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Elementary Statistics A Step by Step

Approach 9th Edition Bluman Test

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) If the test value for the difference between the means of two large samples is 2.57 when 1)
the critical value is 1.96, what decision should be made?

A) Accept the null hypothesis. B) Accept the equality hypothesis.

C) Reject the alternative hypothesis. D) Reject the null hypothesis.

σ1 σ2
2) The standard deviation of the difference in means of two large samples is + . 2)
n1 n2
A) True B) False

3) If the test value for the difference between the means of two large samples is 1.43 when 3)
the critical value is 1.96, the null hypothesis should not be rejected.

A) False B) True

4) Consider the null hypothesis H 0 : μ1 - μ2 = 0. If the confidence interval for μ1 - μ2 does 4)

not contain 0, the null hypothesis should be rejected.
A) True B) False

5) When comparing the means of samples from two normally distributed populations, if the 5)
samples are independent and the population variances are known, the z test can be used.
A) True B) False

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

6) The formula used in the z test for comparing the means from two independent 6)
populations is .

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

7) A bond analyst is analyzing the interest rates for equivalent municipal bonds issued by 7)
two different states. At α = 0.05, is there enough evidence to conclude that there is a
difference in the interest rates paid by the two states?
State A State B
Sample size 60 40
Mean interest rate (%) 3.5 3.9
Population variance 0.02 0.04
A) Yes, because the test value -10.95 is outside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96
B) Yes, because the test value -3.00 is outside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96
C) No, because the test value -0.02 is inside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96
D) Yes, because the test value 120.00 is outside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96

8) A marketing firm asked a random set of married and single men how much they were 8)
willing to spend on a vacation. Is there sufficient evidence at α = 0.05 to conclude that is
there a difference in the two amounts?

Married Men Single Men

Sample size 70 70
Sample mean $880 $825
Population variance 5700 7900
A) No, because the test value 1.39 is outside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
B) No, because the test value 0.28 is inside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
C) Yes, because the test value 1.39 is inside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
D) Yes, because the test value 3.95 is outside the critical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.

9) An educational researcher is analyzing the test scores for physics students taught using 9)
two different methods - a traditional method, and a web-based self-paced method. Can
he conclude, at α = .05, that the test scores in the web-based self-paced method are

Traditional Web-based Self-paced

Sample size 60 80
Mean test score 86 83
Population variance 24 34
A) The data supports the claim because the test value 3.30 is greater than the critical
value 1.96.
B) The data supports the claim because the test value 3.30 is greater than the critical
value 1.65.
C) The data supports the claim because the test value 1.82 is greater than the critical
value 1.65.
D) The data supports the claim because the test value 1.82 is less than the critical value

10) An field researcher is gathering data on the trunk diameters of mature pine and spruce 10)
trees in a certain area. The following are the results of his random sampling. Can he
conclude, atα = 0.10, that the average trunk diameter of a pine tree is greater than the
average diameter ofa spruce tree?

Pine trees Spruce trees

Sample size 60 80
Mean trunk diameter, cm 46 40
Population variance 155 127
A) The data does not support the conclusion that the average pine tree trunks are larger
because the test value 1.44 is greater than than the critical value 1.28.
B) The data does not support the conclusion that the average pine tree trunks are larger
because the test value 24.54 is greater than than the critical value 1.65.
C) The data supports the conclusion that the average pine tree trunks are larger
because the test value 2.94 is greater than than the critical value 1.65.
D) The data supports the conclusion that the average pine tree trunks are larger
because the test value 2.94 is greater than than the critical value 1.28.

11) In October, the campus bookstore asked a random set of freshmen and seniors how much 11)
they had spent on textbooks that semester. The bookstore believes that the two groups
spent the same amount. What is an appropriate test value for a z test?
Freshmen Seniors
Sample size 80 70
Sample mean $460 $440
Population std. dev. $52 $63
A) 9.51 B) 0.22 C) 1.21 D) 2.10

12) A pharmaceutical company is testing the effectiveness of a new drug for lowering 12)
cholesterol. As part of this trial, they wish to determine whether there is a difference
between the effectiveness for women and men.
At α = 0.05, what is an appropriate test value?

Women Men
Sample size 50 40
Mean effectiveness 7.9 8
Population variance 3.1 3.6
A) -0.66 B) -3.90 C) -0.26 D) 0.39

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

13) A conservationist suspects that the water level in Horseshoe Lake has been 13)
affected more by the current drought than the water level in Swan Lake, so he
measures how far the water level is below normal each day in June. The data are
normally distributed. Test his hypothesis atα = 0.01.
Horseshoe Lake Swan Lake
X 1 = 43.0 cm X 2 = 38.6 cm
σ1 = 3.2 cm σ2 = 2.4 cm
n1 = 30 n2 = 30

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

14) A sociologist wants to determine if the life expectancy of people in Africa is less than the 14)
life expectancy of people in Asia. The data obtained is shown in the table below.

Africa Asia
X 1 = 63.3 yr. X 2 = 65.2 yr.
σ1 = 9.1 yr. σ2 = 7.3 yr.
n1 = 120 n2 = 150

What is an appropriate null hypothesis?

A) H0 : μ1 = μ2 B) H 0 : μ1 < μ2 C) H0 : μ1 > μ2 D) H 0 : μ1 ≠ μ2

15) A sociologist wants to determine if the life expectancy of people in Africa is less than the 15)
life expectancy of people in Asia. The data obtained is shown in the table below.

