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Judging centers the lock format order, what centers you is the release old

caption decapitating you at Holiness Fury of Faith of Mine ruling the roost

Written by Enoch Ethanus, Scribal Glory of The Lord of Hosts, a Global commander and
general of Heaven Armies of Intelligence and a Special messenger chosen for these end

TO: THE WORLD 16 April 2023, 03:05 am

Modus roll us format is the patchy seam centric gate affirming the end game rulership! Dotted
goats are beings translated at night time format of other kingdoms rulership tenets crumbling
down at the sight of dominance of He Who cannot be seen. Dating gauges affirming the
terrestrial factorship basing the lagging seams. View yourself in that fashion, use yourself in
that fashion. Hailing what is not known is you faming yourself to what is not known. Goshen is
a well feisty at the leech of yours attempting to dominate and catenate that which is not known.
Daft are you running seams not known while death tells you, you are known in the unknown
dark lanes. Basing capturing seams are letting measuring seams running wild. Jehovah Rapha,
Jehovah Nissi is Me whom you think you know when you don’t. Sunday jibe is My Fury riled
up at your thrones and your demeanors of presentation before My Throne. Gotten ill Goshen
order are drink ups of what ferments and what is not known. De-fermenting the gauging seams
of your garments is Me rattling and de-modelling what you have put together for adornment
before My Throne. Not chiding Myself in your format is Me not letting Myself be mentioned by
an evil lot running evil catenating garments. Telling you like it is, is Me Jehovah Rapha,
Jehovah Nissi moving at a rate and pace, never seen, and never heard. Telling you like it is, is
the Written order meshing that which is not known.
Bastion gauges you running wild as you sense the gotten ill wild kingdomship asynchronizing
the fermenting seams. Hearing Me mention and talk about seams are you confused lot who
think you can stand akimbo attempting to supervise Me on how I must write My Own Judgments
from My Overarching Courts of Galaxic and Universal Dominance. Listen very carefully
because I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach I Am not man! It is you ordered to Judgment tenets
of Mine that you do not want. How do you expect to live when you don’t hear My Judgments?
I Jehovah tell you in no uncertain terms that I vehemently know what I Am talking about!
Basing off the captioning effect of your souls is allotting of farmlands planted by many sinful
souls claiming to know Me giving Me lewd names before the world. Listen! You wallow at your
own gates and fame alerting the seaming garments cries that you want to propound before My
Throne. I Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach I Am not that person. I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua
Hamashiach I Am not that persona you are riling out crying foul as you are decapitated by My
Word at night time fall! Listen very carefully because I, Jehovah, speak profusely through My
Judgment officer Enoch Ethanus whether you like it or not!
Heaven Courts ruling the roost and priding itself in the chosen Judgment officer Enoch
Ethanus levitating and running in realms duct taping crime scenes under the Ordainment of

Heaven Armies of Intelligence Grafted Higher Order Missionary Charter, it is great danger
for many of you duct taped on those lewd crime scenes. You, not wanting to stop your crimes
against Holy Rules of Heaven, it is you date centered and gated to destruction at a rate and
pace, never seen, and never heard. Where is the weather that you crouch at many of you souls
at your chosen worship day? Where is the garment of holiness that I created oh you dressed
elegantly for your day order of worship and gloat about holiness that you don’t have? Where
are your weeping commotions of repentance enmeshed in the in Truth and in Spirit order?
Where is that strife revealing pain of My Son Yeshua Hamashiach that I inseminate for the
greater good of My Gleaning off your souls of sin latitudes of doom? I don’t see anything that
I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach created. Listen very carefully!
I Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach don’t see anything of that sort in your meshy souls. For what
I see on this day is a bunch of souls gloating about Me and amplifying gloating about
themselves at tenets that are not known. I Jehovah I do not lie to you, but I tell you like it is,
not the lies you feed from at vitriol of consummating your gastric fibers. While you are coming
to terms with My Being, you are not necessarily repenting and casting doubt of allegiance to
your former evil thrones portraying something else, no. You are riling up your tempests of
gunning for your sin at “I am like this and that and I am too big to be judged by anyone”.
Again, picketing your stupidity and your foolishness before My Throne is you confused soul
running naked as you have been exposed by My Light of Fury that senses and forensically
notates your crime scenes at a rate and pace, never seen, and never heard. It is not Me you are
serving in many of your churches because your stone-washed composures are not Heaven
ordained but are dark and lewd thrones of principalities posing as Me and lying to you. Listen!
My Composure as a God of Holiness is not known but I Am!
Night time fall comes and goes but My Word exists and stays in decapitating your lewd
churches, your lewd seats of power and authority of your demagogue imposing strife at a rate
and pace, never seen, and never heard. Never heard of Me are you claiming to have heard of
Me! Where have you heard of Me as an Overarching God of Fury of Dominance? Where have
you heard of Me as Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi and Jehovah Adonai? Where have you heard
of My Life Tenets at Creation Sanctity? Where have you heard of Me as a Judge sitting at My
Judgment Scribal Order Desk? Where have you heard of Heaven Armies of Intelligence?
Where have you heard of a Judge ordained and trained by Me for 37 years out of the sight of
earth churches sinning night and day, out of the sight of many of you running wild upon
realizing that I Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach I Am too astute? Where have you heard of a
soul that I love that suffered so much but still carries out My Instructions at this chosen mantle
that you don’t have many of you sitting in so many churches while sinning extravagantly? I tell
you and I mean it to you, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach you will not go scot-free, for this
is a promissory note I issue and announce before My Rest and My Twenty-four (24) Elders at
a rate and pace, never seen, and never heard.
You are not going to go scot-free but you are going scot-freed to the dungeon where it is dog-
eat-dog. I Jehovah I Am not going to censor My Own Word before masses as you are doing
today with one hand snuffing in pennies stolen from souls that I created into pockets. I tell you
and I mean it to you; it is pain of doom and agony coming your way. Having been told many
times by Heaven Courts are you raising and playing an ignorance card before My Throne
saying there are no Heaven Courts and The Father speaks to you supporting your sin. Listen!
You are duct taped as crime scene propounders and accomplices by Heaven Armies of

