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+ ON JANUARY 10, 1901, THE LUCAS GUSHER BLEW IN AT SPINDLETOP, NEAR BEAUMONT, TEXAS. The Hamill Brothers Had Started The Hole 3 Months Earlier For Captain A. F. Lucas, And 6-inch Casing Had Been Set At 880 Feet After Minor Indications Of oil In The Next 7 Days, The Well Had Been Deepened By 140 Feet To , 1020 Feet, A Much Faster Rate Than Before. Running In A New Bit, The Crew Had 700 Feet Of 4-inch Drill Pipe In The Hole When The Well Started To Unload; That Is, Mud Started Flowing From The Casing. After Several Hard Kicks, Well Pressure Blew The Drill Pipe Out Of The Hole. Soon A Stream Of Oil And Gas Was Spraying More Than 100 Feet In To The Air, Producing By Some Estimates 75,000 To 100,000 Barrels Of Oil Per Day. Most Of The Signs Of A Developing Blowout Were Observable On The Lucas Well: Shows Of Oil And Gas In The Mud Drilling Break (Faster Drilling) Flow Of Mud From The Well Pit Gain Hydrostatic pressure hydrostatic pressure is defined as the pressure exerted by a fluid column. The magnitude of the pressure depends only on the density of the fluid and the vertical height of the column. The size and shape of the fluid column do not affect the magnitude of this pressure pressure = fluid density x vertical height of the fluid column HP=CxMWxTVD where: HP = Hydrostatic Pressure (P,,)(psi or Pounds Per Square Inch) ae Density, or Mud Weight (1bs/gal or ppg or Pounds Per allon) TVD = True Vertical Depth of the Fluid Column (Feet or Ft) C= 0.052: Conversion factor used to convert density to pressure gradient = (psi/ft Per 1bs/gal) is derived as follow: A cubic foot contains 7.48 US gallons A fluid weighing 1 ppg is therefore equivalent to 7.48 Ibs /cu.ft The pressure exerted by one foot of the fluid over the base would bs 7.48 lbs /144 sq.ins = 0.052 psi Example: Calculating hydrostatic pressure the hydrostatic pressure exerted by a 10-foot column of fluid with a density of 16 ppg is: hydrostatic pressure = 0.052 x density (10 ppg) x height (10 ft) = 5.2 psi PRESSURE GRADIENT Pressure gradient is defined as the pressure increment per foot of depth . Water, for example , will increase the hydrostatic pressure by 0.433 psi for every foot - of hole. PG=C x MW PG = Pressure Gradient psi / ft MW = Fluid Density _Ibs/gal C = 0.052 conversion constant OVER BURDEN PRESSURE Overburden Pressure is the Result Of The Combined Weight Of The Formation Matrix (Rock) And The Fluids (Water, Oil, And Gas) in the Pore Spaces Overlying The Formation Of Interest. The Average Value Of Overburden Pressure Gradient (OPG) is Often Assumed To be1.0 psi/ft -Actually, it me be as high as 1.35 psi/ft in some areas , and lower than 1.0 psi/ft in others. PORE PRESSURE The magnitude of the pressure in the pores of a formation , known as the formation pore pressure (or simply formation pressure ), Formation Pressures Vary Greatly, And Depend Upon Reservoir Characteristics. They Can Be Divided In To Three Categories: Normal Formation Pressure Subnormal Formation Pressure Abnormal Formation Pressure NORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE Normal Formation Pressure Is Equal To The Hydrostatic Pressure Of Water Extending From The Surface To The Subsurface Formation Of Interest.this is because sedmentary beds were originally deposited in a water environment. Thus the normal pressure gradient in any area will be equal to the hydrostatic pressure gradiant of the water that occupies the pore space of the formations in that area. Prete) £8.33 ppg < Water Density <8.90 ppg Normal pressured Formation "A" — HENCE, 0.433 PSI/FT < NORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE GRADIENT < 0.465 PSI/ ft ABNORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE ABNORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE IS ANY FORMATION PRESSURE GREATER THAN THE CORRESPONDING NORMAL FORMATION PRESSURE. Depth = D (t) 8.33 ppg < Water Density < 8.90 ppg Abnormally Pressured Formation ‘C' with