Adobe Scan 21-Nov-2023

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Q.1.What is contribution of Ramdeo Mishra?

Q.2. What are the major biomes of India?

Q.3.How does temperature affect flora and fauna?

Q.4. Why do we not get mango trees in Canada& Germany, snow leopards in Kerala and tuna in
Tropical Ocean?

Q.5.Explain following with suitable examples:

a.Allen's rule b.Bregmann's rule c.Rensch's rule d.Glogger's rule e.Jordan's rule
Q.6.What reason do evolutionaryBiologists believe in success of mammals?
Q.7.Why are humming birds not found in the polar region?

Q.8.State the xerophytic adaptations of Cactus and adaptations of camel as the ship of desert,
desert lizards and kangaroo rats..

Q.9.How does water affect flora and fauna?

Q.10. Classify soil on basis of particle size and composition. State the factors that affect the
distribution of plants and animals.

Q.11. Represent the responses of organism between internal and external level through a graph.

Q.12. State 4 responses shown by the organisms towards albiotic factors.

Q.13.What are the 4 components of population growth. Represent expanding, stable and
declining population through graph.
Q.14.Construct population growth curve for following with specificconditions:
a. dN/dt=rN (Exponential growth)

b. dN/dt- (K-N)/K(Logistic growth)

Q.15.Explain following interactions with t,-,0 indications and examples:
a. Predation b. Competition c.Parasitism d.Commesalism e. Ammensalism d. Proto co-operation
e.Symbiosis f. Mutualism.

Q.16.State some parasitic adaptations of ecto/endoparasite that confirms their survival in the
host body.
0.17.What is diapauses? Give an example.

Q.18.Why did prickly pear Cactus cause havoc in Australia and how was it controlled?

Q.19. How and why did Piaster's removal from enclosed intertidal area cause extinction of

Q.20. What is mimicry? What do you mean by Batesian and Mullerian mimicry? Give
Q.21. What is camouflage? Give an example of it.
defence against herbivory?
Q.22.How have the plants developed morphological and chemical
it with an example from
Q.23.Write the statement of Gause's Exclusion Principle and explain
Galapagos island.
resource partitioning. State contributions of
Q.24.What do you mean by competitive release and
Conneli and Mc.Arthur.

fig tree and wasp?

Q.25. State the reason of mutual relationship between
example of it.. How is it different from brood
Q.26. What do you mean by sexualdeceit? Give an
Give examples.
Q.27. What do you mean byco evolution and co extinction?
compensated by the body?
Q.28. What is altitude sickness? How is it naturally
Q.29.What are the four aspects of ecosystem

Q.30. Explain the following terms:

g.Catabolism h.Humification
a. Productivity b.GPP c. NPP d.SPP e.Fragmentation f. Leaching
i.Mineralisation j. PAR and its range k. Complex food chain.
Q.31.What is difference between GFC and DFC? Give an example of

Q.32. What is food web? Why does it arise? Give an example of it.

Q.33. What do you mean by standing crop? How is it measured?

Q.34.Who gave the concept of Ecological pyramids? Construct pyramids for following:

a.Pyramid of number

b.Pyramid of biomass
c.Pyramid of energy

d.Inverted pyramids.
with the help of an example.
Q.35.Who gave the concept of 10% law?Explain it
with example:
Q.36. Explain following diagrammatically in order

a. Hydrosere

Q.36.What is difference between pioneer species and climax

Q,37.Explain following:

a. Carbon Cycle

b.Phosphorus Cycle

Which of these is a perfect cycle and why?

formation,nutrient cycling,
Q.38.State various ecosystem services. State contributions of soil
ractions, climatic regulation and habitat of wild life in it.
broadly utilitarian and ethical heads.
Q.39. State the importance of biodiversity under narrowly,
Q.40.Represent species area relationship through graph for:
a. S=CA'

b. Log S= log C+ Z log A

Q.41. What do you mean by Alien species? How and why do they affect biodiversity? Give examples.
Q.42. Why should we conserve biodiversity?.Answer it under narrowly utilitarian,broadly utilitarian and
ethical heads.

Q.43.What do you mean by following:

a.Hot Spot


c.Red Data Book

at least one example of
Q,44. What do you mean by ex-situand in-situ conservation of Biodiversity? Give

of this summit?
Q.45.Where was the Earth Summit held? What were the major considerations

Write important points of:

a.Environment Protection Act 1986

b.Air(Prevention and Control of Pollution )Act 1981

c.Water(Prevention ad Control of Pollution)Act 1974.

harmful effects of air pollution on

Q.46.What do you mean by point ,mobile sources of air pollution? State

precipitators in it.
Q.47. How can we control air pollution? State the roles of electrostatic
IVand BS VI?
Q.48. Nhy is CNG a better substitute for petrol, diesel? What do you mean by BS
pollution,impact on human
Q.49.What are the normal units of sound in decibel.State the sources of sound
and the methods to control it.

Q.50.Through agraph represent the effect of sewage discharge on the characteristics of water and
impact on life.

Q.51. What do you mean by BOD,COD,DO ? State the values of these.

Q.52. What do you mean by Eutrophication and Algal blooming? Why do these occur? What do you mean
by accelerated eutrophication?
Q.53.What is Biomagnification? How is it different from Biofortification ?Explain it with an example of
aquatic food chain. How has it affected aquatic birds?
Q.54.How can we control water pollution?
Green toilets?
o.55. What are Ecosan and
we manage solid wastes? What do
o S6 What are the reasons of Solid waste? What is e Waste? How can
vou mean by 3Rs in e waste

O.57.How has Ahmed Khan founda remedy for plastic
affect human? Name at least 3 nuclear
Q.58.What are the reasons of radioactive pollution? How can this
disasters of the world.

Q.59. How can we manage radioactive wastes?

pollution? State contribution of Ramesh Chandra
Q.60. What is organic farming? How does it control
warming? How are they interrelated? Through a
Q.61.What do youmean by Green House Effect & GIobal
N,0,CO,CHa and CFC for green house effect.
pie chart represent relative contribution of
Q.62.How has globalwarming affected flora, fauna and the
do you mean by
What are the reasons of Ozone depletion with special reference to CFC? What
floraand fauna?
Ozone hole? Howdoes ozone depletion affect
0.64.State the unit of Ozone thickness

Q.65. Write short notes on following:

c.Desertification d.Slash and Burn agricultuire e.Jhum
a.Snow blindness b.Montreal Protocol i. Joint Forest Management. J.
h.Electrostatic precipitators
f.Chipko Movement g.Reforestation steps
Metallicpollution of water and their effects
Devi BishnoiWild life Protection award?
Q.66. Why has the GOlinitiated Amrita
and El nino effects?
Q.67. What are the reasons of Al nino
the aquatic environment?
Q.68.What is FOAM? How has it helped in maintaining
Arcata and Humboldt State University helped in
integrated waste water
Q.69. How has the town of


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