Africa Asia
X 1 = 63.3 yr. X 2 = 65.2 yr.
σ1 = 9.1 yr. σ2 = 7.3 yr.
n1 = 120 n2 = 150

Calculate the critical value. Use α = 0.05.

A) -1.65 B) -1.96 C) -2.58 D) -2.33

16) A sociologist wants to determine if the life expectancy of people in Africa is less than the 16)
life expectancy of people in Asia. The data obtained is shown in the table below.

Africa Asia
X 1 = 63.3 yr. X 2 = 65.2 yr.
σ1 = 9.1 yr. σ2 = 7.3 yr.
n1 = 120 n2 = 150

What is the test value?

A) -0.47 B) -3.70 C) -1.86 D) -5.38

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

17) Joan has just moved into a new apartment and wants to purchase a new couch. 17)
To determine if there is a difference between the average prices of couches at two
different stores, she collects the following data. Test the hypothesis that there is
no difference in the average price. Use α = 0.05.

Store 1 Store 2
X 1 = $650 X 2 = $680
σ1 = $43 σ2 = $52
n1 = 42 n2 = 45

18) The average credit card debt for a recent year was $8824. Five years earlier the 18)
average credit card debt was $8159. Assume sample sizes of 35 were used and
the population standard deviations of both samples were $1396. Is there evidence
to conclude that the average credit card debt has increased? Use α = 0.05.

a. State the hypotheses.

b. Find the critical value.
c. Compute the test statistic.
d. Make the decision.
e. Summarize the results.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

19) A sociologist expects the life expectancy of people in Africa is different than the life 19)
expectancy of people in Asia. The data obtained is shown in the table below. Determine
the 95% confidence interval for the difference in the population means.

Africa Asia
X 1 = 55.3 yr. X 2 = 65.2 yr.
σ1 = 8.1 yr. σ2 = 9.3 yr.
n1 = 53 n2 = 42
A) -16.3 < μ1 - μ2 < -6.0 B) -11.4 < μ1 - μ2 < -7.6
C) -13.5 < μ1 - μ2 < -6.3 D) -12.2 < μ1 - μ2 < -6.9

20) A test was made of H 0 : μ1 = μ2 versus H1 : μ1 < μ2 . The sample means were x1 = 13 and 20)

x2 = 12, the sample standard deviations were s1 = 4 and s2 = 3, and the sample sizes were
n1 = 16 and n2 = 15.

How many degrees of freedom are there for the test statistic?
A) 15 B) 16 C) 14 D) 11

21) A test was made of H 0 : μ1 = μ2 versus H1 : μ1 < μ2 . The sample means were x1 = 7 and 21)

x2 = 11, the sample standard deviations were s1 = 6 and s2 = 4, and the sample sizes were
n1 = 10 and n2 = 18.

Compute the value of the test statistic.

A) -4.411 B) -2.935 C) -0.555 D) -1.888

22) A test was made of H 0 : μ1 = μ2 versus H1 : μ1 < μ2 . The sample means were x1 = 11 and 22)

x2 = 9, the sample standard deviations were s1 = 7 and s2 = 5, and the sample sizes were
n1 = 15 and n2 = 13.

Is H0 rejected at the 0.05 level? (Hint: First compute the value of the test statistic.)
A) Yes B) No

23) A group of college students believes the average grades in psychology courses are 23)
different than the average grades in biology courses. The group found the average
psychology grades of a sample of 11 students was 82.4 and the average biology grades of
a sample of 11 students was 81.2. What is the null hypothesis for this study?
A) H0 : μpsychology + μbiology = 163.6
B) H0 : μpsychology = 82.4 and H0 : μbiology = 81.2
C) H0 : μpsychology = μbiology
D) H0 : μ = 82.4 and 81.2

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

24) Are low-fat diets or low-carb diets more effective for weight loss? A sample of 70 24)
subjects went on a low-carbohydrate diet for six months. At the end of that time,
the sample mean weight loss was 10.5 pounds with a sample standard deviation of
7.09 pounds. A second sample of 76 subjects went on a low-fat diet. Their sample
mean weight loss was 18.0 with a standard deviation of 7.26. Can you conclude
that the mean weight loss differed between the two diets? Use the α = 0.05 level.

i). State the appropriate null and alternate hypotheses.

ii). Compute the test statistic.
iii). How many degrees of freedom are there, using the simple method?
iv). Do you reject H 0? State a conclusion.

25) The number of calories in a 12-ounce serving of randomly-selected regular and 25)
lite beers is listed. Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean number
of calories for lite beers is significantly less than that for the regular beers? Use
α = 0.10. Assume the variables are approximately normally distributed.
Regular: 136 121 128 90 141 149 119 138
132 120 112 172 133
Lite: 100 110 105 103 115 99 123 137
121 156

a.State the hypotheses.

b. Find the critical value(s).
c. Compute the test value.
d. Make the decision.
e. Summarize the results.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

26) A garden seed wholesaler wishes to test the claim that tomato seeds germinate faster 26)
when each individual seed is "pelletized" within a coating of corn starch. The table below
shows the germination times, in days, of six pelletized seeds. The table also shows the
germination times in days of six un-coated seeds (the controls).

