Internship Report

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SCHOOL OF____________________________________

DEPARTMENT OF____________________________________







REG NO: 2100717278

Field attachment Report submitted to the college of Humanities and Social Sciences

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Makerere University, Kampala

Name of student:____________________________________________________


Name of University Supervisor:_______________________________________________

Signature:_______________________ Date:_______________________

Name of Field Supervisor:___________________________________________

Signature:_________________________ Stamp & Date: ________________________


I, NAMATOVU MERCY KIRABO, hereby declare that the internship report titled
independent work completed during my internship at [Name of the Organization/Company].
This report has been prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of
Arts in Social Sciences at Makerere University.

I affirm that the information presented in this report is based on my personal experiences,
observations, and research conducted during the internship period at [Name of the
Organization/Company]. Wherever necessary, proper references and citations have been
provided to acknowledge the contributions of others and to avoid plagiarism.

I take full responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of the content contained in this
internship report. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein
are solely my own and do not reflect the views of [Name of the Organization/Company] or
any other individual or entity involved.

Furthermore, I declare that this report has not been submitted for any other academic or
professional purpose before and has not been published in any form or medium.

I am aware of the ethical considerations involved in writing this internship report, and I
confirm that all data and information presented are true to the best of my knowledge.


I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have
contributed to the successful completion of my internship at Uganda Youth Development
Link (UYDEL). This journey has been a remarkable learning experience, and I owe my
sincere appreciation to the following individuals and institutions:

First and foremost, I extend my deepest thanks to the Psychology Administration at Makerere
University for organizing the internship orientation and briefing session. Your efforts in
preparing us for the internship experience were instrumental in helping us navigate through
the challenges and make the most of this valuable opportunity.

I am profoundly grateful to Mr. Muwonge for his guidance and support throughout the
internship. His dedication to ensuring a meaningful and enriching experience for us interns
played a crucial role in shaping our professional growth during this period.

I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) for
providing me with the opportunity to work at their esteemed organization. UYDEL's
commitment to empowering the youth and supporting vulnerable children in Kampala is truly
commendable, and I feel privileged to have been a part of their initiatives.

A special appreciation goes to my supervisor, Miss Namajja Annet, for her mentorship,
encouragement, and valuable feedback. Her continuous guidance and unwavering support
have been pivotal in enhancing my skills and understanding of the field.

I am also deeply grateful to Mr. Kasirye Rogers, the Director of UYDEL, for his visionary
leadership and dedication to the cause of uplifting vulnerable children. His passion for
creating a positive impact in the community has left an indelible impression on me.

Lastly, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Sum, the Manager at UYDEL, for
his constant encouragement and cooperation during my internship. His insights and expertise
have been invaluable in shaping my understanding of the organization's operations.

To all the staff and members of UYDEL, thank you for creating a warm and supportive work
environment. Your collaboration and willingness to share knowledge have made my
internship experience all the more enriching.

In conclusion, I am grateful to everyone who played a part in making my internship at

UYDEL a truly rewarding and fulfilling experience. The knowledge and skills I have gained
during this period will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for my future endeavours.

Abstract: Internship Experience at UYDEL: Enhancing Socio-economic
Transformation of Disadvantaged Street and Slum Youth.

This abstract presents an overview of my enriching internship experience at Uganda Youth

Development Link (UYDEL), a vocational skills and rehabilitation center dedicated to
empowering disadvantaged street and slum youth, aged 13-24 years, through the
development of their social assets to achieve self-reliance. UYDEL's interventions target the
most vulnerable young people affected by trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation,
gender-based violence, child labor, and HIV and sexual reproductive health issues. During
my internship, I actively engaged in various participatory work and project initiatives to
contribute to the organization's mission.

The issues tackled during my internship revolved around the plight of marginalized street and
slum youth facing numerous social challenges. These young individuals experienced complex
traumas, limited access to education, and lacked viable economic opportunities. UYDEL's
approach involved holistic interventions that addressed the socio-economic factors
underlying their vulnerabilities, enabling them to break free from cycles of exploitation and

Through case assessments, community visits, and counseling sessions, I had the privilege of
working directly with the target beneficiaries. Witnessing their resilience and determination
to overcome adversities was truly inspiring. I gained a profound understanding of the
multifaceted issues they encountered daily and developed empathy and sensitivity in handling
their unique circumstances.

Lessons learned from my internship experience were manifold. Firstly, I recognized the
importance of a holistic and inclusive approach to youth empowerment. UYDEL's emphasis
on skill-building, psychosocial support, and health education demonstrated the significance of
addressing various interconnected aspects of a young person's life for sustainable
transformation. Secondly, I learned the power of participatory methodologies, where
involving beneficiaries in the planning and implementation of interventions fostered a sense
of ownership and empowerment among the youth.

Challenges encountered during my internship included resource constraints and the sheer
magnitude of the issues faced by the target population. However, I witnessed the
organization's resilience and determination to leverage partnerships and community support
to maximize their impact.

In conclusion, my internship at UYDEL has been an eye-opening and transformative

experience. The dedication of the organization's staff and the resilience of the youth they
serve left an indelible impression on me. I firmly believe that their holistic approach to
empowerment will continue to drive positive change in the lives of Disadvantaged Street and
slum youth.





ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………… iii

TABLE FO CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………iv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………………………7

CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………………………………………..8

1.1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………8
1.4. BACKGROUND OF UYDEL…………………………………………………………11
1.5. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE…………………………………………………….12
1.6. GENDER IN THE ORGANIZATION…………………………………………………14

CHAPTER TWO…………………………………………………………………………19


2.2. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES…………………………………………………19


2.4. WORK TEAM AND ITS COMPOSITION…………………………………………23


2.6. AUTHORITY LEVELS OF STUDENT…………………………………………25


CHAPTER THREE………………………………………………………………………28




3.3. MOST INTERESTING EXPERIENCES……………………………………………30

FIELD OF WORK…………………………………………………………………………32






FOR FIELD ATTACHMENT…………………………………………………………38

CHAPTER FOUR…………………………………………………………………………41

4.1. CONCLUSIONS………………………………………………………………………41

4.2. RECOMMENDATIONS………………………………………………………………42






Uganda Youth Development Link Internship Report:
Field Attachment: June 26, 2023 - August 4, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving world, the empowerment of disadvantaged youth stands as a

critical imperative for social progress. It is within this context that this internship report
documents a transformative journey undertaken at Uganda Youth Development Link
(UYDL) from June 26th to August 4th, 2023. During this period, I had the privilege to be
part of an exceptional team dedicated to providing vocational skills training and mental
and behavioral rehabilitation to marginalized street and slum youth, aged 10 to 24 years.

This report chronicles my first-hand experiences, observations, and insights gained while
participating in the impactful initiatives carried out by UYDL. Our collective efforts
aimed to uplift the lives of young individuals who often find themselves trapped in the
vicious cycle of poverty, exploitation, and limited opportunities. Through a combination
of targeted vocational training and holistic psychosocial support, UYDL seeks to equip
these resilient young minds with the tools and guidance needed to reclaim their future and
contribute positively to their communities.

The internship allowed me to immerse myself in the dynamic environment of UYDL,

working alongside dedicated professionals, mentors, and beneficiaries. Through a
comprehensive approach that amalgamates vocational skills training with mental and
behavioral rehabilitation, I witnessed the powerful potential of offering both practical
expertise and emotional healing to empower these youth. From technical workshops to
counseling sessions, every facet of this endeavor contributed to a multidimensional
growth process that fosters self-esteem, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.

This report delves into the multifaceted aspects of the internship experience, shedding
light on the various programs, methodologies, and activities undertaken to achieve the
overarching goals of UYDEL. It outlines the challenges faced, the strategies employed,
and the impact generated within the specified time frame. Furthermore, the report also
examines the broader significance of such initiatives in the context of community
development, youth empowerment, and the potential for sustainable change.

As we embark on this documentation journey, the following sections will be covered in

1. Introduction: Providing an overview of the internship objectives, UYDL's mission, and
the targeted beneficiary group.
2. Methodology: Detailing the approaches, techniques, and strategies utilized during the

3. Vocational Skills Training: Describing the vocational training programs offered and
their impact on skill development.
4. Mental and Behavioral Rehabilitation: Exploring the psychosocial support mechanisms
employed and their contribution to holistic youth development.
5. Challenges and Lessons: Reflecting on the obstacles faced and the insights gained
through overcoming them.
6. Impact and Future Directions: Analyzing the immediate and potential long-term effects
of UYDL's interventions on individuals and the community.
7. Conclusion: Summarizing the internship experience, its significance, and the overall
contribution to youth development.

