangular, cylindrical or 'sofa'-shaped (a 3-dimensional L-shape).
Examples of rectangular objects are boxes, cartons, or even whole pallets. Cylindrical
objects are for example drums, rolls or tubes.

Cylindrical packages are in Cube-IQ loaded as if they are box-shaped, unless the load
contains only cylinders, and they can all only be loaded straight-up.

To access the package definition window, choose Data / Package Data from the
Main Menu,

use the F5 function key, or select Data / Packages in the left pane of the main Cube-
IQ window.

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Each package must have a unique identifier (name) that will be used when setting up a
loading case. Besides the ID, the following four data values are required:

1. Length - in Cube-IQ defined as back to front, in the length units selected in


2. Width - dimension from left to right,

3. Height - dimension from bottom to top,

4. Weight - used to check the loaded weight against the weight capacity of
containers and against axle weight limits, and also used in the positioning of the
center of gravity. Must be in the weight unit selected in General Settings.

In some windows, you may see 'PLength', 'PWidth' and 'PHeight' in place of
respectively 'Length', 'Width' and 'Height'. This is done so that users can use a different
translation for the 'length' of a container and that of a package. To see 'Length' and so
on, use Tools/Translation to translate 'PLength' into 'Length', etc.

Cube-IQ also has a window with a grid/table view of all the packages created in the
database, accessible through the 'Grid View' button on the 'Packages' window. The
data items in this view are discussed in a separate section below.

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On the Package Data Window you can also select the following buttons:

· Grid View - takes you to a grid window that show many packages at the same time.
The only drawback here is that many details cannot be shown.

· Set Color - allows you to change the colour of the package (Cube-IQ gives the
package a random color when it is created.) The color of the package is used in the
graphics window and the Load Plan. This can be very useful to identify the different
packages in a load.

· Redraw - to redraw the picture after changing its data.

· Set as Default - clicking this button will let Cube-IQ use the values of the current
package as initial data values for any new package.

· Copy into New - creates a new package with the same data as the current package,
except for the ID.

· Cancel - only enabled when creating a new package from the Load Setup window, to
cancel this operation.

Once your package has been defined, the single package view shows a small graphical
representation on the right of the window. The view is from the right-front of the
package, that is, 'length' is shown in the left-forward direction, and 'width' right-
forward. The view angle depends on the orientation that is selected on the
'Orientations' tab.

You can find an existing package by clicking on the Find button in the main menu. This
opens an edit box into which you simply start typing.

Right click anywhere in the package window to see a pop-up selection list of all
currently defined packages. You can also use the Select button or the F8 key to access
this selection list.

All other data fields are logically combined into groups, each represented by a tab on
the package data screen. We will discuss each of these data tabs below in detail. You
can use PgUp and PgDn to browse the tabs.


· Data

· Orientations

· Stacking

· Items

· Filtering

· Drawing

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5.2 Package Data

5.2.1 Basic data

In the Main Menu, choose Data/ Package Data, use the F5 function key or in the left
pane, click Data / Packages. Click on the Data tab.

On the Data tab the following package data fields can be accessed:

Type - either 'Box', 'Cylinder/Roll/Tube', 'Pallet' or 'Sofa' (a 3-dimensional L-shape).

Description - this text is used only for user definable information. It is shown in
various windows and reports.

Number of Items - shown on the loading manifest.

Delete with load - if checked, the package will be deleted with the last load in which
it was used. This allows you to define temporary packages specifically for a given load,
without leaving the package data in the system once the loading case gets deleted.

Load on outside - used for hazardous materials that on pallets may have to be loaded
in such a way that they are at all times visible from the outside.

Container matching code - if this code has a (text) value, the package will be loaded
only in a container that has the same code as its 'Package matching code' (as set in
Container Data). This allows the user to indicate that certain packages can be loaded
only in certain containers.

5.2.2 Orientations

In the Main Menu, choose Data/ Package Data, use the F5 function key, or in the
left pane, click Data / Packages. Click on the Orientations tab.

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The orientations tab shows the six different ways in which a given package can be
loaded. This can be seen by clicking on any of the six rows, and watching the package
picture. You cannot delete or add orientations, only edit some of their data fields.

Cube-IQ allows the user to define various complex loading rules, by making standard
rules available for each orientation of the package separately.

The following rules can be set 'per orientation':

Allowed - 'Yes/No' indicator whether the package can be loaded in this orientation.

Bottom Only - indicates that in this orientation, the package must be loaded on the
floor of the container, possibly in a stack (see Maximum in Stack).

Top Only - indicates that no other packages may be loaded on top of this package in
this orientation, unless they are packages of the same type, and the number in the
stack is no greater than the Max. Stack value.

Max. Stack (= Maximum number in a stack) - if a package in a given orientation is

bottom-only or top-only, the maximum number of this type of packages that can be

Supp.Weight (= Supported Weight) - the maximum weight that the package can
support. If this feature is not to be checked, leave the value blank (not zero!).

Stack Index - if not blank, the package will support only packages that have the same
stack index or a lower one (think 'lighter'). This feature will allow you to direct more
fragile packages to be loaded higher up in the container. So, packages with a lower
stack index will be loaded higher in the container.

Some examples of loading rules that can be set up using this orientation-based
mechanism are:

Only flat if on top - indicates that the package must be loaded on its side or end if it
supports other packages. If flat (lowest dimension as height) it is to be treated in the
same way as Top Only.

Straight up if not on top - indicates that the package may only be loaded on its side
or end if it also loaded on top. If on its side or end, it is treated as Top Only. This
loading rule is for packages that can only support other packages if their highest

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Packages 55

dimension is upright.

The orientations for a 'sofa' follow slightly different rules. Due to the asymmetric
shape, loading a sofa upside down will give a different loading. Cube-IQ makes the
assumption that each sofa orientation represents a side onto which the sofa may be
loaded, with each of the four different rotations allowed if an orientation is allowed.
Also if both rotations 1 and 2 are allowed, two sofas may be combined with one upside
down on top of the other (see the picture below, the 2x2 sofas against the back wall).