Pelletized: 9 9 10 8 6 6
Control: 9 11 12 9 12 11

Can you conclude that the mean germination time for pelletized seeds is less than the
for the un-pelletized seeds? Use the α = 0.05 level of significance.
A) No B) Yes

27) An automobile manufacturer wishes to test that claim that synthetic motor oil can 27)
improve gas mileage (in miles per gallon, or mpg). The table below shows the gas
mileages, in mpg, of six cars that used synthetic motor oil. The table also shows the gas
mileages in mpg of six cars that were using conventional motor oil (the controls).

Synthetic: 24 28 27 28 26 26
Control: 26 25 25 27 27 27

Can you conclude that the mean gas mileage for cars using synthetic motor oil is more
the mean for the controls? Use the α = 0.05 level of significance.
A) No B) Yes

28) In an agricultural experiment, the effects of two fertilizers on the production of oranges 28)
were measured. Fourteen randomly selected plots of land were treated with fertilizer A,
and 10 randomly selected plots were treated with fertilizer B. The The number of pounds
of harvested fruit was measured from each plot. Following are the results.
Fertilizer A
479 385 400 417 405 403 386
450 406 434 437 409 429 352

Fertilizer B
404 403 387 427 429
404 464 418 411 340
Assume that the populations are approximately normal. Can you conclude that there is a
difference in the mean yields for the two types of fertilizer? Use the α = 0.05 level of
A) Yes B) No

29) A amateur golfer wishes to determine if there is a difference between the drive distances 29)
of her two favorite drivers. (A driver is a specialized club for driving the golf ball down
range.) She hits fourteen balls with driver A and 10 balls with driver B. The The drive
distances (in yards) for the trials are show below.
Driver A
302 283 283 291 241 268 276
263 296 268 291 262 274 278

Driver B
247 313 246 208 261
283 237 245 224 249
Assume that the populations are approximately normal. Can you conclude that there is a
difference in the mean drive distances for the two drivers? Use the α = 0.01 level of
A) Yes B) No

30) In a test of the difference between the two means below, what should the test value be for 30)
a t test?

Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample mean 680 735
Sample variance 550 60
Sample size 10 11
A) -0.91 B) -0.31 C) -0.11 D) -7.07

31) Twelve dieters lost an average of 5.2 pounds in 6 weeks when given a special diet plus a 31)
"fat-blocking" herbal formula. A control group of twelve other dieters were given the
same diet, but without the herbal formula, and lost an average of 4.5 pounds during the
same time. The standard deviation of the "fat-blocker" sample was 2.8 and the standard
deviation of the control group was 2.5. Find the 95% confidence interval for the
differences of the means.
A) -1.8 < μ1 - μ2 < 0.4 B) -1.2 < μ1 - μ2 < 2.6
C) -0.4 < μ1 - μ2 < 1.8 D) -1.7 < μ1 - μ2 < 3.1

32) The concentration of hexane (a common solvent) was measured in units of micrograms 32)
per liter for a simple random sample of nineteen specimens of untreated ground water
taken near a municipal landfill. The sample mean was 508.4 with a sample standard
deviation of 4.3. Sixteen specimens of treated ground water had an average hexane
concentration of 506.1 with a standard deviation of 4.7.

It is reasonable to assume that both samples come from populations that are
approximately normal. Can you conclude that the mean hexane concentration is less in
treated water than in untreated water? Use the α = 0.01 level of significance.
A) Yes B) No

33) Mauricio Cruz, a wine merchant for Cruz's Spirits Emporium, wants to determine if the 33)
average price of imported wine is less than the average price of domestic wine. He
obtained the data shown in the table below.

Imported Wine Domestic Wine

X 1 = $7.03 X 2 = $9.78
s1 = $2.31 s2 = $3.62
n = 15 n = 16

What is the null hypothesis?

A) H0 : μ1 ≠ μ2 B) H 0 : μ1 < μ2 C) H0 : μ1 > μ2 D) H 0 : μ1 = μ2

34) Mauricio Cruz, a wine merchant for Cruz's Spirits Emporium, wants to determine if the 34)
average price of imported wine is less than the average price of domestic wine. He
obtained the data shown in the table below.

Imported Wine Domestic Wine

X 1 = $7.03 X 2 = $9.78
s1 = $2.31 s2 = $3.62
n = 15 n = 16

What is the critical value at α = 0.05?

A) -2.131 B) -1.753 C) -2.145 D) -1.761

35) Mauricio Cruz, a wine merchant for Cruz's Spirits Emporium, wants to determine if the 35)
average price of imported wine is less than the average price of domestic wine. He
obtained the data shown in the table below.

Imported Wine Domestic Wine

X 1 = $7.03 X 2 = $9.78
s1 = $2.31 s2 = $3.62
n = 15 n = 16

What is the appropriate test value for a t test?

A) -4.46 B) -0.92 C) -2.54 D) -6.49

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

36) A local charity believes they receive more money from people in the River 36)
Heights neighborhood than from people in the Lakeview neighborhood. They
conducted a survey of 24 people randomly selected form each neighborhood and
recorded the results. At α = 0.01, is their hypothesis correct?

