Long Term Vertical Changes

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J Clin Periodontol 2004; 31: 1024–1028 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2004.00574.

x Copyright r Blackwell Munksgaard 2004

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved

J. P. Bernard1, J. P. Schatz2,
Long-term vertical changes of the P. Christou2, U. Belser3 and
S. Kiliaridis2

anterior maxillary teeth adjacent Departments of 1Oral Surgery;

Orthodontics; 3Prosthodontics, University of
Geneva, School of Dental Medicine, Geneva,

to single implants in young and


mature adults
A retrospective study
Bernard JP, Schatz JP, Christou P, Belser U, Kiliaridis S. Long-term vertical changes of
the anterior maxillary teeth adjacent to single implants in young and mature adults. A
retrospective study. J Clin Periodontol 2004; 31: 1024–1028. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-
051X.2004.00574.x. r Blackwell Munksgaard, 2004.

Aim: To evaluate the effects of the tooth eruption process on the position of teeth
adjacent to implant-borne restorations in adult patients compared to patients in their
late adolescence.
Subject and Methods: The sample included 28 patients divided into two groups. A
‘‘young adult’’ group consisting of 14 patients, aged from 15.5 to 21 years, and a
‘‘mature adult’’ group consisting of 14 patients, aged from 40 to 55 years. All patients
presented missing anterior teeth, requiring insertion of 40 implant fixtures (16 central
incisors, 12 lateral incisors, 12 canines). The implants were of the Straumann Dental
Implant System, clinically and radiologically re-evaluated 1 year or more after the
surgical procedure (mean interval 5 4.2 years). Assessment of the eruption of the
adjacent teeth was performed using the implant as a stable point of reference:
measurements of the different reference points were compared after implant
placement and at follow-up examination.
Results: In the ‘‘young adult’’ group, all patients showed infra-occlusion of the
implant-supported crowns: the vertical step measured on radiographs varied between
0.1 and 1.65 mm. In the ‘‘mature adult’’ group, all patients showed a vertical
difference between the teeth adjacent to the implant-supported crown and the implant:
the measured step ranged from 0.12 to 1.86 mm. No difference was found in the
amount of vertical eruption between male and female patients, nor according to
Key words: adult patients; alveolar and
localization of the implant. skeletal growth; ankylosis; implants; tooth
Conclusion: Mature adults can exhibit major vertical steps after anterior restorations eruption
with osseointegrated fixtures to the same extent as adolescents or ‘‘young adult’’
individuals with residuous growth potential. Accepted for publication 17 December 2003

The absence of anterior permanent max- problem in young patients (Nordquist & Thilander et al. 1992, Sennerby et al.
illary teeth following trauma or congeni- McNeill 1975, Dietschi & Schatz 1997). 1993) showing that implants behave like
tal aplasia is a difficult therapeutic Implant-supported crowns are now ankylosed teeth and do not follow the
problem which may be corrected by considered as the least invasive treat- changes of the alveolar processes due to
orthodontic or prosthetic means. The ment in cases of missing anterior teeth continuous eruption of adjacent teeth.
need for long-term maintenance of with optimal esthetic outcome. The use Moreover, the osseointegrated fixtures
‘‘conventional’’ fixed partial bridges of implants in growing individuals has will not be able to be displaced in the
and their possible detrimental impact on been studied by clinical (Ödman et al. sagittal and transverse dimensions dur-
periodontal health are factors generally 1988, Thilander et al. 1994, 1999) and ing growth of the jaws (Thilander et al.
favoring orthodontic correction of the animal studies (Ödman et al. 1991, 1994, Iseri & Solow 1996).
Implants and adjacent teeth 1025

