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IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques

1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Select the option that is BEST in each case.

1. A pharmacist had 5 grams of codeine sulfate. He used it in preparing the following: 18 capsules each
containing 0.0325 gram; 22 capsules each containing 0.015 gram; 28 capsules each containing 0.008
gram. How much codeine sulfate was left after he had prepared the capsules?
A. 3.774 g B. 1.139 g C. 0.585 g D. 3.861 g
18 caps x 0.0325 g/cap = 0.585 g
22 caps x 0.015 g/cap = 0.33 g
28 caps x 0.008 g/cap = 0.224 g
5 g – (0.585g + 0.33 g + 0.224 g) = 3.861 g
2. In a clinical study, a drug produced drowsiness in 30 of the 1500 patients studied. Calculate the
percentage of patients who experienced the side effect.
A. 0.02 % B. 2 % C. 20 % D. 0.2 %
Rationale: 30/1500 x 100 = 2 %
3. The World Health Organization (WHO) on May 5, ________, has declared an end to COVID-19 as a
public health emergency. A. MMIXX B. MMXX C. MMXXIII D. MMXIX
Rationale: 2023 in Roman Numeral is MMXXIII
4. The value of the ratio 40:8 is _____. A. 10 B. 5 C. 8 D. 6
Rationale: 40/8 = 5
5. The number of mL left in a 4-L bag of normal saline solution after you consecutively remove 50 mL,
250 mL, 2.5 L, and 750 mL is: A. 450 mL B. 40 mL C. 50 mL D. 3,550 mL
Rationale: 4000 mL – (50 mL + 250 mL + 2500 mL + 750 mL) = 3550 mL
6. If a doctor prescribed “ i t.i.d” of Maalox, what amount would you tell the patient to take using
household equivalents? A. 2 teaspoon B. 2 tablespoon C. 3 teaspoon D. 1
Rationale: 1 fl.oz = 30 mL; 1 tbsp = 15 mL; thus 1 fl.oz is equivalent to 2 tbsp
7. How many ½ - gr tablets can be made from 5 g of phenobarbital? A. 154 B. 3 C. 10
D. 1625
Rationale: 5 g x (1gr/0.065g) = 76.92 gr x (1 tab/0.5 gr) = 153.84 tab 154 tablets

8. How many doses are contained 9. How many milligrams of the 10. How many tablets would be
in the prescription BELOW? drug is contained in prescription? needed to give the patient a 10-gr
dose using the prescription

A. 12 B. 4 C. 24 D. 10 A. 50 B. 0.05 C. 5 D. 0.5
A. ½ B. 25 C. 8 D. 2
Rationale for No. 8
4 fl.oz x 30 mL/1 fl.oz = 120 mL; 1 drachm = 5 mL; 120 mL x (1 dose/5 mL) = 24 doses
Rationale for No.9
0.00125 g x (1000 mg/1g) = 1.25 mg per tab x 40 tabs = 50 mg
Rationale for No.10
325 mg/tab x (1 gr/65mg) = 5 gr/tab; 10 gr x (1 tab/5 gr) = 2 tabs

11. Rx Codeine sulfate 30 mg How many grains of codeine sulfate would be contained in the
Acetaminophen 325 mg prescription?
M.ft. cap.i. DTD. No.xii
Sig. 1 cap. t.i.d. for pain A. 120 B. 11.08 C. 60 D. 5.54
Rationale for No. 11
30 mg/1 cap x (1 gr/65 mg) x ( 12 caps) = 5.54 gr
12. In medication order, h.s. means ____. A. after 1 hour B. at bedtime C. during mealtime
D. in the morning
13. What does the abbreviation p.r.n. means? A. when necessary B. to make C. at bedtime
D. immediately
14. Interpret the signa in the prescription given below;
A. Take 1 teaspoon two times a day
B. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day
C. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day
D. Take 1/2 tablespoon two times a day

