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ED246 7A


29 MAY 2023

1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of the study..............................................................................................2

1.3 Research Problem........................................................................................................3

1.4 Research Objectives....................................................................................................4

1.5 Research Questions.....................................................................................................4

1.6 Research Hypothesis...................................................................................................5

1.7 Significant of study......................................................................................................5

1.8 Delimitation of study........................................................................................................7

1.9 Limitations of Study....................................................................................................7

1.9.1 Time.....................................................................................................................7

1.9.3 Sampling method.................................................................................................7

1.9.4 The use of literature.............................................................................................7

1.10 Operational definition of Terms..................................................................................8

1.11 Conclusion...................................................................................................................9

2.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................10

2.1 Theoretical Background............................................................................................10

2.1.1 Self-Determination Theory................................................................................10

2.2.2 Theory Planned Behaviour (TPB)...........................................................................11

2.3 General issues of Research Topic..............................................................................12

2.3.1 Academic Performance......................................................................................12

2.3.2 Quality of life.....................................................................................................13

2.3.3 Social anxiety and depression............................................................................13

2.3.4 The cure for online game addiction...................................................................14

2.4 Conceptual framework...................................................................................................15

2.5 Conclusion.................................................................................................................16
3.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................17

3.2 Research Design........................................................................................................17

3.3 Population and Sampling...........................................................................................18

3.4 Research Instrumentation..........................................................................................18

3.5 Pilot Study.................................................................................................................19

3.6 Research Ethics.........................................................................................................19

3.7 Data collection procedures........................................................................................20

3.8 Research Analysis.....................................................................................................21

3.9 Conclusion......................................................................................................................22

4.0 References..........................................................................................................................23

1.0 Introduction

The internet plays a significant role in the lives of many people, especially the
younger generation. Online gaming is a common technology that has recently raised concerns
since it might cause addiction, particularly in young people (Charlton & Danforth, 2010; Huh
& Bowman, 2008). The recent study shows that the features that offers by developer are
mainly to attract the user to play more and get to explore the software more deeper. Although,
the technology were rapidly changes in no time which it derives to new functions that open
up the opportunity for younger generations to explore things. Besides, its resilience towards
technology depends on the types of online games which offer various pattern software that
could lead to obsessions. It can be effects on abandoning their responsibilities in life.
Meanwhile, online gamers are increasingly popular and recognized by the entire world
because the games have been verified as e-sports. This encourages the younger generations to
compete with their virtual friends. Numerous studies have looked at the psychological traits
of passionate online gamers and the risk factors for developing an addiction to these games.
The main reasons why people play online games may include entertainment and leisure,
emotional coping, excitement and challenge seeking, and lastly to escape from the reality
(Tone, Zhao & Yan, 2014).

In this era, one of the challenges for school students to face is the attractiveness of
developers’ creations, leaving the young audience in awe and hard to resist playing video
games. Besides, in education system also use new method which include technology to attract
the students to learn. For example, the school will use technology such as Bluetooth to
connect wireless devices such as smart TVs, microphones or speakers. The evolution of
education been rapidly change because learners are moving towards the digital era, where
modern educational products and solutions will influence the direction of their futures,
because of technical advancements and ongoing pedagogical changes. People used to have to
go very far to reach educational facilities that were only located in certain places which
restricted access to education. There were incredibly few opportunities to receive a high-
quality education because there was insufficient pedagogical tools, useful teaching materials,
and resources. However, the evolution of education officially started with the arrival of
technical advancements which makes the students being able to create many things using
devices such as tablets, smart TV and smartphone to carried out the task from teacher. The

students' acceptance of the use of IT in learning is very good because they have adapted to
this rapidly developing environment. Therefore, the use of gadgets by teenagers is now very
large because they are always exploring new things on the internet

Apart from that, the statistic of online gaming addiction through systematic review
from several international studies found that Malaysia’s sits the highest ranking among Asian
countries which between 0.7% and 27.5% among males between 12 to 20 years old. Hence,
American statistic shows that most people played at range under 34 years old which being
too obsessed with online game. This may result of American children who play online
gaming reach more than 90% users which can expose them to dangers of addiction to online
game. By right, it comes to biggest concern for that country. Meanwhile, the health of today's
young generation has decreased by 25.1% where they spend time facing gadgets for a long
period of time which it may driven to have high tendency to addict with online games.
(Zakaria & Adnan, 2022)

Therefore, throughout this chapter, it will cover the background of the study, research
problem, research objectives and research questions, significance of the study,
scope/delimitation of the study, limitation of the study, operational definition of terms and the
conclusion of this chapter.

