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“prMmichewed eiahebiy 0925'2 cially one 1g Cute Aalaall “BIOLOGY CDS redbee" yeaa - CYTOLOGY Prepared by: celts demas coal Lal JS 925121809 -- 0915121809 0927264974 gyyrnaltlyyl soya ao > Its the science ‘ a= ase : ‘i t > The animal cell is the unt gow sous fanetion in living organisms . ox ~" ® The cell is linked to diseovery ofthe mictoscoPE> — \5AL which is invented by ( a > Levinhock became more invo his new improved microscope Was al that no man had ever seen. before - > He saw bacteria , yeast , blood cells & many tiny animals swimming about drop of water . ved in science & with ble to see things ome be fa a = a) Ba > A cell is the smallest unit of the living thing . > A living thing . whether made of one cell ( like bacteria ) or many cells (like a human ), is called organism . > Cells are the basic building blocks of all organisms > Cells vary in size , > Cells cannot be seen with naked eye . so scientists use microscope to study them . ( micro = small , scope = to look at ) B\AON eee N yy bs (S53) > Microscope’: is a instrument that sisnles an qa object . 4 » Most photographs of the cell are taken with 4 s2°. microscope & these images can also be called Pinos A220. : GB ermcraes eines acterial flagellum Nucieoid (circular ONAY Sd28 i : romney a. take ‘The cell wall acts as : ee ® A-(Exiralayer forpprorectionr. 2 B— Help the cell maintain its laa’. SSMGER® C -#Preventideydrations. aE Alipligaa® The act as: . Gels a the cell to om the surtacesn its Cease _»_ enviroment } Some'prokaryotic hay dy Ls for Po ence 2 heise a type ee a5” called comin \ajial ot le ay 2—Eukarvotie: > osbde # Its more complex cell # Cells of animals , plants , fungi & protists are all eukaryotic. .\,, 4s Gp Laon H Haye true nucleus , ‘mebranous organelles such as mitochondria , 5 eaters reticulum , sc . chloroplasts . A quate x ae Have several fod shaped ehromosoniesy. \Siybtoshalt U2 4 iit Splileic * gon ugation Alta Ges 4 7A uch ol 3 Wo membranous organelles stink Lal On mitochndria & endoplasmic ok reticulum | poe Ae 7S La {Small ribosome ote es osome ay ‘attached to endoplasmic | scattered in | | ep re ~ If present flagella ex@2ajarrangemeht oF off ee nies tre wo) Cell wall if present miaiup |) °C | > ofa oct »| Celis arcane @h@shoomnm) Calis are small @OB™= | = ed) prmvome SE oO = ee Lajacla each LGpL Gs we (0927264974 gy suid yu Bast eMobamad CebsDly osasiia 09131808, : ry i ssf a Usually large sized geSurronded by ns oe a pieel a (599288 mebranes separated by vdistance of 20-400, Mt eth faves in ramny places 19 07%, © faethe merges of th - i ak Poe » gr The wenetic material DNA ‘exists in the form of of smote & nuclear envelope Compo 4 yx tio rs eee nucleus : eo ‘Contains th oe from one cell to at ‘ahother by division, Be ne 2- Regulate the activity of the \ayers ‘Prmeramencraneany osasasce Josmaisen | - pbs BONS a Aone oa Doda Ors #2 Consists of about ee wsiproteins & 5%fats’. eal Jagan sm is ero ening “the ae ok ie s(GlDout the cell. place . without amie call would bd be materials would not be able to pass easily from one organelle to another edgar Ly. li = bes poe ee | organelles in the size bonds inyewrds forming) > pikes Se aed enlenee eal Fpdnac® es of the mitochondria fill by thick{liquidlealled matrix | t=, (eyeing sng has # Th matrix|contain s,gome Enzymes|that