Final Exam - 5A 5B 6A

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
Example: If I had lots of money, I would buy (buy) an island and invite all my friends to
live on it with me.
1 He ________ (not crash) the car if he hadn’t been using his phone.
2 Celine could have finished much earlier if she ________ (have) fewer breaks.
3 I’d never have survived if John _____ (not take) his medical kit with him.
4 I wouldn’t go there now if I ________ (be) you. It’s the beginning of hurricane season.
5 If we spent (spend) less on eating out, we might be able to rent a nicer apartment.
6 We ________ (not go) on the expedition if we’d known how difficult it was going to be.

2 Underline the correct word(s).

Example: Jim used to / ’s used to eat a lot of junk food, but now he eats healthily.
1 On my day off, I often / ’m used to drive to the mountains and do some climbing.
2 I wasn’t used to / didn’t use to eat fish at all, but I have it occasionally now.
3 When I was young, my mother would / use to always bake cakes at the weekend – I
loved it!
4 I’m not used to / didn’t use to speaking so much English – it’s tiring!
5 When we were students, we use to / used to go to music festivals every summer.
6 Driving on the left was weird at first, but I use to / ’m used to it now.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of one of the verbs.
be live come take stop not start not have can speak
Example: I wish my backpack was a bit lighter!
1 My girlfriend has always wished she had spoken another language fluently.
2 I wish you didn´t have checking your phone every two minutes – it’s driving me crazy!
3 I’m so thirsty. If only we took more water with us.
4 I wish I could find clothes to fit me but I’m just so tall!
5 Do you ever wish we had lived in a bigger house?
6 My History course isn’t very interesting. I wish I didn´t start it.
7 Do you ever wish you stopped to work so much?
8 I wish that taxi comes soon! They said they would send one straight away.

Grammar total 20
4 Complete the words in the sentences.
Example: I get really nervous before giving a presentation, but I’m OK once I’ve started.
1 They must have been devasted when their house was flooded a second time.
2 I felt homesick for a month or so after I left home and started university.
3 I asked Maria to go on a date with me but she said ‘No’ – I’m completely gutted!
4 I was so o________ with emotion I burst into tears.
5 Rory’s going to do a bungee jump! I’m absolutely gobsmacked – he never usually
takes risks!
6 Mark had been unemployed for three months and was desperate to find a job.
7 I just can’t watch horror movies. I get scared stiff!
8 I was very overwhelmed when the teacher said she couldn’t understand my accent.

5 Underline the correct adjective.

Example: You looked really boring / bored during the presentation.
1 I find driving in heavy traffic very stressing / stressful.
2 The instructions for this machine are a bit confused / confusing. Can you help me?
3 The facts in that documentary are absolutely astonished / astonishing!
4 After going to that exhibition, I felt inspiring / inspired to paint a picture.
5 We were so embarrassed / embarrassing when we realized we hadn’t left a tip for
the waiters.
6 I was so infuriating / infuriated by the rude staff at the customer service desk!

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word.
Example: frustrate

Puzzles really frustrate me – I just don’t have the patience for them!
You must have felt very frustrated when they didn’t believe you.
Isn’t it frustrating when you can’t open the plastic packaging on something?

1 Speaking in public is terrifying for some people.
2 Juan looked completely terrified when you asked him to hold your baby!
3 I hope there isn’t a storm tonight – the sound of thunder terrifies the children.

4 It was very disappointing that he didn’t come.
5 It always disappoints me when people behave like that.
6 Alan will be disappointed when he hears the football results.

Vocabulary total 20
7 Match the words with the same sound.

terrify gutted proud grateful astonished


Example: embarrassed terrify

1 stunned gutted
2 devastated grateful
3 down proud
4 disappoint annoying
5 impressed astonished

8 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: ho|rri|fy|ing
1 des|pe|rate
2 o|ffen|ded
3 in|fur|ia|ting
4 dis|a|ppoin|ting
5 o|ver|whelmed
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

Read the article about music and insomnia. Five sentences have been
removed. Which sentence (A–F) fits each gap (1–5)? There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.