Rationale: 1 drachm = 5 mL = 1 tsp; b.i.d means twice a day

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

15. In prescription, NPO means; A. night pill only B. by mouth (po) C. nothing by mouth
D. nasogastric tube (NGT)
16. The part of the prescription that contains the medication prescribed is the;
A. superscription (Rx symbol) B. transcription (Signa; direction to the patient)
C. inscription D. subscription (direction to the pharmacist)
17. How many days will the 18. Rx Lisinopril
prescription last if taken as Hydrochlorthiazide aa 10 mg
directed? Calcium phosphate 40 mg
Lactose 300 mg
M.ft. cap. i D.T.D. # 30
Sig: cap i AM a.c.
How many mg each of lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) are required
to fill the prescription?
A. 30 mg lisinopril and 30 mg HCTZ
A. 24 B. 8 C. 6 D. 3 B. 150 mg lisinopril and 300 mg HCTZ
Rationale: 24 tabs x (1 dose/2 C. 300 mg lisinopril and 300 mg HCTZ - aa means of each, thus 10mg/cap
tabs) x (1 day/4 doses) = 3 days x 30 caps = 300 mg each of lisinopril and HCTZ
D. 50 mg lisinopril and 240 mg HCTZ
19. The physician orders Aminophylline supp. gr viiss STAT and NON REP. Interpret the medication
order using mg as the strength aminophylline.
A. Aminophylline suppository 487.5 grains immediately. Repeat as desired.
B. Aminophylline suppository 7.5 grains immediately. Do not repeat.
C. Aminophylline suppository 487.5 mg immediately. Do not repeat.
D. Aminophylline suppository 0.115 mg immediately. Do not repeat.
Rationale: gr viiss means 7.5 gr; 7.5 gr x (65 mg/1 gr) = 487.5 mg (NOTE: the interpretation should
be in mg)
20. In the prescription form, the patient’s information contains all of the following information, EXCEPT;
A. blood type B. age C. gender D. height and weight
Rationale: Patient’s information in the prescription contains: Name, Address, Age, Height and
Weight (These information are for identification and validation of the dose, dosage forms, etc as
written in the inscription)
21. If the specific gravity of 2500 mL of alcohol is 0.63, determine the weight, in grams, of the alcohol.
A. 1601 g B. 1575 g C. 3968 g D. 2563 g

Rationale: g = SG x mL; g = 0.63 x 2500 = 1,576 g

22. A transdermal patch for smoking cessation contains 30 mg of liquid nicotine per patch. How many mL
of nicotine is required to manufacture 1 million patches? The specific gravity of nicotine is 1.01.
A. 30 B. 30,300 C. 29,703 D. 29,702,970

Rationale: mL = g / SG ; mL = 30 mg x (1g/1000 mg)  1.01 = 0.029703 mL/patch

x(1,000,000 patches) = 29,703 mL
23. The specific gravity of syrup is 1.3, therefore it is; A. heavier than water B. lighter than water
C. weight and volume equal to water D. 1.3 mL will weigh 1.3 g
Rationale: Liquids having a SG greater than 1 (1.0 is the SG of water) is heavier than water, while
liquids with SG less than 1.0 is lighter than water
24. What is the volume of 250 g of a liquid having a specific gravity of 1.65?
A. 412.5 mL B. 251.65 mL C. 151.52 mL D. 41.25 mL

Rationale: mL = g/SG; mL = 250/1.65 = 151.52 mL

25. If a liter of cough syrup weighs 1285 g, what is its specific gravity? A. 2.72 B. 1.285 C. 0.078
D. 0.78

Rationale: SG = 1285/1000 = 1.285

26. The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at 25ºC.
A. Specific Gravity B. Specific volume (ratio of the volume of a substance to the volume of
an equal weight of water) C. Density (mass of the substance occupying a unit volume;
g/mL) D. Relative ratio

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

27. Express 0.05 % as a ratio strength. A. 1:2000 B. 1:500 C. 1:10000 D. 1:5000

Rationale: 0.05:100::1:x; x = 100/0.05 = 2,000, thus 1:2000
28. Express 1:5000 as percent strength. A. 0.0002 % B. 0.002 % C. 0.02 % D. 0.2 %
Rationale: (1/5000) x 100 = 0.02
29. The formula for 500 mL of an elixir contains 0.1 mL of orange oil as flavor. What is the percent
strength of the oil in the elixir? A. 0.02 % B. 0.05 % C. 0.5 % D. 2 %
Rationale: %v/v = (0.1 mL/500 mL) x 100 = 0.02

30. 5 ppm means; A. 5 mg in 1,000,000 mL B. 5 g in 1,000,000 mL C. 1 g in 5,000,000 mL

D. 5 g in 100 mL
Rationale: ppm means parts per million = g per million mL; g per million grams; mL per million mL
31. Rx Sulfur 3% How much Sulfur is required to fill the prescription?
Salicylic acid 3% A. 4.8 g C. 2.4 g
White Petrolatum....q.s. 80 g B. 3 g D. 1.2 g
Rationale: (3/100) x 80 g = 2.4 g
32. A topical solution contains 3% w/v hydroquinone. How many L of the solution can be prepared from
60 grams of hydroquinone? A. 2 L B. 3 L C. 5 L D. 10 L
Rationale: 3g:100mL::60g : x x = (60g x 100 mL)/3g x = 2,000 mL  2 L
33. If 60 mg of elemental iron are present in 325 mg of ferrous sulfate, what is the % of elemental iron?
A. 9.25% B. 10.25% C. 18.46% D. 20%
Rationale: (60mg/325 mg) x 100 = 18.46 %
34. 2 mg/2mL is; A. 0.2 mg% B. 1 mg% C. 2 mg% D. 100 mg%
Rationale: mg% = (mg/mL) x 100 mg% = 2 mg / 2 mL) x 100 = 100
35. How much Xylocaine is required to prepare 30 mL of a 1:500 solution of Xylocaine?
A. 30 mg B. 60 mg C. 90 mg D. 120 mg
Rationale: 1 g : 500 mL : : x : 30 mL x = (1 g x 30 mL)/ 500 mL
x = 0.06 g x (1000 mg/1 g) = 60 mg
36. Percent weight –in-volume expresses the number of;
A. milliliters of a constituent in 100 mL of the solution (%v/v)
B. grams of a constituent in 100 mL of the solution (%w/v)
C. grams of a constituent in 100 g of the solution (%w/w)
D. milligrams of a constituent in 100 mL of the solution (mg%)
37. If a 1-lb jar of ointment contains 55 g of the active ingredient, what is the percent concentration of an
active ingredient in the preparation? A. 15 % B. 12 % C. 10 % D. 5.5 %
Rationale: 1 lb = 454 g, thus %w/w = (55 g/454 g) x 100 = 12.11%