are involved in ches cu chemical processes tine cellular ae . * ley Ce. ‘egret © dal Cris ngpess a Tpansisie0 / 21202602 ATP synthase particles : inter membrane space inner membrane Outer membrane ‘oapsi2is9 / 0919121803 ‘or Mobered Esha Asi Sete ae aR ae ae Neultifold pe i Ges pre pp maniglag a Iehin ———— ak required by the cell, age = I oy There arf2 types}: s eees| ough 5 ot a ligt # The two types Dpecoatogettier clay ees ae ce wee? 9r Cells prodiicing proteins > # Cells producing ‘a & sree re smooth | ae (SER) Gres HPS Migs AEG A= a RER have any PIbosRES siving it (rough) (nape ‘appearance 2) The main functions of (RER and § SER de LS Aa ~ Rough ; synthesis offproteing & saihechow artes fans progkiced by ribosomes ee, sas quataly> sh’ aga% ‘Smooth : play # major role in », 1 empmmmmainengan produce SrMohomed Clahedly 09! " 5- RIBOSOME : Non membranous roanelle b=" gr CONSIST,OF 2 UNITS, [onell = - ie tee fr The two tits don’t “init tii only when nee Bost Pf ome aa Czy a Theye are large numbers of the aan in the Gi os cells that | Create(proteins) becitise it is the only place Where amino acid is created . aa Soteoh Ribosome diameter = 1 L 4a) pel cians ces Si) i Ri@oseme 2 = Aas ley ta pate sale gly sorcath Large Subunit Instructions to make a written (on @ RIN molecule in the cstoes Sriiota mad Elaheblg 0920121808 / 0915121809 P Glade fecties co gr May few or may hundreds depending on themppEro: 2) he =e Ye Uahion Shao aint ysotom 4 kyoaees oud Alaa) Lag oa odelod lous» 2 T ts wil ARDS GD , ae eae os Nahas Cates 58 are ee : Phegocytics 3 AAS PED Gs ppt = ie ke lysosome 22 (=! EIR ase ee digest jon 5 LysoSome Ned oy} (20,7 ~ THE LYSOSOMES ee, Age yee ae s are formed in\golgi\apparatus . 52°. 4? Contain enzymes inalyst of carbohydrates , proteins Green lipids. og cll ye Cucdug FE re phage ( these are cells Tren entra pect of phagosytosis) eg ae BeGos ds # Lysosomes are formed by inclusion of digestive enzymes such as proteases & lipases z out zn : oN WL enzymes from the rest of the ‘OrMchemed €leiebly 092521809 / 09EHI2TEOS Ley estat UR "ay hundreds depening om th on th =) the 6a. eS #8 Cells a eae b=S yet E Says ch gig phagoeyties ( these are sails od Quads 7 Lysosomes are formed by inclusion of digestive ‘ yes enzymes such ai pratenses & lim & Abahos Ae oon’ ) sh WS enzymes from the rest of the jest yaaa ; otherwisetheir — el x aa result of fe of the cell (OP SRCES oe istase called called where the,,,. te <— Gautilage of theljoint is attacl ttadled by lysosomes Snzsiees, wat Lag cua Eisen | «|i ame Qnty ai : : : a5 gh ss i bain (9927264974 : eet be cash roo J vexie cntnnid Food vacuole ear marerial agen Had ole Leben a aml 9 i Leonie - sme 29 po Amb obey s+ 8 -- Peroxisomes : add 51d Lyte Hod, orle i032 on} @ The ee — three different types of simian “NaS stale lenient’. Bean CAs'ot # From narrowest to widest they are : gary — 1 - Microfillaments (Actin fillaments ). + Axszt ? nei POP HS 0927264974 epi yal dye es com 6+ play? T -- Peroxisomes : _Peroxisomes : Js os 9® ¢ —#-Vesicles cont in enzymes ct tee ~“eompoumd ich as nydrogeneperaxstes bce a decomposition of these t Figure a ANS) ad pda Lio sal Ak 9-—_ The Cytoskeleton 4s, 27 -O es aya Ho Ore pyo® W The cytoskeleton has three different types of panei elements’. Lega CPprs'g 4 _% From narrowest to widest they are ; Per 4— | - Microfillaments (Actin fillaments ). Asst : Sani, oniz809 e91521608 Aa Loli > 3— Microtubules. 