The non-eruption potential of the im- seven patients, two fixtures were inserted dure (mean interval, 4.2 years; range, 1
plants and, consequently, of the implant- for the replacement of two anterior teeth, year 8 months to 9 years 1 month).
supported restorations, in young one on each side (left–right). The examination included:
individuals is likely to cause a discre- The mature adult group (mean age at 1. A clinical examination to exclude the
pancy in the occlusal plane. This surgery 43.6 years, age range 40–55 presence of peri-implantitis and to
discrepancy has been extensively docu- years) consisted of 14 mature adult evaluate stability. The clinical eva-
mented and may result in clinical patients (five males and nine females) luation included measurement of
infraocclusion of the implant-supported who had received 19 anterior implants probing pocket depth (PPD), and
crowns (Thilander et al. 1994, 1999). (six central incisors, five lateral incisors, assessment of the Modified Plaque
This was the main contraindication to eight canines). In five patients, two Index (mPI) and of the GI (Mombelli
the use of implants in growing indivi- fixtures were inserted for the replace- et al. 1987). The presence or absence
duals. However, Thilander et al. (1999) ment of two anterior teeth, one on each of suppuration (SI), Bop, as well as
reported similar observations in three side (left–right). the lack of evidence of continuous
adult cases, and since then, many ques- One tooth adjacent to the implant was peri-implant radiolucency, were also
tions remain open concerning the corre- used as the control tooth, for evaluation checked in order to exclude the
lation between the effect of the contin- of possible eruption processes. During presence of peri-implantitis.
uous teeth eruption and the position of the whole evaluation period, control Assessment of the mobility of each
teeth adjacent to implant restorations: teeth had to remain restoration free single implant was made either by
are the adult patients exposed to the and periodontally healthy, according to direct measurement on implant, or
same risk, and if so, to the same extent? the following criteria: Plaque Index (PI) later on crown restoration, according
The aim of this study was to assess and Gingival Index (GI) scoreso1, to Mombelli et al. (1987).
the effect of the continuous tooth absence of pockets43 mm, no bleeding 2. A radiographic examination for as-
eruption process on the position of teeth on probing (BOP) and no radiographic sessment of the implant insertion
adjacent to implant-borne restorations evidence of alveolar bone loss. areas. Intra-oral peri-apical radio-
of patients in mature adulthood com- Finally, the continuity of periodontal graphs were taken with the ‘‘parallel
pared to changes appearing in patients ligament on radiographs was evaluated technique’’ and allowed comparison
in their late adolescence. in order to exclude replacement resorp- to peri-apical radiographs were taken
tion processes. immediately following surgery. A
In anamnestic records, no patients dental X-ray machine (Siemens He-
Subjects and Method showed systemic diseases or long-term liodent MD, Siemens Akien-
One hundred and eighty-two patients pharmacological treatment. To be in- gellschaft, Munich, Germany) and
requiring implant surgery for late pros- cluded in the implant surgery clinic, all KODAK EKTASPEED Plus Intraoral
thetic rehabilitation in the anterior area patients followed a dental hygiene Dental Film (Eastman Kodak Com-
were treated in the Oral Surgery Depart- professional maintenance care program, pany, Rochester, NY, USA) were
ment between September 1990 and including instructions on oral hygiene, exposed and developed according to
December 1998. with regular recall appointments at 15 the instructions of the manufacturer.
From the initial sample, two different days and 3 months post-surgery, and
groups were created: a ‘‘young adult thereafter every year. The intra-oral radiographs were digi-
group’’ incorporating all patients from tized by means of a Hewlett-Packard HP
the age range 15.5–21 years, only Implant placement
C2520A scanner (Hewlett-Packard,
treated for replacement of single upper Palo Alto, CA, USA) in 600 dots per
anterior teeth, and a ‘‘mature adult’’ The surgical procedure was performed inch (dpi) analysis. The computer used
group, including all the patients from by the same experienced oral surgeon for the data elaboration was equipped
the age range 40–55 years of age, and (J. P. B. – Department of Oral Surgery with a 17 in ViewSonic screen (View-
also treated only for replacement of and Oral Pathology). The implants and Sonic 17 GS, ViewSonic Co, Walnut,
single upper anterior teeth. the titanium abutments used in the CA, USA), a Matrox Millennium gra-
Hence, 28 patients – 10 males and 18 second phase of treatment were of the phics card (Matrox Electronic Systems,
females – were selected: all the patients Straumann Dental Implant System (In- Dorval, Quebec, Canada) and the screen
presented missing anterior teeth following stitute Straumann AG, Waldenburg, analysis was set to 800 ! 600. The
trauma or congenital aplasia, requiring Switzerland). The latency period (time evaluation of dimensions was per-
insertion of 40 implant fixtures (16 central of the healing process required for the formed with the Osiris software for
incisors, 12 lateral incisors, 12 canines) stabilization of the implants) was re- Windows (medical imaging software,
for late prosthetic rehabilitation. Divided duced to 12 weeks, according to the version 3.6, Digital Imaging Unit, Uni-
according to their age, the two groups University of Geneva protocol. The abut- versity Hospital of Geneva). Assess-
showed the following characteristics: ment connection was performed with a ment of the eruption of the adjacent
The young adult group (mean age at special dynamometric key (ITI Strau- teeth was performed using the implant
surgery 18.4 years, age range 15.5–21 mann Dental Implant System), accord- as a stable point of reference: after
years) consisted of 14 young patients: ing to the manufacturer, at 35 N/cm. selection of different reference points
five males and nine females. The patients on implants and adjacent teeth, data
of this group received 21 single implant- Clinical and radiological assessment
were obtained by comparing the mea-
supported crowns as replacement of surements after implant placement and
anterior missing teeth (10 central inci- The follow-up registration took place 1 at follow-up examination. The method
sors, six lateral incisors, four canines). In year or more after the surgical proce- is described in Fig. 1.
1026 Bernard et al.