Formation Pressure Gradient > 0.465 psifft Formation pressure gradient > 0.052 x 8.90 psi / ft > 0.465 psi / ft Causes of abnormally high formation pressure are: Depositional causes Diagenesis Piezometric surface Tectonic causes Structural causes DEPOSITIONAL CAUSES. INSUFFICIENT COMPACTION - as sediments are deposited, the pore pressure is normal as pore fluid is in contact with the overlaying seawater. as sedimentation continues, older sediments compact (due to increase in overburden pressure) and fluids are expelled from the older sediments. as long as equilibrium exists between rate of compaction and rate of fluid expulsion from sediments, and the expelled water can escape to surface or in other porous formation, pore pressure remains normal (hydrostatic). in some cases, rate of compaction is more than the rate of pore fluid expulsion. DIAGENESIS diagenesis is the process whereby the chemical nature of the sediment is altered due to increasing pressure and temperature as the sediment is buried deeper. gypsum converts to anhydrite plus free water. the volume of water released is approximately 40 % of the volume of gypsum. if the water cannot escape then overpressures will be generated. PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE + APIZOMETIC SURFACE IS AN IMAGINARY LEVEL TO WHICH THE GROUND WATER WILL RISE IN A WELL. THE WATER TABLE IN AN AREA IS AN EXAMPLE OF A PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE. IF THE SURFACE ELEVATION IS HIGHER THAN PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE LEVEL, SUBNORMAL PORE PRESSURES ARE MOST OFTEN ENCOUNTERED (SEE FIGURE BELOW). Intake Area Abnormally High Subnormal Pressures Pressures Piezometric Surface Hydrostatic Head Discharge Area Reservoirs Structural causes Any structure such as an anticline or dome may have abnormally high pressures above the oil- water or gas -water contact in the oil or gas zone because hydrocarbons are less dense than water. If the anticline or dome is large ,abnormal pressures may be quite high cap RocK Abnormal formation pressure Normal formation pressure TECTONIC CAUSES TECTONIC FORCES MAY CAUSE ABNORMAL PRESSURES DUE TO FOLDING AND FAULTING DUE TO SALT DIAPIRISM. DIAPIRISM IS THE UPWARD MOVEMENT OF LOW DENSITY PLASTIC FORMATIONS (SEE FIGURE BELOW). ABNORMAL PRESSURE Subnormal formation pressure Subnormal Formation Pressure Is Any Formation Pressure Less Than the Corresponding Normal Pressure. Depth = D (ft) 8.33 ppg < Water Density < 8.90 ppg Subnormally pressured Formation B wi Formation Pressure Gradient < 0.433 psilft Formation PressureGradient < 0.052 X 8.33 ppg < 0.433 Psi / ft Causes of subnormal formation pressure are: Depleted Reservoirs Piezometric Surface Tectonic Compression DEPLETED RESERVOIRS Producing Large Volumes Of Reservoir Fluids Causes A Decline In Pore Pressure As The Fluids In The Reservoir Expand To Fill The Void Spaces Created Because Of Production. Example The original reservoir formation pressure in oil field “A” was 3250 psi eee This equates to a formation pressure 0.465 psi, which is the normal eee After producing many years from the field , the reservoir formation pressure dropped to en aun 2 ye aire neuen pressure gradient of 0.36 psi/ft PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE + APIZOMETIC SURFACE IS AN IMAGINARY LEVEL TO WHICH THE GROUND WATER WILL RISE IN A WELL. THE WATER TABLE IN AN AREA IS AN EXAMPLE OF A PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE. IF THE SURFACE ELEVATION IS HIGHER THAN PIEZOMETRIC SURFACE LEVEL, SUBNORMAL PORE PRESSURES ARE MOST OFTEN ENCOUNTERED (SEE FIGURE BELOW). Intake Area Abnormally High Subnormal Pressures Pressures Piezometric Surface Hydrostatic Head Discharge Area Reservoirs TECTONIC COMPRESSION During A Lateral Compression Process Acting On Sedimentary Beds, Up warping Of Upper Beds And Down warping Of Lower Beds May Occur. The Intermediate Beds Must Expand To Fill The Voids Left By This Process Causing Subnormal Pressures, Due To