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April Joy A. Medina GC 508 Counseling Theories & Techniques

Title/Topic: Constructivism Theory & Therapy Class Activity: [] Lectured [] Report


Reflection Paper Number: 5 Date Given: May 15, 2023


Students do not pick up information and skills by a passive process of reception, as the
constructivist view of education maintains. Instead, people integrate what they already know
(termed "prior knowledge") with what they learn through experience and social interaction to
form their own unique understandings and knowledge. This discusses what young people know
before they enter formal education. It has ties to several schools of thought, including
epistemology, ontology, politics, and ethics. The Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget
is credited with inspiring the hypothesis's foundational concept of cognitive development.


Constructivist treatment holds that experiences shape each person's reality and importance.
Since people transform themselves and therapy is something they "do" rather than "receive," it
emphasizes the active participation of persons seeking treatment in clinical psychology.
According to constructivism, each person creates their own reality and purpose. Clients actively
shape their life paths in therapy. It does not claim that customers discover reality, unlike earlier


Constructivist therapies help people understand their surroundings and relationships. Instead
than identifying problems, it helps people recognize their strengths and use them to improve.

Therapists may ask questions to help clients talk about their experiences. They may repeat
what the other said to help them understand.


Because it views the patient as the change agent, constructivism is more a philosophy than a
therapy. Event interpretation affects emotions, beliefs, and actions. Constructivist therapists
can help patients identify and change these habits. They focus on how a patient has applied
their life experiences to the circumstance and work with them to create an action-thinking-
reaction chain. Constructivists may utilize guided imagery, sensory awareness, and writing. They
can help patients externalize problems, using a narrative therapy technique.

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