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Autism Spectrum Disorders:

Potential Neuro-Psychopharmacotherapeutic
Plant-Based Drugs

Kendy Eduardo Urdaneta,1,* Marı´a Andrea Castillo,1,* Keywords: autism, flavonoids, cannabinoids, bacosides,
Nola Montiel,2 Neomar Semprún-Hernández,1 piperine
Nicola Antonucci,3 and Dario Siniscalco4,5
Research Division, Autism Immunology Unit of Maracaibo, PHYTOPHARMACEUTICALS IN THE MODULATION
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Maracaibo, Venezuela. OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR
Cátedra Libre de Autismo, Vicerrectorado Académico,

he seeking of natural compound plant based drugs
Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. (phytopharmaceuticals) increased significantly in
Biomedical Centre for Autism Research and Treatment, recent years.1 Phytopharmaceutical drugs are also
Bari, Italy.
4 known as herbal medicinal products.2 According to
Department of Experimental Medicine,
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Botanical Drug Develop-
University of Campania, Naples, Italy.
Italian Group for Studying Autism—GISA, Brescia, Italy. ment Guidance, a botanical product could be classified as a
*Present address: Department of Biology, Experimental Faculty of food (including a dietary supplement), drug (including a bi-
Sciences, University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. ological drug), medical device, or cosmetic under the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.3 According to European Union
legislation, the term ‘‘herbal medicinal products’’ are any
ABSTRACT medicine that contains a herbal base, one or more herbal
Over the years, scientific researches have validated the healing preparations, or one or more of these herbal substances in
benefits of many psychopharmacotherapeutic plant-based drugs combination with one or more such herbal preparations
to ameliorate psychiatric disorders. In contrast, the use of chemical (DIRECTIVE 2004/24/EC).
procedures to isolate and purify specific compounds from plants Among the different diseases in which research on phyto-
that have been used to treat autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and pharmaceuticals has been focused, special emphasis is given
its clinical features may contribute to improve the quality of life to the herbal extracts able to modulate the human behaviors.
of many patients. Also, herbal pharmacological treatments could For example, Salvia sp. oil extracts have proven to be efficacy
improve the core symptoms of autism with fewer side effects. This on cognitive ability, memory, and cognition.4–6 Salvinorin A
review will focus on the uses and actions of phytopharmaceuticals is the major component of Salvia divinorum,7 and it has an-
in the behavioral conditions of ASDs. A large number of natural tinociceptive and antidepressant activities8; however, it also
compound-based plant drugs have been tested in murine models has intense hallucinogenic and dissociative effects.9 It has
of autism and in clinical trials with remarkable success in reversing demonstrated the efficacy of three herbal extracts (lavender
the core and associated behaviors with autism such as flavonoids, oil, Hypericum extract, and Ginkgo biloba extract) in treating
cannabinoids, curcuminoids, piperine, resveratrol, and bacosides. anxiety, depression, and dementia, in elderly patients.10
This plant-based drug alternative is safer given that many psy- Among the plant-derived phytochemicals, Sage (Salvia la-
chiatric disorders and neurodegenerative pathologies do not often vandulaefolia/officinalis), Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis),
respond well to currently prescribed medications or have signifi- and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) show the most
cant side effects. However, it is noteworthy to consider the need cognition-enhancing properties.11 Ginseng extract in more
for large clinical trials to determine safety and efficacy. Many than 4% ginsenosides per oral dose also improves attention
results are based on case reports or small size samples, and often deficit, information processing, cognition, auditory reaction
the studies are open label. Standardization of procedures (i.e., time, social skills, and mental health.12 Lemon balm shows
purity and concentrations) and quality controls are strictly re- mood modulation ability, as it is also able to ameliorate the
quired to ensure the absence of side effects. negative induced mood effects.13

DOI: 10.1089/adt.2018.848 ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.  VOL. 16 NO. 8  NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies 433

