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Class- 9
Part A-CCT based questions
In the morning of Holi festival Ravi got up early. He was very much enthusiastic to play
colours with his friends. He took a plastic bucket which was transparent and his water gun
along with some packets of powdered water colour in the yard which is in front of his house.
Each packet of colour contained 10 grams of colour. The size of bucket was 10 litres. He filled
the bucket with plain water and was about to add dry packet colour when his mother
shouted to not to start playing so early. In the fear of being scolded Ravi quickly dropped the
colour from packet in the bucket filled with water and rushed back to his house and sat
near the window from where he could keep an eye over his belongings. While his watch over
bucket and other belongings Ravi observed that the particles of powdered colour are getting
dissolved in the water in the bucket on their own without being disturbed by anyone.
Initially a coloured cloud like structure appeared in the bucket of water which grew up in size
and finally the whole bucket of water was evenly coloured. Ravi was very much enthusiastic
to observe that how come the powdered colour got mixed in bucket of water so well
without being stirred by anyone.
Q1. Q What is the density of water colour prepared by Ravi if he mixed only one packet in
the bucket. Give your answer in g/cm3.
Q2. What is name of the process observed by Ravi? How does this process depend on
Q3. State true and false (1x4=4)
i) Particles of liquid are always in random motion.
ii) Kinetic energy of liquid particles decreases on increasing temperature.
iii) Smell of incense stick gets distributed only in the bottom level of the closed room where
it is lightened.
iv) Smell of perfume sprayed in one part of the room spreads quickly throughout the room in
summer season as compared to winter
Rekha and Harish were newly married. Rekha’s father is a government contractor and is very
rich. Before marriage Rekha enjoyed all sort of lavishness, she never washed clothes never
done any cooking and there were many things to which she was new. One day Harish asked
her to make a lemonade for him. Although Rekha never went to kitchen yet she had an idea
that to make a lemonade all she needed is a lemon, water sugar and ice and she knew that
all these things are required to be mixed well. Being new to the kitchen she added ice to the
water first and then started dissolving sugar crystal to the cold water. Contrary to her
thought she found it very difficult to dissolve sugar crystals to cold water where as she had
observed her mother to dissolve sugar crystals in water very easily. She was unable to find
what the problem is.
Q1. Why Rekha was unable to dissolve sugar in water as easily as her mother?
Q2. What had she done to make the process easy?
Q3. What is the effect of temperature on solubility?
Q4. What is saturated solution?
Q5. How can a solution be made unsaturated by changing temperature?
Q1. Ice, water and steam are three states of a substance and not different substances. Justify?
Q2. What are the main functions of each of the following cell organelles?
a) Plasma membrane
b) Mitochondria
c) Nucleus
d) Ribosomes
Q3. What are the different types of endoplasmic reticulum? Write the function of each.
Q4. Name
a) An organelle which has its own genetic material
b) An organelle rich in digestive enzymes.
c) Nucleic acid present in nucleus.
Q5. Which kind of plastid is more common in
a) Roots of the plant
b) Leaves of the plant
c) Flowers and fruits
Q6. Illustrate a plant cell as seen under electron microscope. How is it different from animal
Q7.Draw a displacement- time graph for a body moving with uniform velocity?
Q8. Identify the kind of motion in the following cases:
a) A car moving with constant speed turning around a curve.
b) An electron orbiting around nucleus.
Q9. a)Derive the equation of motion V= u +at, using graphical method.
b) A train starting from rest attains a velocity of 72km/hr in 5 minutes, assuming the
acceleration is uniform, find
a) The acceleration
b) The distance travelled by the train for attaining this velocity.
Q10. Velocity time graph for the motion of an object in a straight path is a straight line
parallel to the time axis.
a) Identify the nature of motion of the body.
b) Find the acceleration of the body.
c) Draw the shape of distance-time graph for this type of motion.
a) What do you understand by mass of a body?
b) Is mass a scalar or vector? State its SI units.
Q12. Lysosomes are known as the suicide bag of the cell. Give reason?
Q13. the rate of evaporation of a liquid increases on heating. Explain.
Q14. with the help of a labelled diagram, describe in brief an activity to show sublimation of
ammonium chloride.
Q15.starting from a stationary position, Rehan paddles his bicycle to attain a velocity of 6m/s
in 30s. then he applies brakes such that the velocity of the bicycle comes down to 4 m/s in the
next 5s. calculate the acceleration of the bicycle in both the cases?
Q16. Compare in tabular form the properties of solids, liquids and gases with respect to
i) Shape
ii) Volume
iii) Compressibility
iv) Diffusion
v) Fluidity or rigidity
Q17. Why evaporation is called surface phenomenon?
Q18. Name the SI unit of measuring temperature.
The boiling point of water is 100°C under atmospheric pressure. Convert this temperature in
SI unit of temperature.
Q19. A bus travels a distance 120km with a speed of 40km/hr and returns with a speed of
30km/h. calculate the average speed for the entire journey.
Q20 (a) what makes the bone matrix hard?
(b) Which tissue is responsible for moving our hands up and down?
C. how the bark of a tree is formed? How does it act as protective tissue?
(d) Mention the difference between plasmolysis and endocytosis.
e) What is membrane biogenesis?
State Newton's third law of motion. if someone jumps to the Shore from a boat the boat
moves in the opposite direction explain.
a) Find out the electronic configuration of Cl, Si, Be and P according to Bohr bury
b) Describe an activity to show that rate of evaporation increases with
Surface area.
c) State two differences between evaporation and boiling.
1. ROLE PLAY: Any topic of Science from text book.
2. COLLAGE: Why do we fall ill?
3. SONG AND LYRIC CREATION: Any topic of your choice related to Science
4. CLAY MOULDING: Symbols of elements as proposed by Dalton (page 33)
5. VIDEO MAKING: For the process of
Diffusion,osmosis,endosmosis,Exosmosis,evaporation,change of state,
Newton’s laws of motion etc.
7. WORKING MODEL: Work and energy
8. PHOTOGRAPHY: Diversity in living organisms
13. POSTER MAKING: Improvement in food resources
14. SKETCHING: Is matter around us pure?

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