River Heights Lakeview

X 1 = $35/person X 2 = $25/person
s1 = $5/person s2 = $8/person
n1 = 24 n2 = 24

37) The Donaldson Corporation wants to hire a temporary secretary. There are two 37)
employment agencies in town, and it is believed that the average hourly wage
charged by both agencies is the same. A Donaldson manager surveyed other
employers in town to find what they paid the agencies for temporary secretaries.
The results are summarized below. At α = 0.05, test the claim that each agency
charges the same hourly wage.

Agency A Agency B
X 1 = $9.55/hour X 2 = $9.25/hour
s1 = $1.45/hour s2 = $1.25/hour
n1 = 20 n2 = 18

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

38) A marketing firm asked a random set of married women and married men how much they 38)
were willing to spend for jewelry as a present for their spouse. Can the firm conclude, at
α = 0.05, that the two groups have a different willingness to spend?

Women Men
Sample size 9 16
Sample mean $160 $205
Sample standard deviation $34 $38
A) No, because the test value -1.12 is outside the noncritical region -2.306 < t < 2.306
B) Yes, because the test value -3.04 is outside the noncritical region -2.306 < t < 2.306
C) Yes, because the test value -1.12 is inside the noncritical region -2.262 < t < 2.262
D) No, because the test value -0.21 is inside the noncritical region -2.262 < t < 2.262

39) A reporter bought hamburgers at randomly selected stores of two different restaurant 39)
chains, and had the number of Calories in each hamburger measured. Can the reporter
conclude, atα = 0.05, that the hamburgers from the two chains have a different number of

Chain A Chain B
Sample size 7 8
Sample mean 280 Cal 315 Cal
Sample standard deviation 23 Cal 27 Cal
A) No, because the test value -0.21 is inside the noncritical region -2.262 < t < 2.262
B) Yes, because the test value -0.21 is inside the noncritical region -2.447 < t < 2.447
C) No, because the test value -1.17 is inside the noncritical region -2.262 < t < 2.262
D) Yes, because the test value -2.71 is outside the noncritical region -2.447 < t < 2.447

40) The following display from a TI-84 Plus calculator presents the results of a hypothesis 40)
test for the difference between two means. The sample sizes are n1 = 7 and n2 = 12.

μ1 > μ2
t = -0.917205
p = 0.189353
df = 10.791309
x1 = 146.729
↓x2 = 157.769

How many degrees of freedom did the calculator use?

A) 10.791309 B) -0.917205 C) 0.189353 D) 11.791309

41) The following display from a TI-84 Plus calculator presents the results of a hypothesis 41)
test for the difference between two means. The sample sizes are n1 = 9 and n2 = 12.

μ1 > μ2
t = -4.091887
p = 0.000425
df = 15.257247
x1 = 144.196
↓x2 = 190.799

What is the P-value?

A) 0.000425 B) 0.999575 C) -4.091887 D) 15.257247

42) The following display from a TI-84 Plus calculator presents the results of a hypothesis 42)
test for the difference between two means. The sample sizes are n1 = 12 and n2 = 13.

μ1 > μ2
t = 2.509389
p = 0.990208
df = 22.597683
x1 = 71.173
↓x2 = 45.421

Can you reject H0 rejected at the α = 0.01 level?

A) Yes B) No

43) The following MINITAB output display presents the results of a hypothesis test for the 43)
difference μ1 - μ2 between two population means.

Two-sample T for X1 vs X2
N Mean StDev SE Mean
A 12 66.021 22.014 6.355
B 8 40.649 27.337 9.665

Difference = mu(X1) - mu(X2)

Estimate for difference: 25.372
95% CI for difference: (2.700, 48.044)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =) : T-Value = 2.193456
P-Value = 0.04706 DF = 13

What is the alternate hypothesis?

A) μ1 ≠ μ2 B) μ1 = μ2 C) μ1 < μ2 D) μ1 > μ2

44) The following MINITAB output display presents the results of a hypothesis test for the 44)
difference μ1 - μ2 between two population means.

Two-sample T for X1 vs X2
N Mean StDev SE Mean
A 12 66.021 22.014 6.355
B 8 40.649 27.337 9.665

Difference = mu(X1) - mu(X2)

Estimate for difference: 25.372
95% CI for difference: (2.700, 48.044)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =) : T-Value = 2.193456
P-Value = 0.04706 DF = 13

Can you reject H0 rejected at the α = 0.10 level?

A) Yes B) No

45) The following MINITAB output display presents the results of a hypothesis test for the 45)
difference μ1 - μ2 between two population means.

Two-sample T for X1 vs X2
N Mean StDev SE Mean
A 13 60.492 26.689 7.402
B 12 86.830 26.378 7.615

Difference = mu(X1) - mu(X2)

Estimate for difference: -26.338
95% CI for difference: (-47.152, -5.524)
T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =) : T-Value = -2.480133
P-Value = 1.979112 DF = 23

How many degrees of freedom are there for the test statistic?
A) 26.338 B) 1.979112 C) 23 D) 22

46) Which of the following represent dependent samples. 46)

i. Life spans of pairs of siblings.
ii. Life spans of randomly-selected pairs of people
iii. Life spans of pairs of mothers and daughters
A) iii B) i C) i and iii D) i, ii, and iii

47) A researcher wanted to determine if using an octane booster would increase gasoline 47)
mileage. A random sample of seven cars was selected; the cars were driven for two
weeks without the booster and two weeks with the booster. Use the definitions of X1
and X2 as given in the table. Consequently, D = X1 - X2 .