In dementia patients, essential oils have effects on agitation Sleep problems, anxiety, and hyperactivity are linked to
and aggression.12 It is very interesting that the essential oil of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), a neurodevelopmental dis-
M. officinalis (Lemon balm), as aromatherapy, is able to re- order characterized by stereotyped behaviors, language defi-
duce the agitation in people affected by severe dementia.14 cits, and difficulties in communication and social interaction.31
Hypericum perforatum (or St. John’s wort, from its popular Considering that several neurodegenerative diseases and psy-
name) has shown some efficacy in treating depression; in chiatric disorders are usually poorly responsive to the current
terms of efficacy and adverse effects, it has the same molec- prescribed drugs or have important side effects,32 the herbal
ular target of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in pa- therapies/supplementations could enhance the therapeutic ef-
tients with chronic depressive disorder.15 Piper methysticum fect of drug treatments with less adverse events.33 Therefore,
(kava) has been effectively used in treating generalized anx- this review will focus on uses of the phytopharmaceuticals and
iety disorders.16 Kava also shows efficacy against obsessive- actions in behavioral conditions of ASDs.
compulsive, phobic, and panic disorders, whereas Passiflora
incarnata (Passionflower), Scutellaria lateriflora (Skullcap),
and Zizyphus jujuba ( Jujube) have been used for anxiety PHYTOPHARMACEUTICALS AND ASDs
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disorders.17 The green tea extracted polyphenol catechin is Flavonoids

able to protect against reduced cognitive functions related to Some individuals with ASDs have been exposed to envi-
aging.18 Likely, resveratrol (RSV) and curcumin are the best ronmental pro-oxidant factors such as heavy metals, pharma-
known phytochemicals used in cognitive decline.19 ceutical compounds (thalidomide, valproic acid, and retinoic
Yokukansan, a traditional herbal medicine in Japan, is ef- acid), air pollutants, chemical and toxins, and bacterial and viral
fective in treating behavioral and psychological symptoms infections; those might be the triggering of oxidative stress in
associated to dementia.20 Fufangdanshen (Radix Salviae autism.34 To decrease levels of oxidative stress, green tea ther-
miltiorrhizae) tablets, a traditional Chinese medicine used to apy using Camellia sinensis extract has been proposed. This
improve memory, have been positively investigated in treat- plant is an important dietary source of polyphenols, specifically
ing cognitive symptoms in vascular dementia patients.21 In a flavonoids. The main flavonoids present in C. sinensis extract
research of mild cognitive impairments, 95 patients were include catechins (flavan-3-ols) such as epigallocatechin-3-
treated with Dangguijagyag-san and showed improvements in gallate, epigallocatechin, epicatechin-3-gallate, and epica-
cognitive skills without adverse events.22 Several phyto- techin; it also contains gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid,
pharmaceuticals have been proposed to treat brain inflam- and flavonol derivatives such as kaempferol, myricetin, and
mation. This process is common and highly prevalent in quercetin, which are other constituents of green tea.35,36
psychiatric disorders, such as depression and autism.23 The The chemical structure of the polyphenols allows them to
anxiolytic activity of Matricaria recutita, G. biloba, Passiflora cross through the blood–brain barrier,37–47 and its intake has
incarnata, and S. lateriflora and antidepressant effects of been associated with neuronal protection against toxicant
Echium amoenum, Crocus sativus, and Rhodiola rosea have agents’ impact. Green tea research shows an amelioration of
been investigated in several clinical trials, showing prelimi- behavioral aberrations by a daily intake dose of the extract;
nary ameliorating effects, without the risk of harmful side doses range from 75 to 300 mg/kg after postnatal day 14 up to
effects.24,25 A new branch or research area is establishing: the day 40 in animals with valproate induced autism.37 Green tea
herbomics,24 the complex, genetic, and epigenetic modes of effects have been well documented; due to upregulation
action of the herbal compounds. mechanism of inhibitory neurotransmitters, it shows anxio-
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) has been proposed for the lytic and sedative effects; this might be possible by neuro-
treatment of anxiety.26 Moreover, valerian root in association modulation of dopamine and serotonin in specific brain areas,
with Lemon balm is effective in treating attention deficit increase in N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-independent CA1-
disorders, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness in children.27 This LTP (cornu Ammo 1 Pyramidal Neuro- long-term potentiation),
mixed compound is able to improve concentration, hyperac- and decrease in NMDA-dependent CA1-LPT. Besides, green tea
tivity, and impulsiveness in primary school children.28 It has extract decreases tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) and C-
been proposed that the main constituents of valerian, the reactive protein, both active cytokines in the acute-phase in-
valerenic acid and valerenol, are able to bind a specific site on flammatory process; this strongly suggests an anti-inflammatory
gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors with agonist activity.29 It mechanism of action.48
has also been demonstrated that valerian was most effective in A green tea study using mice pups performed behavioral tests
reducing sleep problems in children with hyperactivity.30 to assess nociception activity, motor coordination, exploratory

434 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.