38. The average BSA for an adult is; A. 0.48 m2 B. 0.83 m2 C. 1.3 m2 D. 1.73 m2
39. The following are used to calculate the child’s dose based on age EXCEPT; A. Clark’s rule (
lb/150 x AD, based on weight) B. Fried’s rule C. Young’s rule D. Cowling’s
40. If the dose for a given drug is 550 mcg per kilogram of body weight, how many milligrams should be
given to a patient weighing 60 lb.? A.10 mg B. 15 mg C. 20 mg D. 25 mg
Rationale: 60 lb x (1 kg/2.2. lb) x (550 mcg/1kg) x (1 mg/1000 mcg) = 15 mg
41. If a prescription reads “Augmentin 875 mg by mouth twice a day”, how many milliliters of Augmentin
400 mg/5mL is required to dispense a 10-day supply? A. 10.93 mL B. 75 mL C. 100 mL
D. 218.75 mL
Rationale: 875 mg/1 dose x (2 doses/ 1 day) x 10 days = 17500 mg x (5 mL/400 mg) = 218.75 mL
42. Liquid medicine is to be administered as 2 tbsp twice a day for 8 days. How many mL of the solution
must be dispensed? A. 160 mL B. 320 mL C. 480 mL D. 500 mL
Rationale: (2 tbsp/1dose) x (2 doses/1 day) x 8 days = 32 tbsp x (15 mL / 1 tbsp) = 480 mL
43. If 0.050 g of the substance is used in preparing 125 tablets, how many mcg are represented in each
tablet? A. 625 mcg B. 400 mcg C. 40 mcg D. 0.4 mcg
Rationale: 0.050 g x (1000 mg/1g) x (1000 mcg/1 mg) = 50,000 mcg/125 tabs = 400 mcg per tablet