Intelligence. Leading and presenting high sufficing evidence of your lewd acts before The
Great One, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi Who fumes from His Coals of Fire are Heaven
Armies of Intelligence setting the pace and rate of your wanton descend into the lake of torment.
Motion phasing the evidential beams rated, calibrated, and run at the Thread of Fury of
Holiness enmeshed in The Father’s Furious Seraphim, it is the Scepter of Glory scintillating
dimensions of visuals at 3D and 4D Heaven Robotics Modelling never seen center, feeding
Enoch Ethanus with inner drafts of your souls composing and wishing sin night and day. Astute
showcasing the Mosaic Servitude Garment ordained on Enoch Ethanus at My Rest and before
My 24 Elders are Heaven Armies of Intelligence, My Galaxic and Universal Rulership Arm.
Preaching daft and shallow sermons of the pit muzzling and masking The Truth are many of
you sitting and preaching in synagogues. Listen very carefully! I, The Great One, Jehovah
Rapha, Jehovah Nissi tell you in no uncertain terms that you do not know My Advanced
Demeanor hidden in My Creation Sanctity. I, Jehovah, tell you again that you do not know My
Rest and its Glorious Realms! I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach vehemently tell you again
that you do not know My Pain Hidden in the Blood Draft of My Son Yeshua Hamashiach hidden
from galaxies before the foundations of the world. Listen very carefully!
Because you do not care to listen, but you care to criticize at sin lashes what you don’t know
and what you have never seen, it is the posterity and demeanor of the gods of sin and doom
you are feeding night and day. Eaten off by galaxic principalities are many of you souls
wantonly serenaded on red carpets of stardom of doom of holiness in churches advertised to
you and your home screens. My Spirit, Holy Spirit He Who is Light of Fury no where to be
seen, grieving on, and grieving Him going on, it is a pity. I, Jehovah tell you this morning of
your crimes against My Virtues written in My True Word that you are celebrating down there
at My Footstool while ignoring My Spirit, Holy Spirit He Who is Light of Fury nudging and
warning many of you of the great anger pitted against your soul. Bastioning occultic lewd
tendencies are many of you running and faming yourselves as “I belong to this church, and I
belong to that church.” If you are still clinging to a church, a building, a badge of your church
or gate, you are reeling from galaxic gates of doom latched to principality positions raking in
many souls through death spasms. Speaking this language of “promoting” your church gates
are many laced to death commands. Listen very carefully to this Revelation of Mine, I, Jehovah,
I, Yeshua Hamashiach, The True Owner, and Revelator of His Own Unfiltered Word.
The bastion is a code, it is a gate of the Book of Matthew chapter number nineteen (19), verse
number five (5) fuming “..and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and
hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’. Listen to your motions! Preaching
fakery of trekking journeys are you leaving the channel holy faith gates sanctified and set apart
to lead to the Fury Great Marriage Order. The man here is the feisty hasty purging seam of a
tranche setting garment constructed at the gapping gate late entry intervenor into the ascension
realm formalizing the Holy Order espousing done by My Spirit, Holy Spirit He Who is Light of
Fury. The wife seam is the Church of Mine choice running leveraging Judgment sets or holy
tenets written on a Scroll hidden in My Fires of Fury where no man enters. Gate the
profounding Isaiah Prophetic Jibe fumed by My Seraphim pouring a cup in the unknown
location of the 1800s realms that attempted to plan soul compost or killing spree. It is the Book
of Isaiah Chapter number fifty (50), verse number six (6) fuming “I gave my back to those who
strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and

