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Agricultural meteorology is a 1 credit unit course aimed at impacting student

with genuine knowledge on the agro-climatological data collection, crop
weather interphase, climatic modeling and forecasting of agricultural
operations, and weather limiting effects on agriculture.

Agricultural Meteorology is the study of weather and use of weather and

climate information to enhance or expand agricultural crops and/or to
increase crop production. Agro meteorology mainly involves the interaction of
meteorological and hydrological factors, on one hand and agriculture, which
encompasses horticulture, animal husbandry, and forestry.

It is obviously stated in this report the definition and use of agro meteorology
in Crops and Animals.

Agro meteorology is the study of those aspects of meteorology which have

direct relevance to agriculture. It is the branch of science which investigates
the relationship between plants,animals and climate.

Agro meteorology is defined as “Science investigating the

meteorological, climatologic and hydrologic conditions which are significant
for agriculture owing to their interaction with the objects and processes of
agricultural production”.


We visited the Jalingo airstrip weather Station on the 18th October, 2023, the
teaching and demonstration were made on weather station, Agro-
climatological data collection, crop-weather interphase, climatic modelling
and forecasting of Agricultural operation, weather limiting effects on

An agro-meteorological station(weather station): is a facility, either on

land or sea, with instruments and equipment for measuring atmospheric
conditions to provide information for weather forecasts and to study the
weather and climate. Weather stations range from simple analogue technology
to digital technology however the Jalingo airstrip NIMET garden is a 20 by 20
meters well fenced on land to keep off intruders like man and animals.

Forecast:This is the foretelling of possible scientifically proven weather


In Taraba State, NAMA Nigeria Airspace Management Authority Jalingo branch

handles the affairs of weather forecast as failure to gain valid intel has
detrimental effect to the airport and other Agricultural sectors that rely on

It is noted that the affairs of the airport works in a sequence when there is a
break in communication or mal information is passed from NAMA Nigeria
Airspace Management Authority it denses the work of the Accident
Investigation Bureu (AIB).

Overtime the entire NIMET (Nigeria Meteorological Agency) has been up and
doing this brought a positive and overwhelming result that has kept many
activities at the airport, in agricultural sectors and the state at large under

The measurements frequently taken include temperature, atmospheric pressure,

humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation amounts. Weather stations
sensors are used to take readings of the various weather elements, so the data
collected can be analysed using weather station software.


Soil thermometer: Soil thermometer is an instrument used for measuring and

determining the temperature of the soil which help the farmer to ascertain
what crop to plant in relation to time and level.

Fig.1.0 Soil Thermometer


1.1.1 5cm depth thermometer: The 5cm depth thermometer denotes the
temperature of the soil within the range of 0-5cm.

-At this level few leguminous crops like groundnut,cowpea and other shallow
rooted crops like Irish potatoes are planted and harvested.

-It is paramount to know that extreme and scorching weather conditions

within this range could render seeds unviable.

1.1.2 10cm depth thermometer: This thermometer entails the temperature

of soil within the range of 0-10cm.

Certain cereals strive within this level in order to maximize yield it is deemed
a necessity to denote soil temperature in this range as it equally affects soil

1.1.3 20 and 30cm depth thermometer.

Deep rooted tuber crops such as yam and cassava are the major benefactor of
nutrient at this level as crops aforementioned in 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 respectively
might suffer leaching at this point.Hence it is essential that soil temperature at
this level should be tested and determined by an expert before cultivation.

1.1.4 50 and 100cm depth thermometer.

Tree plant(crops) find it easy to form buttresses in this level.

Soil temperature in this level affect certain tree crops e.g tea plant,eucalyptus
trees,Indian bamboo and Cypress makes a niche in an environment with not
more than 26°C in the same wise it's counter part like gmalenda trees,teot and
mahogany finds an easy hub in high temperature ranging from 28°C to 37°C.

-At 100cm construction sites finds it sacrosanct to to denote soil temperature

before commencement of construction of farm firms and roads these in most
cases requires heavy duty machines for workmanship and heavy loads on
building as in the case of pillars and deckings.