1.1 Background of the study

The study of video games and addiction to the internet has not been seeking attention
from the researcher, although video games are seen very close with the young generation.
This shows that some of our generations who are involved in addictive behaviour will do
anything to satisfy their addiction which in turn will cause negative effects due to excessive
playing of online video games. Every day, people of all ages play video games for fun and
social interaction, and some claim that these virtual worlds provide a deeper sense of personal
fulfilment and significance than the real ones. For instance, the situations where the players
were given several puzzles and they need to figure out and solve them. Before proceeding to
the next level, they must play till they win. If they lose, they can try again. Physical and
emotional health issues potentially come to the centre of these cases.

In the early 1990s, experts actually paid more attention to the expanding condition
known as Internet gaming disorder (IGD). The first case was identified by a young boy who
was pathologically engaged in playing video games too much (Keepers, 1990). The

designation of excessive internet and video games can be defined as "addiction" or a
"dependency," which is a terminology used to describe the use of an excessive substance.
According to Griffiths (1995), various signs of internet gaming addiction were listed which
are arousal, mood alteration, tolerance, withdrawal, conflict, and relapse. Subsequently, the
addiction to the online game is characterized by prioritizing time for online games more than
other activities. This will cause the game to become a habit and take over the interest and
ignore all daily activities, and the continuation in play online games leads to the occurrence
of negative consequences throughout the entire life. A person with such behaviour might face
the reality that affects the functioning in critical areas like the personal task, familial matters,
social experiences, educational, occupational or other essential domains (Saunders et al.,

1.3 Research Problem

This study appears to examine the major factors that lead to addiction to online
gaming among students in SMK Saujana Utama. The biggest issues here is we can see that
students were lose interest in studying. Some studies shows that the technology could shaped
the children’s life and the changes could be negative outcome to them for example it may
affect the academic issues and social problems. (Tas, 2017). This study been refers to the
students in age of 13 and 14 years old. Truthy, the students who shows their addiction to
online games based on their physical and their behaviour. Their face expression, body
language or the attitudes shows everything about themselves. The studies from China, said
that online gaming addiction leads to mental health problems arises like depression,
loneliness and social anxiety been attacks those who addict to online games. (Liang Wang,
Rong Sheng, & Zhen Wang, 2019). Though with this rapid era of technology, which predict
to makes more things become easier, but it must be consider the bad side of technology
especially to the youngster.

Furthermore, when students play the online game excessively, obviously we can see
the negative effects right after he or she got their own gadget. Online video games feature
realistic graphics and audio to challenge and amuse players. This frequently leads to student
addiction, making it difficult to stop playing. (Eskasasnanda, 2017). Hence, the populations
of people who addicted to online gaming been increase year by year because in online
gaming, they should be initiated with strong internet and should be play along with “online

friends”. As time goes by, they will have a team and forms the group. These are one of the
factor contribute to the increasing of populations of online gamers.

1.4 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study was to determine the addiction to online gaming and
its effects towards students in SMK Saujana Utama. Based on the problem statement that has
been appointed in previous sections, the purposes of this study is ;

1. To investigate the prevalence of online gaming addiction among secondary

school students in Malaysia.

2. To identify the factors promoting to online gaming addiction among secondary

school students in Malaysia.

3. To identify the factors contributing towards online gaming addiction among

secondary school students in Malaysia.

4. To investigate the relationship between the factors that contributes towards online
gaming addiction among secondary school students in Malaysia.

1.5 Research Questions

Based on the aim of the study, the research questions are developed for gaining the
hypothesis throughout this study. The research questions are as follows:

1. What are the prevalence of online gaming addiction among secondary school
students in Malaysia?

2. What are the factors promoting to online gaming addiction among secondary
school students in Malaysia?

3. What are the factors contributing towards online gaming addiction among
secondary school students in Malaysia?

4. What are the relationship between the factors that contributes towards online
gaming addiction among secondary school students in Malaysia?

1.6 Research Hypothesis
HO : There is no significant relationship between the factors that contributes towards
online gaming addiction among secondary school students in Malaysia.

HA : There is a significant relationship between the factors that contributes towards

online gaming addiction among secondary school students in Malaysia.

