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Republic of the Philippines 09178208892

Province of Eastern Samar
Municipality of ARTECHE


Post Activity Report:

Formulation of the Comprehensive Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

In an effort to create an all-encompassing Comprehensive Barangay Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan, the Municipality of Arteche conducted a three-day
consultative workshop last October 2020. This workshop aimed to engage and collaborate
with key community stakeholders, including senior citizens, youth, women, and people with
disabilities, in the development of a comprehensive barangay disaster risk reduction and
management plan that addresses the unique needs and vulnerabilities of each group.

Day 1: Inaugural Meeting and Introduction

The workshop began with an inaugural meeting at the Arteche Municipal Hall. The
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer (LDRRMO) opened the session with a
warm welcome, emphasizing the importance of disaster preparedness and the vital role of
community stakeholders in shaping the Comprehensive Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plan.
Participants were introduced to the workshop objectives, and the roles and
responsibilities of each group were outlined. The day's activities included a review of previous
disaster events in the barangay, as well as an overview of the structure of the plan formulation

Day 2: Data Collection and Community Risk Assessment

This day was dedicated to data collection and community risk assessment of each
individual barangays of Arteche. Representatives from each sectoral group, including senior
citizens, youth, women, and people with disabilities, worked closely with members of the
Barangay Council and the DRRM Team to identify the specific vulnerabilities and requirements
of their respective communities.
I. Methodology:
1. Data Collection: Community Risk Assessments were conducted in each Barangay to
gather data on existing hazards, vulnerabilities, and capacities. The following
methodologies were employed:
- Hazard Mapping
- Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment
- Key Informant Interviews
- Household Surveys
2. Data Analysis: The collected data was analyzed to identify the most significant risks
and vulnerabilities for each Barangay.
II. Key Findings:
The Community Risk Assessments revealed the following key findings:
1. Hazard Identification: Each Barangay faces specific natural and human-made hazards.
These include typhoons, floods, earthquakes, landslides, fires, and health-related
2. Vulnerabilities: Vulnerable groups within the community were identified, including
children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, and those in low-income households.
3. Capacity Assessment: Each Barangay demonstrated varying levels of capacity in terms
of emergency response, early warning systems, and infrastructure.
4. Evacuation Planning: Evacuation routes and centers were identified, but
improvements are needed to ensure their accessibility and suitability.
5. Communication: Communication systems need strengthening to ensure timely
dissemination of information during emergencies.
III. Risk Prioritization:
Following the assessment, each Barangay ranked the identified risks based on their
severity and potential impact. These prioritized risks will form the basis for developing specific
risk reduction and management strategies.
IV. Community Participation:
Community members actively participated in the assessment process, sharing their
insights and concerns. This participatory approach ensures that the CBDRRMP reflects the
needs and priorities of the community.

Day 3: Consultative Workshops

The final day of the workshop consisted of consultative workshops. The community
stakeholders, together with the facilitators and resource persons, worked on various
components of the plan, ensuring that it addressed the unique needs of each group.
1. Senior Citizens Group Workshop: Senior citizens discussed their concerns, such as
mobility, access to healthcare, and medication. Strategies for ensuring their safety
during disasters and meeting their medical and emotional needs were incorporated
into the plan.
2. Youth Group Workshop: The youth group focused on creating awareness and
preparedness among their peers. They discussed the use of social media and
technology as communication tools during emergencies.
3. Women's Group Workshop: The women's group emphasized the importance of
addressing the needs of families and children in times of disaster. Childcare, hygiene,
and women's health considerations were integrated into the plan.
4. People with Disabilities Advocates Workshop: People with disabilities emphasized
the need for accessible infrastructure, communication, and support services. The
workshop incorporated provisions for inclusive disaster preparedness and response.

Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (BDRRM) Programs:

After the Community Risk Assessment (CRA), several Programs, Projects, and Activities
(PPAs) were proposed to address the following functional areas of the CBDRRMP:
I. Prevention and Mitigation
A. Infrastructure Resilience Enhancement
1. Retrofitting and strengthening of vulnerable public buildings, schools, and
healthcare facilities to withstand earthquakes and typhoons.
2. Implementation of flood control measures and drainage system improvements
to reduce flood risks in vulnerable areas.
B. Risk Assessment and Land-Use Planning
1. Conducting a comprehensive hazard and risk assessment to identify high-risk
2. Formulation of land-use policies that guide safe development and construction
in high-risk areas.
C. Community Education and Awareness
1. Organization of regular disaster preparedness seminars for community
2. Creation of educational materials to raise awareness on disaster risks and
safety measures.
II. Preparedness
A. Early Warning Systems
1. Establishment of a local weather monitoring station to provide timely weather
2. Implementation of a community alert system through SMS and local media.
B. Emergency Response Drills
1. Conducting regular evacuation drills and simulation exercises for various
disaster scenarios.
2. Training of community-based response teams in first aid and search-and-
rescue operations.
C. Stockpiling of Emergency Supplies
1. Creation of stockpiles of essential relief items such as food, water, and medical
2. Development of a system for distribution and management of these supplies
during emergencies.
III. Response
A. Emergency Coordination
1. Establishment of a Barangay Disaster Operations Center (BDOC) to coordinate
emergency response efforts.
2. Activation of an incident command system for efficient resource allocation and
decision-making during crises.
B. Search and Rescue Operations
1. Mobilization of trained search and rescue teams to locate and assist affected
2. Collaborative efforts with neighboring barangays and local government units
for a swift and coordinated response.
C. Medical and Psychological Support
1. Deployment of medical teams to provide first aid and medical care to disaster
2. Offering psychological first aid to help individuals cope with the emotional
impact of disasters.
IV. Rehabilitation & Recovery
A. Damage Assessment and Recovery Planning
1. Conducting post-disaster damage assessments to understand the extent of
2. Formulating recovery plans for infrastructure repair, livelihood restoration, and
community rebuilding.
B. Livelihood Support
1. Providing microloans and grants to affected businesses and farmers to
jumpstart their economic recovery.
2. Offering vocational and skills training programs to enhance the employability
of disaster-affected individuals.
Monitoring and Evaluation:
The formulation of the CBDRRMP also considered the importance of monitoring and
evaluation. Regular assessments and drills were planned to measure the effectiveness of the
strategies outlined in the plan. Feedback from community members and stakeholders would
be used to refine and adapt the plan over time.

The three-day consultative workshop for the formulation of the Comprehensive
Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan has been a resounding success. This
participatory approach, involving senior citizens, youth, women, and people with disabilities,
has created a comprehensive plan that truly reflects the unique needs and vulnerabilities of
each community group.
The final plan, which embodies the collective wisdom of the community, is now ready
for implementation. We are deeply grateful to all the participants and stakeholders for their
invaluable contributions throughout this process. Together, we are committed to building a
safer, more resilient Arteche, where every member of the community can face disasters with
confidence and preparedness. Our journey toward a disaster-resilient barangay continues,
and we look forward to the effective implementation of this comprehensive plan.

Prepared by: Jhun Ruel O. Corojeldo


Noted by: Natalio A. Operario Jr.


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