The Increase In Pore Volume (See Figure Below). FRACTURE PRESSURE acture Pressure is the amount of sure it takes to permanently form ( fail or split ) the rock structure of a formation . Overcoming formation pressure is usually not sufficient to cause fracturing . GRADIENT _ PSI/ft PORE MUD FRACTURE FORMATION PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE AGHA JARI 0.433 0.450 0.680 MISHAN 0.465 0.479 0.700 GACH.M 7 0.465 0.500 0.780 GACHM6-1 0.8—1.0 0.85-—1.10 les) ASMARI 0.24-0.49 0.43 — 0.56 0.74 PABDEH & 0.50-0.54 0.52 —0.56 0.81 GURPI ILAM & SV 0.54 0.56 0.74 leak-off test this test is usually made just after drilling 10 to 30 feet through a casing shoe . It measures the maximum mud weight or surface pressure the formation at the casing shoe will withstand before fluid is forced into it. The well is shut in by closing the blowout preventer. Pressure is increased by pumping slowly into the well. At a certain point pressure will being to drop off , indicating that the exposed formation is taking on significant amounts of mud . The fracture is the total of the surface pumping pressure and the hydrostaic pressure at the casing shoe Leak-off test SURFACE PRESSURE, (Drill Pipe psi) 800 700 600 500 200 100 BARRELS PUMPED Pressure required to fracture the formation mines hydrostatic pressure created by the column of mud in the annulus . ( Formation fracture gradient — MW gradient ) * Depth of CSG Fracture gradient = 0.8 psi/ft MW gradient = 0.52 psi/ft Depth of CSG = 8200 ft MAASP = (0.8 — 0.52 ) * 8200 MAASP = 2290 psi The U-Tube A U- tube is a combination of two vertical tubes, column A and B , connected at the bottom such that the pressure at the bottom of each tube is the same Pa-Ps A well bore is similar to a U- tube . The fluid column inside the drill string can be considered column A, and the fluid column inside the drill annulus can be considered column B. pump O @D e choke Pa-Ps What will be the gain in the pits , and how far will the slug fall if the mud weight is 10 ppg ,the pipe’s capacity is 0.0178 bbl/ft ? The volume of the slug is 30 bbls and weighs 11 ppg. | FLOW LINE Fluid column A : Density 11 ppg Drill string Fluid column B : Density 11.5 ppg Annulus BHP= Hydrostatic pressure of drilling fluid column inside drill string FLOW LINE FLOW LINE |. Drill string —> Annulus BHP= Hydrostatic pressure of drilling fluid column inside ‘Annulus BHP= Hydrostatic pressure of drilling =?) fluid column inside drill string onditions , the BHP can be calculated using the following HPa + SIDPP BHP = HPa + SICP SIDpP |. Drill string —> Annulus © BHP= Hydrostatic pressure inside drillstring +SIDPP om @) ream ee caroKe BHP= Hydrostatic pressure inside Annulus +SICP G ey) Pump pressure Friction pressure Tossin the drillstring acting against pump pressure © BHP= Hydrostatic pressure inside drillstring +pump pressure — pressure loss inside drilling and bit The well bore in dynamic condition — drill string side Pump pressre rine BHP= Hydrostatic SICPsurface aaa mee casing pressure pressure inside Annulus Friction pressure . loss in the annulus +surface casing Acting anaes pressure +pressure loss inside annulus The well bore in dynamic condition — annulus side Influx Gradient Evaluation SIDPP + HPzp = SICP + (MG «H ) + (IG xh ) SIDPP + (MG x H) + (MG * h) =SICP + (MGxH ) + (IG xh) (MG-H ) + (MG * h) - (MGxH4% (1G * h ) = SICP-SIDPP SICP -SIDPP h IG =MG - GAS =TO 0.15 OIL&GAS = F/ 0.15 to/ 0.4 WATER & SALT WATER ABOVE 0.4 A blowout is the uncontrolled flow of gas , oil , or other formation fluids Sometimes ,formation fluids from a reservoir formation : high pressure can flow into another underground forn that is at a lower pressure and different depth . This of uncontrolled flow is an underground blo‘ very difficult to control. 