1.7 Significant of study

This study aims to highlight the implications of online gaming addiction among
secondary students which will be related to the physical and mental health conditions of
secondary students. Though, this study also examine in more depth the biggest factors that
contribute their formation of attitudes and personality between students who do not addict to
online games and students who are addicted to online games. This study will discover the
changes in student’s behaviour and attitudes towards teacher, friend, parents or others. The
researchers have studied that severe online game players may affect the behavioural
characteristic of a person and factors associated with online game addiction. Numerous
studies demonstrate that excessive computer game playing harms players physically and
worsens their anxiety and despair. It found that the majority of young adolescents that
addicted to online games always feel heart racing and face high blood pressure because their
bodies respond to the stimulus which resulted in overwhelming excitement and anxiety.
(Aliyari, Sahraei, & Daliri, 2017). Other than that, the regular habits of common daily life are
disrupted as the addicted person is often unaware of the time passing and even forgot to eat. It
can tell by looking at their physical body and their face, it shows tiredness and not the state of
a healthy person. Approximately, it appears to have a connection to establishing to be
discussed on the consequences of game addiction and both mental and physical health.

According to the study, people may play online games primarily for “emotional
coping”, “entertainment and leisure”, excitement and challenge seeking”, and “escape from
reality” (Tone, Zhao & Yan, 2014). Apparently, the beginning of everything we do is to try.
Trying new things is very useful to life to upgrade life. But, its must be look to the other side
which it can gives affects to our life whether its is good or bad sides. Hence, the majority of
population who plays online gaming is children and teenagers (Jensen & Arnett, 2002).
Some people would seek attention through games. Because of the of games become more

exciting and the features shows high real definitions on the screen makes them feel does want
to stop playing. Different people different perspectives towards online gaming. There are
many types of online games that suit their interest such as adventurous, action, competition,
completing missions, simulations, sports and strategy. (Genre and the Video Game, p. 2014).
Hence, Online gaming is very popular among the youngster because they have grown up with
the modern era that has advanced technology. Therefore, the young generation is now very
different from the previous generation and it is easier to see the generation gap from different
eras. Someone who plays online gaming for too long will change their attitude a little bit
whether it leads to better or worse their self-condition. In their current age, this is the age
where they are all looking for self-identity, advantages and interests and open up space to
learn new things whether it benefits to their life or worsens existing habits. (Jensen & Arnett,

In addition, the risk factors for developing an addiction to the online game can be
vary. In serious cases, youngster who addicted with online gaming without controlling their
screening time or excessive use can lead to deadly diseases. An online addiction has been
examined in terms of the physical and psychological effects, especially in China, Korea, and
Taiwan, since 1996, when the idea of "internet addiction" was established as a new clinical
illness. Frequently, it is depend on some factors which include sex, age, cognitive factors,
psychopathological conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
depression, anxiety, and impulsivity as well as social factors like a family environment, social
anxiety and self-esteem. (Hyun et al. 2015). Therefore, the most significant risk variables for
the addiction variables to online games were psychopathological disorders, particularly
ADHD and depression. All of these things have an impact on the cognitive and psychomotor
development in their growth. Person with ADHD usually behave like uncontrollable attack
even when the time is normal. It affects most on the nerves system. This nerves system could
be rupture because of the body inactivity. Which it forces the body to work on more time than
it should. Therefore, uncontrollable playing games may leads to

The results of this study will benefit to give some acknowledgment and provide some
recommendations for controlling the addiction to online games through research problem that
stated. From this problem, we could gather the information to enhance the understanding of
what makes students put themselves in addictive situations and how they manage their time
in terms of studying, playing, spending time with family, or duty as children.

1.8 Delimitation of study
This study is expected to gather some information based on the sample that has been
chosen. A total of 50 students have been selected as a sample for this study. The sample
chosen would be 25 students who are addicted to online gaming and other 25 students who
are not interested in online game from form 1 and 2. The researcher will distribute the
questionnaire once the ethics has been approved. At first, before spreading the link of Google
Form, I must ask for respondent’s certainty whether the student is willing to answer the
questionnaire or not. The instruments contained four sections which are demographical
information, preferences questions which will be dig up the content of themselves with
online gaming. The last section is the impact of addicted to online gaming to their life
whether it gives good or bad to their life.

1.9 Limitations of Study

Every study has its limitations. It happens all the time when conducting a study.
However, it is nearly impossible to describe all the possible types of limitations in this
research as it depends on the nature of the study itself and people’s perspectives on this
studies. There are limitations in this research which are :

1.9.1 Time
The researcher will face problems in collecting data within the time of
practical period. As mentioned, the researcher need to find the suitable time to
give the questionnaire to the respondent and the risk for students not answered
the survey also high.