Combining two sofas in orientation 3 (standing on the right hand side) leads to the
same combination, as the picture shows from the top view. In this picture you can also
see that Cube-IQ has two different ways of combing two standing-up sofas.

5.2.3 Stacking

In the Main Menu, choose Data/ Package Data, use the F5 function key or in the left
pane, click Data / Packages. Click on the Stacking tab.

In Cube-IQ, stacking rules can be set-up in two different ways. A rule 'per package' is
set up here, a rule that may be different for each orientation of a package is defined

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under the Orientation data tab (look for Stacking Index).

The stacking-related data fields are:

Stack Code - used in combination with the Stacking Matrix, discussed in the next
section. The code can be cleared using the Clear button.

No Overhang - indicates that packages loaded on top of this package have to stay
within its length and width perimeter. Some Cube-IQ users, for example in the loading
of pallets, start by loading smaller packages on top of a large one, on the pallet, still
outside the container. Only then do they move the whole set of packages into the
container. So, the large packages should not have any overhang.

It is also possible to indicate that a package can be 'nested' if loaded on top of a similar
package. This is done by giving a value to the field called 'Height increase when
nested/stacked'. If a package is for example 40 high, a stack of two of these
packages would normally be 80 high. But if the top package nests somewhat in the
bottom package, the total height may be only 65. In that case the value of this field
should be 25.

5.2.4 Items

In the Main Menu, choose Data/ Package Data, use the F5 function key, or in the
left pane, click Data / Packages. Click on the Items tab.

The Items tab screen gives you access to a list, into which you can select other
packages as 'items' inside the current package. Note that any item must be defined as
a 'package' itself first.

To insert items into the list,

1. Right-click the list to get a pop-up menu.

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Packages 57

2. Click in the left list of the pop-up window on the packages you want to insert,
optionally after filtering which packages are visible. (If you make a mistake, click
on the same package when it is in the right hand list.)

3. Press the OK button.

The use of 'items' inside a 'package' is useful when you want to set up irregularly
shaped items on for example a pallet. Given the irregular shape of the items, Cube-IQ
cannot do this for you, but it can still load the (now also irregularly shaped pallet) into
a truck as a 'Top Only' package.

5.2.5 Filtering

In the Main Menu, choose the Data/ Package Data, use the F5 function key or in the
left pane, click Data / Packages. Click on the Filtering tab.

Each package has four fields that can be used to filter which packages are visible.

The first field is used for Package Filtering from the Load Setup Form. If any value is
entered in the Package Filter field, only packages with this value will be visible while on
this case.

The other fields are useful for example when building a loading case for a specific
customer. By filling one of the fields with a customer name, and using
Tools/Translation to change 'Attribute 1' into 'Customer', you can narrow down the list

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of packages.

In this example, we used Tools/Translate System to translate 'Attribute 1' into

'Customer', and 'Attribute 2' into 'Area'. When selecting packages, you can now press
the Filter button first, and for example require the value of 'Area' to be 'Florida', or
'Alabama'. This is what the package selection window looks like:

Clicking the Filter button brings up this screen, where you can set required values for
the various attributes:

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You can specify for each of the three attribute fields which values should only be
shown. If more than one attribute has a required value, only packages are shown that
have ALL those values.

5.2.6 Drawing

In the Main Menu, choose the Data/ Package Data, use the F5 function key or in the
left pane, click Data / Packages. Click on the Drawing tab.

Each of the rows in the grid represents one 'draw-box', with its own dimensions, and
co-ordinates relative to the lower-left-back corner of the original package.

If at least one draw box has been defined, all draw boxes will be drawn instead of the
original box.

The Color button allows you to assign a color to the currently selected draw box.

The Draw as Pallet button (only shown if the package is of type 'Pallet) gives a
proposed set of draw boxes for a pallet, to be drawn underneath the loadable space. If
the type of the package is 'sofa', there is also a special button to set up the drawing of
a package as a two-box sofa.

Depending on the type of package ('Sofa', 'Box') there can also be other 'Draw as ..'
buttons available.

Here is an example on how to draw a sofa as a pair of boxes (one for the 'back', one
ofr the 'seat').

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5.3 Packages Grid View

In the Main Menu, choose Data / Package Data Grid.

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When you are in the Package Data Window, you can click the Grid View button in the

You are presented with the Package Grid Window. This window show all packages in
a data grid. On an 800x600 screen, you can click on the titles row of the grid to see
more fields. On larger screens you will see all available fields. Click on Package
Window to go to the standard Package Data Window, which will show you a single
package at the timer.

As you can see, the Grid View of the package data allows comparing packages
quickly. It also facilitates changing a single field for many packages. On the other
hand, not all fields are shown here, and details like orientation and items are not

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The Color button opens a small menu, with three options to let Cube-IQ allocate a
random color to one or more packages.

The Package Grid shows some data that is also accessible in the normal Package
data screen. The following data items can only be set here:

· Turnable - indicator on whether turning (90 degrees, top stays top) is allowed.

· Top Up? - indicator whether the package can be loaded with the top-as-defined
actually on top (some customers have their data set up such that this is not allowed).

· Side Up? - indicator whether the package can be flipped onto one of its sides (as set
up in the data).

· End Up? - indicator whether the package can be toppled with the front or back side
(as set up in the data) on top.

These special package data fields allow setting general loading rules without having to
do this for each orientation separately. For example if you use the Grid View to set a
package to Top Up = Yes, Side Up = No and End Up = No, Cube-IQ will set the first of
the six orientations to Allowed = Yes, and the other for to Allowed = No.

Note that the grid only gives you a quick way to set orientations, but that the
orientations will be used by the load planning engine. Also, using the orientations gives
you more flexibility then using the columns in the grid view.

The values of the following fields are copied into the same fields for all orientations of a

· Bottom Only - indicates that the package must be loaded on the floor of the
container, possibly in a stack (see 'Stack <=' below).

· Top Up Only - indicates that no other packages may be loaded on top of this
package, unless they are packages of the same type, and the number in the stack is
no greater than the 'Stack <=' value below.

· Stack <= - Maximum number in a stack/layer - only used if a package is bottom-

only or top-only.