3. Overpressure ( abnormal pressure ) formations 4. Lost circulation 5. Gas/oil/water cut mud - As the drill string comes out of the well the level of drilling fluid in the annulus drops by a volume equal to the volume of drill string removed. If the fluid level is allowed to drop too far , the hydrostatic pressure on the formation is reduced below formation pressure , which allows formation fluids to enter the well bore. acement = 0.0075 bls/ft volume 0.0476 bls/ft ipe capacity = 0.0178 bls /ft Mud gradient = 0.572 psi /ft 1 stand = 94 ft Bottom hole pressure (BHP) will be reduced by pulling wet pipe and NOT filling the hole this allows the mud level to drop therefore reducing the hydrostatic pressure How many stands would have to be pulled wet to psi overbalance and allow the well to flow? TRIPPING (WET) 0.0075 niet Meta! Ouplacement 7 \ eran xoosroone® wine 164d a 948 pera NOTE: — The mud level crops only in the annuliss as both the metal displacement and pipe capacity are pulled out of che hole, 0.0075 biett ‘Metal Displacement TRIPPING (RY) 571 be | 0.0476 bier ‘Annu Vol 0.0178 ben Pipe Cap 50 pite0572 psi (11.00 ppex0.052) 87.48 x0.0654 bis (0.0178 Us - 0.0476 88) 5.71 Vis Digplacement Volume 571 bie 0.0075 bie 761.3 8 Pipe Puled 7613 8h 94 8 persed 809 stands Or 8 stad: Figure 2 Tuipping Dry Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) will be cecaced by pulling pipe dey and not filling the hole. This allows the amd level to dep, shersface sedincing te Brdssseuc pessoas Ia the example above, how anny stands wowld lave to be polled dey to cemore 2 50 pti vesbalance sd alow dhe well to Bow? NOTE: The md level drops in the ancushes and inside che dil pipe. r when the drill string is pulled from the roc ncing a temporary bottom hole pressure ction . This can lead to an under balanced ndition , allowing formation fluids to enter the well bore below the drill string }Balled-up bottom hole assembly +Pulling pipe too fast +Poor drilling fluid properties +Large OD tools ure reservoir st circulation auses of lost circulation >High density of drilling fluid > Going into hole too fast (surging) >Pressure due to annular circulation When the bit penetrates a porous formation the fluids contained in the formation (gas, oil , or water ) escape and mix with the drilling fluid , Cutting drilling fluid (contaminating with the low-density formation fluid ) reduce the density of the fluid in the annulus and causes a subsequent loss of hydrostatic pressure. 2.Secondary kick Indicators Primary Kick Indi: . Increase in return flow rate 2. Increase in pit volume 3. Insufficient hole fill during tripping 4. Positive flow check secondary Kick Ind |. Drilling break 2. Decrease in circulating pressure with a corresponding increase in circulating rate 3. Increase in gas cutting, oil cutting , or chlorides Early warning signs( h in background, connection, and trip gas crease in the chlorides content of the mud cranes in the size and shape of cuttings Unaccounted —for fluid loss while tripping Increasing fill on bottom after a trip Increase in flow line temperature Increase in rotary torque Increase tight hole on connection Decrease in D-exponent Most of these signs are related to the indication of a drilling into an abnormal pressure formation 0 Figure shows a balanced U-tube situation with fluid of the same density in the annulus and drill pipe sides. = 7 2600 Depth = 10000 ft Shoe depth = 5000 ft Mud wt = 10 ppg Se eee Depth = 10000 ft Shoe depth = 5000 ft Mud wt = 10 ppg Circulating pressure 2600 psi APL = 260 PSI 3120 jen9 B55 4S ells gaye as a JES bs ll 59 BS 5 5! (he Ge jas US Uta 8 5 2 | o8s SLES Gy Lol pad colin , Cal SIDPP= 520PSI SPL= 2600 PSI APL= 260 PSI FP =5720 PSI BHP= 5980 PSI LD f5920 1220 1920 i 9. JS 348 ale 7p Stalorn Bass Jt all Ge ps US (a 8 5 Cul » Saal 1852 obs Ga b ol yas a . 