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Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective, also known as the ecological systems theory,
posits that an individual's development is influenced by various systems or contexts in their
environment. Here are examples of each level within Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective:

1. Microsystem: The microsystem refers to the immediate settings in which an individual actively
participates and interacts directly. Examples of microsystems include:

- Family: The relationships and dynamics within the family, such as parent-child interactions, sibling
relationships, and family routines.

- School: The classroom environment, teachers, classmates, and school activities.

- Peer group: The social interactions and relationships with friends and peers outside of the family.

2. Mesosystem: The mesosystem encompasses the interconnections between the different

microsystems in an individual's life. Examples of mesosystems include:

- Interaction between family and school: The communication and collaboration between parents and
teachers, parent-teacher conferences, and involvement in school activities.

- Interaction between family and peer group: The influence of family values, beliefs, and rules on the
individual's relationships and activities with peers.

3. Exosystem: The exosystem involves settings or contexts that indirectly affect an individual's
development, even though they may not directly participate in them. Examples of exosystems include:

- Workplace: The work environment and policies that impact a parent's availability and resources to
support their child's development.

- Community resources: Access to healthcare services, community centers, libraries, and other
community resources that can influence an individual's opportunities and well-being.

- Media: The influence of media, such as television, internet, and social media, on an individual's
beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.

4. Macrosystem: The macrosystem refers to the larger cultural and societal values, beliefs, customs, and
laws that shape an individual's development. Examples of macrosystems include:

- Cultural values: The cultural norms, traditions, and beliefs that influence how individuals are raised,
educated, and interact within a particular society.
- Socioeconomic policies: The economic conditions, social classes, and policies related to income
distribution, access to resources, and opportunities in society.

- Political systems: The governmental structures, laws, and policies that impact the rights, freedoms,
and opportunities available to individuals.

5. Chronosystem: The chronosystem recognizes the influence of time and historical context on an
individual's development. Examples of chronosystems include:

- Historical events: The impact of significant historical events, such as wars, economic recessions, or
social movements, on individuals and their communities.

- Life transitions: Changes in an individual's life, such as starting school, moving to a new
neighborhood, or experiencing a family divorce, which can influence their development.

- Technological advancements: The influence of technological advancements and innovations, such as

the internet, smartphones, or social media, on individuals' daily lives and interactions.

These examples illustrate how each level within Bronfenbrenner's ecological perspective influences an
individual's development and highlights the interconnectedness of various systems in shaping their
experiences and outcomes.

Here is the answer key with explanations for the multiple-choice questions


Activity 3. Let’s assessed your learning by answering the multiple-choice questions below. Please

encircle the letter of the correct/best answer.

1. From the economic perspective, development can be defined as any of the following except:

a. Development means increase in national income over a period of time

b. National Development is conceived and sought primarily in terms of economic growth

typically measured by the gross national product (GNP)

c. Development means the acceleration of capital formation, the mobilization of materials

and human resources for directly productive activities thereby maximizing aggregate


d. Development means dynamic changes in structures and institutions

2. Who is the proponent of Human Development Approach?

a. Samir Amin

b. Walden Bello

c. Mahbub UI Hag

d. Kofi Anan

3. It describes the process that increase the amount of specialization and differentiation of structure in
societies resulting in the move from an underdeveloped society to developed, technologically driven

a. Sustainable Development Goals

b. Technologically-driven

c. Modernization

d. Colonialism

4. The Human Poverty Index is measurable through three indicators except for:

a. Survival or life expectancy

b. Adult Literacy

c. Income per Capita

d. Knowledge as measured by adult literacy combined with primary, secondary and tertiary

enrollment ratio

5. This dimension of development is concerned with the long range perspective in societal

development looks at the effect of developmental approaches on the environment and on the

future generations.

a. Participatory Development c. Sustainable Development

b. Social Development d. Economic Development

6. It is the expansion of nation’s output or the expansion of nation’s capability to produce goods

and services its people need.

a. Development c. Human Development

b. Social Development d. Economic Development

7. The blue-print approach in participatory development are considered as development planned

by experts at the top, who also lead the process. Choose among the following the least

inappropriate statement of the blue-print approach:

a. It eradicate poverty through microfinance

b. It emphasize the participation of the local community in development initiatives so that

they can select their own goals and the means of achieving them

c. Innovators think that they have the solution to poverty by framing it as an “engineering

problem” that can be solved

d. Institutions like NGOs have become major channels of development co-operation

8. From the definition of the participatory development, important elements can be found except for


a. It is process-centered instead of project approach

b. The structuring of the target group by means of group formation and group action

c. It promotes self-reliance and self-development

d. The development of coordination and cooperation mechanisms which enable the

development worker to participate actively in as many project actions as possible

9. Among the following are the characteristic of participatory development. Choose the least

inapplicable statement?

a. It is empowering and people-centered

b. It adheres to the process where the stakeholders or those affected by development

activities should be involved in its preparation, planning, implementation and evaluation

c. It is a process concerned with the attainment of goal for and with the people

d. It has two views on participation; social movements perspective and institutional


10. It is an indicator that measures deprivations along basic dimensions of human development


a. Human Development Index c. Income Per Capita

b. Human Poverty Index d. Gross Domestic Product

11. This era refers to the spread of democratic capitalist ideology after the downfall of mercantilism.

a. Modern Development Economics period

b. Classical Economics period

c. The turn-of-the-century latecomers’ period

d. Colonial period
12. This dimension refers development as a process of lifting out of inhuman and dehumanizing

conditions of poverty and unemployment, ill health, diseases, and ignorance.

a. Alternative development c. Development as humanization

b. Development as liberation d. Neoliberal development

13. In this period, Industrialization is not the prime mover of the economy because exportation of

raw materials from colonial economies is core element.

