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This line graph gives information about how the number of homeless people went up in 3
di erent areas for 7 years. These 3 areas are England, London, and The rest of England.

By the time we can see in all three di erent areas the number of homeless people rose in
course of the time, although London has a di erent rose level. All three di erent areas had
doubled their homeless person number; England and Rest of the England’s homeless person
number reached up to 3000; however, London just reached up to 1000.

Looking at London, from 2010 to half of 2013 the number of homeless people continued at the
same level, di erently from 2013 to half of 2015. It is clear that from half of 2013 and half of
2015, the number of homeless people doubled up to 1000 and it continued at the same level
for 1.5.

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