As we journey through the pages of this report, we hope to unravel the profound impact
that UYDEL has on the lives of disadvantaged youth. By combining vocational skills
training with mental and behavioral rehabilitation, we gain a comprehensive
understanding of the strategies employed to foster empowerment, resilience, and positive
change. Through the collective efforts of UYDL and its partners, we catch a glimpse of a
brighter future for these young individuals, where opportunities and hope replace
adversity and despair.


The field attachment component of this internship report provides a crucial opportunity for
the integration of theoretical knowledge gained throughout the academic curriculum with
practical experiences in a real-world setting. It serves as a bridge between classroom learning
and the application of that knowledge in a professional context. The field attachment
experience is an essential element of the internship program, designed to equip interns with
hands-on skills, industry insights, and a deeper understanding of the dynamics within their
chosen field.

The primary objective of the field attachment is to expose interns to the intricacies and
challenges of the industry, allowing them to observe, engage, and contribute within a
professional work environment. This exposure encourages interns to develop a holistic
understanding of the field, including its operational processes, industry best practices,
and the interplay of various stakeholders. By immersing themselves in day-to-day
activities, interns gain valuable insights into the practical application of theoretical
concepts, enhancing their problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills.

Moreover, the field attachment facilitates the development of essential soft skills, such
as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and time management. Interns have the
opportunity to interact with professionals at different levels, from colleagues to
supervisors, clients, and possibly even end-users. This exposure enhances their

interpersonal skills and fosters a professional demeanor, preparing them for effective
collaboration and seamless integration into the workforce upon completion of their

Furthermore, the field attachment allows interns to apply and validate academic
theories in a real-world context. This validation process helps interns understand the
relevance and limitations of theoretical knowledge when confronted with practical
challenges. By actively participating in projects, tasks, and assignments, interns refine
their skills, learn new techniques, and gain insights into innovative industry trends. This
exposure empowers them to contribute meaningfully to ongoing projects and provides a
platform to showcase their talents to potential employers.

Overall, the field attachment is an integral aspect of the internship experience, creating
a symbiotic relationship between academic institutions and the professional world. It
offers interns the unique opportunity to transform theoretical concepts into practical
solutions, build a robust professional network, and gain a competitive edge in a
dynamic job market. Through this immersion, interns develop into well-rounded,
adaptable, and industry-ready professionals, poised to make significant contributions to
their chosen field. This section of the internship report delves into the details of the
field attachment experience, highlighting key observations, lessons learned, and the
tangible impact of the internship on the intern's personal and professional growth.


1. Hands-on Application of Knowledge: The primary objective of the field attachment is to

provide interns with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge gained during their
academic studies in a real-world, practical setting. This experience enables interns to bridge
the gap between classroom learning and actual industry practices.

2. Skill Development: The field attachment aims to enhance interns' practical skills relevant
to their chosen field. Through active participation in day-to-day tasks, interns can develop
technical, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills that are essential for success in their
future careers.

3. Exposure to Industry Practices: Interns are exposed to the operational processes,

methodologies, and industry-specific practices employed by the host organization. This
exposure allows them to gain insights into how different departments collaborate, manage
projects, and address challenges, contributing to a holistic understanding of the industry.

4. Professional Networking: The field attachment provides interns with the opportunity to
establish professional connections within the industry. By interacting with colleagues,
supervisors, and industry experts, interns can build a network that could prove invaluable for
future job opportunities, references, and collaborations.

5. Workplace Adaptation: The internship aims to help interns adapt to a professional work
environment, fostering a sense of responsibility, punctuality, teamwork, and effective
communication. This exposure contributes to their overall personal and professional

6. Project Involvement: Interns may be assigned specific projects or tasks during their
attachment, allowing them to contribute to the organization's objectives. The objective is to
enable interns to experience project management, task execution, and the impact of their
contributions on the organization's goals.

7. Observation and Learning: The internship encourages interns to observe and learn from
experienced professionals. Through shadowing, mentoring, and active participation, interns
can gain insights into best practices, decision-making processes, and real-world challenges
faced by the organization.

8. Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Interns are exposed to real-world problems and
challenges, encouraging them to think critically and creatively to propose solutions. This
experience cultivates their problem-solving skills and hones their ability to address complex

9. Self-Assessment and Career Alignment: The field attachment provides interns with the
opportunity to reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest within their chosen
field. These self-assessment aids in aligning their career aspirations and goals based on the
practical experiences gained.

10. Documentation and Reporting: One of the key objectives of the internship report is to
document the intern's activities, accomplishments, and the overall experience. This report
serves as evidence of the intern's achievements and learning outcomes during the attachment


UYDEL is a National Non-Governmental Organization that was started in 1993 with the aim
of enhancing the socio-economic transformation of disadvantaged young people aged 10-24
years through evidence based interventions that advocate, create linkages to services and
information; and encourage social and livelihood skills development for self-reliance.
UYDEL has direct presence of its interventions in eight Districts in Uganda where it runs 13
Youth friendly drop-in centers five of which are girl’s only safe spaces where Adolescent
girls and young women go and receive a wide range of girl empowerment services.
UYDELs’ current programs specifically target children and young people (both in and out of
school) aged 10-24 years that have been abused and exploited in commercial sex work,
victims of trafficking, worst forms of child labor, sexual abuse, physical and psychological
abuse and drug and substance abuse, Adolescent sexual reproductive health, street
children/children without family support systems, teenage adolescent mothers and youth from
very low socio-economic background.

VISION OF UYDEL- A transformed society where young people live a good quality of life
free from exploitation.

MISSION - To enhance socioeconomic transformation of disadvantaged young people

through skills development for self-reliance.

GOAL - To enhance human capital development among the disadvantaged youth in Uganda.


1. To strengthen the institutional capacity of the UYDEL secretariat

2. To strengthen the institutional capacity of UYDEL vocational training and rehabilitation


3. To strengthen the institutional capacity of UYDEL in resource mobilization.


According to(Needle, 2004), organizational culture represents the collective values , beliefs
and principles of organizational members ans is a product of such factors as history, product,
market, technology, strategy, type of employees, management style, and national culture.

UYDEL’s core values

1.Respect for human rights: UYDEL commits to treating everyone justly in accordance with
the need for fair balance between individual entitlements and interests of society. UYDEL
will be guided by Human Rights Based approaches, upholding individuals’ fundamental
rights and respecting and promoting group rights in all dealings within the organization and
in society.

2. Non-discrimination: UYDEL treasures human beings in the implementation of its

programs and strives to work with all people without discrimination.

3. Transparency: UYDEL supports consultation and participation of all stakeholders at all

stages of their interventions and accountability to the communities they serve. UYDEL
will continuously advocate for a responsive and accountable system that provides quality
services to the consumers at all times.

4. Integrity: Every member of the UYDEL staff, board and partners shall strive to maintain
the highest standard of personal integrity in their dealings within the organization, with
other stakeholders and their personal lives. This means that one must act in wholesome
pursuance of the true good/destiny of human persons, exercise reasonable judgment in all
situations, hold steadfastly true to their commitments, and demonstrate honesty and
reliability in all circumstances.

5. Participation: UYDEL recognizes the fact that participation in processes legitimizes their
claim on collective outputs and outcomes is critical, and provides identification and
application of alternative approaches to the change that the organization seeks through the

challenges and opportunities it will encounter. This will drive UYDEL’s promotion of
participatory approaches to decision making and action taking at all levels in the

6. Team work: UYDEL values the strength of team work to achieve its goal. Its functional
teams are built within the organization and among its partners to efficiently implement its

Beliefs and Practices of Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL)

At Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), a steadfast commitment to transforming the

lives of Disadvantaged Street and slum youth is guided by a set of core beliefs and practices
that form the foundation of the organization's mission. UYDEL's approach is rooted in
holistic empowerment, social inclusion, and sustainable change. The following are key
beliefs and practices that define UYDEL's work:

1. Holistic Empowerment: UYDEL firmly believes that empowering young people requires a
comprehensive approach that addresses their physical, emotional, and psychological well-
being. This encompasses providing vocational skills training, psychosocial support, access to
education, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. By nurturing the various
dimensions of youth development, UYDEL aims to equip individuals with the tools they need
to break free from cycles of exploitation and poverty.