a. 1960’s

b. Classical Economics period

c. The turn-of-the-century latecomers’ period

d. Colonial period

14. In this period, a profound resistance to the concept of development imposed by the western

perspective and culture was evident. It suggests that development should be culture-specific and

a. 1960’s

b. Alternative development

c. Human development

d. Post-developmental thinking period

15. The core meaning of development in this period relies on the context of global partnership

between developing and developed nation.

a. 1960’s

b. 1980’s

c. 2000-2015

d. 2015-2030

16. It is the process of political socialization that brings change patterns of political culture.

a. Socialization

b. Political socialization

c. Political Recruitment

d. Political Development

17. This dimension comes into being after the collapse of the macro-oriented or blue-print

approach in development.

a. Culture b. Economics c. Politics d. Power

18. It is the supply-side factor as the nexus between equity and growth.

a. Productivity b. Economics c. Literacy d. Social Spending

19. You can get the _________________ when you total domestic and foreign output claimed by

residents of a country, minus income earned in the domestic economy by nonresidents.

a. GDP b. GNI c. HDI d. GNP

20. In this dimension, development was conceptualized as freedom.

a. Development as empowerment

b. Development as humanization

c. Development as liberation

d. Development as growth in economy to be free from debt

1. Answer: d. Development means dynamic changes in structures and institutions.

Explanation: The economic perspective defines development as encompassing dynamic changes in

structures and institutions. This includes factors such as economic growth, capital formation, and
mobilization of resources. Therefore, option d is the exception as it does not describe development from
an economic perspective.

2. Answer: c. Mahbub UI Hag.

Explanation: Mahbub UI Hag is the proponent of the Human Development Approach. Samir Amin,
Walden Bello, and Kofi Anan are notable figures in their respective fields, but they are not specifically
associated with the Human Development Approach.
3. Answer: c. Modernization.

Explanation: Modernization refers to the process of increasing specialization and differentiation of

structures in societies, leading to technological advancements and development. The other options,
such as Sustainable Development Goals and Colonialism, are not directly related to this description.

4. Answer: c. Income per Capita.

Explanation: The Human Poverty Index (HPI) measures poverty based on various indicators, including
survival or life expectancy, adult literacy, and knowledge measured by adult literacy combined with
enrollment ratios. Income per capita is not one of the indicators used to measure the HPI.

5. Answer: c. Sustainable Development.

Explanation: Sustainable Development focuses on the long-term perspective of societal development,

considering the impact on the environment and future generations. Participatory Development, Social
Development, and Economic Development do not specifically address these dimensions.

6. Answer: d. Economic Development.

Explanation: Economic Development refers to the expansion of a nation's output and its capability to
produce goods and services. Development, Human Development, and Social Development are broader
terms that may include economic aspects but are not specifically focused on economic output.

7. Answer: c. Innovators think that they have the solution to poverty by framing it as an "engineering
problem" that can be solved.

Explanation: The blue-print approach in participatory development refers to development planned by

experts who lead the process. Option c describes an inappropriate statement related to the blue-print
approach, as it suggests that poverty can be solved solely as an "engineering problem."

8. Answer: b. The structuring of the target group by means of group formation and group action.

Explanation: The important elements of participatory development include being process-centered,

promoting self-reliance, and developing coordination and cooperation mechanisms. However, the
structuring of the target group by means of group formation and group action is not one of the essential
9. Answer: d. It has two views on participation; social movements perspective and institutional

Explanation: The characteristics of participatory development include being empowering and people-
centered, involving stakeholders in all stages of development, and being concerned with the attainment
of goals for and with the people. The division into social movements perspective and institutional
perspective is not a characteristic of participatory development.

10. Answer: c. Income Per Capita.

Explanation: The indicators that measure deprivations along basic dimensions of human development
include the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Human Poverty Index (HPI). Income Per Capita is
an economic indicator but not specifically related to measuring deprivations.

11. Answer: b. Classical Economics period.

Explanation: The spread of democratic capitalist ideology after the downfall of mercantilism is
associated with the Classical Economics period. The other options refer to different historical periods
and concepts.

12. Answer: b. Development as liberation.

Explanation: Development as liberation refers to the dimension of development that focuses on lifting
people out of poverty, unemployment, ill health, diseases, and ignorance. Alternative development,
development as humanization, and neoliberal development represent other dimensions or approaches
to development.

13. Answer:

d. Colonial period.

Explanation: In the colonial period, the exportation of raw materials from colonial economies was a core
element of the economy, and industrialization was not the prime mover. The other options refer to
different historical periods.
14. Answer: b. Alternative development.

Explanation: Alternative development suggests that development should be culture-specific and locally-
focused, resisting the concept of development imposed by the western perspective and culture. The
other options represent different periods or approaches to development.

15. Answer: c. 2000-2015.

Explanation: The core meaning of development in the period from 2000 to 2015 relied on the context of
global partnership between developing and developed nations. The other options refer to different time

16. Answer: d. Political Development.

Explanation: Political Development refers to the process of political socialization that brings about
changes in patterns of political culture. Socialization, political socialization, and political recruitment are
related concepts but do not specifically describe this process.

17. Answer: a. Culture.

Explanation: After the collapse of the macro-oriented or blue-print approach, culture becomes an
important dimension in development. Economics, politics, and power are also relevant, but culture is
the dimension specifically mentioned in the question.

18. Answer: a. Productivity.

Explanation: Productivity is the supply-side factor that connects equity and growth in development.
Economics, literacy, and social spending are relevant factors but not specifically related to this nexus.

19. Answer: b. GNI (Gross National Income).

Explanation: GNI is obtained by totaling domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country,
minus income earned in the domestic economy by nonresidents. GDP, HDI, and GNP are different
measures of economic output and income.

