What Are Some of The Most Critical Health Concerns We Face in The 21st Century

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What are some of the most critical health concerns we face in the 21st

century, and why?

There is no doubt that in 21st century has the most advanced medical
technology compared to any previous century, but it also has unique
problems that make it necessary for healthcare to adapt.

 Like health care for an ageing population.

 Healthcare in the age of climate change.
 Healthcare and multi morbidity.
 Healthcare for those suffering from mental illness.

We also face some problems like hunger, poverty, climate change,

population, pollution, floods, droughts, heat waves and food security
which are all related to each others.

All this can be solved by increasing awareness, education and

knowledge just by increasing research and use of better environment
friendly alternatives.

We also face the major health issues and diseases like:-

 Heart disease.
 Stroke.
 Cancer.
 Diabetes.
 Chronic disease.
 And other non communicable diseases which are accounts for 70
percent of all deaths worldwide, according to WHO.

What are the Most urgent problems in childrens facing by global

health in 21st century?
We have to fight with many challenges like:-

 Premature mortality-the health problem that continue to effect

the life expectancy of children.
 Infectious diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, and respiratory and
diarrheal diseases
 Malnutrition in children is also a major problem.

What about health in adults?

The major challenges in adults are:-

 Chronic diseases
 Work to ensure health in middle aged population and to limit the
impact of diseases like:-
 Cancer.
 Heart disease.
 Mental health problems and so on.


Health doesn’t respect borders. That means both the problems of

health and there solutions transcend frontiers and, in a world without
borders, problems spread very rapidly.

Like air pollution for example which can effects communities located at
the distance from the origin of the problems.

We have to educate and aware the people about these major problems
and guide them to the right path.

So they protect themselves and others from these diseases and health
related issues.

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