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​ Please graph for part A.

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​ 1) Leann's Telecommunication firm production function is given by
​ 2/3
​ , where K is the number of internet servers they use, and L is the number
of labor hours she uses. a) Plot the isoquant of the firm for output level
Q=200. b) Does this production function exhibit increasing, constant or
decreasing returns to scale? Explain. c) Holding the number of internet
servers constant at 8, is the marginal product of labor increasing, constant
or decreasing as more labor is used?

​ Here’s the best way to solve it.
​ Expert-verified
​ (a)
​ Production function:
​ F(K,L) = 200(KL)2/3
​ => Q = 200(KL)2/3
​ Isoquant represents the combination of capital and labor required to
produce a given level of Q
​ It is given that output level is 200, i.e., Q=200
​ --------------------------
​ Q = 200 (KL)2/3
​ => 200 = 200 (KL)2/3
​ => (200 / 200) = (KL)2/3
​ => 1 = (KL)2/3
​ => (1)3/2 = [(KL)2/3]3/2
​ => 1 = (KL)
​ => K = (1 / L) -----------------> isoquant equation for Q=200
​ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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