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

44. If the adult dose of liquid medication is 0.2 mL/kg body weight, how many tablespoons should be
administered to a 170 lb patient? A. ½ B. 1 C. 2 D. 3
Rationale: 170 lb x (1 kg/2.2. lb) x (0.2 mL/1kg) x (1 tbsp/15 mL) = 1 tbsp
45. The adult dose of a drug is 500 mg. What is the dose for a 3-year-old child? [use Young’s rule]
A. 25.46 mg B. 31.18 mg C. 71.42 mg D. 100 mg
Rationale: Child’s dose = 3/(3 + 12) x 500 mg = 100 mg
46. If a normal dose of a drug is 10 mg/kg/day, how many 250 mg/100 mL ready-infusion bags are
required to fill the order? [Patient’s weight is 156 lbs.] A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 5
Rationale: 156 lb x (1 kg/2.2. lb) x (10 mg/1kg) = 709 mg x (100 mL/250 mg) = 283 mL is needed;
since the infusion contains 100 mL per bag; 283 mL x (1 bag/100 mL) = 2.83 bags  3 bags
47. Meperidine HCl (Demerol) has a recommended dose of 6mg/kg/24 hours for pain. What would be the
dosage for a 110 lb. child? A. 66 mg B. 300 mg C. 660 mg D. 3000 mg
Rationale: 110 lb x (1 kg/2.2. lb) x (6 mg/1kg) = 300 mg
48. What is the dose of a drug for a person having a 1.1 m2 body surface area? The average adult dose
of the drug is 750 mg. A. 477 mg B. 531 mg C. 625 mg D. 1089 mg
Rationale: Dose = (BSA of child/1.73 m2) x Adult dose = 1.1 m2/1.73 m2) x 750 mg = 476.88 mg
49. Drugs for which the potency is expressed in “units” includes all of the following, EXCEPT;
A. digoxin (expressed in mg or mcg) B. insulin C. penicillin D. heparin
50. Penicillin G potassium for injection contains 1 million units per 10-mL vial. How many units of
Penicillin G Potassium is present in each milliliter? A. 1,000 units B. 10,000 units
C. 100,000 units D. 10,000,000 units
Rationale: 1000000 units:10 mL:: x : 1 mL x = 1 mL(1000000 units)/10 mL = 100,000 units
51. A heparin bolus dose of 70 units per kg is ordered for a 175-lb patient suffering from deep vein
thrombosis. Heparin is available as a vial containing 10,000 USP units per milliliter. Calculate the
volume of the solution required to dispense the bolus dose of heparin to the patient. A. 0.55 mL
B. 0.81 mL C. 2.5 mL D. 5.5 mL
Rationale: 175 lb x (1 kg/2.2. lb) x (70 units/1kg) = 5568 units is required
thus, 5568 units x (1 mL/10,000 units) = 0.5568 mL
52. Chromium 51Cr edetate injection was ordered at a dose of 500 MBq. Express this dose in mCi. A.
0.074 mCi B. 13.51 mCi C. 500 mCi D. 18500 mCi
Rationale: 500 MBq x (1 mCi /37 MBq) = 13.51 MBq
53. Calculate the half-life of a radioactive compound that has a decay constant ()of 0.115 hr−1.
A. 0.8 hr B. 5 hrs C. 6 hrs D. 10 hrs
Rationale: t ½ = 0.693/0.115 hr- = 6.03 hrs
54. If 4 injections of a 0.5-mL dose of tetanus toxoid, each containing 5 Lf units, are required for complete
immunization against tetanus, then calculate the number of complete immunization schedules that
can be made possible with a 10-mL vial of tetanus toxoid.
A. 3 immunization schedules C. 5 immunization schedules
B. 4 immunization schedules D. 20 immunization schedules
Rationale: (0.5 mL/ per injection) x 4 injections (complete immunization schedule) = 2 mL
Thus, 10 mL  2 mL/complete immunization schedule = 5 immunization schedules
55. Tonicic equivalent is also known as; I. E value II. Sodium chloride equivalent
III. Dissociation constant – this is associated with ionization
A. I and II B. I and III C. I, II and III D. I and II
56. If 0.9 grams of sodium chloride is dissolved in enough water to make one hundred (100) milliliters of
the solution, the resulting solution is; A. isotonic B. hypotonic C. hypertonic
D. aquatonic
Rationale: 0. 9g/100 mL x 100 = 0.9% thus isotonic

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

57. Rx Zinc sulfate 0.07 g (E=0.16) Determine the amount of boric acid to be used in
Boric acid q.s. (E= 0.52) compounding this prescription.
Purified water ad 30 mL
Make isoton. Sol. A. 135 mg C. 270 mg
Sig. Drop in eyes as directed B. 258 mg D. 497 mg

Step 1 : 0.07 g x 0.16 = 0.0112 g
Step 2 : 0.009 x 30 mL = 0.27 g
Step 3 : 0.27 g – 0.0112 g = 0.2588 g
Step 4 : 0.2588 g / 0.52 = 0.497 g x (1000 mg/1 g) = 497 mg
58. An E value of 0.52 means; A. 0.52 g of NaCl is equivalent to 1 g of drug B. 1 g of NaCl is
equivalent to 0.52 g of drug C. 1 g of NaCl is equivalent to 1 g of the drug D. 0.52 g NaCl is
equivalent to 0.52 g of drug
59. Rx How many grams of potassium nitrate (E = 0.58)
should be used to make this Rx isotonic?
Soluble silver nitrate (E=0.33) 1:250 w/v ------
30 mL A. 80 mg C. 137 mg
Make isoton. Sol. B. 96 mg D. 397 mg
Sig. As directed
60. Rx Ephedrine sulfate 0.25 g (E=0.2) How much sodium chloride should be used to
Sodium chloride q.s. compound the solution?
Purified water ad 30 mL
Make isoton. Sol. A. 30 mg C. 110 mg
Sig. Use as directed B. 100 mg D. 220 mg
Rationale: No. 59
Step 1 : (1g/250 mL) x 30 mL = 0.12 g x 0.33 = 0.0396 g
Step 2 : 0.009 x 30 mL = 0.27 g
Step 3 : 0.27 g – 0.0396 g = 0.2304 g
Step 4 : 0.2304 g / 0.58 = 0.397 g x (1000 mg/1 g) = 397 mg
Rationale: No. 60
Step 1 : 0.25 g x 0.2 = 0.05 g
Step 2 : 0.009 x 30 mL = 0.27 g
Step 3 : 0.27 g – 0.05 g = 0.22 g x (1000 mg/1 g) = 220 mg
61. How many milligrams of sodium chloride are required to prepare 30 mL of 1% solution of dibucaine
hydrochloride isotonic with tears? (ΔTf,1% of dibucaine hydrochloride = 0.08°C.)
A. 48 mg B. 228 mg C. 440 mg D. 760 mg
Step 1 : ΔTf,1% of dibucaine hydrochloride = 0.08°C
Step 2 : 0.52°C - 0.08°C = 0.44°C
Step 3 : 0.52°C:0.9%:: 0.44°C:x x = (0.9% x 0.44°C)/ 0.52°C = 0.76%
Step 4 : 0.76g:100mL::x:30 mL x = (0.76g x 30 mL)/100 mL = 0.228 g x (1000 mg/1 g) = 228mg
62. Determine the volume of purified water and 0.9% w/v sodium chloride solution needed to prepare 20
mL of a 1% w/v solution of hydromorphone hydrochloride (E = 0.22).
A. 0.5 mL of purified water and 19.5 mL of 0.9% NaCl solution
B. 0.9 mL of purified water and 19.1 mL of 0.9% NaCl solution
C. 4.9 mL of purified water and 15.1 mL of 0.9% NaCl solution
D. 15.1 mL of purified water and 4.9 mL of 0.9% NaCl solution
Rationale: VH2O = (wt x E)/0.009 wt = (1g/100 mL) x 20 mL = 0.2 g
= (0.2 g x 0.22)/0.009 g/mL = 4.9 mL
V0.9% = Vsolution – Vwater V0.9% = 20 mL – 4.9 mL = 15.1 mL