activity, anxiety disorders, and cognitive skills, in which human Anti-inflammatory flavonoid open-label pilot study as-
doses are based in body surface area calculation,49 with doses sessed a formulation that contains Luteolin, Quercetin, and
from 6.08 mg to 24.32 mg/kg. Green tea doses might be used Rutin, which is a form of quercetin glycoside in concentra-
as dietary supplement due to its clinical recommendation as tions of 100/70/30 mg/capsule, respectively, extracted from
preventive. This study shows significant results in the im- Chamomile and Sophora japonica leaf. This formula shows its
provement of behavioral assessments especially with behavioral effects in children with autism (n = 50) enrolled for
300 mg/kg of green tea extract; histological findings reveal 26 weeks, assessing the effectiveness and tolerability. Sig-
the presence of a distinct Purkinje layer and cells after nificant improvements were registered in adaptive function-
treatment with green tea, and this confirms that green tea at ing such as communication, daily living, and social skills
that dose has neuroprotective effects. ( p < 0.005). In addition to the reduction (26.6%–34.8%) in
The cytoprotective action that green tea exerts in neuronal Aberrant Behavior Checklist subscale scores in overall be-
cells can be asserted and could be efficacious in the treatment of havior, there was also a transitory increased irritability from 1
autism through early intervention with dietary substances.50 to 8 weeks in 27/50 participants.61
Among the adverse effects of green tea, it has been found that Another anti-inflammatory lipid molecule with activity in
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higher doses should not be taken with other drugs metabolized acute is N-Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), which behaves as a
by CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP3A4, CYP1A1, CYP2B6, CYP2C8, and signaling molecule.62 There are a few studies dealing with
CYP2D6.51,52 The mechanism that explains the hepatotoxicity phytopharmaceuticals in ASDs; another experimental re-
of catechins of green tea remains unclear, but factors related to search asserts the association of this ultramicronized lipid
the patient are becoming predominant.53 with Luteolin (co-ultraPEA-LUT) in a murine model of
In recent years, ASD cases have been increasing from 1/20 autism, which is efficient in ameliorating nonsocial autistic
live births in 200654 up to 1/68 live births in 201455; none- symptoms. It also reduces pro-inflammatory molecules such
tiological causes have been determined yet, which hampered as GFAP, Nitrotyrosine, and nuclear factor kappa B [NF-kB],
the development of treatments that contributes to alleviate increases neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, and modulates the
ASD symptoms. Nowadays, phytopharmaceutical treatments apoptosis mechanism in several brain regions (cerebellum and
have been tried out in clinical trials; one of the flavones that hippocampus).63 The results of the assess co-ultraPEA-LUT
shows anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiallergy, and neu- assert this lipid combination as a potential biomedical therapy
roprotective effects is Luteolin (NeuroProtek) with a mixture in the treatment of autism.
of the flavonoids Quercetin and Rutin, which are structurally It has been reported that luteolin, to exert a hepatotoxic role,
related in a liposomal formulation,56 these compounds have needs a connection with the cytochrome CYP3A-mediated re-
potent inhibition of histamine, interleukin (IL)-6 from mi- active metabolite formation, and the direct glutathione deple-
croglia,44 IL-8, TNF, and tryptase release from human mast tion is an initiating event in luteolin mediated cytotoxicity in
cells,57 and they also block mercury-induced cytokine release hepatocytes in murine models.64 In addition, previous studies
from human mast cells.58,59 have reported that luteolin can trigger the mitochondrial
Luteolin formulation (NeuroProtek) research in children pathway of apoptosis by increasing the activity of caspases.65
with ASD states the improvement of ASD symptoms in those
who used the formula for at least 4 months; 75% (28/37) of Cannabinoids
patients reported significant improvement in features such as Recently, the endocannabinoid (EC) system has gained
their stool shape, smell, form, color, and habits within a period great interest in ASD research.66 This endogenous system of
of 2 to 3 weeks. In most of the children (19/37) ‘‘Allergic-like’’ signaling molecules consists of arachidonic acid compounds
skin symptoms were also significantly reduced. Patients also derived, associated enzymes, and receptors.67 The main
improved in about 50% eye contact (15/37) and attention (12/ compounds are 2-AG and AEA, which are able to bind and
37). Besides, 30%–50% of patients showed learned tasks (15/ activate the G-protein-coupled cannabinoid receptors type-1
37) and social interactions (14/37) as significant improvement and type-2 (CB1 and CB2). Once activated, these receptors
results. Remarkably, children started speaking words or short block the adenylate cyclase enzyme68 and the following de-
sentences in 10% of patients (4/37). No improvements in crease of the second messenger molecule cAMP concentra-
hyperactivity or aggressiveness were registered. Indeed, hy- tions inside the cell. The EC system shows a key role in ASDs.69
peractivity increased in 2/37 children and decreased after 2 It has been demonstrated that CB2 is overexpressed on
weeks with lower doses.56 Based on this evidence researchers autistic-derived peripheral blood mononuclear cells.70 This
hypothesize if autism is kind of a brain allergy?60 upregulation occurs both at RNA and protein levels, and the

ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.  VOL. 16 NO. 8  NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies 435

fact that monocytes orchestrate immune responses could in- reorientation time, due to its capability to struggle with the
dicate that the EC system leads to immunological changes in induced cerebellar damage by sodium valproate.
ASDs.69 In addition, EC system also plays an important role in Piperine also has neuroprotective effects on glutamate at
regulating other metabolic pathways involved in ASDs, such concentration of 20 mg/kg, which induced cell viability res-
as energy metabolism, neuroinflammation, and food in- toration.83 Oxidative stress alterations might be meaningfully
take.71,72 Indirect CB2 stimulation with the use of palmitoy- reversed by treatment with piperine83; besides, a neurobio-
lethanolamide has been proven to reduce autistic behaviors in logical finding in ASD is the restoration of the integrity of the
an animal model and in two case reports.63,73 cerebellum by a decrease in number of Purkinje cells, which
These data also open the way for a phytopharmaceutical are connected with cerebral cortex and limbic system.
control of the EC system in ASDs. However, as this system Therefore, autism could be a pharmacological condition for
shows a role in the central nervous system (CNS) development, biomedical treatment with piperine.82
its activation might trigger long-lasting functional alter-
ations.74 The famous phytocannabinoid tetrahydrocannabi- Resveratrol
nol (THC), the principal psychoactive extract constituent from Recently, studies assert that RSV has a neuroprotective role
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Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, could trigger persistent such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in many
alterations in the still-maturing brain.75 Moreover, the non- diseases. RSV (3,5,4-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a naturally
psychoactive phytocannabinoid Cannabidiol (CBD) could occurring polyphenolic compound present in grapes, pines,
promise therapeutic options as immunomodulation, antioxidant peanuts, and red wine,84 such as all compounds described before
defense, neuroprotection, and with no side effects.69 CBD has these biological activities could be interesting in the treatment
low affinity for CB1 and CB2, but at different concentrations it of ASDs.85 Some factors such as xenobiotics and valproic acid
is able to activate a plethora of cellular processes.76 Some au- might trigger or play an important role in the development of
tism specialized physicians report CBD oil use to decrease ASD ASD core features.86 Hence, molecular pathway research about
symptoms. RSV and autism treatment could result as relevant for amelio-
The use of cannabis-derived compounds for ASD treatment rating core symptoms of autism.87 In humans, the RSV metab-
has been hypothesized some years ago77 and gave much at- olites half-life in serum is 9.72 h88 at concentrations of 20 and
tention also in general media.78 Indeed, the study to assess 40 mg/kg89 or 5, 10, 15 mg/kg per oral.90
efficacy and safety of cannabinoids with a 20:1 ratio of CBD A study reveals in experimental murine model that RSV
and THC in amelioration of behavioral alterations in children improves social skills using a rate of 10:270 of RSV:VPA, the
and youth with ASD has been approved; other trials aim to interaction of these molecules enhanced by its physicochemical
study the safety and efficacy of cannabidivarin (CBDV) features might have an indirect effect at cellular levels87; RSV
(weight-based dosing of 10 mg/(kg$d) of CBDV for 12 weeks) regulates and activates sirtuins that are members of the class-III
in children with autism. CBDV, homolog to CBD, is another histone deacetylases.91 It is also known that RSV exerts neu-
nonpsychoactive compound found in Cannabis; it differs from roimmunomodulatory effects by regulating Th1/Th2/Th17/Treg
this by the side-chain shortened by two methylene bridges transcription factor signaling,89 decreasing pro-inflammatory
( Before recommending the use of EC drugs molecules (IL-6 and TNF-a) on dopaminergic neurons,92 inhi-
for the amelioration of core ASD symptoms, clinical trials bition of the NF-kB activation,93 suppression of T cells such as
need to be performed to establish safety, tolerability, and Treg,94,95 and inhibition of IL-17A.89 Another study supports that
beneficial effects.69 RSV suppresses neuroinflammation in ASDs, finding that RSV
suppresses mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative-nitrosative
Piperine stress, and TNF-a expression in induced rats with ASDs. Hence,
The World Health Organization reported that medicinal the efficacy of RSV could be as a potential therapeutic agent for
plants are the best source of drugs (WHO, 2010).79 The major ameliorating neurobehavioral and biochemical alterations re-
alkaloid commonly used for seizure disorders present in Piper lated with ASDs.89
longum and black pepper Piper nigrum is piperine. It has been
shown to own antioxidant,80 neuroprotective,81 anxiolytic, and Curcumin
cognition enhancing effects.82 A study reports amelioration Indian spice turmeric (Curcuma longa) is well known for its
effects of piperine on behavioral alterations and oxidative protective effects against neurodegenerative diseases and
stress markers in autism induced murine model, revealing that neuropsychiatric disorders,96 in which the major curcuminoid
piperine treatment restored the motor deficits and decreased the is curcumin (diferuloyl methane), a nontoxic molecule, able to