1.9.3 Sampling method

This study use an online platform survey which it will be easier for the
respondent to answer the survey. As it is the fastest and easier way to collect
data, it still has its cons in pros way which is respondents may have
difficulties in answering on an online platform as some of them did not have
a good internet connection or did not have their smartphone yet.

1.9.4 The use of literature

The use of language in questionnaires might confuse them in contextual
ways. The respondent will face difficulties to understand the question and
might interpret the words with different meanings.

1.10 Operational Definition of Terms

In this study, there are a few terms that have been used repeatedly in this study that
needed to be defined. These terms are used for describing the words that refer to the subjects
in this study. This will ensure that every word that is explained can be understood by the
reader. Besides, simple sentences are also applied in this study to ensure that the message
delivered can avoid confusion. Misunderstanding often occurs due to different people’s

Addiction : The teenagers must be depend on behaviour or desire thing till they felt satisfied
when receive it.

Obsession : A teenagers thinks too much and it dominates their thought and feelings which
includes their lifestyle, fashion and desire to be somebody else.

Depression : The emotional and physical problems that causes feelings of sadness or loss of
interest in any activities that previously enjoyed.

Psychopathological : The study of mental illness, psychological trauma, or the manifestation

of behaviours and experiences that may be diagnostic of mental illness or psychological

Impulsivity : Usually happened with ADHD symptoms where one’s will act impatiently or
have the tendency to act without thinking carefully.

Antagonism : Someone had develop the feelings of hate, active opposition, extreme
unfriendliness towards someone they wanted to harm.

Aggression : The person are intended to do damage to the things that they dissatisfied to.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) : A pattern of severely pervasive,

persistent, and devastating inattention, overactivity, and impulsivity characterizes attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a disorder of children and adolescence.

1.11 Conclusion

In conclusion, this chapter has clearly explained the issues that are highlighted to be
investigated in this study. The research problem and the objective of this research are made to
find deeper information that relates to the secondary student that has been chosen as the
sample in this study. This study proposed that addiction to the online game may cause harm
to a student’s life and it can be worse if it is not managed to control from time to time. The
researcher also emphasized the factors contributing to addictions, the scope of the study, the
limitations and the definition of difficult in every term to ease the reader in interpreting the
message. The following chapter is a literature review that will go through this study to
develop more on this topic and it includes the theoretical and conceptual framework also the
general issues of research topics.


2.0 Introduction

In this chapter, the researcher will explain the theoretical background and conceptual
framework regarding on the topic related to this study The researcher will discussed on the
issues and challenges for students who addicted to online game and the impacts through their
entire life. Hence, the elaboration on this study would be supported with legal sources such as
journals, articles and thesis had been referred.

2.1 Theoretical Background

2.1.1 Self-Determination Theory

Online gaming disorder has been identified as mental health issues by World Health
Organisation (WHO), according to the information provided in the 11 th revision of the
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) 2018. An addiction to video gaming can be
defined as a pattern of behaviour towards online gaming which characterized by disruption
control over the game. According to Malaysia’s Online Gaming Market, it is expected to
expand dramatically as a result of increasing accessibility to the internet and growing interest
in PC gaming. One of the most recent developments in the online gaming market is the
growing popularity of mobile gaming. With the widespread adoption of smartphones, an
increasing number of people are turning to mobile gaming for entertainment. As a result, the
number of mobile gaming app downloads in the country has increased dramatically in recent
years. The government has been promoting and regulating the online gaming industry,
recognising its potential for job creation and economic growth. Many people play video
games to compete and/or socialise with friends and family, to explore virtual worlds, or to
escape from daily stress. (Demetrovics et al., 2011; Fuster et al., 2012; Yee, 2006). Recent
evidence suggests that certain groups of video game players suffer from significant
psychological consequences (e.g., depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation) and physical harms
(e.g., substance use, self-injury, sleep deprivation) as a result of endured and troubling
patterns of video game engagement (Bargeron & Hormes, 2017; Bonnaire & Baptista, 2019;
Cheng, Cheung, & Wang, 2018; Griffiths, Kuss, Lopez--Fernandez, & Pontes, 2017; King &
Delfabbro, 2018; Lam, 2014; Männikkö, Ruotsalainen, Miettunen, Pontes, & Kääriäinen,
2017; Strittmatter et al., 2015; Van Rooij et al., 2014).
Furthermore, the presents study shows that the relationship between the self-
determination theory and the video game player’s self-control. As a results, the variable of
these theory and the self-controls player has shown the characteristic of the developmental of
Internet Gaming Disorder) problems. Frustrating, obstructing and the need of competence has
been attributed to be more severe with IGD symptoms. (Allen & Anderson, 2018; Mills,
Milyavskaya, Mettler, & Heath, 2018). Those who are addicted with online games have their
own intention what they want to achieve. Anything that related to the competition must have
some valuable presents. Therefore, the online gamers have strong motivations to play because
of they things that will be rewarding. Furthermore, previous research has found that adopting
strong extrinsic reasons to play video games is connected with higher IGD (Mills,
Milyavskaya, Heath, & Derevensky, 2018). Extrinsic motives are connected with weaker
self-control, according to research (Briki, 2016; Converse, Juarez, & Hennecke, 2019;
Holding, Hope, Verner-Filion, & Koestner, 2019; Jordalen, Lemyre, Solstad, & Ivarsson,
2018). As a result, people who find it challenging to meet these needs in their daily life may
resort to the video game. This is because competence can be attained in video games through
achieving gaming objectives. The player has complete autonomy and can decide for
themselves where to go and what to do. Additionally, gamers can engage with one another
while playing online games, which satisfies their demand for relatedness. The incentive to
play is increased when these fundamental psychological requirements are satisfied in a game,
whereas the effort to explore and satisfy these needs outside the game may become less