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

63. Calculate the V-value required to make an isotonic solution from 0.3 g of Antipyrine (E = 0.17).
A. 1.8 mL B. 5.7 mL C. 30 mL D. 176 mL
Rationale: V = (w x E)/0.009 V = (0.3 g x 0.17)/0.009 = 5.67 mL
64. Rx Oxymetazoline HCl ½ % (E = 0.20) How many milliliters of a 2% solution of boric acid should
Boric acid solution qs (E=0.52) be used in compounding the prescription?
Purified water ad 15 mL
Make isoton.sol. A. 0.23 mL B. 0.44 mL C. 5.8 mL D. 11.5 mL
Sig. For the nose, as decongestant
Step 1 : (0.5 g /100 mL) x 15 mL = 0.075 g x 0.20 = 0.015 g
Step 2 : 0.009 x 15 mL = 0.135 g
Step 3 : 0.135 g – 0.015 g = 0.12 g
Step 4 : 0.12 g / 0.52 = 0.2308 g of boric acid; however, the available boric acid is in solution
having a concentration of 2%.
Thus, 2 g : 100 mL :: 0.2308 g : x x = (100 mL x 0.2308 g) /2g = 11.54 mL
The solution must be prepared by dissolving 0.075 g of 0.5% Oxymetazoline in 11.54 mL of 2%
Boric acid, add qs purified water to make 15 mL.
65. In NaHCO3, the number of valence is; A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3

66. Rx Potassium chloride 10% How many milliequivalents of potassium chloride is present
Cherry Syrup, 480 mL in the entire prescription?
Sig. tablespoonsful b.i.d. A. 112 mEq B. 120 mEq C. 440 mEq D. 644 mEq
67. Rx Calcium chloride 10% - 200 mL How many milliequivalents of calcium chloride are
CaCl2.2H20– MW is 147 represented in the solution?
A. 14 B. 41 C. 136 D. 272
Rationale for No. 66
mEq = (mg x valence)/MW mg = (10g/100mL) x 480 mL = 48 g x (1000 mg/1g) = 48,000 mg
MW = K=39 + Cl=35.5 = 74.5
mEq = (48,000 mg x 1) / 74.5 = 644.3
Rationale for No. 67
mEq = (mg x valence)/MW mg = (10g/100 mL) x 200 mL = 20 g x (1000 mg/1g) = 20,000 mg
mEq = (20,000 mg x 2) 147 = 272.1
68. Five packs of K-Lor powder (8 mEq of KCl) should dissolve in 12 oz of water. If 5 mL of this resultant
solution is diluted up to the 25 mL mark with plain water, what would be the final concentration of KCl
in mg/mL? (K = 39, Cl =35.5) A. 1.27 mg/mL B. 1.51 mg/mL C. 1.64 mg/mL
D. 3.15 mg/mL
5 packs x 8 mEq/pack = 40 meq 12 oz of water x (30 mL/1 fl.oz) = 360 mL
40 meq  260 mL = 0.11 mEq/mL 5 mL x 0.11 mEq/mL = 0.56 mEq in 5 mL
0.56 mEq/25 mL = 0.022 mEq/mL
mg/mL = (mEq/mL x MW)/valence mg/mL = (0.022 x 74.5)/1 = 1.639 mg/mL
69. Calculate the number of milliequivalents per liter of sodium chloride (MW 58.5 g/mole) present in a
2.6% w/v solution of sodium chloride solution. A. 0.044 mEq/L B. 26 mEq/L C. 444.44
mEq/L D. 889 mEq/L
mg/L = (2.6 g/100 mL) x (1000 mL/1L) x (1000 mg/1g) = 26,000 mg/L
mEq/L = (mg/L x valence)/MW mEq/L = (26,000 x 1)/58.5 = 444.44
70. How many milliequivalents of sodium citrate are present in 10 mL of a 25% w/v sodium citrate
(Na3C6H5O7; MW = 258) solution? A. 9.7 B. 19.37 C. 29 D. 2150
Rationale: mg = (25 g/100 mL) x 10 mL = 2.5 g x (1000 mg/1g) = 2500 mg
mEq = (mg x valence)/MW mEq = (2500 x 3)/258 = 29
IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