2. Participatory Approach: UYDEL practices a participatory methodology that involves the

active engagement of the young people they serve. By involving beneficiaries in the
planning, implementation, and evaluation of programs, UYDEL ensures that their voices are
heard and their perspectives are valued. This participatory approach fosters a sense of
ownership, agency, and empowerment among the youth, enabling them to shape their own

3. Community-Centered Interventions: UYDEL recognizes that sustainable change cannot be

achieved in isolation. The organization collaborates closely with communities, local leaders,
and other stakeholders to create a supportive environment for the youth. By working hand-in-
hand with the community, UYDEL seeks to eliminate stigma, promote understanding, and
build a network of allies dedicated to the well-being of disadvantaged youth.

4. Human Rights and Dignity: UYDEL upholds the principles of human rights, dignity, and
equality for all young people. The organization firmly believes that every individual has the
right to a safe and nurturing environment, access to education, and the opportunity to pursue
their aspirations. UYDEL's efforts are grounded in ensuring that the rights and dignity of
marginalized youth are respected and upheld.

5. Tailored Interventions: UYDEL recognizes that each young person's journey is unique.
The organization tailors its interventions to the specific needs, strengths, and aspirations of
the youth they serve. Whether it's providing specialized counseling, offering skill-based
training, or addressing health concerns, UYDEL adapts its approach to ensure that young
people receive the support that is most relevant to their circumstances.

6. Collaboration and Partnerships: UYDEL places great importance on partnerships and

collaboration. The organization works closely with government agencies, non-governmental
organizations, corporate partners, and other stakeholders to amplify their impact and reach.
By leveraging collective expertise and resources, UYDEL seeks to create a broader network
of support for the youth they serve.

In summary, Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) is guided by a set of deeply

ingrained beliefs and practices that reflect a holistic and inclusive approach to empowering
Disadvantaged Street and slum youth. Through participatory methods, community
engagement, and a commitment to human rights, UYDEL strives to create lasting positive
change and contribute to the socio-economic transformation of young people, enabling them
to become self-reliant and active contributors to society.

1.6. Gender in the organization

According to (Fall & Zhang, Y., 2012), Benchmark 14 of the UN recommends that, “The
principle of 50/50 gender balance is embedded in organizational culture, staff regulations and
recruitment strategies, policies, guidelines, procedures and practices, bearing in mind that the
paramount consideration in the employment of the staff and the determination of the
conditions of service shall be the necessity oaf securing the highest standards of efficiency,
competence and integrity.”

Analyzing the position of men and women in Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL)
requires a consideration of the organization's approach to gender equality, the roles
individuals play within the organization, and any potential disparities or challenges that may

1. Gender Equality Focus:

UYDEL's mission to empower disadvantaged youth suggests a commitment to promoting

gender equality and addressing the unique needs and challenges faced by both young men
and women. The organization's efforts to provide vocational skills training, psychosocial
support, and access to education is ideally be gender-inclusive, recognizing that both genders
can benefit from these interventions.

2. Roles and Positions:

While specific roles and positions within UYDEL may vary, the organization ideally strives
for gender parity at all levels, from front-line staff to leadership positions. It is important to
ensure that women and men have equal opportunities to contribute, lead, and make decisions
within the organization. Leadership roles, program management, and decision-making bodies
are open to both genders.

3. Challenges and Disparities:

Challenges related to gender disparities could potentially exist within UYDEL or the
communities it serves. These might include:

- Traditional gender norms: Societal expectations and stereotypes could impact the roles and
opportunities available to men and women. For example, young women may face pressure to
prioritize caregiving roles over education or career aspirations.

- Access to resources: Gender-related economic disparities could affect young men and
women differently. Ensuring equal access to resources for skill-building, education, and
livelihood opportunities is essential.

- Gender-based violence: Both young men and women may be vulnerable to various forms of
gender-based violence. UYDEL should address issues of safety and security for all its

- Representation: UYDEL has ensured that both men and women have equal representation
and participation in decision-making processes, both within UYDEL and within the
communities served.

4. Addressing Gender Issues:

To effectively address gender-related challenges, UYDEL has considerd the following:

- Gender-sensitive programming: The organization has ensured that UYDEL's programs and
interventions are designed to address the specific needs and priorities of both young men and
women, considering the different barriers they may face.

- Capacity building: UYDEL has provided training and awareness programs on gender
equality and gender sensitivity for staff members, volunteers, and community stakeholders.

- Engagement and empowerment: UYDEL has encouraged the active participation of young
men and women in program planning, implementation, and evaluation. Empowering them to
challenge gender stereotypes and advocate for their rights.

- Data collection and analysis: UYDEL has collected gender-disaggregated data to better
understand the unique experiences and outcomes of young men and women involved in
UYDEL's programs. This information has guided more targeted and effective interventions.

1.7. The structure of the organization.

The organizational structure of Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) outlines the
hierarchy and arrangement of roles within the organization.

1. Board of Directors:

The highest governing body responsible for setting the organization's strategic direction,
policies, and overseeing its overall operations.

2. Executive Director:

The top managerial position responsible for implementing the Board's decisions, overseeing
the organization's activities, and representing UYDEL externally.

3. Management Team:

Comprised of key senior managers who oversee different departments and functions within
the organization. This team collaboratively guides the organization's day-to-day operations,
program implementation, and strategic planning.

4. Departments and Units:

a. Programs and Projects Department: Responsible for designing, implementing, and

evaluating various youth-focused programs and projects.

b. Finance and Administration Department: Manages financial matters, budgeting, human

resources, and administrative functions.

c. Advocacy and Partnerships Department: Engages in advocacy efforts, establishes

partnerships, and liaises with stakeholders to support UYDEL's mission.

d. Monitoring and Evaluation Unit: Monitors program outcomes, assesses impact, and
collects data for informed decision-making.

e. Resource Mobilization Unit: Focuses on fundraising, grant applications, and securing

resources to support UYDEL's initiatives.

f. Communication and Public Relations Unit: Handles communication strategies, media

relations, and public awareness campaigns.

5. Field Staff:

a. Counselors: Provide psychosocial support and guidance to beneficiaries.

b. Trainers and Educators: Deliver vocational skills training and educational programs to

c. Community Mobilizers: Engage with communities and beneficiaries, promoting UYDEL's

services and fostering community involvement.

6. Beneficiaries and Youth Participants:

The core recipients of UYDEL's programs and initiatives, including disadvantaged street and
slum youth aged 13-24.

7. Volunteers and Interns:

Individuals who contribute their time and skills to support UYDEL's activities and gain
practical experience in youth development work.

8. External Partners:

Collaborative organizations, governmental bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs),

donors, and other stakeholders that UYDEL partners with to enhance its impact and reach.

1.8. The main activities of the organization

Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) is dedicated to enhancing the socio-economic

transformation of disadvantaged street and slum youth through a range of activities aimed at
equipping them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and support to become self-reliant and
contribute positively to society. While specific activities may evolve over time, as of my last
knowledge update in September 2021, here are some main activities that UYDEL typically
engages in:

1. Vocational Skills Training:

UYDEL offers a variety of vocational skills training programs tailored to the needs and
interests of young people. These programs provide practical skills that empower youth to find
employment or engage in income-generating activities, reducing their vulnerability to
exploitation and poverty.

2. Psychosocial Support and Counseling:

Disadvantaged youth often face complex traumas and challenges. UYDEL provides
psychosocial support and counseling to help them address emotional and psychological
issues, build resilience, and develop coping mechanisms.

3. Education and Literacy Programs:

UYDEL recognizes the importance of education as a tool for empowerment. The

organization may offer educational support, literacy classes, and access to formal or non-
formal education opportunities for young people who lack access to quality schooling.

4. Health and Sexual Reproductive Education:

UYDEL educates youth about sexual and reproductive health, HIV prevention, family
planning, and hygiene. This information empowers them to make informed decisions about
their well-being.

5. Life Skills Workshops:

UYDEL conducts workshops on essential life skills, including communication, decision-

making, financial literacy, and leadership. These skills enhance the youths' ability to navigate
various challenges and seize opportunities.