436 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.

cross blood–brain barrier.97 Also, it is reported to have posi- of these compounds, the central nervous system shows b-
tive effects on the treatment of autism as curcumin targets amyloid scavenging properties113 and anxiolytic reliving
several cell signaling pathways, and its effects are as follows: processes.114–116 Although its biological molecular mecha-
increasing intracellular levels of glutathione, reducing in- nisms have not been proven, it is well known that bacoside-A
flammatory components, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxida- interferes with aggregation and membrane activity in frag-
tive/nitrosative stress, and protein aggregation, counteracting ments of the prion protein 38; induction of fibril formation
the damage caused by heavy metals, and supporting liver corresponding to inhibition of membrane interactions is likely
detoxification.98–99 the main factor that reduces amyloid protein toxicity by
Signs of brain toxicity and delayed maturation of brain have bacoside-A.117,118
been studied in induced autism animal models; curcumin can Even though there are trials based on attention-deficit
ameliorate these alterations and is able to improve abnormal hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),119 which is a comorbidity of
brain weight and delayed maturation.100 Pharmacokinetic as- ASDs, little research has focused on the efficacy of bacosides
sessments have showed that curcumin bioavailability is high in this population. There is only one report made up to date in
and plasma levels of it increased to their highest levels (184 ng/ murine models with induced ASDs120 where they evaluate
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mL) 80 min after oral administration; amorphous solid disper- the effect of B. monnieri extract (300 mg/kg/p.o.) by pow-
sion of curcumin has demonstrated enhanced bioefficiency in dering the whole plant for rat consumption. Behavioral tests
10-fold lower dose.101 Daily doses of 50/100/200 mg/kg of such as nociception, locomotor activity, exploratory activ-
curcumin regularly given over a period of 4 weeks were dis- ity, anxiety, and social behavior were performed. Treatment
covered to restore neurological, behavioral, biochemical, and with B. monnieri significantly improved behavioral alter-
molecular changes related to the ASD phenotype in murine in a ations and decreased oxidative stress markers; it signifi-
dose-dependent manner. As such, curcumin can be developed as cantly reduced pain threshold and normalized the locomotor
a neuro-psychopharmacotherapeutical drug due to its charac- activity and anxiety. Authors inferred that protective ef-
teristics and potential effects for ASD treatment.99 Curcumin fect of B. monnieri on locomotor activity may be due to its
shows ambivalent effects of both genotoxicity and anti- antianxiety activity and that it decreases accumulated glu-
genotoxicity, endothelial growth, and development in tissue tamate. Their rats with ASDs also showed neuronal degen-
alterations. Concentration-dependent effects, as low as 0.1 mM eration and chromatolysis, and after treatment they observed
of curcumin, lead to disproportionate DNA segregation, kar- its neuroprotective effect with histopathological changes in
yorrhexis, and micronucleation in proliferating endothelial cerebellum. A single oral administration of B. monnieri ex-
cells.102–104 tract at doses of 30, 60, 300, 1,500, and 5,000 mg/kg given
for large time (270 days) did not produce any toxicity in
Bacosides murine models.121
Bacosides are medicinal substances widely used by Indian
tribes and are the main bioactive compounds extracted from Other Compounds with Phytopharmaceutical Relevance
Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst.105 This perennial creeping herb Different types of phytopharmaceuticals and extracts have
belongs to the family Scrophulariaceae and is extensively been studied briefly on the fields of ASD and ADHD (Table 1).
cultivated in Asia, including China and India. B. monnieri has A study with three ASD patients evaluated a standardized ex-
numerous synonyms such as brahmi (derived from the word tract from the ground-up leaves of G. biloba denominated EGb
‘‘Brahma’’), Herpestis monniera, and Gratiola monniera.106 It 761, which was administered daily for 4 weeks (2 · 100 mg).
has been used for *3,000 years in the Ayurvedic system of Weekly ratings were performed using Aberrant Behavior and
traditional Indian medicine and is classified as a medhyar- Symptom Checklist (ABC)122 with clinician ratings consisting
asayana, a drug used to improve cognition and intellect107 of the Global Assessment Scale,123 Comprehensive Psychiatric
and used as a nerve tonic.108 Rating Scale (CPRS),124 and Clinical Global Improvement,125
Two triterpenoid glycosides denoted as bacoside A109 and which were assessed at the beginning and then weekly up to the
bacoside B110 are the major bioactive constituents found in B. end of the treatment period. This treatment improved slightly
monnieri; both of them are able to improve cognition.109,110 ABC factors such as irritability, hyperactivity, inadequate eye
Pharmacological effects are attributed to the number of al- contact, and inappropriate speech. Although they showed a
kaloids, saponins, and sterols, which compose the extract.111 moderately therapeutic effect of G. biloba in treatment of core
It has been reported that these bacosides modulate cholinergic autism symptoms, their results showed no significant im-
densities93 along with acetylcholine levels,112 and in presence provement on the clinician ratings.

ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.  VOL. 16 NO. 8  NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies 437
Table 1. Annex; A Summary of Psychopharmacotherapeutic Plant-Based Drug Studies Used in the Treatment
of Autism Spectrum Disorders
Group Phytopharmaceutical Participants Results Reference

Flavonoids GTE (Camellia sinensis) Murine model, 5 groups with 12 mice each, n = 60. 300 mg/kg of GTE showed improvement in be- Banji et al.36
Group 1 = negative control. havioral assessments, neuroprotective effects, and
Group 2 = treated with GTE alone each day. lowered oxidative stress markers.
Group 3 = treated with VPA.
Group 4 = treated with VPA and received 75 mg/kg
of GTE daily.
Group 5 = treated with VPA receiving 300 mg/kg of
GTE daily.

Luteolin (NeuroProtek ) from Chamomile sp. and ASD children, n = 37 treated with 1 capsule/10 kg Improvements in gastrointestinal and allergy Theoharides
quercetin Sophora sp. in a formulation of olive made of luteolin (100 mg/capsule), quercetin symptoms (75%), eye contact and attention (50%), et al.56
kernel oil (70 mg/capsule), and the quercetin glycoside rutin social interaction (25%), speech (10%).
(30 mg/capsule).
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Luteolin from Chamomile sp. and quercetin ASD children, n = 50 treated with 1 capsule/10 kg Improvement in adaptive functioning and in the Taliou et al.61
glycoside rutin from Sophora japonica leaf in a made of luteolin (100 mg/capsule), quercetin overall behavior.
formulation of olive kernel oil (70 mg/capsule), and the quercetin glycoside rutin
(30 mg/capsule).

Palmitoylethanolamide/Luteolin (co- Murine model, 2 sets of 4 groups, for each group Reduced the expression of pro-inflammatory Bertolino
ultramicronized PEA-LUT) n = 30 markers, modulated apoptosis in hippocampus and et al.63
I: Group 1 = Sham + Vehicle: cerebellum, increased neurogenesis and neuro-
Group 2 = Sham + co-ultraPEA-LUT (1 mg/kg). plasticity in the hippocampus.
Group 3 = VPA + Vehicle. Improved the clinical status in an ASD child and a
Group 4 = VPA + co-ultraPEA-LUT (1 mg/kg). reduction in motor stereotypes.
II: Group 1 = Sham + Vehicle;
Group 2 = Sham + co-ultraPEA-LUT (1 mg/kg).
Group 3 = VPA + Vehicle.
Group 4 = VPA + co-ultraPEA-LUT (1 mg/kg).
ASD child, n = 1 treated with co-ultraPEA-LUT
(700 mg +70 mg for 1 year).

Standardized extract from leaves of Ginkgo biloba ASD patients, n = 3 Slight improvement in ABC factors such as Niederhofer146
(EGb 761) Treated with EGb 761 (2 dosage · 100 mg daily). irritability, hyperactivity, inadequate eye contact,
and inappropriate speech. Modest therapeutic
No significant improvement on the clinician

Standardized G. biloba extract (Ginko T.D.) ASD outpatients, 2 groups, n = 47 Adding G. biloba to risperidone did not affect the Hasanzadeh
Group 1 = treated with risperidone + Ginko T.D ASD treatment outcome. et al.131
(80 mg/day under 30 kg and 120 mg/day above
30 kg).
Group 2 = risperidone (1–3 mg/day) + placebo.