Gasoline Mileage Gasoline Mileage

Without booster, X1 Without booster, X2
(mpg) (mpg)
21.2 23.8
25.4 25.6
20.9 22.4
27.6 28.3
22.8 24.5
27.3 28.8
23.4 25.2

State the alternative hypothesis.

A) H1 : μD ≠ 0 B) H 1 : μD < 0 C) H1 : μD > 0 D) H 1 : μD = 0

48) A researcher wanted to determine if using an octane booster would increase gasoline 48)
mileage. A random sample of seven cars was selected; the cars were driven for two
weeks without the booster and two weeks with the booster. Use the definitions of X1
and X2 as given in the table. Consequently, D = X 1 - X2 .

Gasoline Mileage Gasoline Mileage

Without booster, X1 Without booster, X2
(mpg) (mpg)
21.2 23.8
25.4 25.6
20.9 22.4
27.6 28.3
22.8 24.5
27.3 28.8
23.4 25.2

Determine the mean of the differences.

A) 6.3 B) -1.43 C) 1.67 D) -1.67

49) A researcher wanted to determine if using an octane booster would increase gasoline 49)
mileage. A random sample of seven cars was selected; the cars were driven for two
weeks without the booster and two weeks with the booster. Use the definitions of X1
and X2 as given in the table. Consequently, D = X 1 - X2 .

Gasoline Mileage Gasoline Mileage

Without booster, X1 Without booster, X2
(mpg) (mpg)
21.2 23.8
25.4 25.6
20.9 22.4
27.6 28.3
22.8 24.5
27.3 28.8
23.4 25.2

Compute the standard deviation of the differences.

A) 0.84 B) 0.13 C) 0.78 D) 0.11

50) A researcher wanted to determine if using an octane booster would increase gasoline 50)
mileage. A random sample of seven cars was selected; the cars were driven for two
weeks without the booster and two weeks with the booster. Use the definitions of X1
and X2 as given in the table. Consequently, D = X 1 - X2 .

Gasoline Mileage Gasoline Mileage

Without booster, X1 Without booster, X2
(mpg) (mpg)
21.2 23.8
25.4 25.6
20.9 22.4
27.6 28.3
22.8 24.5
27.3 28.8
23.4 25.2

What critical value should be used at α = 0.05?

A) -1.895 B) -2.365 C) -2.447 D) -1.943

51) Following is a sample of five matched pairs. 51)

Sample 1 23 26 18 32 28
Sample 2 19 14 16 12 14

Let μ1 and μ2 represent the population means and let μd = μ1 – μ2 . A test will be made of
the hypotheses H0 : μd = 0 versus H 1 : μd > 0. Compute the test statistic.
A) 3.141 B) 8.547 C) 4.651 D) 1.405

52) Following is a sample of five matched pairs. 52)

Sample 1 20 20 23 18 22
Sample 2 23 16 15 14 18

Let μ1 and μ2 represent the population means and let μd = μ1 - μ2. A test will be made of
the hypotheses H0 : μd = 0 versus H 1 : μd > 0. Can you reject H0 at the α = 0.01 level of
A) No B) Yes

53) A running coach wanted to see whether runners ran faster after eating spaghetti the night 53)
before. A group of six runners was randomly chosen for this study. Each ran a 5
kilometer race after having a normal dinner the night before, and then a week later, reran
the same race after having a spaghetti dinner the night before. The times for their races
are shown in the table below. What test value should be used in a t test for these
dependent samples?

Runner 1 Runner 2 Runner 3 Runner 4 Runner 5 Runner 6

Regular Dinner 989 s 974 s 998 s 959 s 1005 s 985 s
Spaghetti Dinner 982 s 969 s 995 s 958 s 1006 s 988 s
A) 1.31 B) 0.53 C) 2.53 D) 1.03

54) In an experiment to determine whether there is a systematic difference between the 54)
weights obtained with two different mass balances, six specimens were weighed, in
grams, on each balance. The following data were obtained:

Specimen A B
1 14.89 14.89
2 13.06 13.07
3 14.49 14.49
4 13.25 13.23
5 10.18 10.14
6 7.58 7.57

State the null and alternate hypotheses.

A) H0 : μd = 0, H 1 : μd = 0.01 B) H0 : μd = 0, H 1 : μd ≠ 0
C) H0 : μd = 0, H 1 : μd < 0 D) H0 : μd > 0, H 1 : μd < 0

55) In an experiment to determine whether there is a systematic difference between the 55)
weights obtained with two different mass balances, six specimens were weighed, in
grams, on each balance. The following data were obtained:

Specimen A B
1 14.86 14.83
2 9.44 9.41
3 11.99 11.99
4 9.27 9.26
5 6.13 6.13
6 13.78 13.76

Compute the test statistic.

A) 0.313 B) 1.083 C) 2.433 D) 2.666

56) In an experiment to determine whether there is a systematic difference between the 56)
weights obtained with two different mass balances, six specimens were weighed, in
grams, on each balance. The following data were obtained:

Specimen A B
1 6.05 6.01
2 8.00 8.02
3 13.45 13.43
4 7.47 7.48
5 6.53 6.52
6 14.38 14.38

State a conclusion using the α = 0.05 level of significance.

A) Reject H 0. The mean difference appears to differ from zero.
B) Do not reject H0. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that the mean
difference differs from zero.