2.2.2 Theory Planned Behaviour (TPB)

Teenagers are becoming more and more interested in computer games, and the
negative impacts of these games rely on how they are designed. One of the key concepts in
behaviour change is the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). Bases on our research problems,
It investigates identify and study in more depth about the factors that lead to online gaming
addiction either in terms of social, community or country, what is the biggest contributions
that makes them ignore their responsibility as human and identify benefits to them. Theory
Planned Behaviour was aimed to determine the educational planning based on TPB on the
level of dependence on computer games among school students.

Internet can be useful when it use on its functions. As years goes by, the users of computer
increase and no wonder its could influence the children’s life. While internet is very

important to our life, it also open the threat to us. (Sălceanua, 2014). Other than that, online
gaming also gives benefits for users such as help with learning, problem-solving abilities,
visual accuracy, and creative thinking as it must have appropriate time to use to fill up their
leisure’s time. Hence, when ones playing games exceed the time like many hours, the
teenagers would seem like increasing aggression, mental laziness, isolation, detrimental
effects on family relationships, and a decline in academic achievement have been seen in
computer game addiction. (Sălceanua, 2014). Addiction to online games is a type of
behavioural addiction that refers to a persistent and maladaptive tendency similar to
obsessive-compulsive disorder. (Demetrovics & Griffiths, Behavioral addictions: Past,
present and future, 2012). Due to the significance of this problem, the World Health
Organisation has included game disorders in the International Classification of Diseases' 11th
draught, recommending that its member states take this into consideration when developing
health-related plans. (Saunders, Hao, & Long, 2017). This theory contends that intention is
one of the key factors influencing behaviour. The intention of an individual, which is a
combination of attitude towards behaviour and subjective norms, leads to acting behaviour.
TPB is used to predict and understand behavior and behavioral outcomes. It also
demonstrates key ideas for health education about the analysis of health-related behaviours,
intervention, and the promotion of prevention initiatives.

2.3 General issues of Research Topic

2.3.1 Academic Performance

The game addiction started when one plays for too long without controlling the time
spend. When one started to play uncontrollably, it comes an addiction. According to
Anderson and Dill’s (2007) investigation of video games and aggression. Gaming not only
affects performance in direct ways but also raises antagonism levels, which are frequently
associated with behavioural issues at school and poor academic achievement. Other than that,
a researcher found that the amount of time spent playing online games can be an as poor
indicator of academic success, and the individual who spent more time and frequently playing
had lower grades than those who play less frequently (Jackson et al, 2008).

Despite having negative consequences, there was a study that also indicate that
playing interactive video games can improve academic achievement (Anand, 2007). It

discovered a causal link between playing video games and developing visual-spatial skills,
which are frequently useful in the study of science, technology and engineering. Thus, the
complex game may help students succeed academically by encouraging players to use their
creativity, problem-solving and critical thinking (Smyth, 2007). the researcher belives that
while excessive gaming can harm academic achievement, moderate gaming activity can
enhance performance.