20. Answer: a. Development as empowerment.

Explanation: Development as empowerment conceptualizes development as a process of increasing
freedom and empowerment. Development as humanization, development as liberation, and
development as growth in the economy to be free from debt represent other dimensions or
perspectives on development.

CQ: Modernization, Dependency, and Neo-Classical Theories


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Activity 6. Let’s assessed your learning by answering the multiple-choice questions below. Please

encircle the letter of the correct/best answer.

1. Modernization school of thought comes into being due to the following, except:

a. Many of the proponents developed their ways of understanding development from the

structural-functionalist perspective.

b. Former Western colonizers introduced a master plan of development to their former colonies

for these colonies not to follow the communist model of development.

c. It solely adopted the evolutionary perspective in explaining progress and development

d. None of the above.

2. Dependency theories were developed out from the criticism of modernization school of thought.

This statement is:

a. True, because U.N. ECLA program was designed after modernization model of


b. False, because dependency is a form of debt-bondage in terms of international trade.

c. True, because modernization was unable to explain Latin America’s economic stagnation

and political repression.

d. False, because dependency theories is a form of neo-marxist movement.

3. Neo-classical model of development has the following elements, except for:

a. Deregulation, privatization, and severe limits on government spending should be


b. Relying on exports of food and raw materials would apparently lead to economic

deterioration in terms of trade industry

c. Government’s role should be reduced, individual rights diminished, and more traditional

values such as authority and obedience, reinstated.

d. None of the above.

4. Which among the following is imprecise?

a. In traditional societies, people tend to associate with members of the same social circle;

while in modern societies, where there is a high density of population, people are forces

to interact using universalistic norms.

b. In traditional societies, loyalty is often owed to the collectivity which promote creativity,

innovation, and imagination.

c. In modern societies, self-orientation is emphasized.

5. This means harmony and balance of each institutions in order to develop.

a. Yin and Yang

b. Equilibrium

c. Homeostatic equilibrium

d. Structural-functionalism

6. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

a. Development is predetermined

b. Development is a succession from poor stage to the final desired good society

c. Development is a two-way process between advanced and developing nation

d. Development is a gradual process

7. U.N. ECLA was introduced in Latin America during:

a. 1960s b. 1950s c. After the World War II d. Early 1960s

8. The main proponent of Dependency school of thought was:

a. W. Wallerstein b. R. Prebisch c. T. Parson d. Levi

9. Dependency theories were conceived upon the ideas of, except for one:

a. Cuban and Chinese revolutions c. Evolutionary theories

b. Marxism d. Criticism of U.N. ECLA

e. None of the choices

10. The mode of thought of this period was philosophical/theoretical.

a. Military society c. Theological

b. Gesellschafts d. Metaphysical

1. Modernization school of thought comes into being due to the following, except:

- Option c. It solely adopted the evolutionary perspective in explaining progress and development

Explanation: The modernization school of thought emerged as a response to the challenges and
opportunities presented by the process of development. It sought to explain and promote development
in societies by drawing on various perspectives. Option c is incorrect because the modernization school
of thought did not solely adopt the evolutionary perspective. While evolution was considered as a
factor, proponents of modernization also drew from other theoretical frameworks, such as structural-
functionalism, to understand development.

2. Dependency theories were developed out from the criticism of modernization school of thought. This
statement is:

- Option c. True, because modernization was unable to explain Latin America’s economic stagnation
and political repression.

Explanation: Dependency theories emerged as a critique of the modernization school of thought,

particularly its inability to explain the economic stagnation and political repression experienced in Latin
American countries. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (U.N. ECLA) program,
mentioned in option a, was actually designed as an alternative development model to the
modernization approach. Therefore, option a is incorrect.

3. Neo-classical model of development has the following elements, except for:

- Option d. None of the above.

Explanation: The neo-classical model of development is characterized by certain elements that shape
its approach. Options a, b, and c represent some of these elements, including deregulation,
privatization, limits on government spending, and reduced government intervention. Therefore, option
d is correct because none of the listed options are excluded from the neo-classical model of

4. Which among the following is imprecise?

- Option b. In traditional societies, loyalty is often owed to the collectivity which promotes creativity,
innovation, and imagination.

Explanation: Option b is imprecise because traditional societies do not necessarily prioritize loyalty to
the collectivity as a means to promote creativity, innovation, and imagination. Loyalty to the collectivity
in traditional societies is often based on shared values, customs, and social roles, rather than explicitly
promoting creativity and innovation. Option a provides a more accurate distinction between traditional
and modern societies in terms of social interactions and norms.

5. This means harmony and balance of each institution in order to develop.

- Option d. Structural-functionalism

Explanation: Structural-functionalism is a sociological perspective that emphasizes the

interdependence and harmony of social institutions in maintaining social order and facilitating societal
development. It focuses on the roles and functions of different institutions and how they contribute to
the overall stability and progress of a society. Options a, b, and c are not directly related to the concept
of harmony and balance among institutions.
6. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

- Option b. Development is a succession from poor stage to the final desired good society

Explanation: Options a, c, and d represent different perspectives on the nature and process of
development. Option b, however, does not align with the other options. Development is not simply a
linear succession from a poor stage to a final desired good society. It is a complex and multifaceted
process that varies across contexts and is influenced by various factors.

7. U.N. ECLA was introduced in Latin America during:

- Option c. After the World War II

Explanation: The U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America (U.N. ECLA) was introduced in Latin
America after World War II to promote economic development in the region. Options a, b, and d
represent different time periods, but option c accurately identifies the time frame when U.N. ECLA was

8. The main proponent of Dependency school of

thought was:

- Option b. R. Prebisch

Explanation: Raúl Prebisch was one of the main proponents of dependency theory. He was an
Argentine economist and the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin
America (U.N. ECLA). While option a mentions W. Wallerstein, he is associated with the World Systems
Theory, which is related to dependency theory but not the main proponent.