period (data not shown). No signs of Mature adult group

peri-implantitis were observed in any of
the implants by clinical and radio- In five patients, two fixtures were
graphic measurements (data not shown). inserted to replace two anterior teeth,
Stability of the inserted implants one on each side. Most of the patients
together with a good esthetic outcome showed vertical difference between the
L teeth adjacent to the implant-supported
of the rehabilitation was reported for all
the patients. However, in most of the crown and the implant itself. The mea-
patients of both groups, a change in sured step varied from 0.12 to 1.86 mm
vertical position of the implant-sup- (mean 5 0.67 mm). In this sample only
ported crown was observed (Fig. 2). five cases showed greater variations
than the mean (Table 2). The vertical
R changes observed could already be de-
M Young adult group tected in some patients after short
evaluation periods, such as 15 months.
In seven patients, two fixtures were No difference was found between
inserted for replacement of two anterior males and females in the amount of
teeth, one on each side. vertical eruption of adjacent teeth (Fig. 3).
In relation to the adjacent teeth, all We can also observe that no differ-
patients of the sample showed infra- ence existed in the amount of vertical
occlusion of the implant-supported eruption between the implant and the
Fig. 1. Assessment of the eruption of the crown. The vertical step measured on adjacent teeth at various localizations of
adjacent teeth: (a) evaluation of the image radiographs varied between 0.10 to the implant (canine, lateral, or central
distortion by measuring the length of the 1.65 mm (mean 5 0.69 mm), with only incisor region) (Fig. 4).
implant ( 5 L) as it appears on the radio- seven cases showing greater variations Multiple regression analysis of the
graphy compared to the real length of the than the mean (Table 1). The vertical
implant; (b) selection of an easily identifi- data from both groups was performed.
changes observed could already be The independent variable was the ob-
able point of reference ( 5 " ) located on noticed in some patients after short
the cervical thread of the implant; (c) served discrepancy while the dependent
evaluation period, namely 13 months. variables were the age groups (dummy
selection of a point of reference located on
the tooth adjacent to the implant (intersec- variable), and time between fixture
tion point between incisal border and mesial placement and follow-up examination.
or distal side of the tooth); (d) measurement 2.0 For the patients with two fixtures, the
of the distance ( 5 R) between the projection 1.8 mean of the measured discrepancy was
of the two selected points on the long- 1.6 used giving only one measure of
itudinal axis of the implant (T0); (e) 1.4
measurement, on the radiograph taken at discrepancy per individual. The relation
the follow-up examination (T1), of the between the vertical discrepancy to the