5.4 Stacking Codes

Stacking Codes

From the Program menu, choose Data / Stacking Codes, and, after creating

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appropriate stacking codes, select Data / Stacking Matrix.

In Cube-IQ the user can set up stacking rules in two different ways. The first method is
to use the stacking index, as can be defined for each orientation of a package.

Secondly, as discussed here, a stacking code can be allocated to each package. These
codes have to be defined first in the Stacking Codes window shown below.
Sequence indicates in which sequence the codes will appear in the stacking matrix. If
you change a sequence number, the other ones will automatically be renumbered.

To allocate the currently selected code to multiple packages, click the Assign buttun.
This takes you to the following window:

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You can use the standard Windows list key clicks to make multiple selections (as
done above), and then click the Done button to give each selected package the current
Stacking Code. To select a consecutive series of packages, click on the first one, then
hold down the Shift and click on the last package. You can also hold down the Ctrl key
to select random multiple packages.

To set up the stacking matrix, choose the Data / Stacking Matrix menu. This
displays the following Window, showing all existing stacking codes in the order of their
sequence numbers:

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Packages 65

In this window you can set for each pair of codes whether a package with the first code
can be stacked on one with the second code. If there are codes and there is a stacking
matrix, packages without a code are assumed to be loadable on and under any other

5.5 Print Packages

From the Program window, choose Data / Print Packages.

You are presented with the Print Preview window, of which a sample is shown here:

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6 Loading
6.1 The Loading Operation

Setting up a new loading case is done in three steps:

1. Click on the '+' in the main Navigator, or use the Case/New Case menu. Enter a
name/ID for the case. This can be up to 30 characters in length, and must uniquely
identify the current case.

2. Select containers into the Container List, and set the numbers available.

3. Select packages into the Load List, and set the quantities to be loaded.

Now setup is complete with the Container List and the Load List in place. Use (4.) the
Optimize button to get the load optimized. Finally you can (5.) inspect the Load Plan,
(6.) print it, and print the Loading Manifest.

Click here for more information on the Load Setup Window.

The easiest way to follow the steps above is to use the New Load pane of the Main

Before you can do these steps the following data must be in place:

(a) the containers (that is, shipping containers, trucks, ULD, pallets, crates, totes, or

(b) the packages (boxes, cartons, rolls).

Loading cases can be accessed through the Main Menu / Case.

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Case/New Case opens the Load Setup Window, with all data fields empty. Start
typing the name of the new case.

Case/Open Case of the F3 function key accesses the Load Setup Window with the
current case visible.

Use Case/Export to let Cube-IQ put all the data required for a case (input and
results) into a single file. This file can then be imported in other Cube-IQ installations
(for example at customer, or at MagicLogic Support).

Case/Cleanup Cases is a window that simplifies deletion of multiple obsolete cases.

6.2 Load Setup Window

The Load Setup Window is where you define new loading cases, and modify or delete

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existing cases. In the Main Menu, click on Case / Open Case (F3), or click on
Loading/Setup Load in the left pane. On smaller screens (800x600) it looks like this:

The Load Setup Window show one loading case at the time. You can use the Main
Navigator to move between cases, use the Find button to start typing the name of a
case, or use the Select button for a pop-up selection list (you can also right click in the
window). The Print button prints the Load Plan (once the case has been optimized).

At the top of the Window you see the (unique) name of the Case. Below it is the
Container List, and along the bottom the Load List. To 'toggle' between the
Description of each package and the dimensions (Length, Width and Height) click
on the header of the Packages grid.

The fields in the top-right corner show some totals for the case, with 'Minimum #
required' indicating how many containers are required of the type currently selected
(clicked on) in the Container List. This is based on the Volume Utilization defined in the

Click the small 'hot-spot' to the right of the case totals fields to access the
'other case data' panel.

To process the loading case, simply click the Optimize button in the small Toolbar. A
small dialogue box will appear showing you the progress of the optimizer as it
processes. You can interrupt this processing at any time by clicking on the Interrupt
button at the bottom of the dialog. The best loading calculated by Cube-IQ so far will
be stored in the database for reference. Note that not interrupting the optimizing
process may lead to a better loading in the end.

The other Toolbar buttons let you start a Stage 2 Loading Case, or modify the Load

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List through a menu:

The various menu items are described in the section on the Load List.

On larger screens (1024x756 and up) you see two additional panels of information.
Firstly, on the right you can see the full 'other case data' panel.

After a successful optimization, Cube-IQ shows information on each loaded container

along the bottom of the window, including a small graphics Load Plan.

6.3 The Container List

The Container List is the grid shown on the Setup Load Window:

In the Container List, you can add a container type is two ways:

1. Use the cursor-down key when in the bottom existing row, or repeatedly press the
Tab key until a new row is created, and click in the left-most column. A drop-
down list box of containers will appear.

Click on the required container. (In the list box you can start typing the ID of the

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container, to jump to it.)

2. Right-click in the grid for a popup menu, and choose Select Containers.

A selection box will appear from which you can choose the container(s). As you click on
the containers in the Available box, they automatically are moved to the Selected box.
To add more than one type of container, simply choose the various types from the
Available list.

You can also start typing the ID of a package, and the list will jump to the first package
that has an ID starting with the same keys. Use the spacebar or a mouse click to move
the package to the right hand side.
Press OK to move the selected containers into the Container List.

After selecting the containers, fill in the Seq. (sequence) and Number boxes. (The used
box will be filled in by the program.)

The containers will be loaded in sequence number (Seq.) order, but only if the option

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for optimizing over multiple containers in the Tools / Options / Loading Rules is set at
Given sequence.

Number indicates the available numbers for the various types.

Used shows how many of each type are in use in the current loading.

The access the data of the currently selected container, use the F6 key.

If you want to remove a container type from the grid, use Ctrl+Del. You can also right
click the grid, and then selected 'Remove Container from List'.

6.4 The Load List

6.4.1 The Load List

In the Load List you can select the type, sequence and quantity of packages that are
to be loaded for this particular case. Cube-IQ will load as much package volume as
possible given the number of available containers.