9. Dependency theories were conceived upon the ideas of, except for one:

- Option c. Evolutionary theories

Explanation: Dependency theories drew upon various ideas and theoretical frameworks to develop
their arguments. Options a, b, d, and e represent some of the influences on dependency theories,
including the Cuban and Chinese revolutions, Marxism, and criticisms of U.N. ECLA. However, option c,
evolutionary theories, is not typically associated with the conceptual foundations of dependency

10. The mode of thought of this period was philosophical/theoretical.

- Option d. Metaphysical

Explanation: The mode of thought characterized as philosophical/theoretical during the mentioned

period is metaphysical. Metaphysics refers to the branch of philosophy that explores fundamental
questions about reality, existence, and the nature of being. Options a, b, and c do not align with the
mentioned mode of thought during the specified period.

Answer Key Generated


Generate answer key with explaination on this multiple choice.

Activity 8. Let’s assessed your learning by answering the multiple-choice questions below. Please

encircle the letter of the correct/best answer.

1. This theory of development which suggests that societies move from traditional to modern,

industrial forms of organization is called:

a. Westernization Theory c. Dependency Theory

b. Modernization Theory d. Industrialization Theory

2. Frank (1967) made the claim that “underdeveloped” societies were:

a. Insufficiently involved in the international capitalist economy

b. Reluctant to surrender their traditional ways of life

c. Economically dependent on the wealthy countries that exploited them

d. The “core” to which “periphery” countries were attached

3. Rostow’s economic stages are:

a. the preconditions for take-off, the take-off, the drive to maturity, and the age of creative


b. the traditional society, the preconditions for take-off, the take-off, the drive to maturity,

and the age of high mass consumption

c. the preconditions for consumption, the age of replication, the drive to maturity, and the

age of high mass consumption

d. the learning curve, the age of high mass consumption, post take-off, and the drive to


4. According to dependency theory, the following economic activities have contributed to


I. Worker migrating from villages foreign-dominated urban complexes

II. Forming an unskilled labor force to work in factories and mines and on plantations

III. Replacing indigenous enterprises with technologically more advanced, global, subsidiary


IV. Closing the economy to trade with, and investment from, developed countries

a. I and II only c. I, II, and III only

b. II and III only d. I, II, III and IV

5. All of the following are true about the take-off stage. Choose the least inappropriate.

a. Trade expands overseas creating an international market

b. Agriculture becomes commercialized and mechanized due technological improvements

c. Substantial manufacturing sectors become developed, so there is high rate of growth

d. The period when a society has effectively applied the range of modern technology to the

bulk of its resource

6. A structuralist theory that offers a critique of the modernization model of development. It is based

on the idea that certain types of political and economic relations between countries and regions of

the world have created arrangements that both control and limit the extent to which regions can


a. Modernization model c. Dependency theory

b. Structuralist theory d. Non-governmental organization

7. The structural theory of stratification asserts that:

a. Class systems will ruin a society

b. Class systems only work in primitive societies

c. Class systems are necessary in order for a society to function

d. Class systems will only work in the west

e. Class systems will work in primitive societies but not modern ones

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of modernization?

a. Once modernization established new pattern of relationship and structures, previous

pattern does not regress.

b. There is no society lacking in tools and inanimate sources of power to induce


c. It involves structural differentiation that has a complex and traditional structures that

performs multiple functions.

d. None of the above

9. In this stage, there is little momentum for self-sustained economic growth because the larger

population size has, to a certain extent, consumed all of the economic surpluses.
a. Pre-conditions for take-off

b. Age of high mass consumption

c. Traditional

d. Take-off

10. All of the following is true about dependency theory, except for:

a. Underdevelopment was a product of criticism of the modernization school.

b. It asserts that following the Western path of development will be counterproductive.

c. It offers and external explanation of economic stagnation and development

d. The more there is a strong link between metropolis and satellite, economic

backwardness of the satellite permeates.

1. b. Modernization Theory

Explanation: The theory that suggests societies move from traditional to modern, industrial forms of
organization is called Modernization Theory. Westernization Theory refers to the adoption of Western
cultural values and practices. Dependency Theory explains the economic relationships between
developed and underdeveloped countries. Industrialization Theory focuses specifically on the process of

2. c. Economically dependent on the wealthy countries that exploited them

Explanation: According to Frank (1967), "underdeveloped" societies were economically dependent on

the wealthy countries that exploited them. Insufficient involvement in the international capitalist
economy and reluctance to surrender traditional ways of life are not the claims made by Frank. The
core-periphery relationship is a concept in dependency theory, not the claim made by Frank.

3. b. The traditional society, the preconditions for take-off, the take-off, the drive to maturity, and the
age of high mass consumption

Explanation: Rostow's economic stages are: the traditional society, the preconditions for take-off, the
take-off, the drive to maturity, and the age of high mass consumption. The other options do not
represent Rostow's stages accurately.
4. d. I, II, III, and IV

Explanation: According to dependency theory, all of the economic activities listed in options I, II, III, and
IV have contributed to underdevelopment. Worker migration from villages to foreign-dominated urban
complexes, formation of an unskilled labor force for factories, mines, and plantations, replacement of
indigenous enterprises with global subsidiaries, and closing the economy to trade and investment from
developed countries are considered factors contributing to underdevelopment.

5. c. Substantial manufacturing sectors become developed, so there is high rate of growth

Explanation: The least appropriate statement about the take-off stage is that substantial manufacturing
sectors become developed, leading to a high rate of growth. The other options accurately describe
features of the take-off stage, such as expanding trade overseas, mechanization of agriculture, and
effective application of modern technology.