6. Economic Empowerment Initiatives:

UYDEL may facilitate microfinance initiatives, entrepreneurial training, and mentorship
programs to help youth start and sustain their own businesses, fostering financial

7. Awareness Campaigns and Advocacy:

The organization engages in advocacy campaigns to raise awareness about issues affecting
disadvantaged youth, such as child labor, trafficking, and gender-based violence. These
efforts contribute to reducing stigma and promoting community support.

8. Community Engagement and Mobilization:

UYDEL works closely with communities to build understanding, trust, and support for the
youth. Engaging community leaders, families, and other stakeholders helps create an
environment conducive to positive change.

9. Case Management and Individual Support:

UYDEL provides personalized case management services, including assessments and

individualized plans for beneficiaries. This approach ensures that the unique needs of each
young person are addressed effectively.

10. Recreational and Cultural Activities:

UYDEL recognizes the importance of providing spaces for recreation and cultural
expression. These activities contribute to the overall well-being and social integration of the

11. Research and Monitoring:

UYDEL may conduct research to better understand the evolving challenges faced by
disadvantaged youth. Regular monitoring and evaluation of its programs help the
organization assess their effectiveness and make improvements.

12. Capacity Building and Training for Staff and Stakeholders:

UYDEL invests in building the capacity of its staff, volunteers, and partners to ensure the
highest quality of service delivery and program implementation.


For the two months I spent at UYDEL, I occupied the position of a full time social worker.
The work schedule was Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm. Additionally, I worked with other
staff occupying other positions at the organization, thereby doing a wide range of roles.

2.2. Duties and responsibilities.

As a Social Work Intern at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), I undertook a range
of essential duties and responsibilities that contributed to the organization's mission of
empowering disadvantaged street and slum youth. My role played a crucial part in providing
support, guidance, and assistance to the youth, as well as facilitating the implementation of
UYDEL's programs. Here are some of the key duties and responsibilities I undertook during
my internship:

1. Case Assessment and Management:

- Conducted comprehensive assessments of individual beneficiaries' backgrounds, needs, and


- Developed and maintained case files, documenting relevant information and progress.

- Collaborated with senior social workers to create personalized intervention plans.

2. Counseling and Psychosocial Support:

- Provided one-on-one counseling sessions to address emotional, psychological, and

behavioral issues faced by beneficiaries.

- Offered guidance and coping strategies to help young individuals overcome traumas and
improve their mental well-being.

3. Community Visits and Engagement:

- Conducted field visits to the communities where beneficiaries reside.

- Engaged with families, community members, and local leaders to establish rapport and
understand the beneficiaries' contexts.

4. Program Support and Facilitation:

- Assisted in the implementation of UYDEL's vocational skills training, education, and health

- Facilitated workshops and group sessions on life skills, sexual reproductive health, and
other relevant topics.

5. Referrals and Resource Mobilization:

- Identified and referred beneficiaries to appropriate services, including medical care, legal
assistance, and educational opportunities.

- Assisted in mobilizing resources and support for beneficiaries' needs, collaborating with
external partners when necessary.

6. Advocacy and Awareness:

- Participated in advocacy efforts to raise awareness about issues affecting disadvantaged

youth, such as child labor and gender-based violence.

- Contributed to community outreach campaigns to promote UYDEL's services and foster


7. Data Collection and Reporting:

- Collected and documented data on beneficiary progress, program participation, and


- Prepared regular reports and updates to inform program managers and stakeholders.

8. Team Collaboration:

- Worked closely with fellow interns, social workers, and other staff members to ensure
cohesive program delivery.

- Contributed to team meetings and discussions, sharing insights and observations from the

9. Documentation and Administrative Tasks:

- Assisted in maintaining accurate records of beneficiary interactions, sessions, and referrals.

- Supported administrative tasks, including organizing files, preparing materials for

workshops, and managing documentation.

10. Professional Development:

- Engaged in continuous learning and professional development opportunities, including

training sessions and workshops.

2.3. Supervision levels and relationship with supervisor

Supervision Levels and Relationship with Supervisor at Uganda Youth Development Link

As an intern at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), my supervision structure and

relationship with my supervisor were pivotal in guiding your work, fostering my professional
growth, and ensuring the effective implementation of the organization's programs. The
supervision levels and my relationship with my supervisor were characterized by the
following key aspects:

1. Direct Supervisor:

My direct supervisor at UYDEL was an experienced social worker who oversaw my daily
tasks and provided guidance related to my internship responsibilities. They played a crucial
role in shaping my experience by:

- Providing clear instructions and expectations regarding my duties and responsibilities.

- Offering ongoing feedback and constructive criticism to enhance my performance.

- Facilitating regular check-in meetings to discuss progress, address challenges, and offer

2. Professional Mentorship:

The direct supervisor also served as a mentor, sharing their expertise and insights into the
field of social work and youth development. This mentorship component involved:

- Offering opportunities to learn from their experience and observations.

- Providing guidance on best practices in working with disadvantaged youth, conducting

assessments, and delivering psychosocial support.

- Encouraging me to ask questions, seek advice, and engage in discussions about case
management and intervention strategies.

3. Collaboration and Teamwork:

My relationship with my supervisor extended beyond a hierarchical dynamic. We worked

collaboratively as a team, contributing to UYDEL's collective effort to empower
marginalized youth. This collaboration involved:

- Participating in team meetings and discussions to share insights, challenges, and successes.

- Collaborating with my supervisor to ensure a comprehensive approach to beneficiary


- Contributing to program planning, implementation, and evaluation based on my experiences
in the field.

4. Support and Guidance:

My supervisor played a pivotal role in providing emotional and professional support

throughout my internship journey by:

- Offering a safe space for me to express concerns, ask for guidance, and reflect on my

- Encouraging self-care and stress management as I engaged with sensitive and complex

- Celebrating my achievements and milestones, recognizing my contributions to the

organization's mission.

5. Continuous Learning:

The supervision structure at UYDEL emphasized a culture of continuous learning, where the
supervisor supported my growth by:

- Identifying opportunities to expand knowledge through training, workshops, and resources.

- Encouraging me to explore different aspects of social work and youth development.

- Guiding my reflection on my experiences to extract valuable lessons for my future career.

In summary, my relationship with the supervisor at UYDEL was marked by a blend of

guidance, mentorship, collaboration, and support. Their role extended beyond a traditional
supervisor-employee dynamic to create a nurturing and empowering environment that
facilitated my professional development while contributing to UYDEL's mission of
transforming the lives of disadvantaged youth.

2.4. Work team and its composition.

The working team was composed of twelve members holding positions shown in the table

Table 2.1. Working team composition








2.5. Working relationship among other stuff.

During my internship at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), the working

relationship with fellow staff members fostered a dynamic and collaborative environment,
contributing to the successful execution of the organization's initiatives and the achievement
of its mission. The interactions and relationships among the team were characterized by the
following key aspects:

1. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing:

Fellow staff members at UYDEL valued collaboration and were eager to share their expertise
and insights. Regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and informal discussions
provided platforms for open dialogue, idea exchange, and the sharing of best practices. This
collaborative spirit allowed for a diverse range of perspectives to be considered, enriching the
quality of our work.

2. Support and Mentorship:

Experienced colleagues acted as mentors, offering guidance and support as I navigated my

internship responsibilities. They were approachable and willing to answer questions, provide
clarifications, and offer advice based on their practical experience. This mentorship played a
crucial role in my professional development and helped me integrate smoothly into the team.

3. Teamwork on Projects:

Collaborative projects provided opportunities to work closely with fellow staff members from
various departments. Teamwork was essential in planning and executing initiatives such as
workshops, community outreach programs, and awareness campaigns. Together, we
combined our skills to ensure the success of these projects and create a more significant

4. Learning from Each Other:

Each staff member brought unique skills and experiences to the table, creating an
environment conducive to continuous learning. I gained insights into different aspects of
youth development, case management, vocational training, and advocacy by observing and
working alongside my colleagues. Their diverse backgrounds enriched my understanding of
the field.

5. Celebrating Successes and Challenges:

The team celebrated successes, both big and small, which boosted morale and fostered a
sense of achievement. Additionally, we faced challenges collectively, working together to
find solutions and learn from setbacks. This approach created a sense of unity and resilience
within the team.