distance between the projection of the two age of the groups and the period of
selected points on the longitudinal axis of
observation was very low (R 5 0.024),
the implant ( 5 M); and (f) measurement of showing a non-statistically significant
the amount of vertical movement of the importance of the variables.
adjacent tooth, by comparing the data
obtained at T0 and T1.
Fig. 2. Vertical changes of anterior teeth The high incidence of dento-alveolar
Statistical analysis
adjacent to implant in both samples (mm). traumatic injuries and the increasing
All measurements were repeated with
an interval of 1 month by the same Table 1. Sample description (age at placement, localization of the implant, vertical step for each
observer (P. C.) to assess the error of implant, mean value in subjects with two implants)
method involved. A high reproducibility Subjects Age Implants Follow-up period Discrepancy Mean
of the measurements was found (error (mm)
2.26%). For the analysis of the results,
Mann–Whitney U-test was performed C. A. 51.7 12 21 6.0 0.76 0.61 0.685
between the two groups to assess the K. I. 56.7 11 23 2.1 0.64 0.58 0.61
level of significance of the discrepan- C. M. 40.7 13 23 8.7 1.86 0.97 1.415
H. J. M. 42.10 11 21 3.7 0.70 0.59 0.645
cies observed. Multiple regression ana-
R. J. 43.9 13 3.3 0.12
lysis was performed for both groups to M. F. 42.11 22 6.9 0.22
assess the relationship of the discre- L. E. 43.9 22 3.0 0.20
pancy observed with the age at place- G. C. 43.6 12 3.5 1.32
ment and the observation period. C. D. 49.1 13 7.9 0.21
F. G. 44.2 12 21 4.6 0.68 0.54 0.61
G. C. 41.5 13 3.4 0.53
Results R. J. 43.5 13 3.0 0.79
G. D. M. M. 38.6 23 2.1 0.63
Control teeth remained periodontally
N. F. 40.2 21 1.3 0.74
healthy throughout the whole evaluation
Implants and adjacent teeth 1027

Table 2. Sample description (age at placement, localization of the implant, vertical step for each growth of the individual (Thilander et
implant, mean value in subjects with two implants) al. 1994). In this 3-year follow-up study,
Subjects Age Implants Follow-up period Discrepancy Mean infra-occlusion was recorded in most of
(mm) the patients: the larger the residual
growth, the bigger the infra-occlusion
K. F. 24.1 21 9.1 0.33 of the implant-supported restoration. It
P. C. 16.11 11 6.7 1.15 has to be stressed however, that the
M. C. 19.10 13 23 1.6 0.68 0.3 0.49 mean changes in the anterior area were
B. E. 19.10 12 22 2.4 1.65 0.84 1.245
small in most of the cases (mean
S. C. 15.8 12 22 8.3 0.8 0.88 0.84
I. M. 19.9 23 5.3 1.76 0.46 mm). Our results seem in agree-
F. E. 17.8 12 22 1.9 0.1 0.3 0.2 ment with the findings of Thilander et
G. D. 17.2 12 21 1.1 0.48 1.38 1.38 al. (1994, 1999, 2001). An eruption of
S. I. 15.4 21 2.8 1.02 1.02 adjacent teeth was recorded in all the
M. S. 18.0 21 1.8 0.13 patients (mean 5 0.718), matching the
N. C. 19.2 23 5.3 0.82 results of Thilander’s group (1994),
V. J. 20.1 21 6.0 0.45 even though the mean age of the
W. V. 19.0 11 21 5.5 0.38 0.44 0.41
‘‘young group’’ sample at the time of
17.10 11 21 3.4 0.58 0.61 0.595
fixture placement was 18.4 years instead
of 15.4 years in Thilander’s sample. No
2.0 infra-occlusion and compromise the difference was observed in the amount
1.8 esthetic rehabilitation of missing teeth of eruption of the adjacent teeth in both
1.6 in the anterior area. Some authors even samples, and also no significant differ-
1.4 described a reduction of alveolar height ence was found looking at the localiza-
1.2 at the teeth adjacent to the implants, tion of the implants.