71. A prescription calls for 1 mEq of potassium ions for a 50-mL IV bag. The pharmacy has 20 mL of a
0.5% potassium chloride injection vial. Calculate the volume of the injection vial required to
compound the IV bag with the right concentration of K+ ions. A. 7.8 mL B.15 mL C. 74.5
mL D.149 mL
mg = (mEq x MW)/valence mg = (1 mEq x 74.5)/1 = 74.5 mg
0.5 g: 100 mL :: x : 20 mL x = (0.5 g x 20 mL)/100 mL x = 0.1 g x (1000 mg/1g) = 100 mg
20 mL : 100 mg :: x : 74.5 mg x = (74.5 mg x 20 mL) / 100 mg x = 14.9 mL
72. If 2.5 g of dextrose (MW = 180) is dissolved in sufficient sterile water for injection to get 100 mL of
solution, determine the concentration of dextrose in mOsmol/L.
A. 13.89 B. 138.9 C. 277.78 D. 416.68
Rationale: mOsmol/L = (g/L)/MW x no. of species x 1000
mOsmol/L = (2.5 g/0.1L)/180 1 x 1000 mOsmol/L = 138.889
73. How many millimoles of calcium chloride (CaCl2.2H20, MW is 147) are represented in 147 mL of a
10% w/v calcium chloride solution.
A. 68 mmol B. 100 mmol C. 200 mmol D. 300 mmol
Rationale: (10 g /100 mL) x 147 mL = 14.7 g x (1000 mg/1 g) = 14700 mg
147 mg : 1 mmol : : 14700 mg : x x = (14700 mg x 1 mmol)/147 mg = 100 mmol
74. Calculate the amount of magnesium sulfate in milligrams represented by 20 mEq of magnesium
sulfate. A. 1.2 B. 2.4 C. 1200 D. 2400
Rationale: Mg = 24; Sulfate = 96 MW = 120
mg = (mEq x MW) / valence mg = (20 x 120)/2 = 1200
75. If 300 mL of a 30% w/v solution is diluted to 1750 mL, what would be the final concentration of the
solution? A. 2.5% B.3.8% C. 5.14% D. 6%
Rationale: Q1 x C1 = Q2 x C2
300 mL x 30% = 1750 mL x C2 C2 = (300 mL x 30%)/1750 mL C2 = 5.14%
76. If 400 mL of 20%(w/v) are diluted to 2 liters, what will be the ratio strength?
A. 1:4 B. 1:25 C. 1:100 D. 1:2000
Rationale: Q1 x C1 = Q2 x C2
400 mL x 20% = 2000 mL x C2 C2 = (400 mL x 20%)/2000 mL = 4 %
4:100::1:x x = (100x1)/4 x = 25 1:25
77. How many mL of a 1:100 w/v NaCl solution can be prepared from 700 mL of a 3% w/v NaCl solution?
A. 2100 mL B. 2250 mL C. 2300 mL D. 2750 mL
Rationale: Q1 x C1 = Q2 x C2 1:100 = (1/100) x 100 = 1%
700 mL x 3% = Q2 x 1% C2 = (700 mL x 3%)/1% = 2100 mL
78. How many mL of undecylenic acid should be added to 50 mL of a 20% v/v undecylenic acid topical
solution to change its concentration to 35% v/v? A. 11.53 mL B. 12.4 mL
C. 13.7 mL D. 28.57 mL
100 15p:x


20 65p:50 mL

65p:50 mL::15p:x x = (15p x 50 mL)/65 p = 11.53 mL

79. A pharmacist combines the contents of a 30 g tube of a 1% ointment and a 90 g tube of a 2%
ointment of the same active ingredient. What is the concentration of the mixture? A. 1.5%
B. 1.75% C. 2% D. 3%

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

Quantity x Concentration Product

30 g x 1% 30 TP/TQ = 210/120
90 g x 2% 180 = 1.75%
TQ = 120 g TP = 210

80. What is the percentage of alcohol in a mixture containing 1500 mL of witch hazel (14% alcohol), 2000
mL glycerin, and 5 liters of 50% alcohol? A. 3.14% B. 10.15% C. 31.88%
D. 41.69%
Quantity x Concentration Product
1500 mL x 14 % 21000 TP/TQ = 271000 
2000 mL x 0% 0
= 31.88 %
5000 mL x 50 % 250000
TQ = 8500 TP = 271000