2.0 Sunshine recorder (Sundial): The Sunshine recorder is a device that

depicts sun rise and sun set it also certify the sun's intensity.

It is used to measure the duration of bright sunshine hours. Campbell Stoke’s

sunshine recorder is most commonly used for this purpose.

2.1 Cards used in sunshine recording:

2.1.1 Longer day and shorter night

Long cards are used during summer season (May-August).

2.1.2 Shorter nights and longer day cards

Short cards are used during winter season (November-February).

2.1.3 Equal day.

Straight cards are used during spring / autumn season (March-April / September-

2.2 Card insertion

The sunshine recording card is inserted beneath the sunshine recorder.As soon as
the sun's reflection and intensity is directed towards the sunshine recorder,the card
gets burnt.
Fig.1.1 Sunshine recorder (Sundial)

3.0 Ordinary rain gauge.

This is a manual rain gauge that is used in collecting the cumulative rainfall over a
period of time i.e months and years.

3.1 Components of an ordinary rain gauge.

3.1.1 A funnel.

-The funnel serves as an access route for rainfall into the ordinary rain gauge.

3.1.2 An inner can.

-The inner can holds the funnel for rainfall reception.

- The inner can recieves rainfall,when rain water

fills the inner can it overflows into the mother

Fig.1.2 An ordinary rain gauge

3.1.3 Mother can.

-This is a bowl like container used in collecting rainfall sample over a long period
of time.

-Highest rainfall recorded in Jalingo from 2016 till date is 218cm

-The apparatus used for measurements is the measuring cylinder.

3.1.4 Importance of rainfall determination.

-To know the water holding capacity of the soil.

-To help determine the kind of crop to be planted at a given time.

4.0 Atmospheric thermometer.

Is a white wooden structure or box that regulates the amount of heat. It also
possesses hoovers where air flow in and out. It also functions as the shelter or
enclosure to meteorological instruments against precipitation and direct heat
radiation from outside sources while allowing air to circulate freely around them.

The atmospheric thermometer box is the Cardgial Stevenson's Screen.

4.1 Components of the Cardgial Stevenson's Screen.

4.1.1 Dry bulb thermometer.

-It is used in measuring the temperature of the air e.g Mercury in glass

-It is kept vertically in the Stevenson's Screen to avoid direct contact with sun rays
or radiation per'se.
4.1.2 Wet bulb thermometer.

-It gives the temperature of saturations e.g 38.5,97.8

4.1.3 Maximum thermometer.

-It is used to depict the maximum temperature of a day.

-Measurements is usually done within 1:30-2:00pm by this time environment

conditions tends to be higher than other times.

4.1.4 Minimum thermometer

-The minimum thermometer is used to measure the temperature of the last 24hours.

-3:30-4:00am is the best time to take readings.

Notably,the combination of minimum and maximum point rule depends on:

1.Relative humidity

2.Vapour pressure

3.Due point temperature.

Fig.1.3 Cardgial
Stevenson's Screen.

5.0 Other equipments


5.1 Class "A" pan.

This is a large bowl like

pan with about 10mm
thickness that is used in
collecting and
determining the rate of water evaporation.

In some cases stich evaporimeter is used as an alternative.

The basis of evaporation depends on:

1. Radiation and temperature

2. Wind

3. Atmospheric condition.

5.2 Hook gauge.

This is an uncomplicated mechanical device used to calculate the

measurements of rainfall gotten in milliliters.
With rainfall the device is screwed down and up without rainfall vice versa.

5.3 Automatic rain gauge.

As technology advanced,the automatic was invented to ease labour and carry-

out the functionality of an ordinary rain gauge more accurately.

The automatic rain gauge works 24hours and has a chart where it reports all
the recorded results.


A. Stevenson – Johnson Screen

i. Thermometer
ii. Hygrometer
B. Wind Vane
C. Sunshine Recorder
D. Class A Pan (Evaporimeter)
E. Cup Anemometer


Is a white wooden structure or box that regulates the amount of heat. It

also possesses hoovers of air flow in and out. It also functions as the shelter or
enclosure to meteorological instruments against precipitation and direct heat
radiation from outside sources while allowing air to circulate freely around
Stevenson Screen


A thermometer measures temperature. Some weather stations measure

the temperature indoors and outdoors, record highs and lows, show trends to
indicate temperature rising or falling, and even predict short-term future
temperature ranges.