1.0 which could possibly lead to periodontal The maxilla moves during growth in
0.8 defects, particularly in upper lateral all three planes of space (Thilander
incisor area if distance between implant 1995): as the maxilla follows its growth
and adjacent teeth is too short (Thi- pattern downward and forward, the
lander et al. 2001). Most authors alveolar process undergoes considerable
MALE FEMALE recommend to delay the use of im- remodeling in anteroposterior, transver-
plant-borne restorations in the anterior sal, and vertical directions. The major
Fig. 3. Vertical changes of anterior teeth area until skeletal growth is completed, portion of maxillary growth and
adjacent to implant according to gender some of them precising that implant remodeling takes place in the vertical
placement should be delayed until age direction: natural teeth with normal
1.2 15 for girls and age 18 for boys (Cronin periodontal ligament tend to adapt to
1.0 et al. 1994). such tissue remodeling, which continues
0.6 This assumption could not be sub- until late adolescence (Sarnäs & Solow
0.4 stantiated by the results of the present 1980, Björk & Skieler 1983). On the
0.2 study, showing that infraocclusion oc- contrary, osseointegrated implants re-
Central Lateral Canine curs also in patients who had received main stationary in the surrounding bone
single implants in adult ages. In some of and do not move or adapt to eruptive
Fig. 4. Vertical changes of anterior teeth the cases, the infra-occlusion, due to the processes or to growth changes.
adjacent to implant according to localization
continuous vertical eruption of adjacent The eruption of the adjacent teeth can
of the implant (mm).
teeth, created a noticeable variation in be attributed to the continuous activity of
concern of patients for esthetics in cases the occlusal plane. Interestingly, the the periodontal ligament (Berkovitz
of congenital absence of anterior teeth findings of our study show that the 1971), while the major part of the
have raised some debate about current continuous eruption process of the maxillary growth has usually been com-
restorative modalities. The main treat- adjacent teeth in the mature adulthood pleted at the age of 15 for the girls and 1
ment options for anterior tooth replace- may be, in some individuals, as large as or 2 years later for the boys. The bone
ment are adhesive fixed partial bridges, that observed in younger patients. The activity observed on the maxilla after this
conventional fixed partial bridges and statement that the eruption potential age is mainly related to bone remodeling
implant-supported crowns (Dietschi & may be larger in young adult individuals processes that may continue until late
Schatz 1997). Some authors also sug- was not fully confirmed by our results. adulthood (Forsberg et al. 1991). Other
gested the use of autotransplantations in However, it should be stressed that the studies (Forsberg et al. 1991, Ödman et
selected cases (Slagsvold & Bjercke present sample did not include growing al. 1991, Sennerby et al. 1993) already
1978). Implants and adhesive prostheses individuals of the pre-pubertal and confirmed that many changes occur in
are nowadays preferred because they pubertal growth stage, since the alveolar the sagittal and the transversal dimen-
represent more conservative approaches vertical changes were expected to be sions which have not yet been quantified,
as compared to traditional fixed prostho- very large in these cases. even though some authors questioned
dontics. However, as osseointegrated A previous study on young patients their possible impact after the age of 25
fixtures do not adapt to eruptive pro- has shown that there is a continuous years (Oesterlé & Cronin 2000).
cesses or growth changes, their use in eruption of the teeth adjacent to an These conclusions were stressed in a
young individuals may lead to clinical implant, proportional to the residual recent follow-up study by Thilander et al.
1028 Bernard et al.

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adjacent teeth. This specificity, often restorative modalities for young patients with Single implants in the upper incisor region
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implant-borne restorations. tion. European Journal of Orthodontics 13, implants in adolescents: a 10-year follow-up
However, and even if in most adult 249–254. study. European Journal of Orthodontics 23,
patients the effect of adult residual Iseri, H. & Solow, B. (1996) Continued 715–731.
growth or aging alterations may be small, eruption of maxillary incisors and first molars
the results of our study support the in girls from 9 to 25 years, studied by the
assumption that mature adults can also implant method. European Journal of Ortho-
exhibit major vertical steps after anterior dontics 18, 245–256. Address:
Mombelli, A., Van Oosten, M. A. C., Schürch, Jean-Paul Schatz
restorations with osseointegrated fixtures.
E. & Lang, N. P. (1987) The microbiata Department of Orthodontics
Other studies are therefore needed to associated with successful or failing osseoin- University of Geneva Dental School
evaluate the association of clinical tegrated titanium implants. Oral Microbiol- 19, rue Barthéle´my-Menn
infra-occlusion secondary to growth or ogy and Immunology 2, 145–151. 1205 Geneva
aging processes with other factors such Nordquist, G. G. & McNeill, R. W. (1975) Switzerland
as loss of marginal bone support, and Orthodontic v/s restorative treatment of the E-mail: jean-paul.schatz@medecine.unige.ch

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