6. c. Dependency theory

Explanation: The theory described in the question is Dependency Theory. It offers a critique of the
modernization model of development and suggests that certain political and economic relations
between countries and regions have limited their development. The modernization model is a separate
concept that focuses on societies moving from traditional to modern forms of organization.

7. c. Class systems are necessary in order for a society to function

Explanation: The structural theory of stratification asserts that class systems are necessary for a society
to function. The other options either claim that class systems will ruin a society or are limited to
primitive societies, which is not the assertion of the structural theory of stratification.

8. a. Once modernization established new patterns of relationship and structures, previous patterns do
not regress.

Explanation: The statement that is not a characteristic of modernization is that once modernization
establishes new patterns of relationship and structures, the previous patterns do not regress.
Modernization does not guarantee that previous patterns will not regress; regression or resistance to
modernization can occur in certain circumstances. The other options are characteristics of
9. b. Age of high mass consumption

Explanation: The stage in which there is little momentum for self-sustained economic growth because
the larger population size has consumed all of the economic surpluses is the Age of High Mass
Consumption. The preconditions for take-off refer to the stage before economic growth takes off, and
the take-off is the stage of rapid economic growth. The traditional stage represents a society before the
process of modernization.

10. d. The more there is a strong link between metropolis and satellite, economic backwardness of the
satellite permeates.

Explanation: The statement that is not true about dependency theory is that the more there is a strong

Eval. of Human Dev.


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Activity 19. Let’s evaluate your learning. Choose the best/correct answer for each item. Encircle the

letter of your choice.

1. Which of the following is the least appropriate statement about Human Development as one of

the dimensions of Development?

a. It is a process of enlarging people’s choice particularly on living a long healthy life

b. Gender Related Index, Gender Empowerment Measure and Human Poverty Index are the

other indicators of Human Development

c. Gender Empowerment Measure is an indicator that adjust the average HDI achievement to

reflect inequalities between men and women along three other dimensions
d. The three dimensions of Human Development Index are life expectancy, literacy rate and

income per capita

2. It has been described as consumption-oriented, giving the impression "that poverty elimination is

all too easy.”

a. Human Development Approach b. Human Rights Based Approach

c. Human Basic Needs Approach d. Gender and Development Approach

3. The human development index pays no attention to economic growth. This statement is:

a. True because it engaged into the investment into human capital

b. True because human development is the supply side of developmental work

c. False because economic growth is a pre-requisite to social development

d. False because one of its indicators is income per capita

4. Which three indicators are currently used in Human Development Index?

I. Real GNP per capita II. Birth Rates III. Life expectancy at birth

IV. Employment rates V. Literacy Rate

a. I, III and IV c. I, II and IV

b. I, III and V d. I, II and III

5. What is termed as capability approach to development, which seeks to expand the range of

things that people can do?

a. Human Security c. Human Development

b. National Security d. Economic Development

6. It is defined by its choice of focus upon the moral significance of individuals’ capability of

achieving the kind of lives they have reason to value.

a. Freedom c. Human Development Index

b. Capability approach d. Consumption-oriented approach

7. Basic needs approach differs from Human development approach in terms of poverty definition.
Choose the least inappropriate.

a. Basic needs approach defines poverty as deprivation of opportunities while human

development approach defines poverty as deprivation of consumption

b. Basic needs approach defines poverty as deprivation of consumption while human

development approach defines poverty as deprivation of opportunity

c. Basic needs approach objective is to empower people while human development

approach objective is to rise the subsistence level of living

d. Basic needs approach objective is to rise the subsistence level of living while human

development approach objective is to empower people

8. This ‘people-oriented’ view of development is also called?

a. Human Development c. Capability approach

b. Basic needs approach d. None of the above

9. It proposed the satisfaction of basic human needs as the overriding objective of national and

international development policy.

a. Human Development Approach c. Basic needs approach

b. Consumption-oriented approach d. Both B and C

10. The segment of the population living below poverty threshold is called?

a. Poor b. Poverty incidence c. Marginalized d. Vulnerable

Here is the answer key with explanations for each question:

1. Which of the following is the least appropriate statement about Human Development as one of the
dimensions of Development?

Answer: d. The three dimensions of Human Development Index are life expectancy, literacy rate, and
income per capita
Explanation: The correct statement about the dimensions of Human Development Index (HDI) is that it
includes life expectancy, literacy rate, and income per capita. The HDI is a composite measure of human
development that takes into account these three dimensions. Therefore, option d is the least
appropriate statement as it contradicts the correct definition of HDI.

2. It has been described as consumption-oriented, giving the impression "that poverty elimination is all
too easy.”

Answer: c. Human Basic Needs Approach

Explanation: The statement refers to the Human Basic Needs Approach, which has been criticized for its
focus on basic consumption needs. This approach emphasizes meeting the basic needs of individuals,
and critics argue that it oversimplifies poverty elimination by solely focusing on consumption rather than
addressing structural and systemic issues.

3. The human development index pays no attention to economic growth. This statement is:

Answer: d. False because one of its indicators is income per capita

Explanation: The statement is false because one of the indicators used in the Human Development Index
is income per capita, which reflects economic growth to some extent. While the HDI considers other
dimensions such as life expectancy and literacy rate, it does incorporate an economic aspect through
the inclusion of income per capita.

4. Which three indicators are currently used in Human Development Index?

I. Real GNP per capita II. Birth Rates III. Life expectancy at birth

IV. Employment rates V. Literacy Rate

Answer: b. I, III, and V (I. Real GNP per capita, III. Life expectancy at birth, V. Literacy Rate)

Explanation: The current indicators used in the Human Development Index (HDI) are real GNP per
capita, life expectancy at birth, and literacy rate. These indicators reflect the economic, health, and
educational dimensions of human development.
5. What is termed as capability approach to development, which seeks to expand the range of things
that people can do?