4485 SIDPP= 520PSI SPL=700 PSI APL= 130 PSI FP =5720 PSI 75850 BHP= 5850 PSI When a well control situation arises , the pressure inside the wellbore prohibits the use of normal circulation rates used during drilling because : It might lead to high pressure inside the annulus , causing lost circulation It might cause higher pressure at surface than the working pressure rating of the surface pump and high pressure lines It might be difficult to safely control the well and monitor the process at high pumping rate therefore in most cases control of the well is gained while circulating at low flow rate , called slow circulation rate (SCR) A drilling crew determines accurate circulation pressure at specified slow circulation rate every tour or every significant change in drilling fluid density and properties or after drilling every 500 feet , whichever comes first. When a well is shut-in on a gas kick because of its low density , gas tends to migrate , or move upward , in a well. If the gas volume remains the same ,the pressure also will remain the same based on the gas compressibility equation, but the casing pressure will increase as the hydrostatic pressure decreases due to the upward movement of the gas. If the gas is allowed to expand , the pressure in the gas kick will decrease. Gas expansion is controlling the backpressure with a choke while circulating MUD GRAD = 0.5 PSI / FT SHOE DEPTH = 6000 FT HYD PRESS @ SHOE = 3000 PSI SHOE TVD = 10000 FT BHP = 5000 PSI (200 PST. W/E PRESS = 5200 — (10000 * 0.5 ) = 200 HYD PRESS @ SHOE = 3200 PS 200 + (6000 * 0.5 ) = 3200 5200-(4000* 0.5) = 3200 pHOE BHP = GAS PRESS = 5200 PSI W/H PRESS = 2200 PSI HYD PRESS @ SHOE = 5200 PSI BHP = 7200 PSI W/H. PRESS = GAS PRESS = 5200 HYD PRESS @ SHOE = 8200 PSI © 5200 + 3000 = 8200 PSI SHOE BHP = 10200 PSI Haas = 200 FT H»up= 8300 FT pe @ 4000 FT = 0.1 PSI/ FT MG = 0.5 PSI / FT = 4500 PSI P@SHOE=4500-((200#0.1)+(4300*0.5)) SICP = 4500-((200*0.1)+(8300*0.5)) STAGETWO isi” Haas = 400 FT Houp= 8100 FT pe @ 4000 FT = 4500 PSI P@SHOE=4500-((400*0.1)+(4100*0.5)) SICP = 4500-((400*0.1)+(8100*0.5)) 4500 PSI 490 Ff PSI Haas = 600 FT Houp= 7900FT SHOE @ 4000 FT GG = 0.1 PSI/ FT MG = 0.5 PSI/ FT 2490 = 4500 PSI PSI P@SHOE=4500-((600*0.1)+(3900*0.5)) SICP = 4500-((600*0.1)+(7900*0.5)) 4500p PS Haas = 1000 FT Houup= 7500 FT SHOE @ 4000 FT GG = 0.1 PSI / FT MG = 0.5 PSI / FT FP = 4500 PSI P@SHOE=4500-(4500*0.5) SICP = 4500-((1000*0.1)+(7500*0.5)) 45004.PS shut-in methods There are two types of shut-in methods in the oil industry »Hard shut-in » Soft shut-in hard shut-in procedure In the hard shut-in method, the hydraulic valve on the choke line (HCR VALVE )and the choke itself are kept closed during normal operations. after kick indicators are observed and a kick is confirmed ,following procedure is used Closed The primary advantage of a hard shut-in is that the kick influx is held to a small volume because the well is closed in more quickly . One disadvantage is that with some hard shut-in procedures , casing pressure cannot be observed ,since the choke-line valves are closed thus MAASP could be exceeded , which could cause formation fracture and lost circulation soft shut-in procedure In the soft shut-in method , the HCR valve is closed and the choke is open during normal operations . When primary indicators of kick are experienced , following procedure is used Close The primary disadvantage of a soft shut-in is that it requires more steps and time than a hard shut-in. The result can be a large influx of Shut-in procedure while drilling When a kick is taken while drilling , the following well shut-in procedure should be used: Stop pipe rotation Pick the drill string up off-bottom to space out correctly ( ensure that a tool joint is not across a BOP pipe ram ) Stop pumping - shut off the mud pumps . Check the well for flow and confirm kick . Shut in the well with the annular BOP, using either a hard or soft shut-in method Verify that the well is shut in and that there are no leaks in the system . Read and record SIDPP and SICP Shut-in procedure while tripping When a kick is suspected during tripping , the following well shut-in procedure should be used: Check the well for flow and confirm kick . Space out the drill string correctly , with a drill pipe tool joint close to the rotary table and no tool joints placed