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SwiftUI — Basic components.

A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

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SwiftUI — Basic components

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A simple introduction to UI components in SwiftUI

Lucas Pelizza · Follow

Published in Better Programming · 4 min read · Jul 27, 2019



I’m going to present a series of UI components using SwiftUI.

Each component will be described in a few simple lines. You Page 1 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

might find this article useful as a guide.

User Inputs: Toggle, Slider, TextField, picker, datePicker
and SegmentedControl

Containers: Scrollview, Table and Form

Presenters: Alert, ActionSheet and Popover

SwiftUI example project

The purpose of Toggle is simple: it is used to bind a property. In
some cases, we can use it to alter the screen, showing or hiding
other views.

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 @State private var isPushEnable = false
4 var body: some View {
5 Form {
6 Section {
7 Toggle(isOn: $isPushEnable) {
8 Text("Push Notification")
9 }
11 if isPushEnable {
12 Text("Schedule Notification")
13 }
14 }
15 }
16 }

SwiftUI — Toggle Page 2 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

iPhone screenshot

To use a TextField we just need to specify a placeholder(String)
and a binding.

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 @State private var username: String = ""
3 var body: some View {
4 Form { Page 3 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

5 Section {
6 TextField("Username", text: $username)
7 }
8 }
9 }
10 }

SwiftUI — TextField

Picker Page 4 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

Picker has a plus in SwiftUI. Using it inside a Form the app will
navigate to a detail view with the option list.

If we want to show the picker with the classic inline style, we

just add the line .pickerStyle(.wheel) .

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 var fruits = ["Apple", "Apricot", "Banana", "Pear"]
3 @State var selectedFruit = 0
5 var body: some View {
6 NavigationView {
7 Form {
8 Section {
9 Picker(selection: $selectedFruit, label: Text("Fruit")) {
10 ForEach(0 ..< fruits.count) {
11 Text(self.fruits[$0]).tag($0)
12 }
13 }
14 }
15 }.navigationBarTitle(Text("Select your Fruit"))
16 }
17 }
SwiftUI — Picker Page 5 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

Segmented Control
Segmented control is a nice tool to show different views on the
same screen.

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 var colors = ["Blue", "Yellow", "Red"]
4 @State private var selectedColor = 0
5 var body: some View { Page 6 sur 24
SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

5 var body: some View {

6 VStack {
7 SegmentedControl(selection: $selectedColor) {
8 ForEach(0..<colors.count) { index in
9 Text(self.colors[index]).tag(index)
10 }
11 }
12 }
13 }

SwiftUI — SegmentedControl Page 7 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00


Implement it via the ScrollView view:

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 var colors: [Color] = [.blue, .red, .yellow, .pink]
3 @State private var selectedColor = 0
5 var body: some View {
6 ScrollView(.horizontal) {
7 HStack(spacing: 0) {
8 ForEach(0..<colors.count) { index in
9 Rectangle().frame(width: 300, height: 300)
10 .foregroundColor(self.colors[index])
11 }
12 }.frame(height: 600)
13 }
14 }

SwiftUI — ScrollView Page 8 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

List of Items
To show a table in SwiftUI we should use a List view. The List
can show static or dynamic content based on your needs.
However, it is simple to use because we don’t need to write a lot
of code to register the cell or to tell it how many rows there are,

Using an array of objects (identifiable protocol) and a subview Page 9 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

inside the content block:

1 struct ColorInfo: Identifiable {

2 var id = UUID()
3 var color: Color
4 var name: String
5 }
7 struct ContentView : View {
8 var colors = [ColorInfo(color: .red, name: "Red"),
9 ColorInfo(color: .blue, name: "Blue"),
10 ColorInfo(color: .yellow, name: "Yellow")]
12 var body: some View {
13 NavigationView {
14 List (colors) { colorInfo in
15 Text(
16 .foregroundColor(colorInfo.color)
17 }.navigationBarTitle(Text("List of Colors"))
18 }

SwiftUI — List Page 10 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

SwiftUI’s forms work as containers, so we can add other views
inside them and they will automatically adapt their behaviour
and styling.

We can separate input components with the Section view:

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 var colors = ["Red", "Green", "Blue"] Page 11 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

3 @State var enableNotifications = false

4 @State var username: String = ""
5 @State var selectedColor = 0
7 var body: some View {
8 NavigationView {
9 Form {
10 Section {
11 TextField("Username", text: $username)
12 }
13 Section {
14 Toggle(isOn: $enableNotifications) {
15 Text("Enable Notifications")
16 }
17 SegmentedControl(selection: $selectedColor) {
18 ForEach(0 ..< colors.count) {
19 Text(self.colors[$0]).tag($0)
20 }
21 }
22 }
23 Section {
24 Button(action: {}) {
25 Text("Save")
26 }
27 }
28 }.navigationBarTitle(Text("Settings"))
SwiftUI — Form Page 12 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

This section shows some of the methods we have to present the

To create a simple alert we must define a title and message, and
add a dismiss button. Page 13 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

To show the alert we add a bindable condition that determines

whether the alert should be visible or not.

For example, the following code uses a showingAlert (Boolean)

that tracks whether the alert should be shown or not:

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 @State var showingAlert = false
4 var body: some View {
5 Button(action: {
6 self.showingAlert = true
7 }) {
8 Text("Show Alert")
9 }.presentation($showingAlert) {
10 Alert(title: Text("Important title"), message: Text("message"), dismissButton
11 }
12 }
13 }
SwiftUI — Alert Page 14 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

The ActionSheet has the same implementation as Alert.

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 @State var showingSheet = false
4 var body: some View {
5 Button(action: {
6 self.showingSheet = true
7 }) {
8 Text("Show Action Sheet") Page 15 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

8 Text("Show Action Sheet")

9 }.presentation($showingSheet) {
10 ActionSheet(title: Text("Action title"), message: Text("description
11 self.showingSheet = false
12 })])
13 }
14 }

SwiftUI — ActionSheet

Popover Page 16 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

Following the same logic that Alert uses, if we want to show a

popover we have to pass a boolean Binding to control the
visibility of the Popover and specify the content:

1 struct ContentView : View {

2 @State var showingPopover = false
4 var body: some View {
5 Button(action: {
6 self.showingPopover = true
7 }) {
8 Text("Show new view")
9 }.popover(isPresented: $showingPopover){
10 HStack {
11 Text("New Popover")
12 }.frame(width: 500, height: 500)
13 .background(
14 }
15 }

SwiftUI — Popover Page 17 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

SwiftUI Application
If you want to see the previous examples and other components
of SwiftUI, I have created an example project where we can see
how to create an application using SwiftUI. This is the
repository link:
ster Page 18 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

SwiftUI Examples

Final words
I hope that this article was helpful for you!

IOS Swiftui Swift Swiftui Example Swiftui Project Page 19 sur 24

SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

Written by Lucas Pelizza Follow

61 Followers · Writer for Better Programming

iOS Engineer. #Swift fanboy

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SwiftUI — Basic components. A simple introduction to UI components… | by Lucas Pelizza | Better Programming 08/05/2023 02:00

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