Answer: b. National Security

Explanation: The capability approach to development seeks to expand the range of things that people
can do and achieve in their lives. It focuses on enhancing individual capabilities and freedom to pursue
their own well-being and goals. Option b, "National Security," is not related to the capability approach
and is therefore incorrect.

6. It is defined by its choice of focus upon the moral significance of individuals’ capability of achieving
the kind of lives they have reason to value.

Answer: b. Capability approach

Explanation: The statement describes the capability approach, which emphasizes the moral significance
of individuals' capability to lead lives they value. This approach focuses on expanding human capabilities
and freedom, allowing individuals to pursue their own goals and well-being.

7. Basic needs approach differs from Human development approach in terms of poverty definition.
Choose the least inappropriate.

Answer: b. Basic needs approach defines poverty as deprivation of consumption while human
development approach defines poverty as deprivation of opportunity

Explanation: The least inappropriate option is b. The basic needs approach defines poverty as the
deprivation of consumption, emphasizing the lack of access to essential goods and services. On the
other hand, the human development approach defines poverty as the deprivation of opportunities,
including education, healthcare, and participation in societal decision-making.

8. This ‘people-oriented’ view of development is also called?

Answer: a. Human Development

Explanation: The 'people-oriented' view of development is synonymous with the concept of human
development. Human development focuses on improving people's well-being, capabilities, and freedom,
rather than solely focusing on economic growth or material progress

9. It proposed the satisfaction of basic human needs as the overriding objective of national and
international development policy.

Answer: c. Basic needs approach

Explanation: The basic needs approach proposes that the satisfaction of basic human needs should be
the primary objective of national and international development policy. This approach emphasizes
providing access to essential goods and services, such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education, to
alleviate poverty and improve people's well-being.

10. The segment of the population living below the poverty threshold is called?

Answer: b. Poverty incidence

Explanation: The segment of the population living below the poverty threshold is referred to as poverty
incidence. It represents the proportion of people within a population who fall below the established
poverty line, indicating the prevalence of poverty in a given society.

1. It is an approach to development based on the concept that women are marginalized in

development-oriented interventions, with the result that women are often excluded from benefits of

a. WAD b. WID c. Gender mainstreaming d. GAD

2. 6. It refers to the physiological reality of being male and female.

a. Gender b. Sex c. Gender Role d. Sex Role

3. All of the following are true about Gender and Development approach except for:

a. Gender is not a “woman’s issue” but a relational issue

b. Women and men have different and special needs

c. Women cannot be treated as homogenous group

d. Gender differences can also result in men being disadvantaged

e. All of the above are correct statement about GAD

4. Economic marginalization can be manifested through gendered division of labor. Which of the

following is correct statement about division of labor?

a. It is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work

b. It has led to an increase in women’s compensation worldwide

c. It negates multiple burden

d. None of the answers given are correct

5. This approach emphasizes empowerment of women who are economically and socially

disadvantaged, while paying due consideration to the role of men in eliminating gender inequality.

a. Women in Development c. Gender in Development

b. Gender and Development d Women in Development

6. It is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will and that is

based on socially ascribed difference between male and female.

a. Sex crime c. Induced-violence against gender

b. Sexism d. Gender based violence

7. It is the process of being fair to men and women and involve the use of temporary special
measures to compensate for historical or systematic bias or discrimination.

a. Gender equality c. Gender promotion

b. Gender equity d. Human rights compensation

8. It is the process of assessing the implications for girls and boys/men and women of any planned

action or developmental work.

a. Gender and Development c. Women and Development

b. Women in Development d. Gender Mainstreaming

9. It refers to the physiological reality of being male and female.

a. Gender b. Sex c. Gender Role d. Sex Role

10. It is any violence inflicted on women because of their sex

a. Violence Against Women c. Gender-based violence

b. Violence Against Women and their Children d. Physical violence

1. a. WAD (Women in Development)

Explanation: The concept described in the statement aligns with the Women in Development (WAD)
approach, which highlights the marginalization of women in development interventions and their
exclusion from the benefits of development.

2. b. Sex

Explanation: The term that refers to the physiological reality of being male and female is "sex." Gender
refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and expectations associated with being male or female.

3. e. All of the above are correct statements about GAD (Gender and Development)

Explanation: The Gender and Development (GAD) approach recognizes that gender is not solely a
women's issue but a relational issue. It acknowledges that women and men have different and special
needs, avoids treating women as a homogenous group, and acknowledges that gender differences can
also result in men being disadvantaged.

4. a. It is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work

Explanation: The division of labor is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work, where
certain tasks and occupations are assigned to specific genders. This division often reinforces economic
marginalization and inequality for women. The other options given are incorrect statements about the
division of labor.

5. c. Gender and Development

Explanation: The approach that emphasizes the empowerment of women while considering the role of
men in eliminating gender inequality is Gender and Development (GAD). The other options given are
either incorrect or similar to the correct answer.

6. d. Gender-based violence

Explanation: The term that describes any harmful act perpetrated against a person's will based on
socially ascribed differences between male and female is "gender-based violence." The other options
given are either incorrect or do not accurately describe the concept.

7. b. Gender equity
Explanation: Gender equity is the process of being fair to men and women and involves the use of
temporary special measures to compensate for historical or systematic bias or discrimination. The other
options given are either incorrect or do not accurately describe the concept.

8. d. Gender Mainstreaming

Explanation: The process of assessing the implications for girls and boys/men and women of any
planned action or developmental work is known as gender mainstreaming. It aims to integrate a gender
perspective into all policies, programs, and activities. The other options given are either incorrect or do
not accurately describe the concept.

9. b. Sex

Explanation: The term that refers to the physiological reality of being male and female is "sex." Gender
refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and expectations associated with being male or female.