across a BOP pipe ram . Set the drill string in slips in the rotary table Install a fully opened drill string safety valve Close the drill string safety valve Shut in the well with the annular BOP using either a hard or soft shut-in method Killing a well All well kill methods use a common principle : Maintain a minimum constant bottom hole pressure equal to or greater than the formation pressure while circulating out the formation influx to regain control of the well Minimum constant bottom hole pressure > formation pore pressure hydrostatic pressure of the original drilling fluid column in the drill string Minimum constant bottom hole pressure > formation pore pressure + safety margin (0-200 psi) After well shut-in After a kick has been taken and the well is shut in adequate preparation is required before starting a well kill operation . These preparations include : ™> preparation a kick sheet Determining kill fluid density and mixing kill fluid Performing calculations to obtain the data required for well kill Preparing a pump pressure schedule Prepare kick sheet The general well data , drill string / annulus contents , circulating times , and the mud pump data (SCR ) is recorded routinely and kept available at all times at the rig floor through a kick sheet . The shut-in drill pipe pressure , shut-in casing pressure , and pit gain is also recorded on the kick sheet after the well has been shut in. Some additional information is also added to kick sheet , such as kill fluid density , initial circulating pressure final circulating pressure / pump pressure schedule , time to kill the well , etcetera. Mix kill fluid The well will be considered killed only when the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling fluid column in the well is higher than the formation pressure and primary control of the well has been regained . The required density of the kill fluid is calculated using following equation : (a) Calculate kill fluid density SIDPP MW k = ——_ +MWo 0.052 xT VD Mix kill fluid (b ) calculate the required quantity of weighting material Normally , barite is used as weighting material to raise the density of the drilling fluid . The required quantity of barite to raise the original drilling fluid density to kill fluid density can be calculated using following equation: Barite required (Ibs) = MWk -MWo 1472x Total active drilling fluid volume (bbl) 35 —-MWk MWo = original drilling fluid density , or original Mud Weight (ppg ) MWk = kill fluid density , or kill mud weight (ppg) example : Original density = 10 ppg TVD = 6000 ft SIDPP = 150 Safety margin = 50 psi Drill string volume = 150 bbl Annulus volume = 500 bbl Active surface volume = 300 Calculate weighting material requirement (a) Initial circulating pressure ( ICP ) ICP = SIDPP + P scr ICP = initial circulating pressure SIDPP = shut-in drill pipe pressure Pscr = pump pressure at kill flow rate ( slow circulation rate) Perform calculations for well killing procedure (cont.) (b ) Displacement times and corresponding pump strokes Calculate displacement times and pump strokes using the volume and the slow circulation rate for well kill operation .normally , the displacement time and corresponding pump strokes are calculated for three milestones, these are: Y Kill fluid at the bit v Influx circulated out of the well v Kill fluid returning to surface (c ) Final circulating pressure (FCP ) FCP is the circulation pressure on the drill pipe pressure gauge when the kill fluid exits the bit. FCP can be calculated using the following equation: Pser x MWk FCP = MWo FCP = final circulating pressure MW« = kill fluid density or Kill Mud Weight (ppg) Pscr = pump pressure at kill flow rate (slow circulation rate) MWo = original drilling fluid density , or original Mud Weight(ppg) Driller’s Method . Start pumping . Hold casing pressure constant by manipulating the choke. . Bring pumps up to kill speed. Adjust pressure to ICP. . Casing pressure will increase this due to gas expansion