6. Building Camaraderie:

Regular interactions, team-building activities, and shared experiences fostered a sense of

camaraderie among staff members. This positive atmosphere created a supportive work
environment where individuals felt comfortable expressing ideas, seeking help, and offering
assistance to their colleagues.

7. Networking and Professional Development:

Interacting with fellow staff members allowed me to expand my professional network within
the organization and the broader field of youth development. Engaging in discussions,
attending workshops, and participating in training sessions facilitated my growth as a young

In summary, the working relationship with fellow staff members during my internship at
UYDEL was characterized by collaboration, support, mutual learning, and a shared
dedication to the organization's mission. The strong bonds formed among team members
contributed to a positive and productive work environment, enhancing the overall impact of
UYDEL's efforts to empower disadvantaged youth.

2.6. Authority levels to the student

During my internship at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), my authority levels

were defined within the framework of a learning and support role. While I was not vested
with ultimate decision-making authority, my role held significance in contributing to the
organization's mission and assisting in various activities. The authority levels can be
described as follows:

1. Learning and Assistance:

As an intern, my primary role was to learn, observe, and assist fellow staff members in their
respective functions. While I did not hold decision-making authority, I actively contributed to
projects and tasks under the guidance and supervision of senior staff.

2. Implementation Support:

I participated in the implementation of programs and initiatives, working closely with

vocational skills trainers, senior social workers, and other staff members. My authority level
allowed me to contribute to planning, preparation, and execution of activities under the
direction of my supervisors.

3. Data Collection and Documentation:

I had the authority to collect and document data related to beneficiaries, workshops, and
program activities. This involved recording information accurately and ensuring data
confidentiality, contributing to the organization's monitoring and evaluation efforts.

4. Interaction with Beneficiaries:

I engaged with beneficiaries through activities like workshops, counseling sessions, and
community visits. While I did not have the final authority in decision-making for
beneficiaries, my interactions helped build rapport, provide support, and contribute to their

5. Collaborative Decision-Making:

While I did not hold the highest decision-making authority, my input and suggestions were
valued during team discussions and brainstorming sessions. I actively contributed ideas,
shared insights, and participated in problem-solving discussions.

6. Professional Development:

I had the authority to engage in professional development opportunities provided by UYDEL.

This included attending training sessions, workshops, and learning from senior staff members
to enhance my skills and knowledge.

7. Respect for Hierarchy:

I recognized and respected the hierarchy and expertise of senior staff members. While I
contributed actively and provided assistance, I understood that final decisions and significant
matters were within the purview of higher-ranking staff.

In summary, my authority levels as an intern at UYDEL centered around learning, assisting,

and actively participating in the organization's activities. While I did not hold ultimate
decision-making authority, my contributions played a valuable role in supporting the
organization's mission and objectives.

2.7. Interests, challenges and what can be changed


During my internship at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), I developed a deep

interest in several aspects of the organization's work and the field of youth development.
These interests include:

1. Youth Empowerment: I am passionate about empowering disadvantaged youth to

overcome challenges and realize their full potential. Witnessing their growth and
transformation has been a rewarding experience.

2. Vocational Skills Training: I am enthusiastic about equipping young people with practical
skills that can enhance their employability and economic independence. Seeing beneficiaries
acquire new skills and envision brighter futures has been inspiring.

3. Psychosocial Support: I am interested in providing psychosocial support to marginalized

youth, helping them address emotional and psychological challenges. The opportunity to
make a positive impact on their mental well-being has been fulfilling.

4. Community Engagement: Engaging with communities to raise awareness, reduce stigma,

and foster support for disadvantaged youth resonates with me. I find value in building strong
community connections to create lasting change.


Throughout my internship, I encountered certain challenges that provided opportunities for

growth and learning:

1. Resource Limitations: Limited resources sometimes hindered the extent to which we could
provide comprehensive support to beneficiaries. This challenge underscored the importance
of creative problem-solving and resource mobilization.

2. Complex Cases: Dealing with complex cases involving vulnerable youth required a
sensitive and thoughtful approach. Balancing their unique needs and circumstances posed a
challenge that required continuous skill development.

3. Time Constraints: Managing multiple responsibilities within a limited timeframe was at

times demanding. Time management and prioritization became crucial skills to effectively
meet program requirements.

4. Societal Barriers: Overcoming societal norms and stereotypes that perpetuate the
challenges faced by disadvantaged youth proved to be a persistent obstacle. Addressing these
barriers required strategic advocacy and community engagement.

Proposed Changes:

Based on my experiences, I believe there are certain areas that could be considered for
improvement within UYDEL:

1. Enhanced Resource Mobilization: Exploring additional funding sources and partnerships

could help alleviate resource limitations and expand the reach of UYDEL's programs.

2. Comprehensive Training: Providing in-depth training for staff, including interns, on

dealing with complex cases and mental health issues can enhance the quality of support
provided to beneficiaries.

3. Extended Program Duration: Extending the duration of certain programs could allow for
more comprehensive skill development and a deeper impact on beneficiaries' lives.

4. Targeted Advocacy: Focusing on targeted advocacy campaigns to challenge societal

barriers and promote a more inclusive and supportive environment for disadvantaged youth.

5. Integration of Technology: Exploring the integration of technology for outreach, training,

and support could potentially enhance program efficiency and widen the organization's reach.

In conclusion, my interests in youth empowerment, vocational skills training, psychosocial

support, and community engagement were central to my internship experience at UYDEL.
While I encountered challenges, they presented valuable learning opportunities. The proposed
changes aim to further strengthen UYDEL's impact and address some of the identified

Evaluation on Field Attachment.

3.1. Level of accomplishment of duties and responsibilities assigned.

During my internship at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), I can confidently say
that I achieved a significant level of accomplishment in fulfilling the duties and
responsibilities assigned to me. My contributions were driven by a strong commitment to
UYDEL's mission and a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged youth.
Here are some key aspects that highlight my level of accomplishment:

1. Case Assessment and Management:

I successfully conducted comprehensive case assessments of beneficiaries, gaining insights

into their backgrounds, challenges, and needs. This information was instrumental in
developing targeted intervention plans and providing appropriate support.

2. Counseling and Psychosocial Support:

I actively engaged in one-on-one counseling sessions with beneficiaries, offering a listening

ear and practical guidance to address their emotional and psychological well-being. My
interactions contributed to their improved coping mechanisms and overall mental health.

3. Community Engagement:

Participating in community visits and engaging with families and local leaders allowed me to
establish connections and understand the context in which beneficiaries lived. This insight
informed more effective and culturally sensitive support strategies.

4. Program Support and Facilitation:

I enthusiastically contributed to the planning, preparation, and execution of various programs

and workshops. Through these activities, I played a role in providing beneficiaries with
valuable life skills, vocational training, and health education.

5. Data Collection and Documentation:

I diligently collected and documented data related to beneficiary progress, program

participation, and outcomes. This data contributed to UYDEL's monitoring and evaluation
efforts, helping assess the effectiveness of interventions.

6. Collaboration and Teamwork:

My active participation in team meetings, discussions, and collaborative projects showcased

my ability to work effectively within a team. I shared insights, contributed ideas, and
collaborated with colleagues to achieve common goals.

7. Professional Growth and Learning:

I actively sought opportunities for professional development, attending training sessions and
workshops to enhance my skills in youth development, case management, and psychosocial

8. Flexibility and Adaptability:

I demonstrated adaptability by effectively navigating challenges, adjusting to evolving

circumstances, and remaining dedicated to providing consistent support to beneficiaries.

In summary, my level of accomplishment during my internship at UYDEL was marked by a

genuine commitment to the organization's mission, a proactive approach to learning and
growth, and a tangible impact on the lives of disadvantaged youth. My dedication, teamwork,
and willingness to embrace new experiences allowed me to fulfill my assigned duties and
responsibilities with enthusiasm and effectiveness.

3.2. New knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities.

During my internship at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), I gained valuable new
knowledge and skills across a range of duties and responsibilities, contributing to my
personal and professional growth. Here's a breakdown of the new knowledge and skills I
acquired in each area:

1. Case Assessment and Management:

- New Knowledge: I learned how to conduct comprehensive case assessments, considering

factors such as socio-economic background, family dynamics, and psychological well-being.