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

57) In an experiment to determine whether there is a systematic difference between 57)

the weights obtained with two different mass balances, six specimens were
weighed, in grams, on each balance. The following data were obtained:

Specimen A B
1 13.72 13.71
2 8.76 8.75
3 10.99 11.00
4 7.20 7.18
5 9.91 9.90
6 12.73 12.71

Can you conclude that the mean weight differs between the two balances?
i). State the null and alternative hypotheses.
ii). Compute the test statistic.
iii). State a conclusion using the α = 0.10 level of significance.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

58) The football coach at State University wishes to determine if there is a change in 58)
offensive production between the first half and the second half of his team's recent
games. The table below shows the first-half and second-half offensive production
(measured in total yards gained per half) for the past six games.

1 2 3 4 5 6
First half yards 93 126 142 128 113 94
Second half yards 65 126 121 113 92 81

State the null and alternative hypotheses.

A) H0 : μd = 0, H 1 : μd < 0 B) H0 : μd = 0, H1 : μd = 16.3
C) H0 : μd = 0, H 1 μd ≠ 0 D) H0 : μd = 0, H1 : μd > 0

59) The football coach at State University wishes to determine if there is a decrease in 59)
offensive production between the first half and the second half of his team's recent
games. The table below shows the first-half and second-half offensive production
(measured in total yards gained per half) for the past six games.

1 2 3 4 5 6
First half yards 135 93 134 66 135 118
Second half yards 113 98 133 73 119 112

Compute the test statistic.

A) 1.063 B) 0.475 C) 3.960 D) 1.164

60) The football coach at State University wishes to determine if there is a decrease in 60)
offensive production between the first half and the second half of his team's recent
games. The table below shows the first-half and second-half offensive production
(measured in total yards gained per half) for the past six games.

1 2 3 4 5 6
First half yards 99 127 131 106 112 144
Second half yards 89 111 129 92 103 137

State a conclusion using the α = 0.02 level of significance.

A) Reject H 0 . The mean offensive production appears to decrease from the first
half to the second half.
B) Do not reject H0 . There is insufficient evidence to conclude that the mean offensive
production decreases from the first to the second half.

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

61) The football coach at State University wishes to determine if there is a decrease in 61)
offensive production between the first half and the second half of his team's
recent games. The table below shows the first-half and second-half offensive
production (measured in total yards gained per half) for the past six games.

1 2 3 4 5 6
First half yards 107 113 125 142 130 103
Second half yards 99 110 112 125 113 86

Can you conclude that the mean offensive production in the first half differed
from that of the second half?
i). State the null and alternative hypotheses.
ii). Compute the test statistic.
iii). State a conclusion using the α = 0.02 level of significance.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

62) When subjects are matched according to one variable, the matching process does not 62)
eliminate the influence of other variables.
A) True B) False

63) Samples are independent when they are not related. 63)
A) False B) True

64) A medical researcher is interested in whether patients' left arms or right arms are longer. 64)
If 9 patients participate in this study, how many degrees of freedom should the researcher
use when finding the critical value for a t test?
A) 17 B) 16 C) 9 D) 8

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

65) When the subjects are paired or matched in some way, samples are considered to 65)
be .

66) The formula of the test value to be used in a t test for dependent samples is 66)

67) The critical value for a left-tailed t test for dependent samples is 67)
when there are seven degrees of freedom and α = 0.025.

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
68) Find the proportion p given n = 38 and X = 34. 68)
A) 0.11 B) 0.89 C) 0.53 D) 0.47

^ 6
69) Find X, given p = and n = 20. 69)
A) 6 B) 14 C) 2 D) 5

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

70) Find p and q, if X1 = 23, n1 = 43, X2 = 29, and n2 = 52. 70)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

71) Find p and q, if X1 = 11, n1 = 30, X 2 = 28, and n2 = 80. 71)

A) p = 0.36 and q = 0.64 B) p = 0.65 and q = 0.35

C) p = 0.64 and q = 0.36 D) p = 0.35 and q = 0.65

72) A poll found that 37% of male voters and 45% of female voters support a particular 72)
candidate. To test whether this candidate has equal levels of support between male and
female voters, the null hypothesis should be
A) H0 : Pmale = 37%, H0 : P female = 45%.
B) H0 : Pmale = 50%, H0 : P female = 50%.
C) H0 : Pmale = Pfemale.
D) H0 : Pmale < Pfemale.

73) A poll found that 39% of male voters and 42% of female voters support a particular 73)
candidate. To test whether this candidate has equal levels of support between male and
female voters, the alternative hypothesis should be
A) H1 : Pmale ≤ Pfemale.
B) H1 : Pmale ≠ Pfemale.
C) H1 : Pmale ≠ 39%, H1 : P female ≠ 42%.
D) H1 : Pmale < 50%, H1 : P female > 50%.

74) Many elementary school students in a school district currently have ear infections. A 74)
random sample of children in two different schools found that 16 of 42 at one school and
17 of 30 at the other have ear infections. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there
sufficient evidence to support the claim that a difference exists between the proportions
of students who have ear infections at the two schools?
A) No, because the test value -1.56 is inside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
B) Yes, because the test value -2.04 is outside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
C) Yes, because the test value -7.33 is outside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
D) Yes, because the test value -13.09 is outside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.