81. A solution of 75% alcohol is mixed with 10% alcohol to prepare a 30% alcohol solution. If 500 mL of
30% solution is to be prepared, how many mL of 75% alcohol should be used?
A. 121.12 B. 153.84 C. 234.43 D. 346.16
75 % 20 parts x

30 %

10 % 45 parts

Total: 65 parts 500 mL

65p:500 mL::20p:x x = (20p x 500 mL)/65 p = 153.846 mL

82. In what proportion should a 10% zinc oxide ointment be mixed with white petrolatum to come up with
a 2% zinc oxide ointment? A. 1:4 B. 1:10 C. 2:3 D. 5:1
10 % 2 parts


0% 8 parts

2:8 or 1:4
83. How many milliliters of a syrup having a specific gravity of 1.450 should be mixed with 2400 mL of a
syrup having a specific gravity of 1.375 to obtain a product with a specific gravity of 1.250?
A. 1000 mL B. 1500 mL C. 2000 mL D. 3000 mL
1.450 0.125 part x


1.375 0.2 part 2400 mL

0.2 p : 2400 mL : : 0.125 p : x x = (2400 mL x 0.125 p)/0.2 p x = 1500 mL

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

84. If a pharmacist added 15 g of azelaic acid to 60 g of an ointment containing 15 % azelaic acid, what
would be the final concentration of azelaic acid in the ointment? A. 24% B.32% C. 53%
D. 67%
Quantity x Concentration Product
15 g x 100 % 1500 TP/TQ = 2400/75
60 g x 15 % 900 = 32 %
TQ = 75 TP = 2400
*Note: Azelaic acid is pure, thus 100 % is the concentration
85. How much 40% solution is needed to make 500 mL of a 5% solution?
A. 2.5 mL B.12.5 mL C. 62.5 mL D. 400 mL
Rationale: Q1 x C1 = Q2 x C2
Q1 x 40% = 500 mL x 5 % Q1 = (500 mL x 5%)/40 % Q1 = 62.5 mL
86. The formula for a ciprofloxacin otic drop is How many grams of ciprofloxacin would be
given in the literature as follows: required to prepare 200 - 15 mL bottles of the ear
Ciprofloxacin 1g drop?
Propylene glycol 50 mL A. 0.15 g C. 30 g
Glycerin qs ad 100 mL B. 3 g D. 150 g
Rationale: Factor = Qdesired / Q on hand F = 15 mL/100 mL = 0.15
Ciprofloxacin - 1 g x 0.15 = 0.15 g per 1-15 mL bottle Thus, (0.15 g/1 bottle) x 200 bottles = 30 g
87. Formula for Baby Powder Use the formula listed on the left side, calculate
Boric acid 30 g the amount of Talc that should be used to make
Zinc stearate 20 g one pound of baby powder.
Talc 50 g A. 90.8 g B. 136.2 g C. 227 g D. 454 g
Rationale: Factor = Qdesired / Q on hand Total quantity: 30 g + 20 g + 50 g = 100 g
1 lb = 454 g F = 454 g/100 g F = 4.54 Talc - 50 g x 4.54 = 227 g
88. USP formula for Cherry Syrup How many mL of Cherry juice is needed to
Cherry Juice 475 mL prepare 120 mL of the syrup?
Sucrose 800 g
Alcohol 20 mL A. 3.96 C. 96
Purified water, ad 1000 mL B. 57 D. 395.83
Rationale: Factor = Qdesired / Q on hand F = 120 mL/1000 mL F = 0.12
Cherry juice – 475 mL x 0.12 = 57 mL
89. Formula for cold cream How many grams of cetyl ester wax is required to
Cetyl ester wax 12.5 parts prepare 1lb.(avoir) of the cream?
White wax 12 parts
Mineral oil 56 parts A. 54.48 g C. 86.26 g
Sodium borate 0.5 parts B. 56.75 g D. 254.24 g
Water 19 parts
Rationale: Total parts: 12.5 + 12 + 56 + 0.5 + 19 = 100 100 parts = 1 lb (454 g )
Cetyl ester wax - 100 p:454 g : : 12.5 p : x x = (454 g x 12.5 p) / 100 p x = 56.75 g

90. Name: Lee Min Ho Age: 52 Weight: 185 lb Height: 5’5

Calculate the BMI of the patient. A. 16.8 B. 24 C. 31 D. 51
BMI = kg / (m)2 BMI = 84.09 / (1.651)2 BMI = 30.84
kg = 185 lb/(1 kg/2.2 lb) = 84.09
m = 5 ft. x (12 in/1 ft.) = 60 in + 5 in = 65 in x (2.54 cm/1 in) x (1 m/100 cm)= 1.651 m
91. You ordered five (5) wine gallons of Alcohol, USP containing 94.9 % alcohol from a reputable
supplier. How many proof gallons are contained in your order?
A. 2.63 B. 4.75 C. 5.29 D. 9.49
Proof gallon = (gallons x % strength)/50%
Proof gallon = (5 x 94.9%)/50% Proof gallon = 9.49