2.3.2 Quality of life

General health is very essential to being a guard. The study shows that adolescents
nowadays did not properly take care of their body health. Online game addiction was too bad
for students' health as they applied bad life pattern since they go for long sitting without
eating and does not take breaks to go to the bathroom or showers, which are essential
necessities. The evidence is clearly shown when the habitual gamer are unwilling to eat, sleep
or socialize with other people and choose to spend the whole time playing video games
(Young, 2009). Moreover, Due to excessive excitement and stress, most adolescent computer
game addicts have elevated their heart rates and blood pressure. Most people who participate
in these games are unaware of the passing of time and may even forget to eat. It appears that
establishing a causal connection between computer games and physical health. Apart from
that, lack of physical activity in daily life will also lead to obesity and lack of movement of
other motor skills. Obesity can have detrimental implications on young people because
obesity could drive so many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular
diseases and this is where the start to have many complication to the body and at worsen
cases, it leads to life threatening diseases.

2.3.3 Social anxiety and depression

The condition of tension or discomfort that people experience in social circumstances
is known as social anxiety, which is the most prevalent anxiety disorder among adolescents.
Hence, online gaming addiction, smartphone addiction and internet addiction have all been
linked in some academic studies to social anxiety. When compared to people who use online
games routinely, those with a major tendency for addiction had much greater levels of social
anxiety. For instance, anxiety can be shown when it involves interacting with other people
may be shown by someone sensitive surrounded by many people, throwing fits, or refrain

themselves from speaking in public. The major effects of addiction to the online game were
highly diminishing face-to-face social interactions. Some of them like to isolate themselves
from talking with other people and are not so friendly. Withdrawal from social contacts is one
of the most typical effects of depression. People who are addicted may engage in social
avoidance and withdraw from gaming; after playing excessively for a while, they have a high
likelihood of developing pathological gaming tendencies and may become even more
depressed (Gentile et al., 2011). There was a researcher discovered that significant
differences show that those who play online games for more than 33 hours a week resulted
have 24% higher depression rather than the moderate player who play for 21 hours long
(Loton, 2012). Therefore, the finding suggested that when teenagers play more time on online
game, the value of interpersonal relationship might be compromised and the level of social
anxiety rise. Online games can be a stress reliever for addicted gamers. A challenge,
competition, enjoyment, relaxation, pleasure and even a way of psychological escape from
the real world. (Castillo & Dumrique, 2017). Children who are already addicted to the online
game are likely to experience anxiety and social phobia (Gordon, 2011). According to Loton
(2012), a person who plays an online game more than 33 hours per week has a 15% higher
anxiety than a balanced 21-hour player. It becomes problematic for social health, especially
during interaction with other people.

2.3.4 The cure for online game addiction

Looking at the relationship between online game addiction and physical and mental
health conditions, it majorly showed negative effects on a person. As the world were change
rapidly, generation nowadays lives with modern technology as its use in many sectors of this
country. Therefore, this must be acknowledged adolescent lives with the development of high
technology which cannot be avoided by the current generation. It is true if this technology
affects the attitude and behaviour of young people these factors are unavoidable. The way to
help these problems is by self-motivating by reducing the amount of time spent on the online
game. This way needed external and internal support to help students to reduce their
addiction to playing games. Instead, they can apply interactive games which benefit mental
and physical health. It is one of the decent substitutes for working out inclement weather and
could be seen as a step up from engaging in sports and physical activities itself (Chamberlain,
Gallagher, 2008).

Furthermore, in some cases, there are some cases showing students who are too
addicted to online games need to take medication to reduce the feeling of playing games. For
example, someone who copes with their stress by playing online games is the most
problematic one because they force themselves to change their habits and go further away
from normal life. The research supported that a person who plays an online game to relieve
stress and pressure or escape from real life tends to create problems and be difficult to
change. In this regard, it is necessary to have a support system that constantly supports
students in their efforts to change themselves for the better. Thus, depending on their social
avoidance behavior, gamers with pathological anxiety and social phobia could get worse, but
they will eventually get better if they recover from their pathological state. (Gentile et al.,

2.4 Conceptual framework


Factors that leads to online Intermediate

Level of addiction
gaming addiction


Based on the diagram above, there are many factors that contribute themselves for
playing online games. Online gaming can highly cause health problems particularly
addictions. It may disrupt the user’s emotional and psychological problems. Eventually, the
illness from online gaming addiction is very common nowadays because we can see the
children outside been giving the phone as their entertainment to sit still. Playing games too
long can cause many problems such as physical problems such as insomnia, vision problems,
cardiovascular problems, hyperactive, vison problems and for psychosocial problems such as

anxiety, low self-esteem, depressions and it can even have suicidal thought. (Jeong, Yim, &
Lee, 2018).