75) A study of cats and dogs found that 30 of 60 cats and 11 of 40 dogs slept more than 10 75)
hours per day. At the 0.05 level of significance, is there sufficient evidence to conclude
that a difference exists between the proportions of cats and dogs that sleep more than 10
hours per day?
A) Yes, because the test value 2.66 is outside the noncritical region -1.65 < z < 1.65.
B) Yes, because the test value 7.07 is outside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
C) Yes, because the test value 2.24 is outside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
D) Yes, because the test value 5.78 is outside the noncritical region -1.65 < z < 1.65.

76) A recent survey reported that in a sample of 300 students who attend two-year colleges, 76)
105 work at least 20 hours per week. Additionally, in a sample of 225 students attending
private four-year universities, only 20 students work at least 20 hours per week. What is
the test value for a test of the difference between these two population proportions?
A) 4.18 B) 2.38 C) 7.61 D) 6.95

77) Two groups were polled about their attitudes towards capital punishment. In one group 77)
30 out of 100 favored capital punishment, and in the other group 40 out of 80 favored
capital punishment. Calculate an appropriate test value test the hypothesis that the
population proportions are the same.
A) -13.68 B) -37.40 C) -2.73 D) -0.20

78) 64% of students at a university live on campus. A random sample found that 28 of 45 78)
male students and 39 of 50 of female students live on campus. At the 0.05 level of
significance, is there sufficient evidence to support the claim that a difference exists
between the proportions of male and female students who live on campus?
A) No, because the test value -1.68 is inside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
B) Yes, because the test value -3.69 is outside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
C) No, because the test value -0.84 is inside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.
D) Yes, because the test value -17.98 is outside the noncritical region -1.96 < z < 1.96.

79) In the F distribution, values of F cannot be negative, because variances are always 79)
positive or zero.
A) False B) True

80) When finding the test value for an F test, the smaller of the two variances should be 80)
placed in the numerator.
A) True B) False

81) One uses a t test when comparing two variances or standard deviations. 81)
A) True B) False

SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question.

82) In the F distribution the mean value of F is approximately equal to . 82)

83) To determine whether two sample variances are equal, a researcher can use a(n) 83)

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

84) Determine the value of α as shown below in the graph of an F distribution. The degrees 84)
of freedom for the numerator are seven, and the degrees of freedom for the denominator
are nine.

A) 0.1 B) 0.025 C) 0.01 D) 0.05

85) For the samples summarized below, test the hypothesis, at α = 0.05, that the two 85)
variances are different.

Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample Std. Deviation 4.1 2.7
Sample size 10 20
A) Reject the hypothesis because the test value 2.31 is less than the critical value 2.88.
B) Accept the hypothesis because the test value 5.32 is greater than the critical value
C) Accept the hypothesis because the test value 2.31 is less than the critical value 2.35.
D) Reject the hypothesis because the test value 5.32 is greater than the critical value

86) In comparing the two standard deviations below, what test value and degrees of freedom 86)
should be used in an F test?

Sample 1 Sample 2
Standard deviation 7 3
Sample size 14 23
A) test value = 2.33; d.f.N. = 22 and d.f.D. = 13
B) test value = 5.44; d.f.N. = 13 and d.f.D. = 22
C) test value = 5.44; d.f.N. = 23 and d.f.D. = 14
D) test value = 2.33; d.f.N. = 14 and d.f.D. = 23

87) A car salesman claims that the variance of prices on convertibles is higher than the 87)
variance of prices on station wagons. The standard deviation of the list price on 16
convertibles is $6800 and the standard deviation on 24 station wagons is $3900. What
should the test value be?
A) 3.04 B) 1.53 C) 2.25 D) 1.74

88) For the samples summarized below, test the hypothesis that the two variances are equal, 88)
atα = 0.05

Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample variance 25 10
Sample size 7 17
A) Accept the hypothesis because the test value 6.25 is greater than the critical value
B) Accept the hypothesis because the test value 2.50 is less than the critical value 3.34.
C) Reject the hypothesis because the test value 2.50 is less than the critical value 3.16.
D) Reject the hypothesis because the test value 6.25 is greater than the critical value

89) Given the variances of the two samples below, find the test value and the degrees of 89)
freedom that should be used in an F test.

Sample 1 Sample 2
Variance 7 11
Sample size 14 26
A) test value = 0.64; d.f.N. = 25 and d.f.D. = 13
B) test value = 1.57; d.f.N. = 25 and d.f.D. = 13
C) test value = 1.25; d.f.N. = 26 and d.f.D. = 14
D) test value = 2.47; d.f.N. = 26 and d.f.D. = 14

90) A researcher hypothesizes that the variation in the amount of money spent on business 90)
dinners is greater than the amount spent on lunches. The variance of the cost of nine
business dinners (in US$) was 6.12 and the variance on 12 lunches was 0.87. What test
value should be used in an F test?
A) 2.65 B) 49.5 C) 9.61 D) 7.03

91) A researcher hypothesized that the variation in the car rental rates (in US$/day) at a 91)
major city airport is less than in the car rental rates down town. A survey found that the
variance of the rental rates on 8 cars at the airport was 35.7 while the variance of the
rental rates on 5 cars down town was 50.4. What test value should be used in a F test?
A) 1.19 B) 1.41 C) 2.26 D) 1.99

