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Chancing is a right for you, but Judgment is much for you and not for you,

read into and phase into for you cannot escape!

Written by Enoch Ethanus, Scribal Glory of The Lord of Hosts, a Global commander and
general of Heaven Armies of Intelligence and a Special messenger chosen for these end

TO: THE WORLD 29 March 2023, 03:30 am

Water it for the green life is a propounding end life harvest motion of eternal life! Green it is
leech misgiving the thread of the green consulate hiding the ownership deed of the harvest.
Water down is pull down the veil lever running in the temple of fury of holiness. Rate the earther
is ascension the phaser running the time allotment of the soul clocks. Heads held up high are
man’s felt aids running streams of unidentifiable living water postulated at figments of drives
not known. The order line of the sea line shore is a lobster running caching fumes seen in rising
auras of souls loved by the world. The world standing akimbo to My Story as The God Who
judges, it is not for you. What is right for you is not for you! Gauging how you have behaved
over a vastitude of years against My Creative Sanctity Line of Fury of Dominance in the
galaxies and the universe, you have censored the profusing drive of sin. Run out is the factored
strife listed against sin temerity and need to enter those beams of dark pacts running sin
authority domes that have never been seen. The never seen and never heard gates are running
mates effective leadership affirming lies seen night and day by My Twenty-four (24) Elders.
You do not judge souls, for standing on those podiums and before masses does not mean you
are judges. You too stand on the line of fury of testing your holiness and stand to receive your
portions at the Hour of Shock of the Grace of Judgment of Mine. The ignorance you ferment
as if you are not hearing My Judgments will be punished and revealed to you. Issuing a
promissory note at this dead hour of the night, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach do so in front
of My Rest and My 24 Elders at a rate and pace, never seen, and never heard!
The fact that you have told yourselves on those podiums and many souls standing aloof and
supporting you is not verbatim expose’ of lies from you. Listen! It is the weather you ferment
vociferously and many times that couches the lies of figments of drives of many souls who now
think at those cemented lies you are telling them The Truth. You, the leader standing on those
podiums in lying postulating tall order of authority fermenting a servitude support base of
opposition to Heaven Courts, you have gated yourself as such to install plugging devices into
souls’ ears to control the bastions or the channels of posting lies. The anger line of your life is
you vociferously trying night and day to feed upward judgments to My Throne in an attempt to
tell Me what to do. You do not stand akimbo on your podium down there telling Me and your
masses who fall with you at the hour of Fury of Rejection what to do. Asking about the
demeanor of My Judge Enoch Ethanus is you attempting to fixate lies and control settings
motion order. Gotten ill is you authority domes not enmeshed in My Scepter of Fury of
Judgment as The God of The Glory of Creation and The God of The Glory of Destruction.

My Record as The God who killed a city by fire and brimstone is mostly spoken by you souls
who are in severance of pinning favorable positions while you turn a blind eye to the logs
mashing you up at a rate and pace, never seen, and never heard. Exonerating yourselves, you
do so while you think you have made it in those sin running tracks. Jibing at Me are you souls
making yourselves into the elect publicly and mockingly saying I Jehovah, I, Yeshua
Hamashiach do not have authority to see your behind closed doors insidious sins of doom.
Wasting your time is you leader of note of lies standing on that podium telling many gullible
let alone naïve souls that you are hearing from Me at such lies. The aura and your steps exude
a high fang venomous measure of sin seen night and day. Wasting your life and your time are
you profaning Me to your stardom of doom.
Gunning those sins of live bulletins are you standing many times, many lies to Heaven Courts
saying “listen Heaven Courts, record me and my speeches as the one with those waving their
hands at me who are going to excitement cities of death where I have authority over my life
and their lives!” Casting lots and your demagogue crowns into the air is an evil duct taped
crime scene of the pit imitating rulership of The 24 who sit at My Throne receiving My
Directives. Your crime scene has never been seen and it will be punished by death in the
dungeon of separation. This you don’t believe because you have crowned yourselves as Word
cherry-picking generals running the meshing seams. The modeling sinner runs laboratories of
trials at night time soul motions and commotions under the cover of darkness as the not to be
seen and deployment must be inner temple results hive of excitement. Listen very carefully to
your motions oh you duct taped souls running figury annulments that have never been seen!
Lotting for you is gating for you measuring the life instrumentation usable at the gating soul
compost aura feeding many of your podiums. I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach I Am not man,
for you are manly in your motions but you are in a sorry state set to be punished.
Telling of Me to masses in a god of your liking is Me being converted into a corner side god
that can be mashed up and down and be told how to behave. Listen! This is a sin that I, Jehovah,
I, Yeshua Hamashiach expose at a rate and pace, never seen, and never heard. If you don’t
believe so, Who is My Spirit, Holy Spirit, He Who is Light of Fury to you? Who is speaking to
you because I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach do not know a soul of your like? I do not know
such a soul in My Rest? That being said, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach vehemently tell you
and ask you at the same time. Where do you fit in My Rest? Where is the place allotted for you
in My Pain Lashed Advanced Cities where those who have been castigated and tormented
because of My Name rest? Listen! I, Jehovah Rapha, I, Jehovah Nissi tell you in no uncertain
terms that I do not have a place for souls of your type and I do not receive souls of your type
without a doubt. Go on and leaven yourselves, for the Deuteronomy order linked to the John
Revelation Order of My Oracles written in My Fires of Fury where no man enters rates and
exposes you. John chapter number fourteen (14), verse number twenty-two (22) ferments and
fumes “Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us,
and not to the world?” The questioning jibe here is an allotted fee rate of emoluments of sin
gauging and standing before My Throne. A hideous insemination of a duct taped being running
your disbelief and faith modulators terrestrially imaging you to level rate yourselves before
Listen you are stupid because you question My Ways every time you hear My Voice as if you
have the leverage to sit at My Throne and negotiate with Me and My 24 Elders. Do not be
stupid because the fuselage of appearance of My Holiness appears or is fastened at the tenets

