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CONCEPT OF SCIENCE  Work: De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On

the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres)

“The observation, identification, description,
 The Earth is not the center of the universe.
experimental investigation, and theorical
explanation of natural phenomena” – The HELIOCENTRISM
American Heritage Dictionary of the English
Language (2004)  Copernicus proposed in Commentariulus (Little
“An ongoing theoretical dialogue with nature, in Commentary) that the Earth and the planets
which scientists have developed successively revolve around the Sun
more powerful models to account for a wider  This went against the prevailing view of
range of phenomena” - Snir et al. (2003) Ptolemy’s geocentrism, where the Earth is at
“Science is also a way of understanding the the center.
world and human interactions with it.” - Cobern  Copernicus proposed that… Venus and Mercury
(1993) are nearer to the Sun than Earth. Mars, Jupiter
“A human endeavor within which people try to and Saturn are farther from the Sun than to
make sense of the environment and a Earth.
worldview that is built around practices that  The Catholic Church believed that the Earth is at
purport to guide the individual towards a the center of the universe (Psalm 93:1)
personal understanding” - Watters and  Critics claim that Copernicus failed to provide a
Diezmann (2003) physical theory to justify the cause for the
“An intellectual as well as a social activity Earth’s motion.
carried out by humans in their pursuit to have a o This critique inspired a rethinking in the
better understanding of the natural world” - field of physics.
Gribbin (2003) o Kepler (planetary motion), Galileo
“Science as a cultural as well as individual (inertia) and Newton (gravity)
process of thoughts” - Bybee (1997) influenced the general acceptance of
Science as an idea, a personal or social activity, heliocentrism.
a course or field of study, and an intellectual CHARLES DARWIN
 An English naturalist and biologist in the 19th
 It was an era of enlightenment that allowed the  Darwin published his book On the Origin of
development of different scientific fields which Species (1859), which opened the idea of
changed the observations of society about evolution as the central theme of biology.
environment  Theory of natural selection as a mechanism of
 It was a golden age for the people committed to evolution
principles of science  He also published The Descent of Man that
 Invention of the microscope stirred controversy.
 Invention of the telescope  Natural selection played a role in the evolution
 Empiricism and the scientific method of man.
 Heliocentrism vs Geocentrism  This theory defies creationism, especially of the
 Flat earth vs Spherical earth Catholic Church.


NICOLAS COPERNICUS  Organisms that are more adapted to their

environment are more likely to survive and pass
 An astronomer in the Renaissance on the genes that aided their success.
 His work was often cited as the beginning of the  This process causes species to change and
Scientific Revolution diverge over time.
Human Evolution Cradles of Early Science

 Misconception: Humans came from monkeys  Science was developed in Asia, Europe,
and apes. Mesoamerica, and Africa.
 Correct: We share a common ancestor with  Science provided different ancient civilizations
monkeys and apes. the means to survive and understand the
 Evolution is a long-term process that results in natural and physical world.
species diversification  Science enables them to develop technologies
that helped them in their everyday life.
 An Austrian neurologist in the late 19th to early
20th Century  Covers the entire area of Central America, from
 He founded psychoanalysis to understand the southern Mexico up to the border of South
human’s inner life America
 His theory states that experiences shape  Cultural area in the Americas - Known for their
personality and human behavior. rich culture and indigenous knowledge system
 Aside from psychoanalysis, he also contributed  The Maya civilization is one of the prominent
to understanding: ancient civilizations that lasted for about 2000
o the unconscious mind, years.
o defense or coping mechanisms,
Maya Civilization - Known for their works in astronomy
o psychosexual development, and
o the emotional and psychological side  Accurately predicting eclipses
of mental health  Developing sophisticated calendar systems:
o Haab Calendar (365 days): based on the
The Mind’s 3 Components
solar cycles
 Id – a part that makes you do what you want o Tzolkin Calendar (260 days): related to
right away (pleasure) agricultural cycles, religious rituals, and
 Ego – a part that makes sure that you don’t do movement of celestial bodies
whatever you want right away (reality)  Constructing well-designed temples (i.e.,
 Superego – conscience; deals with what is right pyramid at Chichén Itzá, Mexico) to conduct
or wrong naked-eye astronomical observations of the
sun, moon, planets, and other celestial bodies
Scientist – because of their Curiosity, Creativity, Critical  Most scientifically-advanced people in
Thinking they were able to produce scientific Mesoamerica
knowledge, scientific discoveries and practices, and o Building of hydraulics system with
complex waterways
Civilization o Developing technology for growing
different crops
 Describes a complex way of life characterized by o Designing cities using ordinary
the urbanization of a community, division of machineries and tools
labor (social stratification), and shared methods o Devising a rainbow of glittery paints
of communication beyond natural spoken
made from mica
language (writing system)
o Producing rubber products
 Earliest civilizations developed between 4000
 Mayan Hieroglyphics – one of the world’s first
and 3000 B.C.E. in Mesopotamia “when the rise
writing system
of agriculture and trade allowed people to have
 Mayan positional number system – number
surplus food and economic stability.”
system based on the numeral 20. The concept
of zero and positional value