in the well bore Hold ICP constant until influx is out . Shut down pumps holding casing pressure constant Check that drill pipe pressure and casing pressure is equal 300 DP cP close open 00 500 Mud weight = 10 ppg 10000 * 10 * .052 =5200 psi BHP 5200+300 = 5500 psi TVD = 10000 1300 TVD = 10000 500 DP cP 1300 500 close open KRP@40spm = 1000 psi ICP = 1000+300 =1300 psi BHP 5500 psi >TIill the gas influx gets further up the hole there is little expansion and the casing pressure will rise slowly as mud (hydrostatic) is pushed out of the hole. 520 DP cp 1 close open 300 520 BHP 5500 psi > As the bubble begins to expand it pushes mud out of the hole causing a loss of hydrostatic. >To keep BHP constant, drill pipe pressure must be kept constant. 650 DP cp close open 1300 650 BHP 5500 psi close open DP 1300 BHP 5500 psi cp 1000 DP cP 1 close open 0 1000 BHP 5500 psi 1250 DP cp 1 close open 0 1250 BHP 5500 psi 1400 DP cP 1 close open 0 1400 BHP 5500 psi 1600 DP cp 1 close open 0 1600 BHP 5500 psi 1750 DP cp 1 close open 0 1750 BHP 5500 psi 1000 DP cP 1 close open 0 1000 BHP 5500 psi 400 DP cP 1 close open 0 400 BHP 5500 psi KRP @40 spm = 1000 psi ICP= 10004300 = 1300 psi on DP BHP 5500 psi 1250 S00) DP cP close open | 300 BHP 5500 psi 1200 S00) DP cP close open iI 300 BHP 5500 psi 1150 S00) DP cP 1150 300 close open BHP 5500 psi 1100 S00) DP cP 1100 300 close open BHP 5500 psi > Once the drillpipe is full of kill weight fluid the hydrostatic will remain > Continue circulating holding drillpipe pressure constant at FCP. 300 » Casing pressure should drop as kill weight 1060 fluid displaces the annulus . DP cP close open 1060 300 BHP 5500 psi 1060 oe DP cP close open il —_ BHP 5500 psi Standpipe pressure Choke pressure First circulation Phase! (LIN tax to mefaes) Second circulation beaty mud) Paso 4 Fill annulus with heavy mud) Time Wait-and-Weight Method. This is a one-circulation well control method. It is sometimes referred to as the Engineer’s method . In the wait-and-weight method, the influx is circulated out and primary control of the well is regained in one circulation. In this method, the drilling fluid is first weighted up to the kill fluid density, then the kill fluid is pumped in the well, displacing both the formation fluid influx and the original drilling fluid. Following are the steps of the wait-and-weight well control method: 1. Mix the kill fluid. 2. Bring the pump up to speed for the circulation at slow rate. Slowly open the remotely operated choke while the pump is slowly brought up to speed. Maintain choke pressure equal to the shut-in casing pressure prior to the start of the circulation. 3. Once the pump is up to speed, record the initial circulating pressure on the drill pipe pressure gauge.maintain drill pipe pressure as per the drill pipe pressure schedule. Ensure that the pump rate is kept constant during circulation. 4, Pump kill fluid into the well through the drill string. As the drill string is displaced with kill fluid, the drill pipe pressure will reduce as the hydrostatic pressure of the drilling fluid column inside the drill string increases. Once the fluid inside the drill string has been displaced by kill fluid, the drill pipe pressure should equal the FCP. Maintain this drill pipe pressure for further circulation. I 2000 C 1000 —, >} PRESSURE. CHOCK| PRESSURE STAND PIP Annulus of choke pressures versus time A Influence of gas ,7 > During any shut in period after the well has kicked and the gas is migrating up >If the pumps are inoperable. >If there is a washout in the drill string that prevents displacement of the kick through conventional circulation methods . >If the pipe is a considerable distance off bottom, out of the hole or stuck / parted off bottom. >If the drill string is plugged ORecord the shut-in casing pressure @Monitor the shut-in pressure and if they are found to be increasing with time , this confirms gas migration. Commence with the volumetric method to allow controlled expansion