of My Scale of Glory. Appearing in your churches already rejected by Heaven Courts clad in
green light fakery of robes to figment the holy ordained buoyancy, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua
Hamashiach tell you in no uncertain terms that this is a lie. Listen to the tempo, listen to the
Fury of My Judgment fermented and puked from My Fires of Fury where no man enters oh you
souls condemned this deep early morning. If you are not hearing and pretend audaciously not
to be hearing, you are in great trouble, for strife will consume you as I Jehovah strike with
temerity of a Supreme Deity. You do not gauge yourself as such before Me. Always saying I
Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach I Am a God of Love. Listen! The Love that you know about Me
is not Me. It is you attempting to condescend and coerce Me. As laughable as it is, you are
treading on treacherous waters and you are utterly joking.
The Deuteronomy chapter number forty (40), verse number two (2) fumes “..and return to The
Lord your God, you and your children, and obey His Voice in all that I command you today,
with all your heart and with all your soul.” Listen very carefully! How do I restore oh you
sinners perennially and audaciously sinning night and day saying all sorts of things under the
cover of darkness and behind closed doors? You are challenging Me and telling My Courts to
keep quiet and listen to your motions of sin. Listen! Heaven Courts are too big and rule over
the galaxies and the universe. You, not understanding the pact written in My Blood bolstered
on Calvary for humanity, you are saying that is a non-entity. I do not accept you and neither
do I receive you. Again, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach tell you at this dead hour of the
night that it is an utter no. Deuteronomy chapter number nine (9), verse number nine (9) fumes
“When I went up the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant that
The Lord made with you, I remained on the mountain forty days and forty nights. I neither ate
bread nor drank water.” Listen very carefully! What does this investment mean to you?
A postulative order of the desert experienced by My Judge Enoch Ethanus for several months,
nights, and days under grueling hunger and pain motions allowed Me let alone My Scale of
Glory to open the mantle order and meet up of Enoch Ethanus with My Yesteryear Generals
Moses and Elijah. This jibed at you, many of you at this dead hour of the night is revelation
and demonstration of the seriousness of this Charter of the Chosen Judge of the Era Enoch
Ethanus written and puked in My Fires of Fury where no man enters. Asking Me why My
Chosen Judge Enoch Ethanus is writing and judging so much furiously, I, Jehovah tell you off
to gauge the Deuteronomy chapter number 9, verse number 9 leavening of bread. For the bread
that you are receiving in many of your churches and places are lies and you are set to descend
into the eternal lake of fire at My Instigation. For those who truly hear from My Spirit, Holy
Spirit He Who is Light of Fury, this Revelation of a Heaven ordained Judgment officer Enoch
Ethanus is revealed according to My Scale of Glory concerning the purposes I have for each
one of you. Because you want Me to come to you at your proudful requests and tell you directly
all My Oracles of Fury of Judgment, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach I do not succumb to
man’s motions. No matter how many times you weep and pretentiously obey My Ways in
coercive fashion, My Aperture Forensic Light of Fury, extreme and high ultra beam modulated,
enters the deep dark artefacts of souls, and exposes all rot and lies. Do not ask Me such
questions again fumed from black auras of your souls seen night and day in your sin domes.
Again! Listen very carefully to this tempo! Listen very carefully to the Judgment of Mine! Listen
very carefully to what I write! Exuding power and authority of a demagogue of a synagogue of
your type will not help you! Wearing shiny suits and shiny shoes pointing to souls saying if you
dress and game like Me you have made it, is a lie and will not help you! Joining millionaire