The Load List grid also shows (in the # Loaded column) how many of each package
have been loaded (in total, over all loaded containers).

The grid has a pop-up menu, which can also been called up through the Load List

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The items in this menu are:

Select Package(s)

Split Package Line

New Package

Add Orders

Select Packages - Load by Weight

Remove Package from List

Click on a cell in the Package column of the grid to select from a drop-down list of all
available packages.

The sequence number field can be used for two purposes:

1. To indicate which packages should be loaded first, second, third etc., in a LIFO
fashion. If the order of loading is not important, leave this value as '1' for all
packages. The sequence can be based on a picking order sequence, or on a drop
shipment sequence, or on an LTL sequence etc. How the sequence is applied over the
containers is set in Options.

2. To trigger so-called Spread-out loading: if you have a multi-container loading

case, you can let the system spread certain packages over multiple containers, again
by giving them a sequence number of 0. For example, if you order 1000 cups and
1000 saucers, you may not want all cups to go in one container, and all saucers to go
a different one. If one container gets lost, you may be left with 1000 cups without
saucers. A sequence number of '0' will let Cube-IQ spread the quantities over several

After selecting the packages, set the quantities to be loaded.

Click on the column headers of the grid to see the package dimensions. Click again
to see the package description.

Once the loading has been optimized, clicking the row of a certain package, and using

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Ctrl+f, will find the first container in which this particular package is loaded.

To remove a package row from the grid, click on the far left of the grid to highlight the
line you wish to delete, then press Ctrl+Del (or use the pop-up menu).

6.4.2 Load List: Add Packages

Right click in the Load List grid, or click the Load List button and choose Select

The Select packages window appears.

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Select Package(s) - gives you a selection list of packages that have been created in
the Package Data Window (F5) window.

From the Available window, click on the packages you wish to include in the current
load. As you do so, the packages will appear in the Selected window. You can also
start typing the ID of a package, and the list will jump to the first package that has an
ID starting with the same keys. Use the spacebar or a mouse click to move the
package to the right hand side.

If you make a mistake, click the package on the right to move it back to the left.

Press one of the buttons in the centre to move all packages right or left.

If you want to see only a subset of the packages, you can click the Filter button. This
allows you to filter packages on the values that you have given to the Attribute fields
of the packages. See Packages - Filtering.

6.4.3 Load List: Add Orders

Right click in the Load List grid and choose Add Orders, or click the down arrow on

the Load List button for the same menu.

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This opens the order entry window shown here:

Click the '+' in the Navigator to create a new order, enter its data, and right click the
Package grid on the right to select existing packages into it. Finally click the 'Add to

Load List' button . Repeat this process for all orders, and finish by

going back to the Load List using the button.

Note that each order automatically gets a new sequence number, which will let the
optimizer load in (for example) drop sequence number. You can also change the
proposed sequence number.

If a Load List is built up using 'Add Orders', a Loading Manifest will be printed for each
order separately.

6.4.4 Load List: Add New Package

Right click in the Load List grid and choose New Package.

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This menu item is effectively a shortcut to the Package Data Window, which now
opens to start creation of a new package. A newly created package will automatically
be added to the list of packages to be loaded. All you still need to do is change the
quantity to be loaded.

6.4.5 Load List: Split Package Line

Splitting a package line may be useful if you wish to set different sequence numbers
or some of the packages. A plit may also be useful when part of a load is to be fixed.

To split a package line in the Load List, right click the list or use the Load List button
for the menu, and choose Split Package Line. Thiswill split the currently selected line
in the table into two, adding a new line for the same package at the end, with the
quantity set at zero. You can now modify the table, for example for LIFO

Splitting a package will allow you to get from this:

to this:

Note that the third original row is now split into rows 3 and 5, and that these rows
have different sequence numbers.

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6.4.6 Load List: by Weight

The Add Packages by Weight feature is used exclusively when using Cube-IQ to load
rolls of paper. In this operation, orders are frequently by total weight, rather than by
total number of rolls. Cube-IQ allows you to enter the total weight required, and then
calculates the corresponding quantity.

Choose 'Select Packages - Load by Weight' from the pop-up menu that you see after
right clicking the Load List grid, or clicking the Load List button.

This process start just like Select Packages, but after clicking the OK button to move
the selected packages/rolls into the Load List, a window will show where you can enter
the required total weight for each of the selected packages/rolls.

Based on the weight of the package/roll, Cube-IQ will then calculate which quantities
should be used in the Load List.

In the example, the three rolls were selected first in the standard way, then OK shows
the screen above where the total weight for each was entered, and finally the
Calculate button was clicked to get the quantities calculated. The OK button will now
move the packages/rolls and their quantities into the Load List.

6.4.7 Load List: Remove Package

To delete a package from the Load List, right click the grid or click the Load List
button, and select 'Remove Package from List'.

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You can also click anywhere in the row of the package to be removed, and use

6.5 Other Case Data

On larger screens, the Load Setup Window shows a panel with several other case data

On Smaller screens, click the smaller 'Hot Spot' on the right of the window. This will
show the other case data fields. As can be seen below, the hot spot will then jump to
the left hand side, and can now be used to close this part of the window.

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If a Customer has been selected (click the drop down arrow for a list, and the '-'
button to clear), its data will be used when printing a Loading Manifest.

The Notes are printed on the Load Plan and the Manifest, if in Options you selected
'Print Notes from Case_Details'.

The Package Filter is a very important tool to restrict which packages are currently
visible. If this field is given a value, only packages with the same value or with no
value in their Main Package Filter field will be visible. In the example picture above,
a set of packages for a client named Smith have been given the value 'Smith' for
filtering. This is what the field looks like in the Package Data window:

Check 'Sequence is container number' if you want the sequence column in the
Load List to indicate into which container certain packages should go. This option is
used in some cases where customers of Cube-IQ clients specify the whole load
allocation, and Cube-IQ is used to check those loads.

Check 'Load Proportionally' is the quantities in the Load List indicate in which
proportion the various packages are to be loaded. If, for example, you do not know
the exact numbers of packages that will fill a container, but only want to set relative
numbers, you can make only one container available. If you would give three
packages quantities 1, 2, and 4, Cube-IQ will load maximum numbers, roughly
proportional to 1:2:4, for example, 100, 195 and 408.

