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a) Differentiate between FT and DFT

 Fourier Transform (FT) is a continuous-time mathematical operation used to
represent a continuous signal in the frequency domain, while Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) is a discrete-time operation used for discrete signals.
 FT operates on continuous signals, while DFT operates on sampled (discrete)
 FT yields a continuous spectrum, while DFT produces a discrete spectrum with
a finite number of frequency components.
 DFT is computationally more efficient for processing digital data, but it
operates on a finite set of samples.
b) Differentiate between DFT and IDFT
 DFT is used to transform a discrete-time signal from the time domain to the
frequency domain, while IDFT is its inverse operation, used to transform a
signal from the frequency domain back to the time domain.
 DFT calculates the spectrum of a signal, while IDFT reconstructs the original
signal from its spectrum.
 DFT is typically used for spectral analysis and signal processing, while IDFT is
used in applications like signal reconstruction and communication.
Q.2) Differentiate between IIR and FIR filter
 IIR filters have feedback loops in their signal processing structure, which
allows them to have an infinite impulse response. FIR filters, on the other hand,
have no feedback and produce a finite impulse response.
 IIR filters can be implemented with fewer coefficients, making them
computationally efficient for high-order systems. FIR filters generally require
more coefficients for the same level of performance.
 IIR filters may exhibit phase distortion, while FIR filters can have linear phase
responses, making them suitable for applications where phase linearity is
 FIR filters are always stable, whereas IIR filters can be stable or unstable
depending on their design.
Q.3) Describe the butterworth low pass filter in detail
 The Butterworth filter is a type of analog or digital filter used for various signal
processing applications, with a focus on its use as a low-pass filter.
 The key characteristic of a Butterworth filter is its maximally flat magnitude
response in the passband, which means it has a smooth and uniform gain.
 It is defined by a parameter called the "order" (n), which determines the filter's
roll-off rate. Higher-order filters have steeper roll-off characteristics.
 In the frequency domain, the Butterworth filter's transfer function H(s) is given
by H(s) = 1 / (1 + (s/ωc)^2n), where s is the complex frequency variable and
ωc is the cutoff frequency.
 In the discrete domain, the Butterworth filter can be designed by mapping the
analog filter to a digital filter using techniques such as the bilinear transform.

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