10. a. Violence Against Women

Explanation: The term that specifically refers to violence inflicted on women because of their sex is
"Violence Against Women." While gender-based violence and violence against women and their children
are related concepts, they encompass a broader range of violence beyond sex-based violence. Physical
violence is too broad and does not specifically indicate violence against women.

Gender Development Approaches


Generate answer key with explaination

1. It is an approach to development based on the concept that women are marginalized in

development-oriented interventions, with the result that women are often excluded from benefits of

a. WAD b. WID c. Gender mainstreaming d. GAD

2. 6. It refers to the physiological reality of being male and female.

a. Gender b. Sex c. Gender Role d. Sex Role

3. All of the following are true about Gender and Development approach except for:

a. Gender is not a “woman’s issue” but a relational issue

b. Women and men have different and special needs

c. Women cannot be treated as homogenous group

d. Gender differences can also result in men being disadvantaged

e. All of the above are correct statement about GAD

4. Economic marginalization can be manifested through gendered division of labor. Which of the

following is correct statement about division of labor?

a. It is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work

b. It has led to an increase in women’s compensation worldwide

c. It negates multiple burden

d. None of the answers given are correct

5. This approach emphasizes empowerment of women who are economically and socially

disadvantaged, while paying due consideration to the role of men in eliminating gender inequality.

a. Women in Development c. Gender in Development

b. Gender and Development d Women in Development

6. It is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will and that is

based on socially ascribed difference between male and female.

a. Sex crime c. Induced-violence against gender

b. Sexism d. Gender based violence

7. It is the process of being fair to men and women and involve the use of temporary special
measures to compensate for historical or systematic bias or discrimination.

a. Gender equality c. Gender promotion

b. Gender equity d. Human rights compensation

8. It is the process of assessing the implications for girls and boys/men and women of any planned

action or developmental work.

a. Gender and Development c. Women and Development

b. Women in Development d. Gender Mainstreaming

9. It refers to the physiological reality of being male and female.

a. Gender b. Sex c. Gender Role d. Sex Role

10. It is any violence inflicted on women because of their sex

a. Violence Against Women c. Gender-based violence

b. Violence Against Women and their Children d. Physical violenc


a. WAD (Women in Development)

Explanation: The concept described in the statement aligns with the Women in Development (WAD)
approach, which highlights the marginalization of women in development interventions and their
exclusion from the benefits of development.

b. Sex

Explanation: The term that refers to the physiological reality of being male and female is "sex." Gender
refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and expectations associated with being male or female.

e. All of the above are correct statements about GAD (Gender and Development)

Explanation: The Gender and Development (GAD) approach recognizes that gender is not solely a
women's issue but a relational issue. It acknowledges that women and men have different and special
needs, avoids treating women as a homogenous group, and acknowledges that gender differences can
also result in men being disadvantaged.
a. It is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work

Explanation: The division of labor is based on gender-structured conceptions of appropriate work, where
certain tasks and occupations are assigned to specific genders. This division often reinforces economic
marginalization and inequality for women. The other options given are incorrect statements about the
division of labor.

c. Gender and Development

Explanation: The approach that emphasizes the empowerment of women while considering the role of
men in eliminating gender inequality is Gender and Development (GAD). The other options given are
either incorrect or similar to the correct answer.

d. Gender-based violence

Explanation: The term that describes any harmful act perpetrated against a person's will based on
socially ascribed differences between male and female is "gender-based violence." The other options
given are either incorrect or do not accurately describe the concept.

b. Gender equity

Explanation: Gender equity is the process of being fair to men and women and involves the use of
temporary special measures to compensate for historical or systematic bias or discrimination. The other
options given are either incorrect or do not accurately describe the concept.

d. Gender Mainstreaming

Explanation: The process of assessing the implications for girls and boys/men and women of any
planned action or developmental work is known as gender mainstreaming. It aims to integrate a gender
perspective into all policies, programs, and activities. The other options given are either incorrect or do
not accurately describe the concept.

b. Sex

Explanation: The term that refers to the physiological reality of being male and female is "sex." Gender
refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and expectations associated with being male or female.
a. Violence Against Women

Explanation: The term that specifically refers to violence inflicted on women because of their sex is
"Violence Against Women." While gender-based violence and violence against women and their children
are related concepts, they encompass a broader range of violence beyond sex-based violence. Physical
violence is too broad and does not specifically indicate violence against women.


Generate answer key with explaination. Make sure it was accurate answers.

1. This refers to the actors who have particular obligation or responsibility to respect, promote and

realize human rights and to abstain from human rights violation.

a. State b. Duty-bearers c. Right-holder d. Citizen

2. The Philippines being a member of the UN Human Rights Council means that:

a. The Philippine government should provide mechanisms to protect and promote human


b. The state is the primary duty bearer for human rights in the Philippines

c. The recommendation of the Philippine’s Commission on Human Rights should be

seriously considered

d. The Philippines was elected by the UN General Assembly to seat in the Council and

should therefore support and protect human rights

3. Which of the following characteristics can be classified as rights-based approach?

a. Charity and benevolence do not reflect duty or obligation

b. “The government does not yet have the political will to inforce legislation to iodize salt”

c. Rights do not imply duties or obligations, although they may generate promises

d. All of the above are characteristics of rights-based approach

4. Which among the following is not an element of an HRBA?

a. Individual deserves assistance

b. Individual are entitled of assistance

c. It focuses on structural and their manifestation

d. It emphasizes on realizing rights

5. When did the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Created?

a. 1947 b. 1948 c. 1949 d. 1950

6. Human rights and civil rights are the same. This statement is?

a. False because Human rights usually agreed upon rights that people of various groups

believe all people regardless of background while Civil rights deal more with the

agreed upon obligation on government owes to its people

b. False because they don’t have the same characteristics and the rights focuses in human


c. True because they have the same characteristics and the rights focuses in human being

d. True because Human rights usually agreed upon rights that people of various groups

believe all people regardless of background while Civil rights deal more with the

agreed upon obligation on government owes to its people

7. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

a. Basic needs approach views the beneficiary as passive and can only be invited to

participate while Rights based approach views participants as active who asserts
their rights

b. Rights based approach views development as technocratic for the experts while Basic

needs approach views development as transformation of behaviors and institutions

c. Actions by Basic needs approach are voluntary while actions by Rights based approach

is mandatory

d. Basic needs approach views needs as contextual and open-ended while Rights based

approach views needs as universal and legally established

8. “Human rights do not have to be bought or earned; they belong to people simply because they

are human.” This statement denotes what human rights characteristic?

