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inaccuracies in word choice and usage.

For example, "a phenomenon of wearing

Writing Task 2 Western is more and more increase" is not
grammatically correct and lacks precision.

In many countries, people now wear western clothes

such as suits and jeans rather than traditional clothing. There are some errors in spelling and
word formation, such as "oppotunities"
instead of "opportunities," "custome"

        instead of "costume," and "complited"

instead of "complicated." These errors do
    </> not severely impede communication but
are noticeable.
sophisticated modency. Furthermore, many residents are
influenced by some popular cultures such as Hollywood
How to improve:
movies, Western TV show so they have a tendency pf
wearing clothes similar to their idols. Consequence, a
1. Pay more attention to word choice
phenomenon of wearing Western is more and more increase.
and collocation to ensure accurate
I argue that this issue has both positive and negative aspects.
and precise expression. Avoid using
Firstly, almost all Western clothes are comfortable and
words or phrases that may sound
convenient for many users. With different materials and
awkward or incorrect.
various wonderful styles of Western custome, people can
2. Proofread the essay for spelling and
easily find many clothes that fit them well and suit for any
word formation errors to enhance
activities while traditional clothes are often designed many
overall clarity and readability.
layers and so complited so it is hard to wear them on a daily
3. Work on sentence structure and
basis. By contrast, most Western clothes are too expensive
grammar to improve the overall
than traditional clothes. Some buyers have to spend a
fluency and coherence of the essay.
significant proportion of their budget on buying them and this
problem puts a burden on their finances.
In conclusion, there are great number of reasons behind this
tendency and in my opinion, I believe this trend having both
advantage and disadvantage to consumers’ life
Grammatical Range &
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Word Count: 20 Writify PLUS as
271 Docx
Plus Band Score: 5.0

Muốn tăng band nhanh hơn? Hãy tận dụng những gợi ý để sửa lại The essay demonstrates some
bài của mình rồi lưu lại nhé grammatical range and accuracy, but it
also contains numerous grammatical
Chat với IELTS Science errors and punctuation issues. The essay
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tends to use a limited range of sentence

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