Listen to yourselves gastric stomach ledged to interpolate the cheek in tongue feisty jibe
protruding lewd Goshen orders that are unknown. The judging strife here is a gate
inseminating roll courting eye lying orders promoting and phasing off paths to hide trotting
hoofs of paths of souls running personal kingdoms at a rate and pace, never seen, and never
heard. I tell you and I mean it to you, many of you souls bound by your churches doctrines
latched to cultic principalities gaffed senses are set to be shocked at the hour of receiving your
portions. The funny thing about many of you churches I Am gazing at in Fury and Anger of
Rejection is you gullibly belief lies fermented and written in your churches books and doctrines
that do not have the touch let alone the astute hitmen leveraging of My Spirit, Holy Spirit He
Who is Light of Fury! Running at gates that are commanding hissing voices saying to you; you
are superior, you run the roll court intervening orders saying we worship on Saturday, and
you worship on a Sunday. You fume “we believe the Ellenetic doctrine of whiteness, and we
are the elect club of souls that are successful souls, that have been in business and all of us are
successful”. Listen! This is Me Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi engulfing My Scribe Enoch
Ethanus chosen and ordained under so much pain smudged at a Holy Sacrament tenet of My
Son Yeshua Hamashiach fuming and trashing your indoctrinated soul temples set to be shocked
as you stand in the dock.
Listen! Heaven Judgment Courts are not your churches lying to you! If you want to always
hear My Truth, I, Jehovah, I Yeshua Hamashiach, speak and pray in Truth and in Spirit and
stop your gloating trotting hoofs propounded by your Adventist gripes of yesteryear
directionless ministries. Centering My Word at the Judgment Courts of Mine are Judgment
high fang tenets hitting your podiums with precision that has never been seen. Each soul
standing on its own are all souls called to appear at My Judgment booths not necessarily to be
automatically affirmed and accepted into My Rest. No! Appearing and standing before Me at
My Judgment booths is not accepting you that easily but it is for Me to read out to you how you
fared. But alas those who have not walked in Truth and in Spirit sink at My Furious Light that
reads and expunges your being away from My Presence.
While you are praying upon having sight of My Scroll of Judgment this morning, you are
shocked! Those latched to the Adventist tripe line of holiness you are lying to yourselves many
of you! It is many years of your Adventist doctrines casting doubt on many souls hearing My
Son Yeshua Hamashiach personally coming to them at night time sleep order waving His Hand
saying, “see My Banner son, see My Being daughter, it is Me The One calling you off that
doctrine order chaining you away from your True Purpose”. But alas these souls when they
wake up, they dash again to the Goshen fakery order of the Adventist order of the 7th day order.
Listen very carefully oh you souls sitting in front of cameras attempting to jibe at My Spirit,
Holy Spirit He Who is Light of Fury justifying your doctrine before My Sight, I Jehovah crush
your church and your doctrines in this Heaven End Judgment Ministries Charter. Who is
speaking to you? Who is latching you to the End rescue package? I Jehovah Rapha, I Jehovah
Nissi revealing My Fiery Gigantic Hand, to My Judge Enoch Ethanus before My 24 Elders
raising their hands in affirmation of Dominance of My Authority at this dead hour of the night,
I descend upon your group of 7th day Adventist churches in destruction mode, and I mince no
Because you do not listen oh you church that calls itself the 7th Day Adventists. Listen! The End
in sight and the end nigh, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach, He Who kills by fire and brimstone
have arrived. Many of you not making it to the Ark of Rescue built and holy sapphired by Me,

it is great danger. Not believing that you gate and stand on your own at My Judgment booths,
I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach expose your lucid souls that have been lied to in many of
churches. I Jehovah tell you off oh you attempting to intervene My Spirit, Holy Spirit He Who
is Light of Fury separating the chaff from the wheat. I tell you and I mean it to you, I, Jehovah
Rapha, I, Jehovah Nissi. You do not go scot-free. Your crime scenes against My Sanctity have
been duct taped for destruction modelling puked from My Fires of Fury to Heaven Armies of
Enoch Ethanus is My Man, My Main Man, My Judge chosen out of blood, pain and suffering
for this Great Commission End Judgment Charter you are ignoring and not privy to. Spitting
a sworn oath of rejection, it is Me Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Adonai signing out
of this Judgment tenet before My 24 Elders at this dead hour of the night while many of you
are asleep thinking you have already made it when you have no record of following My Ways
in Truth and in Spirit. Listen! I Am!


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