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…Stand Power

Base Class: Sorcerer

Your magical power was not granted by any outside force--rather, it stems from your very personality. Some
individuals possess spirits so profoundly expressive they manifest themselves as a powerful magical force. This
pure spiritual force is known as a Stand, and those that wield it are Stand Users.

As a Stand User, consider how exactly you �rst discovered your Stand. Was it awakened in a moment of pure
passion: dire need mixed with unyielding desire? Or was it simply present at birth, acting as your ever-present
"guardian angel"? Establish how much your character knows about their Stand. Most Stand-using children have no
idea that green blob of magic is even connected to them, much less how to control it. Even amongst scholars of the
arcane, knowledge of the inner workings of Stands is largely unknown. Talking to a fellow stand user is the only
practical way to learn how Stands work, besides simple experimentation.

Your Stand single-handedly de�nes how you interact with the magical world. By default, your Stand lies in a dormant
state, hiding inside your body. You can tap into your Stand's power to cast spells just as any other Sorcerer would,
but only while your Stand is in this dormant state.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can awaken your Stand, causing it to manifest 5 feet in front of you. While it is
active, all Sorcerer spells cast will come from your Stand, not your physical body. The Stand appears translucent to
your eyes, allowing you to see through it uninhibited. You can return the Stand to your body as an action.

Keeping your Stand active requires signi�cant mental effort on your part. For every 30 minutes your Stand remains
active, you suffer one point of exhaustion. Withdrawing your stand will prevent time from being taken away from this
total, but will not restore it to 30. Only taking a long rest will allow you to refresh the countdown.

Your Stand will follow your movements exactly, staying directly in front of you at all times. If this movement would
force it inside another object/creature, it will temporarily move to your space.

As an action, you may detach your Stand from your physical body, allowing it to roam freely. Your Stand has a �ying
speed of 30 feet. As long as the Stand is within 60 feet of you, it can do anything you can (attack, dash, cast spells,
etc.) except talk. However, once it is over 60 feet away from you, it loses the ability to take actions, reactions, and
bonus actions. (this includes the action of withdrawing your stand) It can still move and observe its surroundings.
While your stand is seperated from you, all of its senses replace your own, and you are unable to move.

Your stand shares its statistics with you. Any damage dealt to the Stand is also dealt to you, and any magical effects

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are transferred over. The stand has resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Any
attack that hits both you and your Stand will only hit it.

When you make a melee weapon attack on your turn, it will be carried out by your stand instead. Your stand's
weaponry (be it a sword, its �sts, or anything else) uses Charisma for its attack rolls, deals 1d10 + CHA force
damage, and is considered magical. It is pro�cient with this weaponry.

Stand Specialty
Your Stand is a re�ection of your personality, both in its appearance and abilities. Every Stand excels at different
things, based the identity of the User. A bombastic, risk-taking loon would likely possess a stand adept at wading
right into the fray, while a quiet soul who wishes to remain at the sidelines may have expertise with long-distance
abilities. Consider which of the following specializations �ts your character concept best:

Brutish Warrior
Your Stand is far hardier than most, able to stay on the front lines of combat for extended periods.

While active, your Stand has a bonus to its AC equal to that of your Constitution modi�er, and has advantage on
Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on its/your spells. In addition, once per round, when it makes a
melee weapon attack, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your sorcerer level (rounded up) + your Constitution

Distant Companion
Your stand excels at �ghting from long distances, both by your side and separated from yourself.

When you separate yourself from your Stand, it can continue to function normally up to 500 feet away from you. In
addition, any spell that makes an attack roll gains an extra 30 feet of range, including "Touch" spells. When a spell
targets a creature within the added reach, you may add your Charisma modi�er to the damage roll.

(The "Distant Spell" metamagic's range multiplier is applied after adding the 30 feet, granting 60 feet of powered-up

Multitasking Expert
Control of your Stand comes naturally to you: so naturally, in fact, that you can maneuver it independently from your

Separating your Stand from your body now only requires a bonus action on your turn. When separated, your senses
are no longer completely overwritten by the Stand's: its sight appears as a translucent pink layer on top of your
normal vision, and the sounds it hears come to you in a mu�ed, scratchy tone, easy to distinguish from your
standard hearing. You have grown accustomed to dealing with the sensory overload, but, if you choose, you may
decide to view either your or the stand's senses exclusively, no action required. You are also capable of casting
spells from your own body, even while your stand is active, and can move freely. Both you and your stand are
capable of taking any of their normal actions, but share a turn. For example, if you use your action to cast Chromatic
Orb, your stand cannot take an action. Movement does not apply to these rules: both you and your stand can move

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their full movement speeds on your turn.