'P.O Number' is in fact a user-definable string of information, not used directly by

Cube-IQ but displayed and printed in reports. You can use Tools/Translation to
change the text 'P.O. Number' into something else.

'Ship Date' a date field which can be used for example for the expected shipping
date. Only for display and printing. Not used directly by Cube-IQ. Click the down arrow
for a Date Picker as shown below.

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'Creation Date' is the date when the case was last optimized.

6.6 Loaded Containers Details

On screens of at least 1024x768 resolution, you can see details of the loaded
containers in the Load Setup Window.

For each loaded container, an information tab is shown in the lower left corner of the

You can click on each tab, and also move between tabs using PgUp/PgDn.

To the right of the loaded container data, a small picture of the Load Plan is shown:

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You can manipulate what is shown using the small Toolbar:

The function of the five buttons is from top to bottom: (1) show all packages/blocks in
the container, (2) add one loaded block, (3) remove one loaded block, (4) show no
packages, and (5) rotate the picture to a view from the next corner.

6.7 Load Details Window

Click Load Details on the Loading tab of the Toolbar to access the Load Details

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This window shows one tab for each loaded container in the current case. You can use
the Main Navigator to move between cases, and the smaller 4-button Navigator to
move between loaded containers (tabs) within in case. You can also use PgUp/PgDn.

For each loaded container, the window shows

· which container type is involved (double click to access its data)

· how many packages are in this container

· how many blocks are in the container (Cube-IQ loads packages in 'blocks', that is,
blocks of packages of the same type, in the same orientation, in a certain number
deep, wide and high)

· how many SKUs (different packages) have been loaded

· load statistics (under a tab)

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· weight distribution (position of the centre of gravity as a percentage of the full

length/width/height, and the weight on each defined axle as a percentage of the
maximum allowed weight)

In this example, no axle weight limits were defined.

· overall load dimensions (used for example when deciding how big to build a
crate). (An interesting aspect of the optimization is that the system will try to
minimize the length of the load, once it determines that all packages can be loaded.
Here you can also check which part of the container length is in use.)

· Container ID, where you can enter the ID number of the container that will actually
be used for this particular load. This will then be shown on various reports.

In the Load Details window you can delete one of the loaded containers, for example
in a multi-container load where the last container has not been filled well.

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You can also change the Load List for one of the loaded containers, and then re-
optimize only this container. The'Modify' button gives you access to a window to edit
the load list, adding packages, or changing quantities, possibly to zero. (See Options -
Loading Rules to set which packages will be shown in the Modify - Load List.)

The 'Re-Optimize' button will then process the changes, and re-optimize this
container's loading.

The 'Convert' button lets you transform this loaded 'container' (for example a pallet
or a box) into a 'package' which can then be added to the Load List of a subsequent
case. This is the manual variant of Two Stage Loading.

The Loaded Blocks grid shows the composition and location of every block in the
currently selected container:

You will also see the original Load List for the case, but here with two extra columns:

The 'Present' column shows how many of each package have been loaded in the
current loaded container.

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The 'Fixed' column show how many of each package has been fixed in place before
the optimization.

You can click on the title bar to see the package dimensions instead of its description.

If you work in 1024x756 screen resolution or better, the Load List will show both
dimensions and description.

6.8 Two Stage Loading

Cube-IQ caters for two-stage loading, for example boxes onto pallets, and then those
pallets into trucks. There are two ways to accomplish this:

1. Semi-automatically: set up a loading case for the boxes onto the pallets. When
optimized, click the 'Setup Stage 2 button:

This will create a new loading cases, where now the original pallets are to be loaded.
The system will then ask you to select the container(s) for Stage 2. The same button
will take you from a Stage 1 to its Stage 2 (if it exists), or back.

2. Manually. You can convert each 'container' in Stage 1 to be a 'package', which you
can then use later to pull into a new loading case manually. Existing loaded pallets or
crates can be set up as loadable packages through the Convert button on the Details
screen for a particular loaded container/pallet/crate. This action requires special
parameters for each pallet or crate, which can be set up on the same screen.

In both cases, Cube-IQ will keep track which packages are in the Stage 1 container,
and show these as Items in the Loading Manifest of Stage 2.

Clicking the Convert button in the Load Details window gives you a new
window where the dimensions on the new package are calculated.

In the left hand column you can fill or edit several data fields for the container:

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Outside Length and Outside Width - values will be used if given a value.

Outside Height and Height to be added - one of the two can be used. The Height
to be added is added to the overall height of the loaded container, which is intended
for use with pallets.

The fields in the 'Load' column shows the overall dimensions of the loaded container.
The fields under 'New Package' show the dimensions of the container-converted-to-

If you just want to see the 'items' in a package in the Loading Manifest (instead of the
package itself), use the 'Items' tab on the Package Data Window.

6.9 Fixing Partial Loads

In Cube-IQ, you have the possibility to optimize a loading, then to fix part of the
loading, modify the input for the loading, and finally to re-optimize with the fixed part

Fixing a complete loading can be very useful when you inspect the loading, and notice
that some packages could have been added to the package list for this loading.
Rerunning the whole optimization may give you a different loading. So, rather than re-
optimizing, you fix the whole loading, then add some packages, and re-optimize with
most of the loading fixed.

Fixing part of a load is also used in cases where the load list changes after the actual
loading has started. What is physically loaded is then 'fixed', and after modifying the
Load List the case is re-optimized.

Fixing part of a load is supported with the following functionality:

In the 'Re-optimize' screen (use the 'Modify' button on Load Details to get there), you
can use buttons labeled 'None' and 'All' to unfix, respectively fix all of the loaded

In the Load Plan Graphics you can click in the Status Bar where the text 'Click here to
fix' appears. First use the 'None', '-', '+' and 'All' buttons to show exactly what you
would like to fix, then click in the Status Bar.

