Halloween Story - Lulu Is Missing (Advanced)

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Complete the gaps with one word.

Lulu is missing...
It was late in the evening. The night was foggy and chilly and the streets were deserted.

Lulu was coming back home. She was walking down the shadowy street. She wanted to be back in
her comfortable room as quickly (1)................. possible. That’s (2)................... she decided to take a short
cut. She wasn’t familiar (3)................... that place . She had never been here (4)..................... . The street
seemed (5)...................... dark and gloomy. She felt exhausted and she was wondering what she

(6)............................. make for dinner.

‘I’ll (7) ............................... some gluten-free pancakes,’ she thought dreamily. ‘And I (8) ..................... need
a hot bath,’ she said quietly .

(9).................... of the sudden she heard some footsteps behind her. Lulu shuddered but she
(10).............................. walking. She surreptitiously looked (11)............................... her but she
(12).............................. to notice anything suspicious. ‘What (13)........................ hell,’ she whispered.

Then (14) ....................... of nowhere a black cat (15) ............................... the road just a few steps in front
of her and ran somewhere (16).......................... a hurry. ‘My goodness. Now I’m even
(17).............................. of cats,’ she laughed nervously.

And then she heard someone (18).......................... her, this time much closer. Lulu was at her wits’
(19).............................. and she was running now. She was (20)............................ to turn right into another
narrow street when she tripped (21)............................ something. On the pavement in front of her she

caught a (22)..................... of a child’s shoe (23) ................................ with blood. ‘Oh my God,’ Lulu let (24)
.................... a piercing cry before she was enveloped in (25) ................... darkness.

To be continued ...

Correct answers:

1.as, 2.why, 3.with, 4.before, 5.so/really/very, 6.should/could/would, 7.have/eat/make,

8.definitely/really/desperately, 9.all, 10.kept/continued, 11.behind/around, 12.failed, 13.the, 14.out,
15.crossed, 16.in, 17.frightened/scared/afraid, 18.following, 19.end, 20.about, 21.over, 22.glimpse,
23.covered, 24.out, 25.complete/pitch/total


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