Stand Evolution
At 6th level, your Stand undergoes an advancement in power, spurred by the changes that have occurred in your
mental state. Think about the trials your character has overcome, or the peril that awaits them in the future. Pick
which of the three options below would be most appropriate for your newly re�ned stand:

In addition to the option you choose, your Stand's melee attacks power up to 2d6 + CHA damage.

Focused Destruction
You have mastered the destructive ability of your Stand, enabling it to place all of its power into one, decisive, blow.

Once per turn, when your Stand hits with a melee weapon attack, you may expend 2 Sorcery Points to add an
additional 4d6 force damage to the blow. Your stand's critical range has expanded to 19-20, and when you land a
critical hit, the additional force damage is also doubled.

Incomprehensible Form
Your Stand has advanced to the point that normal folk can no longer process its existence.

While active, your Stand is completely invisible, only perceivable by other Stand Users, and creatures with Truesight.
This bene�t does not extend to yourself.

Tremendous Agility
Your stand's movements have grown nearly impossibly swift, enabling it to run circles around enemies.

While your Stand is active, as a bonus action on your turn, you may activate the effects of the Haste spell for both
your stand and yourself, without using your concentration. While this spell is active, your Stand will take twice as
much time off of the 30-minute limit. The spell will not end unless you will it to, no action acquired. The standard
penalties for a Haste spell ending still apply, however.

Stand Mastery
At 14th level, your Stand has grown once again, re�ecting the heroic deeds you have surely accomplished by this
point. Choose one of the following skills for your stand to master:

No matter which option you choose, your Stand's melee attacks power up to 4d4 + CHA force damage.

Devastating Area
You have mastered spells with a wide area-of-effect, enabling them to wreak havoc on even greater amounts of

Whenever you cast a spell that targets an area (sphere, cone, line, etc.) its range is expanded in some way. Areas are
increased by 20 feet, while radiuses are increased by 10. In the case of lines, their width is increased by 10 feet.

Eternal Will

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Your spirit has grown resilient to pain, refusing to simply die with its mortal host.

If you are ever knocked unconscious, or killed, you may spend 5 sorcery points to have your Stand stay active and
potent for an hour, able to fully utilize any of your abilities. Your expended spell slots carry over to your Stand, but
your Stand is healed to half of its maximum hit points. If the Stand is killed in this state, your soul is forever
shattered, unable to be resurrected by anything short of a Wish spell.

Overwhelming Barrage
Your stand is now able to unleash a nigh-endless �urry of blows, demolishing everything in its path.

On your turn, you can replace your Stand's normal melee attack with a special punch: this punch deals 1d4 + CHA
force damage. If it hits, spend any amount of sorcery points you desire. For every sorcery point you spend, you throw
another punch, which hits automatically, and deals 1d4 + CHA force damage as well. If the �rst attack was a
critical, the rest are as well.

Feel free to devise some sort of "war cry" for your stand to shout as it mercilessly pummels whatever's in front of it.

The World
By 18th level, your stand has become so immensely powerful, it has gained control of time itself, able to move
through it as easily as it moves through air.

You learn the spell Time Stop, and when you cast it, its duration cannot be ended early by any means. Any melee
attacks will automatically hit, and the receiving creature will only react after the spell ends. Any spells you cast on a
creature besides yourself initially have no effect, but will activate once time resumes. Any objects you interact with
will move normally while you are in contact with them, before stopping immediately once you let go. The objects
retain any momentum or other effects once time resumes.

In addition, you may brie�y stop time even without the use of a spell slot. As a reaction on anything's turn (including
yours) you may stop time for a single turn, which you will take immediately after activating the ability. This can be
done in the middle of another creature's action, interrupting it and forcing them to �nish whatever they are doing
after time resumes. If you are interrupting an attack made against you, you may stop time after the roll is made, but
before a hit is declared. After time resumes, you suffer 5d12 necrotic damage. This damage ignores resistances and

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