25 cellular movements. # intermediate fillaments nucleus & other Ea Miscolales Vaal egy Ls help the cet to resist compression . ae 2 as tracks for motor proteins that _ - movei@@@iGl@S through... Sse0 5 pul aS chromosomes 4 —They act as structural elements of | ABI as » op NNO § ols Sap a* AD I et CPi ona Se 10 —Centrioles : 4 } GBs Gor Ae AS SASL paleo bey ! non menb: oe eye pee inipuits . OSs 52 Guan eee Psyiesiioe — 7 Each one isimad® u cari sae —2 # During cell division the centriole replicate —> “9-1, | cies themselves to thejgppOsit@ poles of the cell . Ew Wi Have a tole\in aren of spindle fibers . Qs Seat Yopertsaoun Sy 2B apd alau J 2 Vy Abia oe wy eet LIL 2 0927264974 auton sone . ‘PrMohemed Clahebly oazsi2is09 / 0319121809 ste of 10" 4# Recently shown that the SH op just SP uf ly yani whole cytoskeleton nat ape — led them being renamed 2 [ht Ges Im center, 4 ; attiole IR) =) tut mathe appeneasages ALS updistal PI . i Fe epeay oh es aye ° \ , ae mnemiovenre> - Ee Distal ends 6, se ovgesnente ks i - yous! nev 4 Sm ah p> Microtubule triplet Daughter ¢ SEN WA oN p= 11 —Thee ndomembr rs —— proteins: 7 espe eee Se Sole e Ss : 1s a. group of membranes & organelles in eukaryote cells oe @ Ve ‘hat works together to modify , package & transport lipids & proteins . 3 ou o}, gull Oye 7 _# It include nuclear envelope , lysosome, vesicles , | 5-28 Asis ensoplasmic reticulum , golgi , cell membrane . nM ©®: The endomembrane system does not include the membranes of either mitochondria or chloroplasts . iL ha fered 3 Beckin + us gme divection Namero' VON Ly gitet % - yomm 12 - CILIAAND Feeney See cytoplasmic threads: Shes 8 nels . they Se thin Jaen c of the cell , also Pantie a ew -projecting from the surfact eee “& have similar stucture . > Sylad ; = # Cilia are present seme bes on the surface of > some cells such as Spithrelsaianis » thei 4 function is to beat Beat backwards forward\in ea FE oA» direction. tay bo eo # The flagella normally moves the organism , as in the sperm cells.which stat Lapp Gasitc! Ie" # Cilia & flagella both contain a characteristics SN arrangement of nine outer pairs & two central ones this is called eae arrangement - tyoays' ios asad U intestine #The microvilli of the ef the products of digestion 2 thelium alow Microvilli Cell membrane Mitochondrion Intestinal epithelial cell 14~ PLASMA(CELL) MEMBRANE —

on Se ( : &are ise onan slatoy — water heating ). e 2% The phaspholipids molecules ecsilorconsucof of Sayer. ie ven me Sj Hgrbobible ren a ‘ctyoatinlt pid wit ccarbonwarate amtached Integral membrane proteins Cytoskeletal flarnents A Transport proteins ‘yh Ug. Channel profeins Qt e - Receptors « habeas E. Enzymatic Sash i roteins i= git eee ashe) en surface membrane ie UWSP Gys'Lan anisior’sls, +a 2 inside ba Outside” | w= el ‘outside, ids ecg nctecalet © slay a Laas: ae Adaya a Go Both BSN iss Eee Saye S piligce.are 2 nec yess Gf tenant: | aa ey os Passive : which noenergy . > WBE SE Sail 2e active: : that’s generally employ ATP. 5 se TRANSPORT MECHANISM ACTIVE traisport (PASSIVE transport K NA PUMP S|MPLE DIFFUSION -FACILLITATED diffusion A) PHAGOCYTOSIS - OSMOSIS B) PINOCYTOSIS EXOCYTOSIS | shyly Ji Si WG SBeag x ys eo 19 + 0927264974 gyysil yg! ya taal! Galt Vatsigs yA—ve i spreading,the exghan .c of