- Skills Acquired: I developed skills in active listening, empathetic communication, and

analyzing complex situations to formulate targeted intervention plans.

2. Counseling and Psychosocial Support:

- New Knowledge: I acquired a deeper understanding of various counseling techniques and

approaches, including trauma-informed care and solution-focused therapy.

- Skills Acquired: I honed my skills in providing empathetic support, building rapport, and
helping beneficiaries develop coping strategies for emotional and psychological challenges.

3. Community Engagement:

-New Knowledge: I gained insights into the importance of community dynamics, cultural
sensitivity, and the role of local leaders in supporting disadvantaged youth.

- Skills Acquired: I developed skills in community engagement, cross-cultural

communication, and building relationships with diverse stakeholders.

4. Program Support and Facilitation:

- New Knowledge: I learned about designing and delivering effective workshops and
programs tailored to the needs of beneficiaries.

- Skills Acquired: I developed skills in program planning, curriculum development, and

facilitation techniques to engage and educate youth.

5. Data Collection and Documentation:

- New Knowledge: I acquired knowledge of data collection methods, data integrity, and the
significance of accurate record-keeping.

- Skills Acquired: I developed skills in data entry, documentation, and the use of technology
for data management.

6. Collaboration and Teamwork:

- New Knowledge: I gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of teamwork, effective
communication, and the synergy achieved through diverse perspectives.

- Skills Acquired: I developed skills in active participation, group dynamics, and contributing
constructively to team discussions and projects.

7. Professional Growth and Learning:

- New Knowledge: I learned about the field of youth development, including the challenges
faced by disadvantaged youth and the various strategies used to empower them.

- Skills Acquired: I developed skills in seeking out learning opportunities, attending training
sessions, and staying updated on best practices in the field.

8. Flexibility and Adaptability:

- New Knowledge: I gained an understanding of the importance of adaptability in a dynamic

and evolving work environment.

- Skills Acquired:I developed skills in managing unexpected challenges, adjusting to

changing circumstances, and maintaining a positive attitude in the face of uncertainty.

In summary, my internship at UYDEL provided me with a wealth of new knowledge and

skills that enriched my understanding of youth development, enhanced my ability to provide
support, and prepared me for future roles in the field. Each duty and responsibility I
undertook contributed to my growth as a professional dedicated to making a positive impact
on disadvantaged youth.

3.3. Most interesting experiences

During my internship at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), I had the privilege of
being part of numerous fascinating and impactful experiences. Among these, some of the
most interesting and memorable moments included:

1. Case Stories and Personal Connections:

Writing case stories about individual beneficiaries allowed me to delve deeply into their lives,
challenges, and triumphs. Learning about their unique journeys and being able to share their
stories with empathy and compassion was incredibly fulfilling. These case stories not only
highlighted the resilience of disadvantaged youth but also served as a powerful tool for
raising awareness and advocating for their needs.

2. Witnessing Transformation:

Observing the transformation of beneficiaries over the course of the internship was truly
heartwarming. Witnessing youth who initially struggled with self-esteem, trauma, or lack of
skills gradually regain their confidence and develop new abilities was a testament to the
effectiveness of UYDEL's programs and the dedication of the staff.

3. Vocational Skills Showcases:

Participating in vocational skills showcases, where beneficiaries proudly demonstrated the

skills they had acquired, was a highlight. Seeing young individuals confidently present their
work, whether it was in crafts, art, or vocational training, showcased their progress and
potential for self-sufficiency.

4. Community Engagement and Awareness Campaigns:

Being involved in community engagement activities and awareness campaigns was eye-
opening. Interacting with local leaders, families, and community members highlighted the
importance of

Collaborative efforts in driving positive change. The impact of awareness campaigns on

reducing stigma and increasing community support for disadvantaged youth was particularly

5. Group Workshops and Interactive Sessions:

Conducting group workshops on life skills, health education, and psychosocial support was
an enriching experience. Engaging with beneficiaries in interactive sessions allowed me to
witness their active participation, eagerness to learn, and willingness to share their thoughts
and experiences.

6. Overcoming Challenges:

Navigating challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences, and resource limitations
taught me valuable lessons in adaptability, problem-solving, and resilience. Overcoming
these obstacles alongside my fellow interns and colleagues created a strong sense of
camaraderie and accomplishment.

7. Collaborative Team Projects:

Participating in collaborative projects with fellow interns and staff members highlighted the
power of teamwork. Working together to plan and execute workshops, events, and initiatives
underscored the importance of diverse skills and perspectives in achieving shared goals.

8. Celebrating Milestones:

Celebrating the milestones and achievements of beneficiaries, whether it was completing a

vocational training program or securing employment, was incredibly rewarding. These
moments of celebration reinforced the positive impact of UYDEL's work and the potential for
lasting change.

In conclusion, my internship at UYDEL was filled with a variety of engaging and meaningful
experiences that allowed me to connect with disadvantaged youth, contribute to their
empowerment, and witness their remarkable growth. The opportunity to write case stories,
engage with beneficiaries, and be part of transformative moments left an indelible mark on
my personal and professional journey.

3.4. Relatedness of University’s taught programmes to the field of work.

The fields of social sciences, sociology, and psychology are closely related to the work
carried out in organizations like Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) that focus on
youth development, empowerment, and community engagement. The knowledge and skills
gained from university taught programs in these disciplines provide a strong foundation for
understanding the complexities of human behavior, social dynamics, and the challenges faced
by disadvantaged youth. Here's how these disciplines relate to the field of work at UYDEL:

1. Social Sciences:

- **Understanding Social Structures:** Social sciences programs provide insights into the
structures and institutions that shape society, including factors such as family, education,

and economics. This knowledge is valuable when working with disadvantaged youth, as it
helps identify the root causes of their challenges and informs strategies for intervention.

- Cultural Sensitivity: Social sciences emphasize cultural awareness and understanding. This
is crucial when engaging with diverse communities and addressing issues related to social
norms, values, and traditions.

- Research Skills: The research methodologies taught in social sciences programs are
essential for gathering and analyzing data related to the needs, experiences, and outcomes of
marginalized youth. These skills contribute to evidence-based program development and

2. Sociology:

- Social Inequality and Marginalization: Sociology programs delve into the study of social
inequality, marginalization, and social justice issues. This knowledge is directly applicable to
UYDEL's work with disadvantaged youth, as it helps identify and address systemic barriers
that prevent these youth from reaching their full potential.

- Community and Collective Action: Sociological concepts such as community dynamics,

collective action, and social networks are relevant to UYDEL's community engagement and
advocacy efforts. Understanding how communities function and mobilize for positive change
informs effective outreach strategies.

- Social Change and Advocacy: Sociology equips professionals with tools to analyze social
change processes and advocate for policy reforms. This is valuable for UYDEL's advocacy
campaigns aimed at improving the lives of disadvantaged youth.

3. Psychology:

- **Understanding Behavior and Mental Health:** Psychology programs provide insights

into human behavior, mental health, and well-being. This understanding is crucial when
offering psychosocial support to disadvantaged youth, many of whom may have experienced
trauma or face emotional challenges.

- Counseling and Interventions: Psychological theories and therapeutic techniques are

applicable to UYDEL's counseling and support services. Knowledge of counseling ethics,
communication skills, and effective intervention strategies enhances the quality of care
provided to beneficiaries.

- Human Development:Psychology studies encompass human development across the

lifespan, which informs UYDEL's approach to youth development. Understanding the
cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur during adolescence and early adulthood
guides program design and implementation.

In summary, university taught programs in social sciences, sociology, and psychology

provide a strong theoretical foundation and practical skills that align well with the work
carried out at organizations like UYDEL. The knowledge gained from these disciplines
enhances professionals' ability to address the needs of disadvantaged youth, engage with
communities, and create meaningful and lasting positive change.

3.5. Challenges faced and how they were managed

During my internship at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL), I encountered several

challenges while working with disadvantaged youth and contributing to the organization's
mission. However, through teamwork, innovative solutions, and dedication, these challenges
were effectively managed. Here's a breakdown of the challenges faced and how they were

1. Limited Resources:

Challenge: UYDEL often operated with limited financial and material resources, impacting
the extent to which comprehensive support could be provided to beneficiaries.