In this concept, the intended addiction is the same as drug addiction, gambling
addiction and so on. Addiction in the other context is hard to preventable or treatable. But, it
can be solve by involving various interaction between a good person’s environment, genetics
and lifestyle that make up their life to be clean from the addiction itself. The study
investigates that the presence of a virtual friend in a game can lead to feelings of excitement
and acceptance during playing games. This can be a starting point for addiction to an online
game. In addition, the difficult challenge here is the role of parents in regulating and
monitoring their children's activities, especially online games. this is not necessarily a game
found on a computer but covers all devices that contain games in it. That the main root here is
the main cause that needs to be highlighted in order to reduce the rate of students who are
addicted to games and the results of this intervention will be carried out by having a positive
impact not only on family institutions but also on society and the country. This study adopted
a quantitative methodology, analysing research data through a self-administered survey

2.5 Conclusion
In conclusion, this chapter completely discusses online gaming addiction among
secondary students. Three theories were highlighted in this study which are Flow theory,
humanistic Need theory and Self-Determination theory that use as supporting details in
regards to this topic. It follows by the general's issues have been stated as the main content
that the researcher aims to tell further to the reader what is to be delivered. Furthermore, the
conceptual framework is also reinforced to show the overall process of this study.

In the next chapter, the researcher will illustrate and explain how the study was
conducted. Thus, the methodology will be explained in detail which includes research design,
population and sampling, research instrumentation, data collection and data analysis


3.0 Introduction

The research was conducted to study about an online gaming addictions and its effects
to secondary school students in Malaysia. The objective of this research is to identify the
prevalence level of online gaming addiction among secondary school students and the
factors that causes students addict with online gaming towards their formations of attitudes
and personality.

This chapter will cover research design, population and sampling, research
instrumentation, pilot study, research ethics, data collection procedures, data analysis and the
conclusion of the chapter.

3.2 Research Design

The research approach used in this study was quantitative research which is
manageable to do the investigation on secondary school students about addiction to online
games that oversees the impacts on the students. By using this approach, the researcher able
to conduct the study by gathering observable data that can be seen by statistical techniques.
Compared to qualitative research, which concentrates on acquiring non-numerical data as it is
thought to be more accurate and valuable. Other than that, the focus of quantitative research
is on quantifiable relationships for analysing and calculating data for all the measurements.
As well as, the ability of quantitative research to officially evaluate theories by developing
hypotheses and using statistical analysis is one of its distinguishing characteristics.

The researcher decided to proceed with an online survey research design to conduct
the study. The method that is done by the researcher is to send the survey to the respondent.
As it comes to conclusion of the study, the survey data were statistically examined after the

collection. The purpose of choosing a survey as a research design is because it can gather
more information regarding the specific or essential question. It often targets the small to big
group to collect the most reliable respondents to be part of this research. Other than that,
survey research design especially through an online form is implemented with limited to no
cost involved and easy to access through Google Forms that will be created. Survey research
has the potential to be far more efficient and fruitful than a casual survey.

3.3 Population and Sampling

The population refers to the group of individuals that have been drawn to be part of a
statistical study. Eventually, the population that was chosen by the researcher is the
secondary school students in SMK Saujana Utama. The reason for selecting the respondents
is that most students in SMK Saujana Utama are likely to match this study. The number of
students that been selected in this study is 100 students in SMK Saujana Utama which
indicates the number population (N). Besides, the sample size (S) from the population chosen
for this research total of 80 students. The table was used by Krejcie & Morgan (1970) to
determine the sample size for this research.

The sampling that applies in this research is stratified sampling where the sample will
been observe on their similar characteristic with the same probability. Though, the process of
selecting the sample is used in selecting the target group. It allows to draw more precise
conclusions by ensuring that every subgroup is properly represented in the sample.

3.4 Research Instrumentation

The researcher used a questionnaire as a research instrument to meet the four
objectives appointed in the previous section. This section gives a short explanation of how a
tool was developed to sort players based on their gaming preferences and its effects. It
suggests a way to understand how people use video games, including their favourite game
types and how often they play. It suggests a way to understand how people use video games,
including their favourite game types and how often they play.