Alkaloids Synthesized Piperine Murine model, 5 groups with 6 mice each, n = 30. Improved behavioral alterations, lowered oxidative Pragnya
Group 1 = negative control. stress markers, and restored histoarchitecture of et al.83
Group 2 = treated with piperine (20 mg/kg) each cerebellum.
Group 3 = treated with VPA (400 mg/kg).
Group 4 and 5 = a disease treated group received
VPA (400 mg/kg) + piperine (5 and 20 mg/kg).

438 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.
Table 1. Continued
Group Phytopharmaceutical Participants Results Reference

Polyphenols RSV dissolved in DMSO (Sigma-Aldrich) Murine model, 4 groups, n = 43. Prenatal administration of RSV prevented the VPA- Bambini-
Group 1 = negative control, n = 7. induced social impairments. Juniors et al.87
Group 2 = treated with RSV each day (3.6 mg/kg),
n = 7.
Group 3 = treated with VPA, n = 19.
Groups 4 and 5 = treated with VPA and RSV,
n = 10.

RSV (Sigma-Aldrich) Murine model, 2 groups. Substantial induction of Foxp3+ and reduction of Bakheet
Group 1 = negative control, received 1% DMSO in T-bet+, GATA-3+, and IL-17A+ expression in CD4+. et al.89
saline only. Upregulated expression of Foxp3 mRNA and
Group 2 = B6 + BTBR group treated with RSV (20 decreased expression levels of T-bet, GATA-3,
or 40 mg/kg). RORgt, and IL-17A in the spleen and brain tissues.
Decreased the protein expression of T-bet, GATA-3,
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RORg, and IL-17 and increased Foxp3 in B6 and

BTBR mice.

RSV (Sigma-Aldrich) Murine model, 5 groups with 5 mice each, n = 25. Restored the core and associated symptoms of Bhandari and
Group 1 = negative control. autistic phenotype by suppressing oxidative- Kuhad90
Group 2 = treated with PPA. nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and
Groups 3–5 = ASD mice treated with 5 mg/(kg$d), TNF-a and MMP-9 expression.
10 mg/(kg$d), and 15 mg/(kg$d) of RSV.

Curcumin (Sigma-Aldrich) Murine model, 8 groups with 5 mice each, n = 40. Restored the core and associated symptoms of Bhandari and
Group 1 = negative control. autistic phenotype by suppressing oxidative- Kuhad99
Group 2 = sodium acetate control (4.0 mL of 1M nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and
solution in PBS). TNF-a and MMP-9 expression.
Group 3 = PBS control (4.0 mL PBS).
Group 4 = propanol control (4.0 mL of 1M Propanol
in PBS).
Group5 = induction group treated with 1M PPA
(4.0 mL in PBS).
Group 6 = ASD induced animals treated with
curcumin 50 mg/(kg$d).
Group 7 = ASD induced animals (1M PPA, 4.0 mL in
PBS) treated with curcumin 100 mg/(kg$d).
Group 8 = ASD induced animals treated with
curcumin 200 mg/(kg$d).

Bacosides Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettst extract (powdering Murine model, 3 groups, n = 18. Improved behavioral alterations, decreased oxida- Sandhya
the whole plant) Group 1 = negative control. tive stress markers, and restored histoarchitecture et al.120
Group 2 = VPA mice treated with saline. of cerebellum.
Group 3 = VPA mice treated with extract of B.
monnieri (300 mg/kg)

Ginsenosides KRG Murine model, 2 groups, n = 10. Long-term KRG treatment normalized all the Gonzales
Group 1 = treated with KRG solution (100 mg/kg). behaviors except for motor coordination ability. et al.141
Group 2 = treated with KRG solution (200 mg/kg).

Unknown St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) ASD patients, n = 3. Modest short-term efficacy in treating irritability. Niederhofer147
Treated with 20 mg/day Stereotypy and inappropriate speech factors im-
proved slightly

ASD, autism spectrum disorder; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; GTE, green tea extract; KRG, Korean Red Ginseng; PBS, phosphate buffered saline; PPA, propanoic acid; RSV,
resveratrol; VPA, valproic acid.

ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.  VOL. 16 NO. 8  NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies 439

Another work studied their properties as an add-on therapy improves cerebral blood flow,138 and has benefits in learning
with risperidone to treat ASD symptoms.126 The measurement and memory,139 and has also been related to the central ner-
tool was again the ABC. The dose of risperidone given by the vous system.140 In a recent study made in murine models,
researchers for the children between 10 and 30 kg was 2 and authors analyzed the therapeutic potential of KRG in allevi-
3 mg/day for children weighing above 30 kg, with a placebo ating the neurobehavioral deficits found in mice models with
control group also evaluated. Their results were not so dif- induced ASDs. The methodology consisted of a daily oral
ferent to the aforementioned, having no significant impro- administration of KRG to the study population until all ex-
vement in ABC scores. periments were complete. Mice behaviors were measured,
G. biloba has been trialed in ADHD population with better including social interaction, repetitive behaviors, locomotor
results.127 In 2010, Salehi et al.127 carried out a double-blind activity, and other behaviors related to ASDs, which were
randomized controlled trial with 50 outpatients, which re- normalized after a long-term KRG treatment.141
ceived a treatment using tablet of Ginko T.D. at a dose of 80– According to a 2009 study, other herbals such as St. John’s
120 mg/day depending on weight or methylphenidate at a Wort have been studied to alleviate ASD symptoms or modify
dose of 20–30 mg/day depending on weight for 6 weeks. They some behaviors. It was an open trial with three ASD individ-
Downloaded by from at 01/28/23. For personal use only.

had significant differences between groups, either for In- uals being administered 20 mg of St. John’s Wort daily for 4
attentive or for Hyperactive/Impulsive subscales. Significant weeks. Outcome was measured by ABC, Psychiatric Rating
difference was observed on the reduction of scores of the Scale Autism, Anger and Speech Deviance factors, Global
Parent ADHD Rating Scale at week 6 compared between Assessment Scale, and Clinical Global Impressions efficacy.
groups, but results suggest that administration of G. biloba has St. John’s Wort was only modestly effective in the short-term
no comparable efficacy in comparison with methylphenidate treatment of irritability in some patients with autistic disorder;
in the treatment of ADHD; however, G. biloba treatment however, stereotypy and inappropriate behavior improved
showed less adverse effects. slightly during treatment.142
This extract has been reported to affect the neurotrans-
mitter system, to enhance cerebral blood flow through ar- FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN THE DESIGN
teries, veins, and capillaries,128 to be used mainly for treating OF PHYTOPHARMACEUTICALS IN ASDS
dementias,129 and to have antistress, neuroprotective, anti- The three main ways of obtaining drugs are currently na-
inflammatory,130 and antioxidant properties131 that could ture, chemical synthesis, and biotechnology, which allows the
impact ASD features. It also has been demonstrated to im- discovery of new compounds by genetic engineering tech-
prove learning memory and synaptic plasticity supported by niques. Currently, a high percentage of medicines used in the
some trials in treatment of cognitive impairment.132,133 One of allopathic medicine are extracted from the vegetable king-
the major constituents of the EGb is a terpene trilactone de- dom, and there is a remarkable tendency to raise this figure,
noted as ginkgolide B, which has been proven to possess due to the discovery of new active principles of botanical
neuroprotective effects against cerebral ischemia and other origin. The synthesis and accumulation of the majority of the
CNS damage.134 However, the cellular and molecular mech- compounds with the medical science present in the plants vary
anisms of the neuroprotective effects of EGb remain unclear. according to the ecological and environmental factors. To
Some authors compare its action to piracetam,131 which has increase the quality and efficacy of herbal medicines and
been reported to be an effective therapy for ASDs, given as adjustments, it is important to establish quality control pro-
monotherapy135 or as an add-on therapy. tocols and standardization of their active ingredients that can
Another study with effective results on ADHD treatment produce many more drugs aimed at reestablishing minimal or
was performed using Panax ginseng extract and the ADHD no side effects. The design process helped by bioinformatics
Rating Scale.136 Study populations were given an oral ad- might help to understand combinations and specific param-
ministration of tablets containing 250 mg P. ginseng extract, eters much more directly linked to ameliorate core autistic
27%–30% ginsenosides, pure for 4 weeks. During treatment, symptoms through its physiological, biochemical, and genetic
an improvement was observed for the attention score (drop base. In this way, when treating the ‘‘symptoms’’ we will treat
from 22 to 18), the hyperactive/impulsive score (drop from 24 the ‘‘causes’’ with potential recovery of the disorder.
to 20), and the total score (drop from 46 to 38). Before claiming enthusiastic results, it is noteworthy to
Keeping up with popular herbal extracts used in both tra- consider the need for large clinical trials to determine safety
ditional and research-based medicines, there has been reports and efficacy. Many results are based on case reports or small
that Korean Red Ginseng (KRG) has antioxidant properties137 size samples, and often the studies are open label. Two recent

440 ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018 ª MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC.

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