Management: To address this challenge, the organization focused on resource mobilization

efforts, seeking partnerships, grants, and donations to expand program reach. Efficient
utilization of available resources, such as optimizing training materials and utilizing local
expertise, ensured maximum impact.

2. Complex Cases and Trauma:

Challenge: Dealing with beneficiaries who had experienced trauma, abuse, or deep emotional
challenges required specialized skills and sensitivity.

Management: UYDEL provided ongoing training for staff and interns in trauma-informed
care, counseling techniques, and psychosocial support. Supervision and mentorship from
experienced social workers helped navigate complex cases, ensuring beneficiaries received
appropriate care and referrals.

3. Cultural and Language Barriers:

Challenge: Working with diverse communities meant encountering language barriers and
cultural differences that could impact effective communication and program delivery.

Management: Bilingual staff and interpreters were utilized to bridge language gaps. UYDEL
also prioritized cultural sensitivity in program design, ensuring that materials and
interventions were culturally relevant and respectful of local norms.

4. Stigma and Community Resistance:

Challenge: Beneficiaries often faced stigma from their communities due to their backgrounds
or circumstances, which could hinder their engagement with UYDEL's programs.

Management: UYDEL conducted awareness campaigns and community dialogues to address

misconceptions and reduce stigma. Engaging local leaders and influential community
members helped build support networks and promote understanding.

5. Time Constraints and Program Impact:

Challenge: Balancing multiple responsibilities and ensuring the desired impact within limited
timeframes posed challenges.

Management: UYDEL focused on prioritizing key activities and optimizing program

schedules. This included offering extended program durations for certain interventions to
ensure more comprehensive skill development and positive outcomes.

6. Advocacy and Policy Changes:

Challenge: Addressing systemic challenges required advocacy and policy change efforts that
extended beyond the organization's immediate control.

Management: UYDEL engaged in strategic advocacy campaigns, collaborating with partner

organizations and using evidence-based data to influence policy discussions. Building
coalitions and partnerships amplified the organization's impact on broader systemic change.

7. Self-Care and Emotional Resilience:

Challenge: Engaging with beneficiaries' stories and challenges could take an emotional toll
on staff and interns.

Management: UYDEL emphasized self-care strategies and mental health support for staff and
interns. Regular debriefing sessions, peer support networks, and encouraging a culture of
open communication helped mitigate emotional burnout.

In conclusion, the challenges faced during my internship at UYDEL were met with a
combination of strategic approaches, collaboration, and a commitment to making a
difference. Through innovative problem-solving, training, community engagement, and self-
care practices, UYDEL effectively managed these challenges, ensuring that disadvantaged
youth received the support and empowerment they deserved.

3.6. Benefits derived from field attachment.

My field attachment at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) was an enriching and
transformative experience that yielded numerous benefits, both personally and professionally.
The attachment provided me with invaluable insights, skills, and growth opportunities that
have contributed to my development in various ways:

1. Practical Application of Knowledge:

Through field attachment, I had the chance to apply theoretical knowledge gained from my
studies in social sciences directly to real-world scenarios. This practical application enhanced
my understanding of concepts and deepened my appreciation for the relevance of academic
learning in a practical context.

2. Hands-On Skill Development:

Working at UYDEL allowed me to develop a diverse range of practical skills, including case
assessment, counseling, program facilitation, and data collection. These skills are transferable
and can be applied to various roles within the field of youth development and social work.

3. Enhanced Interpersonal Skills:

Engaging with beneficiaries, fellow interns, and staff members honed my communication,
empathy, and active listening skills. These skills are crucial not only in social work but also
in building meaningful relationships and effective teamwork.

4. Exposure to Complex Cases:

Encountering complex cases and challenging situations provided me with the opportunity to
develop problem-solving skills and learn how to approach sensitive issues with sensitivity
and professionalism.

5. Cultural Competence:

Working with diverse communities exposed me to different cultural norms, beliefs, and
practices. This experience enhanced my cultural competence, enabling me to engage with
individuals from various backgrounds more effectively.

6. Professional Networking:

During my attachment, I had the chance to interact with fellow interns, staff members, and
external partners. These connections enriched my professional network and provided
opportunities for future collaborations and learning.

7. Confidence and Independence:

Successfully fulfilling my assigned duties and responsibilities at UYDEL boosted my self-

confidence and sense of independence. I learned to take initiative, make decisions, and
contribute meaningfully to team efforts.

8. Insight into Nonprofit Operations:

Experiencing the day-to-day operations of a nonprofit organization broadened my

understanding of organizational structures, resource management, and the challenges faced
by NGOs in delivering impactful services.

9. Personal Fulfillment:

Witnessing the positive impact of my contributions on disadvantaged youth brought a sense

of fulfillment and purpose. Knowing that my efforts played a role in improving the lives of
others was immensely rewarding.

10. Career Clarity and Direction:

Field attachment provided me with clarity about my career aspirations and affirmed my
passion for working in the field of youth development and social work. It helped me identify
areas of interest and potential career paths.

In conclusion, my field attachment at UYDEL was a transformative experience that brought

about numerous benefits. From practical skills and cultural competence to personal growth

and career clarity, the attachment played a pivotal role in shaping my journey toward
becoming a more capable and compassionate professional in the field of youth development.

3.7. Adequacy in University’s preparing the student for field attachment

Makerere University has demonstrated a commendable level of adequacy in preparing

students for field attachment experiences. The university's approach to academic curriculum
and practical training equips students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and mindset to
excel during field attachment periods. Several factors contribute to the university's
effectiveness in this regard:

1. Comprehensive Theoretical Foundation:

Makerere University provides students with a strong theoretical foundation in disciplines

such as social sciences, sociology, and psychology. This academic grounding ensures that
students have a solid understanding of key concepts, principles, and theories relevant to their
chosen field of study, which they can apply during their field attachment.

2. Relevant and Updated Curriculum:

The university's curriculum is designed to reflect current trends, challenges, and best
practices in the fields of social sciences, sociology, and psychology. This ensures that
students are exposed to the latest research, methodologies, and approaches that are applicable
to real-world settings.

3. Practical Skill Development:

Makerere University places a strong emphasis on practical skill development alongside

theoretical learning. Students are provided with opportunities to engage in experiential
learning, simulations, and hands-on exercises that simulate real-world scenarios they might
encounter during field attachment.

4. Interdisciplinary Approach:

The university's interdisciplinary approach encourages students to explore the intersections

between different disciplines, enabling them to develop a holistic understanding of complex
social issues. This prepares them to address multifaceted challenges they may encounter
during their field attachment.

5. Supportive Faculty and Mentorship:

Faculty members at Makerere University play a pivotal role in guiding, mentoring, and
preparing students for their field attachment. Their expertise, guidance, and feedback help
students navigate the transition from classroom learning to practical application.

6. Ethical and Professional Standards:

Makerere University emphasizes ethical conduct and professionalism in its curriculum.
Students are educated about ethical considerations, cultural sensitivity, and best practices,
ensuring they approach their field attachment with a strong sense of responsibility and

7.Exposure to Diverse Communities:

The university's location in Uganda provides students with opportunities to engage with
diverse communities, cultures, and socioeconomic backgrounds. This exposure enhances
students' ability to work effectively in a variety of settings and with individuals from
different walks of life.

8. Pre-Attachment Preparation:

Makerere University often conducts pre-attachment orientations, workshops, and seminars to

prepare students for the challenges and expectations of field attachment. These sessions
provide insights into practical aspects, ethical considerations, and potential scenarios they
might encounter.

In conclusion, Makerere University's approach to education equips students with the

academic foundation, practical skills, and ethical mindset needed for successful field
attachment experiences. The university's commitment to holistic learning, supportive faculty,
and relevant curriculum ensures that students are well-prepared to make meaningful
contributions during their attachment periods and beyond.

3.8. Preparedness of the Agency to receive and manage students for field attachment.

Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) demonstrated a high level of preparedness and
commitment to receiving and effectively managing students for field attachment. The
agency's proactive approach, well-structured programs, and supportive environment ensured
that students could engage in meaningful learning experiences while contributing to
UYDEL's mission. Here's an overview of UYDEL's preparedness:

1. Structured Internship Programs:

UYDEL had well-defined and structured internship programs in place, outlining the roles,
responsibilities, and expectations for students. This ensured that interns had a clear
understanding of their scope of work and how they would contribute to the organization's

2. Comprehensive Orientation:

The agency conducted comprehensive orientations for incoming students, introducing them
to UYDEL's history, goals, programs, and the communities they would be working with. This
orientation provided context and set the stage for a productive internship experience.