92) The critical value for a right-tailed F test is 2.57 when α = 0.025, the degrees of freedom 92)
for the numerator are 15, and the degrees of freedom for the denominator are 20.
A) True B) False

93) The critical value for a two-tailed F test is 2.65 when α = 0.05, the sample size from 93)
which the variance for the numerator was obtained is 10, and the sample size from which
the variance for the denominator was obtained is 15.
A) False B) True

94) What is the critical value for a two-tailed F test with α = 0.10, when the sample size from 94)
which the variance for the numerator was obtained is 10, and the sample size from which
the denominator was obtained is 24?
A) 2.27 B) 2.25 C) 2.30 D) 2.32

95) Use Table H from the textbook to find the critical value for a right-tailed F test with 95)
α = 0.05, d.f.N. = 21, and d.f.D. = 20.
A) 2.23 B) 2.20 C) 2.12 D) 2.16

96) An F-test with 13 degrees of freedom in the numerator and 9 degrees of freedom in the 96)
denominator produced a test statistic whose value was 3.36. The null and alternate
hypotheses were H 0 : σ1 = σ2 versus H1 : σ1 < σ2 .

Do you reject H0 at the α = 0.05 level?

A) Yes B) No

97) A broth used to manufacture a pharmaceutical product has its sugar content, in milligrams 97)
per milliliter, measured several times on two successive days.The results are shown below.

Day 1 Day 2
7.7 4.9 5.4 6.0 2.3 3.0 5.3 5.2 4.7 4.2
5.9 3.9 2.6 4.2 9.7 4.2 5.2 4.4 5.7 6.3

Can you conclude that the variability of the process is greater on the second day than on
the first day? Use the α = 0.01 level of significance.
A) Yes B) No

98) The bowling scores of a professional bowler during a two-day tournament are shown 98)

Day 1 Day 2
255 243 268 249 253 255 255 246 249 249
250 259 248 262 257 248 247 253 249 256

Can you conclude that the variability of the scores is greater on the second day than on
the first day? Use the α = 0.05 level of significance.
A) No B) Yes

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED9

1) D
2) B
3) B
4) A
5) A
(X 1 -X 2 ) - ( μ1 - μ2 )
6) z=
2 2
σ1 σ2
n1 n2

7) A
8) D
9) B
10) D
11) D
12) C
13) H0 : μ1 = μ2 , H 1 : μ1 > μ2 (claim)
Critical Value: 2.33
Test value: z = 6.02
Reject the null hypothesis since 6.02 > 2.33.
There is enough evidence to support the claim that the water level in Horseshoe
Lake is further below normal than the water level in Swan Lake.
14) A
15) A
16) C
17) H0 : μ1 = μ2 (claim), H1 : μ1 ≠ μ2
Critical Value: ±1.96
Test value: z = -2.94
Reject the null hypothesis since -2.94 < -1.96.
There is enough evidence to reject the claim that the average prices in the two
stores are equal. Hence, there is a significant difference in the average prices.
18) a. H 0 : μ1 = μ2 ; H1 : μ1 < μ2
b. C.V. = 1.65
c. z = 1.99
d. reject
e. There is evidence to conclude that the average credit card debt has increased.
19) C
20) C
21) D
22) B
23) C

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED9

24) i). H0 : μ1 = μ2 versus H 1 : μ1 ≠ μ2

ii). -6.312
iii). 69
iv). Yes. There appears to be a difference in the mean weight losses.
25) a. H 0 : μlite = μregular ; H1 : μlite < μregular
b. tcrit = 1.383
c. t = 1.667
d. reject
e. There is evidence to conclude that the lite beers contain fewer calories.
26) B
27) A
28) B
29) B
30) D
31) D
32) B
33) D
34) D
35) C
36) H0 : μ1 = μ2 , and H1 : μ1 > μ2 (claim)
Critical value: 2.500
Test value: t = 5.19
Reject the null hypothesis since the test value is greater than the critical value.
There is enough evidence to support the claim that people from River Heights givemore money to the
charity than people from Lakeview.
37) H0 : μ1 = μ2 (claim), and H1 : μ1 ≠ μ2
Critical values: ±2.110
Test value: t = 0.69
Do not reject the null hypothesis since the test value falls in the noncritical region.
There is not enough evidence to reject the claim that the two agencies charge the same hourly wage for
temporary secretaries.
38) B
39) D
40) A
41) A
42) B
43) A
44) A
45) C
46) C
47) B
48) B
49) C
50) D

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED9

51) A
52) A
53) A
54) B
55) D
56) B
57) i). H0 : μd = 0, H1 : μd ≠ 0
ii). 2.236
iii). Reject H 0. The mean difference appears to differ from zero.
58) C
59) D
60) A
61) i). H0 : μd = 0, H 1 : μd > 0
ii). 5.228
iii). Reject H 0 . The mean offensive production appears to decrease from the first
half to the second half.
62) A
63) B
64) D
65) dependent
D - μD
66) t=
sD / n
67) -2.365
68) B
69) A
52 43
70) p= = 0.547 and q = = 0.453
95 95
71) D
72) C
73) B
74) A
75) C
76) D
77) C
78) A
79) B
80) B
81) B
82) one
83) F test
84) B
85) A
86) B
87) A

Answer Key
Testname: UNTITLED9

88) B
89) B
90) D
91) B
92) A
93) A
94) D
95) C
96) A
97) A
98) B


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