of gas. ©Select an overbalance margin and operating range for casing pressure. Recommended overbalance margin , 100 psi Note : the overbalance margin in the casing pressure ensures that the overbalance inside the well bore is maintained as mud is bled from the well ®Calculate hydrostatic pressure (HP) per bbl fluid in the upper annulus. HP per bbl ( psi/bbl ) = fluid gradient (psi/ft) + annular capacity factor (bbl /ft) ©Calculate volume to bleed each cycle. Volume to bleed (bbl/cycle ) = range (psi) + HP per bbl (psi/bbl) Construct casing pressure ys. volume to bleed schedule. @Allow SICP to increase by over balance margin. Allow SICP to increase by operating range. OWhile maintaining the SICP constant at the new value , bleed small volumes of mud into a calibrated tank until the calculated volume in step 3 is bled Repeat steps 6 and 7 until gas is at surface Safety margin = 100 psi Range = 100 psi Fluid grad. = 0.546 psi /ft Capacity factor = 0.04425 bbl /ft (9 5/8” * 5” ) Hp per bbl = 0.546 .04425 bbl / ft = 12.34 psi/bbl Volume to bleed = 100 + 12.34 = 8 bbls Cas Cas Ca pressure 1 = 400 + 100 +100 = 600 psi 1g pressure 2= 600 + 100 = 700 psi ing pressure 3 = 700 + 100 = 800 psi Example SICP = 400 psi ; range &SM = 100 psi ; volume bleed =8 bbls a 1600 1400 es 2 aw | 5 g 1000 5 e800 a a oO 600 400 200 8 116 24 32 40 48 56 Volume bled (bbls) Lubricate and bleed procedure In this procedure, the gas and the associated casing pressure is bled off and replaced with fluid keeping the bottom hole pressure constant. The following procedure is used for lubricate and bleed © mix kill fluid @Pump through kill line into closed —in well to increase casing pressure by desired range . Recommended range = 100 psi Allow time for fluid to “ fall “ through the gas (usually 10- 15 minute ). Calculate bleed down pressure . The shut-in casing pressures during the lubricate and bleed procedure are related as the following equation P3= (P1)? +P2 Where , Pl = SICP before pumping —_—P2 = stabilized SICP after pumping P3 = the pressure to bleed down to ©Bleed dry gas from choke to reduce casing pressure to P3 @Repeat step 1 through 4 until gas is removed P1=1000psi___-P2 =1100 psi t_, — | Bullheading In this well kill method , the formation influx is pumped back (bullheaded ) into the reservoir . It is a common well kill method is also used when The influx is very large and circulating out the influx will either exert very high pressure on the surface equipment or will result in very high volume of gas at the surface . The influx contains hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and it is not desired to circulate out the kick to the surface due to personal safety reasons When an influx is taken with no pipe in the hole aS PROCEDURE FOR BULLHEADING calculate the surface pressure that well cause formation fracturing during the bullheading operation calculate the tubing (or drillpipe) burst pressure as well as casing burst (to cover the possibility of tubing failure during the operation) calculate static tubing head (or drillpipe) pressure during bullheading. slowly pump fluid down the tubing. Monitor pump and casing pressure during the operation. Example: Depth of formation/perforations at 10,171 feet TVD Formation pressure = 4654psi =8.8 pj Foie va aaa = 7299 psi Pres Tubing 4-1/2” N 80 Internal 0.0152 bbI/ft Internal yield =8,20 psi Sian sme ane eS = 3,650 psi = 0.1 psi/ft Serato al goleen bee tubing, = 10,171 ft x 0.0152 bbl/ft = 155 bbl -Maximum allowable pressure at pump start up. a (0.1 psi/ft x 10,171 ft) ee ee = (13.8 ppg - x x 052 =; Se ee shut - Surface pressure (psi) 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 Volume of tubing displaced (bbl) Cel cgilaj Adal Gd oil yay ob 7 < fee, eye chet Shy aly yt Laban Gy sin HS La Gel os Lad es) Absa g aU UB Aba Gy) jag 04 8 lay Coal agp Cul odes slate Cys aS dy ole Ad Li clas Cometh gt RRS 5 A SUG Oy fis AS Cul aga Agi aly aidan

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