3. Experienced Supervisors:

UYDEL assigned experienced supervisors to guide and mentor students during their
attachment. These supervisors were knowledgeable in youth development, social work, and
related fields, providing interns with valuable insights and support.

4. Collaborative Work Environment:

The agency fostered a collaborative and inclusive work environment where interns could
actively engage with staff members, beneficiaries, and fellow interns. This collaborative
culture encouraged knowledge sharing, skill development, and teamwork.

5. Well-Defined Roles:

UYDEL ensured that each intern had a well-defined role and responsibilities aligned with
their academic background and career goals. This tailored approach allowed students to apply
their skills and contribute effectively to UYDEL's programs.

6. Learning Opportunities:

The agency created opportunities for interns to participate in various aspects of UYDEL's
work, including case assessments, counseling sessions, program planning, and community
engagement. This exposure enriched interns' learning experiences and broadened their skill

7. Ongoing Training and Development:

UYDEL provided continuous training and development opportunities to interns, ensuring

they were equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in their roles.
Workshops, seminars, and skill-building sessions were conducted to enhance interns'
professional growth.

8. Supportive Feedback Mechanisms:

The agency established regular feedback mechanisms to assess interns' progress, address any
challenges, and provide constructive guidance. This open communication channel allowed
interns to reflect on their performance and make necessary improvements.

9. Cultural Sensitivity and Community Engagement:

UYDEL emphasized the importance of cultural sensitivity and community engagement.

Interns were encouraged to learn about the local culture, respect community norms, and
actively engage with beneficiaries to establish meaningful connections.

10. Safety and Well-Being:

UYDEL prioritized the safety and well-being of interns by providing a safe working
environment, clear guidelines for engaging with beneficiaries, and access to necessary

In conclusion, Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) demonstrated a strong
commitment to receiving and managing students for field attachment. The agency's structured
programs, experienced supervision, collaborative environment, and focus on learning and
development ensured that interns had a valuable and enriching experience while contributing
meaningfully to UYDEL's initiatives.

Conclusions and Recommendations.

4.1. Conclusions

In conclusion, my internship experience at Uganda Youth Development Link (UYDEL) has

been a transformative journey that has enriched my knowledge, skills, and perspective in the
fields of youth development, social work, and community engagement. Throughout this
experience, several key points have emerged, highlighting both my strengths and areas for


1. Passion for Empowering Disadvantaged Youth: My dedication to empowering

disadvantaged youth was a driving force behind my contributions at UYDEL. This passion
fueled my commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of beneficiaries.

2. Effective Communication and Relationship Building: My strong communication skills

enabled me to connect with beneficiaries, fellow interns, and staff members. Building rapport
and fostering meaningful relationships allowed me to contribute effectively to team dynamics
and program implementation.

3. Adaptability and Problem-Solving: I demonstrated adaptability by successfully

navigating challenges such as cultural differences, complex cases, and limited resources. My
ability to think critically and find innovative solutions contributed to the overall effectiveness
of my work.

4. Commitment to Continuous Learning: My proactive approach to seeking learning

opportunities, attending training sessions, and embracing new experiences showcased my
commitment to professional growth and development.

Areas for Growth:

1. Enhancing Complex Case Management: While I effectively engaged with beneficiaries,

further developing my skills in managing complex cases and trauma-informed care would
enable me to provide even more comprehensive support to those in need.

2. Resource Management and Mobilization: Strengthening my ability to optimize available

resources and explore innovative ways of resource mobilization would contribute to more
sustainable and impactful program outcomes.

3. Time Management and Prioritization: Building stronger time management strategies

and prioritization techniques would enhance my efficiency in managing multiple
responsibilities within limited timeframes.

4. Advocacy and Policy Change: Expanding my knowledge of advocacy strategies and
policy change efforts would empower me to contribute more effectively to addressing
systemic challenges and promoting social change.

In summary, my internship at UYDEL has been a rewarding and enlightening experience that
has reinforced my dedication to youth empowerment and community development. My
strengths in passion, communication, adaptability, and commitment to learning have allowed
me to make meaningful contributions to UYDEL's programs. As I continue on my
professional journey, I am motivated to further develop my skills in complex case
management, resource mobilization, time management, and advocacy. I am grateful for the
opportunities and insights gained during this internship, and I look forward to applying these
lessons to future endeavors aimed at creating positive change in the lives of disadvantaged

4.2. Recommendations

Recommendations for Strengthening the Field Attachment/Internship Program at

Makerere University:

1. Curriculum Integration: Collaborate with industry professionals and practitioners to ensure

that the curriculum aligns with the latest industry trends and equips students with relevant
skills for their field attachment experiences.

2. Pre-Attachment Preparation: Conduct comprehensive pre-attachment orientations that

provide students with a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and expectations
during the internship. This will help students feel more confident and prepared as they
transition into their field placements.

3. Diverse Placement Opportunities: Offer a diverse range of placement options to cater to

students' varying interests and career aspirations. This could include partnerships with a
wider array of organizations and sectors to provide a well-rounded learning experience.

4. Supervision and Mentorship: Ensure that each student has a dedicated and experienced
supervisor who can provide guidance, feedback, and mentorship throughout the attachment
period. Regular check-ins and opportunities for reflective discussions can enhance the
learning journey.

5. Structured Learning Objectives: Define clear learning objectives for each student, tailored
to their academic specialization and personal development goals. These objectives can serve
as a framework for evaluating students' progress and accomplishments.

Recommendations for Improving Service Delivery at Uganda Youth Development Link

1. Resource Mobilization: Implement strategies to diversify funding sources, including

seeking grants, partnerships, and donations, to enhance the agency's financial stability and
expand program reach.

2. Comprehensive Training: Provide specialized training for staff and interns in handling
complex cases, trauma-informed care, and cultural sensitivity. This will ensure a high
standard of support for beneficiaries with diverse needs.

3. Long-Term Impact Assessment: Establish a system to track and assess the long-term
impact of UYDEL's programs on beneficiaries. This could involve follow-up surveys and
evaluations to measure outcomes beyond the duration of the intervention.

4. Technological Integration: Explore the integration of technology for data management,

virtual support, and outreach. Utilizing digital tools can enhance program efficiency and
accessibility, especially in remote or resource-constrained areas.

Recommendations for Future Interns:

1. Open-Mindedness: Approach the internship experience with an open mind, willingness to

learn, and adaptability to new environments and challenges.

2. Proactive Engagement: Take initiative to engage with staff, beneficiaries, and fellow
interns. Building strong relationships and actively participating in activities will enrich your
learning experience.

3. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care and emotional well-being. Engage in regular reflection, seek
support when needed, and practice self-care strategies to prevent burnout.

4. Networking: Take advantage of networking opportunities to connect with professionals in

the field. Networking can lead to valuable mentorship, career insights, and future

5. Continuous Learning: Embrace opportunities for continuous learning, whether through

workshops, seminars, or independent research. This will enhance your skills and contribute to
your personal and professional growth.

Incorporating these recommendations will contribute to an enriched field attachment program

at Makerere University, an improved service delivery approach at UYDEL, and the
successful experiences of future interns. By fostering collaboration, growth, and a
commitment to positive change, both educational institutions and organizations like UYDEL
can continue to make meaningful contributions to the field of youth development and social


How to make the most out of your supervisory Relationship: Advice from supervisors and
Graduate students. (2010). Retrieved August 11, 2015, from Queen’s University Website:

Fall, P. L., & Zhang, Y. (2012). Staff recruitment in United Nations system organizations: a
comparative analysis and benchmarking framework: Gender balance and geographical
distribution. Retrieved August 3, 2015, from UN Joint Inspection Unit Website:

Interns in a meeting with the Executive Director

In a meeting with fellow staff at UYDEL

Beneficiaries that were registered for the catering skill in their catering and bakery classes.

Some of the donors of the organization inspecting the electronics class

Beneficiaries during an examination about what they have learnt in their skills training

Beneficiaries being tested for HIV and receiving sexual health education.

Beneficiaries that take on music, dance and drama skills entertaining visitors at the


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