Inca Civilization  Indians developed Ayurveda, system of

traditional medicine
 Renowned civilization in Mesoamerica
o Discovered medicinal properties of
 Incas incorporated a large portion of western
plants to cure illnesses
South America, centered on the Andes
o Susrutasamhita of Sustruta - an ancient
text that describes surgical & medical
 Developed scientific ideas and technologies:
o Building roads covered with stones
o Constructing structures that can survive Astronomy
natural calamities like earthquakes
 Ancient India developed theories on the
o Creating quipu, a system of knotted
configuration of the universe as well as the year
ropes for record-keeping
of 360 days with 12 equal parts of 30 days each.
o Inventing a 12-month calendar to mark
 Interests of ancient India in astronomy, as noted
their festivals and planting seasons
by Sama (2008) from Siddhanta Shiromani:
o Constructing irrigation system for their
o Longitudes and latitudes of the planets
agricultural crops
o Diurnal rotation and its problems
o Building suspension bridges
o Eclipses and syzygies
o Creating Inca textiles
o Planetary conjunctions
Aztec Civilization o Paths of sun and moon

 A Mesoamerican culture that flourished in Mathematics

central Mexico from 14th to 16th centuries
 Ancient India tried to standardize measurement
 Consisted of different ethnic groups, particularly
of length via the Mohenjo-daro ruler.
those who spoke the Nahuatl language
 Aryabhata: introduced trigonometric functions
 Extensive contributions to science and
and techniques of algebra
 Brahmagupta: Hindu-Arabic numeral system
o Putting value in education
 Madhava: founder of mathematical analysis
o Using antispasmodic medication
o Developing an Aztec technology for EAST ASIA: CHINA
agriculture called chinampa
 Ancient China significantly contributed to areas
o Inventing canoe for travelling
like medicine, astronomy, science, mathematics,
o Producing chocolates from cacao beans arts, philosophy, and music.
o Creating an Aztec calendar for their  Their influence was observed in their
rituals and planting season neighboring countries especially those that
DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE IN ASIA belong to the Silk road

 Asia is a home to diverse cultural, economic, Medicine

scientific, and political activities.  Discovered medical properties of plants and
 Ancient civilizations in India, China, and the animals
Middle East are known in the fields of S&T and  Developed acupuncture as a medical method
mathematics. Technology
EAST ASIA: INDIA  Discovered and invented compass, gunpowder,
printing tools
Metallurgy  Invented tools like iron plough, wheelbarrow,
 Indians are known for their metallurgical works
and their iron manufacture
Technology Mathematics and Architecture

 Invented seismological detector  Geometry was a product of necessity to

 Developed first dry rock facility Astronomy preserve the layout and ownership of
 Recorded and preserved data on supernovas, farmlands along the Nile River
eclipses, comets  Rules of geometry were created to make
 Used lunar calendars and developed knowledge rectilinear structures, vital to the
in seismology that made them prepared during architecture in Egypt, resulted in:
natural events o Great structures of the Egyptian
o Ancient Egyptian cities
 The Golden Age of Islam (7th-13th century) o Early dams built to divert water
brought a period of intellectualization. from Nile
 Muslim scientists put greater value on science
Chemistry and Alchemy
experiments rather than plain thought
experiments.  Egypt was known in Africa to be a
 The Golden Age of the Muslim in Science center of alchemy.
declined in 11th to 13th century when the  They tried to study human anatomy,
Mongols destroyed learning institutions. pharmacology, and applied vital
components to the treatment of
Physics and Optics
 Ibn al-Haytam as the Father of Optics o Examination, diagnosis,
 Empirical proof of the intromission theory of treatment, prognosis → strong
light parallels to the basic empirical
method of studying science
 Introduction of the concept of algorithm and
the term algebra (al-jabr) by Muhammad ibn  The Africans used lunar, solar, and
Musa al-Khwarizmi stellar calendars or a combination of the
 Refinements to the Arabic numeral system such three to predict seasons and climates.
as the introduction of decimal point notation
Chemistry and Alchemy
 Africans invented metal tools used in
 Jabir ibn Hayyan as the Father of Chemistry their homes, in agriculture, and in
 Extensive description of qualities of different constructing their magnificent
metals architectures

Medicine Mathematics

 Ibn Sina as the first physician to conduct clinical  Lebombo Bone as the oldest known
trials mathematical artifact dated from 3500
 Founded the science of experimental medicine BCE
 Egyptians are good in the four
fundamental mathematical operations,
 The African continent has many natural and algebra, geometry
mineral resources that can be used to improve
the quality of life
 The early civilizations in Africa are also
considered knowledge-producers similar to
other ancient civilizations.

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