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Time xac dinh: co so

Time KXD: ko co so


1. During: Trong suốt + Time không xác định Ngoài ra: During + HTSK (During
the presentation/ talk/ conference/ seminar/ meeting/ convention)
2. Within: Trong vòng + Time XĐ within + Không gian : Within the building office
3. By + 6TH (Ving/ Người/ Mốc Time/ Phương Tiện/ % / Dạng bị động)
4. As: Như là : As ... As / As + Ved! As + Nghề nghiệp As: Vì+ MĐ
5. For + Khoảng Time For +N: Cho/ Bởi
6. Over + Khoảng time (Over 10,20 years)
7. At + Time/ Địa điểm/ Giá cả / HTSK At no cost/ fee charge At the meeting
workshop/seminar/ conference/ convention/ meeting.
8. Across: Băng qua + Ranh giới giữa 2 bên through: xuyen qua (nhin ai do xuyen qua cua so)
9. After >< Before + Mốc time/ Ving/ MÐ
10. Either ... or/ Neither ... nor/ Both ... and/ Not only ... but also
11. Yet: Chưa Sau have/ has/ had yet: Nhưng: sau dấu "," + MĐ
12. But/ So đứng sau dấu "," + MĐ
13. Of: N1 of N2
14. Among: Trong số + Ns between: between A and B
15. From + Nơi chốn
16. Since + Mốc Time: Kể từ khi Since + MĐ: Bởi vì.
17. Cách sử dụng At/On/In

at midday
at midnight

18. Giới từ + N/Ving

- Sau -------- phải có N/Cụm N (a/an/the/TTSH) => Ving
- Không => N
1. of ---N----- at the meeting

2. of ----Ving----- restaurants
Hotline tư vấn khóa học: 0965.969.828 – 0961.601.688 Page
Hotline văn phòng: 0966.966.483 – 0971.623.885 1
graduate: during: trong suot

tot nghiep
1. -------- graduating from Laccord 6. The Sineville Bridge will be closed ----
University, Jing Xiong worked for Osiris --- the week of June 5. => Tgian KXD
Financial Service. A. during time kxd, htsk: trong suot
A. During trong suot + tgian KXD, HTSK B. between A and B
B. After + Ving, Moc tgian, MD C. depending on phu thuoc vao
C. Next tiep theo
D. out of o ben ngoai
D. Above ben tren
7. Sales of Fonseca electronic equipment
2. The leadership conference will be held
have been increasing steadily ------- the
in Lanesville, which is about 50 miles
from downtown Seattle and easily past five years. => khoang time
accessible -------- car or train. A. from tu
A. in nam, tinh, tp... B. toward
B. by Ving/ng/moc tgian/PT/%/BD C. by Ving, ng, moc time, PT % BD
C. on ngay, huyen D. over khoang time
D. at gio phut, xa 8. The security badge needs to be
3. The department-wide changes activated ------- the end of the day
suggested -------- Ms. Juntasa received tomorrow.
unanimous approval from company A. before Ving, moc time, MD
management. -> MD
B. under ben duoi
A. in Time, noi chon
C. still van
B. of n1 of n2
D. as; as + nghe nghiep, As Ved, as + MD
C. by Ving, ng, PT, %, moc time, BD
D. as, as Ved, as nghe nghiep, MD 9. A majority of the customers who
4. Speaking ------- behalf of the vice completed the survey rated Sasaki mobile
president, Alan Lee thanked the phones as ------- good or excellent.
employees for their contributions to the A. either
fund-raising project. dong gop B. both and
A. at on behalf of: thay mat cho C. although + MD: mac du
B. on D. whether + MD
C. by 10. The new-product development
chung minhD. for khoang time, + N: cho, boi meeting will be held either in Room 402 -
trinh dien5. Randy Waters will be doing a product ------ in Room 501.
demonstration ------- the electronics
A. or
HTSK convention in Atlanta.
B. and
A. out o ben ngoai
B. at gio phut, xa + gia ca, HTSK C. not
C. into ben trong D. but
D. across bang qua

Hotline tư vấn khóa học: 0965.969.828 – 0961.601.688 Page

Hotline văn phòng: 0966.966.483 – 0971.623.885 2

11. After discussing the terms of the new 16. Renowned violinist Aya Kodura
health-benefits contract, ------- maintained a rigorous practice schedule -
management and employees were ------- her national tour.
satisfied. A. during trong suot
A. both B. among + Ns
B. also not only, but also C. aboard nuoc ngoai
C. either or D. inside ben trong
D. too 17. The estimated production costs for the
12. ------- there had not been slight delays new Pro Tip markers will be $2.15 per set,
N1 N2
in the bus service to the airport, Ms. excluding the cost -------- the packaging. N
Suzuki would have caught her scheduled A. as, Ved. nghe, MD
flight to Brussels. B. at time, dia diem
A. If neu C. by
B. Whereas trong khi D. of N1 of N2
C. Unless = if not neu khong, tru khi 18. In order to guarantee your room
D. Even mac du reservation at the Palembang Hotel,
13. The Milltown Cinema's outdoor café please reply to this email -------- 24 hours.
will be closed ------- the winter months. A. within Tgian XD
A. about B. about
B. out of C. since + moc time
C. next to D. into
D. during trong suot
14. The Bernier Company’s financial
reports are typically published in -------
English and French.
A. neither
B. yet
C. so
D. both
15. East Abihay City is run -------- a
mayor and six-member council who are
elected for four years. hoi dong
A. of N1 of N2 mayor: thi truong
B. among + Ns major: chinh, quan trong
C. by nguoi
D. from

Hotline tư vấn khóa học: 0965.969.828 – 0961.601.688 Page

Hotline văn phòng: 0966.966.483 – 0971.623.885 3

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