clubs and sessions of teachings of how to become a millionaire will not help you! Joining the
most advertised churches on your platforms down there at My Footstool will not help you!
Joining a church known by the world and regarded as holy by the world will not help you!
Ignoring My Spirit, Holy Spirit He Who is Light of Fury at the expense of your spiritual fathers
and mothers appointed outside of My Will and Purposes written will not help you! Gloating
over platforms that you have this, and that possession will not help you! Running to those with
possessions postulated as Mine when it is a lie will not help you! Having friends in high places
and running for safety to them instead of the sanction and cover of My Spirit, Holy Spirit, He
Who is Light of Fury will not help you! Going to purported places of worship or groups of
worship against the galaxic positions ordained by My Spirit, Holy Spirit, He Who is Light of
Fury writing purposes of souls at a rate and pace, that has never been seen will not help you!
Forcing yourself on churches of doom for nefarious means in contravention of My Holy Ways
will not help you! What does it mean for many souls living under the sun?
It means there are many souls classed under all these acts facing rejection and snatching by
galaxic creatures as they fail and have been failing to ascend to My Judgment booths across
the partition between the living and the dead! I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach I Am certainly
not man and I fume like it is and tell you like it is! I Am not a church, I Am not your pastors or
a pastor that are and is running sin games and fame the riches into coffers. It is you ordered
to the rejection turf because of your pride of humongous nature. I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua
Hamashiach, I tell you like it is, for I tell it to you like it is! Go on and continue to lie to
yourselves when the writing is on the wall. The end is nigh and in sight for many who are so
oblivious of Heaven End Judgment Ministries. Again, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach tell
you in no uncertain terms that Heaven End Judgment Ministries is not a church but it is Heaven
Courts fuming at The Throne Mercy Seat of Judgment. Because you want to equate My
Overarching Heaven Advanced Courts to your little courts and little churches down there at
My Footstool, I, Jehovah, I, Yeshua Hamashiach spit a sworn oath of rejection and tell you
that many of your leaders particularly those who are pastors lying to you and you believing
them at the expense of My Spirit, Holy Spirit, He Who is Light of Fury are utterly already
rejected and their names are on the Scroll of Fury of Rejection revealed to My Pain Sapphire,
My Judge Enoch Ethanus at this dead hour of the night. It is great danger oh you who are
running with sin and lavishing dark excitement beams.
Oh you who stand akimbo before Me telling Me about your positions and possessions you think
your dark consulates riches stand My Fires of Fury! I Am Fires of Fury, I Am He Whom you
cant see with a naked eye, I Am Jehovah Rapha, I Am Jehovah Nissi, I Am Enoch Ethanus, I
Am The God of Enoch Ethanus ordained under so much pain and rejection by many for 37
years. I Am He that trained Enoch Ethanus in the wilderness for 37 years outside the evil
influence of many churches misrepresenting Me, outside of your sight, I Am He that appeared
to Enoch Ethanus in a Cloud of Fury on the eve of 31 October in the faces of My 24 Elders that
started to speak to him on that day, I Am He that appears to Enoch Ethanus night and day,
talking and giving him missionary instructions of End Judgment Ministries, I Am Yeshua
Hamashiach that appeared to Enoch Ethanus for five consecutive days orating and revealing
his oracles of pain and what happened to him since he was born, I Am Yeshua Hamashiach
who speaks to Enoch Ethanus night and day, I Am Holy Spirit, He Who is Light of Fury you
mock night and day. I Am He Fires of Fury that revealed My Face to Enoch Ethanus out to the
amusement and shock of many nations and families. I Am He Whom you mock everyday saying

despicable things before My Throne and My 24 Elders listening in to your hidden motions of
sin. I Am He that speaks through Enoch Ethanus for this Great Commission of End Judgment
Ministries. I Am He Whom you have rejected and mocked. Be very careful because I Am!
Fuming, all My Angels queuing to receive My Oracles to deliver to the galaxies stand far away
for this is Fury, a Gate of Mine of My Fires emitting Anger Atomic commands. Listen very
carefully all of you My Angels, My Anger descends through My Ordained Judge Enoch Ethanus
regarded as nothing by many. There is great weeping coming and there are deaths coming for
those rampantly sinning and mocking My Creation Sanctity. Deliver this! Deliver this, all of
you My Angels, it is great danger for many churches and their disingenuous leaders. Again, I


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