Types of Thermometer

i. Maximum Thermometer: It is used to measure the highest

temperature that occurs during the last 24 hours, e.g. mercury in glass
thermometer. Maximum thermometer should be kept within the
Stevenson screen.
ii. Minimum Thermometer: It is used to measure the lowest temperature
that occurs during the last 24 hours, e.g. alcohol in glass thermometer. It
should be placed within the Stevenson screen. It is placed horizontally
with its bulb tilted slightly downward.
iii. Grass Minimum Thermometer: Grass minimum thermometer is used
to record the lowest temperature at the ground surface.


A hygrometer measures relative humidity. Relative humidity is the quantity

or percentage of water vapour (water in gas form) in the air. Humidity
influences environmental factors and calculations like precipitation, fog, dew
point and heat index.

i. Dry Bulb Thermometer: It is used to measure the actual temperature

of the air. E.g. mercury in glass thermometer. It should be kept in the
Stevenson screen to avoid direct exposure to the sun rays. It should be
kept in vertical position.
ii. Wet Bulb Thermometer: It is used to measure the wet bulb
temperature, e.g. mercury in glass thermometer. It is also placed in the
Stevenson screen in vertical position.


A wind vane, or weather vane, is an instrument that determines which

direction the wind is blowing. Wind vane is used to record the wind direction
in terms of 8 points corresponding to north (N), north-east (NE), east (E),
south-east (SE), south (S), south-west (SW), west (W) and north-west (NW)
directions. Each direction is indicating the sky conditions.
Wind vane


It is used to measure the duration of bright sunshine hours. Campbell

Stoke’s sunshine recorder is most commonly used for this purpose.

Three different types of cards are used depending on the time of the

i. Long cards are used during summer season (May-August).

ii. Short cards are used during winter season (November-February).
iii. Straight cards are used during spring / autumn season (March-April /
September- October).

Sunshine recorder

Is a standard device for manual measurement of evaporation or It is

widely used for finding evaporation from the free water surface of water is
helpful in using water more judiciously. Irrigation scheduling is made on the
basis of pan evaporation. The evaporation depends on:

i. radiation and temperature

ii. wind and
iii. Atmospheric conditions.

Higher the temperature, higher the rate of evaporation and vice- versa.
Rate of evaporation is always higher under dry conditions as compared to
humid conditions.


It is a mechanical device by which spontaneous wind speed can be

measured. Generally, cup anemometer is used to measure the average wind
speed within 24 hours.

Structure: It consists of three or four hemispherical cups mounted

horizontally on a spindle. The spindle is attached to a meter, which can record
the movement of the wind. It is installed on a platform fixed on the top of a
pillar. This can also be installed on the top of a building.
Cup Anemometer


I recommend that the government should keep watching on the weather

station pending the employment of staff to manage and transfer knowledge to
the student in other to enhance better and good agricultural activities for the
improvement of yield production in our community.

Haven been exposed to the practical knowledge of agricultural

meteorology as an animal science student in the faculty of agriculture I
noticed that this sectors task appears to more hectic as a result of low
employment rate therefore I recommend that more expertise should be
redeployed to this sector or field to ease the work load and get impeccable
results. If not lumbering I strongly discourage indiscriminate tree felling and
encourage or recommend planting of new species for environmental balance.

In conclusion the course AGR415 (Agricultural Meteorology) aimed at equipping

students with sound knowledge on weather station, elements of weather, weather
instruments, their uses, Agro-climatological data collection, crop-weather
interphase, climatic modelling and forecasting of Agricultural operation , weather
limiting effects on Agriculture is a course worthy of study as plants, animals and
the entire population of the earth depends solely on climate change in order to
adjust various lifestyle like fuel burning which depletes the ozone layer and
releases chlorofluorocarbons that leads to global warming. The measurements
frequently taken include temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, wind
speed, wind direction, and precipitation amounts. Weather stations sensors
are used to take readings of the various weather elements, so the data
collected can be analysed using weather station software

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