Music beats insomnia

Everyone knows that a good night’s sleep is essential for our physical and mental well-
being. Sleep is so much more than a way of restoring energy after a busy day. It is a state
during which the body repairs itself, stores information, and secures experiences in our
memories. But in our busy world, full of technological distractions and noise and light
pollution, it’s difficult to get that optimum eight hours of quality sleep we all need. (----1----)
However, those whose sleep is disrupted for over a month, are classified as suffering from
insomnia, a condition that affects approximately 30% of adults at some point in their lives.

The effects of insomnia are unpleasant, ranging from tiredness, difficulty concentrating, and
memory loss, to more serious health problems such as diabetes and obesity. It’s not
surprising, therefore, that when insomnia hits, many people reach for the medicine cabinet.
But this is not an ideal solution because taking regular sleep medication can lead to harmful
effects on the body. So, what’s the alternative?

Music has long been associated with relaxation. (----2----) Many people listen to music
before bed or while drifting off to sleep, but the positive effects have been mainly anecdotal
and few major studies have been done to date. So, in an attempt find a safer alternative to
sleep medication, a team of experts from the University of Sheffield’s Music and Wellbeing
research unit collaborated with researchers from the Sleep and Cognition Laboratory at the
University of Lincoln and Goldsmiths University of London on an important music-sleep

The first phase of the project was to survey over 650 people with varying sleep habits. The
first question was designed to find out what type of music people listen to when they are
nodding off, and why they believe that music improves their quality of sleep. Interestingly,
the most popular musician for assisting sleep turned out to be Bach. Other popular choices
included Mozart, Ed Sheeran, and Cold Play. (----3----) Overall these included 14 different
music genres and the songs of 545 different music artists.

The second question asked the participants why they thought that listening to their chosen
music helped them sleep. While the obvious answer might have been that it helps them to
relax, the responses showed that music fulfilled a range of functions and were different for
each person. (----4----) Some participants used music as a distraction from background
noise such as traffic, to prevent worrying thoughts, or to fill silence in order to provide a
sense of security. Others just said they were used to the routine and couldn’t sleep without
it. The researchers concluded that there is no single solution for using music to improve
sleep. Each individual needs to choose the music that works for them and use it in the way
that works best for them. The researchers are determined to translate that into an alternative
musical treatment for insomnia. The question is how?

The next phase of the research will involve expanding the survey to cover as many
populations and cultures as possible. (----5----) The aim of the research will be to ultimately
develop personalized music selection technology, which could be combined with advice on
sleep strategies to create a complete treatment package for people who need to restore
their sleep patterns. Until this new technology has been developed, however, the best
advice is to avoid spending money on the ‘sleep CDs’ that are available to buy and to trust
your own musical choices. Sweet dreams!

A For some, it slowed racing thoughts, improved focus, and cleared the mind, making
the body more ready for sleep.
B The music that this future survey finds to be most effective overall will then be tested
using advanced sleep recording techniques.
C We all have the odd sleepless night.
D Historical anecdotes name Bach as popular listening material for those suffering from
sleep and chronic health problems.
E This helped more than half of the people in the study wind down and prepare for sleep.
F However, researchers were amazed at the incredibly wide variety of responses.

Reading total 10


You recently bought an album by your favourite artist. Write an email to your
friend telling him / her about it.

Write 140–180 words. Include the following information:

 tell him / her what kind of music your favourite artist makes
 explain why you like that kind of music
 say whether the album is as good as you had hoped it would be.

Writing total 10

Reading and Writing total 20


1 Listen to five people describing their feelings in a particular situation.

Choose from the list (A–F) how each speaker says they felt. Use the letters
only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.
A absolutely gutted
B completely gobsmacked
C bewildered
D overwhelmed
E offended
F absolutely shattered

Speaker 1: [ ]
Speaker 2: [ ]
Speaker 3: [ ]
Speaker 4: [ ]
Speaker 5: [ ]

2 Listen to a man giving advice about survival skills. Underline the correct
1 Jed advises people to make a plan based on their abilities / never go into remote
area alone / take any medicines they need.
2 Jed says that people should take an experienced friend / camping kit / extra
clothing with them.
3 Jed advises people to drink as much water as possible / drink less water / make
the water they find safe.
4 According to Jed, intelligence / the way you react / fitness is as important for
survival as the equipment you have.
5 Once people realize they are lost, they should call for help / try to find a way back /
only do the things that are essential for their survival.

Listening total 10

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