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Graphics 91

7 Graphics
7.1 Graphics

In the Left Pane, select Load Plan to access the Cube-IQ Graphics Window:

You can manipulate the graphics in the Graphics window in various ways:

1. Dragging

The graphical display allows you to check the loading visually from any angle. The
picture in the Graphics window can be turned by dragging the mouse over the

The graphics window can be enlarged by dragging one of its edges or corners (wait
until the shape of the mouse cursor changes).

2. Using the Toolbar.

Various functions (as described below) can by performed by clicking on one of the
buttons in the Graphics window.

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Do not show any blocks/packages

Show one less block of packages

Show one more block of packages

+ (or =)
Show all packages

Top view

View from Left

View from Right

Show a selected percentage of the packages (menu)

Show from various set angles (menu)

Special menu (see below)

Show a quadruple view (one from each corner)

Toggle the display between blocks and individual packages

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Toggle the display of IDs

To show only some of the packages, you can also use the Slider (shown in horizontal

3. Using Keyboard shortcuts as in the table above. A 'p' prints an 'as is' report,
showing the container as currently displayed. For this function you can also use the
Print button in the main menu toolbar.

Some functions are available only through a shortcut key:

· 'p' triggers a report with a simple window print of the current loading picture,

· f' fixes the loading of the (blocks of) packages currently visible in picture (you can
also click the status bar at the bottom).

To move between load containers within one case, use the PgUp/PgDn keys, or click

the buttons at the top: .

To move between loading cases, use the Main Navigator, or Alt combined with one of
the cursor keys.

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Reports 95

8 Reports
8.1 Reports

In the Main Menu, choose Reports.

Cube-IQ provides five reports on a loading case, all under the Reports menu in the
Cube-IQ Main Menu.

All reports are first shown in preview mode, where you can click the printer icon to
send the report to your printer.

The following options are available:

Load Plans

Pick Report

Not Loaded Packages


Full Overview

You also have access to the 'Special' reports submenu, under which you will find
several reports that have been added to Cube-IQ at the specific request of certain

8.2 Preview and Toolbar

In every Report window, there is a toolbar at the top of the Preview Window.

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Button Action

Print. This will take you to the standard

Windows Print Dialog.
Zoom to fit, zoom to width, 100% (full page), and the
current zoom percentage.
Go to page (first, previous, next, last), with 'current
page' in the centre.
Close without printing

8.3 Print Dialog

When you print a report, the standard Windows Print Dialog will be shown:

If your printer has options like tray selection, those will be made available as well.

8.4 Load Plans

In the Main Menu, choose Reports / Load Plans.

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The Load Plan gives you a complete report on how to load each of the loaded
containers in the current loading case. They are in fact the Loading Instructions.

For each loaded block (of one package in one orientation) you will see how the block
should be built up, and where it should be put. This is shown in co-ordinates, and,
more importantly, also in a picture.

Load Plans displays giving the same report as the Print button on the main Loading
window. For multiple container cases, the plan is printed for each container.

You can click the disk icon to export this report into a file. The recommended format is
'Windows MetaFile', which produces one file for each page with an 'EMF' extension.
There are many file viewers available for this format on the Internet. The produced
files are called 'xxx001.emf', 'xxx002.emf', and so on, where 'xxx' is the name
selected by the user.

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8.5 Reports - Pick Report

In the Main Menu, choose Reports / Pick Report.

The Pick Report is a list of packages in load sequence, printed for each loaded
container in a case.

8.6 Reports - Not Loaded Packages

In the Main Menu, choose Reports / Not Loaded Packages.

This report prints a list of all the packages (and quantities) that could not be loaded.

8.7 Reports - Manifests

In the Main Menu, choose Reports / Manifests.

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Reports 99

The Loading Manifest is intended to accompany a shipment. It gives an overview of

what the containers contains.

This Loading Manifest is printable, and uses the Customer data, as definable under
Data / Customer Data on the Main Menu.

To get your own company name on the manifest, use the Translation facility on the
strings that you see in the top-middle of the printed manifest. To set which items are
to be shown on the manifest, use Tools / Options / Manifest Tab.

8.8 Reports - Full Overview

In the Main Menu, choose Reports / Full Overview.

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The Full Overview report shows statistics on each of the loaded containers, and also
prints a load list for each container.

8.9 Reports - Special

From the Reports menu, choose Special and choose one of the items on the

Reports / Special contains reports that were added to Cube-IQ at the specific
request of some users. If you click on Special, the submenu will open:

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Reports 101

Overview - The same report as Full Overview, but with only information on the
loaded container, not on the packages loaded into it.

Overview using Load Height, same as the overview report, but with volume
utilization calculated using the height of the load rather than the height of the

Crate Label, a full page label for crating.

Single Package Manifest, a Loading Manifest, but with only one single package
printed in the list. You will asked to select which package, as follows:

Roll Report - Prints a side view of a container that is loaded with two rows of paper
rolls. This report will give unpredictable results if used on any other loading.

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Cost Report - Asks for the total cost of shipping the current container, and then gives
a cost split over all loaded packages (proportional to their volumes)

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9 Files and Database

9.1 Export Data

From the Program window, click on File/ Export Data

Cube-IQ allows you to export data of containers, packages, container settings, window
translations and even whole loads.

Except for the load data, all exports are done through the Main Menu / File /
Export Data. This shows a selection window where you click which type of data to
export, and for containers and packages even precisely which ones (use a Select

The data of the current load can be exported through the Main Menu / File / Export
current Load or Main Menu / Load / Export. This export automatically includes the
complete data of the containers and packages involved, so that all data relevant for
this load wil be included in a single file.

After selecting what to export, click the Export button in the Select data
to export window:

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The Windows Save file Dialog will appear, where you can give the export data file a

The file will contain so-called 'Comma Separated Values', meaning that the field values
in each line will be separated by either a comma, or a semi-colon (the so-called List
Separator as set in the Windows Regional and Language Options). If you enter a
name without extension, the default extension '.CSV' will be used.

You can then send this file (for example by email) to another Cube-IQ system and
import it there, or add import capabilities to other systems. The specification of the
export/import format is included in the installation (in a folder called 'docs' inside the
main installation folder).

9.2 Import Data

In the Main Menu, click on File/ Import Data to import data into Cube-IQ.