materials iui , and pray tniportant role: between the cell and in the surrounding these materials are : : Gdigigc —_ G9U3H Ong , CERPTTGRERA 8: Sas ba ‘soos in Aaiserparcgn Go ston ssn 01 ,, 35 au B— OSMOSIS : 's the net Movement of water to low water concentrate through 2 yo <1 , paftially permeable membrane . Sl Et ee Lata Tio" ALL Proal Ith se ‘PreMiohames €tenably 0929121809 / 945131003 TYPES OF SOLUTION: —> S\\=9§ 15>" 1 — Hypertonic solution : The solution d have higher solute concentration se G39 ass 8 tay < 2 Hypotonic solution : the solution surrounding 2 cell _ 5X_s5_a\ !Ower'solute concentration . a olution surrounding a cell haver ~ Isotonic solution : The s seen 3 same solute concentration. .\3a\\ 0_sax(nas Soi pe Solution Solutoin Sek concentration | | osmosi ie | __Hypotonic Lower than cell into cell SAS > J | Higher than cell | Outof cell SLD \ | No net movement Ly cat |__Hypertonie Isotonic | eaguneh)s| Sia C= FACILITED DIFFUSION Luis s # Molecules are carried from high t assisted by protein carrier a Pail 03 2 — Active transport : jl ie as cell gy QAATP cys # A substance must move congentration gradient . ‘ Hit (927264074 austen! oe ‘DisMohamed Clahebly O85121809 /0915021509 Osby gd G55 image 07 L993 er) S, prPlay important role if spreadingihe, ey of mate between the cell and in the Sea Wamedium » am these materials are : Gags aa acemmmmnam «sound 20 ‘season in PFORS GED . CAOOH ATONE : cp Goi depioe aS =29-BY osmosis: isan pcre wae through a_ UI ‘ally | ane Treaiaee a Sha Se Vaile peo” TVPES OF SOLUTION: —> SALosi 1 — Hypertonic solution : The solution have higher Me Gs = = 2 Hypotonic solution : the solution surrounding 2 cell have” oo) — Isotonic solution : The solution surrounding @ cell have™ Gris dohnasaneentiatait Nay i Gand = oo shat [Solution " Solutoin aslo a - juire i S aaa cengtt) Oss ie eee = BrMohei med Clshenty 9925'21809 / oa istetsog ths ay Tie Geert Rein Trampert es tes function) in agen a ve athe im SSaMeaas cease A-PHAGOCYTOSIS : ‘hero ss by which a cell (ete Jig engulfs 2 solid particles AL ee rch ce mneinicdie ———t or wholewell # In phagacytosis a portion ‘of membrane Le coy oo ee *— &ifleivmaroumd the particl eventually pinching off : ! - & leaving the particle og enclosed by plasma alé 6? FF the’ procece by which a cell jus brings them inside. anes {el lis produgfiag a smatl env: doe soa)! that Orne ell “28 929 pst e a p ‘rmchemed eranedly ostsprscs/ 09107909 & gen Ghat Ail PS hate * inenes Ol G 2 The plastha membrane invae! outside tHe i ai eof mii a ; P (palais i | wees from Aas we #P\a process by which mat Se. # Most animals cells release materials into the extracellu;lar matrix. (yl wi dol x ## The primary in of these muatemialy are peo Vike yp ye ; caimost abumndatit protein is collagem Collagen rs are interwoven with carbohydrate containing Pr Mohamed Gish named Elshebiy csa5i2i609 / 035121809 Lode Cevespgs aca % Cells can communicate “contact, reffered to asi 2 Theduinetions between planteells °8 “7 The jjumesions between — lesgatbe glee © (mesons . ncaa = sm a aha C4 bPs>52 # Present in thelani (2 “Gap that allows for the Other substances’. aigf' HE Plasma membrane of cell 2 | Gap junction channel Extracellular space ails « dual gall aged ~magh « 6 gill) e153 Lah (adth| Clade \Aualsi * 7 5 927284974 Pret a

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