IPS1- Preboard Exam in Pharmaceutical Calculation & Techniques
1st Sem. SY 2023-2024

92. A nutritional formula calls for 500 g of dextrose. How many milliliters of a 70% w/v dextrose injection
is needed to provide the required amount of dextrose? A. 350 mL B. 1000 mL C. 1400 mL
D. 714.29 mL
70 g : 100 mL : : 500 g : x x = (100 mL x 500 g) / 70 g x = 714.2857 mL
93. If a person consumes 1800 calories per day, calculate the intake of fat, in grams, based on dietary fat
is 30% of caloric intake. A. 6 g fat per day B. 60 g fat per day C. 135 g fat per day D.
200 g fat per day
1800 calories x 0.3 = 540 calories or kcal (calories or kcal can be used interchangeably)
Since fat 9 kcal/g ; 9 kcal:1 g :: 540 kcal : x x = (540 kcal x 1 g)/9 kcal x = 60 g
94. An order is written for 2 g of lidocaine in 250 ml of D5W to infuse at 120mg/hr. What is the correct
infusion in (mL/hr)? A. 8 mL/hr B. 15 mL/hr C. 20 mL/hr D. 150 mL/hr
(120 mg / 1 hr) x (250 mL/2000 mg) = 15 mL/hr (cancel out mg)
95. An order is written for 25,000 units of heparin in 250 mL of D5W to be infused at 17mL/hr. How many
units of heparin will the patient receive in 12 hours? A. 1470 units B. 1,700 units C. 2,000
units D. 20,400 units
25,000 units/250 mL = 100 units/1 mL 100 mL/1 mL x (17 mL/1 hr) = 1700 units/1 hr
Thus, 1700 units: 1 hr : : x : 12 hours x = (12 hr x 1700 units)/1 hr x = 20,400 units
96. If the serum creatinine concentration of a 31-year old female patient is 3.9 mg/dL, what would be the
CrCl of the patient weighing 85 lb? A. 8 mL/min B. 12.75 mL/min C. 15 mL/min D.
26 mL/min
*Failed to include the weight; 85 lb x (1 kg/2.2 lb) = 38.64 kg
𝒌𝒈 𝒙 (𝟏𝟒𝟎−𝒂𝒈𝒆) ( 𝟑𝟖.𝟔𝟒 𝒙 (𝟏𝟒𝟎−𝟑𝟏)
𝑪𝒓𝑪𝒍 = 𝒎𝒈 𝑪𝒓𝑪𝒍 = 𝒎𝒈 = 15 mL/min
𝟕𝟐 𝒙 𝑺𝒄𝒓( ) 𝟕𝟐 𝒙 𝟑.𝟗( )
𝒅𝑳 𝒅𝑳

Since the patient is a woman; CrCl = 15 mL/min x 0.85 = 12.75 mL/min

*This item will not be included in the total score
97. A woman charting her basal temperature finds that her body temperature on day 14 is 97.7°F and on
day 18 is 98.6°F. What is the difference in the temperature in degrees centigrade. A. 0.5 B. 1.5
C. 5 D. 32
98.6 °F : °C = 5/9 x (°F -32) °C = 5/9 x (98.6 -32) = 37
97.7°F : °C = 5/9 x (°F -32) °C = 5/9 x (97.7 -32) = 36.5 37°C – 36.5°C = 0.5°C
98. If an ointment is listed at $5.40/lb., less 33 1/3%, what is the net cost of 10 lb.?
A. $33.33 B. $36 C. $53.64 D. $54
33 1/3% = 33.33% thus; $5.40: 1 lb :: x : 10 lb x = ($5.40 x 10 lb)/1 lb x = $54
$54 – ($54 x 0.3333) = $36
99. If a prescription calls for the preparation of 30 mL of a 1% solution of lidocaine (m.w. 234), but for the
purposes of solubility the pharmacist used lidocaine hydrochloride (m.w. 288), how many milligrams
of the latter should be used? A. 37 mg B. 243 mg C. 300 mg
D. 369.23 mg
1g:100 mL :: x: 30 mL x = (30 mL x 1 g)/100 mL
x = 0.3 g of lidocaine is needed to make 30 mL
However, lidocaine HCl is to be used instead of lidocaine to ensure solubility
Thus, 0.3 g : 234 : : x : 288 x = (288 x 0.3) / 234 x = 0.36923 g  369.23 mg
100. A prescription item costs a pharmacist PhP 8. 40. Using a mark-up of 50% on the cost, what
would be the price of the dispensed prescription? A. 4.20 B. 8.90 C. 9.40 D. 12.60

Prescription price = cost + (cost x % mark-up)

Prescription price = PhP 8.40 + (PhP 8.40 x 0.5) = PhP 12.60


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