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Using the Comma Separated Value layout, you can for example gather data in Excel,
and then export it into a file for Cube-IQ import. The required column setup is
available from MagicLogic on request.

If the units for length, volume or weight are different between the imported data and
the existing data, a unit conversion is done automatically.

The Import Data Window is shown below. During the import, progress is shown.

Start by setting the List Separator and Decimals Separator values, if you know these
to be different from your Windows Regional Options values. Then click the Select File

button. This opens the standard Windows Open File Dialog. Select the

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Files and Database 107

file you wish to import. Click Open to start the import.

If a data item is encountered with an id that already exists, you get the option to skip,
overwrite, or rename.

To import a file that contains only basic package data, see Basic Package Import.

9.3 Basic Package Import

Cube-IQ gives you the option to import simple comma-delimited basic package data.
In the Main Menu, select File / Basic Package Import.

The file to import should contain one line of text for each package, with on each

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line values for the following data fields (in this sequence):

· package id

· length

· width

· height

· weight

· description (optional)

The field values in each line should be separated by either a comma, or a semi-colon
(the so-called List Separator from the Windows Regional and Language
Options). Such a text file can be created in for example Excel. Enter the data in
various columns (one row for each package), making sure that the List Separator
(comma or semi-colon) does not occur in any text values ('package id' or
'description'). Then save the file as type 'CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv)', which is the so-
called 'comma-delimited' format.

Basic Package Import only allows you to import the field values as given above. If
you would like to import more fields, you can use Flexible Package Import.

Data imported this way will be for the packages, which allows the user to select these
packages eventually as part of a load. Adding the imported package to a load can
also be done directly in the import file, by adding one, two or three extra values:

1. quantity

2. sequence

3. group index

The first field (if present) must be the 'quantity', the second, if present, the 'loading
sequence number'. If any of these values is found, the package involved is not only
created in the Cube-IQ database, but also added to the currently visible load (with
quantity, sequence, and group as imported).

9.4 Flexible Package Import

Cube-IQ gives you the option to import comma-delimited package data, while giving
default values for missing data. In the Main Menu, select File / Flexible Package

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Files and Database 109

This opens the following window:

For each field in the Package data table (as shown in the 'Field' column, part of the
Cube-IQ database), you can mark in the first column ('Imported') whether it is in the
import file. If so, the 'Sequence' column sets in which sequence the system will
encounter the marked fields.

So, the import file should contain one line for each package, with on each line the
values of all fields that have been marked as 'Imported', in the sequence given in the
Sequence column. The field values in each line should be separated by the so-called

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110 Cube-IQ Help

List Separator (as set in the Windows Regional and Lanaguage Options). Such a text
file can be created for example in Excel. Enter the data in various columns (one row
for each package), making sure that the List Separator (comma or semi-colon) does
not occur in any text values. Then save the file as type 'CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv)', which
is the so-called 'comma-delimited' format.

The 'Default value' column is used to provide data for (1) fields that are in the
import file, but empty (= blank) and (2) for fields that are not being imported.

Clicking the 'Test import' button (and then opening the improt file) will import the first
line of that file, and show what the fields values will be after import. As an example,
we can use 'Test import' to import the following text line, using the values as given in
the screen picture above:

abcd,Shower Head,11.22,22.33,33.44,55.66

This will give you the following test output, with some values coming fomr the import
file, some from the defaults as set.

Flexible Package Import is (as to be expected) more flexible than

Basic Package Import, but the Basic version has the option to add quantity
information to each line in the import file.

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9.5 Data Backup

To backup your data:

1. From the Program menu, select Tools / Backup Database.

2. From the file tree, select the folder into which to save the backup, or click 'Create
Folder' if you want to back up to a folder that first needs to be created.

3. Press OK to start the backup.

Restoring a backup is still a manual process. Copy all the files in the backup folder into
the 'data' sub-folder of the folder where Cube-IQ is installed.

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9.6 Tools - Check Database

From the Tools menu, choose Check Database.

This menu will correct certain errors that may occur in the Cube-IQ database if for
some reason the system is not closed down properly. It is the first thing to try if you
get an 'invalid variant type conversion' error, which indicates that some data field
should have a value, but doesn't.

The menu should also be used if one of the loads incorrectly gets a READ ONLY
status. Normally this indicates that you are on a network installation, and that some
other user is currently editing this load.

9.7 Tools - Compress Database

Selecting the Tools / Compress Database menu will compress all tables in the Cube-IQ
database. This is achieved by freeing up space still in use by deleted records.

It is recommended to make a backup first (using Backup Database), and do this

operation every couple of months.

9.8 Tools - Edit and Translate Tips

The tips shown at system start-up can be translated, and you can even add you own

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Files and Database 113

tips. Select Tools / Translate Tips to access the translation window

In the same window you can also assign a picture file to a tip.

9.9 Translation

From the Main menu, choose Tools /Translation.

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The text on all Cube-IQ windows and in all reports can be translated. This enables you
to use Cube-IQ in another language, or simply to change certain terminology to suit
your operation. For example, if you prefer to use the term 'carton' instead of 'package'
you can use this function to find and replace all occurrences of the word 'package'.

Another example of how the translation can be used is keeping your users from
changing a setting by the trick of translating its description into 'Do not modify'.

The picture above show part of the translation window, with first the original text,
then the translation (in this case German). The location shows the window using the
text, which may be useful if you need to check the context.

Some other remarks on translation:

· You can also change shortcut commands. Shortcuts appear at the top of the
translation list, starting with the shortcut symbol '&'. So for example you could modify
the menu item '&Package' (shown as 'Package' in the menu) into 'Bo&x' (will appear
as 'Box' and can now be accessed using ALT+x). Bear in mind that you will need to
keep shortcuts unique in order for them to work properly.

· To show '&' in a translated text, use '&&' instead.

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· If a string is not translated, the original string will be shown in the windows.

· To keep a string from being shown at all, translate it into a single dash, as in '-'.
Translating into a string of spaces does not work.

· Never delete any translatable strings.

· If you translate a text, and then translate it again in the same session, the effect can
only been seen the next time Cube-IQ is started up.