The method use to conduct the study is Google Form. The link will be provided by
the researcher and will be distributed to the population in the school. The questionnaire is
adopted from past research and it consists of 82 questions that respondents need to tick based
on their reflection on themselves. The questions been taken from the verified sources. Hence,
the question is taken from the website named “Excessive Gaming Screening Tool (EGST)”

and “Screening Tool: Video Game Addiction” which this questionnaire is like quick
assessment the been publish online to the public. The study is all about the popularity of
internet gaming these days and needs to investigate whether the targeted respondent might be
affected with Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD).

In collecting the data, the questionnaire consist of four sections which being labelled as
Section A, B, C and D. Section A is Demographic Information, Section B is “Screening
Tools of Excessive Gaming”, Section C is about “Motives of playing online gaming”, and the
last one is Section D is “Surveying Habits”.

3.5 Pilot Study

The researcher decided to pursue a pilot study to ensure the validity and reliability of
the instrument that had been produced. The reasons I would do Pilot Study is to evaluates all
other components of the major study, minimising wasted work from researchers and
participants, as well as the unnecessary use of research resources. To play its function, the
elements introduced in the text must be well specified before beginning with the pilot study,
and must display with final completion of questionnaire. Furthermore, a pilot study gives
essential information not only for the researcher's main study, but also for other comparable
studies. Thus, it is critical to include thorough information on the feasibility of the

The targeted students for administering this test are students from SMK Saujana
Utama which involved a small group of students 100 students was chosen from form 1 to 5.
The reason that the school is being selected because I already joined Telegram group which
consist of students with different classes. So, It is easier for me to make variations of
respondent rather than the students that I taught during practical period.

3.6 Research Ethics

Research ethics are mainly described as the outline principles for conducting research
responsibly in order to achieve a high ethical standard, it also instructs and oversees scientists
performing research. Firstly, on the instrument, the participant will be informed in the text of
the style of this study, the question that consists of how many questions, the expected
duration to complete the response, and let them tick on the consent form before start
accessing the next section. The respondent will be asked their consent first whether they are

willing to do or just ignore the link that will be posted out through Whatsapp or Telegram.
This test has no element of coercion.

Apart from that, the researcher maintains confidentiality in which the name and other
personal information will not be asked. The general information that will be asked to be the
indicator for this instrument, such as gender or age. Last but not least, at the end of the
research, the data that has been collected will be deleted permanently to ensure all the data
the been stored were not used again and to protect the confidentiality of respondents. Lastly,
the researcher also put the name and phone number in the description of the questionnaire
where it needs to be ready to be questioned by respondents if they have any questions
regarding the question or other inquiries.

3.7 Data collection procedures

Define the research problem

ands set objectives of

Apply for research ethics

Analyze and interpret data approval from the Faculty
through SPSS of Education UiTM Puncak

Distribute the questionnaire

Collect the data
through Google Form

Firstly, The researcher define the problems that arises among students in SMK
Saujana Utama. Then, the researcher follows by applying the ethics from the Faculty of
Education to access permission for conducting the research in the school which accordance to
the formal steps in doing research. After that, the researcher administering the instrument that
suitable with the respondent that been chosen which are from form 1 and form 2. After get
the approval from the faculty, the questionnaire will be distributed by online platform via
Whatsapp group and Telegram. The data will be collected automatically on Google Forms
and always keep on checking the number of respondents should be achieve the target which
are 30 respondents. Then, after the data complete with required respondent, the data will be
analyse on SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) system.

3.8 Research Analysis

Instrument Respondent Types of
RO1 Questionnaire Students (100) Descriptive
To investigate the prevalence of Analysis
online gaming addiction among
secondary school students in
RO2 Questionnaire Students (100) Descriptive
To identify the factors promoting Analysis
that leads to online gaming
addiction among secondary school
students in Malaysia.
RO3 Questionnaire Students (100) Descriptive
To identify the relationship Analysis
between the factors that contributes
towards online gaming addiction
among secondary school students
in Malaysia.
RO4 Questionnaire Students (100) Pearson product
To investigate the relationship – Moment
between the factors that contributes

towards online gaming addiction Correlation Test
and the formation of attitude and
personality among secondary
school students in Malaysia.

3.9 Conclusion

In a conclusion, this chapter illustrates the information of the overall process of

gathering data based on targeted populations. The questionnaire was prepared to investigate
the negative consequences among secondary students that already addicted to online games,
and all of these data need to be analysed in this study. The sample selected was 100 students
from secondary school in Saujana Utama and the sampling technique was to use Comparative
Causal sampling. The research question was examined through descriptive statistics and the
details of the analysis will be discussed in chapter 4.

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