a. Fundamental b. Inherent c. Indivisible d. Universal

9. “Human rights apply irrespective of one’s origin, status or condition or place; it is enforceable

without national border.” This statement denotes what human rights characteristic?

a. Fundamental b. Inherent c. Indivisible d. Universal

10. “Human rights cannot be rightfully taken away from a free individual nor be given away or be


a. Interdependent b. Inherent c. Inalienable d. Indivisible

11. This approach is characterized by deliberate and explicit focus on enabling to achieve minimum

conditions for living with dignity.

a. Basic Needs Approach c. Gender and Development Approach

b. Rights-based Approach d. Capability Approach

12. This category of rights focuses on the natural world and the right to species biodiversity and

intergenerational equity.

a. Civil and political rights c. 3rd generational rights

b. 2nd generational rights d. 1st generational rights

13. All of the following are true about HRBA except for:
a. People are recognized as key actors in their own development rather than passive

recipients of commodities and services

b. Participation is viewed as a goal

c. Strategies are empowering, not disempowering

d. Both outcomes and processes are monitored and evaluated

14. It focuses on empowering the poorest and marginalized by developing their capacity to know,

exercise, claim and seek redress for their needs.

a. Basin needs approach c. Capability approach

b. Rights-based approach d. Human development approach

e. Both c and d

15. An HRBA provides a lens through which to understand and address the many and overlapping

root cause of poverty which can include, except for one:

a. Discrimination

b. Isolation

c. Repression

d. Lack of access to political participation

e. Lack of access to basic resources and services, such as education, justice and health

1. b. Duty-bearers

Explanation: Duty-bearers are the actors who have a particular obligation or responsibility to respect,
promote, and realize human rights and to abstain from human rights violations. They can include states,
government officials, institutions, and other relevant entities.

2. a. The Philippine government should provide mechanisms to protect and promote human rights

Explanation: As a member of the UN Human Rights Council, it is expected that the Philippine
government will provide mechanisms to protect and promote human rights within the country. The
other options given may be relevant but do not specifically address the implications of being a member
of the UN Human Rights Council.

3. d. All of the above are characteristics of rights-based approach

Explanation: All the characteristics mentioned in the options are indeed characteristics of a rights-based
approach. A rights-based approach emphasizes duty, obligation, and the interconnectedness of rights
and responsibilities.

4. a. Individual deserves assistance

Explanation: The element "Individual deserves assistance" is not an element of a Human Rights-Based
Approach (HRBA). An HRBA focuses on the entitlement of individuals to assistance, not merely deserving
it. The other options given are elements of an HRBA.

5. b. 1948

Explanation: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created and adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly on December 10, 1948.

6. a. False because Human rights usually agreed upon rights that people of various groups believe all
people regardless of background while Civil rights deal more with the agreed upon obligation on
government owes to its people

Explanation: The statement correctly highlights the distinction between human rights and civil rights.
Human rights are generally agreed-upon rights that apply to all individuals, regardless of their
background, while civil rights specifically pertain to the obligations that a government owes to its

7. b. Rights-based approach views development as technocratic for the experts while Basic needs
approach views development as transformation of behaviors and institutions

Explanation: The statement in option b is incorrect. In reality, a rights-based approach views

development as a transformation of behaviors and institutions, recognizing the active participation and
empowerment of individuals, while the basic needs approach tends to view beneficiaries as passive and
may rely on technocratic approaches. The other options given correctly describe the differences
between the two approaches.
8. b. Inherent

Explanation: The characteristic denoted in the statement is "inherent." Human rights are inherent to all
individuals by virtue of being human and do not need to be bought or earned.

9. d. Universal

Explanation: The characteristic denoted in the statement is "universal." Human rights apply to all
individuals irrespective of their origin, status, condition, or place. They are not limited by national

10. c. Inalienable

Explanation: The characteristic denoted in the statement is "inalienable." Human rights cannot be
rightfully taken away, given away, or forfeited by a free individual.

11. a. Basic Needs Approach

Explanation: The approach characterized by a deliberate and explicit focus on enabling individuals to
achieve minimum conditions for living with dignity is the Basic Needs Approach.

12. c. 3rd generational rights

Explanation: The category of rights that focuses on the natural world, species biodiversity, and
intergenerational equity is referred to as 3rd generational rights or environmental rights.

13. b. Participation is viewed as a goal

Explanation: In a Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA), participation is not merely viewed as a goal but
as a fundamental principle. The other options mentioned are true characteristics of HRBA.

14. e. Both c and d (Capability approach and Rights-based approach)

Explanation: The statement describes aspects of both the capability approach and the rights-based
approach. Both approaches focus on empowering the poorest and marginalized by
developing their capacity to know, exercise, claim, and seek redress for their needs.

15. c. Repression

Explanation: The root causes of poverty that an HRBA can address typically include discrimination,
isolation, lack of access to political participation, and lack of access to basic resources and services.
Repression, although a form of human rights violation, is not typically considered a root cause of poverty
in the context of an HRBA.

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