· If you find a text that cannot be translated, you can add it to the translation by using
the Ins key (= Insert), which will open up a row to enter the text and its translation.

Translation can be switched off if you want to use the original US-English text. There
is a click box on the Translation window, but the effect can only be seen in the next
Cube-IQ session.

Under the Help menu, you will find an item called Shortcut keys. The text for this
item can be translated by creating a text file containing the translation. This file must
be called 'shrtcuts.txt' and be placed in the Cube-IQ installation folder.

Translating the Help itself cannot be done from within the system, as it requires the
use of various other software tools. Please contact your supplier or MagicLogic, if you'd
like more information on this.

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Help 117

10 Help
10.1 Help - About Cube-IQ

If you need support and suspect some system problem, check the Help / About
Cube-IQ to find the current release and build number.

The About window also gives you a direct email link to MagicLogic. This works with
most but not all email programs.

10.2 Help - Register Cube-IQ

If you have an unregistered (trial) version of Cube-IQ, use Help / Register Cube-IQ
to enter the unlock code. This will be given to you by MagicLogic when you purchase a
license to the software.

10.3 Help - Register Options

When you first purchase a license for Cube-IQ, the unlock code will give you access to
the base version, and to all options included in your license. If you later decide to add
options, use Help / Register Options to enter the code given to you by MagicLogic
to open up the added options.

10.4 About MagicLogic

MagicLogic Optimization Inc. of Langley, British Columbia, Canada specializes in

solving complex optimization problems. MagicLogic has been active in various types of
scheduling optimization. Besides Cube-IQ for Container Loading, the company markets
Plan-IQ for Panel Cutting Optimization, as used in the wood cutting, sheet metal, glass
and PCB industry.

World Wide Web:

Phone: +1-604-532 8662 (Toll Free in North America: 866-535 5133)
Email: or

Altura Limited is a UK-based company that developed the graphical engine for Cube-
IQ. The company specializes in bespoke software applications such as Cube-IQ, and
also creates graphics and images for video and the Web.

World Wide Web:

Phone: +44-1273-502 544

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118 Cube-IQ Help

Intro - Shortcut Keys 12

Index Intro - Getting Started 3

Intro - Introduction to Cube-IQ 3
Intro - Getting Started 3
Intro - Main Menu 9
-C- Options 18
Tools - Backup Database 111
Container - Report 44
Tools - Check Database 112
Container Data Window 29
Tools - Compress Database 112
Containers - Axle Weights 35
Tools - Translate Tips 112
Containers - Outside Dimensions 37
Tools - Translation 113
Containers - Pallet Rules 32
Intro - Main Window 5
Containers 30
Intro - Shortcut Keys 12
Container - Report 44
Intro - Support 16
Container Data Window 29
Help - About Cube-IQ 117
Containers - Data 31
Help - About MagicLogic 117
Containers - Drawing 38
Intro - System Requirements 15
Containers - Outside Dimensions 37
Intro - Units 14
Containers - Shape 33
Containers - Unusable Spaces 36
Load - Load Details 83
Load - Other Case Data 80
Containers - Axle Weights 35 Load - Add New Package 77
Containers - Drawing 38 Load - Add Orders 76
Containers - Outside Dimensions 37 Load - Add Packages 75
Containers - Shape 33 Load - by Weight 79
Containers - Unusable Spaces 36 Load - Fixing Packages 88
Customer - Data Window 47 Load - Load Details 83
Load - Load List 73
Load - Operations 68
-G- Customer - Data Window 47
Intro - Main Window 5
Graphics 91
Load - Add Packages 75
Load - Container List 71
-H- Load - Fixing Packages 88
Load - Load Details 83
Help - About Cube-IQ 117 Load - Load List 73
Help - Register Cube-IQ 117 Load - Loaded Containers Details 82
Help - Register Options 117 Load - Other Case Data 80
Load - Setup Window 69

-I- Load - Split Package Line 78

Load - Two Stage Loading 87
Intro - About Help 4 Reports - Load Plans 96
Intro - Main Menu 9 Reports - Manifests 98
Intro - Database Navigation 4 Reports - Not Loaded Packages 98
File - Basic Package Import 107 Reports - Pick Report 98
File - Export Data 104 Tools - Check Database 112
File - Import Data 105 Load - Other Case Data 80

© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

Index 119

Reports - Manifests 98
Reports - Not Loaded Packages 98
-O- Reports - Pick Report 98
Reports - Special 100
Options 18
Load - Load Details 83 Reports - Load Plans 96
Graphics 91
Options - General 18
Options - Graphics 23 Reports - Manifests 98
Options - Manifest 24, 25 Reports - Not Loaded Packages 98
Options - Miscellaneous 26 Reports - Pick Report 98
Reports - Special 100
Options - General 18
Options - Graphics 23
Options - Loading Rules 22
Options - Manifest 24, 25
Options - Miscellaneous 26 Settings - Data Window 39
Options - Printing 21 Containers - Pallet Rules 32
Settings - Centre of Gravity 44
Settings - Loading 42
-P- Settings - Operational 41
Settings - Optimizer 40
Package Data Window 50
Containers - Drawing 38 Settings - Loading 42
Load - Load List 73 Settings - Operational 41
Load - Other Case Data 80 Settings - Optimizer 40
Load - by Weight 79
Options - Loading Rules 22
Options - Printing 21
Package - Report 65
Packages - Data 53
Packages - Drawing 59 Tools - Backup Database 111
Packages - Items 56 Tools - Check Database 112
Packages - Stacking Codes 62 Tools - Compress Database 112
Packages Grid View 60 Tools - Translate Tips 112
Settings - Operational 41 Tools - Translation 113
Packages - Data 53 Intro - Startup Tips 15
Packages - Drawing 59
Packages - Items 56
Packages - Orientations 53
Print 44
Container - Report 44

Reports - Introduction 95
Container - Report 44
Package - Report 65
Report - Preview Screen 95
Report - Print Dialog 96
Reports - Full Overview 99
Reports - Load Plans 96

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© 2004 MagicLogic Optimization Inc.

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